HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 2, 2007 CiUI c# Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, October 2,2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Joe Vranic, Woodwrights Guild John Edmonds, Backwoods Players Julie Oakes, PMV Bloomers & Britches Lindsey McKenna, Steppin' in Tyme Michael Managhan, Managhan Design Solutions Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Tina Tays, Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communication Jody Morris, Coordinator, Marketing & Revenue Katrina Pyke, (Acting) Education & Collections Officer Mandy Smiles, Pickering Museum Village Joanne Finn, Event Coordinator Regrets: Bill McLean, Regional Councillor - Ward 2 Pat Dunnill, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Bill Weston, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Bill Utton, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Sean Thomas Byrne, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Kees van der Vecht, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Attendees introduced themselves. . Laura conducted an overview of various promotional initiatives in the past years. They include News Advertiser ads, Education Booklet, Snap Edition, Communities In Bloom, Easter Day Parade, Dance Group at Exhibition . Laura thanked staff & volunteers for everything they did this year 2. A roval of A enda . Will continue as there is no quorum to pass agenda. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref# 3. 4. CORP0228-2/02 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Approval of Minutes . Will table at October 1S, 2007 meeting since no quorum Reports Collections {Mandy Smiles} · Training was conducted in June for volunteers to inventory museum collections. Groups started working on buildings in pairs. Completed the log house & wood shop entirely · Next step after completion of the Museum is to enter into the database Woodwrights Guild {Joe Vranic} . Formed at beginning of 2007. Mandate (1) accurate depiction of tool/activities (2) sympathetic repair of buildings & tools (3) sympathetic reconstruction. They have 3 active members and have completed 13 projects, contributing 240 volunteer hours to the Museum. They meet Saturday mornings and welcome others interested to meetings. See attached for full Report. I Tapestry Event {Paul Savel} . Had wrap up meeting with planning committee. Comprised a list of twenty-two items to be addressed. . First planning meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2007. . Event is planned for Saturday, June 7, 200S. Hotel Project (Stephen Reynolds) . The Brougham Central Hotel - Phase 1 - Construction of the foundation ($SO,OOO) was approved by Council in the 2007 Capital Budget. Project financing was based on the Pickering Museum Village Foundation donation of $40,000 . Received Quotations for Phase 1. . In consultation with Laura Drake and Pat Dunnill we decided not to proceed with Phase 1 due to the high bids. . Recommending submitting one contract for the total project when funds are available. Will be less costly. We will be proposing additional funds for 200S Capital Budget. Bloomers & Britches (JUliE! Oakes) . Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches volunteer, sat on the Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Marisa to add to Oct. 1S/07 agenda --- Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) I City's Community In Blooms Advisory Committee. The I City of Pickering earned five blooms the highest rating I possible and received the environmental award. An outstanding achievement for a first time participant. . Bloomers & Britches contributed gardening/grooming around fence, sign tower garden, new lawn, and tower garden was donated . In 7 years, Bloomers & Britches has been donated to the $7,631 to PMV and PMV Foundation. See attached for full Report. Costume Collection (Julie Oakes) . Provided chemise for staff . Fashion show presented at fall family event . See attached for full Report. Gas & Steam Club (Mandy Smiles for Harold Quinton) . 2,500 hours of volunteerism . $75,000 grant from Trillium for steam barn addition/collection in partnership with Rotary Club of Pickering . Steam barn education will be worked on this fall . See attached for full Report. Backwoods Players (John Edmonds) . Used fundraising dollars to build the shed by the admin building . War brides production took place in 2007, in partnership with the Ajax Pickering Legion. Proud of this high quality production . Want to help resolve some facility related issues that hurt their productions (Le. snow fencing for whodunit) . John thanked Rose Cowan for her contributions on the bus that brings visitors back to there vehicle . Laura thanked Paul and Liz for their work greeting visitors . See attached for full Report Steppin' In Tyme (Lindsey McKenna) . 3rd year as dance society . Participated at museum but also for Heritage Day, Exhibition & Communities in Bloom Judges Tour. . Took part at Historica Fair . 10 active members . Have a new flutist, now have 3 musicians, they compose Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) appropriate music for the dance group . Attended Queen Charlotte's Ball in January . Expert dance instructor comes 6 times a year to instruct the group . 2 members attended a 1 week dance camp in Pennsylvania . Won the City of Pickering Arts Award (Civic Award) . Plan to move out to the community and develop the educational component I . See attached for full Report I Choral Society (Mandy Smiles) . Had first meeting on Saturday, September 29,2007 . 14 interested but only 6 could come out on Saturday . Will perform @ Christmas in the Village Katrina advises that PMV appreciates all the efforts of the volunteers. Very proud of their contributions and wants to continue to support them during winter months. 5. Promotions & Marketing . Tina Tays conducted a power point presentation that outlines the many ways the City's Culture & Recreation Division, Promotions and Marketing team promotes/markets the Pickering Museum Village. . See attached for PowerPoint Presentation. . Katrina extended congratulations to the promotions team for their work which has supported an increase in participation at the Museum. Tourism Durham . Katrina attends their regular meetings, looking to launch "Premier Rank" program . Working to promote tourist destinations in Durham including Museums. YRDMA . Looking to produce marketing brochure, sell bus trips Corporate Promotions and I::conomic Development . Marisa shared the report prepared by Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development. . Their budget covers an annual expenditure of $3,100 for a full page in the Region's Discovery Guide - 'Durham -- Good Natured, Good Times' The Museum is always ..-- Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) included in the copy and layout. . They have developed a relationship with a new business in Pickering - the Retail Pages, which is a new I community newspaper. This publication is printed I monthly, 15,000 copies, that are direct mailed to retail businesses and a selected neighbourhood. The Museum received a complimentary front cover for the October issue. . The SNAP community newspaper is now producing a Pickering version. This publication is expanding to 32 pages within the next 4 months and will have a distribution of 12,000 by October. A full-page centre-fold events calendar will be part of the expanded publication. This again will bode well for marketing the Museum events. . Their budget covers photo shots of Museum events and programs. . They arranged for the Ontario Media' Development Corporation to do a photo shoot of the museum village to update the OM DC locations library. The images are now in the digital locations library used by film industry personnel. Staff continually promotes the use of the Museum for film, television and commercial production. Other Opportunities . Katrina advised that Chartwell is sending Seniors on Tuesday's to volunteer with gardens at the museum . Katrina hopes to reach out to northern Pickering communities . Greenwood produces regular newsletters . Paul will confirm if Claremont has a regular newsletter . Rose Cowan asked if PMV can be listed on the side bar of the school board where program education tools are listed . City staff recommended the sale of food to attract families to come and stay at the PMV . Staff recommend pushing the museum website .6. BREAK Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 I 7. ! I 8. 9. CORP0228-2/02 2008 Special Events Calendar · Mandy circulated the 2008 special events calendar (see attached) . · Only new event is Seedy Saturday on February 2, 2008 · 14 workshops planned for the volunteers in 2008 · Steve recommends that staff book an alternative location for the 2008 "Whodunit" production (to accommodate potential restoration project construction) . Committee endorsed 2008 event list · Laura discussed the potential to introduce outdoor movies at the museum looking for a sponsor "A Movie & More" - twilight tour of the site and than a movie. $5,000 for 4 movie night, proposed for August 2008. Hope to attract northern community to this event. Concession stands would be where the museum makes money. PaLlI Savel asked Laura Drake for proposal for this event opportunity so he can seek sponsorship. Museum Maintenance Update . Katrina distributed Maintenance Update report (see attached). Katrina credited the work of Martin Norris, museum maintenance person and the Woodwrights Guild for the maintenance work completed at the Museum. · Museum now has a recycling program . Outstanding capital items 1. Log replacement at log barn. Waiting for report from John Jupien, can't do it this year but will recommend someone who can, John will source the logs required. 2. Defibrillator units at museum - preparing to purchase and train staff for fall 2007. 3. Gas & Steam barn addition $15, 000 carried over from 2004 has been spent. 4. Rebuild ramp to site at admin. building. John Hannah from MP&E to recommend a company to replace the existing logs and allow for a stroller section. New Business I. OMA conference - Lynn McGowan is retiring before November 2007. Sarah Gittens will be stepping in the task of collections. Katrina, Laura, and Sarah will attend all or portions of the OMA conference in October 2007. . PMV 50th anniversary in 2011. Laura asked Marisa to look into potential grants to write history of the PMV in honour of our 50th annJversary. _______ ----r-- Laura to provide Marisa to investigate. Page 6 I Shauna Mutton may have some leads. Perhaps consider a short film. Michael Managhan may have a lead for a grant source and will provide to Laura. . Museum received a new grant this year from the Canadian Museums Association in the amount of approx. $24,000 to offset museum seasonal staff expenses. . Community Museums Operating Grant increased this year from $16,000 to $39,000. II. Volunteer Appreciation Night - February 28,2008 or January 31,2008. . To be confirmed . Katrina is looking into using existing CLASS software systems for the Museum's program operation ie Facility Scheduling, Program Registration. Also looking at Point of sale system for event ticket sales. Michael to provide to La u ra. Mandy to confirm. Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: City Clerk CORP0228-2/02 Page 7