HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 17/01 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: May 28,2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 17-01 SUBJECT: Development Charges Reserve Fund Statement for City of Pickering Services for 1999 and 2000 RECOMMENDATION: That Report CS 17-01 and the Statement of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Fund (G/L 4227) be received by Council. ORIGIN : Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Development Charges Act, R.S.O. 1997 as amended, and Regulations thereunder. - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no finacial implications to the receipt of this statement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Section 43 of the Development Charges Act requires that the Treasurer furnish to Council a Statement in respect of each Reserve Fund established under Section 33 (ie. for each Development Charge). Statements are attached to this Report covering the last two fiscal years, 1999 and 2000. Total Development Charges collected in 1999 were $2,552,009. Various capital projects in the amount of $1,799,375 were financed in 1999 from cumulative fund balances available. The amount of $163,793 was used to repay advance capital expenditures related to oversizing cost of the Municipal Office and Central Library. This resulted in a favourable increase in funds of $588,841 which together with interest income of $281,468 brought the total increase in funds to $870,309 in 1999. - The Development Charges collected in 2000 were $2,309,371 which is 9.5 percent less than 1999. The amount spent on capital projects was $1,838,826 which is 2.2 percent higher than 1999. The total net increase of funds for the years 1999 and 2000 is $1,712,256 out of which $648,232 is interest income (38 percent), the balance being development charges collected from developers. Report to Council CS 17-01 Date: May 28,2001 Subject: Development Charges Reserve Fund Statement for City of Pickering Services for 1999 and 2000 Page 2 - With the decrease in building actlVlty it is anticipated receipts will continue to decline. Therefore, delaying projects may have to be considered in future budgets until the development is sufficient to warrant the expenditure of funds and sufficient funds are available, both from developers and the City. This whole matter will be reviewed in time for the 2002 budget exerCIses. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1999 Statement of Development Charges Reserve Fund 2. 1999 Analysis of Activities Respecting Transfer to Capital Projects 3. 2000 Statement of Activities Respecting Transfer to Capital Projects 4. 2000 Analysis of Activities Respecting Transfer to Capital Projects Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: -D~l~ Caryn Kong, Senior Financial Analyst ~#~ Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments - Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. uinn, Chief Administrative Officer - - - .- ~ :z ~ r.. ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ =: u Eo-< :z ~ ~ ~ o ...:l ~ >- ~ ~ r.. o Eo-< :z ~ ~ ~ Eo-< < Eo-< 00 ...:l < ~ :z :z < a, Q,la, "" -- c..... =...,~ -; u =~ :l~31~ = t.a:: 5....=....~ ,,=U~ .. = Q 0 < "" '--' Q Eo-<'"~ eJ)iC C '" .N .~ .~ ~ fJPt "" ... Q,l 0 ... "" O~ a, a, a, ..... ..... ..., ~ ~ = ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :z ~ ~ < ~ >- ~ =: E-< ~ o r.. ...."Cl '" Q,l Q,l .... "" = Q,l ""~ ....,.:: ..9< .... c Q,l a Q. o Q) .. Q,l ~ ","Cl Q,l Q,l eJ).... "" "" =~ ..::- uc5 Q,l .... = ~~ ~ Q,l :z .... c Q,l a Q. o Q) .. Q,l ~ '" "Cl Q,l Q,l Q,l .... f;D ~ .5 ,_ =~""'~ ..::-"Cl uc55 QO Q,la, "" -- c..... =...,~ -; u =~ "j5 0;:: "" '" Q,l ~ ATTACHMENT #...L. 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Sidewalk and Street Lighting Parkland Development Millennium Trail W oodsmere Park Development Charge Credits Library Materials Collection Materials Fire Fire VehicIe & Equipment Transit Mid-Life Bus Refurbishing - Public Works - Storm Water Manaeement Frenchmans Bay Watershed Plannine Rouge Park Neighbourhood - 94,696 26,165 35,560 22,190 18211 800,000 344,250 27.354 $ 196,822 1,171,604 130,000 120,949 48,261 120,000 11,739 $1.799.375 - - - ~ z ~ .... ~ >- ~ ~ en. ~ en. ~ Co-' ~ < == U E-< Z ~ ~ i:l. o ..:l ~ >- ~ ~ .... o E-< Z ~ ~ ~ E-< < E-< en. ..:l < ~ z z < o cuo CJ -- =- 0:Il"'l"" e; U =~ o o o I"l "'f::.s1 =: I. ..- N =: ~: O"'UCJ"" E ~ 0 y <"",-,0 E-<'""'~ - l"'l ~ ~ = ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ < ~ ;;. ~ == E-< ~ o .... ~2::] ~ = = Q.,0:I"""" 0:1 = .a Uli:~ ...."0 '" cu cu .... "" o:l cu <J "" =.E ....< .... = cu ","0;. 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