HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 29, 2008 Cilq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee January 29, 2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Pamela Fuselli - Chair Jim Simpson - Vice Chair Theresa Abernethy, Member Shirley Curran, Member Richard Fleming, Member Shawna Foxton, Member Gordon Zimmerman, Member Oebi Wilcox, City Clerk Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Johnson Karen Emmink, Member Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Pamela welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by Theresa Abernethy Seconded by Jim Simpson Minutes of the November 27, 2007 meeting Carried Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2004-05 Weldon Lands Inc. Pamela reviewed the draft plan of subdivision for Weldon Lands Inc. for property at 542 & 526 Kingston Road for members present. It was noted that this was presented for information purposes only, as the plan is draft approved. The Committee will be notified of any future developments respecting this property as part of the interested party notification process. 3.2 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2007-01 Rosebank Properties This application was presented to the Committee for information purposes. Pamela passed around the application to the Committee members for their review. It was noted that for future agendas, the Clerk's Division will check the Heritage Municipal Register to verify whether properties of heritage interest or designated properties exist within the area and flag those applications when presented to the Committee. This will provide for a more comprehensive review as required by the Committee. 3.3 Review of 2007 Workplan and Annual Report Debi advised the Committee that most of the Committees will be presenting their annual reports to Council at the April 21 sl Council meeting. The consensus of the Committee was to present our annual report at that time as well. It was suggested a power point presentation along with a report be provided. Discussion ensued with respect to the annual report. Debi noted she would forward a list of discussion items to Pamela for Debi/Linda to action the presentation of the report. It was also noted that the City Clerk forward a recommended format for all the Committees to use, so there is consistency. Pamela noted she has a draft presentation outline from a year ago and will send this out in PDF format prior to the next Pamela to send meeting for the Committee to review. Discussion ensued on the 2008 workplan. Debi reviewed the plan and noted the need to focus on the Provincial heritage Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) property listing, in order to forward a report to Council. Debi will Debi to draft report and prepare a report to be brought forward at the March 1 ih forward to members Executive Committee meeting followed by Council approval. for their information Once we have Council approval, we will have the formally approved Heritage Municipal Register and will post it on the website, and also have it flagged on the property system. This provides the Committee the opportunity to consult when applications for developmenUdemolition are submitted to the Planning & Development Department. It was noted we need to acquire the Scheinman listing to create our report. Other items from the 2008 workplan were noted as follows in order of importance: . Emphasis on developing an education plan - a subcommittee for this was recommended. Pamela volunteered to work on this along with Karen. Richard and Jim will assist. . Dunbarton Heritage Designation Study . Extension of Whitevale Heritage Conservation District- discussion ensued with respect to the Seaton lands Debi advised the Committee that the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Guidelines are now completed (copy typed). The Guideline is posted on our website. She also noted that the City has submitted an application to have a summer student assist with the Heritage Municipal Register database. Rogers Farm, located on Salem Road should be added to the 2008 workplan. This property will be adversely affected with Pamela to draft letter the 407 extension. It was suggested the Chair of the and forward to Debi Committee forward a letter to the Province stating this is of historical interest. 4.0 Correspondence 4.1) Letter from Paul Dilse Pamela reviewed the letter from Paul Dilse, Heritage Planning Consultant, which was received for information. 4..2 Notice of Public Meetinq A notice of public meeting was received as information for 356 Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) and 364 Kingston Road as well as the Rosebank Properties. 4.3 Ministry of Citizenship and Immiqration Nomination requests for volunteer and achievement awards was received from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration for information purposes. 4.4 Ontario Heritaqe Trust Letter received from Ontario Heritage Trust indicating February 18 to 24 is Heritage Week 2008. Discussion ensued with respect to the City of Pickering's Heritage Day events. Pamela asked for volunteers to help out on February 16th. Shawna and Pamela will assist in the morning from 9 - 11 and Jim and Shirley will help out from 11-1. Gordon indicated he would also be available. City golf shirts and name tags will be ordered for members. 4.5 Durham Reqion Growth Plan Implementation Study Notice of a public meeting was received with respect to the Durham Region Growth Plan Implementation Study. Pamela noted that copies were available on line. 5.0 Other Business 5.1 Notice of Public Meeting Zoninq By-law Amendment Application A 13/07 Notice of a public meeting with respect to property located on the west side of Rosebank Road, east of Oakwood Drive and south of Maitland Drive, was received for information 5.2 Notice of Public Meeting Zoninq By-law Amendment Application A 02/08 Notice of a public meeting with respect to property located at 491 Rosebank Road and 546 Glllmoss Road, was received for information. 5.3 Mill - Whitevale Site Plan Application Zoninq By-law Amendment Application A 11/06 Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) An application with respect to Part of Lot 24, Lots 25 to 27, Plan 21, municipally known as 425 Whitevale Road was received for information and comments. Discussion ensued with respect to this application, with Shawna to draft the drawings available for the Committee to view. It was response and forward suggested we provide written comments questioning whether to Pamela/Debi for or not this is in compliance with the Whitevale Heritage review Conservation District Guidelines. 5.3 Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2005-04 COUqS (Tillinqs) Ltd. Subdivision application received with respect to property composed of Part of Lot 20, Concession 3, with 108 units Linda to action proposed. Consensus of the Committee was to respond stating there is the potential of the property containing archeological artifacts. 5.4 Elections Pamela stepped down as Chair and turned the meeting over to the City Clerk, who called the meeting to order for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair. Moved by Shawna Foxton Seconded by Shirley Curran That Pamela Fuselli be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Pamela withdrew her nomination. Moved by Jim Simpson Seconded by Shirley Curran That Shawna Foxton be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Shawna withdrew her nomination. Moved by Shawna Foxton Seconded by Pamela Fuselli That Jim Simpson be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Jim withdrew his nomination. Moved by Theresa Abernethy Seconded by Shawna Foxton That Gordon Zimmerman be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Gordon withdrew his nomination. Discussion ensued on the time committment of this Committee and it was determined that a Chair and 2 Vice-Chairs would be the best approach for 2008. At this point, Pamela agreed to let her name stand for Chair, with the understanding that there may be times when she cannot attend the meetings. The City Clerk declared Pamela as the Chair of the Committee, based on a vote of the members present. Moved by Theresa Abernethy Seconded by Jim Simpson That Shawna Foxton be nominated for the position of Vice- Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Carried Moved by Shawna Foxton Seconded by Theresa Abernethy That Jim Simpson be nominated as the alternate Vice-Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Carried The City Clerk then turned over the meeting to Pamela Fuselli, Chair. 5.5 Community Heritaqe Ontario Community Heritage Ontario publication was received and copies were available to members. Page 6 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.6 Gordon Wilson Gordon Wilson, a Whitevale resident, appeared before the Committee with a draft proposal he had prepared with respect to public education. He advised the Committee that he has a large collection of heritage photos of homes in the Seaton area and would like to have them put into a presentation format to be set up on easels, etc. The approximate cost would be $1,500 - $2,000, providing some of the work could be done in- house. He indicated these displays could be placed for public viewing at the Heritage Day event, festivals, malls, or anywhere there is adequate space. He noted these displays would assist in helping the community better understand the unique architectural aspects of the properties. Discussion ensued with respect to this proposal. Pamela suggested this could be coordinated through the subcommittee on education. Gordon Wilson indicated he would be available to work with the members of the Committee on this. He will Debi to action also forward his proposal to Pamela. Oebi indicated she would inquire about the budget provisions and purchasing policy requirements. Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by Theresa Abernethy That the Committee concur with the delegation request for funding for educational purposes in principle, pending a review of the budget and purchasing policy. Carried 6.0 Next Meetinq Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Meeting adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228-2/02