HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 24-07 REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 24-07 Date: October 1, 2007 43 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Liverpool Finch Developers Inc. - Plan of Subdivision 40M-1447 Blanche Construction Limited - Plan of Subdivision 40M-1450 Claremont Estates Ontario Inc. - Plan of Subdivision 40M-1482 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 24-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482, be received; 2. That the highway being Anton Square within Plan 40M-1447 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Forestview Drive, Lawson Street and Starview Court within Plan 40M-1450 be assumed for public use; 4. That the highway being William Street within Plan 40M-1482 be assumed for public use; 5. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 80, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, the remainder of Block 87 being Parts 2 to 5, Plan 40R-10194, Plan 40M-1447; Blocks 47, 48 and 49, Plan 40M-1450 and Block 24, Plan 40M-1482; and 6. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482, be released and removed from title. Report PO 24-07 October 1, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 4 4 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482 Page 2 Executive Summary: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482. As all works and services within these plans have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these plans under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developers from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreements. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The final assumption of these plans of subdivision is an administrative process that legally concludes the City's acquisition of necessary roads and other infrastructure. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability initiatives. Background: The City entered into Subdivision Agreements with the above-noted developers for the development of Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482. As the developers have now completed all works and services to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the roads and services within these Plans, save and except from: Plan 40M-1447 1. Blocks 80, 88 and 89 in the Region's ownership; 2. Blocks 83 and 84 Liverpool Road reserve; 3. Block 85 Finch Avenue East reserve; and 4. Remainder of Block 87 Reserve - being Parts 2 to 5, Plan 40R-10194. Plan 40M-1450 1 . Blocks 47 and 48 in the Region's ownership; and 2. Block 49 Lawson Street reserve. Plan 40M-1482 1. Block 24 this block was developed by Registered Plan 40M-2257 and will be assumed through that plan assumption. Report PD 24-07 October 1, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482 Page 3 45 Further, it is also appropriate to release the developers from the provisions of their respective Agreements with the City, as follows: 1. Plan 40M-1447 Subdivision Agreement dated September 22, 1986 and registered as Instrument No. L T304067; 2. Plan 40M-1450 Subdivision Agreement dated August 5, 1986 and registered as Instrument No. LT305638;and 3. Plan 40M-1482 Subdivision Agreement dated May 19, 1987 and registered as Instrument No. L T343118. Accordingly, it is being recommended: 1. That the highway being Anton Square within Plan 40M-1447 be assumed for public use; 2. That the highways being Forestview Drive, Lawson Street and Starview Court within Plan 40M-1450 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highway being William Street within Plan 40M-1482 be assumed for public use; 4. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 80, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, the remainder of Block 87 being Parts 2 to 5, Plan 40R-10194, Plan 40M-1447; Blocks 47,48 and 49, Plan 40M-1450 and Block 24, Plan 40M-1482; and 5. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482, be released and removed from title. Attachments: 1 . Location Map - Plan 40M-1447 2. Location Map - Plan 40M-1450 3. Location Map - Plan 40M-1482 Report PD 24-07 October 1, 2007 46 Subject: Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision 40M-1447, 40M-1450 and 40M-1482 Page 4 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ;J2 . &t~ Denise Bye, Supervisor Property & Development Services ~ Neff Carr P, RPP Director, Planning & Development DB:bg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CityCou /1 /jlt? 1 Director, Planning & Development L-... Recommendation approved: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Office of Sustainability Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Clerk ~~ ~ ~ w~~~ 47 T ~ u g .~ I u I~~=CD II rm~~ J :L- STREET ~\J I f~' I II ~~ -=lg~' e FERNCLlFF )=~\jl /~c;;r==l~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~==8=1//~~ ::::: c-- - f;tH -~ I C:: -w- ____ ___ I-- '-' - C:: - --.. CIRCLE B PARKDALE Ue I I II II I U U ATH\CHMENl # REPORi 1/ PD - >1 --' - - BUSHMILL STREET g~ JHFAr<l;Ht.AF U - Vi - ,,--, LjAl~t \---J _-w-,"L I ~ >--- C:: _r-...... " _~ u _I "'" BARNWOOD.~ _-w -~ _ -~ - '-' ,.-- m1 \'11 (rr IIf FINCH AVENUE IIII~ I-- C: I - _ t::(\~ = - =~UTTERWOR rr- _~RT""'--' '--- = - - -1--- ~ 1::= g= ~~C::_ R CR~ >--- u \~~ = I I-- = ROUGH t-- \"--- .(/ EN l.- I I f-C")- ;;0 I-- Ul - C") - r'1 Z --1>--- >--- ---- J ~r5:: - -=>- =0_ -.,u Ii ::--:r- d-' '-- - .7 'I \ SQUARE ~ \""- WJ/~ ~ l FINCH ~ "\ ~ gs ~. u,,::~, ~ SQUARE SUBC IV{SI N I \ L=z __ I--- 0 I-- _z - -< - - ---- I ,.-- i~ ANTON T ~\\ ~.............: CRESCENT o -----' C:: _ f--- - ~ I- f-- _wr-- _w- -~- I-- ~ r- '---- f- I--- r- I--- I-- I--- ,.-- r- 6 n o I n. ~V//T// I ~ ..J '--- ~ >--- ' LL <i: >--- a z I--- w -' I--- '-' - ~E=~l City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1447 OWNER VARIOUS FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION rt:r:~:{CE~~.rpri... Inc. and it. auppliera. 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