HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 3, 2008 Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, March 3, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Mclean PART "A" PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-08 PAGES 1-19 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-02 Zoning Amendment Application A 02/08 W. & N. Trapper and B. Trapper 491 Rosebank Road & 546 Gillmoss Road (Part of Block K, L, and M Right-of-Way, Plan 418) City of Pickerino INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-08 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2007-01 20-26 Middlecove Estates Inc. (Vista Homes) 526-542 Kingston Road Part of Lot 30, Range 3, B.F.C. Block B, Plan 473 & Part of Block 58, Plan 40M-1480 (Part 1, 40R-24000, Part 1, 40R-24936 & Part 3, 40R-25176) City of Pickerino PART "B" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORTS 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-08 Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1564 27-34 Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1565 Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1566 Cougs Investments Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1567 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Planning & Development Committee Agenda Monday, March 3, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean RECOMMENDA TION 1. That Report PO 07-08 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 be received; 2. That the highway being Howell Crescent within Plan 40M-1564 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Hoover Drive and Littleford Street within Plan 40M-1565 be assumed for public use; 4. That the highway being Rouge Valley Drive within Plan 40M-1566 be assumed for public use; 5. That the highways being Saugeen Drive and Driftwood Court within Plan 40M-1567 be assumed for public use; 6. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; and 7. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 be released and removed from title. (III) ADJOURNMENT o 1 CUI{ 01 INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-08 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 3, 2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2008-02 Zoning Amendment Application A 02/08 W. & N. Trapper and B. Trapper 491 Rosebank Road & 546 Gillmoss Road (Part of Block K, L, and M Right-of-Way, Plan 418) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject properties are located east of Rosebank Road, west of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way and south and east of Cowan Circle (see Location Map, Attachment #1); - the subject properties are currently zoned 'R3' - Third Density Residential Zone, which allows for a minimum lot frontage of 18.0 metres; - the subject properties consist of a combined total lot area of approximately 2.7 hectares; - the subject properties each currently support one detached dwelling, as well as a number of accessory buildings on both lots. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant is proposing to amend the existing 'R3' zoning to allow for the creation of 40 detached dwellings on lots with frontages ranging from 11.0 to 13.0 metres; - the applicant is proposing to complete the road connection of Cowan Circle and create a cul-de-sac extending south from the proposed road connection (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #2); - the proposal includes the demolition of the dwelling at 546 Gillmoss Road, and the retention of the existing dwelling at 491 Rosebank Road; Information Report No. 07-08 Page 2 02 the following chart outlines the development statistics for the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision; Total Area (excluding the retained lot at 491 Rosebank Road) Proposed 20 metre Road Allowance Proposed 18 metre Road Allowance Proposed 11 metre Detached Lots (Lots 31 - 40) Proposed 12 metre Detached Lots (Lots 1 - 3,6 - 17,27 - 29) Proposed 13 metre Detached Lots (Lots 4, 5, 18 - 26) Proposed Future Development Blocks (with adjacent lands) Net Residential Density (dwellings per net hectare) 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 2.687 ha 0.250 ha 0.200 ha 0.509 ha 1.009 ha 0.658 ha 0.061 ha 18.38 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - the Regional Plan designates the subject properties Urban Areas - Living Areas, which shall be used predominantly for housing purposes; - the proposal appears to comply with the intent of the Durham Regional Official Plan; 3.2 Pickering Official Plan - the City of Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property Urban Residential- Low Density Area within the Rosebank Neighbourhood; - these areas are intended primarily for residential purposes having a net residential density up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare (the applicant is proposing a net residential density of approximately 18 dwellings per net hectare); areas east of Rosebank Road and west of the CN Rail Line, permit a maximum of approximately 50 percent of the lots proposed for residential development to be used for semi-detached dwellings and require the remaining lots proposed to be used for detached dwellings (the applicant is proposing detached lots - see Attachment #3); - the City of Pickering identifies Rosebank Road as a Collector Road which generally provides access to individual properties, local roads, other collector roads and to Type C arterial roads; carrying greater volumes of traffic than local roads, including automobiles, pedestrians, bicycles and transit; and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 20 to 22 metres; - the City of Pickering identifies both Cowan Circle and Gillmoss Road as Local Roads which generally provide access to individual properties, other local roads and collector roads, which carry local traffic and generally have a right-of-way of up to 20.0 metres; - the subject application will be further reviewed to determine if it complies with the intent of the City's Official Plan; Information Report No. 07-08 Page 3 . 03 3.3 Compendium Document to the Official Plan the subject properties are situated within Design Precinct No. 3 of the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines limit development in this area of the neighbourhood to detached and semi-detached dwellings; new lots created within this precinct for detached dwellings shall have the same minimum lot dimensions as new lots in Precinct No. 2 (which are minimum lot frontages of approximately 15.0 metres and minimum lot depths ranging between approximately 30.0 metres and 36.0 metres) (see Attachment #4); the applicant is proposing detached lots ranging from 11.0 to 13.0 metres, which does not appear to comply with the provisions set out under the Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines; 3.4 Zoning By-law 2511 the subject properties are currently zoned 'R3' - Third Density Residential Zone, which requires a minimum lot frontage of 18.0 metres and a minimum lot area of 550 square metres; the applicant requests to amend the existing zoning to permit detached lots with frontages ranging from 11.0 to 13.0 metres which appears to be similar to the existing character of Cowan Circle; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow for the lots on the subject properties to be properly subdivided in order to meet the lot area and lot frontage requirements as proposed by the applicant. 4.0 RE5UL 15 OF CIRCULA liON 4.1 Resident Comments none received to date; 4.2 Agency Comments Toronto and Region Conservation Authority comments are deferred until staff has reviewed the following information: a Storm Water Management Report; an Environmental Impact Statement; a Water Balance Analysis; (see Attachment #5); The Durham District School Boa rd no objections (see Attachment #6); Durham Catholic District School Board no objections (unofficial comments - see Attachment #7); Information Report No. 07-08 Page 4 04 Veridian Connections no objections; Bell no objections, however in the event this application is approved, Bell requests a number of conditions to be included as part of the Registered Plan of Subdivision; Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. no objections; Hydro One no objections; Canada Post no objections; 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: to ensure that the proposed development complies with the policies and development guidelines outlined in the City of Pickering Official Plan and Compendium Document respectfully, specifically with emphasis on lot frontage; impact of the proposed lotting on future development opportunities south of the existing properties; to ensure that the proposed lots have a proper separation from the existing CN Railway right-of-way; to ensure that the dwelling at 491 Rosebank Road is not land-locked and/or has sufficient lot frontage and yard setbacks (see Attachment #2); determine if 491 Rosebank Road will require an amendment to the existing zoning; review the impact of development on the dwelling at 544 Gillmoss Road; to ensure that the proposed extension of Cowan Circle satisfies the City's Municipal Property & Engineering Division standards relating to items such as but not limited to road design and grading; a tree preservation plan is required; to review the applications in terms of their level of sustainable development components; this application will be reviewed in conjunction with Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2007-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment application A 13/07 with respect to the proposed development west of Rosebank Road in the vicinity of Milton Road; as a result of comments made at the February 4, 2008 Public Information Meeting for the Milton Road application, a Traffic Impact Study will be required to address both the Milton Road application and this application. Information Report No. 07-08 Page 5 j' 05 the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public, and comments received from the February 20, 2008 resident meeting. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of the proposed plan of subdivision does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Regional Municipality of Durham before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment; Soils Investigation Report; Stages 1, 2 & 3 Archaeological Study; Feasibility Study for Municipal Servicing; Tree Inventory Plan; I I. . Information Report No. 07-08 06 Page 6 6.3 Company Principal - the owners of the subject property at 491 Rosebank Road are William and Nadene Trapper whereas the owner of the subject property at 546 Gillmoss Road is Babette Trapper; - the applicant is Vijay Gupta c/o Land Pro Engineering. Lyff::Y . Manager, Development Review AY:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 07 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-08 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1 ) Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (2) The Durham District School Board (3) Durham Catholic District School Board (4) Veridian Connections (5) Bell (6) Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. (7) Hydro One (8) Canada Post COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date f--I--J I--- ~ 0 ROAO(NOT TRAVELLED) I--- I I I--- ~ I - - - - - 8 L- GILLMOSS - ~ I ROAD -~ ~ ==0 \ III rr ~~t~ /; A~R F- ~~=-~jg/2d 1 V"J / ///1'0\ I T-f::!!j'f2j ( City of Pickering ~ f--- f-- f-- I--- f--- Ir---- ~ II--- C2 I'-- 0 r-- I---- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- I--- f-- f--- f-- 08 - - - - - - - - l II I ATTACHMENT#,LTO INFORMATiON REPORT# 07-08 ~ =trl ~ ROAD ~ ~-<l 'Va ~ TOYNEVALE f-- I- _~I /f-- ~ - ./ _I-- W - Vf--~ I- Z W U (f) W 0:: U <( ...J I <( o RICK f-- HULL ROSEBANK o PUBLIC C3 SCHOOL O::~E:MORIAL PARKTt C\RCl~\ ~~~(~ ~- ~\ ,-- rTlJ- -- ~ f--- d A 1 ~ ~_ f-- 0::" ~ f--I-- ul "l DUNMOC >> ~ o o W ...J ~ f--~ ~l( L-- /I f-- I MAITLAND DRIVE 1/ ~ C'''i'~ C'-+- o J' CO RT Q:: ~' CJ' (f) o z :s w 0:: o o ::2' --- JWEt-o T ~ I I f-- I- f-- ~ _f-- ~u I- (f) ~-I- f--- U z~ ~ o U ~ ~ - ~ ~ _.---J ~_ /T ~HI S N RT \~~ I COWAN CIRCLE f-- - - - - PETT/COA T CREEK CONSER VA T/ON AREA SUBJECT LANDS Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF BLOCK L, M ROW, PLAN 418 OWNER W. & B TRAPPER FILE No. SP-2008-02 & A02/08 DATE JAN. 16, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY A Y l' ~QT:r:~::tCE~~.rprl... Inc. and it. suppliere. All dgnts Re.erved. Not a pion of survey. 200lS MPAC and it. supplier.. All right. Re.erved. Not 0 pion of Survey, PN-1 ATTACHMENT#~TO lfl.ffORMATfON RErO;1T# 0 I - 0 ~ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN W. & B. TRAPPER SP-2008-02 & A 002/08 09 W .....J U Cl:: .~ L 0 N 6 0 7 N 0 N 8 o <( o c:: ~ z <( ro w U1 o c:: CRESCENT L---i E ISTING R SIDENTI L J 3 4 5 ~ .0 .., vi "' -' u '" U B B B C 12.0 12. 12.0 13.0 .......... COWAN CIRCLE COWAN CIRCLE w. ~ 12.012.0 12.0 2.0 30 29 28 27 VJ ~ '< -...J 0:::' <' cJ 491 ROSEBANK ROAD LANDS ~ BY Wr. WlWA.W TRAPPER Ir: 1.1.. NADENE TRAPKR, BUT NOT DEY[LOPED A.T THIS nt.l[ 546 GILLMOSS ROAD GILLMOSS RO o <( o c:: ~ 544 GILLMOSS ROAD A= 11 metre B= 12 metre C= 1.3 metre FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT, SUBMITTEO PLAN ARE AVAIlABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING de OEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENr THIS MAP WAS PROOUCEO BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING d" OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION d" SUPPORT SERVICES. JANUARY 17. 2008. 1 0 ATTACHMENT#~ TO INFORrl!.ATION REPORT# 07-08 NEIGHBOURHOOD 1: ROSEBANK N eighbourhood Population Projection ............................................................................................... . " ! 1996 Population ! 2,400 ! I Projected Growth I 1,000 I I Percent Increase I 41.6 I 1...?p..!..~....!!.p..'!./!!.~!.q.'!..................L.....}?1~Q......J CITY POUCY Rosebank Neighbourhood Policies Description · Is bounded by the Rouge Ri,-er, Highway 401, Petticoat Creek, and Lake Ontario · Includes a portion of the Rouge Park, and most of the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area widlin its boundaries · Iroquois village existed near the mouth of the Rouge River · Initial housing development occurred between 1900 and 1940; more recent subdivision activity began in the 1970s . Consists of primarily detached dwellings on large lots; also includes an elementary school, neighbourhood park and seniors' apartments (on Rodd Avenue); does not contain any neighbourhood shopping facilities . Has environmentally sensitive areas associated with the Rouge River, . Petticoat Creek and the Lake Ontario Waterfront . Is traversed from south-west to north-east by the eN. rail line (along which GO Rail Transit service runs) . Has two Detailed Review Areas within its boundary: (i) residential lands north and west of the eN. rail line; and (ii) lands in the Rodd Avenue - Bella Vista Drive area . City Council has adopted development guidelines as follows: * The "Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines" (for lands north and west of dle eN. rail line) 11.3 City Council shall, (a) in the established residential areas along Bella Vista Drive, Dyson Road, Pine Ridge Road, Rodd Avenue, Rosebank Road, Rougemount Drive, Toynevale Road and Woodgrange Avenue, encourage and where possible require new development to be compatible with the character of existing development; (b) restrict lands west of Rosebank Road and lands along Rodd Avenue to the development and infilling of single detached dwellings, and despite Table 10 of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density for these lands of 17 units per net hectare; PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Eleven - Urban Neighbourhoods 140 ATTACHMENT#.d-TO INFORMATIONEEPORT# D7-0S MAP 11 NEIGHBOURHOOD 1: ROSEBANK 1 1 OI<LAHO ROUGE: PARK ARE:A LEGEND lAKE ONTARIO l' SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD ~ BOUNDARY PARK .- PUBLIC ELEMENTARY @ SCHOOL PROPOSED PARK 2] SEPARATE ELEMENTARY .... PLACE SCHOOL OF WORSHIP [g1 COMMUNITY CENTRE [B FIREHALL [Q LIBRARY Isel SENIOR CENTRE -.-- NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSED) ~ DETAILED REVIEW AREA LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) CITY OF' PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DECEMBER. 2005 ~:~~ w:-v:o.::~ :~~ ~~ ~~ ~::.t1~::~T=K~:OTHE OTHEft SCHEDULES ANt) THE: TE"'. NOTE: LAND USE DESIGNATIONS APPEAR ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Eleven - Urban Neir nbourhoods 141 1 2 CITY POllCY Rosebank Neighbourhood Policies (cont'd) ATTACHMENT#~.TO INFO~~Mft;nON REFCI-1T# 07-08 (c) despite 11.3(a), permit the convalescent home on the north side of Rodd Avenue; (d) for developments east of Rosebank Road and west of the C.N. rail line, permit a maximum of approximately 50% of the lots proposed for residential development to be used for semi-detached dwellings and require the remaining lots proposed to be used for single detached dwellings; (e) establish another neighbourhood park in an appropriate location to serve development generally west of Rosebank Road; (f) prohibit vehicular access from the neighbourhood to the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area, and discourage vehicular parking within the neighbourhood for users of the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area; (g) encourage the use and operation of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail in a manner sensitive to the interests of the neighbouring residents, and provide local trail connections with the Waterfront Trail in appropriate locations; (h) encourage the conservation authority and other interest groups to enhance the vegetative linkages between Petticoat Creek Conservation Area and the Rouge Park; and (i) require new development to have regard for the Rouge Park Management Plan. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 4: Chapter Eleven -- Urban Neighbourhoods 142 ArrACHME~!T# L/ :TO IMI'-O"'" '~',f'\," r ~'=""""'T.M D]-oR n~ :':''" N;:"vlA ? hJ~~ f~~r ,;..,.{ 1'~ - , 1 3 Rosebank Neighbourhood Section 11 Rosebank Neighbourhood DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES .. WI '" II: ~ f ROUGE PARK AREA ().1. o~ .>- 01\ o'%- ;.\ o LAKE: ONTARIO l' LEGEND ~DESICN PRECINCT No. 1 ~DESICN PRECINCT No. 2 ~DESIGN PRECINCT No. .3 ATTAC1~liIf.NT#~':.L.. TO D 7 08 tNFONiiJiI~JiON RE:..7C\~T# - 1 4 Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines The following Rosebank Neighbourhood Development Guidelines were adopted by Pickering Council on January 22, 1996, and amended four times: No.1 on February 4, 1985; No. 2 on October 15, 1991; No.3 on April 1 , 1992; and No.4 on October 20, 1992. Section A 1.1 As indicated on the map, the Neighbourhood comprises three design precincts. The following provides detailed guidelines for each of these precincts. A 1.1.1 Design Precinct No. I Within Precinct No. I, residential development shall be limited to the provision of single detached dwellings only. All new lots created in this precinct shall have minimum lot frontages of approximately 15 metres and minimum lot depths ranging between approximately 33 metres and 60 metres, unless the character of the area is such that a smaller lot frontage or smaller lot depth is desirable. A 1.1.2 Design Precinct No.2 Within Precinct No.2, residential development shall be limited to the provision of single detached dwellings only. All new lots created in this precinct shall have minimum lot frontages of approximately 15 metres and minimum lot depths ranging between approximately 30 metres and 36 metres. A 1.1.3 Design Precinct No.3 Within Precinct No.3, residential development shall be limited to the provisions of single detached and semi-detached dwellings. All new lots created in this precinct for semi-detached dwellings shall have minimum lot frontages of approximately 10.5 metres and minimum lot depths of approximately 30 metres. New lots for single detached dwellings shall have the same minimum lot dimensions as new lots in Precinct NO.2. ATTACHPI.ENT#5-- TO I"~'"'~A-""" .-.-~" ~?.u D 7 -oR 1'..vr,lv, I \lH~ 1'~~I' ",:;, , ;;, ~roRONTO AND REG/ONt:Y-'- A.,onserva Ion for The Living City 1 5 r~ rr"" ~) ~u ~: OJa February 4, 2008 CFN BY FAX AND MAIL ~EtCE~ ;c. r::P1NG :::LOPMENT !\1""" i'Ft.' "\IENT ~u Ashley Yearwood Planner I City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 (~~P n j~ 2008 CiTV 0 PiCKERING '='LAf\I>,jll,C:' &. OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Yearwood: RE: Preliminary Comments Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-02 Zoning By-law Amendment A02/08 W & N Trapper and B. Trapper Part of Block K, Land M, Right of Way, Plan 418 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff is in receipt of an application for a proposed subdivision. We offer the following comments: Background The subject property is located at Rosebank Road and Gillmoss Road, south of Kingston Road, in the City of Pickering. The applicant is seeking permission to build a 40 unit low density subdivision. The subject property is not located within an Ontario Regulation 166/06 Regulated Area. However, this property is located within an area defined as natural cover in TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Heritage System. Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy TRCA has identified the need to improve both the quality and quantity of terrestrial habitat. TRCA's Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy sets measurable targets for attaining a healthier natural system by creating an expanded and targeted land base. It includes strategic direction for stewardship and securement of the land base. a land policy framework to help achieve the target system, and other implementation mechanisms. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be required in order to satisfy TRCA of the impacts to the immediate and surrounding area with respect to woodlot form and function and possible improvements to the proposed affected area. Storm water Management The applicant has not provided any discussion of how the site will tie into existing or proposed servicing, or how the design will meet SWM quality or quantity requirements. We request that the applicant provide a detailed Stormwater Management report that meets the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment's Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, 2003. f:\home\public\developmel'lt IOervices\durham ~fdkeftn~$~Ol5~flV.cgf1l~!fr.{rdoc 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ont.ario M3N 1 S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6698 www.trca.on.c:a ~'*~ .- ATTACHM1!:~~>__:?~:O 7 -~8 INr.:~n"""'r." ~ --~- - ;:f! 0 .>3Ur'rJY~Pd .'.~",.j,i _\,-,",'~ '-J~ "" n, 1 6 Mr. Yearwood -2- F=ebruary 4, 2008 ~ . Water Balance At a minimum, the first 5 mm of every rainfall event should be detained on-site and either infiltrated or reused. This water can either be infiltrated or stored in cisterns and reused for irrigation. Design appropriate measures provide supporting calculations and show them on the site servicing plan. For additional details regarding TReA's water balance requirements, the applicant is invited to contact Tom Dole, Water Resource Analyst, at extension 5659. Recommendations In light of the above, TRCA staff defers comments of the dra~ plan of subdivision application until such time that staff has reviewed the following information: 1. A Storm Water Management report 2. An Environmental Impact Statement 3. A Water Balance Analysis We trust that this is of assistance. Please contact me should you have any further questions. ~~ Shannon McNeill BA, BURPI Planner I Planning and Development Extension 5744 CJ/sm ~ Cc: Vijay Gupta, Land-Pro Engineering (Fax 905~625-1985) Steve Heuchert, TRCA t\home\public\development services\durham region\pic;kerlng\rosebank-gillmoss_'.doc THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Facilities SeNices 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1 R 2K6 TeJ~"''"'one: (90S) 666-5500 J -800-265-3968 Fax: (90S) 666-6439 ~' ~~ . .~~ t/ QY~~ ','7'r:Ilr.i-iFr~~,! r.l! /- TO ""1~ .;,~....,;"...._,,...,.,;,~.__~. ";G:\;;i'~.>;;G~~T# 07-08 January 25,2008 The City of Pickering Planning Dept., Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON LlV 6K7 Attention: Ms. Ashley Yearwood Dear Ms. Yearwood, RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/08 W. & N. Trapper and B. Trapper Part of Block K, Land M Right of Way Plan 418 (Cowan Circle) City of Pickering Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and has the following comments... 1. Approximately 20 elementary pupils could be generated by the above noted application. 2. It is intended that any pupils generated by the above noted plan be accommodated within an existing school facility. 3. Under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, staff has no objections. Yours truly, cJiU1CLb.-u~ Christine Nancekivell, Planner I: IPROPLANlDA TA IPLNGISUBISPl008-02.DOC 1 7 /" A.-ror. Jlf';jM~~,' !;;! 7 TO 1"\1 1\'""..".". ,1,_,.__~ ' DF '18 I~,l';:"':;:"""'''';;\;'~'::-,';'''.:-'T' ~ ,,- (; p" ~~".Jti"i..lf< II'> ~'l:"~j "v~'\ ~. 00 DI::i f Rle)' ^,~O &0. "< 't u 0 ~ r- <:( CD &. . ~ ~ & 1 8 Durham Catholic District School Board January 28, 2008 lQ E'="" tJP'I. "f=' '1 '" !'J r' ?''''\\ i" 'I t~)y lt~: J .~/ ~ ~~/ o i~ 2:~:=a CITY O.FPjCr\E}:n;~JG PL~Nl'J;\.G'1 OE;/ELOPiv'lENT DEP AM T;ViENT City of Pickering Planning & Development Department One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 Attention: Ashley Yearwood RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2008-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/08 W & N Trapper and B. Trapper Part of Block K, Land M Right of Way, Plan 418 City of Pickering Please be advised that the above noted application will be included in the regular Board Meeting of Tuesday, February 11, 2008. Official comments will be forthcoming after that meeting, however, unofficial comments are "no objection". Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 905-576-6707 x 2211. Best regards, qllf' Anne Dobos Assistant Planner 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L 1J 7C4 Tel 905576-6150 Toll Free 1 877 482-0722 www.dcdsb.ca Paul Pulla B. Se., B. Ed., MSe. Ed. Director of Education / Secretary / Treasurer ATTf'''' .~,'g::~ll',p, 8 TO 1"\ ~ (~--i\.';~~;U(","~'!1 ~ 11,,'--------,---.-......, ., INFOR;~J;\T;ON "Rh:,~;:';~Ttt 07 -08 1 9 - - - - I-- I-- I-- I-- ~ -0 ~ ....A -0 o "Y....A ~-1/V, o"p TOYNEVALE n LL 1 ~l ROAD J -I- -~/- ~ - -tQ - V-Q:: U RICK HULL ROSEBANK PUBLIC SCHOOL C"?<S ck" w > iE l.-.- 0 ~ ~ '- - - I- Z W U V1 W Q:: U <{ ....J I <{ o ==1 o o w ~ =lJ7 ~ I - I MAITLAND DRIVE I I 1== - o ':( CO RT Q:' ~' ti DUNMOC ')? (( !I - - - - - - - I--- I--- ~ I I V1 o z :s w Q:: o o :::;E - >--1---- Z I---- - f--t3 f-- V1 ~ I---- I-- _U - Tlii 0 T ............... I--- LJ ~ Z ] <{--' ~- / g ----i I -T Z~ ~~S N u RT r\0= "\'\ I I--- ~ 0 ROAO(NOT ~~ - - - - -8 -0 3: ~ - <{ \\ _0 \\ I- T Ii .~~ ~~ GI~ll s II '-r\\m~ 7; A~\=3: F=: ~:~g/2dJ' V"- 'j //\~\ I ~^'!21 < City of Pickering Planning & Development Department TRAVELLED) I -r COWAN CIRCLE GltJJA~SS ~ ~ I--- I--- I--- - - - - ~ GILLMOSS ROAD 10. PETT/COA T CREEK CONSER VA T/ON AREA SUBJECT LANDS l PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART OF BLOCK L, M ROW, PLAN 418 OWNER W. & B TRAPPER FILE No. SP-2008-02 & A02/08 DATE JAN. 16, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY A Y l' ata Sourc..: ~oo;.~p~nci.~;~.~~. 1~~pp~~~..1t~II.~r:~~~r.Re:~~~~~t.NO~.~.r;:'ad~ ~;ts~~:.n of .UN.Y. PN-1 I. 20 Cilq c~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-08 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF March 3, 2008 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Condominium CP-2007-01 Middlecove Estates Inc. (Vista Homes) 526-542 Kingston Road Part of Lot 30, Range 3, B.F.C. Block B, Plan 473 & Part of Block 58, Plan 40M-1480 (Part 1, 40R-24000, Part 1, 40R-24936 & Part 3, 40R-25176) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands are approximately 0.81 hectares in size, located on the north side of Kingston Road, east of Rosebank Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the subject property is currently vacant and is surrounded by commercial and residential uses; 1.1 Background - Through Zoning Amendment application (A 07/06), City Council passed By-law 6742/07 on March 5, 2007, to permit the development of 45 dwelling units, including townhouses and detached dwellings on the subject lands. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to establish tenure for 45 dwelling units on the subject lands through a common element condominium description (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #2); - freehold ownership is proposed for the future dwelling units and a common element condominium for roads and services. Information Report No. 08-08 Page 2 21 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan - designates this area as "Urban Areas - Living Area," where development is intended to be predominately for housing; - the applicant's proposal conforms with this designation; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - designates the area as Mixed- Use Areas - Mixed Corridor within the Woodlands Neighbourhood; - the Woodland Neighbourhood policies of the Pickering Official Plan state that despite the density range allowed for Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Areas, a maximum residential density of 55 units per hectare is required for lands located on the north side of Kingston Road that are designated Mixed Use Area and abut low density development; - the applicant's proposal conforms with this land use designation and complies with the maximum residential density limit permitted under the Pickering Official Plan for this area; 3.3 Zonina By-law 3036 - the lands are zoned "RMM-5" - Multi-Residential Zone by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 6666/06 and 6742/07. - the applicant's proposed Plan of Condominium development complies the requirements of the "RMM-5" - Multi Residential Zone. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no resident comments received to date; 4.2 Aaency Comments no agency comments received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments 4.3.1 Site Plan a Site Plan application has been circulated proposing 15 detached dwellings and 30 townhouse units on the subject lands (S 15/05 (R07)); Information Report No. 08-08 Page 3 22 details pertaining to site functioning and site design/layout for this development have been addressed through the Site Plan approval process; 4.3.2 Common Element Condominium Description the purpose of the application is essentially to establish whether the common element condominium description is the appropriate form of tenure for this residential development; a common element condominium refers to a residential development where each dwelling unit is individually owned (freehold ownership), and where amenities or physical features are collectively owned by the unit owners as tenants in common; it is anticipated that a future common element condominium corporation will be established to permit a community of individually owned homes and maintain joint services, amenities and physical features of the development through a common element condominium corporation; as a condition of condominium development the owner will be required to satisfy staff, amongst other matters, that private refuse collection will include recycling pick-up. No further Planning & Development Reports on this application will be forwarded to Council. The Director, Planning & Development will make a decision on the application after all comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public have been received and assessed. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted for consideration by the Director, Planning & Development Department prior to a decision on the application; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal the City's decision, you must provide comments to the City before the Director, Planning & Development, issues conditions of draft approval for the proposal; if you wish to be notified of a decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Director, Planning & Development in respect of the proposed plan of condominium does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make written submissions to the Director before the proposed plan of condominium is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Information Report No. 08-08 Page 4 23 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: . Middlecove Estates Site Plan (S 15/05 (R07)); 6.3 Company Principal - the applicant advises that the owner is Vista Homes with Murray Koebel as the contact person. LY~~~ . Manager, Development Review RC:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 24 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 08-08 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date ATTACHMENT#...L TO INr-Of~MATION REPORT# OR -() 5? 25 ~o\ II I f\ .~ I ~\ f-'- \ u.. r-- I '\-\ '\ f-- j:.l \ \ \ \~\ \. .l",\ \cP~<'\ \Co ~\ \~ ~\ '<\-8\ ~." R-\~\ ~\P~ ~ J\ ~\ \~~ \,-- \ \ \ \ \ ! I r I o <{ o a:: ~w :;0 !T1 ~~ ~ ~ DRIVE 6 -= /17 1-1-- DUNBARTON..--; / _ '51----- SWIMMING POOL ~ \ ~ 8t= SUNDOWN DAYLIGHT ...<~ ~ .\tTA~~ /7>>Tl / -~ \W / ~y PLACE RAINY DAY ~V ~ tffiffiHffi~.o~ ~ :;gl- ~I-- ~I STEEPLE I I 1,:ILL1 1 I) J ~ -1 STEEPLE' V :- _ ~,:L~ ~~ ~~:M~::;~C / ./ BJE T ~ ~ /'/< ~ I~ )< 1 I I I I I I /" I '- '\ \ / ~ ~ 1) s ~ M 0 ~ \\ \ ~I II ~ \ \ \ ROAD \ ~~LETTlCOAT CREEKb)J' I \ \J RARY AND ~ '" M UNITY CENTRE [L /' / HEIGHTS J- CITY GHURC I / ~ / ~O I ~ ~ ~"'-{ ~\G'0 Jr _Z p ~ ~ W ~ __~ ~ 0:: --- ~ G~\ ~- City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BFC, RANGE 3, N PT LOT 30 & PLAN 473, BLK B ~ ------ ~-~S\O~ \Z\~ _,..- w,.- ~ OWNER MIDDLECOVE ESTATES INC.(VISTA HOMES) FILE No. CP2007.01 DATE FEB 7, 2008 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY RC l' o a ~ourC8.: IfJ Ter-onot Entorpl'isos Inc. and it. lIuppliBnr., All rights Reserved. Not 0 pion of survey. ID 2005 MPAC and its supplier.. All ri9hts Reserved. Not 0 pion of Survey. PN-6 ATTACHME~:~~~~O -0 ~ It.n=ORi\l~AT:uN 1"....t<u,,,f# Q5? 2 6 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S PLAN CP 2007-01 MIDDLECOVE ESTATES INC(VISTA HOMES) I 1/ I <- Y i 1 l..-k--...._ l~~ .J BO.30m \.. ..:.i . 'i ~ \. 11 :I ~14 :! .,. ..~ '~r .:: '- ~ g- r I. bR: ~~ ~ ~ if ~t I . ~ ~-;[~. J \\:1 -- :' T~.: a -N ~'"itl' ~~ .\~ k., ~ ~I 1 m ~i -I__"~ ~. ',:-~ i"~~". ~.____._----_.~.... l- E L- IrlJ ~ II ..>--'---'-r'--_ - ~ ~~ ~;~~~~i;~: g --JJJ . · I " 0 - r~..1J ..1 1IrtlH~ V I - :1~ ~-ff>>1!~~i: .~ ~.ii kt~I;.L. ()) ~ I. Ii: 1 - i _"I::!.,..C~ . "f ,... III . ......., -. ;;\~. ~ , :t. l'5l If" E!! ;;ijJ. .' ~ t.: ! - "r:::- i:ll iJiiJJa.r-" "LP~ i - ~~, 11 I:i 81 "III!-J =- ,,_.~K 2~. -.1, .~ M !to !Po ________;f'.a- .......l ! -L.: U;~ ~l' ll~ ~~. L .3F .~ 1'r8: !.~ J; - l\ ~~~)-~"_ ~ '-- c "L~, . \ }.~ p · J.~~~-"':': .. g 1i.Jj " .r:........ \[ r I :.. ....-' ...... I · ?... j' .~ ,':, .-- -., ~ 1~1Il t1 ! J' ...l;t' >>..0:.......... ~.. o. . !'jj . ! ....... ~1r..~... - ~~OJ- \' "" \: _~.. \..... .........-& ~h_~~.. r.;; (//11..6.... ..,..-~.:\"; ~' . ... 'll... '..-.10:1: /. J .~..~~~~'\~!-\~."" . U I ';L\-.~ . H .... .1 'i. 0 \..... .. .. .. \ ~ .. ,-'" r~~~ · ," 6:69~ --l ~~~ ~ I~/ I \ v.l~~ \\o~ ~. ,-.. ../ . ...... ---.J I M ...... L~ ]'.. ..... I tlorii; . T..... --. ~ THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, FEBRUARY 7, 2008. Citq D~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 07-08 Date: March 3, 2008 27 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1564 Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1565 Alastair Mackay Realty Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-1566 Cougs Investments Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1567 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 07-08 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 be received; 2. That the highway being Howell Crescent within Plan 40M-1564 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Hoover Drive and Littleford Street within Plan 40M-1565 be assumed for public use; 4. That the highway being Rouge Valley Drive within Plan 40M-1566 be assumed for public use; 5. That the highways being Saugeen Drive and Driftwood Court within Plan 40M-1567 be assumed for public use; 6. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; and Report PO 07-08 March 3, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 28 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 Page 2 7. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 be released and removed from title. Executive Summary: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreements. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The final assumption of these plans of subdivision is an administrative process that legally concludes the City's acquisition of necessary roads and other infrastructure. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability initiatives. Background: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans. Further, it is appropriate to release the developers from the provisions of their respective Agreements with the City as follows: 1. Plan 40M-1564 Subdivision Agreement dated June 29, 1987 and registered as Instrument No. L T417495; 2. Plan 40M-1565 Subdivision Agreement dated June 29, 1987 and registered as Instrument No. L T417496; 3. Plan 40M-1566 Subdivision Agreement dated April 21, 1986 and registered as Instrument No. LT417497;and 4. Plan 40M-1567 Subdivision Agreement dated June 6, 1988, registered as Instrument No. LT422350 and amending Subdivision Agreements dated June 19, 1989 and June 25, 1990, registered as Instrument Nos. L T458994/0317820 and L T516071 respectively. Report PO 07-08 March 3, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 Page 3 29 Accordingly, it is being recommended: 1. That the highway being Howell Crescent within Plan 40M-1564 be assumed for public use; 2. That the highways being Hoover Drive and Littleford Street within Plan 40M-1565 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highway being Rouge Valley Drive within Plan 40M-1566 be assumed for public use; 4. That the highways being Saugeen Drive and Driftwood Court within Plan 40M-1567 be assumed for public use; 5. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; and 6. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 be released and removed from title. Attachments: 1 . Location Map - Plan 40M-1564 2. Location Map - Plan 40M-1565 3. Location Map - Plan 40M-1566 4. Location Map - Plan 40M-1567 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: ,(Q.~.Q Denise Bye, S pervisor Property & Development Services , CI, RPP ing & Development DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Report PD 07-08 March 3, 2008 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 3 0 40M-1564, 40M-1565, 40M-1566 and 40M-1567 Page 4 Recommended for the COD.s1 . ation of Pickering City Council ~'J' /; . ~~.~ .,:::.---- " ~.. I' (/L::"'" 0,' Thomas J. Quinn, RDMR, CMM III Chief Administrative Officer Recommendation approved: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Office of Sustainability Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning & Development City Clerk c. ,~--'7> ~ .~r~, '~~ -~" ~:'7 ~E3~ ~~ I z- --tJ~UR r--IY- w r ~ 1Yt-- " ~ t:i t-- <l: wI-- o -' f- (fJ <l: LAWSON U - .5 o o ~ -0 _0 -~ I--- ::x:: 1---~-1 ~~ l...-- STREET IY ~1 r- ~ H ~~ ETBRIAR CRT."'-r- 8 II 'r1vooDvln ~ I .IrOT LOT I I I :/ C.N.R. DRIVE -- '--- TWYN W f- <l: <..? w ~ IY o /:., n {,CHMENT # , TO FlE~ORT II PD a:}- ~ GATE -w- -~== ~ _0_ - 0 - STARVIEW CRT. <l: _ 0 f--~t-- IY t---~:== <l: (fJt-- Z f--Wt-- 8 f-- IYt-- ..J o <l: STREET u...'-- I I I RIVERS I ~ f-- f-- !--- f-- C.N.R. I \ DRIVE \ ~ I o STREET L C3 ~IY I " J.....-L--' ~ STREET ~~E8~~ P - ~t-- r-- t-- !--- I-- t--- t----- !--- 0 t--- <l:t--- CRESCENT ~ '--- w- -'t-- (3- Z ~ <l:- u... !--- t-- !--- t--- ST. MONlCA'S ~ SEPARA TE SCHOOL dJTIE~ -[I rT ..-1 UJJJ.BO ~C\-\ARDSON CRESCENT _.- - - - - o o b~ I (fJ ~ rr-~~ L.- kQoD~'N U V 'N BJEC 1~/'rr~LEFORD O"?/v. U IVISIOI t-- ci (' f-- 0 ROUGE VALLEY PARK ROUGE } PARK -- t-- t-- t--I >- w t-- -' -' ;; IY W > g ~ STOVER I=Vr - - -t5 -~ -~ - t-- '-- - f-- I HOOVER DRIVE \.~~~ ~\~ I ~ ~ ~~OLYN L-J~(~ I J f--- ~~ 11 Q STREET >-l ,I \~ ~(( \~ ~)- DRIVE r---- t-- t-- ~ ~ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1564 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION 31 \ \ l\ \ \ r-~';O ~ s. l~\ - I I \\~ ~ U - SHEPPARD AVENUE I ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE ~ ELIZABETH f-- B. PH/N PUBLIC f-- SCHOOL \ I I - FIDDLERS ----' - - - - - r-"\ - TOMLif\ SON CRT - ~~~ ~~~c Planning & Development Department DATE JAN. 18,2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' o 0 ~ourc..: ~- Ta,.anat Enterprise. Inc. and it. supplier.. All riQhta R...rved. Not a plan of survey. Ill!i 200~ MPAC and it. suppliers. All ,.lrihta Rea.rved. Not 0 pion of Survey, PN-5 32 ATTACHPJ:ENT # Q TO [.>C;CiRi if PD_a~O~ - -0 _0 o -:;:: _~ I -~~ f-~ .-- STREET 0:: o \/ C:;:: h=w H ~ ~ ETBRIAR CRT. 8 III IlivOODVIEI:;:: I I ~OT LOT 6 o o :;:: I~~ r--W- GATE ~~/=~= ~ r- zr-->-.......... 'w~Ufii~:==.- STARVIEW CRT. ~ O::!---I ~ W 1"1 r--- 0 ::::> 0::1-- " :;:: _ 0:: aJ 1-1-- r-- w_ ~ (fJf--- r-- ~ _ ~ I 0 ::J 1 (fJ- 0 I I- r---~- I- (fJ r--- 0 - -.J I <( u.. <( UlWSON U STREET '--- i/' I I / \ \ \ r-~1:J ~ ~ lm\ I-\~ C.N.R. C.N.R. 1 DRIVE ......... --- ~ - TWYN , ) U 1 '-- SHEPPARD AVENUE RIVERS DRIVE W I- <( o w 2': 0:: o I ~- f--f-- \ f-- _ f-- _ , f-- r--- ST. MONICA S '= SEPARA TE SCHOOL ,J - dJTIa~;= m I a __ WII.t=jO[RiC\-\ARDSON STREET I d CRESCENT r--r-" I I I 1"-- n:: E L' I I I------; 1.-- -r STR E ET ~~E8~Nl ~ !--- u~ r-- - f--- - 1--- - - 0 - ELIZABETH_ d - B. PHIN CRESCENT n:: - PUBLIC w r---- SCHOOL ;J,- II ~ - ~ I------, I :;:: FIDDLERS r-----' HOOVER DRIVE ii r---- _ ~ ~= ~ Q"~:RT~ -j)o\ 1/1 ~ \-- ~ ~- 0- c- ~~ ~= ~ \-~L~ c= y~ DRIVEl E ~~ Planning & Development Department ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE o o )~ I (fJ <( ;- t---- f--- T~~ -~JsO~ J ...- 'l'J IITLEFORD D-?/t;, 11 = 0:: (' _0 liD SUBDIVISION >- R:~E - ~ VALL > PARK r-- ~~ =~ - - - 0:: W > g ~ STOVER I::=V / - - - I--- ROUGE ~ PARK ~ ~ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1565 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION DATE JAN. 18,2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' o a _~~u,.c..: IB - Teranet Ent.rpri... Inc. and it. aupplier.. All right. R...rved. Not 0 plan of aurvey. II; 2005 MPAC and ita .~Dpli."., All rfaht. Re..rved. Not 0 pion of Survey, PN-5 ATTACHMENT' ~ TO REPORT # PO 0-=1- - ~ - - - - - - , - - ST. MONICA S ;== SEPARA TE SCHOOL - BHOWELL w =: ~[r-r 0 _ 0 RiO-\ARDSON STREET d CRESCENT __.- I I _ 0:: ~ - L I I - """"' -I STREET ~~E;I:~ ~ I-- - t-- -- 0:: I t--- ~ t-- - 0 I------ o - I <( I------ o ...-, STOVER CRESCENT ~ r-- I f---V / w '---- I--- --' - C3 '--- z 3: L5- - - r-- HOOVER DRIVE '\,~~ ~~ ~,\ I I ~ C) t==- OG< ~OL YN""""" I--- ::J J<( I J-- ~ ~<,) r-'-r., L-.JtJl Q.. I I C; h Q.. STREET :N' I \ I I II \ \== I--- '6 o o 3: ~~ z r--- --- t;:j ,.20Uf? ~ n::: r---t---- w' --"' r '--::J 0::-1 ~ t/j- I-T <( w- o --' f- (/) <( LAWSON U I-- 0 I-- 0 o I-- 3: f--- y: 1--~---1 f--~ I-- STREET 0:: V'" LO '\ .l-~ I l)...1\- ~ ETBRIAR CRT. r r-- 8 I fill OODVln ~ ~ I I or LOT :==j I I I /1 C.N.R. 1 I ~ I-L....i DRIVE --- RIVERS TWYN W f- <( l? w ~ 0:: o I ~ o o )~ I (/) <( / t-- I--- r~v h _~\j\t.~ )-l I-- ~O ~LEFORD O-?/t.-:. 'r-( - ci c 1/_0 t-- ROUGE >- W ---' --' ;; VALLEY PARK - - w -I~ I--- SUBJECT SUBDIVISION ROUGE (\~\ ) i.U PARK ~ <<<.<).. ~ ~ City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1566 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION GATE ==~~ ~ 0::1--- . r-- 0 I--- I--- 0 I--- STARVIEW CRT. C3 I--- 3: I-- 0:: -w _ >1-- <( f- I-- Z (/) I-- 0 - wI-- f- I---gsl-- ;;i STREET u... '-- I I 33 \ j\ _\ \ C.N.R. I ) l DRIVE \ ~ I DRIVE ~~10 ~ ~ l~~ I I \~ >--.............. SHEPPARD AVENUE ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE - \ ELIZABETH B. PHIN PUBLIC SCHOOL I I--- I--- Planning & Development Department DATE JAN. 18, 2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' Q~Q ~ourc..: r.,.onet Ent."pria.. Inc. and it. auppli.,... A.II right. Re..rved. Not 0 plan of aurvey. 2005 ....PAC and its supplie,.s. All ,.lohts Re.eNed. Not 0 pion of SUNev. PN.5 34 ..-----J ~ FINCH AVENUE V) ~ ATTACHMENT' REPORT # PO ~~ ~~~ ?--- \ \)0 ?--- CO\Z -<Q~O o I I f-- I--- t=: ~ I I--- ~~:_~\ - <! -I --.., -0... _ 0:: -~ - ::2 -::) - (/) - f-- ~%~ ~\Y ~ City of Pickering ~ II " r---- I--- I--- I---~ I--- Q;; I--- 0 I--- - f-- f-- - Sa~~VI$t ~ I--- == - - == - - === - - II 11- CRESCENT ,II~ j(~ o z :) 0:: <! C) WOODSMERE f- Z W U (/) W 0:: U II , o <! a DEERHAVEN 0:: ----L1 E I--- :>::: _I-- Z -- Cii w (/) a 0:: - - 0:: w- ~ a -l ~I--- -l ~ I-- - - 1/ I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1567 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION if TO O-::J- - ~ / J , ~ r t:..\\O~~ ~I>-~ .-- - >- p.: -:>::: -~ _Ii ~ FINCH AVENUE I--- - w I (/) W f"T1 OJ C) <! C Z Z I--- a f- a w_ > 0 Q;; <! 0__ ~ - :1 \ '6 ~I: I--- I--- .--I SQUARE =/1 I I I AMBERLEA I I ill ~f=i R~ 110 '1() 1--- / - / S 1--_ DRIFTWO~~~~U>?' =m\~ . Q~o~ f---~ SAUGEEN - =/j I I I I k i'-. ~.r r!t/ ~/ - A~/ - ~(//~ oc :5 u~ ~ <l o ::;: \== ..... -'Y,tQ oL ,y", ?J fl!!!iii~ -~~ a I--- I--- J? :/:1--- t= _DRIVE /~ ~~ I - rri I--- r I--- w f- ~ I--- -l Z I,o;l W - ~ w -> > '-- z ~_- ~ 0::-__ CRE w w - 0_ ~ r - w 0:: g: _/ ;=~~ Ur-- ~(/) ~~\- t=1 ~V/" r .~:::{ ~ I I I I II n / 1=3 ~ Planning & Development Department ~ t--- l~ :)1-- ~ - .J'cr =1== ~~;Joc ~lTll rn SPRINGVIEW DATE JAN. 18,2008 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB l' 010 ::tour'C..: @- ~oos.~p~nJ.~:~.~~. 1:~'PP~i".~..it~II.':r:~~~".R.~~":~Qd~t.N~.~.';~:~ ~rts~,.:.I:.n of .UN.y. PN-11