HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 23-07 90 -Cwj c~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 Altridge Properties Inc. 1482 - 1484 Altona Road & 1490 -1498 Altona Road Part of Lot 33, B.F.C Range 3, (40R-9096, Part 5 & 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) Part of Lot 33, B.F.C Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 submitted by Altridge Properties Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 33, B.F.C Range 3 (40R-9096, Part 5 & 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86), Part of Lot 33, B.F.C Range 3 (40R-5045, Part 1), City of Pickering, to permit the development of 10 lots for detached dwelling units, be refused. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, consisting of 10 residential lots for detached dwellings, fronting onto a new internal public road. Access to the site is proposed from Altona Road. The draft plan of subdivision incorporates a block of City-owned land along the western side of the site, which was conveyed to the City for future road purposes through a previous draft plan of subdivision. Richardson Street was constructed with a temporary turning circle to allow for its future extension into the subject site. Development of the site as proposed by the applicant would create an isolated pocket of residential lots that does not provide cohesive development with the existing residential neighbourhood. The proposed access onto Altona Road is not appropriate as the site can be accessed through the extension of Richardson Street. Further, approval of the proposed access onto Altona Road may prejudice future redevelopment opportunities for the lots opposite this property, on the east side of Altona Road. Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 121 91 More appropriate alternative design options are available for the site. Development of this site would be best suited at a time when comprehensive development involving the adjacent property to the south can be achieved. It is recommended that proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Application be refused, as the proposal is considered premature and does not provide for appropriate development of the site. Financial Implications: None with refusal recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The development proposal is an infill project that would utilize existing infrastructure. However, the proposed access to the site from Altona Road does not represent a sustainable approach for the development of the subject lands as the proposal creates an isolated development that does not provide appropriate connections or integration to the existing neighbourhood. Background: 1.0 Introduction Altridge Properties Inc., has submitted applications for approval of a draft plan of subdivision and an amendment to the zoning by-law in order to create 10 lots for detached dwellings on lands located at the southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Access to the development is proposed from Altona Road. All 10 lots would front onto a new public road and are oriented to face Altona Road (see Applicant's Revised Road Pattern, Attachment #4). The proposed lots would have minimum lot frontages ranging from approximately 11.0 metres to 17.2 metres and minimum lot areas ranging from 408 square metres to 561 square metres. The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential Area - Low Density Area" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood in the Pickering Official Plan. This designation permits residential development at a density of up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare. The proposal is consistent with this designation at 13.3 units per net hectare. At the Statutory Information Meeting held in April 2006, a request was made by area residents that an additional Information Meeting be held should the applicant revise the proposal. Although staff worked with the applicant following the Information Meeting in an attempt to achieve a mutually acceptable development plan, agreement has not been achieved and the applicant wishes to pursue their original submission. Consequently a second Information Meeting has not been held. Residents who commented on the application have been notified of this meeting, to consider the application as initially submitted. Date: July 23, 2007 Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) 92 - 2.0 Comments Received Page 3 2.1 At the April 20, 2006 Public Information Meeting Twelve area residents appeared at the Public Information Meeting to voice their comments respecting the application. They raised concerns regarding: traffic problems on Altona Road due to the proposed access; safety for school children in the area; compatibility of the proposed lot sizes with existing development; grading and drainage issues; and declining property values (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #9 & #10). 2.2 Written Public Submissions on the application Three written submissions were received from area residents. The concerns identified in the correspondence related to: lotting pattern; decrease in property value; walkway connections for school children; unsafe access to the development from Altona Road and traffic congestion; grading and drainage, and existing flooding in backyards (see Attachments #11, #12 & #13). 2.3 City Department and Agency Comments Development Control Region of Durham Planning Department Canadian National Railway access to Altona Road should not be permitted and development of the lands should only occur as part of the extension of Richardson Street; - the extension of Richardson Street would provide a better connection to the abutting school as the existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street could connect directly to the sidewalk on the west side of the cul-de-sac, and would also provide a direct connection to the existing walkway on the south side of Richardson Street; - various additional technical comments are also provided (see Attachment #14); - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan and is consistent with Community Strategic Plan Actions; municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property; - as the site is adjacent to Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, a noise study is required to identify any potential impacts as well as any noise mitigation and warning clauses (see Attachment #15); - warning clauses are required within the subdivision agreement and any agreements of purchase and sale for the proposed lots; - a noise and vibration study should be conducted (see Attachment #16); Report PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Pag~l~ 93 Region of Durham Works Department right-of-way dedications and a sight triangle must be conveyed to the Region; - submission of a detailed design for the intersection of Altona Road and the proposed internal road is required prior to the Region providing favourable comments on the proposed development (see Attachment #17); - the school board would like to pursue a sidewalk (walkway) connection from Richardson Street to St. Monica's Catholic School; - this request has now been brought forward as the walking area to the school has been amended, meaning more students could use the pathway to get to the school site (see Attachment #18); - no objection (see Attachment #19); Durham Student Transportation Services Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Durham Catholic District - School Board no objection (see Attachment #20). No other agency that provided comment has objection to the application. 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Background - A portion of the lands subject to this application are City-owned and intended for road purposes The conceptual road pattern for this neighbourhood originally included the extension of Fawndale Road north to connect with Richardson Street, and the northward extension of Richardson Street to a cul-de-sac (see Conceptual Road Development Plan (1986), Attachment #2). However, through Council's approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-84005 in 1986, this connection was removed and replaced with a walkway connection from Fawndale Road to Richardson Street. The block of City-owned land within this application (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #3) comprises approximately 0.14 hectares and was conveyed to the City for future road purposes as a condition of approval of Draft Plan 18T-84005 (which developed this general area). This land provides for the northward extension of Richardson Street as originally anticipated and approved by Council. Richardson Street was constructed with a temporary turning circle at its terminus to allow for the future extension of the street northward into the subject property to end in a permanent cul-de-sac. The applicant has not acquired the City-owned lands, but has included them in their application knowing that Council's approval for the disposal of these lands would be required. Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 5 94 3.2 Access to the site from Altona Road for this development proposal is not supported Altona Road is designated as a Type B Arterial Road in the Region's and City's Official Plans. Type B Arterial Roads are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds and have some access restrictions. The Environmental Assessment currently underway for Altona Road proposes a four or five lane cross-section along this portion of the road. The Region of Durham Works Department advise that they are unable to provide favourable comments on the proposed access from Altona Road at this time. Detailed design drawings for the intersection of the new internal road and Altona Road are required to ensure the proposed intersection provides safe vehicle movements in and out of the site. Area residents have expressed concern regarding the safe functioning of the site and the possible traffic impacts of the proposed access from Altona Road. Vehicular and pedestrian connectivity within this neighbourhood are important. The proposed access from Altona Road would create an isolated development that is separated from the existing residential development to the southwest and the abutting school property. A walkway connection is proposed through the applicant's proposal to provide a pedestrian connection to Richardson Street and St. Monica's Catholic School, however this connection would not provide the same benefits as having a direct road and sidewalk connection to the surrounding neighbourhood. Residents on the east side of Altona Road, south of Sheppard Avenue, have previously expressed an interest in developing the rear portions of their properties by way of a new internal public or private road with direct access from Altona Road. Planning staff have been verbally advised by the Region of Durham Works Department that only one access point onto Altona Road would be permitted in this area. The proposed access on the west side of Altona Road for this development proposal could jeopardize any future development potential for the properties on the east side of Altona Road. The subject site has an alternate access route by way of Richardson Street, whereas alternate access to the properties on the east side of Altona Road is very unlikely. 3.3 The site has alternative development potential and staff are willing to work with the applicant if an acceptable alternative design is achieved or an alternate use is proposed. Planning & Development staff have prepared three examples of alternative development options for this site, and will continue to explore these alternatives with the applicant if they so desire. Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 6. 95 Staff Alternative Option 1 - Connect Richardson Street northward to a cul-de-sac as orioinallv anticipated throuoh previous approval of the abuttino development The extension of Richardson Street on lands already secured for future road purposes creates direct vehicular and pedestrian connections to the existing neighbourhood (see Staffs Alternative Design - Option 1, Attachment #5). This design would maintain a cohesive neighbourhood and would be an integral part of completing the neighbourhood. A sidewalk connection to the abutting school site could be provided through this design as the existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street could connect directly to a sidewalk on the west side of the cul-de-sac extension. The sidewalk would provide a safe and secure connection for school children walking to the school, and the design of the development would provide more eyes on the street and the school site. A direct connection to the existing walkway between Littleford Street and Richardson Street could also be achieved. This design also provides for efficient garbage pick-up and snow removal. Although this design would result in the development of lots backing onto Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, with rear yard fencing (noise fencing) along the rear lot lines, this is similar to the existing development along Altona Road to the south, as reverse lot frontages were implemented through the design of many developments in this neighbourhood. In order to provide a minimum road allowance 16.5 metres, with a minimum pavement width of 8.5 metres, for the northward extension of Richardson Street, additional land area (approximately 7.0 metres in width) is required from the abutting property to the south, municipally known as 1478 Altona Road. This design maintains future development options for 1478 Altona Road onto Richardson Street, and may be more economically viable than other designs. However, the partial involvement of the owner of 1478 Altona Road is required. Municipal Property & Engineering staff have advised that this design would generate an estimated 17 and 14 vehicle trips during the morning and evening peak hours respectively, and that no significant traffic impacts would be anticipated on Richardson Street or the surrounding street network (see Attachment #21). Staff Alternative Option 2 - Extend Richardson Street east to a cul-de-sac adiacent to Altona Road Richardson Street could be extended eastward though 1478 Altona Road to a cul-de-sac adjacent to the west side of Altona Road (see Staffs Alternative Design - Option 2, Attachment #6). This design would eliminate lots backing onto Altona Road. This design would also eliminate access onto Altona and would provide vehicular and pedestrian connections to the existing neighbourhood. A walkway connection to the school could be provided on the City-owned lands, immediately east of the last residential lot fronting onto Richardson Street. Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 7 96 Staff acknowledge that this option requires the full involvement of the property at 1478 Altona Road for road purposes, with only a moderate increase in available lotting frontage. Staff Alternative Option 3 - Provide an alternate use on the property Although different from the low density residential land use originally envisioned for these lands, the subject property and abutting City-owned lands could be developed for a mixed-use project that serves the broader community. In 1989 consideration was given to a zoning by-law amendment application to permit a mixed-use commercial and residential development on this site, however the application was abandoned. Access to the site, site function and compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood would need to be thoroughly reviewed and addressed prior to consideration being given to an alternate use. 3.4 Two alternative designs proposed by the applicant are not supported by staff, and the applicant wishes to proceed with the application as initially submitted The alternative designs for this site as prepared by staff have been discussed with the applicant. The applicant advises that they have not been able to secure land from the abutting landowner to the south (1478 Altona Road) to pursue either Option 1 or 2 as proposed by staff. Instead, the applicant has prepared two alternative designs for the site which propose the construction of the Richardson Street cul-de-sac on the west side of the site with temporary road conditions until 1478 Altona Road is developed. The first alternative design involves the extension of Richardson Street northward with a reduced right-of-way width in front of 1478 Altona Road (see Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan - Option A, Attachment #7). The second alternative plan proposes the construction of a temporary road through the south end of the site from Altona Road until a permanent connection to the existing portion of Richardson Street is completed (see Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan - Option 8, Attachment #8). Staff do not support the alternative designs proposed by the applicant as there is no guarantee that the temporary conditions would be removed, and there is a risk that the temporary roads would become permanent if the property to the south does not develop. There would also be no incentive for the applicant to complete the full road connection for Richardson Street for either of these designs once their development is complete. The proposal to provide a temporary road connection from Altona Road to Richardson Street would still not address staff's concerns regarding access onto Altona Road. Report PD 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 8 97 As the Planning & Development Department does not support either of the proposed temporary scenarios, the applicant is continuing to pursue the original submission as initially applied for. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the staff recommendation for refusal of the application. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Conceptual Road Development Plan (1986) 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan 4. Applicant's Revised Road Pattern 5. Staff's Alternative Design - Option 1 6. Staff's Alternative Design - Option 2 7. Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan - Option A 8. Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan - Option B 9. Text of Information Report 10. Minutes from April 20, 2006 Statutory Public Information Meeting 11. Resident Comment - D. & J. Coughlin 12. Resident Comment - L. & G. Scavuzzo and J. & I. Comeau 13. Resident Comment - T. Dupnak 14. City Department Comments - Development Control 15. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 16. Agency Comments - Canadian National Railway 17. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Works Department 18. Agency Comments - Durham Student Transportation Services 19. Agency Comments - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 20. Agency Comments - Durham Catholic District School Board 21. City Department Comments - Municipal Property & Engineering Division Report PO 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 9 98 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~~ f1i/1 ~ Carla Pierini Planner II Neil Carroll, , RPP Director, Planning & Development C1Y/l~ ~~r\-. Lynda1"aylor, MCIP;RPP Manager, Development Review CP:ld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT II I TO REPORT I PO 13 - D7 ~~ ~~~~~\\\\\~.,~~~ < '" \ "/ ~::-: ,\' \\\\,~ / L I---------J 't: \ ~ tt'iO? ~...-~ ( \\ \ J\ ( \ / ==0 -~=r 'j == ]JJ5~ln~'\.\ - -.., ~ = =::~): ~ ,.-- ('~ - I- f-- i<'Q - tlf-- :f'O -~I-- - 1-1-- lnl-- / ~~ U r-- ~<:! '/1 '--- z - -ftj ,.20(jl:> J.J.. _ a:: i- w -- ..r :::> ~- 110. - rn I- _ :'l-1 :.:: In -< w- , -- 0 -I +-- l- t-- ~ -'-- LAWSON U :=- w- ~- w- :::- .~= GATE J \ -wI-- -~~ ~ _01-- == STARVIEW CRT. -;: wI-- -~~ In I-- _ wI-- - gj I-- STREET u... '-- / C.N.R. I TWYN RIVERS DRIVE ~ r--- - - - - SUBJECT - -_PROPERTY - - dIlIs~::[rr UIIIE Cl -roc\-\ARDSON STREET CRESCENT __- t- ~r- I-- - - --- I',.. 1 1'rI1=!I!.LE~ORD f-- 0:: f--Cl >- W _-I -I ~ I ........~STREET ...-- H Nl ~ = OUR ~ f--- - - f-- -_ [5 r-- I -0== > <- g --t STOVER CRESCENT ~_ I_/f w - ~ ~ o Z ~ 0 LE- ~ -~ - r-- I - - - _w == ~ ~n IlJ DRIVE ~~\(I-~ City of Pickering - f--- 99 r"3';t:l ~ ~ \ l~\ - / / Vf~ I \\'< C.N.R. \ ~ ~- \ '\ I I 1 SHEPPARD AVENUE 'l o < o a:: ~ f- '\ I--- - - - \\ - '-.: ~ ~ ROUGEMOUNT LJI-' IVE - - I I FIDDLERS f-- I w > cr Cl - I I I - r'\ TOMlIr. SON CRT I I I Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 33, BFC, R 3, 40R.5045, PT 1 & PT LT 33 BFC 40R9096, 1-5 & 40M.1515 BLK 85 & 86 OWNER ALTRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. FILE No. SP 2005-03 & A034/05 o~o ~ourc..: T.,.onet Enterpriaes Inc. ond it. auppU.r.. All ,.iflhta R..erved. Not 0 pion of aurvey. 20D~ MPAC and 11.. auoDIi.,... All riciht. A...N.d. Not a Dlon of Survev. DATE MAR, 2, 2006 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY GR l' PN-10 t'TTi\rfJI~~nn # 2. TO .:r...."l.......i\, ....... REPORT II PD 23 -07 1 00 CONCEPTUAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1986) .-JI Twyn Rivers Drive I I , ~~.. ---;--- I " 1\1 o 0: 1\1 c: ATTACHMENT #.3 TO REPORT # PO 23'-C/7 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ALTRICGE PROPERTIES INC SP-2005-03 & A 34/05 ST. MONICA'S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OWNED LANDS II I I LI , , 1 0,1 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE l I . I o <( o 0:: 45.89 8) <..I W 47.52 N Q) !-A <..I 48.57 N @ 48.88 W N CD !-A <..I 48.88 N 67.19 <( z ~ -' <( ONE STOREY BRICK DWELLING TO BE DEMOLISHED 16.00 I _RICHARDSON STR=VL, -l l' flJLl SCALf COPIES or THE APPlICWT's SUBMITTCD PIAN ARC A VA1INJLE FOR WilWilO' AT THe CITY OF PlCKOtIN(; PlANNIN(; .. DEVClOPMCNT DePART/JENT. THIS /lAP WAS PRODuceD BY THe CITY OF P1CKeRINC PLANNINC .. DEVClOPMENT OfPART/JEHT, WrORl.IATlDN .. SUPPORT SERVICES. IoW1CH 2. 2006. ATTACHMENT # '~ ro REPORT II PO_~ ..,>W INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 1 0 2 SUBMITTED PLAN ALTRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. SP 2005/03 & A 35/05 REVISED ROAD PATTERN TWYN RIVERS DRIVE ---------T#,------------------- r f-- L -T------,------- t r I I I I I r I I I I I , @ \ \ \ I- " '\ r \ \ I , \ I , \ t \ 'li ~ , l I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I 1 I I t I I I I I t I l G __-_._-4.__.____ ~"NN_'___~ -------------------- ~ @ e e I I I , I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I y I I ,11...._' I I r "' I I ./ "I, -....------..1..----- If If I' It .. ., If I' If If I' ---------------, If , 1""'--'1-------------------'------ r---.J , I , I , I . I I , RIC HARDSON STREET o <( o 0::::: <( Z o f- -3 <( , THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, JUNE 25, 2007. i'1_~.Q,~_ TO r~EP\Jl.n 11 p [).. '1:2... 0 'l ~-"""""'__~.'n~...""",-....__.........." 103 STAFF'S ALTERNATIVE DESIGN - OPTION 1 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE @ ST. MONICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL II I I LI ~ -' <: 3: w o Vi @ G) @ o CD 1478 ALTONA RICHARDSO~~ ROAD I ~ o <( o 0:: <( z o f-- -.J <( l' FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT"!; SUBMITTED PIAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR V1E:W1NG AT THE CITY OF P1CKOIING PlANNING '" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP Ifl4S PI1OOI.ICED 8'1' THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING '" OE'lf:LOPME:NT DEPARTMENT. INFORMATION '" SUPPORT SEl/VICES. JUNE 29. 2007. iI ;}j)~:~:'Qi"..,,~,.. 104 STAFF'S ALTERNATIVE DESIGN - OPTION 2 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE ST. MONICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL I o <( o a: II I I LI @ G) G o Q) CD . I <( z o f- --.J <( 1478 ALTONA ROAD RICHARDSON STREET l' FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBIIITTE:O PIAN ARE A VA/tABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING .t OEVCLoPlICNT OEPARTMENT. THIS /lAP WAS PRODUCEO BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING .t OEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT. INFORllAnON .t SUPPORT SERVICES. JUNE 29. 2007. "'r"'"'\"l""-'!"(.1 7 lJ; ~ ,..t;dlifILj',.:. ft""".."..,. ,'_" ,,_..._,_.) REPORl /1 PD......23 :.i;~jn... 105 APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ALTERNATIVE PLAN-OPTION A SP-2005-03 & A 34/05 SU8.l:CT TO EASOIENT AS IN INST Na. LT:lOJJOI "Mrl 4011-1_ TWYN RIVERS DRIVE @ @ ST MONICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL @ CD o )> r -l o Z )> RICHARDSON STREET o ;;0 o )> CJ r- o -l '" r- o -l CD 1478 ALTONA ROAD ! ! .... H H l' FUll SCAlE COPIES OF THE APPLICANTS SUB//ITTED PlAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY DF PICKERING PlANNING .I" DEVnOPl/ENT OEPARTI/ENT. THIS /lAP ~ PRODUCEO BY THE: CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING .I" DEVeLOPMENT OEPARTI.lENT. INFORI/ATlON .I" SUPPORT SERVICES. JUNE 29. 2007. 106 ;"Ti\CH"'l"M"'I" ,If Bra A! ft4, dV'clv~ ,1 '-'-~~'" .."r:p,""r ,iJ PD 2:3--07 ~,_t:, Un '11' ,_:;~___~""""-''''''''''--''''''' APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ALTERNATIVE PLAN-OPTION B SP-2005-03 & A 34/05 --2T. MONICAS CA THOLlC SCHOOL BLOCK 94 0..30 RESER\t: ~ I RESIDENTIAL (SINGLE F AMIL Y) RICHARDSON STREET TWYN RIVERS DRIVE SUBJECT TO EASDlENT AS IN WIT No, LT ~JJOI ~M'I 4ClII-101G1 1(7J"Dl'SO-': M1' .... 5MOO ;; z ~ u; .. '" ., . @ ~ @ " @ @ CD .. 47.24 ~ E ! 0 J 'f > r- ..... 0 @ ::'t t z E ,,- " > -.. " CUI ;0 . " 0 > A-~lt a r- o ..... 1478 ALTONA ROAD l' roLL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPLICANT'S SUBMII7E:O PIAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR V/<WING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING.. OE:V<LOPMENT OEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING .. OE:V<LOPMENT DEPARTMENT. INFORIM T/ON .. SUPPORT SERVICES. JUNE 28. 2007. ATTACHMENT #_ q_TO BEPORT # PO L3rO-' 107 Ciiq o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 05-06 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 20, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application - S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A 34/05 Altridge Properties Inc. (Southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road) Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) & Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-9096, Part of Part 5 & 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) (1482 - 1484 Altona Road & 1490 - 1498 Altona) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is approximately 0.75 hectares in size; - located on the southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - the surrounding uses are detached dwelling units to the north, south and east and an elementary school to the west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to establish 10 detached dwelling units fronting onto one new public street; - access to the property is proposed from Altona Road; - all 10 lots will be oriented to face Altona Road (see Attachment #2 - Proposed Draft Plan); - minimum lot frontages for this proposal are approximately 12 metres; - minimum lot depths for this proposal range from 30 metres to 50 metres approximately; - the proposed zoning by-law amendment would permit the 10 detached dwelling units to be constructed, and would set specific zoning standards for the development to adhere to. lnformation Report No. 05-06 I . 1-Q-8 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING ATTACHMENT '__ q TO AEPOR11 PD_ 2.3-0'., __....__'_~M Page 2 3.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated Living Area, which permits development predominately for housing purposes; - the applicant's proposal complies with this designation; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - the subject property is designated "Urban Residential - Low Density" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood; - this designation permits residential uses and a mix of community, cultural and recreational uses; low density residential development is permitted, up to and including 30 units per net hectare; - the proposed development would provide a net density of 13.3 units per net hectare; - the applicant's proposal conforms to the applicable Official Plan policies; 3.3 Zonina By-law 3036 - the subject lands are zoned "R3" - Residential Zone by By-law 3036; - the existing zoning permits detached dwellings with minimum lot frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow for the development of 1 0 detached dwelling units with lot frontages less than 18 metres. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received; 4.2 Aaency Comments have received written comments from: . Canada Post; . Veridian Connections; . The Durham District School Board; . Bell Canada; . Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique Centre-Sud; 4.3 City Comments have received written comments from: . Development Control (see Attachment #3). Information Report No. 05-06 t\lfJ.\CHMENT '~T() f!EPORT # PD~~ ~(j7 Page.3 109 5.0 STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 Backaround - the City acquired land from the subject property during the development of the surrounding neighbourhood; it was anticipated that the lands would be used to connect Richardson Street to a cul-de-sac extending northwards, east of St. Monica's Separate School, resulting in lots backing onto Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive; in 1989 consideration was given to a rezoning application to permit a mixed use commercial/residential / daycare facility, however the application was abandoned; 5.2 Applicant's Proposal preliminary review of the proposed lot frontage and lot area appears to indicate compatibility with lots in the neighbourhood; - the proposed road access from Altona Road isolates the development from the neighbourhood; - vehicular and pedestrian connectivity within a neighbourhood is important; - staff will review the opportunity to connect Richardson Street to the proposed cul-de-sac; consideration will be given to completing the neighbourhood road pattern using the City owned land, for establishment of a cul-de-sac; - any road / cul-de-sac location will affect the determination as to whether the City desires to dispose of its land (the City maintains control of the disposition of the lands cross hatched on Attachment #2); - the location, length, and width of a walkway connection to St. Monica's Separate School must be determined; - flooding concerns in this area of the neighbourhood have been expressed by several residents; - submission of a preliminary grading and drainage plan is required to address on-site management of stormwater; - the visual and aesthetic impacts of the proposed rear lots adjacent to Twyn Rivers will be reviewed in conjunction with any required noise attenuation fencing; - the development that is proposed through this application differs from that shown to staff at the preliminary level and staff requests that the applicant make arrangements to meet with City staff to review the proposal and address some of the concerns outlined in this section; This Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. Information Report No. 05-06 ilq " i" ,."":';'=-~:"::'_""'-=~"-.,;.....;. ;1 d- iG=~~3:" 0 7 - '_n.. '''''",':~::':;;,~.......,.~< ;:;;',",..'\".~..;...._ Page 4 ~o 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make a written submission to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. 7.0 OTHER INFORMATION 7.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 7.2 Information Received - full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; Information Report No. 05-06 ;1c_~ ""-'"l3-~-' 9"> i.'~lru._",._,.,_~__~__ -~ 0 7 - ':-c-_::-,,,,._.,.~._.<~.,,...,.... ." Page 5 1 1 1 7.3 Property Owner - the owner of this property is Altridge Properties Inc.; - the principal of this company is Honeywood Properties Inc.; ORIGINAL SIGNED BY . .., ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Geoff Romanowski Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review GXR:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development ,] q oi'r" ;:)n","~~~.e-Z"i~~__"~____ 11 2 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO.05-06 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) no written comments from residents or landowners have been received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Canada Post (2) Veridian Connections (3) The Durham District School Board (4) Bell Canada (5) Conseil Scola ire De District Catholique Centre-Sud COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department (2) Development Control je "~f'Of\!:'; ,:lr, 7...3-0] Excerpts from Minutes / Meeting Summary Statutory Public Information Meeting Council Chambers Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:00 pm. --r-n- Attendees: Councillor Brenner - Chair Lynda Taylor, Manager Development Review Geoff Romanowski, Planner II Rick Cefaratti, Planner II Birgit Wilson - Recording Secretary Also Attending: Ian McCullough, Authorized Agent of Marshall Homes Lauralei Jones, Planner Altridge Properties Inc. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. Item / . Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref # (summary ofdiscus$ion) 1. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - S-P-2005-03 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A-34/05 AL TRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TWYN RIVERS DRIVE AND AL TONA ROAD) PART OF LOT 33, B.F.C. RANGE 3, (40R-5045, PART 1) & PART OF LOT 33, B.F.C. RANGE 3, (40R-9096, PART OF PART 5 & 40M-1515, BLOCKS 85 & 86) (1482 - 1484 AL TONA ROAD & 1490 - 1498 AL TONA) CITY OF PICKERING 1. Planner Comments Geoff Romanowski, Planner II provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #05-06. 2. Applicants Comments Lauralei Jones, Planner, Altridge Properties Inc. gave assurance that the applicant will address all concerns and issues raised at this meeting and will provide additional information for this proposal. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref # (summary of discussion) I~: i I _ ..,D_____ '~!:'r.J('RT .Ii i:'fl 2.3 .0"7 !\L't...1 J.., ?f ! I&.t ,',_,"',,,".'....,, .,,,",._,........."'",...._~~,__"'...~_~...,,_..._ _.,.~.._..'_.. " , , 1 ~~ Comments from Members of the Public Cy Durdle 1497 Altona Rd. Mr. Durdle is a 20year resident of the subject area. He agrees with the development, but expressed concerns in the area of: . Water drainage - there are problems now, will they be addressed properly. . Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. . If new road is built, will it be private . Service, Le. snow removal for new road . Proposed access will create traffic problems . Safety for school in the area . Fencing - on Altona Rd.? David Goulding 283 Richardson Sf. Mr. Goulding expressed concerns that if the applicant makes changes to his original proposal that the public will not be notified of these changes. In addition he expressed the following concerns: . Water drainage - there are problems now, will they be addressed properly. . Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. . Proposed access will create traffic problems . Safety for school in the area Len Scavuzzo 1478 Altona Rd. Rd. Mr. Scvuzzo had grave concerns with respect to water run-off. He is now experiencing major problems on his property and has hired an independent firm to check out the foundation of his home to see if water has structurally damaged his foundation. He stated that in his opinion the builder of the new subdivision will not properly address the water run-off issues and his property will be in a "valley" with water draining directly onto his property. Mr. Scavuzo brought pictures of his property and wan invited to speak with members of the Planning Department after the meeting. Anna Agraso 307 Tomlinson Crt. Ms. Agraso expressed concerns as follows: . Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. . Property values will decrease. . Once Altona Road had beautiful trees, when will these be replaced . Proposed access will create traffic problems . Safety for school in the area . City will change by-law without notifying anyone in the area . Did not receive notification of meeting - was informed by a neighbour Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref # (summary of discussion) ,~t t f ACH1V:EMl",tl:.:~". _ it? _. fa HEPORT if PD,ww],J-_'PI. 11 5 G Di Donato 1491 Altona Road Mr. Di Donato expressed concerns as follows: . Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. . Property value will decrease. . Once Altona Road had beautiful trees, when will these be replaced . Proposed access will create traffic problems . Safety for school in the area . City will change by-law without notifying anyone in the area . Did not receive notification of meeting - was informed by a neighbour Lorraine Watkins Richardson St. Ms. Watkins stated that she was not informed of proposal or the Statutory Information Meeting. Her concerns are for the safety of the residents, children going to St. Monica's Separate School due to increased traffic pattern. Debbie & Jim Coughlin 278 Richardson St. Mr. & Mrs. Coughlin did receive notification of the proposal and of the meeting, however, their written comments are not noted. They do agree with the development however do have concerns with declining property values. Also, they would like clarification whether the access will be from Alton Road or Richardson St. The height of any fencing that would go up was also a concern and asked staff for clarification of the fencing height restriction by-law. James Callan 1483 Altona Rd. Mr. Callan expressed concerns as follows: . If a new road is built will it be private or public. . Widening Altona Road will increase traffic pattern . Will new access road be a traffic light intersection . If new by-law is passed what are the boundaries it will effect Mr. & Mrs. Seres 306 Sheppard Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Seres are very concerned with the lot sizes of the subdivision. The esthetics are not compatible with the existing large homes. They ask that the builder re-size the lots. They also expressed safety concerns about placing a house on Plan site # 10. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Ref # (summary of discussion) CORP0228-2/02 10 23.-(17 Lome Hewie 1469 Altona Rd. Mr. Hewie expressed concerns as follows: . If access from Alton, increased traffic pattern poses a safety hazard. . Safety for school children. . Lot sizes are too small in comparison with the existing properties. . Decrease in property values. Joan & Carl Chivers 267 Richardson St. Mr. & Mrs. Chivers expressed concerns as follows: . If access from Alton, increased traffic pattern poses a safety hazard, especially if large trucks are making turns. . Safety for school children. . Lot sizes are too small in comparison with the existing properties. . Decrease in property values . No notification of meeting or plans. Dan Farren 1485 Altona Road Mr. Farren wanted to know when The Region of Durham is going to make a commitment in regard to widening Alton Road and the continuation of Richardson Street. 4. Response from the Applicant Lauralei Jones, Planner, Altridge Properties Inc. stated that Altridge Properties will work very closely with The School Board to address safety issues regarding access road and also address esthetic issues raised this evening, Le.: fencing, trees. She further assured that new signs would be erected. 5. Staff Response Geoff Romanowski, Planner II stated that when The Region of Durham initiates plans to widen Alton Road notification of that proposal will go out to the public to advise of the Statutory Public Meeting. In regard to not everyone receiving notification of this proposal and Statutory Meeting, he will look into the matter and ensure that all future notification will be expanded from the present radius. ~ l"-~ 1+lA-~\llll",t-Io~ .o.,I'F'1......d4/~+ i'~.:'.Ll\r.e..t:.Ul.g ~Wl k,..o , 6. Comments from the Chair i/t"I.uv r~~' Councillor Brenner explained that to date no decision has been made. He also assured all concerned that if this proposal changes significantly then, under The Planning Act, a second Statutory Information Meeting must take place. Page 4 ,~TrACHfViEi\lT #,= Il='.c~_TO .REPORT /1 ,PD.,~_.):3 -OJ ..._.--~=-,.,..~,."...."',."...~ , ,. 11 7 Romanowski, Geoff From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bentley, Debi April 4, 2006 8:40 AM 'The Coughlins' Romanowski, Geoff RE: Zoning Amendment Application - A 34/05; Subdivision S-P-2005-03 -----Original Message----- From: The Coughlins [mailto:debbie.coughlin@sympatico.ca] Sent: April 3, 2006 11:11 PM To: Bentley, Debi Cc: Debbie Coughlin Subject: Zoning Amendment Application - A 34/05; Subdivision S-P-2005-03 As outlined in a letter I received today I am requesting: 1. To receive notice of any future meetings on this matter 2. To receive notification of any decisions of the City with respect to the proposed new subdivision Additionally, I have some questions/concerns regarding this subdivision: I live at 278 Richardson which is the property closest to this new development. Ideally, I would like to see the property not developed but understand this is not realistic. I do have a real concern about protecting the privacy of my home and the appearance/value of my property. My husband and I are original owners and have lived her for 18 years. 1. The drawing would appear to have a property running up to my front lawn. A backyard abutting another backyard is one thing but it is not right to have a backyard running against a homes front lawn. Visually, this will not be appealing and it will lower the value of my home. Can you please confirm if I have understand the drawing correctly. Can you please advise as to the steps to oppose any abutment to my front lawn. 2. If the zoning of the property is changed, is the builder committed to developing single family homes? I am trying to understand if after approvals they can change their plans to build semi detached or town homes. 3. Currently there is a walkway from Littleford to Richardson which children use to walk to the catholic school and also .the local high school, alongside the property that abuts my house and the school. Has any consideration been given to the impact on neighbourhood children who will now have to walk considerably further? Was any consideration given to building fewer homes to accommodate a walk way through to Sheppard? We would really appreciate it if you could provide answers to our questions. Thanks. Debbie and Jim Coughlin 278 Richardson Street Pickering, Ontario LIV 6B5 118 ATTACHMENT I I 2 TO REPORT # PO 2.3.6] We the registered owners of 1478 Altona Rd. are extremely concerned with numerous issues with regards to "Proposed application S-P-2005-03/ zoning A034/05. ACCESS 1. The access of 10 or more vehicles to an already deemed heavily used road. Comment justified with proposed widening of Altona Rd.( since 1999) 2. Narrow bridge -causing a bottleneck effect with regards to traffic congestion at the intersection ofTwyn Rivers and Altona Rd. (South west comer), also to mention -degree of incline approaching this specific comer. 3. This proposal's increase of traffic to an already established 2 school zones heavily used areas, 2 established traffic lights and the narrow bridge's congestion, all within a one block radius, is a risk to community safety. Also access to and from our home will be greatly affected. FYI- last traffic accident April 09,2006 4. The safety of our own property with regards to multiple vehicle road way so close to our housing structure. We did not buy our property as a comer lot. This proposed usage of multiple vehicles around our children is of great concern. 5. Won't proposed roadway off of Altona create extra frontage to our property? Consequently will our land taxes reflect this change? DWELLINGS 1. Number one concern of the proposed housing is the overall elevation of land. Is the City of Pickering going to allow us to be flooded out with regards to water flow? As it did in the past with regards to the development of Littleford. The land to the south of our property was on average, level with us, when originally purchased in 1996, as is the property in question. (See picture) 2. Currently we have at the west side of our property a culvert, to deal with surface water. Will the surface water flow in or out of proposed property? 3. What will happen to mature trees lining our property? Will our chain link fence remain standing as it currently does, with regards to this development if proposal accepted? 4. How will this development affect under ground water flow? As we are so low on the water table, with already discovered natural water flow approximately 6-7' down on the north side? This was found during connection to sewer system, inspected by a Pickering employee. What will be done to deal with it? .A IT ACHMENT I i 2.. TO REPORT (I PO l3-cn 11 9 5. I spoke with GeoffRomanowski on March 23. I mentioned the concerns regarding previous development, he asked me to write all concerns down and bring them to April 20 information meeting......... The first of these concerns is that our backyard was flooded, after we attended that City meeting. (See picture) 6. The fact that our chain link fence stood prior to development but has been supported by beams since it fell and was mentioned to Ian at Marshall homes. (See picture) 7. The sidewalk along Altona Rd. between 1478 and Littleford is constantly flooded out with rains and snow melting. The city has cleared this particular sidewalk via plough/salter for past 10 years or so and has had continuous ditching of the machine since the building of the backyard sound barriers facing Altona, recently this past winter they have started using a hand plough in that specific area and have gained access to the remaining sidewalk north of us via our road way access. This makes the usage of the sidewalk difficult, during these times. Also the trapped garbage and water are perfect conditions for breeding mosquitoes. (See picture) 8. The height difference regarding the property south of us has definitely affected the natural flow of water, as their front entrance is 7feet above our property. Their driveway sits approximately at same level as the roof our garage. Entrance off of Richardson. (See picture) 9. If this proposal is approved, who will make sure the value our property is not affected at the gain of another? 10. And if the city's proposal of widening Altona is the solution to heavy traffic issues, we are left with the concern of how high will Altona Rd. be after the widening? How long will it take in comparison to the building of these 10 homes? 11. Please acknowledge this letter as our official request to be informed of any decisions regarding this property and or proposal. All future communications are requested in writing. Sincerely very concerned taxpayers at 1478 Altona Rd. Leonard and Gayle Scavuzzo Jamie and Ina Comeau 120 13 il "c. . 23-"0] """~<."".'"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"''''''''''''''',,,,,,''''','.''''.,,,,,.".,.",,,"..",'.,, Romanowski, Geoff From: Sent: To: Subject: Rourke. Heather on behalf of Planning Web Email August 23,20061 :12 PM Romanowski, Geoff FW: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Twyn Rivers and Altona Road Hi Geoff. please review the email below which was received through the Planning Web Email. Thanks! Heather -----Original Message----- From: Terry Dupnak [mailto:t_business@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:29 PM To: Planning Web Email Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Twyn Rivers and Altona Road I agree with your staff recommended design for the development of 8-10 lots for detached dwellings on an extension of Richardson Street. An addition entrance to Altona Road so close to two other intersections would cause hazards for children walking to near by school and congestion caused by cars turning on and off of Altona Road. Please consider my opinion in your final decision. Thank you Terry Dupnak 1038 Riverview Crescent Pickering, Ontario 905-509-6045 Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 1 'i I '-I iT': ;:::PCiHl ,1 pe.wj,.~_2..:'97 __"__..." , 1 21 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 4, 2006 To: Geoff Romanowski Planner II From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 034/05 Altridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) & Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-9096, Part of Part 5 & 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) Altona Road (1482 - 1484) & (1490 - 1498) City of Pickering We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: 1) Street "A" should not be permitted to access onto Altona Road. The development of this property should only occur as part of the extension of Richardson Street. Richardson Street presently ends with a temporary turning circle condition as it was anticipated to be extended in the future. Property was conveyed to the City for future road as a condition of that draft approval, and as a condition of the approval of lots to the south. Development should not be permitted to proceed unless this connection is completed. 2) A storm sewer is not available on Altona Road. Street "A" is required to connect to the existing storm sewer on Richardson Street. Downstream cost sharing for the existing trunk storm sewer will also be identified for this development. 3) Connecting Street "A" to Richardson Street and maintaining Street "A" adjacent to Altona Road is possible; however, relocating street "A" to the proposed extension of Richardson Street (Fawndale Road) on those parts of lands already provided for future road creates a better connecting to the school. There is an existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street that would connect directly to a sidewalk proposed on the west side of street "A". This would also provide a direct connection to the walkway that is between Littleford Street and Zo~ing By-law ~mendment Application A 034~05, ("IW'niT' I "Ii Altndge Properties Inc.~.fTj\.Jr",.,I.' #'n_.r.'~.,""<~=.r" 'iF' 'm if PD " 3-07 ---J 2 2' U ' '. . l__-=.=_~=<._"., April 4, 2006 Page 2 Richardson Street. This design requires only the maintenance of a sidewalk, where the other option would require a longer sidewalk and another walkway connection. Although rear yard fencing (noise fence) would be required adjacent to Altona Road, this is similar to previous development on Altona Road south of Sheppard Avenue / Twyn Rivers Drive. 4) A geotechnical report will be required. 5) The City will need to be satisfied with regard to stormwater quality. 6) Applicant/owner will need to enter into an agreement with the City to address such matters as, but not limited to, engineering plans, roads, services, stormwater, utilities, sidewalks, street lighting, fencing, lot grading securities, insurance, driveway aprons, tree planting, etc. 7) Cost sharing for downstream storm sewer oversizing and/or quality control measures will be addressed in the Subdivision Agreement. 8) A Tree Preservation Plan will be required. 9) A Boulevard Tree Planting Plan will be required. 10) All easements required by the City for stormwater management purposes must be provided. 11) A Construction Management Report is required. It must address such items as erosion and sedimentation control, mud and dust control on site and on the adjacent site during all phases of construction, hours of work, material stockpiles, storage of materials, servicing supplies, building supplies, construction vehicles, construction access, fencing temporary and permanent. 12) City of Pickering has recently passed a By-law restricting the placing and/or removal of fill and/or topsoil. A copy of that By-law No. 6060/02 is provided with these comments and should be forwarded to the applicant for their information. ~\-" \'" C'~-://~-'- _ \, ....,..... . ", ,,,:::" Robert Starr RS:jlm J:\Oocumentl'Devlllopmtrlt ControI\BOBSTARR\nlemos\lppk.lionl\Zol'lin; .mendmenllAltridg. Propertin Inc..doc Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Technician, Development Approvals The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBYON L1N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail:' planning@ region.durham.on.ca. wWw.region.durham.on.c;a A.L.Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning i~TriJ.CH1VHn tf~__.J2 .........TO "'.>=".r\(:"f .. no' ..'J '1. '~.' ~ ~')f..J"\~~d; }t~ r.Lt ,...,,~~_,.~_:'~.1._... 123 June 16, 2006 Mr. Geoff Romanowski Planning & Development Department City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON L1 V 6K7 RECEI\/ED .JUN l 9 2006 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . Dear Mr. Romanowski: Re: Regional Review of an' Application for Plan of Subdivision File No.: S-P-2005-03 Applicant: Altridge Properties Inc. Municipality: City of Pickering Please Quote Ref. No.: This application has been reviewed and the following comments are offered. Ree:ional Official Plan The lands subject to this application are designated "Living Area" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Living Areas are to be used predominantly for housing purposes. The proposed plan of subdivision conforms to the policies of the Regional Plan. Provincial Policies and Delee:ated Review Responsibilities The application .has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. As the' subject property is adjacent to Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, Type B and Type C Arterial Roads in the Durham Regional Official Plan, a Noise Study is required to identify any potential impacts as well as any noise mitigation and warning clauses. The Noise study Jllay be submitted to this department for review. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited, has been conducted on the subject property. The report concludes that the potential for adverse impacts on the subject property is considered to be low., No additional environmental investigations were recommended. Ree:ional Services Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property from existing utilities on Altona Road. Any unused service connections are to be disconnected or plugged. . @ 100% Post Consumer 124 A rTAGHi\!:F!\IT;f.. 15 ?FP(iIT' Pi! ,,":"I?;~::C?7. Page 2 Community Strateeic Plan The proposal is consistent with Community Strategic Plan Actions including developing a viable, affordable and integrated transit plan by promoting land uses along arterial . roads. The proposed infiIl development implements effective land use planning which sustains finn urban boundaries and supports effective compact development and healthy neighborhoods. Conditions of draft approval will be forwarded along. with additional comments regarding transportation and site access once they become available. Please contact Dwayne Campbell, Planner in thisdepffitment, with any questions or concerns. Yours truly, p .f) 'Ji '1 P . i 7v~v~....*~~.t>1:. . . Richard Szarek, Project Planner Current Planning cc:' Regional Works Department- Peter Castellan sbbconlpS Ib 2.3-07 125 Romanowski, Geoff From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Geoff. Woods@cn.ca May 1, 20062:21 PM Bentley, Debi Romanowski, Geoff Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, File Nos. S-P- 2005-03 and A 34/05, Altridge Properties Inc., southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive Debi, CN has reviewed the above noted applications and requests that the following comments be included as conditions of approval, to be cleared by CN: 1. The following warning clause shall be include in the Subdivision Agreement and insert in all Agreements of Purchase and Sale or Lease for each dwelling unit. Provisions must be included in the Subdivision Agreement to ensure that the warning clause survives the release of the Owner's obligations under the Subdivision Agreement and remain on title. - "Warning: Canadian National Railway Company or its assigns or successors in interest has or have a right-of-way within 300 metres from the land the subject hereof. There may be alterations to or expansions of the rail facilities on such right-of-way in the future including the possibility that the railway or its assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwelling(s). CN will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under the aforesaid right-of-way." 2. The Owner is required to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of noise and vibration in order to recommend abatement measures necessary to achieve the maximum level limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Canadian National Railway. Upon review and approval of the noise and vibration reports, all recommendations provided must be included in the Subdivision Agreement. e We request notice of any meetings or approvals regarding the subject property. Regards, iiiiiii##i#####iii#####i#iii#####iii#iiii# Geoff Woods, BES, MCIP, RPP Manager, Community Planning and Development CN Business Development & Real Estate 1 Administration Road Concord ON L4K 1B9 Tel.: 905-760-5007, Fax: 905-760-5010 Email: geoff.woods@cn.ca i##i############i#############i####i#####i 1 The Regional MuniCipality of Durham Works Departm~nt I' 126 ~,,,,,",17,,,..,, ",.,. iI . PD,.."..~,,~:~~::g7. ... '. RECEIVED JUN 2 7 2005 CITYOF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. P.O. BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 A:ax: 905-668-2051 . ~-mail: " '.' . .'. ' The Region of Durham's Transportation Infrastructure Division has reviewed '. works@reglon.durham.an.ca the above mentioned draft plan of subdivision and has provided us withthe www.regian.durham.on.ca following comments. . C. R. Curtis,P. Eng., MBA Commissioner of Works ~ CO,;",_,",,'Y .. Ser\ll(:eE")(c,~/fence far qurCOdlmunifies" "'-'-,-'c.:C,..:<,'> June 26, 2006 Hayes Line Group of Properties 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 901 Toronto, Ontario M4W3H1 Attention: Aaron Knight Dear Sir: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Altridge Properties Inc. City of Pickering Our File: 06-P-02 As you know, the Region has undertaken an Environmental Assessment for Altona Road with an anticipated completion date for late summer of 2006. As such, the alignment cannot be considered final until the notice of completion .has been 'filed and the 30 day Public Review period closes, providing there are no Part II Order requests. . Attached for your reference is a marked up drawing indicating rightof way , dedications to be conveyed to the Region. In addition, we will require conveyance of a 20m x 8m sight triangle. . We are also including a CD with digitalfilesof both the plan view and cross sedionsforyour use. The cross . section details also include grading information at the future property' line. Priorto the Region providing favourable comment for this plan ofsubdivision, we will require submission of a detailed design for the intersection of Alton a Road and future Street 'A'. Please provide this information to our office at your.earliest convenienteJor our review and approval. We trust the above is sufficientforyourpurpose. Yours truly, -~aCi). . Pete Castellan '. Development Approvals Division c. Dwayne Campbell, R. egion of Durham Planning De. pt. Geoff Romanowski, Cit@f Pickering "~~;.:>;;;, . , .' .- ~.,e"'~"-";':,i4. 100% Post Consumer. ..~--- "'T~ ""'\'E~n a 1 /'j, .'" ,I-\L.nlvi j~lrtc<",,_12.._.._._.TO ':.;FP(jR"l ~1i pn 2,3'- -'" ~"L ...... f if '. '"",~",=.._.,...~9-. ..,,___ 11., ,,2, }'r:'J '1 """,1 "";/'::;;~'" ,c OlsrR'c~ ~) t~)i' ~ \.:::::!::/' ~ Durham Student Transportation Services ~;: " ') ~ :1; {~~rr'~:l'::~: .... ~.' l~jUNJG;h~L ~;;fh;FEHT'/ ;~! ::;\j(~iN~E~~jNG May 23, 2007 ,c~~ '4~:'9;~ M "1 1il Richard Holborn, Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Branch Operations and Emergency Services Department The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1V 6K7 ; l ~ ~.~ n l..t'......'..,1 ... :,0" ")nqr'. 1.1 .. 'J I.d CITY Of PiCpZEFllNG PlANNlNG & DEVELOPMENT DEP,c.,RTMENT Dear Richard: In 2002, The Corporation of the City of Pickering approached the Durham Catholic District School Board to have a sidewalk (walkway) off of Richard Street leading to St. Monica Catholic School. The board at the time decided not to participate in this venture. However, since that time the idea has been brought forth from the parents of the St. Monica Catholic School community and upon further reflection the Durham Catholic School Board would now like to pursue this initiative. Staff from the Facilities Services and transportation staff from Durham Student Transportation Services have been out to the location to review the area. At this point in time both departments would like to pursue the option of providing access from the walkway to the school. Staff from Facilities Services will be able to provide a gate and a walking area on the school site from the paved walkway. This request from parents at St. Monica Catholic School was brought forth as the walking area to St. Monica Catholic School has been amended, meaning more students could use the pathway to get to the school site. At this time both Facilities Services of the Durham Catholic District School Board and Durham Student Transportation Services would like to participate in this venture, if the City of Pickering is willing to review this project. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with an answer as to opening up this project once again, with.the understanding that the Durham Catholic District School Board would like to participate in this joint project. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, LyndaSmilh ~ CAD, Durham Student Transportation Services 58 Ross/and Road West, Unit 217 Oshawa, Ontario L 1 G 2V5 Tim Robins Senior Manager Durham Catholic 650 Rossland Ro Oshawa, Ontario L 1 J 7C4 Cc: Paul Pulla, Superintendent of Education, Policy and Development and Business Services Mitch LePage, Superintendent of Education Michelle Richard, Principal, St. Monica Catholic School onserRvaNfiOn 1 2 Por The Living City April 21, 2006 U?t~.,. :l ,'?,D 23 ~o l '" -..",,',..:, . I ,. CFN 37517 XREFCFN 35953 BY FAX AND MAIL Mr. Geoff Romanowski Planner II City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 RECEIVED APR 2 7 2006 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OEPARTMENT Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision No. SP-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. A34/05 1482-1484 & 1490-1498 Altona Road Southwest Corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive City of Pickering (Altridge Properties Inc.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-referenced Draft Plan of Subdivision, Zoning By-law Amendment Application and related Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, received on March 31,2006. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has reviewed the submissions and offers the following comments. Background The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the applicant wishes to amend the existing zoning to permit the construction of 10 single detached dwelling units. Currently, the property is undeveloped and abuts existing residential and institutional development. Site-specific Comments Please note that the property is situated outside of the TRCA's Fill Regulated Area and related Regional Storm Floodplain of the Petticoat Creek Watershed, pursuant to Ontario Regulation 158 (Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways). Therefore an Ontario Regulation 158 Permit is not required prior to any works taking place on the subject property. Furthermore, there are no natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that are of concern to the TRCA. Due to the size of the site (less than 5 hectares), the TRCA defers the review of stormwater management design to the City of Pickering, but supports any initiatives to manage water quality and quantity on site. Recommendation In light of the above, TRCA staff have no objections to the Draft Plan of Subdivision No. SP- 2005-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment No. A34/05 applications as submitted and provide TRCA clearance herein. , ,F :\Home \Eublic\Deve lopment ~ervices\Durharn" Reg ion\Pipkering\S'p-2005:03,&A34:05/\ltridge CofP.2.1.~04.-0tU, VoIP d 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ;~; . ......t"'. fJ9 fl7 /I iDlJ_,:-,~{:i>, 129 Geoft Romanowski - 2 - April 21, 2006 We trust that these comments are of assistance. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate t c ntact me. c.c,: Aaron Knight (fax: 416.283.0350) _ F:\Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\SP-2005-03&A34-05 Altridge CofP 2J -04-06_1.wpd ,t'1D " ~. .~ . _oJ.j J --ff.:~Q:l_..--. _ _ ...__ 1 30 Durham Catholic District School Board April 11, 2006 City of Pickering Planning Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 RECEiVED: APR 1 2 2006 CITY OF PICKERiNG {PlANNING 8. DEVEL<?PMENT 1""\~:::-'/"r:;Tr\.'lC~~ ( Attention: Geoff Romanowski ,00ISTRIC;>- ~ov <5'0 ~ 1, (j 0 ~ i'" <( . CD :I: 0 (:!:. ..h ~ $J Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A034/05 Altridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 33, BFC Range 3 (40R-5045, Part 1)& Part of Lot 33, BFC Range 3 (40R-9096, Part 5 & 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) (1482 - 1484 Altona Road & 1490 - 1498 Altona Road) City of Pickering RE: Please be advised that at the regular Board Meeting of Monday, April 1 0, 2006, the following motion was approved: "THAT the Durham Catholic District School Board indicate in its comments to the City of Pickering that the Board has no objection to Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2005-03 or Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 034/05." Should you have any questions please contact me. Yours truly, {J >AJ ~U Gerry O'Neill Controller of Planning and Admissions GON:AD:ad 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L 1J 7C4 Tel 905576-6150 Toll Free 1 877 482-0722 Patricia A. Manson BA, M Ed. Director of Education / Secretary I Treasurer i 2.\ 2..3:0 '7 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION 1 31 MEMORANDUM July 17, 2006 To: Geoff Romanowski Planner II From: Shahid Matloob Coordinator, Transportation Engineering - Subject: Projected Trip Generation - Altridge Properties Ltd. S-P-2005-03 & A-34/05 - 1482 - 1484 & 1490 - 1498 Altona Road - File: 0-2400 Please be advised that, the Municipal Property & Engineering Division have reviewed the zoning by-law amendment application A-34/05 with respect to the proposed 10 single detached homes on Richardson Street from a traffic impact perspective. The proposed development is expected to generate 17 and 14 vehicle trips durin~ morning and evening peak hours respectively as per ITE Trip Generation Manual, 6t Edition. Therefore, no significant traffic impact is anticipated on the surrounding street network due to the proposed development. __ If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~ - ~~ - ~ l'({0 . . ... ....~. Shahid Matloob . \. SM: Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works