HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 18, 2007 Cilq ,,~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee September 18, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Simpson - Vice Chair Richard Fleming, Member Shirley Curran, Member Gordon Zimmerman, Member Karen Emmink, Member Shawna Foxton, Member Debi Bentley, City Clerk Lisa Broad, Recording Secretary Regrets: Pamela Fuselli - Chair Councillor Johnson attended for part of the meeting Theresa Abernethy, Member Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome JS Jim (Co-Chair) will be representing Pamela (Chair) this evening. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All Approval of the minutes of the August 21st meeting. Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by Richard Fleming CARRIED 3.0 New and Unfinished Business All 3.1 ) 615 Whitevale Review . Debi has spoken with the ORC and they have stated that they are standing by their report and do not feel that a home inspection is necessary. This house is listed on the Heritage Designation Listing. They have not officially Qiven the Committee a copy of their report. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) . The committee would like an official copy of the report from Del and would also like to verify what the process is to request the demolition of a heritage house. . Jim - spoke to the ongoing lack of maintenance in the house. What is the longevity of the house, and do they even need a demolition permit to get rid of this house? . Gord - believes that anyone should have the authority to contact the Health Department and see the shape that the house is in to determine if the house should be demolished. Under the Landlord Tenant Act - aren't the owners under some sort of obligation to maintain the house? . Jim - the landlord has been instructed to maintain the house, yet have not been following the provincial laws. Is the house included in the land swap? If so, can we go after the private company for this house? . Debi - stated that council is the ultimate authority on the demolition permit and once issued, they have 90 days to respond. . It was asked whether or not this act pertained to the Debi to action. province? Debi will ask the City Solicitor to obtain a legal interpretation. . Jim -as a committee that is directly reporting to council, the motion needs to go through council. . Jim would like to meet with Councillor Johnson about these issues and for advice and would like to proceed with drafting up a resolution. . Debi to draft a resolution to go to Council (requested Debi to action. before the next committee meeting) and in the interim a meeting is to be held with Councillor Johnson and the Chair, Vice-Chair to obtain advice on next steps to preserve 615 Whitevale Road. 1. That a meeting be held with Councillor Johnson and the Chair, Vice-Chair of Heritage Pickering for the purpose of receiving advice with respect to the preservation of 615 Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Whitevale Road; and 2. If deemed advisable after a review by Councillor Johnson, that the following resolution be presented to Council; That the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee hereby request endorsement by City Council on the following: a) That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby supports the position of Heritage Pickering that 615 Whitevale Road is a designated property of heritage value under the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District and should be preserved; and b) That the Province of Ontario (Ontario Realty Corporation) be hereby requested to repair and maintain 615 Whitevale Road in accordance with Heritage Pickering standards. Moved by Richard Fleming Seconded by Gordon Zimmerman CARRIED Land Swap report - Richard inquired if anyone had any information about the land swap. Would like to receive a copy of the report. To add to the agenda for next meeting (also to see if a member of P&D can come out to discuss what the Debi to action. implications are for heritage properties). 3.1 ) Siqnaqe for Heritaqe Districts Debi brought plaque example. It is also possible to obtain a special mounting bracket to mount the plaque that is specially geared for heritage homes. Shirley - to bring mounting brackets information/research for Shirley to action. next meeting. 3.2) 3195 Mulberry Lane Shawna stated that this property is not a heritage house as she expected. 3.3) Open Doors Event I I I The Committee discussed incorporating the Open Doors Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 It~m / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) concept into a future event. The only difficulty with this concept is that most of the heritage homes are not centrally located so it could be difficult to view all houses. To consider for future consideration and with Pamela's review. Discussion ensued. 3.4) Canadian Museums Associations. Application for FundinQ Pamela would like everyone's consensus before she fills out this application as the deadline is in December. The application is for a student, a co-op type program from approximately December to February. Moved by Karen Emmink Seconded by Gordon Zimmerman That the Committee pursue the opportunity for funding from the Canadian Museums Association. CARRIED 3.5) Update from the City Clerk - Ontario HeritaQe Act . The Chief Building Officer & the Director of Planning & Development are concerned that the register (Ontario Heritage Properties of Interest) is not complete and up to date, and asked that this be given priority. . Everyone felt the committee could refocus and work hard to complete this within the next month. Once the list is complete, a report can be prepared to go to council for approval. . Gordon and Debi to set up a meeting with the Chief Gordon & Debi to Building Official (possibly the end of October). action. . Debi will arrange a city vehicle for Debi, Gordon and Debi to action. Shawna to take pictures of heritage homes that are on the property register. Tentative date is September 28th and 29th. If a City vehicle is not used, mileage will be reimbursed. . Debi - suggests that the Committee inform the homeowners that their property is of heritage interest and that pictures of their homes will be posted on the Page 4 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion A'tion Item~ I Status Ref # (summary Df digCU~~ion) (include deadline as appropriate) website. . Jim - suggests generating the list, and before it is published, notify the owners via letter from the city, thereby giving them an opportunity to be aware of it. 4.0 Correspondence All 4.1 ) Ontario Heritaqe Trust Re: 2007 Nominations Requesting up to 3 nominations and must be endorsed by a Chair and submitted in electronic format. If anyone is aware of a nomination by a youth who has done something to protect or build, cultural or natural heritage they could nominate by contacting either the Chair or the Co-Chair. 5.0 Other Business All 5.1) . Cemeteries Listing - This listing is already available online however, it has not been updated since 1985. The Ontario Genealogical Society is responsible for this updating. . 2390 Rosebank Road - Heritage permit was approved at the Council meeting on September 1 tho Owners, Mr. & Mrs. Lafrance thanked the Heritage Pickering Committee for their hard work, and they look forward to working with the committee in the future. Neil Carroll, the Director of Planning & Development will be working in consultation with the committee to finalize the plans. With the revised smaller footprint, they will need to consult with committee on construction details. Debi has suggested that the Committee needs formalized guidelines. . Councillor Littley has asked for the committee to participate in a Town Hall event meeting on October 13th at Petticoat Creek. Pam would like to do something similar that was done at the tapestry event, including Pam & Shawna to brochures, display, and a little booth. Pam and Shawna to volunteer their time from 9:30-12:30. action. . Shawna inquired about the Heritage Pickering flyer. Debi to action. Would like to get copies distributed at the meeting on October 13th. Paae 5 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary ()f discussion) (includ@ d@adlinf~ as appropriate) . Gord - has discovered that 875 Kingston Road is the location where Dunbarton School used to be. Would like to suggest maybe putting up a plaque or making of mention of this. To be discussed at the next meeting. 6.0 Next Meetinq Tuesday, October 16, 2007 Motion to adjourn Shirley Curran Seconded by Shawna Foxton Adjournment 8:35 pm Page 6