HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 11, 2008 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 11,2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley (I) DELEGATIONS 1. Grant Morris On Behalf of Christopher Trzcinski Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-08 Re: Request to Amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law 2. Natalie Karvonen, Executive Director Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 06-08 Re: Toronto Wildlife Centre Request for Grant (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-08 Request to Amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law - Grant Morris Associates Ltd on Behalf of Christopher Trzcinski - 1630 Bayly Street. Pickerinq 1-8 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 01-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the request from Grant Morris Associates Limited, on behalf of Christopher Trzcinski, to amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law 6649/06 to increase the maximum number of body-rub parlour licenses to 4 be denied; and 3. That the City Clerk be directed to forward a copy of Report CS 01-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to Grant Morris Associates Limited. 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 06-08 Request for 2008 Grant Toronto Wildlife Centre 9-16 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 06-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 11,2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 2. That a grant in the amount of $6,500. to the Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) be endorsed and that this amount be included in the 2008 draft grant budget (2195.2570). 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 04-08 Reduced Load Highways - Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parkinq By-law 6604/05 17 -23 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 04-08 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. 4. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 02-08 24-45 Updated Boulevard and Clean & Clear By-laws and Amendment to Traffic & Parkinq By-law RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 02-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft by-laws included as Attachments 1, 2 & 3 providing regulations for boulevard maintenance, requirements to clean & clear properties, and an amendment to the Traffic & Parking By-law regulating obstructions such as basketball nets and shopping carts left on City roads and boulevards, be adopted; and, 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 11, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 5. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-08 Updated Noise Control By-law 46-54 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 03-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft Noise Control By-law, included as Attachment 1, providing regulations for noise within the City of Pickering, be enacted; and, 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 04-08 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adiustment to Taxes 55-57 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 04-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 05-08 Corporate Records Retention By-law 58-126 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 05-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That By-law 737/77, be repealed and the draft Records Retention By-law attached to Report, CS 05 -08 be approved and enacted; and, 3. That the City Clerk forward the approved by-law to the City's Auditors, Deloitte and Touche LLP, for certification. Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 11, 2008 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 8. Director, Office of Sustainability, Report OS 01-08 Sustainable Pickering Update and 2008 Work Proqram 127-135 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OS 01-08 of the Director, Office of Sustainability, providing an update on the Sustainable Pickering initiative and 2008 work program be received; 2. That Council authorize staff and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee to continue to work on the City's Sustainable Pickering initiative as outlined in this report, with the continued assistance in 2008 of Durham Sustain Ability; and 3. That Council agree to the City's participation in "Earth Hour" on March 29, 2008 between 8:00 and 9:00 pm, and that all residents, business and institutions within the City be challenged to also participate, and furthermore, that the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee and staff be authorized to take the appropriate actions to engage the City and community in this event. (III) OTHER BUSINESS (IV) ADJOURNMENT CiUI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 , . {11 U' From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Request to Amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law Grant Morris Associates Ltd on Behalf of Christopher Trzcinski 1630 Bayly Street, Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 01-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the request from Grant Morris Associates Limited, on behalf of Christopher Trzcinski, to amend the Body Rub Parlour By-law 6649/06 to increase the maximum number of body-rub parlour licenses to 4 be denied; and 3. That the City Clerk be directed to forward a copy of Report CS 01-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to Grant Morris Associates Limited. Executive Summary: The City Clerk has received correspondence dated October 9, 2007 from Grant Morris Associates Ltd. with respect to a request to amend By-law 6649/06 to increase the maximum number of body-rub parlour licenses to 4 from the existing 3 within the by- law. A report was subsequently prepared, however, based on a request of the applicant, the matter was deferred to early 2008. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications at this time. Sustainability Implications: There are no sustainability implications. Report CS 01-08 Subject: Request to Amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law Dj Date: February 11, 2008 Page 2 I tl t Background: By-law 6649/06 provides for the licensing, regulating and governing of body-rub parlours within the City of Pickering, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act. In 2005, there was an extensive review of the existing body rub parlour by-law, which included detailed discussions with interested parties, such as the Durham Regional Police Service and two public meetings on the by-law review. Based on the public consultation and review, By-law 6649/06 was passed, which included a provision for three body-rub parlour licenses. During the public consultation and review of the body-rub parlour by-law, it was determined that three licenses was appropriate for the City due to the extensive administrative and enforcement requirements related to body rub parlour licensing. Body Rub Parlours have a substantial turn over in staff and licensing all owners, operators and attendants requires a significant amount of staff resources. Inspections must also be coordinated with the Durham Regional Police Service in order to ensure Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer safety. It was also noted during this discussion that when the by-law was reviewed in the future, that the schedule defining the area that permitted body rub parlours may operate should be re-evaluated in order to ensure that operations of this nature did not front on a major arterial highway. Grant Morris Associates Limited is acting on behalf of Mr. Christopher Trzcinski, owner of 1630 Bayly Street, who wishes to pursue a body rub parlour license for this subject property. At present, there are three available licenses in accordance with the by-law. The licenses have been issued to Pickering Angels (905 Dillingham Road, Unit 3-4), Pickering Spa (1050 Brock Road, Unit 25) and Aristocrats Health Spa (1895 Clements Road, Unit 161). In 2007, it was a relatively quiet period for enforcement as two of the three licensed body rub parlours have experienced issues which have prohibited them from operating. Pickering Spa had building permit issues which had prohibited them from operation and Aristocrats Health Spa was shut down due to the large methadone fire at 1895 Clements Road. Pickering Angels was given approval to enlarge their facility in early 2007, and a building permit has been issued in this regard. All three existing licensed body-rub parlour operations have renewed their licences for 2008 and in discussions with the Planning and Development Department, building renovations are progressing for both the Pickering Angels and Aristocrats Health Spa. As the Body Rub Parlour by-law underwent an extensive consultative period and review in 2006, staff are of the opinion that no further licences should be issued at this time. It should be noted that all regulatory by-laws are reviewed every five years by City staff as part of our process improvement initiatives, and this by-law will be no exception. Attachments: 1. Correspondence dated October 9, 2007 from Grant Morris Associates Ltd. Report CS 01-08 Subject: Request to Amend Body-Rub Parlour By-law Date: February 11, 2008 Page 3 Prepared By: ~~ 'm)_:iJ(I~ Debi A. Wilcox City Clerk Attachment DW/lr .0 I. Approved I Endorsed By: ~~~ ..--..-...-.. "'--"-'-""'"-----",=- . -~-:) ---, .... .. --.~:_~ . . -';- --~ --------- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ,~~, L Thomas J. Quinn, RDMR., CMM III / Chief Administrative Officer -i'?..~_1 -.'lff . ~.Ol-O!S flJi7hn" WIIH,IJ . TOWN PLANNING · ARBITRATION · LAND MANAGEMENT · INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Cl /1 CANADA · USA · CARRIBBEAN GST N!l R1304-7754 File No. CT.02 2007 1009 Debi Bentley Clerk City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 1E6 Ct Re: Request to amend Municipal By-law 6649/06 to provide for a maximum of four licenses to be issued for body rub parlours in the City of Pickering Dear Madam: 1.0 Retainer: Christopher Trzcinski is the owner of 1630 Bayly Street in the City of Pickering. Mr. Trzcinski has engaged the services of my company, Grant Morris Associates Ltd., to pursue a body rub parlour license at 1630 Bayly Street. 2.0 Location: 1630 Bayly Street has a free standing structure which was used many years agQ for residential purposes. With the advance of commercial development in the area, this house was converted into a credit union about 15 years ago. Today there are no residential uses within close proximity of the site. Hence, the site with its small parking lot makes it suitable for a ORI .,INAL - ~ parlour use. T:".Q.~_ DW cOP\' A . ~ TO: . All, .s c> n 3.0 The Issue: k. . IkoiV\ 6D r'\ At the time of my client's application to amend the zoning by-l w a body rub parlour as a permitted use, the municipal by-law re rub establishments, No. 5764/00, in the City defined the area AJov I q I or (~ol2J2.. CORR. J<EFEJc_ To Cy. COIM P I/<'...Ec TOR. CS-:$;- 10 TAKEAPPR.AcnoN I SPECIALIZED PLANNIG & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SERV C FlU! 397 Sheooard Ave.. Pickerino. Ontario. Canada L 1 V 1 E6 · Tel: Office/Fax (905) 420-3990 · Email: orant.morris@rooers.com Debi Bentley, Clerk . " establishments may be permitted to operate but the by-law did not limit the 0 :' number of licenses that could be issued by the City. Council also had before it two amending zoning by-law applications to permit body rub parlours, one at 1630 Bayly Street and the other at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road, when it passed By-law 6649/06 limiting the number of licenses for such a use in the City to three (3). The events and the manoeuvring which unfolded were unprecedented, resulting in my client having a legal body rub parlour use for its premises with no licensing opportunity. 4.0 Back!!round: In support of my request to Council, on behalf of my client, it is necessary to set out the background to this issue. Prior to October 16th, 2000, body rub parlours in the City were not limited to a defined area. With the passage of Municipal By-law 5764/00 on October 16th, 2000, however, the defined area where body rub parlours could locate was established and the need to obtain a license for such use was also established. Council, in recognition of the existing body rub parlours within its corporate limits, provided those existing body rub parlours an opportunity to be licensed but gave them until the end of 2005 to locate to the defined area. 1430658 Ontario Ltd. (Pickering Spa) was already operating outside the defined area and sought to move its operation within the defined area at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road. To do this, on July 25th, 2005, Pickering Spa applied to the City for an amendment to By-law 2511 to allow a body rub parlour as a permitted use at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road. At the public meeting held on January 19th, 2006, the applicant indicated that it was planning to serve men, women and children, contrary to the body rub parlour by-laws which define the industry as adult entertainment for 18 years and over. I understand that objections were received for this application from the public, plaza tenants and neighbouring businesses. On April3rd, 2006, Council denied the application, resulting in the matter being appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board on April 215\ 2006. 2 Debi Bentley, Clerk 06 Also, on December 19t\ 2005, my client applied to the City of Pickering for an amendment to By-law 2511 to permit a body rub parlour at its premises at 1630 Bayly Street. At the public information meeting held on March 23rd, 2006, no one appeared in opposition and no written comments opposing the application were received from residents or from any agencies. As a result, Council passed By-law 6673/06 on June 5th, 2006. Council's decision was appealed to the OMB by the owners of the Pickering Spa (Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road). 5.0 Hearine of the Appeals by the OMB and Decision: The Board heard the appeal against the Pickering Spa amending by-law on August 8th, 2006. The Board's decision allowed the appeal thereby paving the way for a body rub parlour use at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road. Given the Board's decision, Pickering Spa moved quickly and applied for a license which City Staff was compelled to issue. Since this was the only available license, Pickering Spa vacated its objection to 1630 Bayly Street application leaving only the appeal by Dr. Martin of the Safeway Worship Centre to be heard by the Board. It is interesting to note that the Safeway Worship Centre is located adjacent to the proposed Pickering Spa body rub parlour, yet Dr. Martin did not object to its use. On April 12th, 2007, the Board heard the appeal against the proposed body rub parlour use at 1630 Bayly Street and dismissed the appeal. The Board found that there were no valid planning grounds for the appeal. The Board Order No. 1138 confirmed its decision thereby affirming the approval of By- law 6673/06 which permits a body rub parlour use at 1630 Bayly Street. 6.0 Municipal Bv-Iaw Amendment 6649/06: It is crucial to note that Council had before it two by-law amendments for body rub parlour use when it passed Municipal By-law 6649/06 in April, 2006. This by-law provided for body rub parlours in the City to be licensed and limited the number of such establishments to three (3). It was evident from the passing of By-law 6649/06 that Council intended to limit the number of body rub parlours that could operate in the City, provided they are located within the defined area as set out in By-law 6649/06. 3 Debi Bentley, Clerk 7.0 Intent of Council: Cl 'I' It is also clear from Council's decision to pass By-law 6673/06 (my client's amending by-law) while denying Pickering Spa's amending by-law, that Council intended that the third license would have been given to my client. However, the Board's decision to approve the Pickering Spa amending by- law pre-empted Council's decision, resulting in Staff having no choice but to award the third and only remaining available license to the Pickering Spa at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road. It is also clear from the Staff recommendations and the decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board that both locations for body rub parlour uses are permitted by the Regional Official Plan and the City of Pickering Official Plan and are within the defmed area of By-law 6649/06 which sets out where body rub parlours can be located in the City. 8.0 Request of Council: The question here is not whether the use is permitted or the morality of the use, hut the manner in which the use can he implemented. My client's application followed the proper by-law amendment process, was passed by Council and the appeal was dismissed by the Ontario Municipal Board, thereby confirming Council's decision. Having said this, we must also recognize that the Pickering Spa followed the proper planning process to achieve its body rub parlour use and license at Unit 25, 1050 Brock Road. As a Planner, I have a responsibility to support the planning process and to find ways to resolve issues which threaten the integrity of said process. In fairness to my client and because of the events which unfolded were beyond his control and given that my client went through the proper planning process resulting in the by-law being legally amended to permit a body rub parlour use at 1630 Bayly Street and given that my client has been working with Staff for site plan approval and has expended monies in this respect and given that my client has been paying taxes, mortgage and insurance on the property which has remained vacant for over two years, I believe that Council has a responsibility to assist in the resolution of this unforeseen situation. 4 Debi Bentley, Clerk Ln. (; 1;< ) " I therefore respectfully ask that Council amend Municipal By-law 6649/06 to providefor a ma.:y:imum offour (4) licenses to be issued for body rub parlours in the City of Pickering instead of three (3). This, in my view, would be a fair way of resolving the issue under the circumstances. If required, I shall be available to make a presentation to Council. Yours very truly ~ Grant Morris Planning Consultant c.c. Mayor Dave Ryan Bonnie Littley, Regional Councillor Ward 1 Bill McLean, Regional Councillor Ward 2 Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor Ward 3 Jennifer O'Connell, City Councillor Ward 1 Doug Dickerson, City Councillor Ward 2 David Pickles, City Councillor Ward 3 5 REPORT CS 06-08 WAS PULLED BY THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER CiUI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 04-08 Date: February 11, 2008 1 ., I From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Reduced Load Highways Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 04-08 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Executive Summary: The authority for the enactment of a reduced load period is derived from the Highway Traffic Act. The intent of the reduced load designation is to limit the maximum vehicular loads on municipal roads which have not been constructed to a standard sufficient to accommodate heavy loads. This is for the protection of those roads from deterioration as a result of spring excess groundwater and intermittent freeze/thaw cycle conditions. The reduced load period is from March 1 to April 30 every year. The amendment as proposed via this report: . serves as an update to the existing by-law and, . re-establishes the reduced load designation from portions of Sandy Beach Road as previously removed to allow for specific construction works which could not be achieved expeditiously under reduced load period conditions and which no longer apply. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications of the passing of the By- law as the City has sufficient signs in stock. Report OES 04-08 February 11, 2008 Subject: Reduced Load Highways 1)1 Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 I '. Page 2 Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented to staff and the recommendations as generated by staff are relevant to the social and economic lenses of sustainability by addressing traffic operations and their impacts on municipal infrastructure (roadway) management and preservation. Background: The Highway Traffic Act, Section 122 allows municipalities and authorities having jurisdiction over highways to designate by by-law reduced load periods and the highways or portion of highways thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies. The City of Pickering's by-law stipulates the reduced load period as March 1 to April 30 every year. Via this update, staff propose to reinstate the temporary removal of the reduced load period designation from portions of Sandy Beach Road from March and April 2007 as the work has been completed. Also, due to the construction/expansion of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, certain roads within the Squires Beach area no longer exist and as such are hereby removed from the municipal by-law. Attachments: 1. Draft By-law Amendments Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: " 'l I f / / I L,. L' Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services 1 "-~''-.... .,~ .! J ,f , ,. .::.' "I' ilt ( id 1!J t I--Cr ,{ /"-,-:..'>0 Rt~ard W.l!6lborn, P. Eng .EJivision Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Report OES 04-08 February 11, 2008 '10 Subject: Reduced Load Highways Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 Page 3 RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City rtmci d r/ I / ,...., _j~,f;5, oL/-ol1 ~ .f) L~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. /08 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to update the reduced load restrictions on municipal highways provision of the municipal traffic by-law. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 12 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 12 REDUCED LOAD HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 HIGHWAY LIMITS (FROM/TO) AMENDING BY-LAW NO. DELETE Conmara Avenue Full limit Ingrid Road Full limit Jodrel Road Full limit Sandra Drive Full limit if , ,QQ-04--O& By-law No. tL ~ Page 2 f", /. Montgomery Park Road Susan Drive to Jodrel Road Susan Drive Full limit ADD Sandy Beach Road Bayly Street (Regional Road 22) to Montgomery Park Road 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2008. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk :") r, !~ ,;" BY-LAW NO. /08 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to update the reduced load restrictions on municipal highways provision of the municipal traffic by-law. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 12 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 12 REDUCED LOAD HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 HIGHWAY LIMITS (FROM/TO) AMENDING BY-LAW NO. DELETE Conmara Avenue Full limit Ingrid Road Full limit Jodrel Road Full limit Sandra Drive Full limit By-law No. Page 2: Montgomery Park Road Susan Drive to Jodrel Road I) -" / I", t... . Susan Drive Full limit ADD Sandy Beach Road Bayly Street (Regional Road 22) to Montgomery Park Road 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2008. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk CiUI 0# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE n " lii Report Number: CS 02-08 Date: February 11, 2008 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Updated Boulevard and Clean & Clear By-laws and Amendment to Traffic & Parking By-law File: A-2130-002-07 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 02-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft by-laws included as Attachments 1, 2 & 3 providing regulations for boulevard maintenance, requirements to clean & clear properties, and an amendment to the Traffic & Parking By-law regulating obstructions such as basketball nets and shopping carts left on City roads and boulevards, be adopted; and 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the review of all municipal regulatory by-laws, Municipal Law Enforcement Services has prepared revised by-laws regulating boulevard maintenance, requirements to clean & clear properties, and obstructions such as basketball nets and shopping carts left on City roads and boulevards. These draft by-laws deal with issues which were previously not addressed in existing by-laws, such as requirements for adjacent property owners to maintain boulevard grass, fixture owners to remove graffiti from boulevard fixtures, regulations for donation boxes and the ability to recover costs for the removal of obstructions left on City boulevards and roads such as shopping carts and basketball nets. They also update all provisions to reflect current legislation and enforcement processes. An extensive consultation process was undertaken with Municipal Property & Engineering and Planning & Development staff, as well as the City Solicitor to ensure a comprehensive review of all issues was completed. The draft by-laws attached have addressed the requirements of all Divisions. Report CS 02-08 February 11, 2008 Subject: Updated Boulevard and Clean & Clear By-laws and Amendment to Traffic & Parking By-law Page 2 r; r L Financial Implications: The Boulevard Maintenance By-law provides for the recovery of costs incurred by the City in situations where work has been completed by the City which should have been done by the adjacent property owner or fixture owner. The amendment to the Traffic & Parking By-law will allow for the recovery of costs incurred by the City for the removal of shopping carts and basketball or hockey nets from municipal roads or boulevards. A fee will be charged to the owner for return of the items left on the City's property. Sustainability Implications: The Boulevard Maintenance By-law provides clear prohibitions regarding the removal of City trees from the boulevard and the alteration of the boulevard to increase parking surfaces. It also provides requirements for fixture owners (such as Bell, Veridian, and Rogers) to maintain their equipment free from damage, including graffiti. These provisions are in keeping with the principles of sustainability by supporting a healthy community and protecting the environment. Background: As part of the ongoing review of all regulatory by-laws, and to address issues which currently cannot be resolved utilizing existing by-laws, the draft by-laws attached incorporate legislative changes and correct deficiencies which were previously not dealt with. The repeal of existing Boulevard By-law 4272/72, and the existing Clean & Clear By-law 6169/03 will be required. Key highlights of each by-law are as follows: Boulevard Maintenance: · Clear guidelines as to permitted landscaping · Clear prohibitions regarding tree removal, fencing, and alterations to create additional parking areas · Requirements for adjacent property owners to cut grass and remove garbage and debris · Prohibition of obstructions such as basketball nets, left unattended · Requirements of fixture owners such as Bell, Veridian & Rogers to maintain their equipment free from damage, including graffiti · Enforcement processes to issue orders to remedy contraventions or charge for work completed by the City Traffic & Parking By-law Amendment: · Prohibits obstructions such as basketball nets on City streets · Provides the ability to recover costs for removal should the owner fail to remove upon request · Provides for cost recovery for the return of shopping carts left on City streets CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 02-08 February 11, 2008 Subject: 2c Updated Boulevard and Clean & Clear By-laws and Amendment to Traffic & Parking By-law Page 3 Clean & Clear By-law: · Updates previous by-law and adds restrictions for donation boxes, limiting to properties with commercial zoning and prohibiting any items to be left in the area surrounding the donation box. · Provides the ability to issue a notice to property owner for any contraventions, and if not resolved by compliance date have cleared up by City's contractor with costs billed to property owner Attachments: 1. Boulevard Maintenance By-law 2. Clean & Clear By-law 3. Amendment to Traffic & Parking By-law Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~ bh'.~ . ~~1 Debi Wilcox City Clerk /'~'7 --""~ '-- -=::;:' ~~~ :~ '<~-~~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City.Council ~/ / ,/ ~ ,,, CORP0227-07/01 revised A1TACHlVIENT-,;_~TO REPORT# C S (}9-c'8 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 27 BY-LAW NO. _108 A by-law to regulate the maintenance and use of boulevards L ,{j WHEREAS paragraph 1 of subsection 11 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may pass by-laws respecting highways under its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering deems it necessary to regulate the maintenance and use of the boulevard portion of highways under its jurisdiction. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: PART I - INTERPRETATION Definitions 1. In this by-law, (a) "boulevard" means all parts of a highway including the sidewalk, but excluding the roadway and shoulder; (b) "City" means the geographical area of the City of Pickering or the Corporation of the City of Pickering, as the context requires; (c) "Director" means the City's Director, Operations & Emergency Services or a designate; (d) "erect" includes display, attach, affix, post, alter, construct, place, locate, install, relocate and maintain; (e) "occupier" means a lessee, tenant, mortgagee in possession or any other person'who appears to have care and control of any property; (f) "owner" the person identified in the most recent tax roll as the owner of any property; (g) "highway" has the same meaning as in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act and includes unopened and unassumed road allowances; (h) "officer" means a municipal law enforcement officer appointed by the City to enforce the City's by-laws; CORP0223-07/01 ..,.~.,..~'"'~~-_. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 2 2H (i) "order" means an order issued by an officer under subsection 28(1); U) "person" includes a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; (k) "plantings" means vegetation of any kind including hedges, shrubs and flowers, but does not include trees; (I) "property" means any land, including the buildings and structures on the land; (m) "refuse or debris" includes garbage or rubbish of any kind and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes a vehicle that appears by reason of its appearance, mechanical condition or lack of current licence plates to be inoperative, inoperative mechanical equipment, automotive and mechanical parts, appliances, furnaces, heater or fuel tanks, disused furniture, table waste, paper, cartons, crockery, glassware, cans, garden refuse, earth or rock fill, old or decayed lumber, material from construction or demolition projects, and old clothing; and (n) "utility" includes underground pipes, wires and conduits utility poles, light standards and overhead wires, water shut off valves and hydrants, road pavements, curbs and drainage ditches. References to Legislation 2. In this by-law, reference to any Act, regulation or by-law is reference to that Act, regulation or by-law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. Word Usage 3. This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 4. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. Construction 5. Schedule "A" (TREES) and Schedules "81" and "B2" (FEES) are attached to and form part of this by-law. 6. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to Parts, sections and schedules are to Parts, sections and schedules in this by-law. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 3 Severability ') Q L 7. Each section of this by-law is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part of any section of this by-law to be void or ineffective for any reason shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other section or parts of sections of this by-law. Application 8. This by-law shall apply to all highways under the jurisdiction of the City. PART 11- BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE Permitted Activity 9. Except as set out in this by-law, an owner or occupier may sod or landscape the boulevard abutting their property. Standards 10. No owner or occupier shall maintain the boulevard abutting their property other than in accordance with the following standards: (1) No plantings shall be permitted, (a) within 0.6 metres of a sidewalk; (b) within 1.8 metres of the curb where no sidewalk exists; or (c) within 1.5 metres of the top of the bank of a roadside ditch. (2) No plantings shall exceed 1.0 metres above the grade of the boulevard. (3) No plantings shall be permitted in a location that may, in the opinion of the Director, impede or block access to any sidewalk or utility or interfere with snow removal. (4) No plantings shall be permitted in a location that may, in the opinion of the Director, create a traffic safety issue. (5) Nothing that is protruding, sharp or dangerous in any way or which may injure any person shall be permitted. (6) No grasses or weeds shall exceed a height of 15 centimetres. (7) No rocks, bricks, concrete slabs or other large objects shall be permitted. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/OB Page 4 3(' , l: (B) Subject to section 32, no light fixtures, pillars, signage or similar objects shall be permitted. General Prohibitions 11. (1) (2) 12. (1) In this section, "fence" includes posts, walls and any similar structure. No person shall erect a fence within a boulevard. In this section, "hard surface" means asphalt, concrete, interlocking brick or block, crushed or solid stone, gravel, slag, ground asphalt, wood or any other non-porous material. (2) No person shall alter a boulevard by adding or maintaining any hard surface material without prior approval from the City. 13. No person shall throw, place or deposit any refuse or debris on any boulevard. 14. No owner or occupier shall permit any refuse or debris to be deposited on the boulevard abutting his property. 15. Every owner and occupier shall remove all refuse or debris from the boulevard abutting his property. 16. No owner or occupier shall place or deposit or permit to be place or deposited any fill in a road ditch or drainage course located within a boulevard abutting his property. 17. (1) In this section, "obstruction" means any basketball net, hockey net, skateboard ramp or any other object that interferes with the safe movement of pedestrians or vehicles. (2) No person shall leave unattended any obstruction on any boulevard. (3) 1B. (1) No person shall permanently erect any obstruction within a boulevard. In this section, (a) "fixture" means any structure that the City permits to be located within a boulevard including a utility box, newspaper vending box, bench, transit shelter, telephone box, telephone booth, transformer box or vault, telephone pole, hydro pole, streetlight, stoplight pole, recycling waste module, mailbox, and street sign; and (b) "damage" includes defacing, tagging and placing graffiti. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 5 7, '1 oJ (2) No person shall remove, cut down, damage or destroy any fixture, grass, plantings, sidewalk or other improvements on any boulevard other than in accordance with Part III or Part IV. (3) Every fixture owner shall maintain its fixtures in a condition that is free of damage. Utilities 19. The owner or occupier of property abutting a boulevard shall remove any plantings located within the boulevard at their own expense upon 10 days notice from the City (except in cases of emergency) if such removal is considered necessary by the City for the installation, repair or maintenance of any utility or for the maintenance of sight lines or if the plantings interfere with the use of the utility. Emergencies 20. In the event of an emergency, the City may remove any plantings located within a boulevard without notice or compensation to the owners or occupiers of property abutting the boulevard. PART III - TREES Tree Planting 21. (1 ) No person shall plant any tree within a boulevard without prior approval from the Director. (2) Any owner may request permission to plant a tree in a boulevard abutting their property. Any such request shall be submitted to the Director in writing. (3) When considering a request to plant a tree within a boulevard, the Director shall give preference to the species of deciduous tree listed in Table 1 of Schedule "A" except where height restrictions exist due to power lines or other overhead obstructions. Where height restrictions exist, the Director shall give preference to the species of deciduous tree listed in Table 2 of Schedule "A". (4) No person shall plant or maintain a coniferous tree or a deciduous tree of a species listed in Table 3 of Schedule "A" within a boulevard. Tree Removal 22. (1 ) In this section, "City tree" means a tree planted by or at the request of the City. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXXl08 Page 6 "7 r) " / J ,. (2) Any owner may request that the City remove or prune a City tree located in a boulevard abutting their property. Any such request shall be submitted to the Director in writing. (3) Requests for the removal or pruning of a City tree shall only be approved if, in the opinion of the Director, the removal or pruning of the City tree is necessary for safety, the health of the City tree or any other public purpose. (4) Any tree removal or pruning of a City tree shall be at the expense of the City. PART IV - BOULEVARD WORKS Driveway Entrances 23. (1) No person shall alter a driveway entrance within a highway that has not been assumed by the City without the approval of the City's Director, Planning & Development or a designate. (2) Fees for works that alter a driveway entrance within a highway that has not been assumed by the City shall be as set out in Schedule "B 1 ". 24. (1) Subject to section 25, no person shall alter a driveway entrance within a highway that has been assumed by the City without the approval of the Director. (2) Fees for works that alter a driveway entrance within a highway that has been assumed by the City shall be as set out in Schedule "82". 25. No person shall alter a driveway entrance within any City highway as part of any construction undertaken under a building permit without the approval of the City's Director, Planning & Development or a designate. Damage Deposits 26. All persons applying to the City for a permit to construct or demolish a building, install site services or install an inground swimming pool enclosure shall be required to deposit with the City the amount set out in Schedule "82" to cover the cost of any damage that may be caused to the boulevard as a result of the construction or demolition. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXXl08 Page 7 f --:. ~) ,," PART V - ENFORCEMENT 27. An officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any land for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this by- law have been complied with. Order to Comply 28. (1) Where an officer is satisfied that there has been a contravention of any provision of this by-law, the officer may issue an order requiring the owner or occupier of the property abutting the boulevard on which the contravention has occurred or the owner of the fixture to do work to correct the contravention. (2) An order shall set out, (a) reasonable particulars of the contravention; (b) the location of the property or the fixture; (c) the general nature of work required to be done to correct the contravention; and (d) the date by which the work must be done. (3) An order may be served by, (a) personally delivering it to the owner or occupier; (b) sending it by registered mail to the owner at the address of the owner shown on the last revised assessment roll for the property or the last known address of the owner; or (c) sending it by registered mail to the occupier at the last known address of the occupier. (4) An order may be served on an owner of a fixture by, (a) personally delivering it to the owner; or (b) sending it by registered mail to the owner's registered head office. (5) If the address of an occupier is unknown or the City is unable to effect service on the owner or occupier in accordance with subsection (3), a placard setting out the terms of the order may be placed in a conspicuous place on or near the owner's or occupier's property. ---""~- ...\\\~ Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 8 7, ,~ (6) ~j Service of an order under this section shall be deemed to have been effected on the date that it is delivered personally, three days after it was mailed, or the date that it is posted on the property as the case may be. 29. No person shall fail to comply with an order. Remedial Action 30. (1) Where an order has been issued and compliance has not been achieved by the date specified in the order, the City may cause the work set out in the order to be done. (2) The City may recover the costs of doing any work undertaken pursuant to subsection (1), together with an administration charge equal to 25% of such costs, from the person required to do it by action or by adding the costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. Penalties 31. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act. PART VI - GENERAL Exemptions 32. This by-law shall not be interpreted as preventing or prohibiting, (a) the placement or erection of signs in compliance with the City and Regional sign by-laws; (b) the creation and use of a driveway apron that has been approved by the City; (c) the creation and use of hard surfaced materials in locations that have been approved by the City; (d) the temporary placement of refuse or debris for collection in compliance with the standards of the City's Waste Management By-law No. 6283/04; or (e) the placement of fixtures or other structures placed or utilized by the City, The Regional Municipality of Durham, Durham Region Transit, GO Transit, a utility company, Canada Post, or newspaper boxes in locations approved by the City. Boulevard By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 9 Short Title 2 C 1 '--,/ '<, 33. This by-law may be referred to as the "Boulevard By-law". Repeal 34. By-law No. 4272/72 is repealed. Effective Date 35. This by-law comes into effect on the date of its passing. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this _ day of ,2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk 7, f., ....,1 \. SCHEDULE "A" TREE PLANTING IN THE MUNICIPAL BOULEVARD Table 1 . Preferred Trees BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME ---- Acer freemanii "Autumn Blaze" Autumn Blaze Maple Acer saccharum "Green Mountain" Green Mountain Sugar Maple Acer saccharum "Legacy" Legacy Sugar Mountain Acer saccharum "Silver Queen" Silver Queen Maple Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree Gleditsia triacanthos "Shademaster" Shademaster Honey Locust Gymnocladus dioicus Kentucky Coffee Tree Platanus acerfolia "Bloodgood" Bloodgood London Planetree Pyrus calleryana "Bradford" Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana "Chanticleer" Chanticleer Pear Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak Quercus macrocarpa Burr Oak Table 2 - Preferred Trees (where height restrictions exist) BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Acer campestre Hedge Maple Acer ginnala "standard" Amur Maple Crataegus crusgalli "Inermis" Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn Prunus cerasifera "Newport" Newport Flowering Plum Syringa reticulata "Ivory Silk" Ivory Silk Lilac Table 3 . Prohibited Trees BOTANICAL NAME SPECIES . COMMON NAME Acer Negundo Manitoba Maple Ailanthus Altissima Tree of Heaven Betula All Species Birch Malus All Species Crab-apple Populus All Species Poplar Salix All Species Willow Sorbus Aucuparia All Species European Mountain Ash Ulmus Americana American Elm Ulmus Pumila Siberian Elm CORP0223-07/01 ~ -t~_-,.,,,,,",,---_,,-,,-_,_,,,_,,,,,_, -z 7 .=) -' SCHEDULE "B1" PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Boulevard Work Fee -- f--- Curb cut - new development not assumed $36/metre by municipality Minimum Charge is $198 Newspaper box pad permit application $50/box Newspaper box installation $250 - $500/box Newspaper box annual maintenance $15/box Boulevard Work Damage Deposit Swimming Pool Enclosure $500 Water/Sewer Connection $500 Residential Building or Demolition Permit - Rural $1,500 - Urban $2,000 Non-Residential Building $2,000 - $5,000 CORP0223-07/01 ,,-_...&.-.......--."'''-.'''''''''",',-'''''~"'~A.~. 3F SCHEDULE "B2" MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Boulevard Work Fee Driveway entrance curb cut $36/metre Minimum Charge is $198 Cost recovery of damages to City owned Actual costs plus administrative fee (15%) property Driveway entrance 9 metres x 400 $1,405 millimetres Driveway entrance 9 metres to 15 metres $1,405 Plus $155 per metre in excess of 9 metres Plus $40 per coupler when required Driveway entrance extension of existing $155 per metre culvert Plus $40 per coupler Minimum charge is $195 Driveway entrance, culvert other than as Contract cost described above (time & material) Commemorative tree and plaque $500 Commemorative bench and plaque $1,000 CORP0223-07/01 l I ATTACHMENT ,~ 10 REPORT' ~;f h THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 7 (" ,,,) ~.) BY-LAW NO. 108 A by-law to require owners and occupiers of land to clean and clear the land WHEREAS section 127 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c.25 provides that a local municipality may require the owner or occupier of land to clean and clear the land, not including buildings, or to clear refuse or debris from the land, not including buildings; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering deems it necessary to regulate when and how the cleaning and clearing of land within the City shall be done. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PART I-INTERPRETATION Definitions 1. In this by-law, (a) "City" means the Corporation of the City of Pickering or the geographic area of the City of Pickering, as the context requires; (b) "occupier" includes a lessee, tenant, mortgagee in possession or any other person in possession of any premises; (c) "officer" means a municipal by-law enforcement officer appointed by the City; (d) "order" means an order issued by an officer under subsection 15(1); (e) "owner" means the person identified in the most recent tax roll as the owner of any premises; (f) "person" includes a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; (g) "premises" means any grounds, yard, parking lot, vacant land or other parcel of land not including any buildings; and Clean and Clear By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 2 4 [\ (h) "refuse or debris" includes garbage or rubbish of any kind and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes a vehicle that appears by reason of its appearance, mechanical condition or lack of current licence plates to be inoperative, inoperative mechanical equipment, automotive and mechanical parts, appliances, furnaces, heater or fuel tanks, disused furniture, table waste, paper, cartons, crockery, glassware, cans, garden refuse, earth or rock fill, old or decayed lumber, material from construction or demolition projects, and old clothing. Application 2. This by-law shall apply to all premises within the City. References to Legislation 3. In this by-law, reference to any Act, regulation or by-law is reference to that Act, regulation or by-law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. Word Usage 4. This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 5. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. Construction 6. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to sections and schedules are to sections and schedules in this by-law. Severability 7. Each section of this by-law is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part of any section of this by-law to be void or ineffective for any reason shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other section or parts of sections of this by-law. .>'...:_~'".~-""''''''''-'~-..-.;~~----,.. . '"' Clean and Clear By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 3 PART II - MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES 4 1 Refuse 8. Where on any premises there is refuse or debris, the owner or occupier of the premises shall remove the refuse or debris so that the premises are left in a clean condition. 9. No person shall throw, place or deposit refuse or debris on any premises. 10. No owner or occupier shall use its premises for the dumping or disposal of refuse or debris. Weeds and Long Grass 11. No owner or occupier shall permit any weeds or grass on its premises to exceed fifteen (15) centimeters in height. Donation Boxes 12. (1) In this section, "donation box" means a container used to collect second- hand clothing or other second-hand items for donation to a charitable organization. (2) No owner or occupier shall place, erect or maintain or permit the placement, erection or maintenance of a donation box on any premises except on private property that is zoned to permit a commercial use. (3) Every owner or occupier shall ensure that there are no items discarded or placed in the area surrounding a donation box, regardless of whether such items left are donations. PART'" - ENFORCEMENT Inspections 13. An officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any premises for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this by-law have been complied with. Order to Comply 14. (1) Where an officer is satisfied that there has been a contravention of any provision of this by-law, the officer may issue an order requiring the owner Clean and Clear By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 4 ~ r.... I } I l or occupier of the premises on which the contravention has occurred to do work to correct the contravention. (2) An order shall set out, (a) reasonable particulars of the contravention; (b) the location of the premises; (c) the general nature of the work required to be done to correct the contravention; and (d) the date by which the work must be done. (3) An order may be served by, (a) personally delivering it to the owner or occupier; (b) sending it by registered mail to the owner at the address of the owner shown on the last revised assessment roll for the premises or the last known address of the owner; or (c) sending it by registered mail to the occupier at the last known address of the occupier. (4) If the address of an occupier is unknown or the City is unable to effect service on an owner or occupier in accordance with subsection (3), a placard setting out the terms of the order may be placed in a conspicuous place on or near the owner's or occupier's property. (5) Service of an order under this section shall be deemed to have been effected on the date that it is delivered personally, three days after it was mailed, or the date that it is posted on the property, as the case may be. 15. No person shall fail to comply with an order. Remedial Action 16. (1) Where an order has been issued and compliance has not been achieved by the date specified in the order, the City may cause the work set out in the order to be done. (2) The City may recover the costs of doing any work undertaken pursuant to subsection (1), together with an administration charge equal to 25% of such costs, from the person required to do it by action or by adding the Clean and Clear By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 5 costs to the tax roll and collecting them in the same manner as property taxes. 4 ~I: Penalties 17. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act. PART IV - GENERAL Short Title 18. This by-law may be referred to as the "Clean and Clear By-law". Repeal 19. By-law No. 6169/03 is repealed. Effective Date 20. This by-law shall come into force on the day of its passing. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this _ day of ,2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk ATTACHMEi\}T >c3_~, YO REPORT# C <5 Od -6;'5 4 ,~ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 108 A by-law to amend the Traffic and Parking By-law WHEREAS on December 19, 2005 the City passed By-law No. 6604/05 to regulate traffic and parking on highways; and WHEREAS the City wishes to amend By-law No. 6604/05. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. By-law No. 6604/05 is amended by adding the following sections: HIGHWAY OBSTRUCTIONS 36.1 (1) In this section, "obstruction" means any basketball net, hockey net, skc.teboard ramp or any other object that can interfere with or obstruct the safe passage of vehicular traffic on a highway. (2) No person shall leave unattended any obstruction on any highway. (3) The City may remove any obstruction from a highway and store it in a suitable place. (4) The owner of any obstruction removed by the City may contact the City to arrange for the return of the obstruction upon payment of a fee of $50.00. (5) Any obstruction removed by the City that has not been claimed by its owner within 30 days shall become the property of the City and may be disposed of in any manner the City deems appropriate. SHOPPING CARTS 36.2 (1) In th is section, (a) "shopping cart" means any device used by customers to convey goods purchased from an owner; and (b) "owner" means any person owning or operating a business. Page 2 (2) Every owner shall have the name of its business displayed on each of its shopping carts for identification purposes. 4 f,. (3) No owner shall permit any person to remove shopping carts from its property. (4) No person shall remove a shopping cart from an owner's property. (5) No person shall abandon a shopping cart on any highway or private property. (6) The City may remove any shopping cart found anywhere other than the owner's property and store it in a suitable place. (7) The owner of any shopping cart removed and stored by the City may contact the City to arrange for the return of the shopping cart upon payment of a fee of $50.00. (8) Any shopping cart removed by the City that has not been claimed by its owner within 30 days shall become the property of the City and may be disposed of in any manner the City deems appropriate. 2. This by-law shall come into effect on the day of its passing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this _ day of ,2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 4 ( Report Number: CS 03-08 Date: February 11, 2008 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Updated Noise Control By-law File: A-2130-002-07 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 03-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft Noise Control By-law, included as Attachment 1, providing regulations for noise within the City of Pickering, be enacted; and 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the review of all municipal regulatory by-laws, Municipal Law Enforcement Services has prepared a revised by-law regulating noise within the City of Pickering. This draft by-law expands the prohibition on construction noise to include statutory holidays, sets out specific times prohibiting leaf blowers, snow blowers and other yard maintenance equipment, and updates all provisions to reflect current legislation and enforcement processes. Planning & Development staff, as well as the City Solicitor were consulted to ensure a comprehensive review of all issues was completed. Financial Implications: It is the intention of Municipal Law Enforcement Services to seek Short Form Wording for Set Fines to enable the issuance of Part I Offence Notices (tickets) to persons contravening the Noise Control By-law. This will enable officers to issue tickets with set fines to persons contravening the by-law, rather than initiating a lengthy court process for each situation. Set fines will be recommended at $150.00 to $250.00 depending on the offence. Sustainability Implications: The provisions in the Noise Control By-law support a healthy community by restricting noise pollution. Report CS 03-08 February 11, 2008 Subject: Updated Noise Control By-law Page 2 /~ Background: As part of the ongoing review of all regulatory by-laws, and to address issues which currently cannot be resolved utilizing the existing by-law, the draft noise by-law attached incorporates legislative changes and corrects deficiencies which were previously not dealt with. The repeal of existing Noise By-law 3821/70 will be required. Key highlights of the by-law are as follows: · General prohibition of noise relating to specific activities (schedule1), such as loud music audible inside a residence or business originating from another location, soliciting sales utilizing amplified sound systems, noise from motor vehicles other than where operation is permitted (atv's, dirt bikes, etc.) · Types of noise prohibited by time of day (schedule 2), such as construction noise, combustion engines from toys or models, operation of yard maintenance equipment such as lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, snow blowers, etc. · Specific exempted activities (schedule 3), such as school bells, church bells, farm machinery and necessary municipal operations such as snow clearing Attachments: 1. Noise Control By-law Approved I Endorsed By: ~ , (' " .j \ t '. X' i ~. ~ r 7f Debi'Q;iI6~x~--.J v--LJi "'~ - City Clerk ,~","""~:;7 ~-- /-- ""--.., ,.<2:.:::::::> ~.'.... -...-:=::0~'~ Gillis A. Paterso-n Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Co c / " CORP0227-07/01 revised T IA1TACIt&T. I TO REPORT I ~ oaEl 4 f) THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. /08 A by-law to prohibit and regulate noise WHEREAS section 129 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a local municipality may prohibit and regulate noise. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering enacts as follows: PART I - INTERPRETATION Definitions 1. In this by-law, "City" means The Corporation of the City of Pickering or the geographical area of the City, as the context requires; "City Clerk" means the Clerk of the City or a designate; "construction" includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, the laying of pipe and conduit whether above or below ground level, street and highway building, application of concrete, equipment installation and alteration and the structural installation of construction components and materials in any form or for any purpose; "construction equipment" means any equipment, tool or device designed or capable of use in construction or material handling, including pile drivers, bulldozers, tractors, excavators, trenchers, cranes, derricks, loaders, scrapers, pavers, generators, off highway haulers or trucks, ditchers, compactors and rollers, pumps, concrete mixers and graders; "highway" has the same meaning as in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act and includes unopened and unassumed road allowances; "motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act and includes a motorized snow vehicle; Noise Control By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 2 "parks area" means any land owned or operated by the City or the Toronto LJ, C Region Conservation Authority for park or recreational purposes; "person" includes a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; "point of reception" means any geographic location at which noise can be heard other than the premises from which the noise originates; "special event" includes a demonstration, parade, sports event, festival, carnival and other similar events; and "statutory holiday" means any day designated as a holiday in the Retail Business Holidays Act. References 2. In this by-law, reference to any Act or by-law is reference to that Act or by- law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. 3. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to sections and Schedules are to sections and Schedules in this by-law. Word Usage 4. This by-law shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 5. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. Schedules 6. The following Schedules are attached to and form part of this by-law: Schedule 1 - PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES Schedule 2 - ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED BY TIME Schedule 3 - EXEMPTED ACTIVITIES Severability 7. Each section of this by-law is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part of any section of this by-law to be void or ineffective for any reason shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other section or parts of sections of this by-law. Noise Control By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 3 [~ v PART 11- REGULATIONS General Prohibitions 8. No person shall cause or permit the emission of any noise resulting from any of the activities listed in Schedule 1 if the noise is audible at a point of reception. Restrictions by Time and Place 9. No person shall cause or permit the emission of any noise resulting from any of the activities listed in Schedule 2 during the prohibited period of time listed opposite such activities if the noise is audible at a point of reception. General Exemptions 10. This by-law shall not apply to a person who causes or permits the emission of noise in connection with any of the activities listed in Schedule 3. Exemption Requests 11. (1) Any person may request an exemption to permit the operation of construction equipment during the period of time prohibited by Schedule 2. All such requests shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk and shall, (a) identify and describe in detail the construction activity that the applicant wishes to have exempted; (b) set out the time(s) and location(s) for which the exemption is being sought; (c) state the name, address, telephone numbers and facsimile numbers of the applicant; (d) set out the reasons why an exemption should be granted; and (e) be signed by the applicant who shall certifying the accuracy and truth of the contents of the application. (2) The City Clerk may grant or refuse to grant any exemption request, and may impose any conditions as he or she determines to be appropriate. Noise Control By-Law No. XXXX/08 Page 4 (3) Where an exemption is granted, breach of any condition of the exemption shall render the exemption null and void. [~ '1 '-' PART III - ENFORCEMENT Inspections 12. A municipal law enforcement officer appointed by the City to enforce municipal by-laws may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any property for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this by-law have been complied with. Offences and Penalties 13. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act. 14. No person shall make a false or intentionally misleading recital of fact, statement or representation in any exemption request. PART IV - GENERAL Repeal 15. By-law No. 3821 is repealed. Short Title 16. This by-law may be cited as the "Noise Control By-law". Effective Date 17. This by-law comes into effect on the date of its passing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2008. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Wilcox, City Clerk r I~, -"'; ;/ SCHEDULE 1 PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES 1. Operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more speakers and intended for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound (including car stereos) at such a volume that it is audible from the interior of a residence or business whose occupant has made every reasonable attempt to mitigate the reception of the noise. 2. Operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more speakers and intended for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound (including car stereos) in a park area at a volume that a reasonable person would, in all of the circumstances, consider to be excessive, intrusive or disturbing. 3. Persistent yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing at such a volume that it is audible from the interior of a residence or business whose occupant has made every reasonable attempt to mitigate the reception of the noise. 4. Excessive and unnecessary revving of a motor vehicle engine. 5. Operation of a motor vehicle is such a manner that the tires squeal. 6. Operation of a motor vehicle horn or other warning device except where required or authorized by law or in the interest of good safety practices. 7. Operation of a motor vehicle other than on a highway or other place where its operation is permitted by law. 8. Persistent barking, calling, howling, whining or crying at frequent or lengthy intervals by any domestic pet or any other animal kept or used for any purpose other than agriculture. 9. All selling or advertising by shouting or amplified sound. SCHEDULE 2 r ~; .....,-' ACTIVITIES PROHIBITED BY TIME Type of Activity Prohibited Periods of Time 1 Operation of any electronic device or group of connected 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM electronic devices incorporating one or more speakers or other electro-mechanical transducers, and intended for the production, reproduction or amplification of sound (including car stereos). 2 Persistent yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing. 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM 3 Operation of construction equipment. 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM (all day on Sundays & statutory holidays) 4 Operation of any powered or non-powered tools for domestic 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM purposes or automotive repair including augers, air compressors, and pneumatic or hydraulic tools. 5 Operation of a combustion engine that is used in a toy or model 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM or replica. 6 Operation of any equipment or machinery used for yard 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM maintenance that is run by electricity or gasoline, including lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, hedge trimmers, whipper snippers and pressure washers. 7 Operation of snow blowers. 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM 8 Operation of solid waste bulk lift or refuse compacting equipment. 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM , I I . ::) SCHEDULE 3 EXEMPTED ACTIVITIES 1. The use in a reasonable manner of an apparatus or mechanism for the amplification of the human voice or of music in a park area or recreational area provided that the permission of the City has been obtained. 2. Any special event provided that the necessary permissions or approvals have been obtained from the City and the Durham Regional Police Service. 3. Any emergency work undertaken for the immediate health, safety or welfare of the inhabitants of the City or for the preservation, protection or restoration of property. 4. Any emergency work being carried out by the City, The Regional Municipality of Durham, any electric utility company, any natural gas utility company, or any telephone utility company. 5. The ringing of school bells or the sounding of a public address system on a property owned by the Durham District School Board, the Durham Catholic District School Board or a recognized private school. 6. The sounding of bells or chimes on a property operated as a church or a place of worship, or on any property owned or operated by the City. 7. Any sound originating from, or caused by, the operation of farm equipment or machinery for cultivating, seeding, crop maintenance or harvesting purposes on any lands designated as an agricultural area. 8. Any fireworks display authorized by the City in accordance with Fireworks By-law No. 6783/07. 9. Necessary municipal operations carried out in the interest of public necessity and convenience, including but not limited to snow clearing, street cleaning and garbage collection, undertaken by or on behalf of the City. 10. Any snow removal which is essential for the effective operation of a business. Citff 01 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 04-08 Date: February 11, 2008 C' > From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 04-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $101,556.51 with a net cost to the City of approximately $16,503 , the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Pickering's share of the costs will be charged to the 2008 Current Budget allocation under General Government - Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. Sustainability Implications: implications. This report does not contain any sustainability Background: The Municipal Act provides the Treasurer with various tax tools regarding the administration and collection of property taxes. Under the provisions of Section 357 of the Municipal Act, reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error is allowed for the current year only. Section 358 of the Municipal Act, allows for the reduction of taxes due to assessment error and this section can be applied to property taxes for the two preceding years. Change in realty tax class can translate into lower property taxes if the property went from industrial to commercial tax class or commercial to residential tax class. Demolitions, and other physical changes to a property, such as removing or filling in a Report CS 04-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes 5( Page 2 swimming pool, or damage caused by fire result In a reduction In assessment and taxes. One property reflects "no change" or reduction in their property taxes. This change is shown as having zeros in the corresponding columns. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation or MPAC staff have investigated the assessment reduction request. After completing their investigation, they have reached the conclusion that the property does not warrant a reduction in assessment and therefore, an adjustment in property taxes. If the property owner does not agree with MPAC's recommendation, they have the right to appeal to the Assessment Review Board under subsection (7) of the Municipal Act, 2001. Attachments: 1. Section 357/358 Adjustment to Taxes - Taxable Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~j10~?OWUJ Tracy Parson Acting, Coordinator Taxation Services / /', ~.~"";;i?:!!t -'7 --.~ "~,,,,,,_. ...~- -' ,j ....., ~"-~;::~- '.'~~~--.::== ----:::- --> -~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:tp Attachment Cop : Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council :/ I' /" I CITY OF PICKERING I , I SECTION 357/358 ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES - TAXABLE February, 2008 APP# NAME REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT YEAR ROLL NUMBER CITY REGION EDUCATION TOTAL 20/07 Brookdale Centre Inc Building Demolished 2007 010-018-21200 $15,552.67 $31,620.89 $50,379.69 $97,553.25 116/07 1381190 Ontario Ltd Building Demolished 2007 020-023-10200 $196.39 $399.29 $561.36 $1,157.04 121/07 Almont Homes Inc House Demolished 2007 020-025-46300 $161.51 $328.37 $118.80 $608.68 122/07 Michael/Paula Madden House Demolished 2007 010-019-14900 $394.79 $802.69 $290.40 $1,487.88 127/07 Larry Giles/Edith McGown Gross or Manifest Error - 2 car garage 2005 030-020-01700 $29.40 $57.36 $23.68 $110.44 128/07 Larry Giles/Edith McGown Gross or Manifest Error - 2 car garage 2006 030-020-01700 $29.67 $62.94 $23.76 $116.37 129/07 Larry Giles/Edith McGown Gross or Manifest Error - 2 car garage 2007 030-020-01700 $32.30 $65.67 $23.76 $121.73 131/07 556170 Ontario Limited Gross or Manifest Error - valuation 2005 020-022-07706 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 132/07 556170 Ontario Limited Gross or Manifest Error - valuation 2006 020-022-07706 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 01/08 Ken Spratley Renovations preventing normal use 2007 030-008-07700 $106.43 $216.40 $78.29 $401 .1 2 $16,503.16 $33,553.61 $50,056.77 $101,556.51 ~ > n :I: 3 m Z --i F- a :::0 m ""0 o ~ ~ (JI G -t.. ~ ~', Gtq o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I " .. c,p ,-_.i Report Number: CS 05-08 Date: February 11, 2008 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Corporate Records Retention By-law Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 05-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That By-law 737/77, be repealed and the draft Records Retention By-law attached to Report, CS 05 -08 be approved and enacted; and, 3. That the City Clerk forward the approved by-law to the City's Auditors, Deloitte and Touche LLP, for certification. Executive Summary: As part of the regulatory by-law review process and compliance with legislative requirements, Records Retention By-law 737/77 has been reviewed and updated, therefore a new by-law is being recommended for Council approval. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications. Sustainability Implications: A productive records retention program allows the City to destroy records that are no longer useful to the City and sustain vital records for future stakeholders. Background: Records management is often undervalued in organizations and misunderstood as simply "filing". When in fact, a proper records management program serves a vital administrative Report CS 05-08 Subject: Corporate Records Retention By-law Date: February 11, 2008 Page 2 ,- (' ~) ) function by providing the right information to the right people at the right time, in the right medium, and at the lowest possible cost to the organization. Also important in a Records Management program is the classification, maintenance and destruction of records. Records Management programs are based on the notion that all information has a life cycle and that the record is systematically controlled throughout its existence. A systematic approach to the management of records is essential for organizations to protect and preserve records as evidence of transactions. A records management system results in a source of information and business activities that can support subsequent activities and business decisions, as well as ensuring accountability to present and future stakeholders. Not only are records by-products of conducting business and are essential for the continuation of business, they can single-handedly protect an organization or condemn an organization in litigation matters. A Records Management program and the Records Retention By-law are significant documents for the organization and it is important to review and update the by-law on a ongoing basis. In order to cover all legislative requirements and update the records classification list to reflect the City's business functions, By-law 737/77 should be repealed and the draft Records Retention By-law approved and implemented. Attachments: 1 . Draft By-law Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Debi A. Wilcox City Clerk ~ C--==.;;. ......,~::~~:-.- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council , f I ATTACHMENT I I TO REPORT I C~., I THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ~ 05 0':) 6 BY-lAW NO. D~,7 Being a by-law to establish retention periods for records of the Corporation of the City of Pickering WHEREAS subsection 254(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 (the "Act") provides that a municipality shall retain and preserve its records in a secure and accessible manner; AND WHEREAS subsection 255(3) of the Act provides that a municipality may, subject to the approval of the municipal auditor, establish retention periods during which its records must be retained and preserved; AND WHEREAS subsection 255(2) of the Act provides that a municipality's records may be destroyed if a retention period for the record has been established and the retention period has expired. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. In this by-law, (a) "active storage" means the internal departmental storage of records that are in regular day-to-day use by a department; (b) "City" means the Corporation of the City of Pickering; (c) "City Clerk" means the Clerk of the Corporation of the City of Pickering (or designate); (d) "inactive storage" means the external departmental storage of records that are referred to infrequently by a department; (e) "record" means information however recorded or stored, whether in printed form, on film, by electronic means or otherwise, and includes documents, financial statements, minutes, accounts, correspondence, memoranda, plans, maps, drawings, photographs and films made or received by the City; (f) "responsible department" means the office or department with primary responsibility for retaining a record; Bv-Iaw (Continued) Page 2 /' "1 t) (g) "retention period" means the period, expressed in years, in which a record shall be kept by the Municipality; (h) "retention schedule" means the schedule prescribing retention periods for records as set out in Schedule "A" to this by-law; (i) "signing authority" means the division head or director of the responsible department, or his or her designated; and, U) "transitory record" means a record, including an e-mail, voice mail or text message, having only temporary value and which is not required to meet statutory obligations, set policy, establish guidelines or procedures, certify a transaction, become a receipt or provide evidence of legal, financial, operational or other decisions for the City, including a record that is: i) retained solely for convenience of reference; ii) of insignificant value in documenting the business transactions of the City; iii) required solely for the completion of a routine activity, or the preparation of another record; iv) not related to the business of the City; v) not an integral part of the City record; vi) a miscellaneous notice or memorandum of a minor administrative nature; vii) a duplicate copy of a document such as a report or memorandum, retained only for distribution or convenience; ix) a publication, telephone directory, catalogue, pamphlet or periodical that does not form part of any other record; x) one of a number of multiple copies of a record such as minutes or reports or agendas; xi) unsolicited advertising information; xii) a preliminary draft of a letter, memorandum or report, or informal notes that do not represent significant steps in the preparation of a final document; or 6 :' By-law (Continued) Page 3 xiii) a tape or notes from a meeting for which the minutes or reports have been adopted or finalized. 2. This by-law shall not apply to transitory records and such records may be destroyed at any time. 3. Any record in a category set out in Schedule "A" shall be retained for the period set out opposite such category and may thereafter be destroyed. 4. The City Clerk (or designate) shall determine the appropriate classification of records, taking into account the legal, financial, administrative, operational and historical values of each record. 5. The following principles shall govern the destruction of records: (a) a record of a municipality or a local board may be destroyed if the record has been classified and the retention period established according to Schedule "A" of this by-law; (b) the retention period has expired; or ( c) the record is a copy of the original record. (d) all records shall be destroyed in a manner that preserves the confidentiality of any information contained in such records; and (e) any record pertaining to pending or actual litigation or investigation or a request under any privacy legislation shall not be destroyed until such record Is no longer required for such purpose. 6, Where any record may be destroyed under this by-law, the following procedure shall apply: (a) where the record has been retained in the custody of the responsible department, the signing authority shall notify the City Clerk in writing of the scheduled destruction of the record, including the scheduled destruction date, and identify the record to be destroyed; (b) where the record has been retained in the custody of the City Clerk, the City Clerk or designate shall notify the signing authority in writing of the scheduled destruction of the record, including the scheduled destruction date, and identify the record to be destroyed. 7. Where a record is retained for a further period after the destruction date, the following procedure shall apply: By-law (Continued) Page 4 /' (") i (a) the signing authority shall notify the City Clerk in writing, before the scheduled destruction date, if in his or her opinion any record included in the notice should be retained for a further period, and the rationale for further retention; (b) if, in the opinion of the City Clerk, circumstances warrant retention of the record for a further period, the destruction of the record shall be postponed for up to one year and for such further periods as may be determined by the City Clerk, in consultation with the signing authority; ( c) if no notice is received before the scheduled destruction date, the record shall be deemed to be authorized for destruction. 8. The City Clerk or designate shall: (a) ensure that all reasonable measures are implemented to promote the preservation, security and destruction of records in accordance with this by-law and any legislative requirements; (b) ensure that reasonable measures are implemented to protect the City's records from inadvertent destruction or damage, taking into account the nature of the record to be protected, including the creation of new classification codes and retention periods pending Council approval. 9. This by-law shall be referred to as the Records Retention By-law. 10. By-law No. 737/77 is repealed. 11. This by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the passing thereof and at such time as approved by the Municipal auditors. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of February, 2008. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Wilcox, Clerk SCHEDULE "A" CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE RETENTION VALUE CODES A = Archival Review or selective record retained A record which has been appraised for permanent retention and archival accession because of its long life, historical, fiscal, legal (including evidential) operational or administrative value. An Archival record has no lifespan value attached to it and the record in whole or in part can be destroyed when the expertise of a professional archivist deems it appropriate. C = Current Year Current year represents the calendar year that a record has been created. The retention period of a record created in the current year does not begin until January of the next year (i.e. a 2008 file does not commence its retention period until January 2009). P = Permanent retention Permanent records are considered to be so valuable or unique in documenting the history of an organization that they are preserved indefinitely. Permanent records tend to derive their value primarily from legal or legislative-based value. S = Superseded Superseded records are kept for an indefinite period until it is replaced by an updated record and then discarded. Most records of this nature tend to be used for reference purposes. T = Termination of Event Records that, as a part of the retention process, have a retention period calculated from the conclusion, or termination, of an action or event. b *The Records Retention Schedule will be reviewed every 5 years. Suggested changes will then be reviewed by the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall determine the appropriate classification of records, taking into account legal, financial, administrative, operational and historical values of each record. CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE _.! '-0 File Code Record Class Retention Period ADMINISTRA TION A-1 000-001 ADMINISTRATION - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence, administration and routine administrative functions which cannot be classified elsewhere. A-1100-001 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 2 Records relating general correspondence during the development of policies and procedures which are not directly related to part of the development of the policy. A-1110-001 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES P Records relating to the development of policies and procedures including City Policies, Interdepartmental Procedures, Standard Operating Procedures and Fire Services Standard Operating Guide. A-1200-001 STRATEGIC PLANS - CORPORATE S+6 Records relating to the planning of corporate strategies, initiatives, goals and objectives for departments, divisions, programs and services. A-1300-001 STAFF COMMITTEES AND MEETINGS C+6 Records relating to staff committees and meetings other than Council appointed Advisory Boards and Committees. {Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.} - 002 Administrative Support Committee - 003 United Way Committee A-1400-001 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence regarding the City of Pickering Council and standing committees. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 2 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-1410-001 ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND BOARDS OF COUNCIL T+6 Records relating to Advisory Committees and Boards of Council which could include applications for appointments, appointment lists, agendas, minutes and correspondence to committees. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.)) - 002 Applications for appointment - 003 Library Board A-1420-001 AGENDAS Permanent in Electronic Format Records relating to agendas for Council and Standing Committees. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Planning & Development - 003 Executive - 004 Council A-1430-001 MINUTES Permanent and Electronic Format Records relating to original meeting minutes of Council and Standing Committees. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Planning & Development - 003 Executive - 004 Council A-1440-001 DEPARTMENT REPORTS Permanent and Electronic Format "-l) Records relating to original department reports prepared for Council and Standing Committees. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Corporate Services - 003 Planning and Development A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 3 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-2000-001 ELECTIONS C+8 \L-: Records include working papers relating to the administration of elections as well as memos to candidates, forms, polling station locations, ward boundaries, school permits, ballot information, ordering of all supplies and equipment, voter notification records etc. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Nomination Papers - 003 Voter Notification Cards - 004 List of Polling Locations A-21 00-001 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM C+6 Records relating to the government of the Region of Durham. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Regional Finance - 003 Durham Region Police Services A-2200-001 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT (ONTARIO) C+6 Records relating to the government of the Province of Ontario. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Premier and MPP's - 003 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing A-2210-001 VITAL STATS P Records relating to birth, death and marriage registration. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Births - 003 Deaths - 004 Marriages - 005 Marriage Licence Applications (Duplicate record) 2 A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 4 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-2300-001 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (CANADA) C+6 Records relating to the Federal government of Canada. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Prime Minister and MP's - 003 Federal Agencies A-2400-001 OTHER MUNICIPALITIES C+6 Records relating to other municipalities. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Municipal Resolutions/By-laws - 003 Town of Ajax - 004 GTA A-2500-001 ASSOCIATIONS C+6 Records relating to the activities of an association, society or organization in which an employee of the City has a membership, interest or official capacity. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 AMO - 003 Good Roads A-2600-001 EXTERNAL AUTHORITIES/BOARDS/COMMISSIONS C+6 "D Records relating to external authorities, boards and commissions. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 School Boards - 003 TRCA/CLOCA - 004 OMB - 005 OPG A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 5 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A..2700-001 PUBLIC RELATIONS/CEREMONIES/RECEPTIONS ...~ 2 '.0 Records relating to hosting, attending and the performance of official business at special ceremonies and events. A-2710-001 ADVERTISING C+6 Records relating to advertising to the public in magazines, newspapers, radio, television, transit and newsletters. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 News Releases - 003 Newsletters - 004 News Clippings 2 A-2720-001 PUBLICATIONS C+6 Records relating to organization publications which could include pamphlets, guides, brochures, tourism information, trade show events, directories and publications of interest to the organization. A-3100-001 CUSTOMER CARE C+6 Records relating to customer care which cannot be classified elsewhere. A-3110-001 COMPLAINTS, CONCERNS, ISSUES - (STREET/PROPERTY FILES) C+6 Records relating to customer/resident complaints, concerns, issues. Files could be created for each street or files could be created for type of complaint. ( Le. parking, garbage, property standards) A-3120-001 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS C+6 Records relating to sales and issuance of City of Pickering souvenirs. Includes inventory spreadsheets, correspondence and reports. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 6 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-3130-001 FORMS MANAGEMENT S Records relating to the design, production and form review of forms used by the municipality. A-3200-001 WEBSITE C+6 Records relating to the corporate website. A-3300-001 HISTORICAL/HERITAGE CONSERVATION P Records of general historic nature, which do not pertain to a specific record class and records relating to the identification, regulation and preservation of historically designated buildings, archaeological areas and artefacts. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) -002 Heritage Permit Application 01/07 A-3400-001 CEMETERIES P Records relating to the administration, management, identification, regulation and preservation of local cemeteries. A-3500-001 RECORDS MANAGEMENT S Records relating to the records management program. This includes general records management operational standards and procedures, development, adoption and implementation of file classification systems, procedures and techniques for management of records systems. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 File Classification schedule - 003 Destruction Certificates A-3510-001 RECORDS DISASTER PLAN RECOVERY S r--- Records relating to recovery plans for potential loss of vital records during unforeseeable incidents such as fires, natural disasters, terrorism and theft. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 7 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ,,- A-3520-001 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY ~ C+6 Records relating to the general issues of access to information and protection of personal privacy. Includes all requests made under the Act, working papers, copy of the reply and correspondence with Commissioner's Office. A-3600-001 COURIER/MAIL/POSTAGE 2 Records relating to postal rates and services, courier rates and services and the interoffice mail system. A-3610-001 PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION 2 Records relating to internal and external printing and reproduction A-3620-001 TRADEMARKS, PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND VISUAL IDENTITY P Records relating to the copyright, patent and trademark protection of municipal logos, and products used for visual identity. This record series may include the logo, coat-of-arms, letterhead design, emblem, vehicle identification and seals of office. A-3700-001 IT - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to service request forms for repairs, user hardware and software requests, up-grades, modifications and maintenance, user authorization and approval, troubleshooting information, the IMS hotline, conversions, connections, support records, user logs and security issues. General information relating to research, development, design and implementation of information system projects which may include feasibility studies and needs analysis research, system development methodologies and system architecture which cannot be classified elsewhere. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 8 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-3710-001 COMPUTERS - HARDWARE T+1 Records relating to the purchase of computer hardware, including equipment evaluations, user specifications, issues, maintenance and repairs. Including research, history, problems and maintenance files. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Hardware research files - 003 Hardware history files - 004 Hardware problems & maintenance A-3720-001 COMPUTERS - SOFTWARE T+1 Records relating to the purchase of computer software, including software evaluations, user requirements, issues, maintenance and repairs. Including research, history, problems and maintenance files. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Software research files - 003 Software history files - 004 Software problems & maintenance A-3800-001 TELECOMMUNICATIONS T+1 Records relating to the purchasing, installation, maintenance, operation and issuance of telecommunication systems. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Telephones - 003 Voice Mail - 004 Pagers/Cell Phones A-4000-001 HUMAN RESOURCES - GENERAL C+6 c" Records relating to the general administration of Human Resource management activities which cannot be classified elsewhere. r-"-. - A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 9 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period f'-.f l'''-. A-401 0-001 CONSULTANTS P Records relating to report of services provided by arbitrators, arbitration nominees, legal firms, benefits consultants and employment consultants. A-4020-001 HUMAN RIGHTS T+1 Records relating to human rights, may include investigations and other information on the Charter of Rights. A-4030-001 EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS C+6 Records relating to employment standards A-4040-001 SUCCESSION PLANNING C+6 Records relating to succession planning including records relating to the inventory and analysis of management and leadership within the corporation. A-4050-001 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT/CAREER COUNSELING 2 Records relating to external seminars, workshops, and conferences for career and professional development offered to employees. A-41 00-001 EMPLOYMENT/JOB POSTINGS/RECRUITMENT 4 Records relating to job postings, advertisements, competition records, applications and resumes. This record series may include grading forms, applicant interviews and correspondence to unsuccessful candidates and notice of employment. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Seasonal Hiring - 003 Applications/Resumes 6 months A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 10 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-4200-001 EMPLOYEE RECORDS P Records relating to City employees, including application/resume, history, skills education levels, classification, union status/seniority, benefits information, pension plan information and beneficiary name, special testing reports, probationary evaluations, salary increases. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Criminal Reference Checks - 003 Employee Driver Abstract - 004 Testing - 005 Exit Interviews Note: Upon Cessation of employment, the employee file is reclassified as either a terminated employee file or a retired employee file. A-4230-001 TEMPORARY/CONTRACT EMPLOYMENT Records relating to contract jobs for the hiring of temporary, casual and part time employees. T+6 A-4240-001 ELECTED OFFICIALS Records related to elected officials. P A-4250-001 RETIRED EMPLOYEES T+6 Retired employee files are reclassified employee files upon cessation of employment. T = Death of Beneficiary A-4260-001 TERMINATED EMPLOYEES T+6 ,~ Terminated employee files are reclassified employee files upon termination of employment. T = Termination of Employment l'---- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 11 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ~..A-4300-001 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - GENERAL C+6 .... l ........." Records relating to the administration of employee benefits, including Canada Pension Plan, group life insurance, extended health, dental, medical and pension etc. A-431 0-001 ATTENDANCE C+6 Records relating to attendance, absences from work, may also include sick credits, shift scheduling, vacation, hours of work statistics and absences due to other reasons. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Statutory Holidays - 003 Vacation Requests/Approvals - 004 Sick Leave - 005 Leave of Absence A-4320-001 SICK BANKED C+6 Records relating to sick banked credits regarding Pickering Professional Fire Services. A-4400-001 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE S Records relating to insurance, including correspondence and information about alternative health care plans. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Health Insurance - 003 OMERS - 004 AD&D - 005 Long Term Disability A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 12 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-441 0-001 BENEFIT COMMUNICIA TION STATEMENTS S Records relating to background material for possible future benefit statements A-4420-001 PENSIONS - GENERAL 2 Records relating to pension plans including remittance, statutory forms, and government annuities. A-4430-001 EMPLOYEE & FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EFAP) S Records relating to internal and/or external Employee & Family Assistance programs. A-4500-001 COMPENSA TIONI CLASSIFICA TIONI EMPLOYMENT EQUITY C + 10 Records relating to the administration and planning of salary schedules by job evaluations, classifications, surveys and plans. This record series may include information relating to pay equity, acting appointments, minimum wage history, management and non-union salary reviews and market adjustments. - 002 Job Classification - 003 Employment Equity - 004 compensation (excludes salary negotiations) A-451 0-001 JOB DESCRIPTIONS S Records relating to the description of job duties, specifications, experience and education requirements. A-4550-001 SURVEYS - HUMAN RESOURCES C+6 Records relating to employment and salary surveys. ,.(. L-' A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 13 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period . A-4560-001 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT - GENERAL C+6 c---.- Records relating to performance management programs and related activities. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 PRI DE - 003 PREP A-4600-001 LABOUR RELATIONS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to labour relations of a general nature that cannot be classified elsewhere. A-461 0-001 CUPE 129 P Records relating to agreements and contracts between municipal and union officials. Records may include collective bargaining issues, employment contracts, union contracts, correspondence, negotiated agreements, amendment records and certification. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Collective Agreements - 003 Negotiations - 004 Grievances - 005 Seniority Lists A-4620-001 PPFA I APFA P Records relating to agreements and contracts between municipal and union officials. Records may include collective bargaining issues, employment contracts, union contracts, correspondence, negotiated agreements, amendment records and certification. Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Collective Agreements - 003 Negotiations - 004 Grievances - 005 Seniority Lists A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 14 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-4630-001 NON-UNION P Records relating to agreements and contracts between municipal and non-union officials. A-4700-001 HEALTH & SAFETY - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to hazardous materials, safety footwear, WHMIS, first aid, fire and emergency. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Safety Footwear - 003 WHMIS - 004 First Aid Training - 005 Hazardous Materials A-471 0-001 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY S Records relating to policies established under Occupational Health and Safety Act. A-4720-001 INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORTS T+6 Records relating to all incident/accident reports. T = Return to work or settlement of case. A-4740-001 INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE TESTING C+6 Records relating to testing which may include noise, air quality, radiation and ambient temperature. A-4750-001 EXPOSURE CONTROL PROGRAM Records relating to exposure control programs. P f""' t--~ A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 15 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE C File Code Record Class l'''- Retention Period A-4760-001 DESIGNATED SUBSTANCES P Records include list of City facilities and a list of designated substance found, background information on designated substance program management and implementation and may contain correspondence to the unions, notices to staff, contractor and notes on staff health surveillance records. A-4770-001 WORKPLACE INSPECTIONS C+6 Records relating to inspections carried out in the workplace and includes findings, recommendations and any corrective action taken. Includes inspections conducted by the Ministry. A-4780-001 SAFETY AUDITS C+6 Records relating to the safety audits of staff. A-4800-001 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE BOARD C+6 Records relating to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and may include notes, memos and correspondence with WSIB. A-481 0-001 WSIB CLAIMS C + 10 Records include Form 7, attending physician reports, benefits history, current injury/accident details, accident investigation reports, WSIB reports, correspondence and return to work certifications, may also include Health and Safety statistics reports. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Joint Health and Safety Committee 003 WSIB Summary Management A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 16 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period A-4820-001 LONG-TERM DISABILITY CLAIMS C + 10 Records include copy of the original OMERS application form, medical updates, prognosis reports, prior claims, case history summary sheet, notes and correspondence. A-4900-001 TRAINING & EDUCATION - GENERAL Records relating to internal training and education programs in general. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Courses & Programs - 003 Professional Development Program C + 10 co A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 17 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE ...- File Code Record Class co Retention Period DEVELOPMENT 0-1000-001 DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to development and planning that cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-1100-001 PLANNING STUDIESI RESEARCHI POLICY DOCUMENTS P Records relating to studies, research and policy documents in support of planning and development functions, activities and issues 0-1200-001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTIIMPROVEMENT T+6 Records relating to community improvement planning, including studies, reports, and projects. 0-1210-001 DOWNTOWN INITIATIVES C + 10 Records relating to improvements to the downtown. (i.e. streetscape, lighting, and beautification) 0-1220-001 URBAN DESIGN C + 10 Records relating to urban design, including issues and general concepts of planning the urban environment. (i.e. urban intensification, streetscapes, urban art and architecture) 0-1230-001 RURAL AREA C + 20 Records relating to rural areas, including issues and general concepts of planning in rural areas. 0-1240-001 SMART GROWTH T + 20 Records relating to smart growth development planning. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 18 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-1300-001 HOUSING C + 10 Records relating to the availability of housing and housing issues, including general assessments of the need for affordable housing, occupancy rates, housing cost statistics, related studies and CMHC reports. 0-1310-001 HOUSING PROGRAMS T+6 Records relating to Federal and Provincial housing agencies, programs, and policies. 0-1320-001 GROUP HOMES C+6 Records relating to group homes. 0-1400-001 STATISTICS AND DATA 12 Records relating to statistical, demographic and other information that are used for planning purposes. (i.e. population/census information, land use, commercial and industrial floor space, land inventories, employment/unemployment trends, composition of the workforce and social statistics etc.) 0-1500-001 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C+6 Records relating to promotion and marketing of the City including strategic alliance that cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-1510-001 SMAll BUSINESSES C+6 Records relating to the development of small businesses within the City of Pickering. 0-1520-001 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL C+6 C'" Records relating to Commercial and/or Industrial businesses. cc : A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 19 CORPORATE RECOROS RETENTION SCHEOULE "'.....' co File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-1521-001 EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST C+6 Records relating to parties interested in locating in Pickering. 0-1522-001 CORPORATE CALLING PROGRAM/COMPANY VISITS S Records relating to staff visits to businesses located within the City of Pickering. 0-1523-001 COMPANY PROFILES S Records relating to all businesses located within the City of Pickering. 0-1530-001 TOURISM S Records relating to the encouragement and attraction of tourism related activities to the area and the tourism industry. 0-2000-001 OFFICIAL PLAN P Records relating to the statement of long term goals and objectives for the development of the community, including the consolidated copy of the City of Pickering Official Plan prepared by the Planning and Development Department and the original signed Official Plan adopted by Council and approved by the Region of Durham. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Official Plan Working Files (working files are kept for C + 6 yrs) C + 6 0-2100-001 PICKERING OISTRICT PLAN P Records relating to the statement of long term goals and objectives for the development of the community, including the consolidated copy of the City of Pickering District Plan prepared by the Planning and Development Department and the original signed District Plan adopted by Council and approved by the Region of Durham. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Pickering District Plan Working Files (working files are kept for C + 6 yrs) C + 6 A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 20 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-2200-001 COMPENDIUM P Records relating to the preparation of the Official Plan Compendium that provide a more detailed land use plan than the Official Plan. 0-3000-001 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS & AMENDMENTS GENERAL C+6 Records relating to developments which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-3100-001 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS T + 50 Records relating to applications to amend the Official Plan, including development applications necessary to execute the amendment. 0-3200-001 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISIONS T + 50 Records relating to applications for draft plan of subdivision including application, background reports, staff reports, draft plan conditions, resolutions and approvals. Records include any related applications including: zoning amendments, local and/or Regional Official Plan Amendment. 0-3300-001 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS T + 20 Records relating to applications to amend a Zoning By-law to execute rezoning. 0-3400-001 CONDOMINIUMS T + 50 Records relating to applications for condominiums, including applications, background reports, staff reports draft plan conditions, resolutions and approvals. Records include related applications including: zoning amendments, local and/or Regional Official Plan Amendment. May contain copies of Condominium agreement. <<:;" eel A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 21 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period .J 0-3500-001 CONSENTS/SEVERANCES (LAND DIVISION) T + 50 co Records relating to the severance of individual parcels of land, including applications, surveys, decisions, clearance letters, deed page and copies of OMB order. 0-3600-001 CROWN RIGHTS T + 50 Records relating to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Ontario, the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering regarding the severance of individual parcels of land, including applications, surveys, decisions, and clearance letters. 0-3700-001 VARIANCES (COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT) T + 20 Records relating to applications to the Committee of Adjustment for a variance to the Zoning By-law, including application, correspondence, reports, minutes and decisions. 0-3710-001 DECISIONS OF COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT P Committee of Adjustment decisions. 0-3800-001 MINISTERS ZONING ORDER T + 20 Records relating to applications and reports to Council regarding applications from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for amendments to a Provincial Zoning Order. 0-3810-001 MINISTERS ZONING ORDER REGULATIONS P Regulation from applications submitted by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for amendments to a Provincial Zoning Order. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 22 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-3900-001 SITE PLANS T + 15 Records relating to approvals regarding the layout of buildings and locations and provisions of services to individual properties. May contain copies of site plan agreements. T = Security released or application denied P = Copies of agreements and signed plans are retained permanently under L-41 00 Legal Documents 0-4000-001 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to Development Control that cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-4100-001 SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS T + 50 Records associated with the control of registered and unregistered subdivision agreements, records arranged by 40R plan number. Records series may include drawings, reports, background information, notices and certificates of approvals and working documentation. 0-4200-001 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS T + 50 Records associated with the control of registered and unregistered development agreements, records arranged by 40R plan number. Records series may include drawings, reports, background information, notices and certificates of approvals and working documentation. 0-4300-001 SITE PLAN AGREEMENTS T + 50 Records associated with the control of registered and unregistered site plan agreements, records arranged by 40R plan number. Records series may include drawings, reports, background information, notices and certificates of approvals and working documentation. cc A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 23 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ::c D-4400-001 LAND DIVISION T + 50 Records associated with the control of registered and unregistered land division agreements, records arranged by 40R plan number. Records series may include drawings, reports, background information, notices and certificates of approvals and working documentation. D-4500-001 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS T+6 Records relating to deposits submitted as part of the development application process. Records include security back up; correspondence, photographs, and final refund records. D-4600-001 PLANS P Records relating to scrolled paper plans and Mylar plans as part of the development application process. Paper plans are discarded and Mylar plans are retained permanently. D-4700-001 SEWER VIDEOS 20 Records relating to videos of sewers once development has been completed. D-5000-001 BUILDING, GENERAL C+6 Records relating to building, plumbing and permits that cannot be classified elsewhere. D-5100-001 BUILDING & PLUMBING PERMITS P Records relating to building and plumbing permits. This record series may include applications, drawings, forms, inspection reports, orders and enforcement. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 24 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-5110-001 FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS P Records relating to schematic diagrams/drawings of fire emergency systems for major commercial buildings, schools, churches, community centres and city owned facilities for. This record series may include Building Permit Application or Property Information, site servicing, hydrants, water supply lines, fire department connections, etc. 0-5200-001 BUILDING PERMIT STATISTICS REPORTS C + 10 Records relating to but not limited to monthly status reports, correspondence and reports regarding building activities. 0-6000-001 SUBDIVISION CONTROL RECORDS P Records relating to the tracking of a development process. Files are opened for every registered plan, concession and range. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Control (records pertaining to zoning, site plan and architectural drawings, and tree preservation plans.) 003 Lawyers letter (includes a copy of survey and responses which are out of the ordinary.) 004 Part Lot Control 0-8000-001 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING C + 10 Records relating to environmental planning which cannot be classified elsewhere. Records include studies and reports related to the monitoring of environmental policies and regulations and long-range planning. 0-8100-001 CREEKS & WATERSHEDS C + 35 co Records relating to creeks and watersheds which cannot be classified elsewhere. Records may include watershed studies, remediation plans, studies/reports by outside agencies and correspondence for watershed and sub- watershed plans, environmental master drainage plans and storm water specific to the Creek. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Duffins Creek 003 Petticoat Creek ,~;:.. :!!!!!!!!!!!!! =A ;., Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 25 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period c 0-8200-001 FLOODPLAIN & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT co C + 35 Records relating to flood plains and stormwater management 0-8300-001 NATURAL HERITAGE FEATURES C + 35 Records relating to natural heritage features which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-8310-001 OAK RIDGES MORAINE C + 35 Records relating to the Oak Ridges Moraine. 0-8320-001 ENVIRONMENTALLY SIGNIFICANT AREAS C + 35 Records relating to areas within the City of Pickering which are environmentally significant. 0-8330-001 AREAS OF NATURAL & SCIENTIFIC INTEREST C + 35 Records relating to areas within the City of Pickering which are of natural and/or scientific interest. 0-8340-001 WETLANDS C + 35 Records relating to wetlands within the City of Pickering. 0-8350-001 LAKE IROQUOIS SHORELINE C + 35 Records relating the Lake Iroquois Shoreline. 0-8360-001 WOODLANDS C + 35 Records relating to the woodlands. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 26 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period D-8370-001 ROUGE DUFFINS WILDLIFE CORRIDOR C + 35 Records relating to the Rouge Duffins Wildlife Corridor. D-8400-001 LAKE ONTARIO SHORELINE C + 35 Records relating to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Excludes: Waterfront operations, activities and events. D-8500-001 BROWN FIELDS C + 10 Records relating to Brownfields. D-8600-001 CONTAMINATED SOILSI SOIL INVESTIGATIONS P Records relating to the identification, investigation and clean-up requirements of potentially contaminated soils. Record series could include correspondence, consultant reports and clean-up requirements. D-8700-001 NOISE AND VIBRATION C + 10 Records relating to noise and vibration matters in the development approval process. D-9000-001 MAPPING SERVICES, GENERAL C+6 Records relating to mapping services that cannot be classified elsewhere. D-9100-001 PHOTOGRAPHY P Records of aerial photographs of the City, and prints of various sizes as well as 35 mm slides. 0'\ =A. ::= Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 27 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period cQ-9200-001 SURVEYS P Registered plans of surveys for roadways, expropriation plans, D Plans. Surveys have been done by Province, Federal Government, and MPAC. D-9300-001 40R PLANS P Registered survey of a property by Ontario Land Surveyors indicating lot size, and other pertinent information. D-9400-001 40M PLANS P Registered survey of a property by Ontario Land Surveyors indicating lot size, and other pertinent information. Originals retained by MPAC. D-9500-001 MAPPING S Computer generated maps via CAD or geographical information systems software of different thematic design. D-9600-001 MUNICIPAL ADDRESSING P Records relating to municipal addresses. D-9610-001 STREET NAMES GENERAL C+6 Records relating to correspondence with regards to street naming. D-9620-001 STREET NAME LISTINGS S Records relating to a listing of proposed street names. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 28 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period FINANCE F-1000-001 FINANCE - GENERAL C+6 Includes records relating to finance management in general that cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only when no other heading is applicable. F-1100-001 LETTERS OF CREDIT T+6 Records relating to letters of credit extended to developers for subdivision and site plan applications. T= Cancellation of letter of credit. F-1200-001 FIXED ASSETS T+6 Records relating to fixed assets including supporting documentation to initial expenditure, depreciation, amortization and disposal. T = disposal of asset F-2000-001 BUDGETS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to budgets in general that cannot be classified elsewhere. F-2010-001 CURRENT BUDGET - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to the Operating Budget which cannot be classified elsewhere. Includes cost control reports and correspondence regarding requests for financial assistance F-2020-001 CURRENT BUDGET-APPROVED (BINDER) P 0", Final Budget document as approved by Council, maintained in a binder. /-'''.., ..... -.J ~ = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 29 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ;"': 0, F-2030-001 CURRENT BUDGET - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION C + 11 Records relating to approved Corporate Current budget including correspondence, working papers, department submissions (operating, program capital, and salary schedules). F-2040-001 GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION C + 11 Records relating to approved General Government budget including correspondence, working papers, and department submissions. F-2050-001 CAPITAL BUDGET - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to the Capital budget which cannot be classified elsewhere. F-2060-001 CAPITAL BUDGET - APPROVED (BINDER) P Final Capital budget document as approved by Council, maintained in a binder. F-2070-001 CAPITAL BUDGET - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION C + 11 Records relating to approved Corporate Capital budget including correspondence, working papers, and department submissions. F~200~01 DEBENTURES T+6 Records related to debentures including debenture financing and sinking fund or instalment debentures. T = debenture end date. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 30 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-2210-001 DEBENTURE REGISTRY T + 20 Records relating to the recording of purchases of debentures, maturity dates and other pertinent information. This record series may include all records relating to the debenture registry, including memoranda of transfers, certificates of ownership, authorities of corporations, and supporting documentation. T = maturity F-2300-001 STRATEGIC FINANCIAL PLAN S Records relating to the development and final approved Strategic Financial plan. Record series includes correspondence, working papers, departmental submissions, etc. F-2400-001 RISK AND LOSS MANAGEMENT S Records relating to managing risk and loss through risk financing (insurance and reserve funds) and loss control (prevention and mitigation programs). Includes risk assessments, audits, recommendations, correspondence, program and training issues. F-3000-001 INSURANCE - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence which cannot be classified elsewhere. F-3000-001 INSURANCE RECORDS S Records relating to original insurance liability policies. This record series may include original policy, agents, adjusters and premiums. F-3010-001 INSURANCE CERTIFICATES T+6 ~ Copies of Insurance Certificates provided to the City by any service provider conducting work for the City. Includes supporting documentation, certificates from parties renting City property, copies of Certificates of Corporate Liability Policies which are supplied to outside parties. T = Expiry Date of Certificate "'- ""'- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 31 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ;;; F-3020-001 INSURANCE CLAIMS T+6 Records relating to documentation of claims and actions taken upon receipt of claims to allow for issuance of funds or statements of non-liability. an incident that may result in a claim, includes supporting documentation and correspondence. T = resolution of claim F-3030-001 DEDUCTIBLE PAYMENTS - DOCUMENTATIONIINVOICES C+6 Includes all records relating to any 3rd party Deductible payments. Includes correspondence, record of payment and any other supporting documentation relative to the payment. F-3200-001 GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTS P Comprehensive annual general ledger of all transactions posted to the general ledger. Also includes final trial balance. F-3210-001 GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT RECONCILIATIONS C+6 Includes individual files for certain asset, liability, revenue and expense accounts which include reconciliation's or additional information to explain transactions. F-3300-001 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS P Records include financial statements and year-end working paper supporting audited Financial statements. Includes balance sheet, income statements, financial statements and auditors report. F-3310-001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION RETURN C+6 Includes the annual Financial Information Return and supporting working papers. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 32 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-3400-001 PERFORMANCE MEASURES C+6 Includes annual reporting and supporting working papers. F-3500-001 JOURNAL ENTRIES P Records include completed journal entry forms and all background documentation used to substantiate journal entries. F-3600-001 BANK RECONCILlA TIONS/ST A TEMENTS C+6 Records include bank reconciliation working papers and bank statements for general and investment accounts. Also includes returned cheques from the bank. F-3700-001 INVESTMENTS C+6 Records relating to the investments of the municipality, includes correspondence, confirmation certificates, bank transfers, and supporting documentation. Also includes reference materials and the investment policy. F-3800-001 GST/PST RETURNS C+6 Records relating to individual quarterly filings as well as a copy of the original return as filed and any supporting documents. Reports used to prepare filings are also included such as listing of GST transactions and final interface. F-3900-001 CASH REPORTS (NON TAX OR AIR) C+6 ,( '~ Records relating to daily cash transactions. Includes batch listings retained in binders by batch # and cashier reports including actual receipts indicating payee and GL Account Number, which are filed by month and by date, and daily cash reports from facilities. Excludes: Cash receipts for Tax payments and AIR transactions. 0\ A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 33 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period L F-4000-001 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE C+6 0, Records relating to Accounts Payable in general. Includes records relating to the accounts payable function in general that cannot be classified elsewhere. F-4010-001 VENDOR FILES C+6 Records relating to accounts payable and include invoices and cheque copies, purchase orders, cheque requisitions, receiving reports, and other background information. F-4020-001 INPUT BATCHES C+6 Records include the batch report which is used to balance against the invoices, filed in batch number order. F-4030-001 CHEQUE RUN REPORTS C+6 Records include reports generated relative to each cheque run. Reports include but are not limited to the Cheque Retrieval listings and the Cheque Listing. Filed in batch number order. F-4040-001 AlP ADJUSTMENTS CANCELLED CHEQUES C+6 Records include Accounts Payable Reports and supporting documentation. Reports include, but not limited to, the Cancelled Cheque Listing and the Adjustment Reports. Filed in batch number order. F-4100-001 PAYROLL - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to the administration of payroll services for the municipality. F-4110-001 PAYROLL REGISTER C+6 Records relating to each employee's payroll history. Hours deductions, basic and net pay are recorded and filed in a binder by pay period and year and sorted by department/branch. Also includes a master control register which provides YTO data. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 34 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-4120-001 PAYROLL EMPLOYEE FILES T + 55 Payroll history supporting documentation. Including original Action Notices, TD1 form, banking details and change of address. A separate file is retained for each employee and arranged alphabetically by surname. F-4130-001 T4'S C+6 Annual printout of employee T4s. Includes year-end reconciliation's and manually amended T4s. F-4140-001 PAYROLL TIMESHEETS C+6 Records associated with the individual time entry by employees into the payroll system. This record series may include time cards, time sheets and other similar documents used for data entry into payroll summaries or journals. They tend to have a shorter retention than payroll records in general. F-4200-001 TAX REVENUE - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to tax revenue in general, including calculations, which cannot be classified elsewhere. F-4210-001 TAX REGISTRATIONS P A permanent record of accounts registered with the Registry Office/Land Titles Division for Tax Sale includes tax sale extension agreements. F-4220-001 LAWYERS LETTERS - TAX CERTIFICATESI MORTGAGE LETTERS C+6 Records relating to letters from lawyers requesting tax certificate, mortgage letters and any other correspondence regarding payment enquiries. F-4230-001 CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP C+6 0". Records relating to change of ownership information, mailing address changes, mortgage company changes and MPAC sales listings. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 35 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period c F-4250-001 TAX APPORTIONMENT C+6 0\ Reports generated once per year, regarding Land Division / Severance where alterations to the Assessment Rolls are required. F-4260-001 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES C + 15 Records relating to those who make payments to the City in lieu of taxes. F-4300-001 ASSESSMENT/TAX ROLLS P Original assessment rolls and tax collector's rolls for the City of Pickering. F-4320-001 ASSESSMENT CHANGES - COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIALlMUL TI RESIDENTIAL C+6 Records regarding complex changes in assessment due to capping and clawbacks. F-4400-001 ASSESSMENT REVIEW BOARD - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to the Assessment Review Board. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Notice of Hearings 003 Notice of Decisions - Withdrawn F-441 0-001 CANCELLATION, REDUCTION AND REFUND WRITE OFFS C+6 Records relating to cancellation, reduction and refund of taxes and the process of assessment review and the journal entry binder. Including applications, write-ofts, notices of decision, hearings, and reconsideration. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Write Oft Applications 003 WTX Journals A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 36 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-4500-001 LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS P Records relating to Local Improvements indexing rates, correspondence and petitions for work. Records include project details, notice to taxpayers and listing of all assessment roll numbers affected. F-4600-001 TAX PAYMENTS C+6 Records relating to tax payments. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Pre-authorized Tax Payment Applications 003 Payment stubs maintained in daily batch order 004 Pay Journals 005 Balance Adjustment Journals 006 Post Dated Cheque listings 007 Post Dated Entry Listing 008 Mortgage Payments F-4620-001 TAX MONTH-END REPORTS C+6 Month-end reports generated regarding Tax Payments including: Penalties, Status of Accounts in Arrears and the AIR & GL reports. F-4630-001 YEAR END OUTSTANDING LISTS C+6 Reports generated through the Tax system. F-4650-001 LEVIES C+6 Records relating to levies including calculations and development charges. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Vacancy Rebate Applications Co 0;-- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 37 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period \"" F-4660-001 TAX COLLECTIONS C+6 c' ~ Records relating to tax arrears which include collection letters. F-4670-001 TAX LIENS C+6 Records relating to liens placed on tax accounts due to non payment of utilities and enforcement matters. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Snow Removal 003 Clean & Clear Enforcement 004 Hydro Arrears 005 Water Arrears F-4700-001 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES C+6 Records relating to Accounts Receivable in general that are not classified elsewhere. F-4710-001 OUTSTANDING AIR LISTING C+6 Records relating to monthly reports generated through the Accounts Receivables system, which identifies the status off all Receivables accounts. F-4720-001 INVOICE BATCHES C+6 Records relating to invoice batches, requisition supporting documentation, and batch listing per each invoice batch. Filed in binders in sequential order. F-4730-001 AIR CASH RECEIPTS C+6 Records relating to daily revenue transactions for Accounts Receivable transactions only. Includes batch listings which are retained in binders by batch # and the actual receipts which are filed by month and by date. Excludes: Cash receipts for other transactions. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 38 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-4740-001 AIR WRITE OFFS/ADJUSTMENTS C+6 Records containing batch listings and supporting documentation for adjustments and accounts no longer collectable. Includes interest write-offs. Filed in binders in batch number order. F-4800-001 GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES C+6 Records relating to the receipt or provision of monies by means of acquiring or issuing grants and subsidies. This file series may include all grant applications, correspondence, grant revenue information, and other related documents and records for the municipality F-4900-001 CAPITAL PROJECTS T+ 6 Records relating to Capital Projects which are defined as "long-term" projects. Records include correspondence, schedules and minutes regarding contract approval, tendering and analysis relating to each capital project and projects for consideration in the Government Funding programs including claims submitted for reimbursement. T = Completion of project F-4910-001 RESERVES, RESERVE FUNDS AND TRUSTS T+ 6 Records relating to reserves and reserve funds and trust accounts including copies of any motions related to the account, monthly interest distribution working papers, regular analysis of funds, schedules showing balance and commitments. T=Closing of reserve fund / account. F-4920-001 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES C+6 Records relating to Development Charges including detailed back-up of monthly summaries regarding collections and distributions. C"~ F-5000-001 PURCHASING - GENERAL c C+6 -- Records relating to purchasing in general that are not classified elsewhere. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 39 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-5010-001 SUPPLIER APPLICATIONS i". "> S c ~ Records relating to suppliers of goods and services. May include information about the goods and services, price lists and promotional material. F-5030-001 SPECIALITY PRINT AND PROMOTIONS 2 Records include background information for special type of orders that are not purchased on a regular basis. Records valued for reference and to reduce research time for similar future purchases. F-5100-001 PURCHASE ORDERS C+6 Records relating to purchase orders for the purchase of goods and services showing confirmation of an order. F-5110-001 BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS T+2 Records relating to blanket purchase orders including back-up material. Files arranged by Purchase Order # and may include a copy of the pricing page of the original quote. T = expiry of term. F-5300-001 FORMAL QUOTATIONS C+6 Records include documentation regarding the quotation call, original quotation submissions and any correspondence relating to the quotation call. F-5400-001 TENDERS C+6 Records include documentation regarding the tendering call, original tendering documents, bid submissions and any correspondence relating to the tendering call. Series includes any Tenders issued through a co-operative bidding process. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 40 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period F-6000-001 AUDIT - GENERAL C+6 Records related to auditing that cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other heading is applicable. F-6010-001 AUDIT - INTERNAL C+6 Records relating to monitoring the integrity of accounting and management controls of municipal programs. This record series may include audits, such as audit systems tests, and other financial and procedural audits. F-6020-001 AUDIT - EXTERNAL C+6 Records relating to external auditor's financial audit reports. '<:.:::; c: ~ A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 41 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE w File Code Record Class Retention Period c~ -- LEGAL L-1000-001 LAW - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to legal matters not classified elsewhere. L-11 00-001 LEGISLATION & REGULATIONS C+6 Records relating to acts, bills and regulations involving all levels of government. L-1300-001 LEGAL OPINIONS P Records relating to legal opinions provided by the Solicitor for the City. L-2000-001 BY-LAWS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence regarding by-laws that cannot be classified elsewhere. L-2100-001 BY-LAWS - ORIGINALS P Original by-laws approved and signed by the Mayor and the Clerk. L-2200-001 BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to by-law enforcement which cannot be classified elsewhere. L-2210-001 PROPERTY STANDARDS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence regarding property standards complaints/issues which cannot be classified elsewhere. (Example of sub categories that may be created for this classification) 002 Graffiti 003 Eyes on the Street A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 42 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period L-2220-001 PARKING - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence regarding parking complaints/issues. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 CRPD Listings 003 CRC Listing 004 MTO/ARIS Order Product 005 Vehicle Impounds L-2230-001 PAID PARKING TICKETS T+2 Paid parking tickets. T= payment of fine L-2240-001 CANCELLEDI WITHDRAWNI DISMISSED PARKING TICKETS 6 months Parking tickets which have been cancelled, withdrawn, dismissed, acquitted or where the conviction has been struck. L-2250-001 OFFICER NOTEBOOKS T+6 Inspection and activity notebooks. L-2300-001 BUSINESS LICENCES - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to business licensing. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Body Rub Parlours//Attendants 003 Home Based Businesses 004 Carnival/Parades/Fairs ,"- C' 0;;-- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 43 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ~,L-2310-001 ANIMAL LICENCES C+6 Records relating to the licensing of dogs and cats. 002 Dogs 003 Cats L-2330-001 TAXICABS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to the taxicab industry which cannot be classified elsewhere. L-2331-001 TAXICAB DRIVERS C+6 Records relating to the licensing of taxicab drivers, including application forms, criminal information reports, photograph of applicant and letters pertaining to eligibility. L-2332-001 TAXICAB PLATE OWNERS S Records include applications, certificates of insurance, ownership, safety standards certificate and copies of complaints. L-2333-001 TAXICAB BROKERS T+6 Records relating to the licensing of taxicab brokers, including applications, business name/registration pertaining to eligibility. L-2334-001 TAXICAB PLATE ELIGIBILITY LIST S Records include names of persons who have applied for taxicab plate owners' licenses. L-2340-001 SIGN PERMITS C+6 Records include sign permit applications, copy of permit and any supporting documentation and correspondence. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 44 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period L-2360-001 TREE PRESERVATION C+6 Records relating to the Region of Durham's Tree Preservation By-law, including applications to fell trees, copies of permits and any supporting documentation/correspondence. L-2320-001 LOTTERY - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to lotteries not classified elsewhere. L-2321-001 CHARITY HISTORY FILE T+6 Records relating to the eligibility requirements for organizations/charities applying for lottery licences. L-2322-001 BINGO LICENCES C+6 Records related to Bingo licences issued to approved organizations/charities, including application, bingo licence, financial reports and supporting documentation. L-2323-001 RAFFLE LICENCES C+6 Records related to Raffle licences issued to approved organizations/charities, including application, raffle licence, financial reports and supporting documentation. L-2324-001 BREAK OPEN TICKET LICENCES C+6 Records related to Break Open Ticket licences issued to approved organizations/charities, including application, break open ticket licence, financial reports and supporting documentation. L-2325-001 BAZAAR LICENCES C+6 ~ Records related to Bazaar licences issued to approved organizations/charities, including application, bazaar licence, financial reports and supporting documentation. G -A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 45 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period L-2400-001 ANIMAL ENFORCEMENT - GENERAL C+6 c C~ Records relating to the enforcement of Animal By-laws. ---- 002 Tickets 003 Orders L-3000-001 COURTS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to courts that cannot be classified elsewhere. L-3010-001 PROSECUTIONS T+6 Records relating to prosecution resulting from violation of by-laws. L-3020-001 LITIGATION T+6 Records relating to litigation claims made against the municipality or the municipality against another party. This record series may include settlements, hearing transcripts and court decisions. L-3030-001 SMALL CLAIMS T+6 Records relating to small claims court actions. L-3200-001 APPEALS AND HEARINGS - ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD P Records relating to appeals, hearings and decisions from legal proceedings, documentation and transcripts. This record series may include appeals regarding zoning, official plans, Committee of Adjustment and regulatory bodies and boards orders. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 46 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period L-41 00-001 LEGAL DOCUMENTS P Records relating to legal documents entered into by the City and another Party or Parties, executed and signed by the City Clerk and Mayor (or their designates). ((Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) ) 002 - Agreements 003 - Contracts 004 - Easements 005 - Lease Agreements L-4600-001 CITY PROPERTY - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to city property that cannot be classified elsewhere. L-461 0-001 LAND ACQUISITIONS AND SALES T + 21 Records relating to the transactions of land through buying, selling and leasing. The record series may include agreements of purchase and sale, appraisals, leases, deeds, certificates of registration and notices of applications for approval to expropriate land. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Purchase 003 SalelTransfer 004 Expropriation 005 Land Exchanges 006 Leases c_. ",-- -- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 47 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ~"'- ~ OPERATIONS ..,.- 0-1 000-001 OPERATIONS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to Public Works which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-1100-001 EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT C+6 Records relating to works equipment. This records series may include purchase, maintenance, registration, warranties and disposal/replacement records. 0-1130-001 FLEET MANAGEMENT T+2 Records relating to vehicles that the municipality leases, owns and operates. Record series may include maintenance records, registrations, vehicle histories, warranties, and disposal of vehicle records. 0-1200-001 WORKS Y ARDIDEPOTS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence regarding the works yard and depots. 0-1300-001 WORKS PROJECTS T+2 Records relating to pre-contract records and background information on capital projects leading up to a contract. 0-2000-001 ROADS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to roads and highways within the City that cannot be classified elsewhere. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 48 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-2010-001 ROADS MAINTENANCE C+6 Records relating to the inspection, maintenance, repairs and cleaning of roads. (Example of sub categories that may be created for this classification) 002 Roadside Maintenance (mowing and removal of debris) 003 Surface Maintenance (sweeping, flushing, repairs, resurfacing, sealing and replacement) 0-2020-001 ROADS CONSTRUCTION C + 10 Records relating to road construction. Use only if no other heading is applicable. 0-2030-001 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS C + 20 Records relating to installation, condition, maintenance and repair of bridges and culverts. * Inventories retained until structure is replaced. 0-2040-001 WINTER CONTROL C+6 Records relating to ploughing, salting and sanding of roads and sidewalks according to Council approved standards as well as records of snow removal and disposal. 0-2200-001 SAFETY DEVICES C+6 Records relating to traffic safety devices which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-2210-001 WARNING SIGNS C + 10 Records relating to warning signs. c" 0-2220-001 RAILWAY CROSSINGS P -:-- ..-- Records relating to railway crossings. - A' = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 49 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period f'; .-. 0-2230-001 GUIDE RAILS C + 10 ..- Records relating to guide rails. 0-2240-001 CROSSWALK/CROSSOVER C + 10 Records relating to crosswalks and crossovers. 0-2300-001 ROADS - CAPITAL WORKS C + 15 Records relating to cost comparisons of road works. 0-2320-001 ROADS - SURVEYS T+ 25 Records relating to all types of road surveys such as legal road surveys, property surveys, control surveys, field notes and survey field books. 0-2330-001 ROADS - REPORTS C+6 Records relating to statistical reports relative to roads that cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-2400-001 TRAFFIC C+6 Records relating to the flow of traffic on roads. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 Traffic Signals 003 Road Watch 004 Intersection drawings 005 Traffic reports 006 Speed limits and bumps 007 Accident statistics 008 Load restrictions A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 50 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-2410-001 CURB CUT PERMITS 2 Records relating to curb cut permits including applications and correspondence. 0-2420-001 ROAD OCCUPANCY PERMITS 2 Records relating to issuing road occupancy permits and also includes moving permits. 0-2430-001 NEWSPAPER VENDING BOX PERMITS 2 Records relating to newspaper vending box permits. 0-2500-001 ENGINEERING - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to engineering that are not elsewhere classified. 0-2510-001 DESIGN STANDARDS Records include models on which designs are based. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) -002 Design Criteria S 0-2530-001 ROAD INVENTORIES/STUDIES T+6 Records relating to road inventories and studies that are not classifiable elsewhere. 0-2540-001 ROAD NEEDS STUDY C+6 Records relating to road needs study categorizes road reconstruction priorities. (e.g. "now", "10 years", etc.) ,'-' 0-2550-001 ROAD COST STUDY "'-.c C+6 --- ,,- Records relating to the analysis of road reconstruction versus overlay. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 51 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE ~c, File Code Record Class Retention Period ~ ~ 0-2560-001 STATUS OF ROADS C+6 Records relating to the status of roads assumed or unassumed by the City. 0-3000-001 WORKS - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to works that cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-3100-001 SIDEWALKS C+6 Records relating to sidewalk repair, restoration, and sidewalk ramps. 0-4000-001 SUBDIVISION SERVICING - GENERAL C + 10 Records relating to services and provision of services in subdivisions. 0-5100-001 SIGNS C+6 Records relating to the manufacture and installation of all signs including stop signs, parks signs, arrow signs, road markings, street name signs and service club signs. 0-5200-001 UTILITIES - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to general correspondence for utilities that cannot be classified elsewhere. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) - 002 Hydro 0-5260-001 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION C+6 Records relating to the Ontario Power Generation. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 52 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-5300-001 SCHOOL CROSSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM C+6 Records relating to the school crossing program whether it involves Adult Crossing Guards employed by the City or school patrol done by the students. 0-6000-001 WATER CONTROL T + 15 Records relating to installations, plans, inspections, breakage and repair reports, control usage reports, meter installation and reports, special tests and complaints. This record series may include construction and water main failure work reports. 0-6600-001 DRAINAGE C+6 Records relating to the policy and procedures, design, construction, maintenance and management of drains and drainage systems. This record series may include assessments, claims, specifications engineering drawings and reports, permit applications, by-laws, grants, and erosion reports. 0-6700-001 LOT GRADING C + 20 Records relating to lot grading. 0-6800-001 STORM SEWERS P Records relating to the design, construction and management of storm sewers. 0-7000-001 WASTE MANAGEMENT P Records relating to waste management planning, waste disposal, waste processing, environmental audits, guidelines for recycling and composting sites and protocol for the development of sites. ""-' ;;-- ,- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 53 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period [''- 0-7010-001 WASTE DISPOSAL SITES P ~ -:-- Records relating to current and inactive/perpetual care sites, including inventory and mapping of former waste and industrial sites, reports, correspondence, drawings, plan, and lab results. 0-8000-001 BUILDING AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to City owned property which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-8100-001 PARKS & OPEN SPACE - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to Parks and Open Spaces which cannot be classified elsewhere. 0-8110-001 WALKWAYS & TRAILS C+6 Records relating to the management, maintenance and repairs, including correspondence and inventories. Of walkways and trails. 0-8120-001 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT C+6 Records relative to equipment repairs, replacement, upgrades and vandalism. 0-8130-001 ARBORICUL TURE & FLORICULTURE C+6 Records relating to tree removal, stump locations, planting, trimming, pruning, preservation, work orders and calls and records relating to horticulture, floral beautification and the downtown floral program. 0-8140-001 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE C+6 Records relating to grass cutting, turf maintenance, ball diamond screening, and litter pick-up. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 54 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-8200-001 BUILDING & FACILITIES OPERATION C+6 Records relating to operations of the City's buildings and facilities including correspondence relative to fees and agreements. 0-8230-001 WORK ORDERS 2 Records relating to requisitions for maintenance work activities. 0-8240-001 SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE 2 Records relating to reports and correspondence dealing with maintenance systems at City facilities including ice temperatures and pool tests. 0-8250-001 SECURITY S Records relating to requests, logs and other records regarding the security of offices, facilities and properties such as security passes and control of keys. 0-8320-001 ARCHITECTURE/STRUCTURE S Records relating to envelope, roofing, waterproofing, sealing, designated / hazardous materials including correspondence and reports. A separate file is maintained for each facility. 0-8330-001 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL S Records relating to plumbing, electrical, HVAC, elevators, life safety systems, and energy conservation including correspondence and reports. A separate file is maintained for each facility. 0-8340-001 PROJECTS T+ 6 -c--- Records relating to projects relative to a specific location within the facility including correspondence, quotes and reports. --- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 55 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period 0-9000-001 ENVIRONMENTAL & POLLUTION - GENERAL C + 10 c ..- Includes records relating to the environment and pollution that cannot be classified elsewhere. Records may include copies of reports and correspondence. ,- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 56 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period SERVICES 5-1 000-001 CULTURE & RECREATION SERVICES - GENERAL C+6 Includes records relating to recreation and cultural services, programs and facilities available to the public which are not covered elsewhere in this section. 5-2000-001 SERVICES AND PROGRAMS 2 Records include information relating to the administration, scheduling and offering of programs. 5-2100-001 FACILITY PERMITS 2 Rental booking permits for all city owned buildings and facilities including boardrooms, halls, fields, ball diamonds and arenas. 5-3010-001 ANIMAL SERVICES (P.A.S) C+6 Records relating to animal control in the City of Pickering including callout records, inquiries and complaints. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification) 002 Livestock Valuer 5-3020-001 SENIOR CITIZEN SERVICES C+6 Records relating to programs and activities organized through the Senior Citizens facilities owned by the City of Pickering. 5-3040-001 WA TERFRONT C+6 0.J Records relating to the waterfront of the City of Pickering. c~ ..- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 57 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period ,.--- 5-3050-001 LIBRARIES C+6 C~"J ~ Records relating to the administration, and the use and operation of public libraries maintained by the City of Pickering. 5-3060-001 MUSEUMS AND ART GALLERIES C+6 Records relating to the administration, use and operation of museums maintained by the City of Pickering. 5-4000-001 EVENTS & ORGANIZATIONS - GENERAL C+6 Includes records of organizations and events which cannot be classified elsewhere. 5-4100-001 ORGANIZATIONS C+6 Includes Community and Ratepayers Associations, Kinsmen Clubs, Rotary Club, Scouts and Cubs, Y.W.C.A. 5-4210-001 PROCLAMATIONS 2 Records relating to requests for proclamations. 5-4220-001 AWARDS 2 Records relating to awards and includes correspondence and Council directives. 5-4230-001 FLAG RAISING 2 Records relating to requests for flag raisings. 5-4240-001 FILMING C+6 Records relating to filming on City owned property and private property within the City of Pickering. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 58 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period S-5000-001 FIRE, SAFETY, PROTECTION, AND EMERGENCY PLANNING - GENERAL C+6 Includes records regarding fire, safety and protection which cannot be classified elsewhere. S-5010-001 DISPATCH REPORTS C+6 Records relating to all calls made. S-5020-001 DAILY STATION REPORTS C+6 Records relating to the daily log for each station's activities. S-5040-001 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT C+6 Records relating to equipment. Including records relating to the purchasing procedures, justification, specifications, issue, testing, maintenance and repairs. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification) 002 vehicle tools 003 equipment inventory 004 personal protective clothing 005 breathing apparatus/breathing tanks 006 rescue equipment and vehicles. S-5100-001 FIRE CODE REGULATIONS S Records relating to Fire Code Regulations. S-5110-001 FIRE PLANS S 0J Schematic diagrams of fire emergency services for major commercial buildings, schools, churches, community centres and city owned facilities. C'-, ~ A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 59 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period N 5-5200-001 FIRE CODE INSPECTIONS T+ 6 C'-J ,,- Includes inspections of businesses, building, institutions and homes to ensure fire safety practices are being met. 5-5210-001 INSTITUTION INSPECTIONS T+ 6 Includes inspections of institutions to ensure fire safety practices are being met. 5-5300-001 FIRE INVESTIGATIONS T+ 6 Includes records relating to the investigation of individual fire incidents. File may include photographs of fire scene, witness statements, Ontario Fire Marshall report from investigator, copy of fire departments response report, investigation records, notes and drawings. 5-5400-001 FIRE SAFETY & PREVENTION PROGRAMS (PUBLIC AWARENESS) C+6 Includes records relating to the development and delivery of fire safety and prevention programs. Also includes records relating to community education and fire safety awareness programs administered or sponsored by the fire department. 5-5500-001 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS T+ 6 Reports associated with hazardous material incidents such as chemicals and substances that pose a health and safety hazard. 5-5600-001 EMERGENCY PLANNING & SERVICES 5 Records relating to emergency measures planning and services provided by the municipality. This record series may include evacuee centres in the event of a disaster, provisions of service and emergency resources and contingency plans, including Pickering Nuclear Emergency plan used in the event of a nuclear disaster. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 60 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period S-561 0-001 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - OTHER AGENCIES/TEAMS S Records relating to external agencies that have an impact on the City's Community Emergency Program. Includes Regional, Provincial, Federal. S-5620-001 COMMUNITY EMERGENCY EVENTS P Records relating to any Community Emergency Event that requires the implementation of any part of our community Emergency Management Program. S-5630-001 FIRE HOSE & HYDRANT MAINTENANCE T+2 Records relating to the maintenance and routine inspection of fire hose, flushing of fire hydrants and sprinkler reports. This record series may include permits, reports and use statistics. ~ "'-' ~ J -- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 61 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE LJ" .' File Code Record Class Retention Period ~ TRANSPORTATION T-1000-001 TRANSPORTATION - GENERAL C+6 Records relating to transportation operations, which cannot be classified elsewhere. T-1100-001 TRANSPORTATION STUDIES T+7 Records relating to transportation studies. T-2000-001 TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING T + 10 In-house and external studies relating to the Planning of the City's transportation network. Includes working papers, technical reports and plans. T -2100-001 LOCAL ROADS T+ 15 Records relating to the planning and design of local roads in the City. T -2200-001 REGIONAL ROADS T + 15 Records relating to the planning and design of Regional roads in the City. T -2300-001 PROVINCIAL ROADS T + 15 In-house and external studies relating to the planning (e.g. Expansion, widening) of Provincial roads including highway 401 within the City. Includes working papers, technical reports and plans. T -2400-001 HIGHWAY 407 C + 10 In-house and external studies relating to the planning. (i.e. expansion, extension of highway 407 within the City. Includes working papers, technical reports and plans. A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 62 CORPORATE RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE File Code Record Class Retention Period T-2500-001 TRANSIT GENERAL C + 10 In-house and external studies relating to transit within the City. This record series Includes working papers, technical reports and plans. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification.) 002 GO Transit 003 Durham Regional Transit 004 Greater Toronto Transit Commission T -2700-001 AIRPORTS C + 10 Records relating to the planning and development of an airport and air transportation within the City. T-2800-001 RAILWAYS - GENERAL C+6 Includes all records relating to the railway system in general. (Examples of sub categories that may be created for this classification) 002 Canadian National Railway 003 St. Lawrence and Hudson '-,L/ C'.l ..;-- A = Archival Review/Selective Record Retained C = Current Year P = Permanent S = Superseded T = Termination of Event 63 CLUI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OS 01-08 1 2? Date: February 11, 2008 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and 2008 Work Program Recommendations: 1. That Council receive report OS 01-08 providing an update on the Sustainable Pickering initiative and 2008 work program. 2. That Council authorize staff and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee to continue to work on the City's Sustainable Pickering initiative as outlined in this Report, with the continued assistance in 2008 of Durham Sustain Ability. 3. That Council agree to the City's participation in "Earth Hour" on March 29, 2008 between 8:00 and 9:00 pm, and that all residents, business and institutions within the City be challenged to also participate, and furthermore, that the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee and staff be authorized to take the appropriate actions to engage the City and community in this event. Executive Summary: This report provides an update on the work undertaken to date on the City's Sustainable Pickering initiative and outlines the 2008 work program for this initiative. It also requests Council's approval to continue to use the consulting services of Durham Sustain Ability to assist in delivering the program in 2008. Financial Implications: The approved 2007 budget included a consultant allocation of up to $50,000 for the City's Sustainable Pickering program. Of this amount, approximately $8,000 was not spent because of cost efficiencies and work program refinements. This money has been transferred to the City's Continuing Studies Reserve for use in the Sustainable Pickering program in 2008. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subj1c2 ~ustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 2 Total funding for the 2008 Sustainable Pickering program is projected at this time to be approximately $78,000. Of this amount, $8,000 would come from the Continuing Studies Reserve fund and $20,000 is anticipated to be raised through a Sustainable Pickering sponsorship program that will be launched in 2008. Remaining funding ($50,000) will be included in the 2008 budget for Council's consideration. This amount is the same as what has been approved by Council in previous years. There would therefore be no new budget implications on the City in implementing the 2008 Sustainable Pickering work program. Sustainability Implications: Sustainable Pickering is the overall umbrella initiative that coordinates, leads and measures the City's sustainability journey. The initiative involves and affects all municipal departments and engages numerous outside groups, organizations and individuals. Through this initiative, the City is gaining a reputation as a municipal leader in sustainability both in the Province and across Canada. More importantly, tangible progress is being made in a number of the key areas of interest identified within the City's five objectives of sustainability (i.e. healthy environment, healthy society, healthy economy, responsible development and responsible consumption). Our progress will become increasingly evident in 2008 as the City moves into Phase 3 of the Sustainable Pickering journey. Background: The Sustainable Pickering journey essentially began in September 2005 after Council adopted a resolution establishing a "Benchmarking Committee" made up of municipal politicians and senior staff. That Committee was asked to establish "benchmarking standards for sustainability" for all new development in Pickering through a consultative process with broad representation from the community. Shortly after work progressed, the Committee realized that the benchmarking exercise could only be undertaken as part of a much broader City-wide "sustainability" effort. Council concurred and in November 2006 the City launched a comprehensive program that came to be known as the Sustainable Pickering journey. The journey can generally be divided into three phases. Phase One: Building Local Understanding and Capacity Phase Two: Developing a Solid Foundation and Framework Phase Three: Creating the Sustainable City The City is now entering Phase Three of the journey. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 3 1 ~? C) Phase One: Buildinq Local Understandinq and Capacity At the outset of Phase One of the journey it was necessary for the Benchmarking Committee to "test the waters" and determine the extent to which the community and corporation was interested and able to engage in a comprehensive sustainability program. The results of this assessment helped provide guidance to later decisions concerning the scope, timing and direction of the program. To gauge the community's awareness and understanding of sustainability, a number of activities were undertaken in 2006 by the Benchmarking Committee in collaboration with staff, the ROC Consulting Group (now Durham Sustain Ability) and other partners. Below is a summary of significant Phase One activities: · Undertook a literature review of sustainability concepts, principles and frameworks, leading to the general acceptance by the City of the 1987 Brundtland Commission's definition of sustainable development1, and the creation of the "three lenses" model of sustainability. The model illustrates the need to look through each of three lenses of sustainability (environmental, economic and social) before making decisions and taking actions. Social Lens · Examined past City initiatives to identify and learn from those that were building blocks for the current sustainability program, including our 1998 Healthy Community Initiative, our 2002 membership in the GTA Clean Air Council, and our 2004 partnership with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to assist the City in preparing Sustainable Neighbourhood Development Guidelines and complete Milestones 1-3 of FCM's Partners for Climate Protection program. · Designed and launched a special website (sustainablepickering.com) to provide information on our Sustainable Pickering journey and encourage community engagement and feedback. · Held a series of Town Hall and other meetings (e.g. Pickering youth) to determine the level of community interest in sustainability, and to discuss priorities. Associated with this activity was the launch of a Sustainable Pickering Community Ideas Challenge. 1 The Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program 1 ], (\.! ,-I I Page 4 · Held the first Sustainable Pickering Day at the Pickering Town Centre shopping mall in May 2006, involving 20 exhibits, an afternoon workshop and business seminar and an evening Town Hall meeting. · Provided staff orientation and training sessions to approximately 400 City staff to introduce the Sustainable Pickering program, obtain staff input and discuss the importance for City staff to "walk the talk." Associated with this activity was the launch of a Sustainable Pickering Staff Ideas Challenge. Phase Two: Developinq a Solid Foundation and Framework By mid 2006, Council had approved a series of recommendations from the Benchmarking Committee that had the effect of establishing Sustainable Pickering as a core program within the municipality. Despite some initial uncertainty about what "sustainability" meant and where the journey was headed, by the end of Phase One it had become clear that the corporation and the community were genuinely engaged, and interested in moving forward with the journey. During Phase One, a draft "Sustainability Framework" had been developed to illustrate the potential magnitude and scope of program (shown below). The framework lists the City's five sustainability objectives and identifies priority areas of interest for each objective. The framework is a key element of the underlying foundation for the Sustainable Pickering program. OBn(1'~Vle 1 HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT . Our Air . Our Ldnd . Our WHer . Our Plants & Animals 2t HEALTHY SOCiETY . Basic Needs . [dut/lti:Jn;' Literacy . Communit,' Safety;' Prqmedne>s . Health / Well-being / Happiness . Arts! Culture / Herit~ge . Citizen PilrticiOJtion Ilnvolvement Oan(f~V! 3t HEALTHYECONOMY . Employment Opportunities -Income Levels -Innovation / Entrepreneurship . Labour Participation Rates -Business Attraction! Expansion . Agriwlture i The Rural Economy OiU!(f~VI 4~ IUSPONSIBU DEVELOPMENT . BulltJlI1gs! Structures . Transportatioll System . NelghbourtlOods . The City of Pickering Eh RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION . Energy Use . rood Consumption . Water Use . Waste Production I Oi/eIJian The next step of the journey is to develop, in consultation with the community, vMimr<; MellI nfintere<;t listed under the five objectives of Sustainable Pickering. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 5 1 3 1 Following the 2006 municipal election, the Benchmarking Committee was reconstituted as the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee comprised of Councillor Dickerson (Chair), Councillor O'Connell (Vice Chair), Councillor Pickles and Mayor Ryan as an ex- officio member. The mandate of the Committee is to provide overall leadership, direction and advice to Council and staff on the Sustainable Pickering journey. Community engagement continues to play an important role in Phase Two of the Sustainable Pickering journey. Various activities and events were held in 2007 to maintain community awareness of the importance of living more sustainable lifestyles, including: · The second annual Sustainable Pickering Day again held at the Pickering Town Centre shopping mall, at which the shopping mall launched its award winning "Be Seen - Be Green" campaign. · Involvement in various partnership initiatives, including the launch by Durham Sustain Ability of "We Have The Power", first for households in Pickering and more recently for businesses in Pickering and Ajax. · On-going updates and enhancements to the Sustainable Pickering website. · Attendance at various workshops and forums, including an "Experts Forum" organized by the Town of Halton Hills, at which we were asked to share information and answer questions about our Sustainable Pickering journey. A very significant step was also taken in 2007 to further reinforce the City's commitment to Sustainability. The Chief Administrative Officer, with Council's concurrence, established an Office of Sustainability, making Pickering the first municipality in Ontario to do so. The Office resulted from an internal reorganization of the City's Corporate Projects & Policy Division and has six staff (Director, Office of Sustainability; Manager, Marketing & Business Development; Coordinator, City Development; Coordinator, Community Sustainability; Economic Development Officer; and Website Coordinator). It works in partnership with all other City Departments and various outside groups and organizations, including Durham Sustain Ability, the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade, the Durham Strategic Energy Alliance and others. In addition, a number of important projects related to the City's sustainability initiative were completed in 2007. These projects further strengthen the foundation upon which the Sustainable Pickering journey is based: · The City received confirmation from FCM in March 2007 that it has successfully completed Milestone 1, 2 and 3 of its Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program. This makes Pickering one of a small number of Ontario municipalities to have Council-approved greenhouse gas reduction targets (i.e. a 35% per capita reduction for the community greenhouse gas emissions, and a 50% per capita reduction for corporate emissions by 2016). The City is now in a position to begin the final two Milestones of the PCP program, the implementation and monitoring our progress toward achieving our greenhouse gas reduction targets. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program " 7..') , I , Page 6 · In June 2007, Council endorsed two noteworthy sustainable development documents: (i) Sustainable Neighbourhood Development Guidelines that provide comprehensive sustainability standards and targets for new development in Pickering, and (ii) a draft Scorecard for Neighbourhood Sustainability that provides a basis for measuring sustainability in existing neighbourhoods. These two documents were prepared by the Planning & Development Department in association with Dillon Consulting and the Office of Sustainability, with funding assistance from FCM. The documents are currently available for discussion purposes and will be used as input to future work, including the official plan review and the neighbourhood planning program for Seaton. · The City completed an energy efficiency re-Iamping of City Hall in 2007 that is expected to save almost $70,000 per year in energy costs, and over 400 tonnes per year in greenhouse gas emissions. Another project critical to the success of the Sustainable Pickering journey was initiated in 2007. Through this project, called "Measuring Sustainability" the City will establish key indicators and targets of sustainability. Our progress with respect to these indicators and targets will be measured, analyzed and reported to Council and the community. To date, a series of multi-stakeholder Working Group meetings have been held to identify priority indicators. The work is currently being reviewed and will be finalized with input from the community in 2008. Technical and professional assistance on the Measuring Sustainability project is being provided by Durham Sustain Ability, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and the University of Toronto. Phase Three: Creatinq the Sustainable City As Phase Two nears completion, the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee and the Office of Sustainability have developed an engaging work program for Phase Three of the Sustainable Pickering journey. Phase Three is centred around a unique program called the "Sustainable Pickering Challenge." The Challenge is intended to be a high-profile, community-wide challenge that will propel the City forward in our journey to becoming one of the most sustainable municipalities in Ontario and Canada - a challenge that will positively impact everyone that lives, works, plays and invests in Pickering. The Sustainable Pickering Challenge is a multi-year program with a simple but ambitious goal - to transform Pickering from a suburban community to a sustainable City. Through the Challenge we hope to inspire residents to live more sustainable lifestyles, persuade developers to build more sustainable communities, and encourage businesses to adopt a triple bottom-line perspective. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 7 1 7 ( ,J The Sustainable Pickering Challenge will focus on four broad initiatives in 2008: A Community Cha"en~e (Engaging our Residents and Businesses) The Community Challenge will be a proactive challenge that actively seeks out, solicits and engages community sustainability leaders from our schools, businesses, resident groups and others to "Take the Challenge" and recruit and encourage others within their respective groups to also participate. Promotional materials and training kits will be prepared and meetings with our community sustainability leaders will be held. This Challenge will be lead by the Coordinator, Community Sustainability with the assistance of the Economic Development Officer, Manager, Marketing & Business Development and Durham Sustain Ability. Information on the Community Challenge will be provided through various means including the Sustainable Pickering website, our third annual Sustainable Pickering Day, Town Hall meetings, public workshops, documentary screenings, Communities in Bloom and other opportunities and events as they arise. In addition, partnerships with others engaged in community outreach programs will be incorporated into the Challenge, such as the very successful partnership that the City has established with Durham Sustain Ability on the "We Have The Power" program, which has now been extended to the business community. A Development Cha"en~e (Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods) The Development Challenge will be implemented for Pickering's builders and land developers. The objective of the Challenge is to create neighbourhoods and buildings that are significantly more sustainable than those currently being built. All City departments (and Council) will be involved in this Challenge. The City's Sustainable Development Guidelines and draft Scorecard for Neighbourhood Sustainability will provide valuable direction and guidance to this Development Challenge, as will on-going work being undertaken by the City in Downtown Pickering, Duffin Heights and Seaton. Noteworthy infill projects in South Pickering will also be highlighted and promoted as good examples of sustainable development, such as the Indopak project proposed for Fairport Road and Kingston Road, and the Coughlan Homes "Energy Star" project under development at Brock Road and Finch Avenue. A Corporate Cha"en~e (Leading by Example) The Corporate Challenge provides an opportunity for the City to lead by example. It is of critical importance that the City continues to show real progress in our Sustainable Pickering journey through specific, measurable corporate activities and projects. In this regard, as mentioned earlier, the Measuring Sustainability project will be finalized in 2008 and be used to measure the City's progress on our Sustainable Pickering journey. There will also be an opportunity for Council to "-"""',-~-...._- Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program 1 "\ 4 1 ~, Page 8 consider a number of corporate "sustainability" projects during the 2008 budget process, including hybrid vehicle purchases, "green" facility expansions and energy efficiency retrofits. In addition, staff education and training on sustainability will continue in 2008, including advanced sustainability training in adaptive management practices, and integrative thinking. An Outreach Pro~ram (Teaching and Learning) The objective of the Outreach Program is to actively seek out and engage outside groups and organizations interested in sustainability, in order to share information, advance understanding, and where appropriate establish partnerships. The Outreach Program will help ensure the City remains current in its knowledge, understanding and approaches to sustainability, and will help maintain and promote the City's emerging image as an innovative leader in this field. The Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee plays an important role in the Outreach Program. The Committee regularly schedules knowledgeable experts to Advisory Committee meetings to present information of interest and value. Recent presentations have been given by Enbridge Gas on natural gas vehicles, the Green Municipal Corporation on Carbon Offset Credits, and the Power Application Group on community energy management. The practice of inviting experts to speak to future Advisory Committee meetings will continue in 2008. Seminars, workshops and conferences are also very valuable component of the Outreach Program. In 2007 at the invitation of FCM, Pickering participated in an Energy Mission to Alberta. For 2008, the City has been invited to give a formal presentation of its Sustainable Pickering program at two major Canadian sustainability conferences: FCM's Sustainable Communities Conference and Trade Show in Ottawa (February 14-16), and the Energy Matters Summit in Mississauga (April 1-2). The City has also been invited to submit a proposal to present its Sustainable Neighbourhood Planning work this July at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference in Winnipeg. The Outreach Program also involves working with our local businesses, schools and educational institutions. In this regard, the Ontario Power Generation has expressed an interest in working with the City in 2008 on the Sustainable Pickering Challenge. Interest in Sustainable Pickering has also been expressed by the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and the University of Toronto. As well, the Office of Sustainability has been contacted by Dunbarton High School and has agreed to take on a placement student to work part-time with the City on our sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Report OS 01-08 Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Sustainable Pickering Update and Work Program Page 9 Conclusion "1 7.. L. I ,.1 The City has made excellent progress with its Sustainable Pickering journey over a relatively short period of time. Awareness, understanding and capacity is increasing and a strong foundation has been built. The time is right to move into high gear and launch in 2008 the Sustainable Pickering Challenge as outlined in this Report. An opportunity exists for the City to promote the 2008 Sustainable Pickering Challenge by participating in "Earth Hour", an international event that will take place on Saturday, March 29 between 8:00 and 9:00 pm. The campaign began last year in Sydney Australia, and is spreading to cities across the world, including the GTA (Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Markham and other GTA municipalities have expressed interest in participating). It is intended to draw attention to climate change and involves the simple action of turning off lights for one hour in order to deliver a powerful message about the need to take action on global warming. Should Council concur, the City would participate in Earth Hour by turning off non- essential lighting in municipal buildings where feasible, promoting the event as part of the Sustainable Pickering Challenge, and encouraging the participation of all residents, businesses and institutions in Pickering. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: Shawna Mutton Coordinator, Community Sustainability Thomas Mel mu Director, Office Approved I Endorsed By: Copy: Chief Administrative Officer () d ~~.A'>e7(f/n Doug Dickerson City Councillor, Ward 2 Chair, Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Gity/ Cou. ;/ ;;