HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 21, 2007 Cii1J 0# Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee August 21,2007 7: 1 0 pm Main Committee Room ~ Attendees: Pamela Fuselli - Chair Jim Simpson - Vice Chair Theresa Abernethy, Member Richard Fleming, Member Shirley Curran, Member Gordon Zimmerman, Member Debbie Shields, Acting City Clerk Linda Roberts, Committee Coordinator Regrets: Councillor Johnson Karen Emmink, Member Shawna Foxton, Member ~~m/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status ef# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Pamela welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Approval of the minutes of the July 24th meeting Moved by Theresa Abernethy Seconded by Richard Fleming Carried 3.0 New and Unfinished Business 3.1 ) 615 Whitevale Review . Pamela reviewed Debi Bentley's email regarding the above property. Debi had sent a copy of the resolution - to Del and we are awaiting their response. Pamela noted that we have not received permission for a home I inspection on the property, and discussion ensued reqarding the Question of whether we required Del's Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) permission or simply the tenant's in order to do this. Debbie to investigate r-'" Jim suggested that we question them on the report, specifically the costs that were quoted. He felt we have a right to challenge the report and possibly get our own independent quote on a particular item. Pamela indicated we had not received a copy of the report from Del at this time and explained the concern about the significance of this property and the importance of keeping it tenanted to ensure the structure remains viable. Discussion ensued on the Committee's extent of power in this respect. Jim suggested we need to address the following issues: Debbie to investigate . vacant houses and how they ultimately end up destroyed . landlord/tenant act . why Del does not want to invest in this property by not doing the repairs, yet a significant amount is being spent on the property located at 750 Whitevale. Both properties have tenants, however the 615 Whitevale Road is more historically significant, therefore, why is one property receiving significantly r------' more restoration/maintenance? What are Del's criteria for these decisions? It was the consensus of the Committee that we forward a formal request to Del to attend our next meeting and present us with the following: . How they plan to address the short term issues on this property Debbie to action . What their plan on long term goals are respecting heritage facilities located along Whitevale Road within the Seaton lands to determine how they will be preserved. It was also suggested that we request a representative from ORC to attend as well, and that we also request a response within one week from the date of the letter. The Committee decided on September 5th as a response date. It was suggested we ask Councillor Johnson on the protocol regarding inviting other Council members to attend. Jim gave an update on his contacts with the tenant r (Valerie). They are still residing on the property at this time, Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status ..Bef# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) j.2) although the eviction date has passed. Jim also stated that he had suggested she contact Councillor Johnson. He also stressed the need to keep the house tenanted. 3.3) 1100 Whitevale Road Pamela gave an update on 1100 Whitevale Road. She indicated she had spoken to Del about a new roof last year and noted that the property had been vacant since early Spring, and it is not being re-tenanted. 3.4) Seaton Neiqhbourhood Planninq Pamela informed the Committee that the land swap had Debbie to forward taken place. It was noted there had been no formal letter to Planning notification of this. It was questioned when the deal had taken place and what the boundaries were. Debbie Shields suggested that we send a letter to the Planning Department requesting notification of any future meetings dealing with the Seaton land issues. .- Review of Draft Proposed Web Paqes/Heritaqe Inventory 5) Sheets were handed out showing the current listings for Pamela to check her Heritage Properties and Properties of Potential Local Heritage electronic listing for Interest for the website. A copy of the Identified buildings we properties. had dated from Dec. 8, 2005 was shown to Pamela and she confirmed this was the list from the Province. Pamela Listings to be placed requested that the list of cemeteries she had forwarded to Debi on September agenda needed to have the registration particulars noted. Pamela also confirmed that the Committee had agreed at the July 24th meeting to set up our website to reflect Mississauga's site. 3.6) Whitevale Liqhtinq With regards to the status of the Whitevale lighting, Pamela referred to Debi Bentley's email in which she indicated that City staff will be putting together information to present to the Whitevale residents. A date has not been determined at this time. Discussion ensued regarding the light fixtures and questions ..... arose. Pamela referred the Committee to the Whitevale Heritage Guidelines, copies of which were handed out. I The consensus of the Committee was to let staff deal with this. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) The Committee was in agreement that we request a copy of the staff report which is being presented to the residents in order to review it to ensure that it complies with the guidelines. Pamela suggested we only get involved if there is still an issue after the staff report has been presented to the Whitevale residents. CHO Workshops Pamlea inquired as to numbers attending the workshops. No one at this time indicated their attendance. 4.0 Correspondence Information brochures were handed out regarding Heritage Planning Workshops coming up in the Fall. 5.0 Other Business Shirley brought in a sample of a slate plaque that was made up by Designworks located in Pickering. She informed the Committee the cost would be $250.00 each depending on the number ordered. She noted the cost would be lower if ordered by individuals. The cost for a rectangular plaque is also less. Debbie Shields was given the plaque to show Debi Bentley for approval. Pamela noted that she hoped to complete this prior to year end. 6.0 Next Meetinq Tuesday, September 18, 2007 7:00 pm Adjournment 8:15 pm CORP0228-2/02 Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Linda to mail copies of -/. the guidelines to those members not in attendance -.-' Jim Simpson to chair ..-. Page 4