HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 3, 2007 Cilq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee July 3, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Pamela Fuselli - Chair Jim Simpson - Vice Chair Theresa Abernethy, Member Debi Bentley, City Clerk Shirley Curran, Member Richard Fleming, Member Shawna Foxton, Member Gordon Zimmerman, Member Regrets: Councillor Johnson Karen Emmink Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 The agenda of June 19, 2007 was presented due to a lack of quorum on that date. Questions arose on whether the Committee could entertain video and/or telephone conferencing in circumstances where a quorum would not be obtained. The City Clerk advised that under the Municipal Act and the Rules of Procedure governing advisory committees, this meeting forum was not permitted. 2.0 New and Unfinished Business 2.1 Historical Maps Discussion ensued on the historical maps and if the maps Debi to follow up with could be scanned onto the Heritage Pickering section of the Planning & website. With the desire of the Committee to increase the Development for the website content, this was deemed an excellent idea to pursue. scanning The maps for scanning are 1860,1917, Early 1800's. 2.2 Heritaqe Inventory It was noted by the Chair, that the heritage inventory is a key task to be completed by the Committee, especially as it relates to properties of heritage interest. She noted that the City Clerk Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) receives inquiries on a fairly frequent basis, asking if a property is designated or of heritage interest. Discussion ensued on the inventories completed and/or available to date, along with electronic copies/photos of the subject properties. Concern was raised on the need for a large number of properties to be located using GPS. Staff were requested to contact IT to see if a staff member could attend the next meeting to explain if and how GPS/GIS is used at the City and how it could be encompassed within a heritage database. The City Clerk noted that a number of municipalities had heritage inventories and databases, noting the City of City Clerk to report at Brantford was an excellent example. The Committee the next meeting requested the City Clerk to report back on what other municipalities are doing. 3.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by Gordon Zimmerman Seconded by Richard Fleming That the minutes of the meeting held on May 15, 2007 be adopted. CARRIED Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4.0 615 Whitevale Road Discussion ensued with the concern of the tenant at 615 Whitevale Road being asked to move out of the property as Del Property Management have indicated the cost to repair the home is approximately $300,000 based on a consultants report. The tenant had requested a copy of the report in order to obtain comments from Heritage Pickering. The following concerns were raised: . Who prepared the report and what were their heritage credentials . The property is of interest to Heritage Pickering as the home is located in the Whitevale Heritage District . Located on a key piece of Whitevale Road . Del Property management need to explain their position with respect to this house due to its significant heritage value Moved by Theresa Abernethy Seconded by Gordon Zimmerman 1. That Del Property management be advised that 615 Whitevale Road is a property of heritage interest and is currently under the Whitevale Heritage District Guidelines; 2. That Del Property Management be requested to provide a copy of the consultant's report for 615 Whitevale Road to Heritage Pickering for their review and comment; 3. That Del Property Management be requested to cease further action on the property pending a review by Heritage Pickering; and 4. That the City Clerk forward a copy of this resolution to Del Property Management for their immediate action and a copy of the correspondence be sent to Council for their information at this time. Carried Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.0 Update on Tapestry Event The Chair advised members that it was a good event; the Heritage Pickering presence was valuable and would recommend participating next year. Suggestions for next years display area; . Binder containing the designated properties . Firm dates on the historical maps . Name badges for members . Brief overview of Committees' role on heritage matters . Educational display 6.0 Meetinq Schedule Due to the significant amount of work to be completed in the Committee approved workplan, members were of the opinion that meetings Coordinator to book would be required during the summer months. Based on the meeting rooms and discussion, a further meeting in July has been scheduled for update calendar July 24,2007 and August 21,2007. 7.0 Correspondence The following correspondence was reviewed: . CHO News Publication . Ontario Historical Society . Heritage Community Recognition Program 2007. The Committee discussed possible nominations for the Shawna to review and Heritage Community Recognition Program in 2007. Based on provide the discussion, it was determined that a review of possible recommendation for candidates be undertaken and a recommendation presented at July 24, 2007 meeting. the July 24, 2007 meeting. Correspondence relating to the Southeast Collector Trunk lEA Shawna to update the Study Area, namely, the Big Sewer Pipe route was provided to Committee as members present. Members questioned if there was official required. City notification for items of this nature. The City Clerk advised of the current notification process for items of this nature. Shawna indicated that she was on the mailing list for this matter and would endeavour to keep the Committee updated. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 8.0 Other Business 8.1 Discussion ensued with respect to Linton House, which is located on Squires Beach Road. The Chair had been contacted by Debra Linton, who has a vested interest in the property due to being the family that previously owned the property. Concern was raised on the preservation of the house and what the status of the house was. Consensus of the Committee was reached to obtain a status City Clerk to follow up update on the matter and the City Clerk indicated that she and provide members would follow up on their behalf with City staff familiar with the with an update on the project (Water Pollution Control Plant). house status. 8.2 Further discussion ensued with respect to the Heritage Trails Magazine and the Chair indicated that it would be beneficial for the City to be involved in the 'Trails Open Ontario'. 8.3 Heritaqe Permit Application - 545 Whitevale Road The Chair advised members of a minor heritage permit City Clerk to advise the application that had been submitted with respect to a deck Planning & installation at 545 Whitevale Road. She advised that she had Development met with the City Clerk and the process for how minor heritage Department of permit application are handled was discussed. Previously, approval. minor heritage amendments were reviewed by the Chair of Heritage Pickering as part of the informal process of the Planning & Development Department, and then the Committee was updated at the next regular meeting. There is no mandatory review of Heritage Pickering required, and this was a process that had worked well in the past and City staff were requesting that this same process be followed. Consensus was reached that the previous process had worked well and the Chair would ensure the Committee was updated or consulted in the event that there was concern from a heritage perspective. The Committee was provided a copy of the application for 545 Whitevale Road and advised that approval from the Chair had been provided for the minor application and that the City Clerk would advise the Planning & Development Department of this approval. 8.4 Whitevale Heritaqe District Guidelines - Manual The Chair inquired as to whether the guideline manual could be City Clerk to action Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) typed into an electronic format, for the purpose of allowing the Committee to update recommended changes within an electronic format. The City Clerk will follow up with Planning & Development to determine if an electronic format, and if not, arrangements will be made to have it copy typed. 8.5 Banner on Old Manor House (Real Estate Office) The Chair asked for a status update with respect to the banner City Clerk to action on the Old Manor House, corner of Brock Road and Highway 2. The building is currently being used as a real estate office. The City Clerk advised that she would follow up with the Manager, By-law Enforcement Officer to have the matter reviewed. 9.0 Next Meetinq The next meetinq will be held on July 24,2007. Meeting Adjourned: 8:43 pm Copy: Mayor Ryan Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Page 6 CORP0228-2/02