HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 17, 2008 Cillf o~ Minutes WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE January 17, 2008 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan (attended for part of the meeting) Craig Bamford Jim Dike Pat Korol David Steele Kevin Tower Marla Shim Linda Roberts, (Recording Secretary) Regrets: Chandra Gocool Steve Holt David Stone Also Present: Professor Mathew Wells, University of Toronto Larry Field, TRCA Allan May, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Chris Walker, Ontario Power Generation Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Item I Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items I Status (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed eve one to the meetin 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the minutes of the November 21, 2007 meeting be approved. Carried Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item I Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 3.0 Professor Mathew Wells Re: Frenchman's Bav Study CORP0228-2/02 Professor Wells, University of Toronto appeared before the Committee and provided an update with respect to the Frenchman's Bay Study which was conducted in 2007. He provided handouts to the Committee. He outlined the findings in the report, providing an explanation of the various findings. A discussion session ensued, with Professor Wells present to answer questions. The following points were discussed: . Exchange flow and water level fluctuations . no oxygen in patches of water - dead fish on surface . distribution of salt in Bay - how much is entering the Bay . how long water stays in Bay . spray fountain - would this help put oxygen back in . if you can reduce the concentration of nutrients in the Bay, you can increase the rate of flushing out of the Bay . possible to calculate how long it would take to flush if we widened the Bay and would it make a difference- better to reduce nutrients entering the Bay . discussion on how best to help flush the Bay . worst water quality is in the North end of the Bay - this is where most of the nutrients and sediments are entering . siltation is a problem, lack of fish habitat . temperature differences . should look at Lake Ontario water quality better - make it flush around at the top - distribute better? . if we widen the entrance of the Bay, what is the impact on dredging costs? Would it help with flushing out? How wide does it need to go to have an impact . siltration from Lake Ontario into the Bay · flush & dilute - would this slow down siltation? . would increasing the depth allow for oxygen improvement It was questioned whether there were professionals we could contact to assist with the oxygen issue. The problem is not just water quality, but structural habitat for fish as well. Page 2 Action Items I Status (include deadline as aoorooriateJ Item I Ref # Details & Discussion&. Conclusion (summary of discussion) < Discussion ensued on how to connect the trails between the two spits, as this will impact on going forward. We need to consider both the trails and water quality. Mayor Ryan noted the need to look at all aspects of the waterfront and to take into account the water quality and the future of the trail system going right across and forming a link with neighbours to the east and west. Discussion ensued with respect to what the Committee needs to look at now: . entrance · health of the bay (include stormwater management plan) . trail system . should be a connection to east and west spit . long term planning of our options - decide what we can afford at the present time Stakeholders - to bring together ideas and financial realities, then bring forward recommendations to Council Discussion ensued with respect to the impact of the future plans for Seaton lands. What is the community benefit, water quality in Seaton Professor Wells noted that he hopes to pursue future studies in Frenchman's Bay. Moved by Craig Bamford Seconded by Jim Dike 1. That the report from Professor Wells entitled "Residence timescales and the underlying hydrodynamic processes in Frenchman's Bay, a Lake Ontario coastal embayment" be received for information; 2. That the City Clerk be required to send a letter of appreciation to Professor Wells for the work completed to date; and 3. That a copy of the report be sent to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Ontario Power Generation. Carried Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Action Items I Status (include deadline as aoorooriateJ Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & " (summary of discussion) . . 4.0 Frenchman's Bay Master Plan CORP0228-2/02 Councillor O'Connell provided a brief overview of the Frenchman's Bay Master Plan and explained that the City needs an official position of the Waterfront Committee for report purposes. Councillor O'Connell welcomed Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering to the meeting and opened the floor for discussion. Discussion ensued with respect to Federal and Provincial issues relating to this and the following points being made: . mandate of the Ministry - cannot impede fish passage . cannot cut off watershed to fisheries, would need to compensate elsewhere . north and southwest areas are significant wetland - major policy issue . limited on what can be done due to these restraints . lots of detail work to be done . imperative to continue with minor work on a regular basis in order to see significant changes . maximize fish habitat and regenerate at minimal cost . ensure good flow through Crosno Creek . look at options for Monarch Trail . possible education centre at the head of the Bay It was questioned what was proposed on the north side of Krosno Boulevard at the parkette. It was also questioned whether the study had taken into account what has been completed with the bridge. Richard explained how the different projects will work and the processes and approvals involved. Larry Field (TRCA) suggested that the Committee look at what Council had already endorsed with respect to the Waterfront. The layout of this is available at the Pickering Civic Complex. Page 4 Action Items / Status (include deadline as afJfJrootiateJ Item / Details · & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary ofdiscussion) Status (include d(Jadline appropriate) 5.0 Other Business 5.1 Jim Dike offered the use of his runabout this Spring to take the members around the Bay in order to get a different perspective of the Waterfront. 5.2 Councillor O'Connell informed the Committee that she had received a request from a resident on Elvira Court to widen the sidewalk due to safety concerns with residents using the trail. 5.3 Craig Bamford complimented the City for the work done on the signs in Petticoat Creek area. 5.4 Approval of the 2008 meeting schedule: Moved by Jim Dike Seconded by Kevin Tower That the 2008 Meeting Schedule be approved, save and except the March date changed to March 20th, 2008. Carried 6.0 Next Meeting: February 21,2008 Main Committee Room 7:00 pm Meeting Adjourned 9:10 pm Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 5 CORP0228-2/02