HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 21/01 ,....., REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services DATE: July 30,2001 REPORT NUMBER: OES 021-01 SUBJECT: Tender for the Construction of the Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge Tender No. T-6-2001 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report OES 021-01 from the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received and that: 1. Tender No. T-6-2001 submitted by King City Group Ltd. to complete the construction of the Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge in the mount of $823,889.30 including 7% G.S.T. be accepted; 2. The total project cost of $1,006,298.67 including the tender amount and other associated costs be approved; - 3. The funding in the amount of $1,007,000.00 including transfers from Development Charges (#4227) and Parkland (#4230) Reserve Funds and other sources as identified in prior years Capital Budgets be approved; 4. a) Debt financing in the amount of$231,000 to be financed internally, for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate of 7 percent per annum, be approved; b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $33,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2002 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; . c) The Director of Corporate Smrices and Treasurer certifies that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Obligations approval Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2001 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and, 5. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect hereto. ORlGlN: 2000 Capital Budget - AUTHORITY: Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended Report to Council OES 021-01 Date: July 30, 2001 Subject: Tender T-6-2001 Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge Page 2 - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: l. Tendered Amount: Construction $ 769,990.00 G.S.T. (7%) 53,899.30 Sub-Total $ 823,889.30 G.S.T. rebate (4%) (30,799.60) Total $ 793,089.70 2. Approved Source of Funds: Prior Years: Budget $ 776,000.00 Debt Financing 488,000.00 Future Years: Budget unknown Total Approved $1,264,000.00 3. Estimated Project Costing Summary: Construction $ 769,990.00 Consulting Fees (various) 76,999.00 Construction Supervision 40,000.00 Site PreparationlRestoration ,- by TRCA 30,000.00 Site Surveying by TRCA 10,000.00 Project Contingency 50.000.00 . Sub Total $ 976,989.00 G.S.T. 68,389.23 G.S.T. rebate (39,079.56) Total Project Cost $1,006,298.67 4. Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $ 257,701.33 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This project involves the construction of a fully accessible, six (6) span pedestrian bridge and asphalt pathway across the mouth of the Petticoat Creek to unify Pickering's portion of the Waterfront Trail. Due to the sensitive nature of the site, preliminary site preparation work and final restoration planting will be carried out by the T.R.C.A. Construction of the bridge substructure and superstructure and asphalt pathway works are to be completed under contract T -6-2001. - The bridge and trail works are located on lands within the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area which is owned and operated by the T.R.C.A. To facilitate construction of these works, a permit was required under Regulation 158. Approval to construct was granted by the T.R.C.A. Executive Committee at their meeting on July 27,2001. The Region of Durham maintains an Easement Agreement on a portion of the lands located within the project site. Permission was granted by the Region to allow construction access to the Report to Council OES 021-01 Date: July 30, 2001 Subject: Tender T -6-2001 Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge Page 3 - project site via the easement as required. A work permit from the Region is not required for this project. BACKGROUND: The Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge project has been identified as a critical link along Pickering's Waterfront. The project is intended to provide recreation opportunities for Pickering residents while creating a vital link along the Waterfront Trail between Pickering and Toronto. The project is to be a landmark attraction that will serve to improve Pickering's recreational, cultural, and tourism potential in an environmentally sensitive way. A concept plan for the project was prepared by Victor Ford & Associates, with the detailed design for the bridge structures prepared by Johnson Sustronk Weinstein + Associates (JSW+) and J.T. Gregg Associates Ltd. The design development for this project was carried out in consultation with the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, City of Pickering Peer Reviewer Mr. Tom Clancy, and the T .R.C.A. The T.R.C.A. and the City of Pickering are partners in the development of this project. The T.R.C.A. is in the process of finalizing a Management Agreement with the City for the maintenance and operation of the bridge and Waterfront Trail located on Conservation Authority Lands (Council Resolution #139/99). The project was open for tender on June 20, 2001, with a closing date of July 18, 2001. A recommended pre-bid site meeting was held on July 9,2001, which was attended by fifteen (15) potential bidders. The City received a total of eight (8) bids at the time of closing. ~- Tender documents were review by the consulting team, which included Victor Ford & Associates, JSW+, and J.T. GreggAssociates. Therecommendation from the consulting team is to award the contract to the lowest bidder, King City Group Ltd., who has experience with the construction of pedestrian bridges and boardwalks located in environmentally sensitive areas. Treasurer's Comments: Funds for this project have been accumulated from a number of Council approvals over a number of years. The 2000 Capital Budget contained a provision of $700,000 in funding for this project which included the need for $488,000 of long. term financing, whether through the issuance of debt or internal loans, to be repaid over 10 years, after the expenditures take place. The Recommendations adopted by Council in connection with the 1999 Current and Capital Budgets included the following: "3a) internal debt financing be approved for the projects identified in the 2000 Capital Budget in the amount of $175,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years; and $3,005,188 for a period not exceeding 10 years; b) projects identified in the (2000) Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval by Council of the expenditure and the financing before proceeding. " - While there remains $1,264,000 of unexpended expenditure approvals for the undertaking, the Tender and other costs included in the report require only $1,006,298 of remaining financing approvals. This is $257,701 less than that originally provided for, therefore the requirement for debt financing has been reduced accordingly from $488,000 to $231,000. Report to COllllCil OES 021~01 Date: July J~ 2001 Subject: Tender T -6-2001 Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge Page 4 ,- ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Recommendation from Johnson Sustronk Weintstein & Associates (JSW+) 2. Location Map Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~~~~~ Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer JB:m1d Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas 1. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer -~ ATTACHMENT#L. TO REPORT # 0,;;./-0 I Operations & EmergencY Services I RECEIVED: JUI 2 7 1nm I FILE NO.: ABEY. TO: l, FWD/COPY TO: MAYOR COUIlKlt.L.... - C.A.O. CLERK CUL. 8. REC. FINANCE MUN. PROP.&ENG. HUMAN RES- FIRE SERVICES LEGAL TRANSIT PLANNING INFO. SYSTEMS CUST. CARE LIBRARY ECON. DEV. .18111+ .~ Johnson Sustronk Weinstein + Associates Engineers Landscape Architects Planners July 24, 2001 City of Pickering Operations and Emergency Services Departments Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 Attil: Mr. Everett Buntsma, Director Re: Petticoat Creek Pedestrian Bridge City Contract No. T-612001 Tender Review and Recommendation Dear Sit: Further to the receipt of eight tender submissions for the above noted project, we have carried out a brief analysis of the low three tenders. They are as follows: I. King City Group 2. Aecon Constnictionand Materials Ltd. 3. North American Construction Services $ 823,889.00 $ 1,048,745.81 $ 1,068,181.00 We understand from our discussions with .your Department, that the City Solicitor has reviewed the legalities of the Form of Tender submissions. Our review of the Schedule of Items and Prices and the individual contractor references have discovered no inconsistencies or irregularities in the bids as submitted. - JSW+ has worked with King City Group in the past on the installation of the Duffins Creek Pedestrian Bridge. This project was carried out for the TRCA in conjunction with the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax. Based on that experience and our discussion with others relative to King City Group's capabilities and their ability to carry out this type of project, we recommend that the contract be offered to King City Group at the tender price noted above. On this particular project we would further recommend that significant on-site inspection be carried out to ensure that the City's environmental concerns and priorities are adequlltely accommodated. Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Yours very truly, GLH/slv 20 Mural Street. Unit 10 c.c. Richmond Hili. Ontario l4B 1 K3 Victor Ford (Victor Ford Associates) Terry Gregg (J.T. Gregg Associates) Jill Hone (City of Pickering . Purchasing) Larry Field (fRCA) Tom Clancy Tel: (905) 889 - 8100 Fax: (905) 889 - 6616 - ATTACHMENT # L TO REPORT # 0;2.1'" 0 ( - I SANOK GR VICKI lJ][][]D >- U '" ::> m Ul '" ~ <t ::; - l- t/) W ~ o ~ TULLO '" COWAN ROAD LAKE ONTARIO - t OPERA nONS AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPAR1MENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING DIVISION ATTACHMENT FOR OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT LOCATION OF PETTICOAT CREEK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE ~ SCAlf: 0iA.Tt: 1:10 000 JULY 3012001 L:\I.IP.t"E\TNCU4T1C UAPPJNC\~\SrREEr a..SE\OC4S DIRECTOR\ATTACHJJENT FOR REPDRT\