HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 15/01 Ctija# - REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: Mayl8,2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 15-01 SUBJECT: Development Charges RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 15-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and that: 1. effective July 1, 2001, as provided for in Section 16 of By-Law 5546/99, the Development Charges referred to in Sections 6 and 11 of that by-law be increased by 8.68 per cent being the annual increase in the Construction Price Statistics as reported by Statistics Canada for the year ended March 31, 2001; and, 2. the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. - ORIGIN: Report FIN 22-99 of the Director of Finance & Treasurer AUTHORITY: Report FIN 22-99 of the Director of Corporate Services and Treasurer and Resolution #16 9/99, Clause 6, of the Council of the City of Pickering. By Law 5546/99 Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, and Regulations thereunder. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Increasing the Development Charges by 8.68 per cent will assist in keeping the revenues generated thereunder in line with current costs. The residential development charges for single and semi detached units will increase by approximately $568, other residential charges will increase similarly and the commercial/industrial charge will increase by approximately $0.99 per square metre. - -- -< - Report to Council CS 15-01 Date: May 28, 2000 Subject: Development Charges Page 2 EXECUTIVE SlJMMARY: Adoption of the recommendations of this report will put into effect for the period July 2001 to June 2002 increases that are provided for in the Provincial Legislation and By Law 5546/99 and are needed to finance construction costs under the City's Development Charge Study adopted by Council in August 1999. This is an annual adjustment needed to keep revenues current with costs. BACKGROUND: As provided for in the Provincial Legislation and in the City's By Law 5546/99, each year the development charges charged by the City for all types of development may be increased without amending the by-law. Adoption of the recommendations contained in this report will allow that increase to take effect July 1, 2001 thereby assisting in keeping our revenues in line with the costs that development charges go towards. The City's obligations under Recommendations cointained in the same report FIN 22-99 to Council will also increase by 8.68 per cent or approximately $210,000 annually to $2,610,000. The 2001 Budget contained $800,000 for this purpose. Statistics Canada indicates the increase in the Construction Price Statistics for the most recently available annual period ending March 31, 2001 of 8.68 per cent for non-residential construction cost index (an indicator of our costs of construction) for the Toronto area. The change is reflected in the table attached. Attached is our revised brochure which will be available throughout the building. The main changes are to update the amounts to reflect recommendations contained in this report and to reflect the change in the Region of Durham's Development Charges, also effective July 1, 2001. The School Board's development charges are not changing this year. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Residential Development Charges 2000/2001 2. Pickering Development Charge Brochure Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: ---~~ Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GP:vw Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF PICKERING .-- RESIDENTHL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Effective July 1, 2000 PER DWELLING UNIT Service Single & Apt. One Bdrm Apt. Two Bdrm Other Category Semi Detached & Smaller & Larger Dewlling Units Growth Studies 102 43 56 83 Fire Protection 159 . 67 88 131 Transportation 3,277 1,365 1,821 2,685 Transit 220 91 . 123 181 Parks & Rec 2,426 1,010 1,348 1,987 Library 366 153 203 300 TOTAL 6,550 2,729 3,639 5,367 Non-Residential - $11.42 per sq. metre - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CHARGES Effective July 1, 2001 PER DWELLING UNIT Service Single & Apt. One Bdrm Apt. Two Bdrm Other Category Semi Detached & Smaller & Larger Dewlling Units Growth Studies 111 47 61 90 Fire Protection 173 73 95 142 Transoortation 3,561 1,483 1,979 2,918 Transit 239 99 133 197 Parks & Rec 2,636 1,097 1,465 2,159 Library 398 166 221 326 TOTAL 7118 2,965 3,954 5,832 Non-Residentia1- $12.41 per sq. metre ] 236 I 315 1465 [ Dollar Increase. l 568 Non-Residential - $0.99 - ::-8 0' @ S b g" ~ :IJ::;: ~ 51 ~ ~ g ~ ~ s' a ~ (t ~ ng ~ en' ~ n C1i ;::0...... 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