HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 07/01 -- ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: February 22,2001 REPORT NUMBER: CS 07-01 SUBJECT: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that Report CS 07-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be adopted by Council. and that due to the anticipated late date in 2001 that Council will be receiving the Budgets and in order to carry on business in regards to certain capital expenditures that: 1. 'Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $370,500 for consulting, design and construction of e~temal infrastructure improvements as outlined in Attachment #1; . 2. Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $286,000 for mainly computer and related equipment, as outlined in Attachment #2, mainly continuing City Efficiency Initatives; 3. Pre-Budget approval be given in the amount of $175~000 for Planning Studies stated below and as outlined in Attachment #3: - (a) the amount of $75,000 for Planning Studies related to the Liverpool Road South Detailed Review, and the East Doffins Area Land Use and Design Study; . (b) the amount of $100,000 for a Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development Guidelines, with anticipated private sector fimding of approximately $40,000 - $50,000 from landowners/developers within the quadrant; with staff being directed to seek funding from landowneis/developerswithin the northeast quadrant for the Planning Review of the Northeast Quadrant Development. Guidelines, and that the Review not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured; 4. (a) Pre-budget approval be given for the construction of Phase IT of the Millennium Square and Boardwalk Project for the Phase IT components ata cost not to exceed $600,000; and either; (b) Tenders be invited to complete the work for Phase IT of the Millennium Square and Boardwalk Project; OR (c) the Tender be awarded to Miwel as per pricing Qf Tender T-9-2000,received and approved in part by Resolution #93/00, for Phase IT wor~ 5. Financing be included in the 2001 Current and Capital Budget}; and, 6. the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. - Report to Council CS 07-01 Date: February 22,2001 Subject: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 2 ~ ORIGIN: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The financing requirements for these expenditures totals approximately $831,500 which will be funded through the current and/or capital budgets, debt, reserves, reserve funds or a combination thereof. The excact nature of the financing must and will be addressed in the 2001 Cunent and Capital Budgets. Should some of these expenditures, especially for design and specifications, lead to the approval of the construction or undertaking of a capital project in the 2001 Budget, then these costs may be charged to those projects and financed with the balance of expenditures. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: - This year, it is anticipated that the final Council approval for the City's 2001 Capital and Current Budgets will be delayed due to the uncertain environment surrounding municipal taxation. The Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer in his February report (CS 03-01) outlined some of the new property tax problems and considerations associated with the introduction of Bill 140, "The Continued Protection for Property Taxpayer Act." The current uncertainty surrounding municipal property taxation is somewhat similar to the 1998 municipal taxation environment. ill 1998, the Province introduced property tax reform and these changes were partially responsible for the delay of the final current and capital budgets. The City of Pickering did not approve its 1998 budgets until June with the Tax Rates being set on September 8th, 1998. The delay in the passage of the budgets translated into very little construction being started and/or completed before the winter season. Although it is anticipated that final 2001 Current and Capital Budgets will be approved (including the ramifications of Bill 140) before the summer holidays, there is no guarantee that this will actually happen. As a pro-active strategic measure, this report and the attachments outline the various projects and expenditures that require pre-budget approval from an infrastructure maintenance or improvement perspective. Three plmming studies are also addressed. Staff are attempting to avoid the reduction of the construction season due to anticipated late approvals of the 2001 Budgets. - Recommendation #1 is for the design and consulting stage for various projects as indicated in Attachment #1. If Council approves the expenditures, staff will then proceed to the tendering stage after the design phase is completed. The tender document will also include a clause that asks for a ninety day price guarantee (currently 60 days). City of Pickering purchasing policy and established business practices require Council approval before a tender is awarded. Therefore, the current processes in place provides Council with the appropriate "fmancial controls" to ensure that pre-budget approval is limited to just the design and consulting stage for those specific projects listed. Awarding of the tenders could then proceed during and shortly after the budgets are approved, depending upon Council's approval. Report to Council CS 07-0 I Date: February 22,2001 Subject: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 3 - As Attachment #1 further indicates, staff are also requesting that Council approve three construction projects. The Amberlea Creek storm water management project is required to reduce the potential of backyard erosion and a new well is required at the Mt. Zion Community Centre to prevent a health issue from the use of the old well. The Pickering Baseball association has provided $75,000 towards the con'struction of the park fieldhouse and staff believe that if construction could begin in April, this facility could be ready by the start ofbasebaU season. RecommendatioJ;l #2 is based on the urgent need to continue to re-invest in the electronic' infrastructure of the organization due to its somewhat critical continuing deterioration. The initial Interim spending request was based on the belief that the City would have an approved budget in February. That is not the case and thus, the' second request. As indicated in Attachment #2 the identified technology investments are required in order to continue with the Windows 2000 conversion, Recreation's Phone-in Program Registration system; upgrade of the Civic Complex's fiber optic network and to replace PC equipment that is up to seven years old. Without these investments, the computer network performance will continue to deteriorate to the point where it will have a noticeable impact on the City's capability to conduct business. The Windows 2000 project must finish to ensure external consulting resources currently in place are not re-assignedto other projects by their companies. The Recreation system must start now to ensure that it will be completed in time for the stated implementation. The hardware replacement program must start now; otherwise, staff shortages will make it very difficult to complete the projects within the time period required. ,- Recommendation #3 is bMed on funding for three Planning Study initiatives that need to be commenced prior to final Cowlcil approval for the City's 2001 current budget. The Liverpool Road South Detailed Review is currently ongoing and will be concluded by June of this year. Additional public consultation, team meetings, and review work necessitates a moderate funding increase. The East Duffins Land Use and Design Study is also an ongoing initiative. Funliing is required to develop design guidelines and commence an implementation strategy for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood, being the first development area in this sector. .The Northeast Quadrant (northeast comer of Kingston Road and Whites Road) is the third area requiring early funding approval. This area is under significant immediate development pressure and the development guidelines approved by Council in 1990 require review. The cost of this Review should be reduced through contributions of approximately $40,000 $50,000 from the landowners/developers within the quadrant. City funding should not exceed $50,000 and the Review will not proceed unless adequate private sector funding is secured befQreheand. RecoPllIlendations#4 deals with the next phase of the Waterfront Project. Tenders were received on May 3, 2000 for Pickering's MillenniumWaterfrontlLiverpool Road Millennium Square, Boardwalk and Frenchman's Bay West Park (No. T - 9/2000). Tenders received exceeded budget by approximately $1.5 million. Miwel Construction was the low bidder. In an effort to reduce the amount being spent at this time Victor Ford & Associates analyzed the bids. They confirmed that by deleting "prices" equally from the low bidder, and the 2nd and 3Td low bids of the project in the amount of 1.5 million dollars, Miwel Construction remained the low bidder. The tendering document contained a clause which permitted the City to accept the tender in whole or in part. Miwel Construction was asked to respond to the revisions. Miwel Construction agreed to perform the contract "in part" at the tendered prices. At the Council meeting of June 12, 2000 Council passed Resolution #93/00: That Council approve the award of Tender T -9/2000 (revised) to the low bidder "Miwel Construction Limited" in the amount of$2,339~592.00. - At this time, Phase 2 of this project could be considered as simply an extension of Phase 1 as it does not involve new works outside of the scope of the original tender especially since some work in Phase I "overlapped" into Phase 2. Cowlcil should also be aware that Phase 1 was not entirely completed before the winter set in so iliat work will continue once weather permits. If one looks at it this way this phase of the contract could be extended and awarded to Miwel. On the other hand, it could be viewed as a new project and retendered. Tendering for the remainder of this project should be relatively straight forward - with. the consultant and staff reviewing and Report to Council CS 07-01 Date: February 22,2001 Subject: 2001 Pre-Budget Approval for Essential Capital Projects and Expenditures Page 4 - reworking the specifications and then preceeding with tendermg. Depending on the. required contract completion date, a closing date within the last week of March, acceptance by Executive Committee the week following, work could begin in April 2001. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Pre-Budget Approval for External Infrastructure Improvements & Repairs 2. Pre-Budget Approval for City Efficiency Initiatives 3. Pre-Budget Approval Planning and Development Consulting and Professional Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By; ---7--- -~ ~~(r/ ~ Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Stan Karwowski, Manager, Financial Services Endorsed By: Everett tIna, Director, Operations & Emergency Services - GAP:vw Attachments Copy: T.J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council " - ATTACHMENT#L TO REPORT # ts 07 -0 I - City of Pickering 2001 Pre-Budget Capital & Current Approval External Infrastructure Improvements and Repairs: Design & Specification Consulting For the following Projects: Family Change Rooms at the Rec Complex Granite Court Bridge Repair damaged structure Pickering/Uxbridge Townline (East of Sideline 26) Installation of concrete walls and barriers Old Brock Rd (South ofHoxton St.) Remove and replace concrete box culvert Concession 5 (at,Sideline 24) Remove and replace concrete box culvert Multiple Culvert - Radom St. Remove and replace with concrete box culvelt flV AC System for East Shore Community Center Current system is 28 years old and could fail anyday Roofing for Rec Complex Roof is 18 years old and is starting to leak ' Ramp Replacement- Civic Complex Sub-Total - Construction Proiects For the following: Amberlea Creek Erosion (Vistula Dr.) Funding is required to reduce backyard erosion and collapsing into ravine Drill New Well for Mt. Zion Community Centre (Health Issue) Brockridge Park Fieldhous Pickering Baseball Association is donating $75,000 towards the construction Repairs: Cost is for major repair of "garbage truck" to meet MTO regulations Sub-'Total Total - } }, } } } } } } } } Attachment #1 $30,000 87,000 (5,000 15,000 6,000 $143,000 $85,000 15,000 120,000 7,500 - ATTACHMENT' :2 fOREPaRT' cs: <>1-0 l City of Pickering 2001 Pre-Budget Approval City Efficiency Iniativies Continuation of Windows 2000 Upgrade Upgrade of MS Exchange and replacement of 2 old servers Upgrade Disk Drive required for file server used for tax billing and accounting, property, recreation and parking tag systems Continuing Corporate Equipment Replacement (20) Replacement Monitors (30) PIll 800 PCS - Replacements Culture and Recreation Escom Dial-in Registration System - Additional 8 Lines and Implementation SUI Escom Dial-in Registration Systems - Server -Corporate Fiber Optic Link with Library On Going Critical Capital Replacement Needs Clerks Replacement Printer - Culture and Recreation Compaq AP550 Desktop Publishing'PC Municipal Property & Engineering AutoCAD Workstation and MS-Office AutoCAD 2000 - Landscape Design Council Laptop and PC Sub Total Current Budget Expenditures 2478 Misc. Equipment Repairs & Maintenance Upgrade 70 NT 4.0 PC Licenses to Windows 2000 Upgrade 3 NT 4.0 Server Ucenses to Windows 2000 Cisco Equipment - network switches replacement - equipment to be leased over 3 years Speeds up network by reducing traffic congestion Total Requested - Attachment #2 $ 33,500 9,300 9,100 75,000 29,500 34,900 5,500 3,400 6,300 4,000 4,500 10,000 $ 225,000 $ 14,900 500 45,600 $ 286,000 ATTACHMENTf#..L TO REPORT # CS.09 -0/ Attachment #3 - Pre Budget Approval Planning & Development Consulting and Professional (2611-2392) East Duffms Area Land Use and Design Study For consultant to work with staff in developing land use and design guidelines, and an implementation strategy for the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood (first neighbourhood to be develQped, adjacent to Brock Road). $50,000 Liverpool Road South Study For consultant to work with staff in completing Part 2 of the Liverpool Road South Area Detailed Review (additional public consultation, team meetings, potential revisions to Part 1, & report plinting costs). Consultants (TSH and Markson Borooah Hodgson Architects) already in progress on this study. Completion in JUTle, 2001. . 25,000 Northeast Quadrant (northeast sector of Whites Road and Kingston Road) For consultants to work with staff in reviewing the 'Northeast Quadrant' development guidelines adopted by COUTlcil in 1990, to develop an alternative approach that considers various recent development proposals on the lands, while respecting the initial land use and design principles. The cost of this. review is to be shared with major landowners/developers within the quadrant. A private sector contribution of approximately $40,000- $50,000 is required and the review will not proceed UTlless adequate private sector funding is secured. Net City costs are estimated to not exceed $50,000. 100,000 $175.000 .-