HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 4, 2007 CUlJ ()~ Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY October 4, 2007 7:10 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering, Co-Chair Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Siobhan Saravanamutto, Dunbarton High School Adam Anthony - Ryerson University Michal Kuzniar, Ryerson University John Shin, Ryerson University Tony Tang, Ryerson University Delano, Ryerson University Lisa Broad, Recording Secretary Regrets: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton High School Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic District School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge Secondary School Item / Ref # 1 Details & Discussion & Conclusion of Action Items I Status (include deadline as appropriate) Marisa welcomed everyone to the meeting. Guests of the meeting included five students from Ryerson University working on a school project. Approved. 3.0 A . Outstanding item #3 - Marisa to confirm with Phili about hotos and info for contest. Page 1 . Pilot survey received a limited response. Councillor Pickles has requested that Marisa send a reminder out to Tamil Association Pilot community survey to go on the next agenda. . Canadian Tapestry event - Marisa has sent the requested letter to Paul. Councillor Pickles also has put together a package for Paul. . Community Event - to be discussed at the following meeting when more members are present. . Annual report - the Committee would like to receive some information from Linda regarding how to present the annual report to council. Is it a formal presentation? And when is it presented? . Overview from Sethu (Canadian Commission for UNESCO). The letter is a declaration of intent to join the coalition against racism and is inviting all municipalities to join. Tanya supports this coalition and our involvement. Believes this is a positive movement. . The committee to obtain Councillor's Pickles comments - what are the next steps for having the municipality involved? . Harmony Links - an 8 week program for kids to promote leadership and diversity and to learn tactics to use on a daily basis. . Siobhan suggested that this program be implemented by the Committee and have high school students volunteer their time to work with children. . Marisa suggested that this should be an item in the Committee's 2008 workplan. . Tanya envisions a week camp, seminar type session, high school students can conduct these seminars, and kids get a certificate for completing the course. Tanya would love to work with Siobhan and Mariyah to get involved for a March break event. . Cathy suggested that the library work with them to be involved and the events could be held at the library. Cathy to research Harmony Links for ideas, and will also find the Ryerson professor who performed at the library a few weeks ago for support. . Tanya will set up the meetinl~ and get the sub- group together. To be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Marisa completed. Linda to action. Linda to action. Cathy to action. Tanya to action. Linda to action. Page 2 . Al1nual Workplan - Section . . . Marisa asked Siobhan and Mariyah what they envisioned on the website as youth representatives. . They envisioned a listing of what the other schools are doing; having links to the info, have a calendar of all seasonal events and festivals, themed holidays, ultimately having each student using the website as their resource. This can be the place where all high schools can connect. . Siobhan and Mariyah to get together with other student representatives on the committee and begin to create their idea and email text to Marisa. To present and make any final arrangements at the December meeting. . The Committee would like to remove the section on the website on White Ribbon campaign listed under Pine Ridge Secondary School. Siobhan and Mariyah to action. Linda to action Marisa to action. 5.0 . Posters have gone out to school board reps. Community page ad has gone in. The ad has also been included on the October family calendar that goes to all elementary schools in Pickering. . This contest is not only open to Pickering students but to all students in the Durham Region area. . A letter has been sent out to superintendents of the Durham and Catholic school boards, encouraging them to share the contest event with teachers. The letter of invitation included the poster and a cerlox bound copy of last years winning entries. . The contest was introduced early enough so that teachers could incorporate this project into their curriculum. . The writing contest is to be placed on April's agenda to confirm how we would like to do the writing contest for next year, and to include any necessary changes. Possible changes could include broadening the scope of entries to include art Linda to action. Page 3 6.0 . Marisa confirmed that invitations have been sent out. 7.0 Other Business . Annual Heritage day will be held on the 3rd Saturday of February to commemorate Heritage Pickering. . Cultural organizations set up displays to show the work they do in the community . Invitations will be sent out in November and if there are any organizations that any of the Committee members feel should be invited, they are to let Marisa know and she will incorporate them. . Marisa will be providing an update at the next meeting and will be soliciting for the support of committee members the day of and to help coordinate beforehand. . Siobhan would like to set up a separate "Youth" booth. Siobhan to let Marisa know what they would like to booth to contain and it can be organized. Marisa to confirm date with the Ministry. Members to advise Marisa. Siobhan and Mariyah to action. Adjournment: 8:11 pm Next meeting - November 1, 2007 at 7 pm, Main Committee Meeting Room Copy: City Clerk Page 4