HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 18, 2007 Citq o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Communities In Bloom Advisory Committee June 18, 2007 11 :00 am Main Committee Room Attendees: Mayor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering (Chair) ??? Councillor Bill McLean, City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Melymuk, City of Pickering John Hannah, City of Pickering Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, City of Pickering Alan Arsenault, Pickering Town Centre Mike Bender, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Chris Braney, Durham District School Board Dorsey James, Sculptor Kathy McKay, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Lorna Murphy, Pickering Town Centre left the meeting at 11 :55 am Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches Sigrid Squire, Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Gail Lawlor, Durham Sustain Ability Jim McCafferty, Durham Separate School Board Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Mayor Ryan welcomed members and thanked them for attending. He advised that he had to go to another meeting, but wanted to drop in and thank everyone for the work they have been doing for the Committee. He has been receiving regular updates and is very pleased with the way things are progressing. Profile Book · Profile book going to print and will be delivered the week of June 25th · Press a roval a e on schedule Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Sponsorship Update . To date, there are eleven sponsors . A total of $26,250 (includes gifts in kind) has been received . On target and a very successful run for the first year . Sponsors will be recognized through a full page ad in the News Advertiser, as well as at the awards celebration Promotions . Sigrid advised that Saturday's flower show was a great success and wanted to send a big thank you to the Pickering Town Centre for all of their support . Lorna circulated photographs from the flower show for members to view · Guest services staff at the Town Centre are currently wearing CIB shirts . Tent cards will be placed on tables in the food court · The June 2007 issue of Pickering Retail Pages contained several CIB ads and was distributed to all retail places in Pickering · The City of Pickering's tax brochure has a write-up on Communities In Bloom · A full page CIB ad was published in last Friday's News Advertiser Garden Competition . To date, there are 76 registrants, including 7 schools · Judging of schools are being done this week · Volunteers are needed to assist with the judging · The winning school will receive a commemorative tree and a plaque · Need to choose a date (mid week) for an awards ceremony in Pickering Town Centre · Continuing to promote the competition and hope to have more than 100 participants · It was agreed that every 5 bloom winner will be presented with a certificate and gift bag · All participants will be recognized - focus will be more on participation, rather than winning · 4 blooms will be recognized, if 5 blooms are not achieved · It was suggested that there could be a "Best in Category" · Best in Category should be at least 3 blooms. Anything below 3 will not be acknowledged · Give participants access to their valuation sheets so that the have su estions for future ears CORP0228-2102 Contact John if you can assist with the judging Page 2 Judges Tour Steve circulated an updated draft of the proposed judges tour and the following was noted: . The judges (Betty Lamont and Andy Yemen) will be arriving on Wednesday, July 25th at 4:00 pm and will stay until the morning of Friday, July 27th . Two business rooms have been booked at the Comfort Inn . The judges have requested that two hours be set aside for them to go back to their hotel room and review their notes before dinner on Thursday, July 26th . The 4:45 pm Granite Court site visit should be changed due to the high volume of traffic at that time of the day (avoid late afternoons) . Members are requested to be available on July 25th (6:30 - 9:00 pm) for the Opening Night Reception (Meet and Greet), being held at Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre . Community partners displays will be at the opening reception ..Oiscussio . Dorsey to meet with Rob Gagen to choose sculptures that will be displayed at Progress Park and the Esplanade Park . Sigrid will accompany Dorsey and Rob to determine a spot for the sculpture that is being placed in the Horticultural Society garden bed at the Esplanade Park . A location has been chosen for the sculpture in Altona Forest . Allan to invite Edward Faulkenberg to speak at the Pickering Town Centre . Co-Chairs to send a letter inviting Ron Baird to speak at Millennium Square . Tom advised that there is a potential of sending four or five people to attend the September 14th to 16th Woodstock Awards Monda ,Jul 9th at 11 :00 am in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 11 :50 am Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Directors City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2102