HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 23, 2007U� II) III) .. =- ,,, _��� - !� L���ry� � � �._ � ��'�+' 1 Trct �'M'1�1 iM _ � y ���-����_��� Councii Meeting Agenda Monday, July 23, 2007 Council Chambers 7:30 pm INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 2007 1-30 In Camera Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 2007 and UnderSeparateCover June 25, 2007 IV) PRESENTATIONS V) DELEGATIONS VI) CORRESPONDENCE VII) COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Planning & Development Reports b) Executive Reports VI11) REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS X) BY-LAWS XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW XIII) ADJOURNMENT 31-40 (Blue pages) 41-131 (Buff pages) 132-136 137-148 149 150-176 , =- ,,.. _ ����-���, - ;�_= ,.�-� -- .�� �� ��� � _�_�� / ��� ��� FOR INFORMATION ONLY Council Meeting Agenda Monday, June 18, 2007 Council Chambers 7:30 pm • Minutes from Committee of Adjustment Meeting, May 30, 2007 • Minutes from Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity, June 7, 2007 • Minutes from Communities in Bloom, June 18, 2007 • Minutes from Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, June 19, 2007 • Minutes from Committee of Adjustment Meeting, June 20, 2007 • Minutes from WaterFront Coordinating Committee, June 21, 2007 .. = ,_.� ,�,��, ._. a ���4 �� ��������1�[ PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R.Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll T. Melymuk G. Paterson D. Bentley L. Taylor C. Rose R. Pym D. Shields Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Office of Sustainability - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - Manager, Development Review - Manager, Policy - Principal Planner — Development Review - Deputy Clerk (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson In Camera Council Meeting Minutes May 22, 2007 Special Council Meeting Minutes May 22, 2007 Council Meeting Minutes May 22, 2007 Planning & Development Committee Minutes June 4, 2007 ... � � 01 . �= �� ���'-'� � , -. ��� j� �:4��.'!. . ����•���`'�� 1 .. � , � Councii Meeting Minutes Nick Trantos Durham Business Times/Durham Trade & Commerce Magazine Reader's Choice Award Re� Award for the Pickerinq Recreation Complex Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers Nick Trantos, Durham Business Times/Durham Trade & Commerce Magazine, presented the Reader's Choice Award for the second year in a row to the City of Pickering for the Pickering Recreation Complex. Mayor Ryan and Thomas Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer accepted on the City's behalf. 2. Durham West Lightning Midget AA Team Ontario Women's Hockey Association Re� Provincial Champions Mayor Ryan and Council presented a plaque and certificates from the City of Pickering to the Durham West Lightning Midget AA Team in recognition of their Provincial Championship win in the Ontario Women's Hockey Association. (III) DELEGATIONS Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Re: Government Relations Warren Hurren of Hurren, Sinclair, Maclntyre Chartered Accountants, appeared before Council to update them on the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trades accomplishments and mandate for the coming year. Mr. Hurren noted that the Board's membership had increased to 470 members and that the Board is committed to keeping businesses informed on many matters including lobbying all levels of government for information and relaying concerns regarding businesses within Durham Region. 'r� 1 ' ��' ,��"+��`'�p'=' =- ,�,,, _: , i�� � ����,���1�` Council Meeting Minutes 2. Nicole Scarlett Re: Leash Free Areas within the City of Pickering Director. Corqorate Services & Treasurer CS 27-07 Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers Nicole Scarlett, appeared before Council in support of Report CS 27-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. She indicated that she supports creating leash free areas within the City of Pickering and noted the Leash Free Working Group was prepared to assist the City in the public forum process and establishing a budget and guidelines for leash free areas. 3. Shashi Bhatia Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham 60th Anniversary of India lndependence Celebration Re: CORR.35-07 Shashi Bhatia of the Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham, appeared before Council to request that August 15"' be proclaimed India's Independence Day and also request that the rental fee of $1,365.68 for the Pickering Recreation Complex fee be waived for their event being held on August 18�', 2007. 4. Janice Frampton Re: Planning & Development Report PD 17-07 Nerotal Ltd., Emis Ltd., Lakeridge Properties Inc. And the Region of Durham & Planning & Development Report PD 18-07 Brookdale Centre Inc. Janice Frampton, a resident of Pickering, appeared before Council to note her objection to zoning by-law amendment applications A 8/06 and A 3/06. Ms. Frampton stated that she felt the City was being put together piece by piece and that the City should have a complete vision on how the area should look. She noted that she did not want the City to turn into all big box stores. She stated that she felt the City put the developers wants and needs before the community and asked that the applications be referred back to staff to be looked at again. 5. David McKay, MHBC Planning Re: Planning & Development Report PD 17-07 Nerotal Ltd., Emis Ltd., Lakeridge Properties Inc. And the Region of Durham & Planning & Development Report PD 18-07 Brookdale Centre Inc. 3 03 , {� >� ;�'�°�� ���i� . a .�_� �"`� v ����������� 1� Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers David McKay of MHBC Planning, appeared before Council and stated that over the last two weeks they had been working with the City and had revised the plan in many areas to address the concerns of the City and the community. He noted that he had submitted a revised by-law for consideration at tonight's Council meeting with the revisions that had been worked on by the applicant and City staff. (IV) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR.34-07 MARTHA A. PETTIT MANAGER OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES/DEPUTY CLERK TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Ave Aiax ON L1 S 2H9 Resolution #120/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That CORR. 34-07 from Martha Pettit, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Town of Ajax, requesting the City of Pickering's endorsement with respect to Council Composition for 2010 municipal elections be received for information. CARRIED 2. CORR.35-07 SHASHI BHATIA INDO-CANADIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF DURHAM Resolution #121/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 35-07 from Shashi Bhatia of the Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham requesting that August 15, 2007 be proclaimed as the "60tn Anniversary of India's Independence and that the waiving of the rental fee of $1365.00 for the Pickering Recreation Complex be approved. 4 . -- �� �_�� �� ��-,�. ���-�� . �.� ���:����II�� Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #122/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Councii Chambers DIVIDED MOTION CARRIED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) That the main motion be divided in order to deal with the request for proclamation and request for the waiver of the rental fee separately. ..- � — • Resolution #123/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 35-07 from Shashi Bhatia of the Indo-Canadian Cultural Association of Durham requesting that the rental fee for the Pickering Recreation Centre facility in the amount of $1365.00 be waived. YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor Pickles MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE NO Councillor Littley Councillor McLean Councillor O'Connell Mayor Ryan The main motion, as amended, was then CARRIED. 3. CORR.36-07 DERRICK MCKAY, RACE DIRECTOR COURTICE KIDS OF STEEL TRIATHLON 5 05 , , .:� �s' ;��i � r �,_ �, � ��� . ����•�_��'�� 1. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #124/07 Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers That CORR. 36-07 from Derrick McKay, Race Director for the Courtice Kids of Steel Triathlon seeking corporate sponsorship in the amount of $200.00 to assist in the purchase of road closure signs be received for information. CARRIED 4. CORR.37-07 SANDRA RICHARDSON CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES 26 Francis St., Box 9000 Lindsay, ON K9V 5R8 Resolution #125/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That CORR. 37-07 from Sandra Richardson, City of Kawartha Lakes, with respect to their adoption of a resolution relating to the formulation of a province- wide integrated goose management plan of action be endorsed. CARRIED 5. CORR.38-07 DIRECTOR, OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES CITY OF PICKERING Resolution #126/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 38-07 from the National Recreation & Parks Association, be received and that the City of Pickering proclaim June, 2007 as "Recreation and Parks Month". CARRIED �� � 1 ._._ �s,,�UC�� � �;�� ... ,�.➢_,� �t� �■ �-.� ,.�� .. .����,_���_'�� 6. CORR.39-07 MARLAINE KOEHLER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WATERFRONT REGENERATION TRUST (V) a) Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #127/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers That CORR. 39-07 from Marlaine Koehler, Executive Director, Waterfront Regeneration Trust, be received and that the City of Pickering proclaim September 20, 2007 as "Waterfront Trail and Greenway Day". CARRIED Council took a ten minute recess and reconvened at 9:51 pm. COMMITTEE REPORTS REPORT PD 2007-03 OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 13-07 Wilson/Maclnnis/557351 Ontario Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1446 557351 Ontario Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1451 557351 Ontario Limited/Marshall Homes (Altona) Limited Marshall Homes (Woodview) Limited Plan of Subdivision 40M-1515 Final Assumption of Plans of Subdivision Resolution #128/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Report PD the Assumption received; 13-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding of Plans 40M-1446, 40M-1451 and 40M-1515, be 7 07 . �� -� ac ,�vl� �.�- --, ia— � v nnr^amn <M�3i _�_��.�,_�_��_��� . 1: Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 2. That the highways being Hoover Drive, Littleford Street and Rouge Valley Drive within Plan 40M-1446 be assumed for public use; 3. That the highways being Rouge Valley Drive and Hoover Drive within Plan 40M-1451 be assumed for public use; 4. That the highways being Hoover Drive, Howell Crescent and Richardson Street within Plan 40M-1515 be assumed for public use; 5. That the services required by the Agreements relating to Plans 40M-1446, 40M-1451 and 40M-1515, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Block 50, Plan 40M-1446 and Blocks 85 to 90, 95, 97, 98, 99 and the remainder of Blocks 84 and 94, all within Plan 40M-1515; 6. That the Subdivision Agreements and any amendments thereto relating to Plans 40M-1446, 40M-1451 and 40M-1515, save and except from Blocks 85 and 86, Plan 40M-1515, be released and removed from title; 7. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Hoover Drive, Littleford Street and Rouge Valley Drive within Plan 40M-1446; 8. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Rouge Valley Drive and Hoover Drive within Plan 40M-1451; 9. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Hoover Drive, Howell Crescent and Richardson Street within Plan 40M-1515; and 10. That Council enact a By-law to dedicate that part of Block 94, Plan 40M- 1515, designated as Part 8, Plan 40R-18609 as public highway. CARRIED E:3 1� iaa.UGC�CI� .�_ 1:.��,��_`�._. a�.s�.�rss-u���.��� �. . �.��_�/ � ��.'�[.. � Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 2. Director, Planning & Development Report PD 17-07 Zoning By-Iaw Amendment Application A 8/06 Nerotal Ltd., Emix Ltd., Lakeridge Properties Inc., and The Regional Municipality of Durham Part of Lot 24, Concession 1 (40R-16455, Parts 1& 5, 40R-12678, Parts 1& 2, 40R-12678, Parts 6 to 9, & 40R-12678, Part of Part 4 and Part 5& 40R-22390, Part 1) (1097,1099, 1101, 1101A, & 1103 Kingston Road) Citv of Pickerinq Resolution #129/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Report PD 17-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding Nerotal Ltd., Emix Ltd., Lakeridge Properties Inc., and The Regional Municipality of Durham Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/06 be received; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/06 submitted by Nerotal Ltd., Emix Ltd., Lakeridge Properties Inc., and The Regional Municipality of Durham, on lands being Part of Lot 24, Concession 1(40R-16455, Parts 1 & 5, 40R-12678, Parts 1& 2, 40R-12678, Parts 6 to 9, & 40R-12678, Part of Part 4 and Part 5& 40R-22390, Part 1) (1097,1099, 1101, 1101A, & 1103 Kingston Road), City of Pickering, to amend the zoning to permit a broader list of commercial uses, including a variety of retail, personal service shop, office and restaurant uses on the subject properties, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PD 17-07; and 3. Further, that the zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/06, as set out in Appendix II to Report PD 17-07, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED 3. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 18-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/06 Brookdale Centre Inc. Part of Lot 23 & 24, Concession 1 1105 and 1163 Kingston Road City of Pickering �7 1• . - �. iAis? ; �� � w' i .�. � � �� -.. ����•�_��I�� 10 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers Detailed discussion ensued on this matter. Council was presented with a revised zoning by-law as a handout. The revised by-law was dealt with later in the meeting. Resolution #130/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report PD 18-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding Brookdale Centre Inc. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/06 be received; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/06 submitted by Brookdale Centre Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 23 and 24, Concession 1(1105 and 1163 Kingston Road), City of Pickering, to amend the zoning to permit a broader list of permitted commercial uses including a variety of retail, personal service shops, office and restaurant uses on the subject properties be approved subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I, as amended, to Report PD 18-07; 3. That the portion of the roadway extending southerly from Walnut Lane be constructed to municipal standards and conveyed to the City as a public street and that 10 metres of the remaining roadway be constructed to municipal standards and convey by the developer to the City to be used as a future extension of the public street; 4. That a municipal road along the southern boundary of the property be constructed to municipal standards and conveyed to the City, subject to Ministry of Transportation (MTO) approval, as a public road; 5. That the zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/06, as set out in Appendix II, as amended, to Report PD 18-07, be forwarded to City Council for enactment; 6. That all buildings within 90 metres of Kingston Road provide a minimum of two functional floors with the second floor providing 100 percent coverage of the ground floor and that all other buildings on the subject property have a minimum height of 6.5 metres; and, 10 . . ., p—� ya' j �i � � •'�i��:�,hm_.r^.` n� ei�t� � � �+ra�i.. ���_�•���'�� . Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Councii Chambers 7. Further, that Pickering Council direct City staff to report, through the recently initiated Official Plan Review, on the policy changes required to reflect the changes to the Town Centre West Development Guidelines including changes as shown on Attachment #3 to Report PD 18-07. CARRIED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) Resolution #131/07 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Item #7 of the main motion be amended to read as follows: 7. Further, that Pickering Council direct City staff to report, through the recently initiated Official Plan Review, on the policy changes required to reflect the changes to the Town Centre West Development Guidelines including changes as shown on Attachment #3 to Report PD 18-07, and that this area be a priority in the Official Plan review. Resolution #132/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Littley CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE That the following be added to Item #6 of the main motion and further that the zoning by-law be amended accordingly. 6. That Building C be a minimum of two functional floors with 100% usage. MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE 11 11 , ��w�a� �� r ._. �a_.�.� rf . , — . �� � ��_�, � ��`'�� 12 YES Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell Mayor Ryan Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #133/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the main motion, as amended be CARRIED. YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles 4. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 19-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/06 1685279 Ontario Inc. 1741 Fairport Road Lot 126, Plan 1051 �Part 1 40R-23692), City of Pickerinq Resolution #134/07 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers m Councilior Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE NO Councillor Littley Mayor Ryan 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/06 be approved to permit the development of limited retail commercial uses on the subject property including personal service, offices, restaurants, retail stores and financial institution uses on lands being Lot 126, Plan 1051, Part 1, 40R-23692; 12 . -= ., � �-- A�.�Vt����_ � �'''� �■ � �����.���.'�� Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers.. .. 13 2. That Council give direction to staff to seek consent of all parties to have the Ontario Municipal Board refuse to approve Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P- 2005-01; 3. That By-law 6529/05 to permit nine single detached dwellings on the subject lands be repealed; and 4. Further, that the zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 5/06, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 19-07, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE NO Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 20-07 Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan Project - Working Draft of the Scorecard for Neighbourhood Sustainability - Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines for Neighbourhoods - Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines for Subdivisions/ - Sites / Buildings - District Energy Pre-feasibility Report for Central Pickerinq Resolution #135/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report PD 20-07 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan project, be received; 2. That the Consultants' Final Report on the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan project, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited, Joseph Bogdan & Associates and Halsall Associates Limited with FVB Energy Inc., dated May 2007, be received; and 13 ,. -- ., �� ;��CI�- ����,'i�'r :.._. ` - ..�ws� _. _�. �� �, �. ��_'� � 14 Councii Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers a) That the Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines contained as Appendices A and B to the Consultants' Final Report be: i. used as input to the development of the sustainability performance measures and benchmarks required for Seaton; ii. used as input to the sustainability components of the Pickering Official Plan Review; and iii. released to other organizations for input to their research on sustainable development and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design — Neighbourhood Developments (LEED- ND) framework in Canada, including the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Canada Green Building Council, and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; b) That staff be authorized to continue participating in the professional and academic discussions regarding sustainability and LEED-ND; and c) That the District Energy Pre-feasibility Report for Central Pickering contained as Appendix D to the Consultants' Final Report, dated May 2007, be made available to all those interested, and used as input to the Energy Management Plan required as part of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan for Seaton; and 3. That Council receive for information the Working Draft of the Scorecard for Neighbourhood Sustainability and request staff to report back with a Final Draft and a User's Guide later this year; 4. That staff conduct a consultation workshop in the fall to obtain comments from stakeholders on the Draft Scorecard and User's Guide; 5. That a copy of Report PD 20-07 of the Director, Planning & Development and the Consultants' Final Report be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, with appreciation for the funding assistance provided for this project; and 6. Further, that a copy of Report PD 20-07 of the of the Director, Planning & Development and the Consultants' Final Report, be forwarded to others who assisted or expressed an interest in the City's work including the Canada Green Building Council, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Region of Durham, City of Toronto, Town 14 C��s °� Council Meeting Minutes ��� „ .r,s, - i� , , - ___ �--. . Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers. 15 of East Gwillimbury, Town of Oakvitle, the Clean Air Partnership and the Chelsea Foundation. CARRIED 6. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 21-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07 811501 Ontario Limited 954 Dillingham Road Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C. �Part 1, 40R-3328), Citv of Pickerinq Resolution #136/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07 be approved to amend the permitted uses for the subject property to permit a gymnastics facility, on lands being Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C., Part 1, 40R-3328; 2. That a portion of the lands described as that part of Part of Lot 19, Range 3, B.F.C., Pickering, designated as Part 1, and Part 2, Plan RD-366 be declared surplus to the needs of the Corporation for the purpose of sale; 3. That the CAO be authorized to negotiate the sale of the subject lands exclusively with 811501 Ontario Limited, for incorporation into their property at 954 Dillingham Road for the purpose of providing additional area for vehicle parking; 4. That the CAO report back to Council detailing the exact location and dimensions of the lands for sale, the negotiated terms and conditions, and to seek authorization to effect the sale of the subject lands; and 5. Further, that the zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/07, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 21-07, be forwarded to City Council for enactment. CARRIED 15 „ - Y� ;�LFf7�G �'.Y� �'�.:� „mIY'911111= a % � '��� � �53�'� _� 1�.�, �.��..'�� . 16 (VI) REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 24-07 Municipal Street Name Siqns Resolution #137/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Report OES 24-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding Municipal Street Name Signs be received; 2. That Council endorses the municipat standard of rectangular extruded green aluminum street name sign blades with white reflectorized lettering mounted on 89mm x 89mm unpainted pressure treated wooden posts, and the municipal standard of oversized overhead mast arm street name signs for signalized intersections; 3. That all other regulatory, cautionary and advisory street signs be installed on unpainted pressure treated wooden posts; 4. That the decorative street name sign and post be approved for West Shore Boulevard and Liverpool Road south of Bayly Street, and that new signs be incorporated into reconstruction projects for these roads; 5. That the Municipal Property & Engineering Division staff in conjunction with other City staff revise the Engineering Design Standards to recognize the decorative street name sign and post; and 6. That the Municipal Property & Engineering Division staff in conjunction with other City staff undertake to prepare a City guideline/policy on the use of decorative street name signs and posts and apply that policy to the development of Duffin Heights and Seaton. CARRIED 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 25-07 No Stopping By-law, Pebblestone Crescent - Amendment to BY law 6604/05 16 .� ��; ��� _-, :'��$ � - . ��� ������� Councii Meeting Minutes Resolution #138/07 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Councii Chambers 1. That Report OES 25-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "1" to By- law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking, standing and stopping on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report, OES 26-07 Council Grant - Charitv Tournament — Pickerinq Soccer Club Resolution #139/07 Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor McLean 1 2 3 That Report OES 26-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Robbie Soccer Tournament be received; That a Council Grant be approved for the use of two soccer fields for the Robbie Soccer Tournament; and Further, that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan 17 CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE � Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean 17 , as' ; °�� ��_,:,��'. . �aF � _�� �,. ��i�'�� � Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 27-07 Naming of Soccer Field - Village East Park 5. Resolution #140/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor O'Connell � 2. That Report OES 27-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the naming of soccer field at Village East Park be received; That Council endorse the naming of a soccer field at Village East Park to recognize the contribution of Chris Graham to the City of Pickering; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. CARRIED Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 28-07 Appointment of Community Emergency Management Coordinator - (CEMC) Resolution #141/07 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report OES 28-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Appointment of Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) be received; ►7 3 That Council appoint Deputy Fire Chief, Simon Almond as the City's CEMC; That Council appoint Deputy Fire Chief, Gordon Ferguson as the Alternate CEMC; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. CARRIED � „ a��U�e� :���'9�,_� )AS"LL'S' ".I�.� � �� _ M����.���'�� Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers �� 19 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 30-07 - Public Swimming and Public Skating Admissions - Proposed Pilot Proiect and Special Promotion The Director, Operations & Emergency Services was requested to provide current attendance figures in order for a comparative attendance analysis to be completed. Resolution #142/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1 2 3 That Report OES 30-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding public swimming and public skating admissions be received; That the proposed pilot project and special promotion to reduce public swimming and pubtic skating admissions for Saturdays be approved; and Further, that appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. CARRIED 7. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 31-07 Intersection Pedestrian Signal - Vallev Farm Road at The Esplanade South/Diefenbaker Court Resolution #143/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report OES 31-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the installation of an Intersection Pedestrian Signal on Valley Farm Road south of Kingston Road (Regional Highway 2) be received; 2. That the staff proposed location for the Intersection Pedestrian Signal being at the north side of the Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade South/Diefenbaker Court intersection be endorsed; and 19 ..� - e ��, � �c � � �i �_ — . �� _. ���_�•���_'�� 20 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 3. That staff be directed to remove the existing midblock coloured street print crossing on Valley Farm Road between Esplanade Park and the Recreation Complex after the intersection pedestrian signal has been installed and activated. CARRIED 8. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 32-07 - Supply and Delivery of - Two (2) 10' Rotarv Mowers Resolution #144/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 32-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) 10' Rotary Mowers, be received; 2. That Quotation No. Q-36-2007, as submitted by G.C. Duke Equipment for the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) 10' Rotary Mowers in the amount of $77,000.00, (GST and PST extra) be accepted; 3. That the total gross purchase cost of $87,780.00 and net purchase cost of $83,160.00 as outlined in Report OES 32-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, be approved; 4. That the Council of the City of Pickering authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project from the Parkland Reserve Fund; and 5. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. CARRIED 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 20-07 2006 Pre-Audit Balances of Reserves and Reserve Funds Resolution #145/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 20 1� ' ;�s��z � �-_�:._. a ...�,� � '3:' ��! ����._i�_��'��_� 10. 11. Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers � That Report CS 20-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. CARRIED Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 21-07 Dev_e__I_opment Charges — Annual Indexing Resolution #146/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 21-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That effective July 1, 2007 as provided for in Section 16 of By-law 6349/04, the Development Charges referred to in Sections 6 and 11 of that By-law be increased by 6.9 percent being the annual increase in the Construction Price Statistics for the Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index as reported by Statistics Canada for the year ended March 31, 2007; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 22-07 Development Charqes Reserve Fund — Statement of the Treasurer for 2006 Resolution # 147/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Report CS 22-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Reserve Fund be received for information. 21 CARRIED �21 . � � ,� ; �� � '�� „�;. � �� -. �� ��������I�� Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 12. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 23-07 2007 Tax Rates for all Classes of Property and Final Tax Due Dates for All Realty Tax Classes Except for Commercial, Industrial & Multi-Residential Realty Classes Resolution # 148/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1 2 That Report CS 23-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; That the 2007 Residential tax rates for the City of Pickering be approved as contained in Schedule A of the By-law attached hereto; 3. That the tax levy due dates for the Final Billing be July 11, 2007 and September 27, 2007 excluding the industrial, multi-residential and commercial realty tax classes; 4. That the attached By-law providing for the imposition of the tax rates approved under Recommendation 1 above, be enacted; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 6. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes to the final tax rates to comply with Provincial regulations; and 7. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE 22 /� . � �� ; .�� � � -: _ :��:�s ����������� YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor Littley Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers NO Councillor O'Connell 13. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 24-07 2007/2008 Property and Liability Insurance Renewal Resolution # 149/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 24-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the City of Pickering renew effective June 29, 2007, its property, liability and other coverages through the Frank Cowan Company for the period July 1, 2007 to July 1, 2008 inclusive on terms and conditions acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, as part of the Risk Management Program, be authorized to continue the Reimbursable Deductible Program through the Insurance Adjuster and the Frank Cowan Company and further, that the Director be authorized to settle any claims including any adjusting and legal fees within the total deductible limit where it is in the City's interest to do so; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to purchase additional insurance, make changes to deductibles and existing coverages, and alter terms and conditions as becomes desirable or necessary in order to limit potential liability exposure and to protect the assets of the City and iYs elected officials and staff; and 5. That the appropriate officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED 23 23 C��i o� Council Meeting Minutes ��� _ .�-��, .��,. � _: � -_: H .., . Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM ' ' 2 4 Council Chambers 14. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 25-07 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act — Adiustment to Taxes Resolution # 150/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 25-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. CARRIED 15. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 26-07 Fireworks Bv-law A question and answer period ensued. Resolution # 151/07 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Littley That Report CS 26-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be referred back to staff for further information. 16. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, CS 27-07 Leash Free Areas Within the City of Pickerinq Resolution # 152/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 24 CARRIED C��i �,� Eouncil Meeting Minutes ��� -:�� , , __ Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Councii Chambers 25 1. That Report CS 27-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, be received; 2. That the submission from the Pickering Dog Park Working Group, presented as Attachment #1 to this report, be acknowledged; 3. That a public meeting be held in fall 2007 for the purpose of obtaining comments on the possible establishment of a leash free dog area and regulations in Pickering. (VII) NOTICES OF MOTION a) CANADA GEESE POPULATION Resolution # 153/07 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson CARRIED WHEREAS, due to the presence of large numbers of geese, a public health nuisance is present because of the contamination of drinking water supplies, lakes and the ruination of parks and other public lands caused by these animals; WHEREAS, the City of Pickering has attempted to prevent such contamination through various means, none of which have satisfactorily addressed the problem; WHEREAS, because of the presence of these birds, which are no longer migratory continues to cause widespread damage and threats to public health, the City of Pickering believes that measures should be taken to control and/or reduce the presence of these migratory birds; WHEREAS, the City of Pickering believes that it is appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens by having the Provincial Government take the appropriate action to control and/or reduce the populations of such migratory birds; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Pickering hereby endorses the resolution of the City of Kawartha Lakes and strongly requests that the Provincial Government formulate a province-wide integrated goose management plan of action, along with the provision of the necessary funding to address the growing concern that municipalities with public waterfront green spaces and beaches have with respect to the 25 „ �3 .1��. j U�� �- _ �1” �aimm� . �+e3r� �_��. _� _ - _.�_��!�� .. 26 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers geese problem utilizing these spaces and thereby impacting the water quality and recreational use of these public spaces; THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Region of Durham to seek support and endorsement, and FURTHER, THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Wildlife Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the Ministry of Community and Social Services, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham and local area MP's and MPP's. YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan b) CAPITAL FUNDING REQUESTS Resolution # 154/07 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE NO Councillor Johnson Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell That the Notice of Motion with respect to Capital Funding Requests for Gablehurst Crescent and McPherson Court be referred back to staff for further information and report back at the July 23, 2007 meeting. CARRIED (VIII) BY-LAWS 6772/07 Being a by-law to repeal Places of Amusement By-law 1416/82, as part of regulatory by-law review. 26 C��j °�' Councii Meeting Minutes ��� _ _k�,. � � - _ - �== Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers � 27 6773/07 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Parking Restrictions on Private Property. 6774/07 Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 16, Plan 329, Pickering, designated as Parts 1 and 3, Plan 40R-24517, as public highway (Finch Avenue). 6775/07 Being a By-law to dedicate certain roads within the City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham as public highway. 6776/07 Being a by-law to dedicate part of Block 94, Plan 450M-1515, Pickering, designated as Part 8, Plan 40R-18609 as public highway. 6777/07 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-laws 2641/88 and 4621/95, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on Part of Lot 24, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering.] 6780/07 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2511, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, on Part of Lot 19, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, (Part 1, 40R- 3328) , in the City of Pickering. (A 1/07) 6781/07 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating or parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 6782/07 Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required to be raised by taxation for the year 2007 and to establish the Tax Rates necessary to raise such sums and establish the final due dates for the residential, pipeline, farm and managed forest realty tax classes. THIRD READING: Councillor McLean, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, moved that By-law Numbers 6772/07 through 6782/07, be adopted, save and except By-laws 6769/07, 6778/07 and 6779/07 and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. •-- . . _ �� 27 , �� ��t:--���� r r ,�: � -�__.�. �a—.��. ... �" ■ �ti't =e�.�� .����,_�_��!.''� _ �. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean Council Meeting Minutes Resolution # 155/07 Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers That By-law 6778/07 be adopted and the said by-law be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the Seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. 6778/07 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 6710/06, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on Part of Lot 23 and 24, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering. CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE YES Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Resolution # 156/07 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson NO Councillor Littley Mayor Ryan That By-law 6779/07 be adopted and the said by-law be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. 6779/07 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham on Lot 126, Plan 1051 (Part 1, 40R-23692), in the City of Pickering, (A 5/06) CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE : „ .:_ �„ _ ��j��--��� � - a ,5. ,,� :� i�a;K � ����/���'�� YES Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers 29 � Councillor Littley Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell Councillor Johnson Councillor Pickles Councillor McLean Mayor Ryan The following by-law received First and Second reading on May 22, 2007 and was referred to staff for further clarification, and review in conjunction with Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended, with a staff review currently underway and formal report in September, 2007. 6769/07 Being a by-law to restrict all campaign election signs being located on public boulevards, or property within the City of Pickering. Resolution # 157/07 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That By-law 6769/07 be referred back to staff for further review in conjunction with the staff review of Sign By-law 2439/87, as amended. •-- _�. �� The following by-law was withdrawn in conjunction with Report CS 26-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. 6783/07 Being a by-law to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks. (IX) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS In Camera Meeting of Council In accordance with the In Camera provisions of the Municipal Act, a meeting was held prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. The purposes of the In Camera meeting were to deal with labour relations or employee negotiations; advice that is subject to solicitor- client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose and a matter of which Council may hold a closed meeting (MFIPPA). Refer to the In Camera minutes for further information. 29 . -- z°-' ¢u��.����i�l • �� � ����•���I�� 30 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, June 18, 2007 7:30 PM Council Chambers a) Confidential Report CS 28-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer APTA — Outstandina Financial Matters Resolution # 158/07 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley That the recommendation as contained in Confidential Report CS 28-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be adopted. .-- � (X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW Bv-law Number 6784/07 Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Pickles, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of June 18, 2007. (XI) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:00 am. DATED this 18th day of June, 2007 � CARRIED MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBI A. BENTLEY CITY CLERK . „„ � � • = ��uwuj�����'r - , ,�_. ,ti. . , S �.,-r., ��+�.��.. - - � ��� July 23, 2007 CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 40-07 Motion for Direction P.M. MADILL, REGIONAL CLERK REGION OF DURHAM 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3 Letter received from P.M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Region of Durham advising that at a meeting held on June 20, 2007, Council adopted a resolution regarding healthcare funding, and requesting support from the surrounding municipalities. 2. CORR. 41-07 Motion for Direction HECTOR MACMILLAN, MAYOR MUNICIPALITY OF TRENT HILLS Letter received from Hector Macmillan, Mayor, Municipality of Trent Hills requesting the City of Pickering's support of the efforts of the Canadian Advocates for Tax Awareness (CAFTA) and the Canadian National Taxpayers Coalition (CNTC) by continuing to pressure our Provincial representatives with respect to the assessment system. 3. CORR. 42-07 Motion for Direction PETER JULIAN, MP BURNABY — NEW WESTMINSTER 7615 Sixth Street Burnabv, BC V3N 3M6 Letter received from Peter Julian, MP, Burnaby-New Westminster requesting the City of Pickering's support with respect to a motion being brought forward to ban the production and importation of products containing PBDE's (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers). Letter received from J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation providing their 2007 budget, as approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 15, 2007. 31 June 22, 2007 3 2 �� �,�� =- , � >,, :�'�.' - ,�� � �q-�. �+ �.`� .,a��� 1�t�,.^�rr .�. � � ' The Honourable Dalto Guint , ' .,.'"' ``, � • y Premier of Ontar�a�-� ��,����'� �1�J����3� . 10 Floor, ,�lep�urn Block 80 Gros4enor Street � � � Q . �t-d — d "1 The Regional �-�O OCltO, �N M7a ZC4 : Municipality ot �urham RE: MEMORANDUM FROM DR. ROBERT KYLE, COMMIS$IONER Sc �� Clerk's pepartme�t MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH� DAkTED JUNE 7, 2007 RE: CITY OF OSHAWA RE$OLUTION (CC#142) 605 ROSSLAND RD: E. Po aox s2s OUR FILE: P10 � . WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 . - , : carvaoa Honourable Sir, please be advised the Health & Social Services ` ' 905-668-7711 - ,-800-s�z-�io2 �Committee of Re ional Council consideced the`ab ve m � ' g o atter and at a Fax: so5-sss-ssss meetin hefd on June 20, 2007 Council ado fed the followin E-mail: g i� g , ��erksere9�o�.d�rnam.o�.�a recommendations of the Committee: www.region.durham.on.ca "a) � THAT the following resolution of the City of Oshawa be endorsed: Pat M, Madill, A.M.C.T., CMM I • � Re9'°�a� c�e�k `That whereas tlie residents of Durham support Premier � McGuinty's demand for fair healthcare funding for Ontarians . - � based on a per capita basis and his view that `Justice delayed is � . justice denied:..what's best is that we're treated the same as all `�. Canadian's;' and, . Whereas the Ministry's own Peer Review demonstrated that � Lakeridge Health is among the top 25% of fiospitals in Ontario in efficiency, even when compared to single site hospitals; and, � Whereas Minister Smitherman's Ministry clearly ordered oR�ciNA� Lakerid e Health not to '... initiate new ro rams or ex and � To: �. 9 P 9. P : coPY existing programs without a sound business case; a clearly To: articulated internal financing plan; or without funding provided spec�eally for this purpose; and, � Whereas Local Health Integration Networks were reportedly created to `:..give LHINs the tools they need to plan, co-ordinate � and fund health care services in their communities', and that � decisions about how health services are delivered are to be matle �;�;�� ; Fi�� � locally and 'allow local communities to participate in this ' conversation'; and, . �� r�K� APPR.ACTION . .,;,,,,.�„ , . Whereas the recent provincial budget has identified additional � funding to expand addiction treatment programs ($7.m'rllion) and �-serv��e;`�xce��ence Child�ert's mental health ($8 million); and, � � for our �qmmunities" � � . , 100% Post Consumer ' � J�� � -�. � .j � � / �� -� ( l �1�lr-�rl �`c�,�a �r�r - . t>il�C': � irn� Page 2 June 22, 2007 . . City of Oshawa Resolution . 3 3 Whereas Lakerid e Health Addictions and Mental Health 9 Services, and #heir community-based partners, have provided exceptionaf care to patients and their families while each currently have extensive waiting lists for services; antl, � . Whereas the Chief of Police has stated that "The effects of any � tofal funding withdrawal in this type of program would be, in my view, immediate and negative', and that `1f we are to have . alternatives to arrest these pro rams [Addictions] are vital� and . 9. , . . Be it resofved by Oshavva City Council that consistent with the � Premier's support of per capita funding, that the Ministry of Health also recognize that the residents of Durham. have been the . subject of provincial health and social services funding - discrimination'and that the Ontaria govemment immediately . reverse percapita funding gaps; beginning with the $8 million in ' cuts ordered to Lakeridge Health; and further, : . That Minister Smitherman make public his Ministry's own' s.ound .� business case' (including wind down costs (e.g. lay-offs, . severances, leases, etc); start-up costs (hiring, new space, administration; etc); quality of care considerations; experienced and able partners prepared to accepf the services, and; sufficient , � and sustainable funding to maintain current services etc) in orcfering funding cuts to mental�healfh and addictions programs at. Lakeridge Health and his proposal to transfer those services to othec agencies; and furth�r, � . That on April 1, 2007 when they take over funding responsibility for local health care services the City of Oshawa respectfully requests the.Central-East LHIN immediately suspend the Minister's decision to cut funding to Lakeridge Health (Including ,,;: mental health and addictions serVieesj and begin meaningful, � open consultations with patients, families, staff, physicians, police � and ambulance, other partners and communitie�•affe�ted-by the ` Ministe�'s decision; and further, � ...� .�:.,.,... ._,... :.: . . That this r.esolution be considered. by Durham �teg'ional Council . � and sent �to the Councils from the Town of Whitby;�Man�icipality of : Clarington, Township of Scugog, and Township of. Brock:for . : : support.'.. . Page 3 � June 22, 200? City of Oshawa Resolution b) THAT the Premier of Ontario, Ministers of Finance and 3 4 � Health and Long-Term Care, Durham`s MPPs and . municipalities, Central East LHIN, GTA/905 Healthcare Alliance, Strong Communities Coalition and Lakeridge Health Corporation be so advised." - � � � � Pat M. Madill, AMCT, CMM I � Regional Clerk . _ PMM/d.aj � . � c: : The Honourab)e George Smitherman, Minister Of Health & Long _ Term Care : . The Honourable Greg �Sorbara - Minister Of Finance ��. The Honourable Jim Watson, Minister of Health Promotion � � Ms. Laurie Scott, MPP (HaliburtonNictoria/Brock � M�.1Nayne Arthurs, MPP (Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge) . Ms. Christine Elliott, MPP (V1/hitby/Ajax) � . � Mr. John O'Toole, MPP (Durham) Mr. Jerry Ouellette, MPP (Oshawa) Mr. M. de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax Mr. G.S. Graham, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Brock Ms. S. Kranc, Clerk, City of Oshawa : . . Ms. P.L: Barrie, Clerk, Municipality of Clarington � Ms. D. Bentley, Clerk, Cityr of Pickerina � Ms. �K. Coates, Clerk, Township of Scugog Ms. Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge Mr. P. Jones, Clerk, Town of Whitby . Mr: Foster Loucks — Chair, Central East LHIN Mr. Tariq Asmi , Executive Director, GTA/905 Healthcare Alliance Mr. Paola Arci - Executive Assistant, Strong Communities . Coalition Mr. Brian Lemon, Chief Executive Officer, Lakeridge Health � � Corporation : Dr. R.J. Kyle, Commissioner & Medical Officer of Health . 4 �,;��. r �? .��- �R; � � �T�H I,L. �� � ,� � x .�."��` �� & � 3#^�x y k &'� .� :�° �x�.�� OFFICE OF �HE NIAYOR June 4, 2007 Head and Ali Members of Council Dear Colleagues: G c� i� t� •+--E-1—� rj RECEIVED: . I+j i.;� `' � `i�;�Fl FILE NO.: FOLLOW UP: FWD-COPY-CIRC_ U_ LAT�ETO� CAO COUN t C^ftP SERV OFFICE SUSTAIN �/� PLt+,PJ £a dEV CLERK l.J•.� OPcR ?i EMERG LEGAL GUL & REC HUMAN RES FIRE CUST CARE M PE MGR CUST & ADM in the fall of 2004 ! wrote to you about the efforts of the Canadian Advocates f�� Tax Awareness (CAFTA) as they worked toward the creation of a more fair and equitable system of property taxation in Ontario. The Municipality of Trent Hills joined with them at that time to pressure the Provincial Govemment to make changes to a system that was literally driving people from their homes. As many of you know, CAFTA has now joined with the Canadian National Taxpayers Coalition to form an even stronger alliance. This alliance is vital as we all know there is much work left to be done. We must build on the efforts of Ombudsman Marin to bring transparency and equity back into our system of property taxation. As we enter into an election period it is imperative that we do not allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep by an assessment freeze that will only serve to delay the inevitable pain that will come with the next reassessment. It is more importarrt than ever that we support the efforts of CAFTA/CNTC and continue pressuring our Provincial representatives to fix the assessment system once and for all. I encourage you and your Council to check out the latest activities of CAFTA/GNTC at their website, www.cntccanada.ca, or telephoneJfax 705 69G- 2356 and to do whatever you can to support their efforts. WE SIMPLY MUST KEEP UP THE EFFORTS TO CREATE�,,�,8�1 �, r;.�;t-,;:.�,at. SYSTEM WE CAN ALL AFFORD! �+,�-�: F i ;�.,si?\.r :..,..,.., � ��: Yours truly, r �� .r---- Hector Macmillan, Mayor (705) 653-1900, Ext. 237 hector.macmillan �trenthills.ca ;�'�F:. FILE r�`,K� /�r�F'�t. r1CTION � �C9�"�pV� Tof ��V`�r_��pt.-i, r . � . . -, � ► �--r �.. �{� � � ; �: ��,a ��� ei: �; .�� ....:,cc+; 7615 Sixth Street Burnaby, B.C. V3N 3M6 Tel: (604) 775-5707 Fax:(604) 775-5743 TTY: (604) 775-5737 Rm. 178, Confederation Bidg. Ottawa, Ontario K I A OA6 Tel: (613) 992-4214 Fax:(613) 947-9500 TTY: (613) 992-4249 Julian.P@parl.gc.ca Jeteh 7.u�ian, ,lbi.J Burnaby - New Westminster 7615, rue Sixieme Burnaby, (C: B.) V3N 3M6 Tei.: (604) 775-5707 Telec.: (604) 775-5743 ATS: (604) 775-5737 Piece 178 Ed. de la Confederetion Ottawa (Ontario) K I A OA6 Tel: (613) 992-4214 Telec.: (613) 947-9500 ATS: (613) 992-4249 Julian.P@parl.gc.ca FILE NO.: FOLLOW UP: June 11, 2007 �. FWD-CC ; ;.—.-;��v o� Mayor David Ryan --�-�- ,7�v L� City of Pickering i o��- ; e� rMERG �e On The Esplanade `4'��'' �t� H� Pickering, ON L1V 6KV F`�`� c� 7�9 PE M( Dear Mayor Ryan, �-� �+� I am pleased to write you today to invite you to participate with me in a very important task: improving the health of Canadians by ridding Canada of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). These chemicals, long used as flame retardants in furniture, textiles, television sets and more, have been found in accumulating amounts in fish, food, household dust, and in human breast milk. A growing number of leaders in the scientific community are confirming the risks and harm to the human reproductive and nervous systems related to prolonged exposure to PBDEs. Infants, children, breastfeeding mothers as well as workers in the information technology, textile and furniture manufacturing fields are particularly at risk. PBDE levels are also growing very quickly in Canada's coastal marine waters; they are expected to surpass PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) as the leading contaminant in endangered southern resident killer whales by 2020. While PBDEs have been classified as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act since December of 2006, the federal government has only created regulations banning the two less commonly used PBDEs: penta�DE and octaBDE. ihe iiiird �ype, decaBDE, is the one most widely used in the manufacturing of household electronics, furniture, and textiles. The vast majority of the PBDEs used in the electronics industry belong to the decaBDE 36 C f__ �-I—o� —U�1 category. � c;�,.,;., � 3 �� R �-. , It is important to realize that Canada is lagging be � i�ti .tk�e U�,��.ed�..,., States and most European countries with regards t legislation banning PBDEs from industry and importation. T'�'w���_. �.aA�,�� �_. .t ......,: ....._...�.......,.,__.,.. �F The Washington State House of Representatives r�cently..}�CP.r� legislation banning all PBDEs, including deca. T� phase-out of all PBDEs will begin in 2008, starting with mattresse�, then cont� inu g t�t�!zR FILE �"r�,►<E APPR. ACTION � �' �C.JC IC�1 '[�Of��1ri�1 ►Oh' 1. 1. •-� -a I ._�-. ���i,�r3-ii��� x°' ~�Y �..:.i �,, .. . . �: . � a�r��M....w.r. �.... .. , � � / r .,. . .... . with televisions, com}�uters, and upholstery. This law was also ��.*�' �^��.,� 3 4�- � supported by the American division of the International Association �- ��...,.. ,,. _ . . � ,.�,,... �:�'�" of Firefighters (IAFF). ..i�� r = y.5.,... _...... . "' In response to this situation, I have tabled a motion in the 38`n � .... _ . Parliament, seeking to ban the production and importation of 4�« products containing additive PBDEs. �. � The following is the text of the motion (formerly M-275): Motion M-38 That, in the opinion of the House, the government should recognize that tire retardants containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are proven to be the most dangerous form of flame retardant harmful to people, animals and the environment, and that legislation completely phasing out the production and import of products containing additive PBDEs should be brought forth within a year. I am pleased to report that the Canadian division of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) is in full support of the motion. Attached to this letter is a copy of a letter my office recently received from them regarding this issue. I have also attached a list of over 20 municipalities throughout British Columbia that have come out in full support of Motion M-38. In order to be successful in passing this motion through Parliament, I am going to need your help. If you support restrictions on PBDE production and importation, I am asking you to support my motion. Thank you very much for your time. Please feel free to contact my office if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, � � � Peter Julian, MP Burnaby — New Westminster INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS H:�ric�LO A. Scii:�rrsFitcra Grvr•.et:�r. Pr�ESine.:�T P[-�o�F.: (i13-567-8988 May 22, 2007 The f-fon. Peter Julian, MP Hc�use of Commons Ottlwa ON K 1 A OA6 Dear Mr. Julian: Jrn-T LFr r�SSIS'f:1�'f 'CU TffE Gh:\IiNAl. YHE:5IDG:�7' CAVADI:Iti OFFICE 37O SPAHKS STRF,r:•r, Surrr: 403 Orr:a�v;�, O�T,�cro K1R 7S8 w��1v iaff.org V►�cr.�i• J. Bo►.i_o� �x E\ EIi:\L .5' ft: C[; l:'G\ It l' �T1t F::151: fi E ii 38 F,��t: 613-�67-898Ei Tllis letter on behalf of Canada's professional fire fighters is in strong support �f your private meinbei•'s motion, M-38, that calls on the federal government to completely phase out the prc�duction and impoi-t of items containing Polybrominated Diphenylethers (PBDEs). The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario and VVashington, DC, represents more than 28U,000 full-tiine professional fire fighters across Noi•th America, including 20,000 in Canada. Our union is concerned about health and safety of our metnbers as well as the health and safety of all citizens. Accordingly, the IAFF believes that the passage of legislation bannin� brominated flame retlydants, including Penta-, Octa-, and Deca-BDEs), is a step in the right direction for im�coving thc health anc� safety ofi our tire tighters and the citizens we are sworn to protect. One of the primat-y applications of PBDEs is as a flaine i-etardant applied inside or c�nto many comman housellold goods (fiirniture foam; plastic cabinets; computers and sn�all . ��ppliancc; consumer electronics; wire insulation; and back coatings for draperies and upholstery) to reduce and retard the amount af flame spread. While these cherniczls inhibit the foc-mation and s}�read of flames, they do not completely prevent fires. Un:likc othec flame retardants, when PBD�s burn they release dense fumes and black smake that reduce visibility and a higlily coirosive gas known as hydrogen bromide. In additian, PBDEs prnduce highly toxic by}�roducts of incomplete combustion. Although use c�f tlame retardants saves lives and property, there have been unintended consequences. There is evidence that PBDEs persist in the environment and accumulate in living ocganisms, �s well as toxicolobical testing that indicates these chemicals may cause li<<er toxicity, thyroid toxicity, and neurodevelo}�mental toxicity. ,�_> A�•-��n.i:��•�:n ��•rri►: A111:H(�.\N Pl;:i�t�:r,,�•rio` oi� I..:�i;��r ��r> Cuxeiir•:�, or• I�u�.�riu,�i.. Oac:���z;��rici�s • Cn�aui:a� l,v:oin: Cc��cri:;s 39 Many studies involving fire fighters exposed to these and other toxic gases durin� active tire iighting, overhaul, and long term exposure from these chemicals penetrating protective gear, have founcl that iire fighters have a much �*reater risk of contracting cancer, l�eart and lung disease, and other debilitating diseases. While we support the concept of tlame retardant chemicals, there are alternatives thlt do not contain bromine or c111orine and are much safer for fire fighters anci the public than PBDEs. The tAFF salutes those companies that have stopped using brominated flame retardants (such as Dell, Hewlett-Pack�rd and Ikea) and are now using safer alternativc tire retardants. Tllese companies demonstrate that alternative flame-retardant technolo�ies fi�r achieving tire safety standards do exist and are readily available for other manufacturcd products. For fhese relsoi�s, the; Intei7�ational Association of Fire Fighters fully sup��orts your initiltive in motion M-38 to com�letely phase out the production and import of items containing PBDEs in Canada. Sincerely yours, 1 . � �� �. � Jitifi Lee ��ssistant the Genecal President IAFF Canadian Operations c.c. Harold A. Schaitberger, IAFF General President Erik Lamar, IAFF Acting Chief of Staff 7im Fennell, If1FF 15`h District Vice President Bruce Gaipenter, IAFF l 3`h District Vice Presideiit Lorne V�%est, IAFF 6`h Distri.ct Vice Presidenf Al Leier, President, British Golumbia Professional Fire Fighters Association Craig MacDonald, Presideiit, Alberta Fire Fi�hters Association Gerry Hu�et, President, `Saskatchewan Professional Fire Fight�rs Association D�ve Naaykens, President, 1Vl:anitoba Professional Fire Fighters Associati�n Fred LeBlanc, President, Ontarin Professional Fire Fighters Association John McCarthy, President, Atlantic :Provinces Professional Fire Fighters Association 1Vlichael Hurley, President, IAFF Local 323 Burnaby / ' List of British Columbian municipalities in support of M-38 City of Burnaby City of Nanaimo City of North Vancouver Corporation of Delta Municipality of Whistler City of Campbell River Town of Ladysmith Town of Oliver District of Coldstream Village of Pouce Coupe City of Revelstoke District of Elkford City of Armstrong District of Chetwynd Village of Zeballos Iqaluit, Nunavut Territory District of Powell River Bowen Island Municipality Village of Cumberland Town of Comox Municipality of North Cowichan 1 � � ///1\._ � \'�,�. w �LLLLLJIJ'III II�C71� ��:�''�� � ,!� —, 7'+. ,�'1 � : � ■�_--.rc..�T u, �3� � 1������. July 23, 2007 COMMITTEE REPORTS a) REPORTS - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT P & D Pages Blue PLANNING INFORMATION MEETING 1. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 06-07 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/06 43-49 Richard Gosling 425 Whitevale Road Part of Lot 24, Lots 25 to 27, Plan 21 Parts 5, 6, 40R-1139 Citv of Pickering 2. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-07 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2002-04 & 50-59 Zoning Amendment Application A 23/02 Anthony Debruin 1796 Fairport Road Lots 7, 8& 9, Part of Lots 5, 6& 10, Plan 820 City of Pickerinq 3. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-07 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 35/05 60-81 Ansar Medical Services Inc. 2177 & 2185 Brock Road Part of Lot 18, Concession 2 Citv of Pickering 41 ��. 42 4. INFORMATION REPORT NO. 05-07 SUBJECT: Zoning Amendment Application A 03/07 82-89 BMC Bayly Park Inc. 1400, 1410 & 1420 Bayly Street Part of Lot 21 & 22, Concession 1 (Parts 1& 2, 40R-6033, Part 1, 40R-12889) Citv of Pickerinq 5. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 23-07 90-131 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 Altridge Properties Inc. 1482 —1484 Altona Road & 1490 — 1498 Altona Road Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3, (40R-9096, Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) Citv of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION That Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 submitted by Altridge Properties Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3(40R-9096, Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86), Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3(40R-5045, Part 1), City of Pickering, to permit the development of 10 lots for detached dwelling units, be refused. - .�.u:. �����= � _ t w � �= = , . ,... ;__.�� �..�, � +�� w ���� INFORMATION REPORT NO. 06-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF JULY 23, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/06 Richard Gosling 425 Whitevale Road Part of Lot 24, Lots 25 to 27, Plan 21 Parts 5, 6, 40R-1139 City of Pickering � 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the property is located at the southwest corner of Whitevale Road and Factory Street; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - a building known as the Whitevale Mill and a detached garage currently exist on the property; - the property is within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District; - the West Duffins Creek abuts the western portion of the property. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to amend the current zoning of the property to permit a bed & breakfast day spa with associated retail sales and a restaurant as additional uses; the existing buildings on the lot are to be maintained, and proposing to accommodate the proposed uses within the building; a site plan showing the existing buildings on the property parking layout is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). the applicant is Whitevale Mill and conceptual "lr� . Information Report No. 06-07 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan Page 2 identifies the subject property as being designated "Rural Settlements — Hamlet" Rural Settlements permit commercial, residential, and employment developments serving the needs of the surrounding areas; the proposal appears to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - identifies the property as being designated "Rural Settlements — Rural Hamlets" and Hamlet Commercial within the Whitevale Settlement Area; - Rural Hamlet areas permit a variety of uses including residential, employment, commercial, community, cultural and recreational uses; - the Whitevale Settlement policies encourage opportunities for enhancing the historic village of Whitevale through the introduction of arts and craft studios, custom workshops and small-scale commercial enterprises on suitable sites, provided the historic character of the village and the interests of neighbouring residents are respected; - the adopted heritage district guidelines and heritage district permit process apply to development within the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District; - Schedule III to the Pickering Official Plan —"Resource Management" identifies the western portion of the subject property as being within a Shoreline and Stream Corridor area; - the applicant's proposal will be assessed against the policies and the provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the application; 3.3 Zoninq Bv-law 3037 - the subject property is currently zoned (H)HMC9 — Hamlet Commercial « „ Zone by Zoning By-law 3037 as amended by By-laws 2677/88 and 5629/00; - a Site Plan Agreement must be entered into between the City and the owner of the property prior to the removal of the "(H)" — Holding symbol preceding the existing "HMC9" zoning; - the "HMC9" zoning permits a dwelling unit, retail store and small implement repair shop; - a zoning by-law amendment is required to permit the proposed additional uses on the property. Information Report No. 06-07 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no comments or objections received to date; 4.2 Aqencv Comments - no comments or objections received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments Page 3 - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring that the proposed development is compatibfe with, and sensitive to, surrounding lands; • the adequacy and location of on-site parking to support the proposed uses; • whether any floor area limitations may be required for the additional uses proposed by the applicant; • review of any flood control requirements; • the impacts of the proposed uses on the existing private sewage system; • ensuring that the application be reviewed in consultation with Heritage Pickering, and ensuring that the change of use for the existing building meet all necessary fire protection, health standards and building codes. the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public; the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee has been previously consulted on this proposal; any alterations to the building will require a Heritage District Permit in addition to other City approvals, including Site Plan Approval. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council and/or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; 45 Information Report No. 06-07 6.0 6.1 6.2 Page 4 if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment, does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood r� Departments that have the report; Information Received �sidents, community associations, agencies and City commented on the application at the time of writing - a copy of the applicant's submitted plan is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. � Carla Pierini Planner II CP:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development �'n�� . Lynda T lor, MCIP, PP Manager, Development Review 47 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 06-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date �� �T#�� 1P}FC3�iA�tili0i� �� CJ Ln _. �, -: -r- r A7'TA�p'� z � iNF�iR6V�Ai tON R�P+04ZT� G 7 INFORMATION COMPILED'FR M APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 11106 - R. GOSLlNG WHITEVALE ROAD - �� 61.6m t 16�.22 � hQ160 �ART S PLAN 40R�1�1'39 / / i � y.i / I �' SEPTIC i Fi�D . ( ..— �.�"(' ` ' � J I � � ' = Y �' . +�+' ?RCPilSEO ' 3 I R1YEL �RiYENW T � ' EDl:E 0� Ix CRAN1 ' � � I ' 18 1� 20 ' � � - W �si' � . � � � ) t � t i �` �ce.ar � � _� ...� � � � �� 4T�4%1CJ1 �ty T E(. 4:ut5: �J � .0 �� �O ....��� f� l , � ,`0 7 �Q �J���, ' � �� THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNINCa 3 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION AND SUPPORT SERVICES SECTION, JUNE 18, 2007. , — ti.�..L���1�1��- � -: _ � = ,�,; , , S _ ...., � .c�:� � ��� � INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-07 FOR SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MEETING OF July 23, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANN/NG ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2002-04 & Zoning Amendment Application A 23/02 Anthony DeBruin 1796 Fairport Road Lots 7, 8& 9, Part of Lots 5, 6& 10, Plan 820 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the property is located on the northwest corner of Fairport Road at Welrus Street; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - the site is currently vacant; - single detached residential dwellings surround the subject lands to the north, south, east and west. 2.0 BACKGROUND - the required Statutory Public Information Meeting took place on February 20, 2003 regarding the applicant's request to change the zoning on the subject property to implement a proposed draft plan of subdivision application to permit 27 detached dwelling units; - at the Public Meeting, several area residents attended and expressed concerns regarding the traffic impacts, lot sizes and drainage; - limited activity occurred on the applicant's proposal following the Fublic Meeting in 2003; - the applications were recently re-activated by the owner. 3.0 PURPOSE OF SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MEETING - following re-activatian of the applications, staff recommended, and the Ward Councillors concurred with a need to update the community on the status of the applications through re-circulation of the application and a Public Meeting process; Information Report No. 07-07 Page 2 the Planning & Development Department has now received the requested 5 � preliminary grading information from the applicant which adequately demonstrates that the proposed lots can be developed in a manner which maintains the City's lot grading criteria without the use of excessive retaining walls or structures, and supports the proposed road configuration and lot depths proposed by the applicant; a Noise Impact Study prepared by HGC Engineering was reviewed by the Region of Durham Planning Department in 2004 and found to be acceptable subject to the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the Study; the study determined that the majority of the proposed lots would be subject to noise emissions which fall within the acceptable limits of the Ministry of Environment (MOE) guidelines; a Traffic Impact Study prepared by Cansult Limited was submitted to assess the operation of the proposed intersection of the new connecting road at Fairport Road; the conclusions derived from the study were that Fairport Road will have adequate capacity and a good level of service to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed development without extensive remedial measures; 3.1 Durham Reaional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Area — Living Area; establishes that the designated Living Area shall be used predominantly for housing purposes; the proposed use appears to conform to this designation; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - designates the subject lands as Urban Residential — Low Density Area within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; - permissible uses within this designation include residential uses; - this designation establishes a density range for residential development of up to 30 units per net hectare; - the applicant's proposal would provide a net site density of approximately 23 units per net hectare (based on the proposed 27 lots being developed on 1.2 hectares of land) (see Attachment #2); - the applicant's proposal conforms to the policies of the Official Plan; 3.3 Dunbarton Neiqhbourhood Desian Guidelines the lands are subject to the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines; these guidelines, which are Council adopted policies intended to guide new development in the area in a manner which is compatible with the existing neighbourhood, state that, on new internal roads, only detached dwellings be permitted with minimum lot frontages of 12 metres, and on existing roads, only detached dwellings be permitted with minimum lot frontages of 15 metres; Information Report No. 07-07 Page 3 - 5tfie Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines indicate that new developments shall maintain building setbacks consistent with recent subdivision standards such as front yard depths of 4.5 metres, side yards widths of 1.2 metres and 0.6 metres; - the guidelines provide additional information with respect to new development and the proposed road patterns for the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; - the applicant is proposing an amendment to the future road pattern in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood by providing an access point to Fairport Road in a location further south than was contemplated by the guidelines (see Attachment #3); 3.4 Zonina Bv-law 3036 the subject lands are currently zoned "R3" — Detached Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036; permits detached dwellings having minimum lot frontages of 18.0 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres; a zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the applicanYs proposed development of 27 detached units on lots with minimum frontages ranging from 12.0 metres to 15.0 metres on the property. 4.0 Staff Comments the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plans are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering has received a preliminary grading plan, a Noise Impact Study and a Traffic Impact Study on the proposed application; the need for additional information will be determined through the review and circulation of the applicant's current proposal; Information Report No. 07-07 Page 4 6.1 Companv Principal 5 3 - the owner of the subject property is Anthony DeBruin. ` ! .,�c°s� dL�C� ��/ZG[E�-� Cc� , Rick Cefaratti Lynd Taylor, M , RPP Planner II Manager, Development Review RC:�d Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development .. 54 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 07-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date H��n��.���, �.�_ U l irn�uar�or� �r�_____ 5 6 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN - SP 2002-04; A23/02 ADDITIONAL LANDS SUBJECT TO A23/02 (PART OF LOT 49, PIAN 1041, PART 4, 40R-17802) � \ I l � g y� NMPE 51NEET � ? � � �� 5 � � Q �M 1.�.. J 2 W U � � a � 1LOCK N IB 17 _ _ _ _ 19 _ w ��` 20 I6 s 2P 29 Z� 2� 26 PI 27 is � r „— --------=��f,.—,. ------- ----„— — — — -- — — Xp� y �E 11 !0 9 B 7 6 3 � 3 2 1 WELRUS STREET LANDS SUBJECT TO SP 2002-04 & A23/02 (PART OF LOTS 5, B& 10 AND LATS 7, 8& 9, PLJ1N 820) � O ROA�D�RIDGE � � � O � � L¢L . � N THlS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/lY OF P/CKERINC, P[ANN/NG dc OEYELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, /NFORMAT/ON & SUPPORT SER✓/CES, ✓UNE 29, 2007. d�Y� #_._-�°`...�0 ����o� �� o� MAP 17 NEIG�IBOURHOOD 7: DUNBARTON LEGEND ���� NEW ROAD CONNECTIONS (PROPOSEO) � � DETAILED REVIEW AREA � LANDS FOR WHICH COUNCIL HAS ADOPTED DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) w KINGSTON ROAD CORRIDOR � v DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (REFER TO COMPENDIUM DOCUMENT) H PEDESTRIAN BICYCLE CONNECTION (PROPOSED� CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING dc DEVELOPMENT DEPMTMENT OECEMBER, 2005 �Mq 1MP �01�M3 PMT OF EDRqN 3 OF iMC /�CRCI�MIO FICML PIAN ANO MUlT BE RGD IN CONJYNCTION WAM TME OT11[� SCNCpUI[f MID THF TEMi. SYMBOLS - NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNOARY � COMMUNITY CENTRE - PLACE ❑ OF WORSHIP � PARK PUBLIC ELEMENTARY � SCHOOL � PROPOSED PARK � SCHOO�TE ELEMENTARY CE M CEMETERY }� SEPARATE SECONDARY SC LJ SCHOOL SENIOR CENTRE � PUBLIC SECONDARY � SCHOOL FIREHALL � HISTORIC VILLACE �� LAWN BOWLING � SWIMMING POOL �NOTE: LAND �USE DESIGNATIONS APPEAI R ON SCHEDULE I PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 5: Chapter Eleven — Urban Neighbourhoods 178 57 . . �N� � ' O� 5 8 i�no� �o�r��.i.._ Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development Guidelines The fol%wing Dunbarton Neighbourhood Deve%pment Guidelines were adopted by Pickering Council on February 19, 1996 and revised on April 15, 1996. The upgrading of Fairport Road and Strouds Lane to full urban standards, and the presence of a large number of deep lots has resulted in opportunities for infill development within this area. To ensure development occurs in a manner that is appealing, orderly, and consistent with the character of the neighbourhood, new development proposals must comply with the development and design guidelines described in the accompanying chart, and must be generally consistent with the attached Neighbourhood Concept Plan. On September 15, 200.3, Pickering Council further revised the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Deve%pment Guidelines by de%ting the walkway symbol shown on the east side of Appleview Road immediately north of the Dunbarton Creek from the Neighbourhood Concept Plan. #3 � INFORMATION REP�T# � � O '� , . . � v, � � � ° cfl = o o " � � � � ��~ ^ c co m � � 3 �°-� c�� � �•� �.� � 3 � � 3 o s� �a°io � -�. ,.X � � �+'i C�0 � � c�e � �• p �. �:'� �. 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"' 1 � 1 �, � � �• X [� °: p cNu a w y rp < � y w rp c�o 0 0� y y��• C � � � � � � � � �u � � a�a °- fD 3 � � �D ° c a" � tv R � w c, v�+ -•, y n' ""` � � r; � w v, c � o � -, � c O ,,, � � �+ o. � O�" T� m a�o w' �� � o o ;�' � �.+ o $ fl; � m � � 3 r. �fD ,; N 7 = � W � 0 Z m n W � � � _ O 0 � � rn r 0 > rn Z � � � m � � Z � C � m r Z rn (/) 59 • � ;° ��'�''��; � _��p�=' = � '..w; '2 •.�.5 - � ""' � �:�.� M. ` � J� � INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF July 23, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 35/05 Ansar Medical Services Inc. 2177 & 2185 Brock Road Part of Lot 18, Concession 2 City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject lands consist of two deep residential lots located on the east side of Brock Road, opposite McBrady Crescent; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - the subject lands currently contain two detached dwellings on the western portion of the properties with the majority of the eastern portion of the property vacant open space lands; - the property currently has driveway access from Brock Road; - the topography has a very slight downhill grade running from west to east until the middle of the property were it drops off at the top of bank of the Du�ns Creek valley and is flat land within the valley; - the existing vegetation of the property consists of traditional residential vegetation on the western portion (mowed grass with shade and screening trees and shrubs), the central portion, above top of bank is old field vegetation with a small tree hedgerow and the land below top of bank is dominated by wetland vegetation; - surrounding land uses are; north - detached dwelling on a similar lot configuration; south - detached dwelling on a similar lot configuration; west - on the opposite side of Brock Road, are detached dwellings that front onto McBrady Crescent; east - open space lands associated with the East Duffins Creek in the Town of Ajax. Information Report No. 04-07 Page 2 . 61 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the application being considered is to amend the zoning by-law to permit the development of the subject property for a mixed use development consisting of the following: • a six storey mixed use building with ground floor commercial and five floors containing 70 apartment units (Building A); • a five storey assisted seniors building with 88 suites (Building B); • a five storey long term care facility with 176 suites (Building C); • 13 grade related townhouse dwelling units; - the applicant's submitted plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); - a portion of a future municipal road is shown on the plan along the proposed eastern limit of developable land; - vehicle access is proposed from a driveway off Brock Road with a future driveway off the future municipal road at the eastern portion of the development; - the majority of on-site parking will be provided in an underground parking garage with surface parking available for the commercial uses and visitor parking for the residential and institutional uses; - the townhouse buildings will provide one parking space in a garage and one space in the driveway in front of the garage; 2.1 Development Detail The following is proposed development detail for this application: Zoning Existing — A - Agricultural Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed development Uses Existing — two detached dwellings Proposed — mixed use development Gross site area — 3.41 hectares Area for future municipal road — 0.17 hectares Net site area — 1.3 hectares Frontage on Brock Road — 85 metres Commercial gross floor area — 1,877 square metres Number of apartment dwelling units — 70 Number of townhouse dwelling units — 13 Total dwelling units — 83 Net density — 63 units/hectare Number of assisted seniors suites — 88 Number of long term care suites — 176 Total assisted & long term care suites — 264 Surface parking for Buildings A, B& C — 114 Townhouse parking — 30 Underground parking — 213 Total parking — 357 .Information Report No. 04-07 �7 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reqional Official Plan Page 3 - the Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as within a Living Area and Major Open Space; - the Durham Regional Official Plan states that Living Areas are intended to be predominantly used for housing purposes; - limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments may be permitted in Living Areas; - Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads; - Major Open Space shall be used for conservation recreation, reforestation, and agricultural uses; - Brock Road is designated as a Type A Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan; - the subject application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Durham Region Official Plan during the further processing of the application; 3.2 Pickerina Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Residential Area — Medium Density Area and Open Space — Nafural Area; - permissible uses within Urban Residential Area — Medium Density Area include, amongst others, a variety of residential uses including townhouses and apartment buildings, limited office and retailing of goods servicing the area and community, cultural and recreational uses; - long term care facility and assisted seniors building would be permitted uses within this designation; - the Pickering Official Plan establishes a density range of over 30 and up to and including 80 dwelling units per hectare for development within an Urban Residential Area — Medium Density Area; - the proposed development woutd provide a net density of 63 units per hectare, which includes the apartment dwelling units and the townhouse only as the assisted seniors suites and long term care suites are not considered dwelling units for the purpose of density calculations; - the lands that are designated Open Space — Natural Area represent land that are in proximity to the Duffins Creek valley; - permissible uses within land designated Open Space — Natural Area include conservation, environmental protection, restoration and passive recreation; - the subject property is within the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood of the Official Plan; Information Report No. 04-07 3.4 Page 4 • - - the Duffins Precinct Development Guidelines (DPDG) have been adopted for the east side of Brock Road between the West Duffins Creek and the Ganatsekiagon Creek, and the subject property is located within this area; - the DPDG state the area is to be a residential neighbourhood of compact urban form featuring a broad variety of housing types and structured around an interior road; - the DPDG provide guidelines on streetscape, road nefinrork, views and vistas, building height and density; - Schedule ll of the Pickering Official Plan — Transportation Systems, designates Brock Road where it abuts the subject lands as a Type A Arterial Road and a Transit Spine; - Type A Arterial Roads are designed to carry large volumes of traffic at moderate to high speeds, have some access restrictions and generally have a right-of-way width ranging from 36 to 50 metres; - Transit Spine are recognized corridors where higher level of transit service is to be encouraged; - Schedule /ll of the Pickering Official Plan - Resource Management designates part of the subject lands as Shorelines and Stream Corridors; - Shorelines and Stream Corridors identify lands that may be prone to flooding, slope instability and/or erosion impacts and require an environmental report to be submitted that appropriately addresses any environmental constraints on the subject property; - the subject application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan and the DPDG during the further processing of the application; Zoninq Bv-law 3036 - the subject lands are currently zoned "A" — Rural Agriculture Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; - the existing zoning permits a range of agricultural uses, one detached dwelling, some recreational and community institutional uses, and selected agricultural commercial uses; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the development of the proposed mixed use development; - the applicant has requested an appropriate zone that would permit the proposed mixed use development. 63 •In#ormation Report No. 04-07 4.0 4.1 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - no resident comments have been received to date on the appiication; 4.2 Aqencv Comments Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Durham Region Planning Department Page 5 the subject properties are with TRCA regulated areas, contain a tributary of the Duffins Creek and a portion of the property is identified as a Environmentally Sensitive Area; TRCA request that a comprehensive update of the existing Master Environmental Servicing Plan be undertaken to address certain matters related to stormwater management, top of bank and environmental impacts; (see Attachments #3 and 4); - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan; - municipal water supply service can be provided while sanitary service is not currently available and will have to be further investigated; - driveway access onto Brock Road is permitted but may have to be reconfigured in the future; - the application has been screened in accordance with Provincial Interests and Delegated Review and a noise study is required and TRCA must be satisfied as to the set back of development from the environmental features (see Attachment #5); Development Control - further information will be required as the application progress related to location of the new municipal road, access and stormwater management (see Attachment #6); The following agencies or departments advised they have no objection to the application: - Pickering Fire Services (see Attachment #7); - Bell Canada (see Attachment #8); Information Report No. 04-07 Page 6 ,:� 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; • reviewing the proposal against the principles of the Duffins Precinct Development Guidelines in terms of density, built form/building massing and road location; • reviewing the proposed development in terms of compatibility with, and sensitivity to, surrounding lands; • reviewing the impact on the streetscape of Brock Road; • reviewing the building location, noise attenuation, living environment, accessibility, massing and materials; • reviewing the landscaping, fencing, and vegetation preservation; • reviewing the impact of an updated Master Environmental Servicing Plan and the impact on the internal road alignment; • reviewing the stormwater management and flood control requirements; • reviewing the driveway/internal road pattern to ensure proper vehicle flow through the proposed development in terms of the short term and long term design of the site; • reviewing the existing and emerging Provincial Policies related to urban growth; • reviewing the proposed development to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed site design is appropriate; the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council and/or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment, does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; Information Report No. 04-07 6.0 6.1 6.2 Page 7 - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the application at the time of writing the report; Information Received - full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan and reports are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department including: • site plan; • Environmental Impact Study (Draft), prepared dated January 2007; • Letter Report on Site Servicing, prepared Associates Ltd, dated January 8, 2007; by Gartner Lee Limited, by Sabourin Kimble & - the need for additional information will be determined through the review and circulation of the applicant's current proposal; 6.3 Companv Principal - the Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted by Ansar Medical Services Inc.; - the president of Ansar Medical Services Inc. is Mohammed Jalaluddin. Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner - Development Review RP:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development �����" .��.- . Lynda Ta or, MCIP, RP Manager, Developme t Review 67 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 04-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Toronto Region Conservation Authority (2) Region of Durham Planning Department (3) Bell Canada COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Fire Services (2) Development Control � 68 0 U z w 0 O w �I � m ATTACHM��I'f ��...TO ,�. tN�ORMAiION f�PORT# � � - �'7 McBRADY. 0 Q 0 � ol��,,�,. ��■■�■■����■I ���1111 . 1��1� • �,`'���� 1��11 � ` /�� �� �� � �� � �� � �� � �� �� � � �� �� �� . ,1���� �� : �� �� � �� �� • �� � �� �� . �� ���������`� - �� .. �� :� -� :111111111� 1/ .= ; "�' ,. �� ��11 - I\�Ilir■■�. �� �- FINCH AVENUE SUBJECT PROPERTY FINCH AVENUE � � � � I I � . � illllll ' � � � � ���� .. � � �C � ���� •• ������� 111111 LL � Z � O H City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CONCESSION 2, SOUTH PART OF LOT 18 w OWNER ANSAR MEDICAL SERVICES INC. DATE JUNE 5, 2007 DRAWN BY JB '/` FILE No. A 35/05 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP � Teranat �E�larprise� Ine. ontl it• suppliers. All Ypnt� Re�srvad. Nol�o. pion o� •urvoy. _ � PN'13 vJ � Z Q U J � � Q � O � w J � � � U Z O Q � � O � z Z � � w � � m � � U Z � W U � w �� 0 UM _ Q � W � � Q � Q a�rn#�To i��n4N t�o�r # �? � - v - , ovoa Noobs 69 ������a S W ry RG44�h1p � �2 `� �q��i�? O ��OW�d 4� ���m�� W��t�b� � ��� a�� ����NV SN �� � � � ArrAe��E�rr# � To INFOFtMATIUiV �RT# O4 "�y� TORONTO AND REGION "Y� . � - onserva t�o� `ks��� : � Qfor The Living City April 4, 2006 BY FAX AND MAIL Mr. Ross Pym, Principal Planner Development Review City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Pym: �iE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. A35/05 2177 & 2185 Brock Road City of Pickering (Ansar Medicai SerVices Inc.): CFN XREFCFN 35528.14 4k� :�� r1 r J_.� ,�S , �PR � 0 ��3�� �ITY OF PI�F���00'�9(a �lANNING & DEVELOPM�NI' CIEPARTMENT Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-reference zoning by-law amendment application, received March 9, 2006, including: • Drawing No. A1, titled Site Layout, prepared by Khalil U. Syed Architect for Ansar Medical Services Inc., dated December 31; 2005; • Drawing Na A2, titled Site Plan, prepared by Khalil U. Syed Architect for Ansar Medical Services Inc., dated December 27, 2005. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) staff offers the following comments. Back�round The subject properties are located at 2177 and 2185 Brock Road, on the east side of Brock Road, north of Finch Avenue, in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the appiicant wishes to rezone the subject lands from the current Agricultural (A) Zone to an appropxiate zone that would permit the proposed development containing residential, commercial and instifutional uses. No reports or studies have been submitted in support of this application. Currently, the subject properties maintain low-density residential development (3 structures in total) that immediately front onto Brock Road. Existing Regulatory Framework: Ontario Regulation 158 The subject properties maintain a tributary of the Duffins Creek and are presently partially located within the Fill Regulated Area and Regional Storm Floodplain of the Duffins Creek Watershed, in accordance with Ontario Regulation 158 (Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways). Therefore, an Ontario Regulation 158 permit is required from the TRCA prior to any of the following works taking place on the subject properties: F:\Hame\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\A35-06 2177&2185BrockRd CofP 04-04-06_1.wPd _, , ,�� ' S Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca =�_ A�r��H�a���#�� iNFO�r��� ���r# i — �7 71 Ross Pym - 2- Aprii 4, 2006 a) construct any building or structure or permit any building or structure to be constructed in a pond or swamp or in any area susceptible to flooding during a regional storm; b) place or dump fill or permit fill to be placed or dumped in the areas described in the schedules whether such fill is already located in or upon such area, or brought to or on such area from some other place or places c) straighten, change; divert or interfere in any way with the existing channel of a river, creek, stream or watercourse. Future Regulatory Frame�work (as of May 1, 2006): Ontario Regulation 97/04 Please note that the subject properties will be partially located within TRCA's updated regulated area, which comes into effect as of May 151, 2006. This regulatory update to Ontario Regulation 158 is referred to as Ontario Regulation 97/04 (Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses). When this updated regulation comes into effect on May 1 St, 2006, any `development', which is defined as any of the following works listed below, would require the approval and issuance of a permit under Ontario Regulation 97/04. Development is defined as � Construction & reconstruction • Erection or placing of a building • Any change to a building or structure that has the effect of • Changing its use • Increasing its size • Increasing the number of dwelling units • _ Site grading . • Placing of or removal of fill Therefore, as of May 1 S`, 2006, the applicant must apply for and obtain a permit under Ontario Regulation 97/04 for any development, within the regulated area, prior to the issuance of a munieipal building �ermit for the proposed aeveiopment on ine subject proper�ies. Valley and Strearn Corridor Management Program Policies (VSCMP) In addition to regulation, the TRCA's Valley and Stream Corridor Management Program (VSCMP) sets out development guidelines for properties influenced by stream and valley corridors. The overall objective of the VSCMP policies is to prevent new development from occurring within areas that may introduce risk to life and property associated with flooding; erosion, and slope stability, or that is not compatible with the protection of these areas in their natural state. As aforementioned, there is a tributary on the subject lands of the Duffins Creek as well as a defined top of bank. VSCMP policies define stream corridor boundaries as follows: when the upstream drainage area is greater than 125 hectares, a minimum of 10 metres inland from the Regulatory Floodplain is required; OR when the upstream drainage is less than 125 hectares, a minimum of 10 metres inland from the predicted meander belf of the watercourse, expanded as required to convey the major stream flows and to maintain stream F:\Home\Public�Development Services\Durham Region\PickeringW35-05 2177&21856rockRd CofP 04-04-06_i .wpd ��r�c�a�Enrr# 3 �o . � 2 INFOI�MAT�C�tJ Ft1'# —07 Ross Pym - 3- Apri14, 2006 riparian stream functions. Additionally, VSCMP policies define the top of bank for valiey corridors as a minimum 10 metres from the top of bank of a stable slope; OR if the valley slope is not stable, a minimum of ten metres inland from the predicted long term stable slope. Furthermore, where a Significant Area' is immediately adjacent to a stream or valley corridor, the corridor boundary is extended to include the Significant Area and a minimum 10 metres inland. Please note that no development is permitted within valley and stream corridors and their associated floodplains. The Major-Spink Area, Environmenfally Sensitive Area No. 97 Please note that the port;ons of the subject properties are identified as an Environmentalfy Sensitive Area (ESA No. 97). ESA No. 97 is commonly referred to as The Major-Spink Area, located adjacent to Duffins Creek. An environmental assessment of ESA No. 97 determined that The Major-Spink Area supports 15 different plant communities, which is an unusually high diversity for this relatively high area as well as 23 tree species, evidence of 41 bird species during breeding season, and use of Red Fox, Coyote, and Great-Horned Owl. As stated in Section 2.1:4 of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2005 no development or site alteration is permitted within significant woodlands, significant valleylands, and significant wildlife habitat. In accordance with the environmental assessment of ESA No. 97 and the PPS (2005), the City of Pickering's Duffins Precinct Tertiary Plan, delineated on Figure A of the City of Pickering's Official Plan, also identifies and designates these portions of the subject properties as Major Spink ESA, within which no development is permitted. Site-Specific Commenfs Please note that a site visit was conducted fo the subject property on April 18, 2005 with TRCA staff, City of Pickering staff, and representatives of the landowners in order to discuss the : �proposed development for the subject property. At that time, it was determined that there is a defined top of bank on the southeast side of the site and a draw feature in the middle of the properties that connects to a wetland at the toe of slope. . As indicted on the above-referenced drawings, the applicant is proposing a revised road connection for this area than what is indicted in the Duffins Precinct Plan, in order to � accommodate the proposed development. Based on our review, TRCA staff note the road alignment proposed on the drawings is located immediately at the physical top of bank on the properties. Furthermore, upon review of the subject properties and in light of the Duffins Precinct Plan, TRCA staff requested on April 18, 2005 that the Stormwater Management (SVUM) Pond, proposed for the properties immediately north, be constructed on the subject properties, within the draw feature, rather than where it is currently proposed in the Plan. TRCA staff recommend this revised location of the SWM Pond to service the general Duffins Precinct Area, � Significanf Areas are defined as those areas that have been identified, or exhibit characteristics, as Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA's), Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI), or as Class 1-7 Wetland. F:\Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\A35-05 2177&2185BrockRd CofP 04-04-06_1.wpd �-r�a����NT#�To wFC��s��►�a� �o�#� 73 Ross Pym - 4- April 4, 2006 on the basis that it is our understanding that the location of the proposed SWM Ponds in the Duffins Precinct Area is conceptual only. Further discussion regarding the ultimate location of the SWM Pond and the road alignment with municipal and TRCA staff is required. TRCA staff did not stake the long-term stable top of bank or the draw feature on the April 18, 2005 site visit because it was considered premature until such time as the location of the SWM Pond, the realignment of the road and the protection of the draw feature are determined. Recommendafions In light of the above, TRC.A staff consider the proposed zoning by-law amendment appli�aiion to be premature at this time. Additionally, TRCA staff recommend the following issues to be addressed; to in order to facilitate any proposed development on site: 1. 2. 3. 4. That the applicant transfer the rear portion of the subjecf lands (lands within the regulatory floodplain, located�in the eastern portion of the properties) into public trust or rezone them as Open Space; That the applicant remit a SWM Report in support of the proposed development for review and approval to the TRCA; After addressing the issues regarding the proposed road alignment and the location of the SWM Pond with City staff, TRCA staff request that the applicant contact the TRCA in order to conduct a second site visit to the subject properties to stake the limit of the natural features on site; That the applicant apply for and obtain a permit from the TRCA, prior to,the issuance of municipal building permit. We trust these comments are of assistance. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. �lanner C.C. Khalil U. Syed Architect c/o Ansar Medical Services Inc. (fax: 416.298.4341) F:�Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\PickeringW35-05 2177&2185BrockRd CofP 04-04-06_i .wpd �;�r�c����T#�.'ro 0�-G�7 ��!�o�.t�R�oo�v ���# TORONTO AND REGION `Y� f a onservat�on � �or The Living City ����� t;�,ril 6, 2C07 ',^ii7__i'�Y�:�1L. �i�ii 1'Ii.�i �� ;'„�� . '��oss Pym � lanr,ing and Development Gity of Pickering �= ick��ring Civic Centre One The Espfanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 ^ear Mr. Pym: ��� � � 2��� �1T� OF �iCKEA�'�� 3�l.A�M���?A�TME °Pl�9� �;k�� 'L�+��r�� ��r-la�.r Ar����!�sr.± 4rp!icatio� f;�. A35/05 2177 8 218� 8rock Road Ci#y of Pickering Ansar Medical Services Inc. CFN 37347.02 �i�ank you for the opportunity to review the following documents submitted in support of the above- r�Fer;:nced Zoning By-law amendment application, received January 30, 2007: Cover letter from Sabourin Kimble, dated January 8, 2007; Drawing T-1, Overall Topography, prepared by Sabourin Kimble, dated December 2006; �IS, Jraft for Discussion, prepared by Gartner Lee, dated January 2007. L�'J� assume that the documents were submitted in order to determine the limits of development on the ,:±1�, �nd we offer the following comments further to our letter of April 4, 2006 and siie visit of June 15, ��C�. �:;er;rrrr�hensiv� i'lanning of Duffins Precinct Area v1�e �on:inue to be concerned that the proposal is being contemplated in the absence of a comprehensive u�d�te to the existing Environmental Master Servicing Pl�n (EMSP), Phase II Report, dated June 21, 1:�99. The EMSP illustrates the conceptual location of rcads, SWM ponds and other servicing, and rF�carnmends further study for the implementation oF this servicing. As such, we recommend that a c,c.;m�7rehensive analysis of the required servicing, to include an Environmental Impact Study, be cr�r�;;ucted for the entire Duffins Precinct Area. We understancf that this may occur following initiation of i�!� ecEyiJr'.°. NfJif',SS fC :VI'��!' Brock R�a�±. !-!�V!�cyPl', !f trL City !S ��PreCe� to ;?!'C��e2d vvith tha �eviPw nf development on the subject property independently of the wider process, then we offer the following cernments on the applicant's submission. �nvi: onmental Impacf Study VVe understand that the EIS is "Draft for Discussion". However, we are unsure as to its purpose. Development limits are not proposed, nor is there a discussion around the proposed uses, development layout, or how this site relates to the EMSP. The EIS presents limited research and does not assess the ;r-;n��,;s associated.with th� develo�ment proposal. No primary information on flora and fauna are ^r�� :�;rte:�, nor ar�� seccndary data presented, despite data from 2003 being available from TRCA. There is v;:�y limit�d discussion about the ESA or its sensitivities. The only information that is provided are ELC ::�ta fer the subject lands and the immediately adjacent areas, and the report makes no attempt to assess irnp�-.cts from the proposed development on the adjacent ESA. This is the case despite clear direction ;I.i��:;ai�.d in the Duffins-Precinct EMSP that: C�.`�No;ne\Public\Uevelopment Services\Durham Region\Pickering\2177 - 2185 brock 2.doc Member of Conser•vation Ontario �.,.R _ _ _ _.,d��. ---- -,�-..m.�..____�-:.,�,�.-..�:��,��m.�.�.rn�. • . 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca s�; ��nr�����rrr#�To s������; ��;� �o�'# 4 —�7 K�s�= Pym - 2- April 6, 2007 "... the development limit will coincide with either the established top-oi-bank, or fhe l�lajor 7 5 Spinks ESA. During the detailed review of development applicafions, any concerns with slope stability and/or additional ecological buffer requirements may result in a revised development limit." Ther� is a very brief discussion around impacts on the adjacent valleylands, such as vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and it is stated that these impacts would be minor in nature. However, we are uncertain how the EIS can conclude that impacts will be minor without presenting what the proposed development limit, uses, and mitigation will be. In addition, noise and lighting impacts are not mentioned. Another major component that is absent is the discussion around the maintenance of groundwater contributions to the wetland and aquatic habitats of the valley. A water balance analysis needs to be completed. The EIS contends that the draw feature that bisects the eastern portion of the property has no �:.inc�ion whatsoever, despite the fact that there are forget-me-nots (groundwater indicators) in the draw. i herefcre, while it is argued that the draw has "no aquatic habitat functions," perhaps this is true only of Cirect habitat, but the feature likely provides indirect habitat contributions through groundwater inputs and �!�tritus/im�eriebrate productiG`n, Th? E!S should a�dress how �hi� Fun�►.�cn �r�+!! he m�:n±a�r�ad ir, :"e pc�st �evelopment scenario. ; ��k�d Tnp af 8ank � As p�r our letter of April 4, 2006, we note thaf TRCA staff has not staked the top of bank or the draw f�ature as we corsider it premature until such time as the location of the SWM facilities, the realignment c�f the road and the protection of the draw feature are determined through a comprehensive analysis of the r�qu�red servicing. Drawing No. T-1 illustrates that the draw is proposed to be cut off and that the floodline extends beyond the "approved" top of bank line and the "10 m structural setback" coincident with thE te�p oF bank line. None of these lines have been formalized by TRCA and a survey prepared by an OLS has not been provided. Athough the top of bank line iilustrated on Drawing No. T-1 appears reasonable, there has been no confirmation of its location relative to an actual survey of the site or the Duffins Precinct area. In addition, the EMSP provides that a"...minimum 10.0-metre ecological buffer a;ony the established top-of-bank and ESA boundary, as well as a structural setback brom fhe buffer..." is required (pg. 5). �tormwater Management / Servicing i"he applicant has not provided any discussion of how the site will tie into existing or proposed servicing, or how ±he design will meet SWM quality or quantity requirements. ,�?�cc�mmendation 1r: !in7t of the above, we are of the opinion that the application is premature. TRCA staff would be pieased t� wc;rk with the City of Pickering and/or landowners group on the comprehensive analysis or the servicing. �J� t�ust this is of assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Si ely, Steven Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI Mariager, Development Planning and Regulation Planning and Development Extension 5311 cc. Khalil U. Syed Architect c/o Ansar Medicai Services Inc. (fax: 416.298.4341) Alan Kimble, Sabourin Kimble (fax. 905.426.9452) G:\Home\PuUlic\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\2177 - 2185 brock_2.doc 76 � D�lRHJ�N! RE�ION ������E�a�� 5 � ���(:�94'�TI�3� - F�'# � -�% - June 1, 2006 _ Ross Pym, Principal Planner SENT VIA EMAIL TO: Pickering Civic Complex rpym@city.pickering.on.ca One The Esplande Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Mr. Pym: Re: Zoning Amendment Application A35/05 Applicant: Ansar Medical Services Incorporated The Regional Location: Lot 18, Concession 2 Municipality 2177-2185 Brock Road of �urham Municipality: City of Pickering Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4T" FLOOR P.O. BOX 623 WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 (905) 668-7711 Fax: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ : egion.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning "Service Excellence !o� �,u�� Convnunrties" This application has been reviewed and the following comments are offered. The purpose of this application is to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit development containing residential, commercial and institutional uses. Reqional Official Plan The lands subject to this application are designated "Living Area" and "Major Open Space" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Living Areas are to be used predominantly for housing purposes. Limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments may be permitted within Living Areas provided that the functions and characteristics of Central Areas are not adversely affected. The predominant use of lands in the "Major Open Space System" shall be conservation, recreation, reforestation and agriculture and farm-related uses, In the consideration of development applications in Living Areas, regard is to be had for the following: • achieve a compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail and service and mixed uses along arterial roads and in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities; • the use of good urban design principles; • the provision of convenient pedestrian access to public transit, educational facilities and parks; • the types and capacities of the existing municipal services, infrastructure and the feasibility of expansion; and • the balance between energy efficiency and cost. Provincial Policies & Deleqated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. As the subject property is adjacent to Regional Road 1, Brock �Tr�����Nr# � To ��v����T�o����# ot�_o Page 2 Road, and proposing sensitive land uses, a noise study is required to identify any potential impacts on the proposal, including noise mitigation and warning clauses. The study may be submitted to this department for review. As a creek flows through and is adjacent to the subject property, comments from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation authority are required to ensure that a sufficient setback has been given to protect the watercourse from adverse impact from development. Rectional Services Municipal water supply is available to the subject property from an existing 300 mm watermain on Brock Road. Sanitary sewer se►vices are not currently available to the subject property. The extension of sanitary sewer services is dependent on the development of lands to the south and the construction of a future collector road as identified in Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan. A detailed site servicing plan demonstrating how the subject property intends to be serviced will be required for review by the Regional Works Department Transnortation and Access Brock Road is designated as a Type "A" Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan. A minimum road width of 22.5 metres from the centerline of Brock Road to the applicant's property is required. The proposed access to Brock Road will require a right turn lane with an 8 metre throat width and a 10 metre turning radii. Brock Road is tentatively scheduled for reconstruction between 2013 and 2021 where it will be widened to 6 lanes. Part of the reconstruction may require a raised centre median to restrict traffic to right-in / right-out movement only. A detailed site plan drawing will be required for review be the Regional Works Department. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. �f �� i '----.. Ct YYl � ' Dwayne Campbell, Planner Current Planning cc: Peter Castellan, Regional Works Department anAC�����#��� IiVFORP,�P�i'4�9� �'H��d'# Q�'—(� 7 �a PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 12, 2006 To: Ross Pym Principal Planner — Development Review From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 35/05 Ansar Medical Services Inc. 2177 & 2185 Brock Road (Part Lot 18 concession 2) City of Pickering We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: The proposal does not appear to be consistent with the environmental master servicing plan which was prepared for this area. The road alignment proposed at the most easterly limit of the developable area would require extensive review to determine alignment implications on adjacent lands, and studies to determine slope stability within that proximity to the floodline. Servicing constraints may be identified if the road grade is proposed lower due to this location. Stormwater management would need to be addressed. Although interim on-site measures may be possible the outlet, temporary and permanent would need to be determined. Future cost sharing for the S.W.M pond and road construction would be required if this proposal was permitted to proceed. A grading and drainage plan should be provided that would reflect proposed finished grade in comparison to existing adjacent lands to address any affects or constraints. The drainage ditch in the area of the north property limit will also need attention. Direct access to buildings A, B and C appear to be from Brock Road; however, the access to the townhouses would be from a future road. This would make the townhouses a future phase of the development unless all servicing is predetermined and installed and the road completed to full municipal standard so that future connections to either end could be done without restricting access. This road would not be maintained by the City until it connects to an existing municipally maintained road. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 35/05A��C��ENT# �O TO April 12, 2006 �r�FC�A���� ���� � � -��. F.nsar Medical Services inc. ---�. Page 2 % 9 This development may be determined to be premature; however, if permitted to proceed it should be conditional on entering an agreement with the City to address, but not be limited to stormwater management, road construction, servicing cost sharing, property conveyances, easements, etc. \\ .�,--� � ; ., Robert Starr RS:jlm J1Doewmn��OwNOpm�M GontraMOBSTARRMwna�apptallamVmpq rnxMm�nlNror 4Wk�l Swtw Irc..aoe Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Development Control, Inspector Technician, Development Approvals �,��-�a�����-r�,��o :���e�������c��v ��1� r �� .� . Operations & Emergency Services Department Fire Services Division Memorandum March 16, 2006 To: Ross Pym, Principal Planner Planning Department From: Rex Heath Fire Prevention Officer Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 35/05 Ansar Medical Services Inc. 2177 8� 2185 Brock Road (Part of Lot 18 Concession 2) City of Pickering The Pickering Fire Senrice has reviewed the applicant's proposal and forwards no objectionable comments. We reserve the opportunity to make comment(s) at the time of the site plan review and approval process. Rex Heath Fire Prevention Officer Pickering Fire Services A1'i�1Ck���f�T# g TO INF�i�6VLQT1t�� �.--r�i��� #� � — Right Of Way Floor 5, 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416-296-6291 Toll-Free: 1-800-748-6284 Fax: 416-296-0520 March 28, 2006 Town Of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplande Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Ross Pym Dear Sir/Madam: RE: Zoning Amendment 2177 & 2185 Brock Rd. s File No: A 35/05 Bell File No: 34741 � � �r ���, �s ha� .�fm��%t � ,�;� � � "n s�Y• years ans 8 � �� � ,�""� '� � i� � �� �� � ,t ��a � .. � � - � �,'� 1; �; , � ;.;.,�;,a::s�3�.�{;� d ; .:. j��,r- t� �" f't'?itstei�. , � - ,.., � ,;,� 1A � `•a ',' Thank you for your letter of March 8, 2006 concerning the above application. A detailed review of the Zoning Amendment has been completed and adequate telecommunication facilities exist within the area, therefore, Bell Canada does not require any easement or lease. The following paragraph(s) are to be included as Conditions of Zoning Amendment Approval: 1. Bell Canada requires one or more conduit or conduits of sufficient size from each unit to the room(s) in which the telecommunication facilities are situated and one or more conduits from the room(s) in which the telecommunication facilities are located to the street line. If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re-arrangements or relocations. Should you have any questions please contact Yvonne Eddy at 416-296-6430. Yours truly � I����` , John La Chapelle, MCIP, RPP Manager - Right Of Way Control Centre r, , ; - � a ;' _°� �P� ��,� !�� r �'r i f . c+ ` ? J/ ,Y, ' J;/ ' �y i . t" i,�;. r�r;d �„� "'� . f'`�t°,,; �1' r�., � �- � , ;.a � �•,•; � �' I� ��,. 4:�, ;v � %.`s,.. r.3-� �f� �.p t �` ; ,� + � ;��s`,;'l -'� , .,, M � ��a' ::. � ,r`,..; + t`�.d ; � - � ;.° 4aa.uuL�������I __- $— �e.,'.,JL� t �..r^�' � +�1Z�"�. `�_ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 05-07 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF July 23, 2007 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANN/NG ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning Amendment Application A 3/07 BMC Bayly Park Inc. 1400, 1410 & 1420 Bayly Street Part of Lot 21 & 22, Concession 1 (Parts 1& 2, 40R-6033 & Part 1, 40R-12889) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the property is located on the north side of Bayly Street, east of Liverpool Road and west of Sandy Beach Road; - a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); - three, multi-tenant one-storey buildings exist on the property, all fronting Bayly Street in a north-to-south orientation; - the site is surrounded by the Canadian National Railway (CN) to the north, a GO Train station/parking facility to the west, and the Krosno Creek to the east; - the broader surrounding area is comprised of a mix of limited retail, service and repair shops, warehousing, trucking and manufacturing as well as residential on the south side of Bayly Street. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant has requested to expand the permitted uses for all three buildings on the subject lands to include: - fitness club - indoor garden centre - pet grooming and boarding - animal hospital / veterinary clinic - place of worship - religious institutions - day care / nursery - rental establishment - service and repair shop - commercial / private school - service garage Information Report No. 05-07 3.0 3.1 3.2 Page 2 • . - in addition to the above-noted uses, the applicant also requests that the following uses be permitted within units in all three buildings that front on to Bayly as well as the units within the most westerly building facing the GO Train station: - retail store - personal service shop - art or antique shop - printing / copying establishment - additional restaurant floor area - tanning salon - mobile phone sales and service establishment - electronic and video sales and rental outlet OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Reqional Official Plan - travel agency - optical shop - photo processing / photo studio - brew-on-premises establishment - tailor or dressmaking shop - the Durham Region Official Plan designates the subject lands as Urban Area — Main Central Area; - establishes that the designated Main Central Areas shall be used as the main concentration of urban activities within area municipalities; - permits a wide range of office, service, shopping, recreational and residential uses; - the proposed uses appear to conform to the Durham Region Official Plan, however, the subject application will be assessed against the policies and the provisions of the this Plan during the further processing of the application; Pickerina Official Plan - the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as Mixed Use Area — Mixed Corridors within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood; - permissible uses within this designation include the retailing of goods and services serving the needs of a broader area, offices, restaurants, community, cultural and recreation uses; - the applicant's proposal will be assessed against the policies and the provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the application; �. Information Report No. 05-07 � �3.3 Zoninct Bv-law 2511 Page 3 - the subject lands are currently dual zoned "M1-6" — Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone, and "MC-5" — Manufacturing and Commercial Zone by By-law 2511, as amended by By-law 2188/86 (see Attachment #2); - the permitted uses on the portion of the property zoned "M1-6" includes business and professional offices, dry cleaning establishments, financial institutions, light manufacturing, scientific, research or medical laboratories, and warehousing; - the permitted uses on the portion of the property zoned "MC-5" includes all of the uses mentioned above, but also includes assembly halls, bakeries, service shops, clubs, commercial recreational establishments and restaurants, subject restrictions; - a zoning by-law amendment is required to implement the applicant's proposed uses on the property; - the applicant has requested that the permitted uses for the subject property be expanded to include limited retail, service other more specific commercial uses. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no objections or concerns received to date; 4.2 Aqencv Comments - no comments received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • reviewing the application in terms of its level of sustainable development components; • reviewing the proposed uses in terms of compatibility with the existing development on the property, and with the surrounding lands; • reviewing the adequacy and location of on-site parking to support the proposed uses; • reviewing the proposed development to ensure that adequate information is provided, that technical requirements are met and that the proposed site design / functioning is appropriate for the proposed uses; • what uses may be added to this site while maintaining the intent of the current Official Plan designation; Information Report No. 05-07 Page 4 , �• whether any floor area limitations may be required for the additional uses proposed by the applicant; the Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the application and its design after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION - this application has been deemed complete in accordance with the Planning Act, - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council and/or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal a decision of the City of Pickering, you must provide oral comments at the public meeting, or written comments to the City before Council adopts for this proposal any zoning by-law amendment; - if a person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the by-law is passed, such persons or public bodies are not entitled to appeal the decision of Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plans are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering has not received any technical information / reports on the proposed application; the need for additional information will be determined through the review and circulation of the applicant's current proposal; Information Report No. 05-07 6.3 Companv Principal Page 5 the owner of the subject property is BMC Bayly Park Inc., and the property is managed by Martin Brown of Concordian Management Inc.; the authorized agent is Rob Freeman of Freeman Planning Solutions Inc. �; �� Rick Cefaratti Planner II RC:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development �;�i��� °. .e�.._. Lynda Tay or, MCIP, P Manager, Develop nt Review �.* APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 05-07 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date �7T'r -- - #�� !��ORI�lTOOA1 l�POt�'i'# 05� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN A 03/07 - BMC BAYLY PARK INC. �GN� P� �`�1 N �', .... �. .; ; .�. . x N� � ... " � � � ' }--� 1- ` .�-?� �Y .y.. . ;�. . � �~`� -`C'C�"C�i �;�' n� \� . t 4 � . � `"N' � ° . . . . ap+yr .{ ..i. • -; �,'S t ..'C` ���r'`'�,..� nr "-� t . ... ,.:� '.. . 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JUNE 8. 2007. • , REPORT TO ��i�� PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ' ' COMMITTEE �� I I Report Number: PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 Altridge Properties Inc. 1482 — 1484 Altona Road & 1490 —1498 Altona Road Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3, (40R-9096, Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) City of Pickering Recommendation: That Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 34/05 submitted by Altridge Properties Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3(40R-9096, Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86), Part of Lot 33, B.F.0 Range 3(40R-5045, Part 1), City of Pickering, to permit the development of 10 lots for detached dwelling units, be refused. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, consisting of 10 residential lots for detached dwellings, fronting onto a new internal public road. Access to the site is proposed from Altona Road. The draft plan of subdivision incorporates a block of City-owned land along the western side of the site, which was conveyed to the City for future road purposes through a previous draft plan of subdivision. Richardson Street was constructed with a temporary turning circle to allow for its future extension into the subject site. Development of the site as proposed by the applicant would create an isolated pocket of residential lots that does not provide cohesive development with the existing residential neighbourhood. The proposed access onto Altona Road is not appropriate as the site can be accessed through the extension of Richardson Street. Further, approval of the proposed access onto Altona Road may prejudice future redevelopment opportunities for the lots opposite this property, on the east side of Altona Road. Report PD 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page i2t 9 � More appropriate alternative design options are available for the site. Development of this site would be best suited at a time when comprehensive development involving the adjacent property to the south can be achieved. It is recommended that proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Application be refused, as the proposal is considered premature and does not provide for appropriate development of the site. Financial Implications: None with refusal recommendation. Sustainability Implications: The development proposal is an infill project that would utilize existing infrastructure. However, the proposed access to the site from Altona Road does not represent a sustainable approach for the development of the subject lands as the proposal creates an isolated development that does not provide appropriate connections or integration to the existing neighbourhood. Background: 1.0 Introduction Altridge Properties Inc., has submitted applications for approval of a draft plan of subdivision and an amendment to the zoning by-law in order to create 10 lots for detached dwellings on lands located at the southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). Access to the development is proposed from Altona Road. All 10 lots would front onto a new public road and are oriented to face Altona Road (see Applicant's Revised Road Pattern, Attachment #4). The proposed lots would have minimum lot frontages ranging from approximately 11.0 metres to 17.2 metres and minimum lot areas ranging from 408 square metres to 561 square metres. The subject lands are designated "Urban Residential Area — Low Density Area" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood in the Pickering O�cial Plan. This designation permits residential development at a density of up to and including 30 dwellings per net hectare. The proposal is consistent with this designation at 13.3 units per net hectare. At the Statutory Information Meeting held in April 2006, a request was made by area residents that an additional Information Meeting be held should the applicant revise the proposal. Although staff worked with the applicant following the Information Meeting in an attempt to achieve a mutually acceptable development plan, agreement has not been achieved and the applicant wishes to pursue their original submission. Consequently a second Information Meeting has not been held. Residents who commented on the application have been notified of this meeting, to consider the application as initially submitted. Report PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Page 3 - 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 At the April 20, 2006 Public Information Meeting Twelve area residents appeared at the Public Information Meeting to voice their comments respecting the application. They raised concerns regarding: traffic problems on Altona Road due to the proposed access; safety for school children in the area; compatibility of the proposed lot sizes with existing development; grading and drainage issues; and declining property values (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #9 &#10). 2.2 Written Public Submissions on the application Three written submissions were received from area residents. The concerns identified in the correspondence related to: lotting pattern; decrease in property value; walkway connections for school children; unsafe access to the development from Altona Road and traffic congestion; grading and drainage, and existing flooding in backyards (see Attachments #11, #12 &#13). 2.3 City Department and Agency Comments Development Control - access to Altona Road should not be permitted and development of the lands should only occur as part of the extension of Richardson Street; - the extension of Richardson Street would provide a better connection to the abutting school as the existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street could connect directly to the sidewalk on the west side of the cul-de-sac, and would also provide a direct connection to the existing walkway on the south side of Richardson Street; - various additional technical comments are also provided (see Attachment #14); Region of Durham - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Planning Department Durham Region Official Plan and is consistent with Community Strategic Plan Actions; - municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property; - as the site is adjacent to Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, a noise study is required to identify any potential impacts as well as any noise mitigation and warning clauses (see Attachment #15); Canadian National - warning clauses are required within the subdivision Railway agreement and any agreements of purchase and sale for the proposed lots; - a noise and vibration study should be conducted (see Attachment #16); Report PD 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) 3.0 3.1 Date: July 23, 2007 Pagl�i� 9 3 Region of Durham - right-of-way dedications and a sight triangle must be Works Department conveyed to the Region; - submission of a detailed design for the intersection of Altona Road and the proposed internal road is required prior to the Region providing favourable comments on the proposed development (see Attachment #17); Durham Student - the school board would like to pursue a sidewalk Transportation Services (walkway) connection from Richardson Street to St. Monica's Catholic School; - this request has now been brought forward as the walking area to the school has been amended, meaning more students could use the pathway to get to the school site (see Attachment #18); Toronto and Region - no objection (see Attachment #19); Conservation Authority Durham Catholic District - no objection (see Attachment #20). School Board No other agency that provided comment has objection to the application. Discussion Background - A portion of the lands subject to this application are City-owned and intended for road purposes The conceptual road pattern for this neighbourhood originally included the extension of Fawndale Road north to connect with Richardson Street, and the northward extension of Richardson Street to a cul-de-sac (see Conceptual Road Development Plan (1986), Attachment #2). However, through Council's approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-84005 in 1986, this connection was removed and replaced with a walkway connection from Fawndale Road to Richardson Street. The block of City-owned land within this application (see Applicant's Submitted Plan, Attachment #3) comprises approximately 0.14 hectares and was conveyed to the City for future road purposes as a condition of approval of Draft Plan 18T-84005 (which developed this general area). This land provides for the northward extension of Richardson Street as originally anticipated and approved by Council. Richardson Street was constructed with a temporary turning circle at its terminus to allow for the future extension of the street northward into the subject property to end in a permanent cul-de-sac. The applicant has not acquired the City-owned lands, but has included them in their application knowing that Council's approval for the disposal of these lands would be required. Report PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Page 5 3.2 �Access to the site from Altona Road for this development proposal is not supported Altona Road is designated as a Type 8 Arterial Road in the Region's and City's Official Plans. Type 8 Arterial Roads are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds and have some access restrictions. The Environmental Assessment currently underway for Altona Road proposes a four or five lane cross-section along this portion of the road. The Region of Durham Works Department advise that they are unable to provide favourable comments on the proposed access from Altona Road at this time. Detailed design drawings for the intersection of the new internal road and Altona Road are required to ensure the proposed intersection provides safe vehicle movements in and out of the site. Area residents have expressed concern regarding the safe functioning of the site and the possible traffic impacts of the proposed access from Altona Road. Vehicular and pedestrian connectivity within this neighbourhood are important. The proposed access from Altona Road would create an isolated development that is separated from the existing residential development to the southwest and the abutting school property. A walkway connection is proposed through the applicant's proposat to provide a pedestrian connection to Richardson Street and St. Monica's Catholic School, however this connection would not provide the same benefits as having a direct road and sidewalk connection to the surrounding neighbourhood. Residents on the east side of Altona Road, south of Sheppard Avenue, have previously expressed an interest in developing the rear portions of their properties by way of a new internal public or private road with direct access from Altona Road. Planning staff have been verbally advised by the Region of Durham Works Department that only one access point onto Altona Road would be permitted in this area. The proposed access on the west side of Altona Road for this development proposal could jeopardize any future development potential for the properties on the east side of Altona Road. The subject site has an alternate access route by way of Richardson Street, whereas alternate access to the properties on the east side of Altona Road is very unlikely. 3.3 The site has alternative development potential and staff are willing to work with the applicant if an acceptable alternative design is achieved or an alternate use is proposed. Planning & Development staff have prepared three examples of alternative development options for this site, and will continue to explore these alternatives with the applicant if they so desire. Report PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Page 6• 95 Staff Aiternative Option 1— Connect Richardson Street northward to a cul-de-sac as originallv anticipated throuqh previous approval of the abutting development The extension of Richardson Street on lands already secured for future road purposes creates direct vehicular and pedestrian connections to the existing neighbourhood (see Staff's Alternative Design — Option 1, Attachment #5). This design would maintain a cohesive neighbourhood and would be an integral part of completing the neighbourhood. A sidewalk connection to the abutting school site could be provided through this design as the existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street could connect directly to a sidewalk on the west side of the cul-de-sac extension. The sidewalk would provide a safe and secure connection for school children walking to the school, and the design of the development would provide more eyes on the street and the school site. A direct connection to the existing walkway between Littleford Street and Richardson Street could also be achieved. This design also provides for efficient garbage pick-up and snow removal. Although this design would result in the development of lots backing onto Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, with rear yard fencing (noise fencing) along the rear lot lines, this is similar to the existing development along Altona Road to the south, as reverse lot frontages were implemented through the design of many developments in this neighbourhood. In order to provide a minimum road allowance 16.5 metres, with a minimum pavement width of 8.5 metres, for the northward extension of Richardson Street, additional land area (approximately 7.0 metres in width) is required from the abutting property to the south, municipally known as 1478 Altona Road. This design maintains future development options for 1478 Altona Road onto Richardson Street, and may be more economically viable than other designs. However, the partial involvement of the owner of 1478 Altona Road is required. Municipal Property & Engineering staff have advised that this design would generate an estimated 17 and 14 vehicle trips during the morning and evening peak hours respectively, and that no significant traffic impacts would be anticipated on Richardson Street or the surrounding street nefinrork (see Attachment #21). Staff Alternative Option 2— Extend Richardson Street east to a cul-de-sac adjacent to Altona Road Richardson Street could be extended eastward though 1478 Altona Road to a cul-de-sac adjacent to the west side of Altona Road (see Staffs Alternative Design — Option 2, Attachment #6). This design would eliminate lots backing onto Altona Road. This design would also eliminate access onto Altona and would provide vehicular and pedestrian connections to the existing neighbourhood. A walkway connection to the school could be provided on the City-owned lands, immediately east of the last residential lot fronting onto Richardson Street. Report PD 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Date: July 23, 2007 Page 7 - Staff acknowledge that this option requires the full involvement of the property at 1478 Altona Road for road purposes, with only a moderate increase in available lotting frontage. Staff Alternative Option 3— Provide an alternate use on the propertv Although different from the low density residential land use originally envisioned for these lands, the subject property and abutting City-owned lands could be developed for a mixed-use project that serves the broader community. In 1989 consideration was given to a zoning by-law amendment application to permit a mixed-use commercial and residential development on this site, however the application was abandoned. Access to the site, site function and compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood would need to be thoroughly reviewed and addressed prior to consideration being given to an alternate use. 3.4 Two alternative designs proposed by the applicant are not supported by staff, and the applicant wishes to proceed with the application as initially submitted The alternative designs for this site as prepared by staff have been discussed with the applicant. The applicant advises that they have not been able to secure land from the abutting landowner to the south (1478 Altona Road) to pursue either Option 1 or 2 as proposed by staff. Instead, the applicant has prepared two alternative designs for the site which propose �the construction of the Richardson Street cul-de-sac on the west side of the site with temporary road conditions until 1478 Altona Road is developed. The first alternative design involves the extension of Richardson Street northward with a reduced right-of-way width in front of 1478 Altona Road (see Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan — Option A, Attachment #7). The second alternative plan proposes the construction of a temporary road through the south end of the site from Altona Road until a permanent connection to the existing portion of Richardson Street is completed (see ApplicanYs Submitted Alternative Plan — Option B, Attachment #8). Staff do not support the alternative designs proposed by the applicant as there is no guarantee that the temporary conditions would be removed, and there is a risk that the temporary roads would become permanent if the property to the south does not develop. There would also be no incentive for the applicant to complete the full road connection for Richardson Street for either of these designs once their development is complete. The proposal to provide a temporary road connection from Altona Road to Richardson Street would still not address staff's concerns regarding access onto Altona Road. Report PD 23-07 Date: July 23, 2007 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Page 8 97 As the Planning & Development Department does not support either of the proposed temporary scenarios, the applicant is continuing to pursue the original submission as initially applied for. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the staff recommendation for refusal of the application. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Conceptual Road Development Plan (1986) 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan 4. Applicant's Revised Road Pattern 5. Staff's Alternative Design — Option 1 6. Staff's Alternative Design — Option 2 7. Applicant's Submitted Alternative Plan — Option A 8. ApplicanYs Submitted Alternative Plan — Option 6 9. Text of Information Report 10. Minutes from April 20, 2006 Statutory Public Information Meeting 11. Resident Comment — D. & J. Coughlin 12. Resident Comment — L. & G. Scavuzzo and J. & I. Comeau 13. Resident Comment — T. Dupnak 14. City Department Comments — Development Control 15. Agency Comments — Region of Durham Planning Department 16. Agency Comments — Canadian National Railway 17. Agency Comments — Region of Durham Works Department 18. Agency Comments — Durham Student Transportation Services 19. Agency Comments — Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 20. Agency Comments — Durham Catholic District School Board 21. City Department Comments — Municipal Property & Engineering Division Report PD 23-07 Subject: Altridge Properties Inc. (S-P-2005-03, A 34/05) Prepared By: � ��t.�. � � ' .. �o., �.✓�,� Carla Pierini Planner II ���- � -��-�- • Lynda aylor, MCIP PP Manager, Development Review CP:Id Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Date: July 23, 2007 Approved / Endorsed By: Page 9 tit�� Neil Carroll, , RPP Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City,,C,a�cil .r �� � ZtSor�Sas J. ui n, R�IVIR., i Chief Admini rative Officer .�/�� ; ` f . . � � • ' = . %,_ � ```;`;``�`��������� - � =. ��� ���`������ � 1 ��. . �1 /i- �,.���������� _ _� � '!�j�� lllilllil �i =� • :�I /1111111 ill . : ��I ��1 �I � � �!�i ��1111= . =11�� =� ��IIII/ =- �III� . =► �. � �= - TWYN RIVERS HOWELL ENT EFORD ��0 0 � STREET C.N.R. DRIVE SHEPPARD AVENU 0 a 0 � Q�Z � FI J /'—T Q( I UGEM C.N.R. City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOT 33, BFC, R 3, 40R-5045, PT 1� PT LT 33 BFC 40R9096,1-5 & 40M-1515 BLK 85 & 86 OWNER ALTRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. DATE MAR, 2, 2006 DRAWN BY JB � FILE No. SP 2005-03 & A034/05 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY GR N � o o�.�..• T�roR�t HMOPri�as I�o. ond_it� �upPli�r�p All^r�phl� R���rv�tl. Nol�a Plon ol .�.»Y. PN�1� 100 :�.r,�3 t.�n:a-g��^ #�10 :��. i Sr:..:i IW'is'ti . '�;�riiR� �� P� 7�`°C�% CONCEPTUAL ROAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1986) � � � � � Twyn Rivers Drive I 'w' �... l� . .�....... .w li ! .� � � o I� lo � ; a T�I I 11l l J� _:��.�' ! : : _� ` � -.. � �..._.� .. � � -:� I I I l l.l.. .... }; I�� , � ����� ����� :, � , ; .-,� , ':,��\ I i i I �� i. ,.. -�:.� `�� � ;%� '� I a�r�co����u-r � � T� RENGRT # PD-� l�IFflRMAT10N COMPlLED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN ALTAIDGE PROPEATIES iNC SP-2005-03 & A 34I05 TWYN RIVERS ORIVE ST. MONICA'S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CITY OWNED LANDS �I I I --1.� I �� RICHARDSON STREET 0 ¢ O � C Z O F- J Q A� 10,1 ONE STOREY �RICK DWELLING TO BE DEMOLISHED � N FUL[ SCALE COPI£S OF 7Hf APPLACAMIY SUBAIl7Tf0 PUN ARE AYA/(ABC£ !CW N£MWC A7 77/E p7Y AF P/CKfR/NC PUNN/NG k OEVE[�MENI DfPMTA/ENI, 7H/S ANP WAS PROOUCEO BY lNE C/7Y OF ACKCR/MC PUNN/NG � DEYfLOPMEN7 OfPMTAIEM, INfORAl17/ON t SUP�NSI, I006. �� :'� I���r-;�U'?4:9�fi � a� y i V ����VR� '� Q� _ .. �. � 9� / INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S � O 2 SUBMITTED PLAN ALTRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. SP 2005/03 & A 35/05 REVISED ROAD PATTERN TWYN RIVERS DRIVE . • . Q z 0 � � Q N THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING 8 DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, JUNE 25, 2007. ,. f f��'�i`;��° :t`.r.^m7���,_.�..T� =°>kF'l�i�? 3S� ��:..,.:...a�'ar�..���7.e.....,.w.,.,...... STAFF'S ALTERNATIVE DESIGN - OPTION 1 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE -T ST. MONICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL � ___L� RICHARDSON STREET � � 0 ¢ O � Q z 0 �- � Q 103 � N FULL SGLE COP/E5 OF THE APPC/UN75 SUBM/ITEO P[AN ARE A✓A/[ABCE fi� NEW/NG AT 7NE C/lY OF PICKEMMG P/ANN/NC d� O£VFLOPMENT DEPMTaIENT. IH/S MAP WAS PNODI/CEO BY 7HE C/lY OF P/CKER/NC P[ANN/NC d� OE'VELOPMENT DEPARTA/ENT, lNFQ4ALIAON k SUPPoRT SERNCE$ JUNE 29. 2007. 104 � a �s,�� 4Y s� . 7 :� t�''a.�6i � '� �� � � �orr ..� � .._,.,.. - STAFF'S ALTERNATIVE DESIGN - OPTION 2 TWYN RIVERS DRIVE ST. MONICA'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL � � RICHARDSON STREET 0 Q O � Q Z O � � Q � N f7/LL SGLf COP/ES OF THE MPL/GWT�S SUBMlTlEO PIAN ARE A✓A/(A&E FOR N£WINC AT 7NE Cl7Y OF PICKER/NG PLANN/NC k DEVELOPM£NT DEPAR7M£NT. THIS MAP WAS PROOUCED BY 7HE C/7Y OF PICKER/NC PUNNINC d- DEVfLOPMENT DEPMIAI£Nf, /NFORMAAON d� SUPPoRT SERNCES JUN£ T9, 7007. U����i��i6 f�J � � i�.-,.II''��/ ,''') � , �`6:��%.!Y'� P l 1J� .. . .�.� ��:�L x ... APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ALTERNATIVE PLAN-OPTION A SP-2005-03 & A 34/05 105 � N FU[C SGL£ COP/ES Of TH£ APPL/GWYS SUBY/I20 PLAN ARE A✓A/UBLE FOR NE%7NG AT 7NE C/7Y OF P/CKER/NC PUNN/NC d� OEVELOPVENT D£PM'TAIENT. 7H/S AL1P MGLi PROOUCEO BY IHE G7Y OF P/CKERVMC P[NVN/NC i DEY£LOPM£NT OEPM7A/£NT, /NFORAlAI70N d� SUPPoRT S£RNCES. ✓UNE 29. 1007. ,� i ��;CN��Ja�:�`� �. ��,�:r�3 .��s'��'� i# ��, . ;Z:3..'�7:,�. m,�._,.. 106 APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ALTERNATIVE PLAN-OPTION B SP-2005-03 & A 34/05 Iwe.�cT ro e�mrt�r , W WSi Na LT ypJ�pp 1Mf1 .ai-�am ST. MONICAS CATHOLIC SCHOOL BLOCK 94 0..70 RESERK r r O � N Q RESIDENTIAL (SINGLE FAMILY) RICHARDSON STREET I TWYN RIVERS DRIVE � N]]OI'SO'F Nft N� l��a0 O,p yy9(OE11) �^j 1006) '�it ly u�w ., •. 'S g t O N .-[�1 m r� � N D ~ N O O �. L � � � u O !� � a�ss i O ~� 'y D & � f � § Z ' Y D O �N j CM A 0 .n n 0 OM0.H � � Ir,yn Rsq^ . +e.�s TEMPORARY ROAD ACCESS � 1478 ALTONA ROAD � N FULL SGL£ COPlES OF THE APPUGN75 SUBM/TTED PlAN ARE AYARABLE FOR NE'W'/NC AT THE C/TY OF P/CKER/NC P[ANN/NC R DEYELOPMENT OfPMTMENT. TN/S MAP WAS PRODf/CEO BY 7HE CIIY OF P/CKER/NC PLANN/NC & OEYfLOPM£NT DEPAR7MENT, /NFORAG1710N A' SUPPORT SERNCES. ✓UNE TB. 1007. ��aa�t��,�E�; T �_ 4 ro F�E�ORT # PD 'L3�-G7 107 _ , ._ _,��: - _ �,��;� � _, -- �- lA - 1 S �iTT ��i-1�• . ����� INFORMATION REPORT NO. 05-06 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 20, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application — S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application — A 34/05 Altridge Properties Inc. (Southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road) Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) & Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-9096, Part of Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) (1482 — 1484 Altona Road & 1490 — 1498 Altona) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject property is approximately 0.75 hectares in size; located on the southwest corner of Twyn Rivers Drive and Altona Road (see Attachment #1 — Location Map); the surrounding uses are detached dwelling units to the north, south and east and an elementary school to the west. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to establish 10 detached dwelling units fronting onto one new public street; - access to the property is proposed from Altona Road; - all 10 lots will be oriented to face Altona Road (see Attachment #2 — Proposed Draft Plan); - minimum lot frontages for this proposal are approximately 12 metres; - minimum lot depths for this proposal range from 30 metres to 50 metres approximately; - the proposed zoning by-law amendment would permit the 10 detached dwelling units to be constructed, and would set specific zoning standards for the development to adhere to. �rrr��€�ni�E��T � q Information Report No. 05-06 ������� � p� Z"" 3�:�-j � �.F_,,�,.�-�,.... Page 2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING Durham Reqional Official Plan the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated Living Area, which permits development predominately for housing purposes; the applicant's proposal complies with this designation; Pickerina Official Plan - the subject property is designated "Urban Residential — Low Density" within the Rougemount Neighbourhood; - this designation permits residential uses and a mix of community, cultural and recreational uses; - low density residential development is permitted, up to and including 30 units per net hectare; - the proposed development would provide a net density of 13.3 units per net hectare; - the applicant's proposal conforms to the applicable Official Plan policies; Zoninq Bv-law 3036 - the subject lands are zoned "R3" — Residential Zone by By-law 3036; - the existing zoning permits detached dwellings with minimum lot frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 550 square metres; - an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow for the development of 10 detached dwelling units with lot frontages less than 18 metres. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments - no written resident comments have been received; AQencv Comments - have received written comments from: • Canada Post; • Veridian Connections; • The Durham District School Board; • Bell Canada; • Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique Centre-Sud; Citv Comments - have received written comments from: • Development Control (see Attachment #3). Information Report No. 05-06 5.0 STAFF COMMENTS 5.1 Backqround 5.2 .� �s�1��s�,4��'' �. q ��.3� �r:����� ,� �� _,. �.,._.,.��.T�} � .�.. Page .3 the City acquired land from the subject property during the development of the surrounding neighbourhood; it was anticipated that the lands would be used to connect Richardson Street to a cul-de-sac extending northwards, east of St. Monica's Separate School, resulting in lots backing onto Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive; in 1989 consideration was given to a rezoning application to permit a mixed use commercial / residential / daycare facility, however the application was abandoned; Applicant's Proaosal - preliminary review of the proposed lot frontage and lot area appears to indicate compatibility with lots in the neighbourhood; - the proposed road access from Altona Road isolates the development from the neighbourhood; - vehicular and pedestrian connectivity within a neighbourhood is important; - staff will review the opportunity to connect Richardson Street to the proposed cul-de-sac; - consideration will be given to completing the neighbourhood road pattern using the City owned land, for establishment of a cul-de-sac; - any road / cul-de-sac location will affect the determination as to whether the City desires to dispose of its land (the City maintains control of the disposition of the lands cross hatched on Attachment #2); - the location, length, and width of a walkway connection to St. Monica's Separate School must be determined; - flooding concerns in this area of the neighbourhood have been expressed by several residents; - submission of a preliminary grading and drainage plan is required to address on-site management of stormwater; - the visual and aesthetic impacts of the proposed rear lots adjacent to Twyn Rivers will be reviewed in conjunction with any required noise attenuation fencing; - the development that is proposed through this application differs from that shown to staff at the preliminary level and staff requests that the applicant make arrangements to meet with City staff to review the proposal and address some of the concerns outlined in this section; This Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. 109 4 {P�r a�� ..:a°�.i � / s. 3 =.� Information Report No. 05-06 �Y ���°�'� ��'� Z�_ �> �, 6.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION 7.0 7.1 Page 4 - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council; - if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; - if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; - if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make a written submission to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. - if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. OTHER INFORMATION Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood City Departments that writing report; 7.2 Information Received residents, community associations, agencies and have commented on the applications at the time of full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; � � � ,, 9 � a , r,���� ;���;, _� Information Report No. 05-06 ���'� r�.�,_ L3 �c.v 7_ ' 7.3 Propertv Owner - the owner of this property is Altridge Properties Inc.; - the principal of this company is Honeywood Properties Inc.; ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Geoff Romanowski Planner II GXR:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Page 5 ORIGINAL SIGNBD BY Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review 111 �� � � g �,, 1��-�,� ���,a 112 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT N0.05-06 (1) no written comments from residents or landowners have been received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) Canada Post (2) Veridian Connections (3) The Durham District School Board (4) Bell Canada (5) Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique Centre-Sud COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department (2) Development Control ., ,. ;�u�b,u.L�;�♦�1�� :-�.. � ,� . ' 7„ r,��� � ***i I +��! ������ ` _ ��. J� _�. r��,' , '. _ . �-3 ��7_ . Attendees: Councillor Brenner - Chair Lynda Taylor, Manager Development Review Geoff Romanowski, Planner 11 Rick Cefaratti, Planner II Birgit Wilson - Recording Secretary Excerpts from Minutes / Meeting Summary Statutory Pubiic information Meeting Council Chambers Thursday, Aprii 20, 2006 7:00 pm. Also Attending: lan McCullough, Authorized Agent of Marshall Homes Lauralei Jones, Planner Altridge Properties Inc. Lynda Taylor, Manager, Planning Act and the consideration there at. Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under ltem / Deiails 8 Discussion 8 Conclusion Ref # (summary of discussion) T. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION - S-P-2005-03 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A-34/05 ALTRIDGE PROPERTIES INC. (SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TWYN RIVERS DRIVE AND ALTONA ROAD) PART OF LOT 33, B.F.C. RANGE 3, (40R-5045, PART 1) & PART OF LOT 33, B.F.C. RANGE 3, (40R-9096, PART OF PART 5 8� 40M-1515, BLOCKS 85 & 86) (1482 -1484 ALTONA ROAD & 1490 —1498 ALTONA) CITY OF PICKERING 1. Planner Comments Geoff Romanowski, Planner II provided an overview of property location, applicant's proposal and City's Official Plan policies pertaining to this site, as outlined in Information Report #05-06. 2. Applicants Comments Lauralei Jones, Planner, Altridge Properties Inc. gave assurance that the applicant will address all concerns and issues raised at this meeting and will provide additional information for this proposal. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 ltem / Details & Discussion 8 Conclusion ��� za�°a-�; ��- , � ,, � a Ref # (summary of discussion) � � `"' � �`�'C7��� � �'�. �.�. �-� .:� 7 " � 34 Comments from Members of the Pubiic Cy Durdle 1497 Altona Rd. Mr. Durdle is a 20year resident of the subject area. He agrees with the development, but expressed concerns in the area of: • Water drainage — there are problems now, will they be addressed properly. • Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. • If new road is built, will it be private • Service, i.e. snow removal for new road • Proposed access will create traffic problems • Safety for school in the area • Fencing — on Altona Rd.? David Goulding 283 Richardson St. Mr. Goulding expressed concerns that if the applicant makes changes to his original proposal that the public will not be notified of these changes. In addition he expressed the following concerns: • Water drainage — there are problems now, will they be addressed properly. • Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. • Proposed access will create traffic problems • Safety for school in the area Len Scavuzzo 1478 Altona Rd. Rd. Mr. Scvuzzo had grave concerns with respect to water run-off. He is now experiencing major problems on his property and has hired an independent firrn to check out the foundation of his home to see if water has structurally damaged his foundation. He stated that in his opinion the builder of the new subdivision will not properly address the water run-off issues and his property will be in a"valley" with water draining directly onto his property. Mr. Scavuzo brought pictures of his property and wan invited to speak with members of the Planning Department after the meeting. Anna Agraso 307 Tomlinson Crt. Ms. Agraso expressed concerns as follows: • Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. • Property values will decrease. • Once Altona Road had beautiful trees, when will these be replaced • Proposed access will create traffic problems • Safety for school in the area • City will change by-law without notifying anyone in the area • Did not receive notification of ineeting — was informed by a neighbour Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details 8 Discussion 8 Conclusivn �; „� ,;�;,: ;¢ ;� 9� . Ref # (summary of discussion) 4��;a��;�� �s ��- �.3 v j 115 G Di Donato 1491 Altona Road Mr. Di Donato expressed concerns as foliows: • Lots sizes are too small for the existing neighborhood. • Property value will decrease. • Once Altona Road had beautiful trees, when will these be replaced • Proposed access will create traffic problems • Safety for school in the area • City will change by-law without notifying anyone in the area • Did not receive notification of ineeting – was informed by a neighbour Lorraine Watkins Richardson St. Ms. Watkins stated that she was not informed of proposal or the Statutory Information Meeting. Her concerns are for the safety of the residents, children going to St. Monica' s Separate School due to increased traffic pattern. Debbie & Jim Coughlin 278 Richardson St. Mr. & Mrs. Coughlin did receive notification of the proposal and of the meeting, however, their written comments are not noted. They do agree with the development however do have concerns with declining property values. Also, they would like clarification whether the access will be from Alton Road or Richardson St. The height of any fencing that would go up was also a concern and asked staff for clarification of the fencing height restriction by—law. James Callan 1483 Altona Rd. Mr. Callan expressed concerns as follows: • If a new road is built will it be private or public. • Widening Altona Road will increase traffic pattern • Will new access road be a traffic light intersection • If new by-law is passed what are the boundaries it will effect Mr. & Mrs. Seres 306 Sheppard Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Seres are very concerned with the lot sizes of the subdivision. The esthetics are not compatible with the existing large homes. They ask that the builder re-size the lots. They also expressed safety concerns about placing a house on Plan site # 10. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details 8 Discussion 8 Conclusion j� Ref # (summary of discussion) : 23 �-d'7 __ _ Lorne Hewie 1469 Altona Rd. Mr. Hewie expressed concerns as foliows: • If access from Alton, increased traffic pattern poses a safety hazard. • Safety for school children. • Lot sizes are too small in comparison with the existing properties. • Decrease in property values. Joan & Carl Chivers 267 Richardson St. Mr. & Mrs. Chivers expressed concerns as follows: • If access from Alton, increased traffic pattern poses a safety hazard, especially if large trucks are making turns. • Safety for school children. • Lot sizes are too small in comparison with the existing properties. • Decrease in property values • No notification of ineeting or plans. Dan Farren 1485 Altona Road Mr. Farren wanted to know when The Region of Durham is going to make a commitment in regard to widening Alton Road and the continuation of Richardson Street. 4. Response from the Applicant Lauralei Jones, Planner, Altridge Properties Inc. stated that Altridge Properties will work very closely with The School Board to address safety issues regarding access road and also address esthetic issues raised this evening, i.e.: fencing, trees. She further assured that new signs would be erected. 5. Staff Response Geoff Romanowski, Planner II stated that when The Region of Durham initiates plans to widen Alton Road notification of that proposal will go out to the public to advise of the Statutory Public Meeting. In regard to not everyone receiving notification of this proposal and Statutory Meeting, he will look into the matter and ensure that all future notification will be expanded from the present radius. �s� � � i'�.MJ t 'T V..� `I N i9�t' �O� �rli.tiC1��� � 1 � i � :�l.''v'.°..Ea..ui] ►'f.'YY] �'yjl`% {/ � 6. Comments from the Chair �%:`' ='��"`^t"�""'!. Councillor Brenner explained that to date no decision has been made. He also assured all concerned that if this proposal changes significantly then, under The Planning Act, a second Statutory Information Meeting must take place. CORP0228-2/02 � Page 4 Romanowski, Geoff From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: �;f ;���u�?�lj,��df �.,-�. ���.._����? ,�Ei'�.iFi'� :� ,�'�,._�,-._��..��7_�,..._� .�.. ��� 117 Bentley, Debi April 4, 2006 8:40 AM 'The Coughlins' Romanowski, Geoff RE: Zoning Amendment Application - A 34/05; Subdivision S-P-2005-03 --Original Message----- From: The Coughlins [mailto:debbie.coughlin@sympatico.ca] Sent: April 3, 2006 11:11 PM To: Bentley, Debi Cc: Debbie Coughlin Subject: Zoning Amendment Application - A 34/05; Subdivision S-P-2005-03 As outlined in a letter I received today I am requesting: 1. To receive notice of any future meetings on this matter 2. To receive notification of any decisions of the City with respect to the proposed new subdivision Additionally, I have some questions/concerns regarding this subdivision: I live at 278 Richardson which is the property closest to this new development. Ideally, I would like to see the property not developed but understand this is not realistic. I do have a real concern about protecting the privacy of my home and the appearance/value of my property. My husband and I are original owners and have lived her for 18 years. 1. The drawing would appear to have a property running up to my front lawn. A backyard abutting another backyard is one thing but it is not right to have a backyard running against a homes front lawn. Visually, this will not be appealing and it will lower the value of my home. Can you please confirm if I have understand the drawing correctly. Can you please advise as to the steps to oppose any abutment to my front lawn. 2. If the zoning of the property is changed, is the builder committed to developing single family homes? I am trying to understand if after approvals they can change their plans to build semi detached or town homes. 3. Currently tt-.ere is a walkway from Littleford to Richardson which children use to walk to the catholic school and also.the local high school, alongside the property that abuts my house and the school. Has any consideration been qiven to the impact on neighbourhood children who will now have to walk considerably further? Was any consideration given to building fewer homes to accommodate a walk way through to Sheppard? We would really appreciate it if you could provide answers to our questions. Thanks. Debbie and Jim Coughlin 278 Richardson Street Pickering, Ontario L1V 6B5 � ATTACFiM�iUT � � � TO • RE�'GRT # PD � '�',� 118 We the registered owners of 1478 Altona Rd. are extremely concerned with numerous issues with regards to "Proposed application S-P-2005-03/ zoning A034/O5. ACCESS The access of 10 or more vehicles to an already deemed heavily used road. Comment justified with proposed widening of Altona Rd.(since 1999) 2. Narrow bridge -causing a bottleneck effect with regards to traffic congestion at the intersection of Twyn Rivers and Altona Rd. (South west corner), also to mention -degree of incline approaching this specific corner. 3. This proposal's increase of traffic to an already established 2 school zones heavily used areas, 2 established traffic lights and the natrow bridge's congestion, all within a one block radius, is a risk to community safety. Also access to and from our home will be greatly affected. FYI- last traffic accident Apri109,2006 4. The safety of our own property with regards to multiple vehicle road way so close to our housing structure. We did not buy ow property as a corner lot. This proposed usage of multiple vehicles around our children is of great concern. 5. Won't proposed roadway off of Altona create extra frontage to our property? Consequently will our land taxes reflect this change? DWELLINGS 1. Number one concern of the proposed housing is the overall elevation of land. Is the City of Pickering going to allow us to be flooded out with regards to water flow? As it did in the past with regards to the development of Littleford. The land to the south of our property was on average, level with us, when originally purchased in 1996, as is the property in question. (See picture) 2. Currently we have at the west side of our property a culvert, to deal with surface water. Will the surface water flow in or out of proposed property? 3. What will happen to mature trees lining our property? Will our chain link fence remain standing as it currently does, with regards to this development if proposal accepted? 4. How will this development affect under ground water flow? As we are so low on the water table, with already discovered natural water flow approximately 6-7' down on the north side? This was found during connection to sewer system, inspected by a Pickering employee. What will be done to deal with it? �'�ACH�,�E�i �.�_TO �iEr'GF37 # Pa Z3 K�7 5. I spoke with GeoffRomanowski on March 23. I mentioned the concerns regarding previous development, he asked me to write all concerns down and bring them to Apri120 information meeting.........The first of these concerns is that our backyard was flooded, after we attended that City meeting. (See picture) 6. The fact that our chain link fence stood prior to development but has been supported by beams since it fell and was mentioned to Ian at Marshall homes. (See picture) 7. The sidewalk along Altona Rd. between 1478 and Littleford is constantly flooded out with rains and snow melting. The city has cleared this particular sidewallc via plough/salter for past 10 years or so and has had continuous ditching of the machine since the building of the backyard sound barriers facing Altona, recently this past winter they have started using a hand plough in that specific area and have gained access to the remaining sidewalk north of us via our road way access. This makes the usage of the sidewalk difficult, during these times. Also the trapped gazbage and water are perfect conditions for breeding mosquitoes. (See picture) 8. The height difference regarding the property south of us has definitely affected the natural flow of water, as their front entrance is 7feet above our property. Their driveway sits approximately at same level as the roof our garage. Entrance off of Richardson. (See picture) 9. If this proposal is approved, who will make sure the value our property is not affected at the gain of another? 10. And if the city's proposal of widening Altona is the solution to heavy traffic issues, we are left with the concern of how high will Altona. Rd. be after the widening? How long will it take in comparison to the building of these 10 homes? 11. Please acknowledge this letter as our official request to be informed of any decisions regarding this property and or proposal. All future communications are requested in writing. Sincerely very concerned taxpayers at 1478 Altona Rd. Leonard and Gayle Scavuzzo Jamie and Ina Comeau 119 120 : �� ,.., f� � rl . <�.� �V �. ................ Romanowski, Geoff From: Rourke, Heather on behalf of Planning Web Email Sent: August 23, 2006 1:12 PM To: Romanowski, Geoff Subject: FW: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Twyn Rivers and Aitona Road Hi Geoff. please review the email below which was received through the Planning Web Email. Thanks! Heather -----Original Message----- From: Terry Dupnak [mailto:t business@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:29 PM To: Planning Web Email Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Twyn Rivers and Aitona Road I agree with your staff recommended design for the development of 8-10 lots for detached dwellings on an extension of Richardson Street. An addition entrance to Altona Road so close to two other intersections would cause hazards for children walking to near by school and congestion caused by cars turning on and off of Altona Road. Please consider my opinion in your final decision. Thank you Terry Dupnak 1038 Riverview Crescent Pickering, Ontario 905-509-6095 Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 1 .,�� ..� .. 'U .e".� "� � r ; !:� � � i ' �,.a�� . . . . y... v... � YI 1"�4.ii"�: � i}�.� .� v. �� .'v " ...-. . ..,_. 121 April 4, 2006 To: From: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Geoff Romanowski Planner II Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 034/05 Altridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-5045, Part 1) & Part of Lot 33, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-9096, Part of Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) Altona Road (1482 —1484) & (1490 —1498) City of Pickering We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments: 1) Street "A" should not be permitted to access onto Altona Road. The development of this property should only occur as part of the extension of Richardson Street. Richardson Street presently ends with a temporary turning circle condition as it was anticipated to be extended in the future. Property was conveyed to the City for future road as a condition of that draft approval, and as a condition of the approval of lots to the south. Development should not be permitted to proceed unless this connection is completed. 2) A storm sewer is not available on Altona Road. the existing storm sewer on Richardson Street. Downstream cost sharing for the existing trunk for this development. Street "A" is required to connect to storm sewer will also be identified 3) Connecting Street "A" to Richardson Street and maintaining Street "A" adjacent to Altona Road is possible; however, relocating street "A" to the proposed extension of Richardson Street (Fawndale Road) on those parts of lands already provided for future road creates a better connecting to the school. There is an existing sidewalk on the north side of Richardson Street that would connect directly to a sidewalk proposed on the west side of street "A". This would also provide a direct connection to the walkway that is between Littleford Street and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 034/05 April 4, 2006 Altridge Properties Inc. � ����'°����' �'��°�� 1����=� ���� � �� � ����-�t�� � ��,� ���? �.n,,r.�w.�. Page 2 = Richardson Street. This design requires only the maintenance of a sidewalk, where the other option would require a longer sidewalk and another walkway connection. Although rear yard fencing (noise fence) would be required adjacent to Altona Road, this is similar to previous development on Altona Road south of Sheppard Avenue / Twyn Rivers Drive. � 4) A geotechnical report will be required. 5) The City will need to be satisfied with regard to stormwater quality. 6) Applicant/owner will need to enter into an agreement with the City to address such matters as, but not limited to, engineering plans, roads, services, stormwater, utilities, sidewalks, street lighting, fencing, lot grading securities, insurance, driveway aprons, tree planting, etc. 7) Cost sharing for downstream storm sewer oversizing and/or quality control measures will be addressed in the Subdivision Agreement. 8) A Tree Preservation Plan will be required. 9) A Boulevard Tree Planting Plan will be required. 10) All easements required by the City for stormwater management purposes must be provided. 11) A Construction Management Report is required. It must address such items as erosion and sedimentation control, mud and dust control on site and on the adjacent site during all phases of construction, hours of work, material stockpiles, storage of materials, servicing supplies, building supplies, construction vehicles, construction access, fencing temporary and permanent. 12) City of Pickering has recently passed a By-law restricting the placing and/or removal of fill and/or topsoil. A copy of that By-law No. 6060/02 is provided with these comments and should be forwarded to the applicant for their information. � . _ . _ � '�_ ��`' _-�, Robert Starr RS:jlm J:1DOeum�N��D�vNOpmM1 CeMr01�BOBSTARRYMmnupplic�liom�toMrp �mmOmmlUNitlp� PrapMln I�..tlx Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Technician, Development Approvals s' ,.1 at`�.?nt �f j � r� M � ��t� �.��.;�t-_ ��� � . ������ � � . . � -s�; � F,'! d �� . .�:L� `'� �_._ . _. � 2 3 June 16, 2006 . � ' � � � Mr. Geoff Romanowski � � � � � �� �s � . Planning & Development Department . City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade t1l)�I T� 100� The Regional pickering ON L1V 6K7 t:ITY t?� PICKERlNG Municipality _ Pl.ANNlNG & DEVELOPMEn i` of Durham DEPAf�TIV�ENi' Dear Mr. Romanowski: Planning Department �. . . sos Rossu�rv� RoA� E Re: . Regional Review of an Application for Plan of Subdivision aTM F�ooR ' File No.: �-P-2005-03 Po eox s23 Applicant: Altridge Properties Inc. WHITBY ON Li N 6A3 • - CANA�A Municipality: City of Pickering so5-sssa�� � Please Quote Ref. No.: � Fax: 905-666-6208 E-maiL• planning� ►e9ion.durnam.on.ca. This application has been reviewed and the following comments are offered. www.region.durham.on.ca Regional Official Plan ' . A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP . Commissioner ot Pianning The lands subject to this application are designated ':Living Area" in the Durham � ivin Areas are to be used redominantl for housin � Regional O�cial Plan. L g p Y g purposes. The proposed plan of subdivision conforms to the policies of the. Regional Plan. ProvinciaT Policies and Delegated Review Responsibilities The application.has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan � review responsibilities. As the� subject property is adjacent to Altona Road and Twyn Riyers Drive, .Type B and Type C Arterial Roads in the Durham Regional O�cial Plan, a Noise Study is required to identify any potential impacts as well as any noise mitigation and warning clauses. The Noise study may be subinitted to this department for review. _ A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Marshall 1Vlacklin Monaghan Limited, has been conducted on the subject property. The report concludes that the potential for adverse.impacts on the subject property is considered to be low: No additional environmental investigations were recommended. � Re�ional Services _ Municipal water supply and sanitary sewer services are available to the subject property from existing utilities on Altona Road. Any unused service connections are to be disconnected_or plugged: � . t� Service Excellence <..: for our'Cbmmunities" T;;� � ��r� ,��- �.,.� .` � 100°h Pos4 Consumer . - - � .. . - � - . � � �.i�.:�5i`U .�� ° :�... ,.�� � ..- �"' . . � . . . - . � � 2 4 ,,�� . ,y �. ^ 2� �� _ Page 2 Communi� Strate i��c Plan The proposal is consistent with Community Strategic Plan Actions including developing a viable; affordable and integrated transit plan by promoting land uses along arterial roads. The proposed infill development implements effective land use planning which sustains firm urban boundaries and supports effective compact development and healthy neighborhoods, Conditions of draft approval will be forwarded along with additional comments regarding transportation and site access once they become available. Please contact Dwayne Campbell, I'lanner in this ciepaitment, with any questians or concerns. Yours truly, ,. ,r. . � - . - J `ii^r '�-^Q..'y�'f1, '�`A•�..� j � , �� . . - . . � . . . . ' . � . , , . Richard Szarek; Project Planner Current Planning ,cc: Regional Works Department. - Peter Castellan : sbbcon/IiS � I F� _ 2� -c:`7 _ Romanowski, Geoff 125 From: Geoff.Woods@cn.ca Sent: May 1, 2006 2:21 PM To: Bentley, Debi Cc: Romanowski, Geoff Subject: Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, File Nos. S-P- 2005-03 and A 34/05, Altridge Properties Inc., southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive Debi, CN has reviewed the above noted applications and requests that the following comments be included as conditions of approval, to be cleared by CN: 1. The following warning clause shall be include in the Subdivision Agreement and insert in all Agreements of Purchase and Sale or Lease for each dwelling unit. Provisions must be included in the Subdivision Agreement to ensure that the warning clause survives the release of the Owner's obligations under the Subdivision Agreement and remain on title. � "Warning: Canadian National Railway Company or its assigns or successors in interest has or have a right-of-way within 300 metres from the land the subject hereof. There may be alterations to or expansions of the rail facilities on such right-of-way in the future including the possibility that the railway or its assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwelling(s). CN will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under the aforesaid right-of-way." 2. The Owner is required to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of noise and vibration in order to recommend abatement measures necessary to achieve the maximum level limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Canadian National Railway. Upon review and approval of the noise and � vibration reports, all recommendations provided must be included in the Subdivision Agreement. We request notice of any meetings or approvals regarding the subject property. Regards, ########################################## Geoff Woods, BES, MCIP, RPP Manager, Community Planning and Development CN Business Development & Real Estate 1 Administration Road Concord ON L9K 1B9 Tel.: 905-760-5007, Fax: 905-760-5010 Email: geoff.woods@cn.ca ########################################## The Regional Municipality of Durham ,• 126 June 26, 2006 �� � I � �w ��a1�ii.z� rk , . .;�k's.:�i? � i-�r", ,.. �� �' 7 � Hayes Line Group of Properties 33 Bloor Street East, Suite 904 Toronto, Ontario M4�N 3H1 Attention: Aaron Knight Dear Sir: u:� �° � i� JU1� 2 7 ��0� �fT"Y OF �'i�KERl1`�1t:; 4��ANNING & DEVELOPNIE(VT DF_Pl�RTMFNT works oePa�ment Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Altridge Properties Inc. so5 RossiANO Ro. E, City of Pickering P.O. BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1N 6A3 �Ur �I�@: �6-P-�2 CANADA 905-668-7711 �ax 905-668-2051 . -ma�� The Region of Durham's Transportation (nfrastructure Division has reviewed "'°rks�re9'°".d"r"am.°".�a the above mentioned draft plan of subdivision and has provided us with the www.region.durham.on:ca fOIIOWICl9 COCY1111eIltS. , C. R. Curtis, P. Eng., MBA Commissioner of Works . AS j/OU kIIOW, the. Region has undertaken an Environmental Assessment for Altona Road with an anticipated completion date for late summer of 2006. � - As such, the alignrnent cannot be considered final until the notice of completion has been filed and the 30 day Public Review period closes, providing there are no Part II Order requests. � Attached for your reference is a marked up drawing indicating right of way � dedications to be conveyed to the Region. In addition,. we will require . conveyance of a 20m x 8m sight triangle. V1fe are also including a CD with :. digifal files of both the plan view and cross sections for your use. The cross � : . � section details also include grading information at the future property line. ,P;riorto the Region providing favourable comrnent forthis plan of subdivision, � . we will require submission of a detailed design for the intersection of Altona Road and future Street `A'. Please provide. this information to our office at : your.earliest convenience for'our review and approval. We trust the above is sufficient for your purpose; Yours truly, : _ �: � � � �. . Pefe Castellan - Development Approvals Division "$erwce Excellence for oui �om�nunities" c. Dwayne Campbell, Region of Durham Planning Dept. : � Geoff Romanowski, Cit�f Pickering ,,���,..._ ,�, 100% Post Consumer •=`'-�--�'� \G 0157q�(,•T c7�\S\Cy � l� m 6 � ���oa May 23, 2007 .^�:�t��:e"{��ii�)�i�i r�,.,�._.��, :__.�� � ^r- .A,. � ' t �: '`�?`��R< � `� __?'3'U�_.. _— Durl�a�n St�rdent Transportation S8!'Y/C8S Richard Holborn, Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Branch Operations and Emergency Seroices Department The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Richard: .�� � 1 •i � '� '� •�1.✓ . .. � a5. � � S. �Yi�.i IIJ.Lt'��i... t . Il ��. I( l �.. i� ��; �" � ,�.,,", � ,� i _ � � .1 r '.., � _� � ,� � �:;:aa `�ti7 � v � . � ..s � sq; �� ;, ry�a . :1 �,,; I`-,i Kl �! a �,; �� �'e�°�°`;�9 ;f'�,�'�' +�''S�S..•`��L6���'l�i��7 { � R f'�..ti�vPJ3i'Jta & Ci?='v`�t a��'idi�.;V"f D i?. d' 4 H-f ;+r ! 1_ i+l' f In 2002, The Corporation of the City of Pickering approached the Durham Catholic District School Board to have a sidewalk (walkway) off of Richard Street leading to St. Monica Catholic School. The board at the time decided not to participate in this venture. However, since that time the idea has been brought forth from the parents of the St. Monica Catholic School community and upon further reflection the Durham Catholic School Board would now like to pursue this initiative. Staff from the Facilities Services and transportation staff nom Durham Student Transportation Services have been out to the location to review the area. At this point in time both depa�tments would like to pursue the option of providing access from the walkway to the school. Staff from Facilities Services will be able to provide a gate and a walking area on the school site from the paved walkway. This request from parents at St. Monica Catholic School was brought forth as the walking area to St. Monica Catholic School has been amended, meaning more students could use the pathway to get to the school site. At this time both Facilities Services of the Durham Catholic District School Board and Durham Student Transportation Services would like to participate in this venture, if the City of Pickering is willing to review this project. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with an answer as to opening up this project once again, with.the understanding that the Durham Catholic District School Board would like to participate in this joint project. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Tim Robins Senior Manager ci es Services Durham Catholic i tict School Board 650 Rossland Ro . Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7C4 �-r'' Lynda Smith " CAO, Durham Student Transportation Services 58 Rossland Road West, Unit 217 Oshawa, Ontario L1 G 2V5 Cc: Paul Pulla, Superintendent of Education, Policy and Development and Business Services Mitch LePage, Superintendent of Education Michelle Richard, Principal, St. Monica Catholic School f '. , - TORONTO AND REGION "Y-� ���� onservat�on � '� � 2 �The Living City April 21, 2006 BY FAX AND MAIL Mr. Geoff Romanowski Planner II City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 3`.,`,� i.:�-,�r11 �� � . r- � �;��y - �- �; , j .,,R Z� G `� �:, , , � CFN 37517 XREFCFN 35953 �� �:'� 1 ^� ,�, § � � � �� � ,, � ; ,, ��� 7 � ���� C1i'1P C�F �lC:K��ill�l�, 6aLANIVING & DEVELOPMEN7' DEPAfiT1�9Et�T Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision No. SP-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. A34/05 1482-1484 & 1490-1498 Altona Road Southwest Corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive City of Pickering (Altridge Properties Inc.) Thank you for the opportunity to review the above-referenced Draft Plan of Subdivision, Zoning By-Iaw Amendment Application and related Phase I Environmental Site`Assessment, received on March 31, 2006. The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has reviewed the submissions and offers the following comments. . Background The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Altona Road and Twyn Rivers Drive, in the City of Pickering. It is our understanding that the applicant wishes to amend the existing zoning to permit the construction of 10 single detached dwelling units. Currently, the property is undeveloped and abuts existing residential and institutional development. Sife-specific Comments Please note that the property is situated outside of the TRCA's FiII Regulated Area and related Regional Storm Floodplain of the Petticoat Creek Watershed, pursuant to Ontario Regulation 158 (Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways). Therefore an Ontario Regulation 158 Permit is not required prior to any works taking place on the subject property. Furthermore, there are no natural features on, or adjacent to, the site that are of concern to the TRCA. Due to the size of the site (less than 5 hectares), the TRCA defers the review of stormwater management design to the City of Pickering, but supports any initiatives to manage water quality and quantity on site. Rec�mmendation In light of the above, TRCA staff have no objections to the Draft Plan of Subdivision No. SP- 2005-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment No. A34/05 applications as submitted and provide TRCA clearance herein. F:�Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\SP-2005-03&A34-05 Altridge CofP 21-04-06 1.wpd , .. . . _ . _ . ,.- � -: .; . - ,a 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca �: �# �, ,� .A 14 ;, ' ,� j � ;: �r , : . 23 �� , 129 Geoff Romanowski - 2- April 21, 2006 � We trust that these comments are of assistance. If you require additional information, please do not hesitate t c ntact me. o rs truly Susan oberts c., .E. (PI) Plan r I nning and De�: �pme Extension 5370 c.c.: Aaron Knight (fax: 416.283.0350) _ F:\Home\Public�Development Services�Durham Region\Pickering\SP-2005-03&A34-05 Altridge CofP 21-04-06_1.wpd ._ ; sZ� � � '; �' . _.� _ -- r �� . � . . . .. , _ .,.._..... �....... ..__...-,_._. 130 Durham Cathofic D�stric# School Boar�9 April 11, 2006 City of Pickering Planning Department One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Attention: Geoff Romanowski ����������' ��'� � � � ��'�� �1�'�( �� �1�9��R��� ({��,p,N�ilNf3 � DEV��C�PMEM"� ��O��G pIST/�'�L,�,SC� �� y$ r � � � � �o o� RE: Plan of Subdivision S-P-2005-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A034/05 Altridge Properties Inc. Part of Lot 33, BFC Range 3(40R-5045, Part 1)& Part of Lot 33, BFC Range 3(40R-9096, Part 5& 40M-1515, Blocks 85 & 86) � (1482 —1484 Altona Road & 1490 —1498 Altona Road) City of Pickering Please be advised that at the regular Board Meeting of Monday, April 10, 2006, the following motion was approved: "THAT the Durham Catholic District School Board indicate in its comments to the City of Pickering that the Board has no objection to Draft Plan of Subdivision Application S-P-2005-03 or Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 034/05." Should you have any questions please contact me. Yours truly, � � , —�/ Gerry O'Neill Controller of Planning and Admissions GON:AD:ad 650 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L1J 7C4 Tel 905 576-6150 Toll Free 1 877 482-0722 Patricia A. Manson e.a., M. Ed. Director of Education / Secretary / Treasurer � � July 17, 2006 To: From: l...�.. M1 ..�.... ' . . ; . r _ __ y. �.;� � '�7 ' . � ` .. �3 'L'J,( .. .. . . OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGlNEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM Geoff Romanowski Planner II Shahid Matloob Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Subject: Projected Trip Generation - Altridge Properties Ltd. - 1482 —1484 & 1490 — - File: 0-2400 S-P-2005-03 & A-34/05 1498 Altona Road Please be advised that, the Municipal Property & Engineering Division have reviewed the zoning by-law amendment application A-34/05 with respect to the proposed 10 single detached homes on Richardson Street from a traffic impact perspective. The proposed development is expected to generate 17 and 14 vehicle trips durin� morning and evening peak hours respectively as per ITE Trip Generation Manual, 6t Edition. Therefore, no significant traffic impact is anticipated on the surrounding street network due to the proposed development. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. �----� �__-- �� " ___.�; ` Shahid Matloob SM: Copy: Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works 131 COMMITTEE REPORTS b) REPORT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, CS 32-07 COMRIF Asset Manaaement Proqram Fundinc� RECOMMENDATION July 23, 2007 � Executive Pages Buff 133-136 _� 32 1. That Report CS 32-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Funding Agreement for Asset Management Program (AMP) Project under the Canada — Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) program in order to obtain funding in the amount of $32,440, and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. - �� -���_ � -- /z- i� �,—_ �mn -`. � - �-+a.� .. - �_ . _-�_ ►- -c -J� -�'-� REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 32-07 Date: July 23, 2007 133 From: Subject Giliis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer COMRIF Asset Management Program Funding Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 32-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Funding Agreement for Asset Management Program (AMP) Project under the Canada — Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) program in order to obtain funding in the amount of $32,440, and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Starting January 1, 2009, Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) standards will require Canadian municipalities to record tangible capital assets in their accounting systems rather than expensing the costs as is currently done. The implementation of these standards will require changes to accounting and budgeting systems and processes to be able to capture and record tangible capital assets, account for their depreciation and account for their improvements, replacements, disposals or impairments. Corporate Services' staff were successful in obtaining COMRIF funding to assist in the implementation of these asset management requirements. These funds can be used for consulting, software, hardware, training and staff costs related to the implementation of the asset management program. Financiallmplications: The City is to receive $32,440 to assist in the implementation of the asset management program. Under the COMRIF program rules, the City has to provide 1/3 matching funds of the total project cost of $48,660, to be eligible for the program. The City's contribution of $16,220 was provided for in the 2007 Current Budget for Finance. Report CS 32-07 July 23, 2007 S.ubject: COMRIF Asset Management Program Funding Page 2 1�d Sustainability Implications: As the existing capital asset base ages and with an increased demand for new capital assets, the ability of local government to sustain these services will become more challenging. Information about the existing capital asset base such as cost, need for replacement will assist the City in making critical decisions to ensure the financial sustainability of the City and its asset base. Background: The City of Pickering is responsible for the management of a diverse range of capital assets. In addition to significant land holdings, the City also owns buildings, fleet vehicles, equipment, storm sewers, library books, etc. to support basic municipal services. There is prima facie evidence that municipal governments are facing major challenges financing the maintenance, renewal and replacement of aging capital assets. There appears to be an existing information gap regarding the "status or condition" of the City's tangible capital assets and the reporting of this information on the financial statements. In other words, municipal financial statements, currently do not provide any information regarding the value of the City's assets. Reporting of asset information on the financial statements can bridge the "information gap" by bringing capital asset information to the attention of the public and other users. Bridqinq the Information Gap Starting, January 1, 2009, Canadian municipalities will be required to report on their tangible capital assets on an accrual basis (depreciation). This decision was made by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) at its meeting of June 12, 2006. The Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) prescribes that all Ontario municipalities must follow PSAB directives and guidelines for accounting and financial reporting. The PSAB decision means that the City will have to start recording tangible capital assets in the City's accounting records, charging depreciation expense and report these assets in the City's Financial Statements. The impact of these changes is significant and will affect all departments of the City. Major impacts include the following: • Develop a comprehensive inventory and valuation of capital assets including: land, roads, bridges, buildings, storm water systems, park play structures, library books and reference materials, information technology hardware & software, vehicles and equipment. • Develop new budgeting and accounting systems and or processes. • Determine the historical costs of all capital assets (regardless of age) including development of valuation models where historical data is not available. • Determine the useful/economic life of all capital assets beyond the information currently available for the City's major assets. Report CS 32-07 July 23, 2007 � 135 Subject: COMRIF Asset Management Program Funding Use of COMRIF Funds Page 3 Under the COMRIF AMP program, the gross funding for the project is $48,660 of which COMRIF will provide a grant or financial assistance in the amount of $32,440 with the City's matching contribution of $16,220. Staff plan to use these funds by addressing the issues mentioned above. These activities include but are not limited to conducting an inventory of existing assets, determining their remaining useful life, determining their fair market value and depreciation policy and or schedules. A report outlining the impact of the tangible capital reporting requirements and providing the implementation plan is expected to be presented to Council this Fall. Attachments: 1. Schedule "B" — AMP Project Overview Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski illis . Paterson Manager, Finance & Taxation � Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council �� �� si � Tho�Sia's J. Quinn, �{DMR., �AM III Chief Administrative Officer /�� r� Asset Management Program Funding Agreement 136 AMP FILE #18223 WORK DESCRIPTION: pTTACHMENr # i TO REPORT # Cs 3�< o � SCHEDULE"B" AMP PROJECT OVERVIEW AMP PROJECT DESCRIPTION THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING The City of Pickering will use its allocated Asset Management Program (AMP) funding to address all five stages of asset management. The project commits to: determining the systems and technology needed to manage infrastructure assets, conducting an inventory of all asset conditions, assessing the remaining useful life for each asset and determining future investment needs with life cycle analysis and replacement schedutes. In addition, AMP funding will be used to develop policies regarding asset replacement to aid in the development of short and long term infrastructure sustainability plans. • FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE / PROJECT BUDGET Total Eligible Costs: Federal Maximum Financial Assistance: Ontario Maximum Financial Assistance: Maximum Financial Assistance: $48, 660.00 $16,220.00 $16,220.00 $32,440.00 The Ministry will release all federal and provincial AMP funding once a Final Claim Report has been submitted to the COMRIF Joint Secretariat as set out in Section 6.1 of Schedule "A" of this Agreement. The Ministry is not obligated to pay interest on any costs incurred prior to the submission, review and reimbursement of all eligible AMP project costs. �L�`!f O� July 23, 2007 REPORTS — NEW AND UNFINISHED 137 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 26-07 138-148 Fireworks By-law At the June 18, 2007 meeting of Council Report CS 26-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer was referred back to staff to complete revisions to the draft by- �aw based on the discussion. A memorandum dated July 9, 2007 to the Mayor and Members of Council from the City Clerk providing clarification to the by-law was sent out (Copy of the memo attached to By-law 6783/07). RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 26-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft by-law, as amended, included as Attachment 1 to provide for the licensing of the sale and setting off of Fireworks be enacted; and 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, CS 31-07 Provided Under Heritage Permit Application 002/06 Separate Cover - Submission under the Ontario Herifage Act - 2390 Rosebank Road At the October 10, 2006 meeting of Council, Report 61-06 of the Director, Corporate Services with respect to Heritage Permit Application 002/06 was denied. Subsequently, the applicants were requested to resubmit the application, based on the comments received from the Members of Council, along with Heritage Pickering. At the April 2007 meeting of Heritage Pickering, the applicants resubmitted their application and were approved, with conditions. Further to this, the applicants submitted a formal application to the City on July 6, 2007. In order to provide sufficient review by the Planning & Development Department, this report witl be sent out under separate cover the week of July 16, 2007. C�� °� REPORT TO EXECUTIVE ' ' COMMITTEE �� I I Resolution No. 151/07 Dated June 18, 2007 Report Number: CS 26-07 Referred back to staff Date: June 11, 2007 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Fireworks By-law Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 26-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; �< 2. That the draft by-law included as Attachment 1 to provide for the licensing of the sale and setting off of Fireworks be enacted; and 3. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: In accordance with Section 121 of the Municipal Act, 2001 which provides that local municipalities may prohibit and regulate the sale and setting off of fireworks it is being recommended that as a housekeeping process By-law 4168/72 be repealed in its entirety and that the draft Fireworks By-law attached be enacted. Financial Implications: A charge of $100.00 per permit is being recommended to cover enforcement and administrative cost recovery of the by-law of the by-law provisions. Sustainability Implications: Licensing within the City of Pickering is an integral part of a sustainable community in the areas of a healthy society and healthy community. ��. Report CS -07 Date: June 18, 2007 Subject: Firewa�ks By-law Page 2 �' 13 .. . Background: By-law 4168/72 will be repealed and as a housekeeping matter the draft Fireworks By- law attached has been updated in order to comply with all applicable laws and legislation. The draft by-law has been reviewed and approved by the City Solicitor. Key highlights to the revised by-law are as follows: - increased restrictions on portable sales units; - processes for the setting off of fireworks on any land owned by the City through a display permit from the City; - increased insurance requirements; and - only a qualified fireworks supervisor named in a public display permit is allowed to set off a display of fireworks or theatrical explosives. Attachments: 1. Draft By-law Prepared By: V �l��O Debbie Shields Deputy Clerk Attachments Approved / Endorsed By: ( Debi A. Bentley City Clerk �� �T--- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Co i +►� ►� _ _ ,.�� z � Tlx6rrfas J. Quih�i, RDMFt., CMM III Chief Administrative Officer �� �. � ATTACHMENT # ► TO R�PORT # � � �� - a7 THE CORPORATION OF TH BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks �� � - 1 40 / �`� �� WHEREAS clause (a) of section 121 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that local municipalities may prohibit and regulate the sale of fireworks and the setting off of fireworks; and WHEREAS clause (b) of section 121 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that local municipalities may prohibit the sale and setting off of fireworks unless a permit is obtained and may impose conditions for obtaining, continuing to hold and renewing the permit; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering deems it necessary to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks within the City. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Definitions 1. In this by-law, (a) (b) (c) PART I - INTERPRETATION "Act" means the Explosives Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17 as amended and the regulations thereunder; "City" means the Corporation of the City of Pickering or the geographic area of the City of Pickering, as the context requires; "Clerk" means the City Clerk or a designate; (d) "consumer fireworks" means low hazard fireworks classified under Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 1 under the Act and the Explosives Regulations made thereunder generally used for recreation such as showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, Roman candles, sparklers, Christmas crackers and caps for toys guns; (e) "discharge", when used in relation to fireworks, includes firing, igniting, exploding and setting off of such articles; (f) "display fireworks" means high hazard fireworks classified under Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 2 under the Act and the Explosives Regulations made thereunder generally used for recreation such as rockets, serpents, � shells, bombsheils, tourbillions, maroons, large wheels, bouquets, '~ \-•� 4 ��u�rrages, bambardos, waterfalls, batteries, illumination, set pieces, and pigeons; (g) "display permit" a permit issued under this by-law to discharge display fireworks or theatrical explosives; (h) "Fire Chief" means the Fire Chief of the City or a designate; (i) "firecracker" means a pyrotechnic device that is designed to explode after being ignited without subsequent display or visible effect, but does not include caps for toy guns, safety flares or marine rockets; (j) "fireworks" means consumer fireworks, display fireworks and theatrical explosives; (k) "fireworks supervisor" means a person who is qualified under the Act to conduct displays of fireworks; (I) "officer" means a municipal by-law enforcement officer appointed by the City; (m) "person" includes a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; (n) "portable sales unit" means a stand, container, cart, seat, display rack, trailer or other moveable display unit used for the purpose of sale by retail of consumer fireworks, but does not include a motor vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act (o) "prohibited fireworks" means cigarette loads or pings, exploding matches, sparkling matches, ammunition for miniature tie clips, cufflink or key chain pistols, auto alarms or jokers, cherry bombs, M-80 and silver salutes and flash crackers, throw down torpedoes and crackling balls, exploding golf balls, stink bombs and smoke bombs, tear gas pens and launchers, party peppers and table bombs, table rockets and ballet sky rockets, fake firecrackers and all other trick devices or practical jokes as included on the most recent list of prohibited fireworks as published from time to time under the Act; (p) "sales permit" means a permit issued under this by-law to sell consumer fireworks from a portable sales unit; (q) "sell" includes offering for sale, causing or permitting to be sold and possessing for the purpose of sale; and (r) "theatrical explosive" means an authorized explosive of a class set out in section 6 of the Explosives Regulations made under the Act that is manufactured or used to produce a pyrotechnic theatrical effect in 2 . connection with a motion picture, theatre or television production, or with a performance before a live audience. '� __. 142 Application 2. This by-law shall apply to all lands and premises within the City. References to Legislation 3. In this by-law, reference to any Act, regulation or by-law is reference to that Act, regulation or by-law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. Word Usage 4. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 5. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. Construction 6. Headings in this by-law are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this by-law. 7. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to sections and schedules are to sections and schedules in this by-law. Severability 8. Each section of this by-law is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part of any section of this by-law to be void or ineffective for any reason shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other section or parts of sections of this by-law. PART 11— SALE OF FIREWORKS Prohibitions 9. No person shall sell any consumer fireworks to any person at any time except on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day and the seven days immediately preceding such days. 10. No person shall sell or supply fireworks to any person under the age of 18 years. 11. No person shall sell, discharge, store or supply prohibited fireworks or firecrackers within the City. 3 . 12. No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a portable sales unit without first -� �jh�iving obtained a sales permit. . 13. No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a motor vehicle. Sales Permit Applications 14. An application for a sales permit shall be completed using forms provided by the Clerk. 15. Every sales permit application shall be submitted to the Clerk and be accompanied by, (a) a sales permit fee in the amount of $100.00; (b) if the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the incorporating document and a copy of the last annual information filed or, if a registered partnership, a copy of the registered declaration of partnership and a copy of the business name registration; (c) a description of the consumer fireworks to be sold; (d) a letter of authorization from the owner of the property on which the portable sales unit is proposed to be located containing, (i) the name of the owner of the portable sales unit; and (ii) the proposed location on the property of the portable sales unit; (e) a current certificate of insurance providing proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 and naming the City as an additional insured; and (f) such other information as the City may require. 16. Proposed sales locations shall only be approved where they are not, (a) within one hundred (100) metres of the entrance to any public park; (b) within one hundred (100) metres of any land occupied by a school; (c) on any premises or place where explosives, gasoline or other flammable substances are manufactured or stored in bulk including a gas station; (d) within twenty (20) metres of any road or occupied parking space; and (e) within fifty (50) metres of any occupied building or residence. � � 17. Every person holding a sales permit shall ensure that, 144 (a) at least two signs are posted in prominent locations on the outside of the portable sales unit indicating that persons may not smoke or ignite any flammable material, or have in their possession any lighted match, lighter, pipe, cigar, cigarette, open flame or spark emitting device within six (6) metres of the portable sales unit; (b) a 2A 10BC rated fire extinguisher is available during the times sales are taking place; (c) at least two operational doors are available to provide means of access to and egress from the portable sales unit; (d) no more than fifteen (15) customers are in a portable sales unit at the same time; (e) no portable power supply to the portable sales unit is located within twelve (12) metres of the portable sales unit; (f) no fireworks are exposed to direct sunlight; (g) with the exception of its entrance and exit, access to an area at least 6 metres around the perimeter of the portable sales unit is restricted by means of a barrier, such as snow fencing or pylons or other material satisfactory to the City; and (h) the sales permit is posted in a conspicuous place on the portable sales unit at all times during the term of the sales permit. 18. Separate sales permit applications must be made for each and every proposed sales location. Term of Permit 19. Sales permits shall be valid only on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day and the seven days immediately preceding such days. Return of Permit 20. Where a sales permit has been revoked, the holder of the permit shall return it to the Clerk within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of notification of revocation. 21. Where the sales permit is not returned within twenty-four (24) hours as set out in section 15, an officer may enter upon the premises of the holder of the sales permit for the purpose of receiving or taking the sales permit and no person shall refuse to deliver or in any way obstruct or prevent the officer from obtaining the sales permit. 5 � 4 5 PART III - DISCHARGING FIREWORKS � Prohibitions 22. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any land owned by the City without obtaining a display permit from the City. 23. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any public highway within the City. 24. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any private property without obtaining the prior written permission of the owner of the property to do so. 25. No person shall discharge any display fireworks or theatrical explosives except in accordance with all of the conditions contained in a display permit issued to such person. 26. No person shall discharge fireworks at any time other than during the weekends containing the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day, unless permitted in a display permit. Display Permit Applications 27. An application for a display permit shall be completed using forms provided by the Clerk. 28. Every display permif application shall be submitted to the Clerk and be accompanied by, (a) a display permit fee in the amount of $100.00; (b) a description of the fireworks to be discharged, the discharge techniques to be used, and the manner and means of restraining unauthorized persons from being too near the discharge location; (c) a description of the proposed location for the fireworks display; (d) a letter of authorization from the owner of the property on which the fireworks will be discharged consenting to the display; (e) a current certificate of insurance providing proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 and naming the City as an additional insured; (f) a copy of a license issued pursuant to the Act for the fireworks supervisor who will be handling and discharging the fireworks; (g) written confirmation from the Durham Region Police Service that appropriate arrangements have been made by the applicant for traffic and crowd control during the display; and G'! 1�� �r�� such other information as the City may require. '14 6 29. Where the proposed display location is City-owned property, the applicant shall provide the Clerk with an agreement indemnifying and saving harmless the City with respect to any and all actions arising either directly or indirectly from the display. 30. Proposed display locations shall only be approved where they are not within, (a) one hundred (100) metres of any highway; (b) one hundred (100) metres of the entrance to any public park; (c) three hundred (300) metres of any hospital, nursing home, home for the aged, church or school; (d) within three hundred (300) metres of any premises or place where explosives, gasoline or other flammable substances are manufactured or stored in bulk; (e) fifty (50) metres of any occupied building or residence; and (f) five hundred (500) metres of another approved display location. 31. Separate display permit applications must be made for each and every proposed display location. Additional Permit Conditions 32. Every display permit shall include the following conditions: (1) The permit holder shall only discharge the fireworks on the day or days and at the times specified in the display permit. (2) The permit holder shall only discharge the fireworks at the location specified in the display permit. (3) The fireworks supervisor named in the display permit shall be present in person at all times during the set up of the fireworks display area, the handling and discharge of the fireworks, and the clean up of the fireworks display area. (4) The permit holder shall take all such safety precautions as are required by the Fire Chief for the handling and discharge of the fireworks. 7 .� i 4% PART IV - ENFORCEMENT Inspections 33. On receipt of an application for a sales permit or a display permit, or as a condition of the continuation or renewal of a permit, an officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any land for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this by-law have been complied with. 34. For purposes of an inspection, an officer may, (a) require the production for inspection of any document or things relevant to the inspection; (b) inspect and remove documents or things relevant to the inspection for the purpose of making copies or extracts; (c) require information from any person conceming a matter related to the inspection; and (d) alone or in conjunction with a person possessing special or expert knowledge, make examinations or take tests, samples or photographs necessary for the purposes of the inspection. 35. No person shall obstruct the officer inspecting or withhold, destroy, conceal or refuse to furnish any information or thing required by the officer. Penalties 36. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act. PART V — GENERAL Permit Terms and Conditions 37. Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, the City may issue a sales permit or a display permit subject to such terms and conditions as it considers necessary in order to ensure public safety. 38. Sales permits and display permits shall not be issued to any person under the age of 18 years. . �, Representations � 1 4 8 39. No person shall make a false or intentionally misleading recital fact, statement or representation in any agreement, declaration or application form required under this by-law. Permits Non-Transferable 40. Display permits and sales permits are not transferable. Short Title 41. This by-law may be referred to as the "Fireworks By-law". Repeal 42. By-law No. 4168/72 is repealed in its entirety. Effective Date 43. This by-law shall come into force on the day of its passing. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, Clerk E NOTICE OF MOTION � J U LY 23, 2007 a) Councillor McLean and Councillor Dickerson gave notice that they will at this meeting of Council be presenting a motion as follows [Motion to Suspend the Rules to deal with motion at this meeting is required]: SUPPORT OUR TROOP DECALS WHEREAS, it is important that the City of Pickering support the men and women of our military who are serving their country in a variety of capacities; WHEREAS, a yellow ribbon represents a visible show of support for military members and their families and it also represents the hope for a safe and speedy return from overseas deployment; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Pickering hereby supports the troops through the purchase of yellow ribbon 'Support our Troop' decals for City provincially licensed vehicles at an estimated cost of $1,200.00 to be purchased through the current budget; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that City staff take the necessary action to give effect to this request. July 23, 2007 BY-LAWS 6783/07 Being a by-law to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks (By-law attached) 6786/07 Being a by-law to lift the (H) Holding Symbol designation to permit a mixed use development of townhouse dwelling units and apartment buildings that contain commercial uses on the subject lands as approved by Zoning By-law 6705/06. The owner has completed the stipulated requirements to lift the (H) Holding Symbol . (By-law attached) 6787/07 Being a by-law to amend the existing "CLR8" — Cluster Residential zoning on the subject lands to permit a dog daycare and boarding facility with an ancillary retail store for a temporary period of three years. (By-law attached) 150 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 51 CLERKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM July 9, 2007 To: Mayor Ryan Members of Council From: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk Subject: Draft Fireworks By-law - File: L-2300 Further to the Draft Fireworks By-law introduced at the June 18�h, 2007 Council Meeting through Report CS 26-07, please be advised of the revisions made as per Council's request. Also noted is clarification on questions that were asked by Council. Revisions made to Section 24 to clarify that fireworks can be set off on private property with the owners consent: 24. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any private property without obtaining the permission of the owner of the property to do so. Revisions made to Section 26 to clarify when �reworks could be set off: 26. No person shall discharge fireworks at any time other than on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day or during a long weekend containing Victoria Day or Canada Day, unless permitted in a display permit. The City of Pickering's Fireworks By-law has not been updated since 1972, and in order to make sure it is in compliance with all laws and legislation we have submitted a new Fireworks By-law to be enacted. The following changes or updates have revised the 1972 by-law. Fireworks B-law 4168/72 Draft Fireworks B-law Reason for Chan e Fireworks can be sold for 3 Fireworks can be sold for 7 Longer time period to sell da s da s fireworks Fire Ball, squib, crackers or All Consumer Fireworks Updated fireworks list to fireworks prohibited under the Explosives Act comply with the Explosives are allowed — , Act and removed the use of exce t Firecrackers Firecrackers because staff Draft Fireworks By-law 152 July 9, 2007 Page 2 felt Firecrackers only generate noise and have no display purpose, therefore, for the safety of the community they have been eliminated from the list. No process or regulations Process and regulations No regulations in place for for the setting off of display put in place to protect the the setting off of display fireworks citizens and the fireworks so we put them in Corporation of the City of place for the safety of the Pickering during a display community and the person fireworks event settin the dis la off. In consultation with the Fire Department and the City Solicitor we have determined that the old by-law had no regulations on the safe selling and safe setting off of display fireworks within it. The new by-law is not intended to regulate the citizens who wish to enjoy a small fireworks display on their own property, rather it has been revised in order to provide guidelines for the selling of fireworks out of a mobile unit and the setting off of fireworks during a permitted fireworks disptay for the safety of the community. For reference purposes, please find attached Fireworks By-law 4168/72 and the Draft Fireworks By-law. Should you require further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to advise. � � Debi A. Bentley DB/Ir Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer City Solicitor Deputy Clerk T�iE CORPORATIOt1 OF TIiE TOVJNSHIP OF PICKERIi+G ... _......_... _...�...^... BY-LAW i�UM$ER � �t� � �'� A By-1aw of the Corporation of the Township of Pickering to regulate and prohibit the sale and setting off of fireworks in the Township of Pickering. BE IT E�TACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of ic cer ng : l. In this By-laW:- "Person" mesns and includes any individual, firm, corporation, partnersnip or any combinaticn tliereof. �'Firecracker" defined as being that claes of fire works which are designed for the primary purpose of producing noise. 2. No person shall sell or set off any firecracker as defined in section 1 in the Township of Pickerins. 3. Subject to section 2, no person shall sell in the Township of Pickering any fireworks of any kind or description whatsoever at any tirae during the calendar year with the exception of the three busi- ness days imiaediately preceding the day set by Statute for the observation of Victoria Day and Dominion Day and except the three Dusinesa days immediately preceding the day set by Statute for the observation of victoria' Day and Dominion Day except by special authority of the Fire Chief. 4. No person shall sell in the Township of Pickering any fireworks of any kind or description whatsoever to anyone under eighteen years of age. 5. No person who proposea to sell fireworks of any kind or description at retail shall exhibit any display of any such fireworks in any display window. This prohibiti�on shall not apply to prevent imitation of such firewarks being displayed provided there is no explosive or chemical contained in such imitations. 6. I�o person shall fire or set off or cause to be fired or set off any fire ba].2, squib, craekers or fireworks of any kind whatsoever within the limits of the Township of Pickering except on the days eet by Statute for the observation of Victoria Day and/or Dominion Day and then vnly �f on his or her own property. Provided if specially authorized by a perrait iseued by the Fi.re Chief of fihe said Township of Pickering any per�on may fire or set off fireworks in other places or on other days. Suah permits ehall define the location where the fireworks are to be set off and shall require that all fireworks that may be set off under sueh permit shall be under the supervision of a responsible person of at least twenty-one years of aAe. 7. No person shall set off fireworks on any public street or roadway within the Township of Pickering at any time. 153 - 2 - 154 8. Any person who contravenes any provisxons of this By-law ahal]., upon conviction, be li,able to a penalty not exceeding 5300.00 recover�ble under the Summary Convictiona Act, alI provisions of which shall apply except that impri�onment may be for a term of not more thart twenty�one days. 9. By-Law Number 4153/72 be and the same is hereby repealed. �4. Thia By-law shall come into foree and take effect on the ¢ day oi �j��, 197 2 . By-Law x�ad a First, Second and T3�ird Time and PASSED in Open Council this �_ day of , 1972. � i �� �� � � � � . .. AVP THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6783/07 Being a by-law to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks � � ;. .�' ,,. 155 WHEREAS clause (a) of section 121 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that local municipalities may prohibit and regulate the sale of fireworks and the setting off of fireworks; and WHEREAS clause (b) of section 121 of the Municipa/ Act, 2001 provides that local municipalities may prohibit the sale and setting off of fireworks unless a permit is obtained and may impose conditions for obtaining, continuing to ho)d and renewing the permit; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering deems it necessary to regulate the sale and the setting off of fireworks within the City. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: De�nitions 1. In this by-law, (a) (b) (c} PART I - INTERPRETATION "Act" means the Exp/osives Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. E-17 as amended and the regulations thereunder; "City" means the Corporation of the City of Pickering or the geographic area of the City of Pickering, as the context requires; "Clerk" means the City Clerk or a designate; (d) "consumer fireworks" means low hazard fireworks classified under Class 7, Division 2, Subdivision 1 under the Act and the Explosives Regulations made thereunder generally used for recreation such as showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pin wheels, Roman candles, sparklers, Christmas crackers and caps for toys guns; (e) "discharge", when used in relation to fireworks, includes firing, igniting, exploding and setting off of such articles; By-law No. 6783/07 Page 2 ��6 "display fireworks" means high hazard fireworks classified under Class - 7, Division 2, Subdivision 2 under the Act and the Explosives Regulations made thereunder generally used for recreation such as rockets, serpents, (g) shells, bombshells, tourbillions, maroons, large wheels, bouquets, barrages, bambardos, waterfalls, batteries, illumination, set pieces, and pigeons; (h) "display permit" a permit issued under this by-law to discharge display fireworks or theatrical explosives; (i) "Fire Chief' means the Fire Chief of the City or a designate; (j) "firecracker" means a pyrotechnic device that is designed to explode after being ignited without subsequent display or visible effect, but does not include caps for toy guns, safety flares or marine rockets; (k) "fireworks" means consumer fireworks, display fireworks and theatrical explosives; (I) "fireworks supervisor" means a person who is qualified under the Act to conduct displays of fireworks; (m) "officer" means a municipal by-law enforcement officer appointed by the City; (n) "person" includes a corporation and the heirs, executors, administrators or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context can apply according to law; (o) "portable sales unit" means a stand, container, cart, seat, display rack, trailer or other moveable display unit used for the purpose of sale by retail of consumer fireworks, but does not include a motor vehicle as defined in the Highway Traffic Act; (p) "prohibited fireworks" means cigarette loads or pings, exploding matches, sparkling matches, ammunition for miniature tie clips, cufflink or key chain pistols, auto alarms or jokers, cherry bombs, M-80 and silver salutes and flash crackers, throw down torpedoes and crackling balls, exploding golf balls, stink bombs and smoke bombs, tear gas pens and launchers, party peppers and table bombs, table rockets and ballet sky rockets, fake firecrackers and all other trick devices or practical jokes as included on the most recent list of prohibited fireworks as published from time to time under the Act; (q) "sales permit" means a permit issued under this by-law to sell consumer fireworks from a portable sales unit; By-law No. 6783/07 Page 3� ' � 5 � (r) "sell" includes offering for sale, causing or permitting to be sold and possessing for the purpose of sale; and (s) "theatrical explosive" means an authorized explosive of a class set out in section 6 of the Explosives Regulations made under the Act that is manufactured or used to produce a pyrotechnic theatrical effect in connection with a motion picture, theatre or television production, or with a perFormance before a live audience. Application 2. This by-law shall apply to all lands and premises within the City. References to Legislation 3. In this by-law, reference to any Act, regulation or by-law is reference to that Act, regulation or by-law as it is amended or re-enacted from time to time. Word Usage 4. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. 5. A grammatical variation of a word or expression defined has a corresponding meaning. Construction 6. Headings in this by-law are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this by-law. 7. Unless otherwise specified, references in this by-law to sections and schedules are to sections and schedules in this by-law. Severability 8. Each section of this by-law is an independent section, and the holding of any section or part of any section of this by-law to be void or ineffective for any reason shall not be deemed to affect the validity of any other section or parts of sections of this by-law. By-law No. 6783/07 Page 4 158 - PART II — SALE OF FIREWORKS Prohibitions 9. No person shall sell any consumer fireworks to any person at any time except on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day and the seven days immediately preceding such days. 10. No person shall sell or supply fireworks to any person under the age of 18 years. 11. No person shall sell, discharge, store or supply prohibited fireworks or firecrackers within the City. 12. No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a portable sales unit without first having obtained a sales permit. 13. No person shall sell consumer fireworks from a motor vehicle. Sales Permit Applications 14. An application for a sales permit shall be completed using forms provided by the Clerk. 15. Every sales permit application shall be submitted to the Clerk and be accompanied by, (a) a sales permit fee in the amount of $100.00; (b) if the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the incorporating document and a copy of the last annual information filed or, if a registered partnership, a copy of the registered declaration of partnership and a copy of the business name registration; (c) a description of the consumer fireworks to be sold; (d) a letter of authorization from the owner of the property on which the portable sales unit is proposed to be located containing, (i) the name of the owner of the portable sales unit; and (ii) the proposed location on the properiy of the portable sales unit; (e) a current certificate of insurance providing proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 and naming the City as an additional insured; and (fi� such other information as the City may require. � By-law No. 6783/07 Page 5 16. Proposed sales locations shall only be approved where they are not, 1 5 9 17. � (a) (b) (c) �a� (e) within one hundred (100) metres of the entrance to any public park; within one hundred (100) metres of any land occupied by a school; on any premises or place where explosives, gasoline or other flammable substances are manufactured or stored in bulk including a gas station; within twenty (20) metres of any road or occupied parking space; and within fifty (50) metres of any occupied building or residence. Every person holding a sales permit shall ensure that, (a) at least two signs are posted in prominent locations on the outside of the portable sales unit indicating that persons may not smoke or ignite any flammable material, or have in their possession any lighted match, lighter, pipe, cigar, cigarette, open flame or spark emitting device within six (6) metres of the portable sales unit; (b) (c) (d) (e) �fl a 2A 106C rated fire extinguisher is available during the times sales are taking place; at least two operational doors are available to provide means of access to and egress from the portable sales unit; no more than fifteen (15) customers are in a portable sales unit at the same time; no portable power supply to the portable sales unit is located within twelve (12) metres of the portable sales unit; no fireworks are exposed to direct sunlight; (g) with the exception of its entrance and exit, access to an area at least 6 metres around the perimeter of the portable sales unit is restricted by means of a barrier, such as snow fencing or pylons or other material satisfactory to the City; and (h) the sales permit is posted in a conspicuous place on the portable sales unit at all times during the term of the sales permit. Separate sales permit applications must be made for each and every proposed sales location. By-law No. 6783/07 Page 6 �Term of Permit 16Q 19. Sales permits shall be valid only on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day and the seven days immediately preceding such days. Return of Permit 20. Where a sales permit has been revoked, the holder of the permit shall return it to the Clerk within finrenty-four (24) hours of receipt of notification of revocation. 21. Where the sales permit is not returned within twenty-four (24) hours as set out in section 15, an officer may enter upon the premises of the holder of the sales permit for the purpose of receiving or taking the sales permit and no person shall refuse to deliver or in any way obstruct or prevent the ofFicer from obtaining the sales permit. PART III - DISCHARGING FIREWORKS Prohibitions 22. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any land owned by the City without obtaining a display permit from the City. 23. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any public highway within the City. 24. No person shall discharge any fireworks on any private property without obtaining the permission of the owner of the property to do so. 25. No person shall discharge any display fireworks or theatrical explosives except in accordance with all of the conditions contained in a display permit issued to such person. 26. No person shall discharge fireworks at any time other than on the statutory holidays known as Victoria Day and Canada Day or during a long weekend containing Victoria Day or Canada Day, unless permitted in a display permit. Display Permit Applications 27. An application for a display permit shall be completed using forms provided by the Clerk. 28. Every display permit application shall be submitted to the Clerk and be accompanied by, (a) a display permit fee in the amount of $100.00; By-law No. 6783/07 Page 7 (b) a description of the fireworks to be discharged, the discharge techniques to be used, and the manner and means of restraining unauthorized persons from being too near the discharge location; (c) (d) a description of the proposed location for the fireworks display; a letter of authorization from the owner of the property on which the fireworks will be discharged consenting to the display; (e) a current certificate of insurance providing proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 and naming the City as an additional insured; (fl a copy of a license issued pursuant to the Act for the fireworks supervisor who will be handling and discharging the fireworks; (g) written confirmation from the Durham Region Police Service that appropriate arrangements have been made by the applicant for traffic and crowd control during the display; and (h) such other information as the City may require. 29. Where the proposed display location is City-owned property, the applicant shall provide the Clerk with an agreement indemnifying and saving harmless the City with respect to any and all actions arising either directly or indirectly from the display. 30. Proposed display locations shall only be approved where they are not within, (a) (b) (c) one hundred (100) metres of any highway; one hundred (100) metres of the entrance to any public park; three hundred (300) metres of any hospital, nursing home, home for the aged, church or school; (d) within three hundred explosives, gasoline or stored in bulk; (e) (fl (300) metres of any premises or place where other flammable substances are manufactured or fifty (50) metres of any occupied building or residence; and five hundred (500) metres of another approved display location. 31. Separate display permit applications must be made for each and every proposed display location. 161 162 By-law No. 6783/07 Page 8 Additional Permit Conditions 32. Every display permit shall include the following conditions: (1) The permit holder shall only discharge the �reworks on the day or days and at the times specified in the display permit. (2) The permit holder shall only discharge the fireworks at the location specified in the display permit. (3) The fireworks supervisor named in the display permit shall be present in person at all times during the set up of the fireworks display area, the handling and discharge of the fireworks, and the clean up of the fireworks display area. (4) The permit holder shall take all such safety precautions as are required by the Fire Chief for the handling and discharge of the fireworks. PARTIV-ENFORCEMENT Inspections 33. On receipt of an application for a sales permit or a display permit, or as a condition of the continuation or renewal of a permit, an officer may, at any reasonable time, enter upon any land for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine whether or not the provisions of this by-law have been complied with. 34. For purposes of an inspection, an officer may, (a) require the production for inspection of any document or things relevant to the inspection; (b) inspect and remove documents or things relevant to the inspection for the purpose of making copies or extracts; (c) require information from any person concerning a matter related to the inspection; and (d) alone or in conjunction with a person possessing special or expert knowledge, make examinations or take tests, samples or photographs necessary for the purposes of the inspection. 35. No person shall obstruct the officer inspecting or withhold, destroy, conceal or refuse to furnish any information or thing required by the o�cer. By-law No. 6783/07 Page 9 � 1 6 3 Penalties 36. Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act. PART V — GENERAL Permit Terms and Conditions 37. Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, the City may issue a sales permit or a display permit subject to such terms and conditions as it considers necessary in order to ensure public safety. 38. Sales permits and display permits shall not be issued to any person under the age of 18 years. Representations 39. No person shall make a false or intentionally misleading recital fact, statement or representation in any agreement, declaration or application form required under this by-law. Permits Non-Transferable 40. Display permits and sales permits are not transferable. Short Title 41. This by-law may be referred to as the "Fireworks By-law". Repeal 42. By-law No. 4168/72 is repealed in its entirety. Effective Date 43. This by-law shall come into force on the day of its passing. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of June, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, Clerk � 1 6 4 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM July 10, 2007 To: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk From: Ross Pym Principal Planner, Development Review Subject: Draft Amending By-law to Remove a Holding Symbol Zoning By-law 6705/06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/07 S. R. & R. Bay Ridges Ltd. 1215 - 1235 Bayly Street Part of Block Y, Plan M-16 City of Pickering Further to Council's approval of Zoning By-law 6705/06 on October 3, 2006, and the subsequent Ontario Municipal Board Decision No. 1198, dated April 30, 2007 that designated the subject lands as "RH/MU-2", "SA-LW", SA-8" and "MD-H6" all with an "(H)" — Holding Symbol, this Department has prepared a draft amending by-law to remove the "(H)" — Holding Symbol from the subject lands (see attached Location Map). The draft amending by-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for July 23, 2007. Prior to an amendment to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the "RH/MU-2", "SA-LW", SA-8" and "MD-H6" Zone designations on the subject lands, the owner is required to enter into a Performance Agreement with the City of Pickering. The Performance Agreement that contains the required matters as identified in Zoning By-law 6705/06 has been executed and registered as Instrument No. DR622168. A copy of the Performance Agreement is attached. The PerFormance Agreement contains the owners required obligations to the City such as: 1. Maintenance of Retail Space; 2. Entering into a site plan/development agreement that will require: (a) installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Bayly Street and St. Martins Drive and turning lanes on St. Martins Drive; (b) construction of a walkway within the Douglas Ravine buffer area; (c) provision of utility easements; (d) parkland dedication; Draft Amending By-law to Remove a Holding Symbol July 10, 2007 '� Zoning By-law 6705/06 ' � 6 5 Page 2 - (e) noise attenuation; (fl financial responsibilities of the Owner under the Development Charqes Act; (g) construction management plan; (h) stormwater drainage and management system; (i) design for some units that meet accessibility requirements; and (j) LEED components in the design of the development; 3. Satisfying the Region of Durham; and, 4.` Satisfying the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Therefore, the property owner has satisfied the requirements for the lifting of the (H) Holding SymboL The purpose and effect of this by-law is to lift the (H) Holding Symbol designation to permit a mixed use development of townhouse dwelling units and apartment buildings that contain commercial uses on the subject lands as approved by Zoning By-law 6705/06 as the owner has completed the stipulated requirements to lift the (H) Holding Symbol. If you require further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 2034. I concur that this by-law be considered at this time. � a� Catherine Rose Ross Pym, MCIP, R (Acting) Director, Planning & Development Principle Planner, Development Review RP:jf rpymlbey ritlgea plazWh by-law/momo to CIeAc remwe h Attachments 166 PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 29�h day of June, 2007. BETWEEN: SR & R BAY RIDGES LTD. (the "Owner") - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING (the "City") WHEREAS the Owner is the owner of the lands described as Part of Block Y, Plan M-16, Pickering designated as Parts 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 on Plan 40R-24800 (the "Development Lands"); and WHEREAS SR&R BAY RIDGES (PLAZA II) Ltd., an affiliate (as such term is defined in the Business Corporafions Acf, Ontario) of the Owner, owns the lands described as Part of Block Y, Plan M-16, Pickering designated as Parts 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 on Plan 40R-24800 (the "Square Boy Plaza Lands"); and WHEREAS the City has enacted By-Law No. 6705/06 (the "By-law") to amend Restricted Area Zoning By-Law 2520 in respect of the Development Lands; and WHEREAS the By-Law requires that the Owner and the City enter into this Agreement in order to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol applicable to the Development Lands. NOW THEREFORE the Owner and the City agree as follows: Maintenance of Retail Space 1. Effective immediately, the Owner shall maintain at least 1,200 square metres of gross leasable floor area for retail uses within the existing structures on that part of the Development Lands zoned (H)RH-MU-2 in the By-law (fihe "Apartment Lands"). 2. The Owner's obligation to maintain 1200 square metres of gross leasable floor area for retail uses on the Apartment Lands shall continue until the Owner has commenced the demolition of the existing structures on the 167 Apartment Lands in order to facilitate the construction of a muitiple dwelling-vertical (as that term is defined in the By-law). 3. Prior to commencing the demolition of any structures on the Apartment Lands, the Owner shall ensure that 500 square metres of gross leasable floor area are maintained for retail uses within the Square Boy Plaza Lands. 4. The Owner's obligation to provide 500 square meters of retail space within the Square Boy Plaza Lands shall continue until at least 2000 square metres of gross leasable floor area for retail uses has been constructed on the Apartment Lands. Such 2000 square meters of gross leasable floor area for retail uses shalt be part of a multiple dwelling-vertical constructed on the Apartment Lands. Region of Durham Requirements 5. Prior to commencing any construction on the Development Lands, the Owner shall provide to the City a letter from the Region of Durham (the "Region") wherein the Region indicates that all Regional matters, financial and otherwise, relating to the development of the Development Lands have been addressed by the Owner to the satisfaction of the Region in an agreement or agreements entered into between the Owner and the Region. TRCA Requirements 6. Prior to commencing any construction on the Development Lands, the Owner shall provide to the City a letter from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (the "TRCA") wherein the TRCA indicates that all matters relating to the development of the Development Lands that are subject to the review by the TRCA have been addressed by the Owner to the satisfaction of the TRCA. City Requirements 7. Prior to commencing any construction on the Development Lands, the Owner shall enter into a development agreement and a site plan agreement with the Owner addressing the following matters: (a) installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Bayly Street and St. Martins Drive and turning lanes on St. Martins Drive; (b) construction of a walkway within the Douglas Ravine buffer area; (c) provision of utility easements; � • � (d) parkland dedication; (e) noise attenuation; (� financial responsibilities of the Owner under the Deve/opment Charges Act; (g) construction management plan; (h) stormwater drainage and management system; (i) design for some units that meet accessibility requirements; and (j) LEED components in the design of the development. Amendments 8. This Agreement may not be changed, modified or amended except with the written consent of both the City and the Owner. Successors and Assigns 9. This Agreement shall be enforceable by and against the City, the Owner, and their successors and assigns. 10. This Agreernent and all the covenants by the Owner contained in this Agreement shall run with the Development Lands for the benefit of the City. Interpretation 11. This Agreement shall be read with all changes in gender or number as the context may require. Further Assurances 12. The parties shall promptly and duly execute and deliver to each other such further documents and assurances, and take such further action as may from time to time be requested in order to more effectively carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement and to establish and profiect the rights, interests and remedies intended to be created. Removal of the "(H)" Holding Symbol 13. The execution of this Agreement satisfies the requirement set out in the By-Law for the removal of the "(H)" Holding Symbol applicable to the Development Lands. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement. SRS�R BAY RIDGES LTD. PER: Steven Warsh, President THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING - - PER 169 1 7 O ATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING THE CORPOR BY-LAW NO. 6786/07 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 2520, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part of Block Y, Plan M16, in the City of Pickering. (A 04/07) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering passed By-law 6705/06 on October 3, 2006, to permit the development of a mixed use development on Block Y, Plan M16, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS By-law 6705/06 includes an "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding various zones on the lands, which has the effect of preventing any mixed use development of townhouse dwelling units and apartment buildings that contain commercial uses from occurring until such time as the owners executes and registers a PerFormance Agreement to the City's satisfaction; AND WHEREAS the owners have now entered into a Performance Agreement, to the City's satisfaction; AND WHEREAS an amendment to amending By-law 6705/06, to remove the "(H)" Holding Symbol preceding the various zones on the subject lands is therefore deemed appropriate; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 2 SCHEDULEI Schedules I and Holding Symbol designations on hereto. II to By-law 6705/06, are hereby amended by removing the "(H)" preceding the "RH/MU-2", "SA-LW", SA-8" and "MD-H6" Zone the subject lands as set out on Schedules I and II attached TEXT AMENDMENT Section 10 of By-law 6705/06 is hereby repealed. 3. AREA RESTRICTED By-law 2520, as amended by By-law 6705/06, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 2 above, and as set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this by-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 2520 as amended. -2- 4. EFFECTIVE DATE 171 This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 23rd day of July 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk � � 1 72 �.o, H\�NwPY C •N •R' / � � / / i WAYFARER LAN E � � � � \ w > � 0 � z � a � � � RADOM STREET 5-�REE� � � I � I � SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW 6 7 0 5 0 6 AMENDED BY BY LAW 6 7 8 6/ 0 7 PASSED THIS 2 3 rd DAY OF J U LY g007 MAYOR - DAVID RYAN CITY CLERK - DEBI A BENTLEY H\�Nw PY / � � / / / � WAYFARER lAN E � � � � � w > � 0 � z ►-_ � ¢ � � � q,p 1 C •N •R' S�REE� BUILD-TO-ZONE I BUILDING ENVELdPE ( �/ ' SCHE�ULE S TO �Y-LA1A 6 7 O 5 O 6 AMENDED BY BY-LAW 6 7 8 6/ O 7 PASSED THIS 2 3 rd DAY OF J U LY Zpp� MAYOR - DAVID RYAN CITY CLERK - DEBI A. BENTLEY 173 1 � 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. 6787/07 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-laws 2623/87, 3450/90 and 6696/06, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, City of Pickering. (A 17/05) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to enact a temporary use by-law for a period of three years to permit the establishment of a dog daycare and boarding facility with an ancillary retail store on the lands, being North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3037, as amended by By-laws 2623/87, 3450/90 and 6696/06, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TEXT AMENDMENT Section 5.(1) of By-law 2623/87, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto new subsection (d) after subsection (c) as follows: (d) Exception ("CLR8-DD" Zone) (i) Despite any provisions in this By-law to the contrary, in addition to any other uses permitted under the "CLR8" zone, a dog daycare and . boarding facility shall be permitted until July 23, 2010 on the lands designated "CLR8-DD" (North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5) on Schedule "I" attached hereto in accordance with the following provisions: A. The maximum number of dogs permitted within a dog daycare and boarding facility at any one time shall be 30; B. A dog daycare and boarding facility shall be permitted to operate within an accessory structure, with a maximum height of 5.5 metres; C. The overnight boarding of dogs shall be provided in a non- crating environment; D. An outdoor exercise area shall be provided in the rear yard and shall be set back a minimum of 10.0 metres from all property lines; -2- 175 E. A maximum of one retail store shall be permitted for the sale of products ancillary to a dog daycare and boarding facility; F. An ancillary retail store shall not be permitted within an accessory structure and shall not exceed a maximum gross floor area 50 square metres; G. In addition to the parking requirements for a detached dwelling, a minimum of 5 parking spaces shall be provided and maintained on-site. (ii) For the purpose of this subsection the following definition shall apply: "Doa Davcare and Boarding Facilitv" — shall mean a facility in which the daytime care of dogs is provided and shall include the overnight boarding of dogs, but shall not include the breeding or sale of dogs, or a veterinary clinic. 2. SCHEDULE AMENDMENT Schedule "I" to By-law 2623/87, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the "CLR8" zone to a"CLR8-DD" zone designation on the lands being North Part of Lot 2, Concession 5, in the City of Pickering, as shown on Schedule "I" attached hereto. 3. BY-LAW 3037 By-law 3037, as amended by By-laws 2623/87, 3450/90 and 6696/06 is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as set out in Section 1 above, and as set out on Schedule "I" attached hereto. Definitions and subject matter not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by the relevant provisions of By-law 3037, as amended. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, and shall remain in effect for three years from the date of passing hereof, unless repealed or extended in accordance with the above-mentioned provisions. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 23�d day of July, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk 176 r---- � i i � i � i F I aECia+u. nmo ua � � I`asm � I I lOT 3 � I CONCESSION 6 � � -----�-- � I � I � � � � � � I I�ECIOW�L FLOOD L1NE'< � I ( � � CLR � � � � � � CI.rG [+: CLR7 I �_ i � � I RECIONAL Fl.00D 1_''' I ` — _ I �or a � CONCESSION 5 � — — — — — — — — — — — — — � � � � ----- ---1------ i - i _ i _ i � � — � — I � _ � � �OT 2 � CONCESSION B i • AS E5TABLISHED BY THE ICENTRAL LAItE ONTARIO � I CONSERVATION AUTHORfTY � � I � � � I -------� � � —7� �s.w. urc� oF �.or 2. ca+.re I HIGHWAY \�pEGpWiL FlApD UNE� `1�•• � ya��L I I LOT 2 � CONCESSION �5 I � � � � � � — — —1 � � � � � � � IN SCHEDULE I7'08Y-LAW 2623/87 µ�p,�pEpgygy{pyy 3450/90 FUpT1iEp AMENpEp gy gy-Lpyy 6 6 9 6 f O 6 FUpTHEp qMp�DEp gy gy{pW 6 7 8 7 f 0 7 pqggEp TM�g 1 1 t h DAYOF �ani�ar�1988 . -. `� - �' ���: 3= • Signed CITY CLERK (BRUCE J. TAYL.OR) .. -- ,,,.._ ��, k��,i���,� � -- a �ti. � �....s _ r**c;!�,.�� ����•���`'�l PRESENT: Kevin Ashe David Johnson — Chair Susan Kular (arrived at 7:10 pm) Eric Newton Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room That the minutes of the 6th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, May 9, 2007, be adopted as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (II) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the agenda for the Wednesday, May 30, 2007 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . -- ,,,, �-w�EI��--��� � k -,��,--9- �- �.,, � —■ '•�� - �.� �. ����•�_��_'�� (Ilt) REPORTS (Deferred from May 9, 2007 meeting) P/CA 26/07 — M. & S. Canu 3545 Sideline 34 Part of Lot 34, Concession 5 (Part 12, 40R-2630) City of Pickering Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3037, as amended by By-law 2676/78 to permit a maximum height of 6.6 metres for a proposed two-storey detached garage, whereas the by-taw permits a maximum height of 3.5 metres for an accessory structure. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit for the construction. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, both expressing no concerns. Written comments were also received from Councillor Rick Johnson in support of the application. Michael Canu, owner, was present to represent the application. Herbert Welby of 3565 Sideline 34 was present in objection to the height of the garage. Michael Canu agrees to the City's recommendation of revising the application to a maximum height of 5.0 metres but would prefer a height of 5.5 metres. In response to a question from the Committee, Michael Canu indicated the height of 5.5 metres would accommodate a R.V. that is currently being stored off-site. Herbert Welby is concerned with the height of the proposed garage and agrees with staff's recommendation of 5.0 metres not 6.6 metres or 5.5 metres the applicant is requesting. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 26/07 by M. & S. Canu, be APPROVED on the grounds that the revised maximum height of 5.5 metres for a proposed detached garage is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 2 , , _ _- ,,,.. , � u��I���; � _ j�— 7b.—� /,� y _ iTTn ���K��.- �..�� �•.�.��' �� Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room 1. That this revised variance applies only to the proposed detached garage, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit and construct the proposed detached garage within two years of the date of this decision, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. P/CA 27/07 — C. & M. Bailey 701 Hillview Crescent (Lot 100, Plan 331) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 2511 to permit a minimum front yard depth of 7.1 metres to a proposed two-storey addition to the existing dwelling, whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depth of 7.5 metres. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit for the proposed construction. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were also received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns. Chris & Mary Bailey, owners, were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 27/07 by C. & M. Bailey, be APPROVED on the grounds that the proposed minimum front yard depth of 7.1 metres to a proposed two-storey addition to the existing dwelling is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: � , - � ��11 \�1J ��;�/^��j--���_1�S �;rn' . ...■ - ��1.. ����•���'�� Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room That this variance applies only to the proposed two-storey addition to the existing dwelling on the property, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit and construct the proposed two-storey addition within two years of the date of this decision, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. P/CA 28/07 — R. Squires & S. Nagy 872 Finch Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Concession 2) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036 to permit a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent to accommodate a proposed detached garage at the rear of the subject property, whereas the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 10 percent. The applicants also seek relief from the by-law to recognize an existing lot frontage of 25.9 metres and an existing lot area of 1437 square metres, whereas the by-law requires a minimum lot frontage of 60 metres and a minimum lot area of 8000 square metres. The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain a building permit for the proposed construction. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns. Written comments were received from the City's Chief Building Official, indicating the proposed use and number of storeys should be confirmed and could support a non-residential occupancy. Written comments were also received from Terry J. Elliott of 892 Darwin Drive, in objection to the application. Richard Squires Orest Lozowskij the application. & Sue Nagy, owners, were present to represent the application. of 898 Darwin Drive was present to obtain more information on Correspondence received from Terry Elliott expressed several concerns with the size of the proposed garage and would not be in character with the surrounding neighbourhood, the building could be used for non-residential purposes and would function as the main building on the subject property. 4 . - -- ,,,.. ;�; ti�ei� �"� — � »,� � �� .�;� . -. �.�.�. ����,���!�� Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room Richard Squires & Sue Nagy explained the proposed garage is to provide storage for garden tools, two personal vehicles and one vintage car. Sue Nagy explained they have outgrown the home that is 50+ years old and hope to demolish and rebuild a new one in the future, so the 33 percent coverage is to accommodate both the future home and proposed detached garage. In response to questions from the Committee, Richard Squires explained the garage would be used to store household items during the construction of the new home and has considered rezoning the property but it is too expensive. In response to questions from the Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer indicated the height of the proposed garage is not on the drawings but appears to be within the by-law requirements, also indicated they maybe able to build if the zoning requirements were the same as Darwin Drive (S2). Moved by Kevin Ashe to APPROVE the application, no seconder. Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 28/07 by R. Squires & S. Nagy, be DEFERRED until the next meeting to allow the applicant an opportunity to meet with City staff to discuss the proposaL CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. P/CA 29/07 – A. Kakoullis & R. Ahrens 882 Finch Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Concession 2) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036 to permit a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent to accommodate a proposed detached garage at the rear of the subject property, whereas the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 10 percent. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit for the proposed construction. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns. Written comments were also received from Terry J. Elliott of 892 Darwin Drive, in objection to the application. 5 Committee of Adjustment �� a�l Meeting Minutes i�i i i Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:01 pm Main Committee Room A. Kakoullis & R. Ahrens, owners, were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Correspondence received from Terry Elliott expressed several concerns with the size of the proposed garage and would not be in character with the surrounding neighbourhood, the building could be used for non-residential purposes and would function as the main building on the subject property. A. Kakouilis & R. Ahrens explained the proposed garage would be used to store two personal vehicles and two vintage cars, they would only really need approximately 17-18 percent lot coverage however requested more than required for possible reconstruction of the dwelling. In response to a question, A. Kakoullis indicated they are flexible with the location of the garage and would line up with the proposed garage at 872 Finch Avenue. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Erie Newton That application P/CA 29/07 by A. Kakoullis & R. Ahrens, be DEFERRED until July 11, 2007 to allow the applicant an opportunity to meet with City staff to discuss the proposal. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. P/CA 30/07 to 36/07 — Various Owners 1567, 1569, 1571,1573, 1575, 1577 & 1579 Greenmount Street (Part 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 40R-23987) City of Pickering P/CA 30/07 to P/CA 35/07 — The applicants' request relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 4377/94 to permit an existing reduced front yard depth of 5.3 metres, whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depth of 6.0 metres. P/CA 36/07 — The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-taw 4377/94 to permit an existing reduced front yard depth of 5.2 metres, whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depth of 6.0 metres. The applicants request approval of these variances in order to have an as-built construction error recognized. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton To dispense reading of the application. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY C� Committee of Adjustment Citcf o� Meeting Minutes i�i "° i i Wednesday, May 30, 2007 r � 7:01 pm Main Committee Room The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the Ci:y of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Mike Foster, agent, was present to represent the applications. A. Adelt, Z. Hailemariam, M. Porter, and C. Carpenter of Greenmount Street were present in favour of the applications. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Susan Kular That application P/CA 30/07 to 36/07 by Various Owners be APPROVED on the grounds that the requested variances are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton That the 7th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:50 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, June 20, 2007. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY sist nt Secretary-Treasurer 7 .. . ;.�.�� -���_ � -- � ��: ;-- .�R, � -■ -�_ - �:� � �i����� Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY June 7, 2007 7:20 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton High School Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge Secondary School Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Siobhan Saravanamuttu, Dunbarton High School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Guests: Elizabeth Grane, Spanish Alliance of Ontario Lucila King, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Ramesh Rajasingham, Durham Tamil Association Sherini Ramuite, Dunbarton High School Regrets: Councillor David Pickles — Chair Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Joanne Guindon, Durham District Catholic School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Page 1 coRPO2zs—vo2 Marisa reviewed the action items from the previous meeting. As Mariyah was unable to attend this evening, the photos from the Annual Cultural Show will be available at the next meeting. Marisa handed out copies of the workplan to the members, explaining the need to finalize this. She went over each item explaining the Committees commitment and indicated those items which had been completed up to this point. She noted upcoming events and questioned whether we were missing any items. Other suggestions for celebrations which could be considered in the Multi-Faith Celebration were: Ayyam-Aha, Diwali and Chinese New Year. It was suggested we also include banners that commemorate other ethno-cultural celebrations that take place in November/December. It was noted the Committee would like to get a youth website up and running. It was also suggested that we include other diversity and equity initiatives led by the Pickering Public Library. Cathy Grant, Pickering Public Library, discussed what was available in children's programs at the Library. Marisa asked that comments regarding the Work Plan be provided to her by June 28th, at which time the final changes will be made in order to complete this. Community Survev Marisa indicated no comments had been received to date. She noted that this was to be piloted in 2007. She asked if there were any omissions in the documents, or any inclusions to be made? Marisa indicated this would be discussed later in the meeting and she would be looking for feedback. It was suqgested we allow other members to comment via CORP0228-2/02 Page 2 r Ite�rr� f: Detaiis & Dis�crssi+�n 8 ea�ncCusior� E' A cfiQr�. C%r�s � AF �: ,, Ref. # ', �surnrnar�r vf discussion} , : ` .; ' S�atu� ! - N ; (include `clegdirns��s �. � ��;` a rq iiafe email Marisa indicated the need for the workplan to go to Council 5. Student IMritin Contest Launch in September Marisa indicated that the photos had been emailed to Philip Philip to provide link Howard to be posted on line to Marisa Philip noted the Durham Digest newsletter is available on the public website. More teacher involvement The winners were posted as well as other entries. Philip to circulate to This should provide greater exposure to the schools teachers Need to put together for September: • Have posters ready in early September — agreed the format was fine • Send a hard copy as well as in PDF format to Philip early in September for him to forward to all schools • Conduct outreach — was agreed it would be good to do a courtesy visit to schools • Emails could go out one month prior to deadline • Change deadline to December • To determine what a statement could be, should focus on issues of diversity and race relations Committee to think about suggestions for statement Discussion ensued on how to begin essay. Further discussion respecting this was tabled, to confirm in September. Philip noted he would be back in the office in late August. 6. Canadian Ta est Event Marisa reminded everyone we are a partner in this event which is happening on June 9th from 12 — 4:30 pm� . She explained other organizations are involved with this event as well, and went over the program for the day, welcoming everyone to attend. She � provided a draft of the program which will be distributed at the event. Discussion ensued on the types of events happening throughout the day. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 �if�nt l ���� Qet�i�; d� t?�scc�s�ior► � Gvr�clu��arn � �� ��� ��tt��r l�e�rs � � ��� � ' ��� ���� liiCL��Fi�����i7V��iQ�V�� . ,� �'xrz���3�'�y Z� .t; sn � 4:�{QS� � ����' ":_ � »6 `q : .: i & � C 'L L � 4 �an�r�et� de��►�� �� � � � .. _ � , � y ,� ro �iate = ���� � �� ;� �.. .d.� �.. �, � Communitv Survev: Marisa went over the details of the survey line by line and stated she wanted this survey to go out tomorrow. She requested Marisa to make comments and discussion ensued with various changes being changes and forward made to the survey. Marisa made note of the changes and will to organizations send out the survey once the changes have been made. Survey is to go electronically first, followed by a mailing with a covering letter. Will pilot this survey with five organizations to begin with. 7. ' Ad'ournm�n� , __ : Adjournment: 8:35 pm Next Meeting — September 6, 2007 Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 „ - ���,,—����_ , __ ,.,— , ..; � :,,T,, .��. _������� � Minutes / Meeting Summary Communities In Bloom Advisory Committee June 18, 2007 11:00 am Main Committee Room Attendees: Mayor Dave Ryan, City of Pickering (Chair) ??? Councillor Bill McLean, City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Melymuk, City of Pickering John Hannah, City of Pickering Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, City of Pickering Alan Arsenault, Pickering Town Centre Mike Bender, Toronto Region Conservation Authority Chris Braney, Durham District School Board Dorsey James, Sculptor Kathy McKay, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Lorna Murphy, Pickering Town Centre teft the meeting at 11:55 am Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches Sigrid Squire, Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Gail Lawlor, Durham Sustain Ability Jim McCafferty, Durham Separate School Board Larry Noonan, Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Sponsorship Update • To date, there are eleven sponsors • A total of $26,250 (includes gifts in kind) has been received • On target and a very successful run for the first year • Sponsors will be recognized through a full page ad in the News Advertiser, as well as at the awards celebration Promotions • Sigrid advised that Saturday's flower show was a great success and wanted to send a big thank you to the Pickering Town Centre for all of their support • Lorna circulated photographs from the flower show for members to view • Guest services staff at the Town Centre are currently wearing CIB shirts • Tent cards will be placed on tables in the food court • The June 2007 issue of Pickering Retail Pages contained several CIB ads and was distributed to all retail places in Pickering • The City of Pickering's tax brochure has a write-up on Communities In Bloom • A full page CIB ad was published in last Friday's News Advertiser Garden Competition • To date, there are 76 registrants, including 7 schools • Judging of schools are being done this week • Volunteers are needed to assist with the judging • The winning school will receive a commemorative tree and a plaque • Need to choose a date (mid week) for an awards ceremony in Pickering Town Centre • Continuing to promote the competition and hope to have more than 100 participants • It was agreed that every 5 bloom winner will be presented with a certificate and gift bag • All participants will be recognized - focus will be more on participation, rather than winning • 4 blooms will be recognized, if 5 blooms are not achieved • It was suggested that there could be a"Best in Category" • Best in Category should be at least 3 blooms. Anything below 3 will not be acknowledged � Give participants access to their valuation sheets so that they have suaaestions for future vears CORP0228-2/02 Contact John if you can assist with the judging Page 2 `ti`em � ° Detaits & Disctis.sian. & Cvrtclusion ' Actior� fteet�s'��t�ttrs ;; >Re�' # = (summary of di�cussion� ," ` ` (inctu�te deaaf�ir�e as apprropr�afeJ �" �° Judges Tour Steve circulated an updated draft of the proposed judges tour and the following was noted: • The judges (Betty Lamont and Andy Yemen) will be arriving on Wednesday, July 25th at 4:00 pm and will stay until the morning of Friday, July 27�' • Two business rooms have been booked at the Comfort Inn • The judges have requested that two hours be set aside for them to go back to their hotel room and review their notes before dinner on Thursday, July 26tn • The 4:45 pm Granite Court site visit should be changed due to the high volume of traffic at that time of the day (avoid late afternoons) • Members are requested to be available on July 25�' (6:30 — 9:00 pm) for the Opening Night Reception (Meet and Greet), being held at Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre • Community partners displays will be at the opening reception 3. aiscussion ' • Dorsey to meet with Rob Gagen to choose sculptures that will be displayed at Progress Park and the Esplanade Park • Sigrid will accompany Dorsey and Rob to determine a spot for the sculpture that is being placed in the Horticultural Society garden bed at the Esplanade Park • A location has been chosen for the sculpture in Altona Forest • Allan to invite Edward Faulkenberg to speak at the Pickering Town Centre • Co-Chairs to send a letter inviting Ron Baird to speak at Millennium Square • Tom advised that there is a potential of sending four or five people to attend the September 14`h to 16�' Woodstock Awards 4. N�xt Meetin Monda , Jul 9th at 11:00 am in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 11:50 am Copy: All Members Chief Administrative Officer Directors City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 1� ,, � ' ,_-�.��;,���_, .- — "' ' '�.�� :;,T, � _.�._� �, �������� Attendees: Guests: Jim Simpson - Chair Richard Fleming Gordon Zimmerman Valerie McNaughton, 615 Whitevale Road Regrets: Councillor Johnson Karen Emmink Pamela Fuselli Theresa Abernethy Shirley Curran Shawna Foxton Also Present: L. Roberts, Committee Coordinator Minutes / Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee June 19, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room ltem / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action ltems / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 As there were not enough members for a quorum, it was decided to try and reschedule another meeting within the next two weeks. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Committee of Adjustment �� o�l Meeting Minutes � ,��� ' "" � � Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room PENDING ADOPTION PRESENT: Kevin Ashe David Johnson — Chair Susan Kular Eric Newton Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES . Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson � That the minutes of 'the 7th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, May 30, 2007, be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (II) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Eric Newton That the agenda for the Wednesday, June 20, 2007 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1 . - -- . ,,,.. , � 4.u�aj�_-- � �i: _-- . ra— �ti,� , � -- � ��_�_errru���3��« ����•���'�� (III) REPORTS 1. (Deferred from May 30, 2007 meeting) P/CA 28/07 — R. Squires & S. Nagy 872 Finch Avenue (Part of Lot 27, Concession 2) City of Pickering Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036 to permit a maximum lot coverage of 33 percent to accommodate a proposed detached garage at the rear of the subject property, whereas the by-law permits a maximum lot coverage of 10 percent. The applicants also seek relief from the by-law to recognize an existing lot frontage of 25.9 metres and an existing lot area of 1437 square metres, whereas the by-law requires a minimum lot frontage of 60 metres and a minimum lot area of 8000 square metres. The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain a building permit for the proposed construction. : The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns. Written comments were . received from the City's Chief Building Official, indicating the . proposed use and number of storeys should be confirmed and could support a non-residential occupancy. Written comments were also received from Terry J. Elliott of 892 Darwin Drive, in objection to the application. Richard Squires & Sue Nagy, owners, were present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Correspondence 'received from Terry Elliott expressed several concerns with the size of the proposed garage and would not be in character with the surrounding neighbourhood, the building could be used for non-residential purposes and would function as the main building on the subject property. Richard Squires & Sue Nagy amended the proposed lot coverage variance from 33 percent to 17 percent. In response to questions from the Committee, they explained the proposed garage is to provide storage for garden tools, finro personal vehicles, one vintage car, future recreational vehicles, and household seasonal items. Richard Squires explained there are a large number of overgrown trees on the subject property that are planned to be removed and replaced with new ones. 2 , , -- 7i�� u�13E r: . ¢`� � �_' 7��_._ 1= �y.� � ��. ■ -- ,�_ �� .. ���_�.���'�� Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June Z0, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room In response to questions from the Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer explained the difference between the lot coverage for the subject property and the surrounding residentially zoned lands. On a site visit to the subject property, a Committee member observed there are large homes on Darwin Drive that may look into the applicants yard and there are a number of large trees surrounding the property. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 28/07 by R. Squires & S. Nagy, be APPROVED on the grounds that the revised proposed maximum lot coverage of 17 percent; the existing lot frontage of 25.9 metres and an existing lot area of 1437 square metres are minor variances that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions 1. That these variances apply only to the proposed detached garage, existing lot frontage and lot area, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtain a building permit and construct the proposed detached garage within two years of the date of this decision, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2. P/CA 37/07 — M. A. Whalen 1570 Major Oaks Road (Lot 46, 40M-1509) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2015/85 to recognize a flankage side yard width of 2.2 metres to a covered basement walkout, whereas the by-law requires a minimum flankage side yard width of 2.7 metres. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit for the existing construction. 3 3. . - -- ,,,,,_ . �� �- sa ���-- �z- ,�-f— �,�,, --. .:.,s ----- - ..�.� � ����•_���1'�� Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room � The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns and from Councillor Rick Johnson in support of the application. Written comments were received from the City's Chief Building Official (CBO) indicating the above grade construction was carried out without a permit. An Order to Comply was issued to the owner concerning this matter on December 5, 2006, and has not been complied with. The owner is required to obtain a building permit or alternatively remove the construction. The CBO questions the intended use of the basement space since there are no current apartment or business license registered at this location. Written comments were received from the City's Fire Prevention Officer requesting a letter from the applicant clarifying the existing use of the basement for fhe subject dwelling and also advise that conversion of the basement area into an accessory dwelling unit would have to meet the requirements of the City's two-unit registration by-law. No representation was present in support of or in objection to the application. In response to a question from the Committee, the Secretary-Treasurer explained the process and requirements for an accessory dwelling unit. Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 37/07 by Mary Ann Whalen, be DEFERRED to the next meeting to allow the owner or agent to be �resent for the decision. P/CA 38/07 - P. Greenhill 5041 Wixson Street (Part of Lot 25, Plan City of Pickering 12, Part 1, 40R-9527) CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3037 to permit a maximum height of 4.9 metres to a proposed finro-storey detached garage, whereas the by-law permits a maximum height of 3.5 metres for an accessory structure. 4 . ---- ,,, . �= �� � �� -- �,�-.;� �- !; �,�. ... �, �.� , ����•���_'�� � Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit for the proposed construction. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Supervisor, expressing no concerns and from Councillor Rick Johnson in support of the application. Written comments were received from the City's Fire Prevention Officer indicating the zoning by-law prohibits human habitation in an accessory building, it is recommended that the applicant apply for a zoning by-law to accommodate the living quarters / area above the new garage. In this manner, safeguards / prescribed methods of construction required in the Ontario Building Code as part of the Building Permit process would be implemented / enforced by the Building Department, thereby ensuring that the building is safe for the occupants of the living area above the new garage. No representation was present in support of or in objection to the application. Moved by Susan Kular Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 38/07 by P. Greenhill, be DEFERRED to the next meeting to allow the owner or agent to be present for the decision. Vote Kevin Ashe David Johnson Susan Kular Eric Newton Keith Wilkinson in favour opposed in favour in favour in favour CARRIED � , , --- ,,,, � � ,��i� �c_-- � — ,�- ,�, ��- �. _ - •- _ �-'�'�','.!�� � ����.���'�� (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Susan Kular Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:08 pm Main Committee Room That the 8th meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:34 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, July 11, 2007. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Date Chair Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 0 1� „ , ; w - .�� ����_ � — . . ° _�, �— -- ,�, ���p .n„ � ,,��• �� ( � Minutes WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE June 21 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Jim Dike Steve Holt Pat Korol David Steele Doris Chee, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Linda Roberts, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Also Present: Chris Walker, Ontario Power Generation Regrets: Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Kevin Tower Chandra Gocool Craig Bamford David Stone Mayor Ryan Meeting Adjourned Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 1 CORP0228-2/02