HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 24/99 ,- >l\~ OF "Ie ,,0 1-1"- ~*~ >- :di1. Gl ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer DATE: September 20, 1999 REPORT NUMBER: FIN24-99 SUBJECT: Report on the Y2K preparedness of the Town of Pickering. RECOMMENDA TION: That Report FIN24/99 of the Director of Finance and Treasurer be received and that Council approve the Y2K Contingency Plan as attached. ORIGIN: ,A/IfOIo. The Chief Administrative Officer appointed a Y2K Committee with the Manager of Information Systems as the Chair. The Committee was charged with the responsibility of identifying all Town computer and computerized systems, labeling the systems as being Y2K or non- Y2K compliant, and upgrading the systems to Y2K compliancy if necessary. Funds were provided in the 1999 Capital I3udgel for this purpose. In addition to equipment verification, the Y2K Committee was also charged with the responsibility of ensuring departments reviewed and vcrilicd thcir Y2K I3usincss Contingency Plans. AUTHORITY: Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Council approved a budget of $179,000 (FIN02-99) to upgrade those computer and computerized systems within the Town and Library that were identified as being not Y2K compliant. To date, $127,095 has been expended on Y2K upgrades. Still to be charged is $41,980 for the Energy Management System, and $6,046 to upgrade the Phoenix Gas Dispensing System at the Works Centre. The total estimated Y2K costs will be $175,121, an estimated under expenditure of $3,879. ^ portion ($1,900) of the under expenditure will be used to fund a linalmuiling to Town residents in late October, outlining both the Town's and Region's Y2K status. , " " .- It should be noted the Vehicle Maintenance system in use at the Works Centre will not be upgraded to Y2K compliancy, as the vendor has decided not to upgrade their sofiware, but to replace it in its entirety. The cost of the replacement soHware is $12,500 (US). Until it has been determined whether the Town financial systems will be replaced, and if so, if the replacement systcm will contain a Vchiclc Maintenance modulc, the Works Centre will revert baek to using a manual system. The Director of Parks and Facilities and staff of the Works Centre supports the strategy. If a new linancial package did include a Vehicle Maintenance module, this would ensure complete integration with the Inventory, Purchasing, and General Ledger systems. Finally, the cost to upgrade the Civic Complex's Lighting system was not included in the Y2K project. Any costs associated with upgrading the Lighting system will be identified within the ?OOO h",ln,,' or P".-I..., ",,,I r.",,;I;j;,,~ Reportlo Council flN24.99 Date: September 20, 1999 Subject: Report on the Y2K preparedness of the Town of Pickering. Page 2 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Y2K project within the Town has been a success, although the final analysis will not be completc until January 2000. All identified systems Ilave been updated with the exception of two. The update to the Energy Management System is complete but is still waiting for the final sign-off, which will occur when the heating system is activated presumably later this year and a full-load test can take place. The Phoenix Gas Dispensing system (for vehicles) upgrade is still waiting for the release of the Y2K-compliant module. The latest release date estimate is the month of October. The only departments to identify critical supplies, other than computers and the like, were Parks and Facilities, and Transit. Both identified fuel as being the only critical supply to their function. To ensure fuel problems do not occur during the Millennium changeover, a memo was recently sent to the following departments: Parks and Facilities, Transit, Public Works, fire, and Clerks. The memo directed these departments to have all vehicle and power-generator fuel tanks filled on December 31, and all fuel storage tanks filled the week of December 27. This action will ensure vehicles will have fuel should there be a power outage and fuel is unable to be pumped from fuel storage tanks. The Region of Durham has assured the Town that they are reasonably confident that no major services such as water, sewage, and traffic control will be interrupted. All major outside service providers, such as Ontario Hydro, Pickering Hydro, and Bell Canada, have also provided the same assurance. ,-1 It was the intent of the Town to contact all buildings with elevators and fire-detection systems, to remind them to verify that their systems are Y2K compliant. This task was assigned to Fire Inspection. The Fire Chief has assured the Y2K Chair that this is being undertaken. Pickering residents have been notified of the Town's Y2K progress through the News Advertiser, the Town's website, and an insert in the Town's final billing. A final notification by means of a brochure will occur in late Octobcr. Thc brochure will include the Y2K status for both the Town and the Region. BACKGROUND: Under the direction of the Chief Administrative Officer, the Town of Pickering created a Y2K Committee during the latter part of 1998. The task of the Committee was to identify all computer and computerized systems within the Town that would be afTected by the Y2K changeover, and eithcr upgrade or replace the systems by June 1999. Departments were asked to review their operations and report to the Committee by Decembcr 15, 1998, with any systems that were not Y2K compliant. I;, The first report to Council (FIN02-99) was dated February 2, 1999. Attached to FIN02-99 was a report entitled "Y2K Compliance Status." The submission identified which departments were Y2K compliant, and which had systems that were not. The cost to replace the systems was identified at $179,000. This amount was included and approved by Council in the 1999 Capital Budget. ,- The process of replacing the non-compliant systems began on February 22, 1999. The Committee consisted of four staff members, which was later expanded to six by the Chief Administrative Officer. Project schedules were developed with Committee mcmbers being assigned responsibility for different systems. All systems that were feasible were completed on timc. Somc systems were delayed due to outside suppliers or external factors, but all identiIied systems are still planned to be upgraded before December 31, 1999. Those departments that had originally identified non-compliant systems and devices were asked to re-visit their operations to ensure that all such systems had been identified. To date, no new systcms have been reported to the CommitLee. At the same time, those departments who utilize Report to Council FIN24-99 Date: September 20, 1999 - Subject: Report on the Y2K preparedness of the Town of Pickering. Page 3 just before December 31, 1999. While problems are not expected, the Town is doing everything possible to identify potential problems and take preventative action. During the course of the project, the task of thc CommiUec cvolvcd to includc dcveloping strategies to keep Town residents informed of Y2K developmcnts that might artcct thcm, along with identifying all critical supplies and suppliers used by and within the Town, to ensure continuance of business operations should Town suppliers suffer Y2K related difficulties. Communication with Town residents has been very important to the success of the project. To keep Town residents updated on Y2K-related events, the Town has used a variety of means, including the electronic message display board, News Advertiser, website, and a brochure included within the June tax billing. A final communique will be sent out in late October to all residents of Pickering by means of Canada Post. During this time period, all other municipalities will also be contacting their residents. Pickering will be participating in a regional blitz to ensure all residents of the Region are notified as a whole. The communique will include both Regional and Pickering related information. This is expected to be the last direct Y2K-releated communication event, other than through the website. Finally, the Committee requested all departments to identify those supplies ami suppliers that were critical to their operations. On December 31, departments were asked to have a one-month supply on-hand of those supplies that were deemed to be critical. The only critical supply identified by some of the departments was fuel. ,... A IT ACHMENTS: Y2K Contingency Plan Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson , ~ .;-~._._. - --- --.-- ~~~C~ Director of Finance and Treasurer JGS:vw Attachments copy: Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads Y2K Committee Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council Thomas J. Ouinn, Chief Administrative Officer .".... ATTACHMENT#-L. TO REPORT#[iN"c:.11"1Q - ~1'1 OF PIC ';;OS\ X ~~~ z ~ ~ .. The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan IIFor Internal Staff Use" September 9, 1999 - - The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of the plan is to assist Town staff in dealing with the Y2K millennium changeover and outlines the two levels of Town response strategies. These levels are: 1. Part I - Normal Y2K Response 2. Part II - Full Scale Emergency Y2K Response Based on current knowledge, we are not anticipating any significant inconveniences and will therefore be implementing the "Normal Y2K Response." However, in the unlikely event that an emergency should occur, the "Full Scale Emergency Y2K Response" will be implemented. It should be noted that it is not possible to be certain that all aspects of the Year 2000 issues affecting the Town, including those aspects relating to the efforts of third parties, have been identified and fully resolved. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES: ~ Department heads and alternates will be available to assist the Town within their own areas of expertise. The fan-out of the Municipal Control Group (MCG), if required for full-scale emergency response, would be activated through Fire Dispatch according to the Priority Notification Lists (fan-out) contained in the Town of Pickering Nuclear Emergency Plans. 3. IMPLEMENTATION: Notification I Activation: Relevant Town staff and MCG members, if required, will be available to co-ordinate duties within their areas of responsibility during the millennium changeover as follows: Part I - Normal Y2K Response: Certain Town staff will be on duty on December 31, 1999, and January 1, 2000, as outlined on Page 2. The MCG will also be "On Call" during the millennium changeover. Part II - Full Scale Emerqencv Response: The MCG members will be contacted as outlined on Page 4. The emergency response plan will be activated through Fire Dispatch according to the Priority Notification Lists (fan-out) contained in the Town of Pickering Nuclear Emergency Plan. A telephone contact list has been prepared for internal use only. Please refer to page 6. - Page 1 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - PART 1- NORMAL Y2K RESPONSE A) Expectations: Minor inconvenience to the Town, Town residents, businesses, and institutions. B) Response Level: The Town will maintain a "Normal" response level with a few additional staff available to assist if required. C) Functions: The Town will conduct business as usual with Customer Care and support staff available during the millennium changeover to address public questions and concerns. Those staff are: I. Customer Care and Information / Customer Relations Clerk support staff will be on duty in the Civic Complex: - a) from 6:00 p.m. December 31, 1999, to 1 :00 a.m. on January 1, 2000. The Civic Complex will not be open for walk-in traffic. b) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on January 1, 2000, to take calls from the general public. The Civic Complex will not be open for walk-in traffic. Staffing requirements and/or the extension of these operating times could be changed at the discretion of the CAO or the Manager of Customer Care. (The option of staffing the Civic Compiex was chosen as being the most practical of all options considered.) II. Parks and Roads staff will be liOn Call" for their normal storm duty. III. Information Systems staff will be on duty after 10:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000, as long as necessary, to ensure computer changes and upgrades were successful. IV. Transportation: The Manager of Transportation will respond with staff and vehicles if an emergency response is required. - Page 2 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - V. Fire Department staff will monitor the Y2K changeover as it happens from 6:00 p.m. December 31. 1999, to 1:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000. Fire Dispatch will provide a Y2K status update to Customer Care (420-4666) staff each hour during that period. The Fire Dispatcher will immediately notify the Fire Chief (who would evaluate the situation) regarding any serious concerns that may affect the Town. VI. All Municipal Control Group (MCG) staff will be "On Call" for immediate response in the event the full-scale emergency plan is activated. MCG staff will provide Fire Dispatch with phone numbers where they can be reached during the period from 6:00 p.m. December 31, 1999, to 1:00 a.m. on January 1, 2000. These response times may be extended at the discretion of the CAO or designate. VII. All Fire Department staff will exercise their normal duty shifts with capabilities of providing additional immediate emergency response if required. The extension of their response level is at the discretion of the Fire Chief and using normal emergency response procedures. ,,,.... VIII. Parks and Facilities staff will perform security inspection checks at all urban Town facilities, including libraries, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. on December 31, 1999, and 1 :00 a.m. January 1, 2000. Facilities located in the northern rural areas will not be checked due to the diminished probability of vandalism. Doors will be checked for proper closure and locking, and a visual inspection will be undertaken for unwanted or suspicious activities. At least one complete inspection be performed after midnight and all inspections will be logged. The police will be advised of the Town inspection program. ,... Page 3 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - PART II - FULL SCALE EMERGENCY Y2K RESPONSE A) Expectations: That a major or significant emergency will affect the Town, Town residents, businesses, and institutions. This event will not likely be the result of disruption to local services but rather as a result of the loss of essential services provided by others. If this happens, the Town would provide support to the Region of Durham and others through the activation of the MOC (Municipal Operations Centre), located in Claremont Community Centre. Essential services include water, power, telecommunications, and sewage treatment. A loss or disruption to one or more of these services would likely trigger a Full Scale Emergency Y2K Response. B) Response Level: A partial or full activation of the Town's MOC will be undertaken at the discretion of the CAO in consultation with the Fire Chief and Mayor. C) Activation Procedures: - The Municipal Control Group (MCG) will be "On Call" during the millennium changeover ready to fully activate the Municipal Operations Centre if necessary. This plan will be activated through the Priority Notification Lists (fan-out) contained in the Town of Pickering Nuclear Emergency Plans. D) Functions: All MCG staff listed in the Glossary of Terms will be contacted through the normal fan- out. If required, they will be notified by Fire Dispatch to report to and open the MOC and activate the Town of Pickering Emergency Measures Plan or Nuclear Emergency Plan. Emergency response will include: . Providing support to Durham Emergency Measures Office (DEMO) or the Region. . Responding appropriately to the level of the emergency that exists at any time. . Attending a debriefing session to be held as soon as reasonably possible upon the deactivation of any emergency response. .",... Page 4 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - Glossary of Terms: 1. The Municipal Control Group (MCG): Municipal Control Group (MCG) is made up of senior Town staff that includes the Mayor, CAO (Operations Officer), Fire Chief (Emergency Co-ordinator) and certain designated department heads. External MCG members include Pickering Hydro, Police, and Ambulance. They would be notified under the Priority Notification Lists (fan-out). 2. The Municipal Operations Centre (MOC): The Municipal Operations Centre (MOC) is located in the Claremont Community Centre to co-ordinate emergency response activities in the Town through the MCG. 3. Levels of Full Scale Emergency Response: (Provincial standards) - 3.1 Routine Monitoring (On Call): When MCG Staff are "On Call", their whereabouts is required in the event of an emergency during the critical period. MCG staff will provide dispatch with a phone number where they can be reached. Further notification of MCG staff will be made through the Fire Dispatcher in the event the emergency is upgraded. 3.2 Enhanced Monitoring: The Emergency Co-ordinator, CAO, and Mayor will monitor the situation from the Municipal Operations Centre. Alternates will be called to relieve for additional shifts if required. 3.3 Partial Activation: All emergency MCG personnel placed "On Standby" will report to the Municipal Operations Centre to monitor / assess the situation and await further direction from the CAO. 3.4 Full Activation: Emergency plans are fully activated with the MaC operating and fully staffed by the MCG 24 hours per day. .,... Page 5 of 6 The Corporation of the Town of Pickering Y2K Contingency Plan - Y2K INFORMATION CONTACT LIST ,.. COMPANY/ORGANIZATION TELEPHONE NUMBER BELL CANADA - Y2K HELP DESK 1-877 -678-1265 CONSUMERS/ENBRIDGE GAS 1-800-265-6164 DURHAM EMERGENCY MEASURES OFFICE (DEMO) 905-431-6000 u(24 hour) DEMO (DUTY OFFICER) 905-430-1638 DURHAM REGION HEAL TH UNIT 1-905-723-8521 DURHAM REGION POLICE SERVICES 905-683-9100 EMERGENCY MEASURES ONTARIO (EMO) 416-314-0451 (D. Banke) GO TRANSIT 416-869-3200 ONTARIO HYDRO - Y2K HOTLINE 1-800-400-1921 or 839-11 51 Ext. 4409 PICKERING HYDRO 905-427 -0791 PICKERING WORKS EMERGENCY - 24 HRS. 905-683-4319 REGION OF DURHAM - Y2K INFORMATION 905-666-8913 1-877-641-9813 REGION WORKS EMERGENCY (AFTER HRS.) 905-576-9991 REGION WORKS EMERGENCY 905-683-1471 AJAX DEPOT (7:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. ) TOWN OF PICKERING WEB SITE www.town.oickering.on.ca NOTES 1. The Town is working closely with the Region of Durham, other municipalities, and agencies to ensure there is little or no interruption to essential services. 2. Information on the Town's Y2K progress was included with the June interim tax bills sent to all residents/taxpayers. 3. Residents requesting information concerning banking, use of Automatic Teller Machines (A TM), automotive fuel, etc. should contact these institutions/companies. 4. Questions regarding resident concerns of additional food supplies, travel etc. (suggest residents use their own discretion.) 5. Other areas of concern should be directed to Betty O'Brien (Ext. 2173) for response. - Page 6 of 6