HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 19, 2007 Citq (J~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee April 19, 2007 6:00 pm Redman House Program Centre / Site Meeting Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Bill McLean, Regional Councillor - Ward 2 Bill Weston Paul Savel Stephen Reynolds Katrina Pyke Rose Cowan Pat Dunnill Sean Byrnes Carol Redmond, Recording Secretary Regrets: Marisa Carpino Bill Utton Kees van der Vecht Details & Dis (summary of discussion 1.0 Welcome Laura welcomed members and thanked them for coming 2.0 Site Tour All Katrina provided the committee with a tour of the Museum and updated the group on the following buildings: Steam Barn . old shed is gone. Plans finalized for workshop addition. . new industrial racking installed . lighting upgraded Log House . overall, in pretty good shape Log Barn . needs some logs replaced . Katrina has found someone to do the repair and replacement of logs. Work will be completed this summer Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Collins House . shingles are coming off . 2nd floor plaster repair and interior painting scheduled for June Miller Cole House . picket fence needs repainting . exterior and 2nd floor will be painted along with plaster repair scheduled for June . post out back needs to be dealt with . hand pump is not working Combination Building . Katrina would like to arrange cleaning of the 2nd floor . Need to make sure 2nd floor is stable . raccoons have made a mess, needs to be cleaned by professionals . farming wood wright machines can be moved here Chapel . painting of pews needs to be finished 3.0 A roval of A enda & Minutes Motion Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Pat Dunnill . that the minutes from the February 8, 2007 meeting be approved CARRIED 4.0 Sub-Committee Updates Budaet Stephen Reynolds provided budget updates · 2007 current and capital budgets have been approved Current Budget . Museum budget was increased · $10,000 approved for additional support staff · $20,000 approved for additional education instructors Steve advised committee that it will now be a challenge for Museum staff to generate revenue to offset increased costs Capital Budget · Hotel Restoration is number one priority · Phase 1 construction is supported by council · Construction of foundation will be completed this year, projected cost of $80,000. (financin is $40,000 from CORP0228-2/02 Steve Reynolds to check when shingle replacement was last done Katrina Pyke to ask Dave about the hand pump. Katrina will get a workshop team to finish painting. All Steve, Katrina, Paul, Pat Page 2 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) City and $40,0000 from Pickering Museum Village Foundation} · remaining work will be completed in 2008 · $50,000 approved in 2006 capital is carried over from last year 2007 Capital projects to be completed this year · Blacksmith/Woodshop - paint exterior . Miller Cole House - paint exterior · Miller Cole House - paint interior and plaster repair · Collins House - paint interior and plaster repair · Redman House & Miller Cole House - ground re-Ieveling & re-sodding · Road repairs - grading and gravel filling · $5,000 was approved for restoration of Gas & Steam Barn collection · supply and installation of public access defibulator and equipment - 2 defibulators to be installed this year · repairs to log barn and chimney repairs were carried over from 2006 Tapestry Paul Savel advised committee of the following: · 9 groups have been confirmed so far · stage used last year was not available · groups will be performing throughout the village · groups will be encouraged to interact with audience · Ennio has had success working with youth groups · imperative for all groups to attend May 6 meeting as timing of performances will be important · Pat Dunnill has been in contact with an East Indian group A discussion ensued regarding the caterer and it was decided to put matter over to the May 6 agenda. Paul and his wife informed the committee that they have purchased a tent and donated it to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation on the condition that it is used for Museum events only. CORP0228--2/02 Pat Dunnill to give group Marisa's contact information Page 3 Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Special Events Katrina Pyke advised the committee of the following: . Steam Up is scheduled for May 27 · school programs have been booked every day from April until the end of June · promotions team from the City have been doing an amazing job, the Museum has been well promoted over the last 18 months and it is now reaping the benefits · Museum has begun renting outreach kits for $25.00,2 kits have gone out since March · program was taught at Durham College by Pickering Museum Village education staff - excellent feedback · pilot project has been developed "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle" - 3 segments, can stand alone or all 3 segments utilized · summer students research assignment this year will be on Gas & Steam barn equipment · Stepping in Tyme will be receiving a Civic Award April 30,2007 . Museum will be one of the highlights of this year's Communities in Bloom . Museum was host site for Historica Fair on April 12 - National organization promoting history in Ontario. Went well, networked with other museums. Kids did an excellent job presenting their heritage topics Museum Villaae Foundation Pat Dunnill advised the committee of the following: . plans for the hotel have been delivered . work will begin late July or early August after Communities in Bloom · Rubber Duck race has been put off until the Fall Family Festival · Councillor Bill McLean has arranged $1000 donation for the purchase of ducks · Bingo is undergoing a dramatic change - new revenue model means a lower percentage of profits for the foundation, this could have a major impact on fundraising · 3 people from organization must be present each Bingo, so far we have Pat, Suzanne and Angela - need 2-3 more volunteers . AGM set for June 21 CORP0228-2/02 Mary Cook and Tom Reid to organize Page 4 I~ Details & Discussion & Conclusion R (summary of discussion) 5.0 2007 Work Ian Laura Laura advised committee to develop a SMART Work plan for 2007 projects. Work Plan to be presented to council. Committee members discussed current projects and developed a Work Plan for 2007, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Laura proposed that the Work Plan be reviewed annually to delete com leted items and add an new items. 6.0 New Business All Pat Dunnill expressed his concern regarding the interpretation of Pickering Museum Advisory Committee bylaw with respect to other museums being built and the Advisory Committee's role in other museums Steve Reynolds provided the following information: . pursuant to information received from the City Clerk, the current bylaw states that the Advisory Committee will provide advice to Council on museums. PMV would continue to act in an advisory capacity Steve suggested that the committee review its mandate on an annual basis. Laura Drake advised Committee that in 2011, the City will have its 200th and the museum's 50th anniversaries. . need to publish book on museum's history by 2011 . need to determine Pickering Museum Village role 7.0 Steve Reynolds advised the committee that Backwoods Players has requested to construct a shed to store props etc. · 12' x 16' cedar shed, to be paid for by Backwoods Players - should be under $6,000 · company in Mt. Albert has been selected to design shed · proposed location, west side of staff parking lot amongst the trees. Ad"ournment Next meeting, Thursday, June 14,2007, 6:00 pm., Pickering Museum Village - Redman House Program Centre Meetin ad.ourned at 9:45 m Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Attachment CORP0228-2/02 Laura Drake will follow up with Mary Cook Plans will be reviewed by City staff. Laura Page 5