HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 21/99 - II' OF P, ,,-oll,! 01-1" lJJ ~o~ ~ iE u ~ ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer DATE: October 4, 1999 REPORT NUMBER: FlN21-99 SUBJECT: Proposal to increase Information Systems's approved 1999 Capital Budget from $400,000 to $550,000 RECOMMENDATION: That Report FIN21/99 of the Director of Finance and Treasurer be received and that Council: I. approve a $135,000 increase to Information Systems's 1999 Capital Budget, to provide for the purchase of replacement PCs, and other related equipment; I,~j 2. approve a $15,000 increase to Infurmation Systems's 1999 Current Budget, to allow for the purchase of services to support the Town's website; 3. the foregoing atlditional cxpentlitures be financed by surplus 1999 operating funds and a transfer from the Community Facilities Reserve Fund if necessary; "". 4. endorse the concept lur a four-year replacement program for all personal computers, peripherals, and servers for the Corporation; and, 5. the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: During the 1999 butlget tleliberations, the Director of Finance was directed to re-approach Council if additional funds were required to allow the Information Systems Division to continue to support the operations of the Corporation. AUTI IORITY: Council FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Approval of the recommendations will provide for the timely replacement of approximately three quarters of the Town's outdated 486 computers now, as they are essential, on an increasing need basis for the continuation of the Town's operations. These purchases have been postponed due to budget restrictions over the last several years. However, certain aspects of the Town's operations are now being adversely affected. Furthermore, a further delay would add significantly to the 2000 Budget and increases current problems significantly. ,- The $135,000 would allow for the purchase of sixty Compaq PH 450MHz PCs. The $15,000 additional consulting fees woultl a\low for the purchase of 500 hours of website support and develoPlllent for the remainder of 1999. The funding would be provided by anticipated surplus 1999 operating funds, or, failing that, transfers from the Community Facilities Reserve Fund. The recommended PC is the Compaq PH 450MHz model. The Compaq PH is currently being phased out in favour of the PIlI model; however, the PH model is still sufficient to meet the Report to Council FIN21-99 Date: October 4, 1999 - Subjcct: Proposal to increase Information Systems's 1999 Budgets. Page 2 Town's current and anticipated future needs. Some PC suppliers have already phased out the PH from their product line. If the Town delays the approval process for the Compaq PH pCs, the I'll models will soon bccome unavailable, thereby forcing the Town to purchase the PIlI model. The Pill model costs $613 more per PC that' the PH model, including tax. If the PIll model wcre ordered, the cost to purchase sixty PCs would increase by $36,780. This would be the equivalent to the cost of an additionallifteen PH PCs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The replacement of the aging 486 PCs currently in use within the Town needs to be accelerated. The plan is to replace 60 of the remaining 80 units with the additional funds being requested. The replacement of the remaining units will be included within Information Systems's 2000 budget. The replacement PCs are required to allow for the proper installation of Office 2000 and to eliminate the 486 PCs before they fail, which they are starting to do at a faster pace due to the age or the equipment and the release of new updates to existing software which is necessary to the conduct of the Town's business. BACKGROUND: 11 Information Systems's 1999 Capital budget, as submitted to Council, was for $461,013. Council reduced the budget to $400,000, with the Director of Finance to determine the actual reductions. The Director of Finance was also directed to submit a request for further funding if additional funds were required during 1999. .-- The Town currently has about 80 PCs with 486 processors. These pCs are starting to fail at an increasing pace due to their age. PCs with 486 processors were first introduced to the Town in late 1993. This year when the Town upgraded to Internet Explorer 5.0, it found that a number of the 486 PCs would no longer conned to the Internet. With the introduction of Office 2000 this year, the speed of the 486 PCs is becoming more of a concern. An additional two hours is required per PC to install Office 2000 due to the speed of the 486 systems. Once installed, the 486 PCs will function slowly, especially at startup. Staff complaints revolving around the speed of 486 PCs and low-end Pentiums are increasing substantially. Increasingly, software being purchased requires a mid-speed Pentium just to function. This applies to the new Parking Tag system and for the fuel-dispensing system at the Works Center. To summarize, the 486 PCs are worn out and software required to operate a modern business is not able to effectively operate on the systems. Under an industry standard four-year replacement plan, the 486 pCs should already have been replaced. To ensure the Town does not find itself in the same situation several years from now, Information Systems has been directed by the Director of Finance to develop a pl8.lmed replacement policy, for both pCs and PC peripherals, such as monitors and printers. The replacement policy will also include for the planned replacement of larger items such as network servers. Under the direction of the Director of Finance, the planned replacement policy will be included with Information Systems's 2000 Budget submission. - Information Systems has chosen to maintain its program of purchasing Compaq PCs. The Compaq PCs are very well constructed, require virtually no maintenance during their planned lifecyele, and the unit cost is very competitive. Staff investigated the possibility of purchasing non-Compaq units, but were unable to obtain systems containing Pentium II processors; thus, the cost of units containing Pentium III processors prohibited their purchase. Comparable quality, less powerful non-Compaq units were found to cost approximately 10 per cent more. Report to Council FIN21-99 Date: October 4, 1999 - Subject: Proposal to increase Information Systems's 1999 Budgets. Page 3 Additional funds for the Current Budget have also been requested. Several months ago, the Chief Administrative Officer directed Finance to prepare a report that would identify those actions that would be required to make the Town's website dynamic. The key recommendation was the hiring of a Webmastcr. Without this crucial function, thc Town's website will remain virtually static. The $15,000 will allow Finance to secure the services of a consultant to perform , the function of the Town's Webmaster. The $15,000 will cover the cost for the consultant during the period of September through December 1999. ATTACHMENTS: Information Systems's 1999 Capital budget. Prepared By: - ^-"---- anagcr, lllformation Systems . Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council Thomas 1. Ouinn, Chief Administrative Officer - Approved / Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson ATTACHMENT....!.. TO REPORT # f.rt:yJ - c ,... - - -- . ~. .--- .-.- --- -....---- TOWN OF PICKERING 1999 CAPITAL BUQ..GEL .____ 2196 -INFORMATION SYSTEMS CLASSIFICATION 1998 8UDGET 1999 8UDGET 6157 Vehic!es so so 6173 Furniture & Fixtures o 11,817 6176 Office Machines & Equipment 341,721 441 ,482 6178 Miscellaneous Equipment 7,713 7.713 6181 Other F:xed Assets o o Reduction as per Council budget meeting of April 6, 1999 (61,013) 5349,434 $400,000 - FINANCING 1998 1999 2823 Gen-e;al Func $229.434 SO 2823 General Fund. Reserve 0 0 4225 Reserve Fund - Comm. Facilities 120.000 400.000 Reserve Fund 0 0 Debt 0 0 .. Lease 0 0 $349,434 $400.000 t - 33 .- 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET 2196 . INFORMATION SYSTEMS . BACKGROUND INFORMATION 6157 Vehicles 6173 Furniture 5, Fixtures (2) Chairs - i=\eplacements 1 ttt Chairs - New Stat: 1 ~ Desks 3: 2-0rawer Filing Cabinets - New Staff (2) 36x2t. ::-ga Shelving -- Computer Room Network 5;,:;,ier Rack =xtensicn - Computer Room 432 6,555 ,.... ~ Office Mac~ines & Eauioment Infonnaticn Systems . (5) Netwcn< Server Replacements Network laoe Backuc Unit - Hardware & Software MS Winc=ws 2000 - Server Software Upgrade HP 0250 - Tape 8ackup Unit Replacement HF 0250 - 250mb Memory Upgrade HP 0250 - (2) 4.3gb Disk Upgrade Network Catling at Works Centre Drive Image 2.0 Software Omega ..Ja= Backup Drive and three Disks Read/Wri,e CD Drive Web Si!s ~.~cnitoring Seware (2) 24-pcr: Network I-iucs and Patch Panels - ClerXs & IS (4) Mapin:c L.icenses (2) APC S~art UPS 1000 NET with Powerchute (55) Repia:;ament PCs (20) Repia:;ament Monitors MS-Exc.....a:-:ge 5.5 Upgrade (130) MS-Offica 2000 Standard Version - New (70) M5-....""'ffica 2000 Standard Version - Upgrade Contingency for unexpected expenditures Human Re-sources ViewSonic Monitor HP 6l P"..:er - 34 S863 gw ~ 1.783 2.185 S62,104 16,039 8,325 4,329 4,995 4.162 3,108 111 1,054- 721 3,330 1,277 7,104 1,665 162,393 13,320 14,319 82,973 21,368 22.200 $666 666 Page 1 so $11,817 Reduced T JQ Reduced T JQ $348,429 $1,332 As submitted to Council May 10, 1999 - 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET 2196 -INFORMATION SYSTEMS t BACKGROUNO INFORMATION Public Works (3) Pent:..;::; AutoCAD Workstations riP 625: S::anner :"P1 1 2GC~ Printer - Roads (2) ViewS::::1ic Monitors (New Staff-Roads & Traffic Tech) Culture & Recreation PR8Re- -:ii( iF! Re~ist3tj8n Sys~eR1 WinFax S::::':ware - :ast Shore Community Centre HP 112 c.: xi Colour Printer Parks & ;: acilities MS-Pubiis:-:er 98 MS-Proje~ S8 - LeQal No Req'..:;~e:-:1ents Transoor-..ation HP1 120Cx: Colour Printer New Mc:-::::::r - General PC Finance (8) Repla::.e:":"lent Monitors (2) Sar-C::::e Scanning Wands - Tax Finallns:.a:::;ent of Vailtech Accounts Receivable Fixes :'\0:: ::: MaF!3!jeli.eRt IFlveRtery Seftware PblrsRas;-; Saf:tware Investm:-: ~of:tware Cheque S;;:-:ing Device - Printer Attachment Staff (:a::: - ::i~ SGRea;,;ier 10 User LiseFl6e Plannino (2) AutoC':'= Ute HP6L Pri:-::e~ Maplnfo - =~ont Counter (1) HP 1 ~ :: ? tinter - 35 Page 2 $14,347 $11,489 749 777 1,332 $932 $26.20g Deleted T JQ 155 777 $999 $222 777 $0 $1,443 $777 666 $17,614 $5.328 1,443 8,103 ~ Deleted T JQ 4Q.;QOO Deleted T JQ 4;+00 Oeleted T JQ 2.800 ~ Deleted T JQ $4,482 $1.285 666 1,776 755 As submitted to Council May 10, 1999 - ,... .-. un 6181 -- 1999 CAPITAL BUDGET 2196 . INFORMATION SYSTEMS ... BACKGROUND INFORMATION Mavor No Rec;\,;::-::.-,ents Council (1) Rep:a:e~ent PC and Monitor - Secretary Economic Cevelooment HP 6250 Scanner Adobe Ac:-:eat Customer Care New PC ::-: '.1SRI::, ~~lew S:3~ PullliG RelaaGns Rep.) HP5L ~:-:-::; Chief Administrator's Office HP 6L P"mer Corporate !..aptop, Case and MS-Office Corel Draw HP 1120Cxi Colour Printer Fire Decartment Iomega =ackup Drive - 250mb 64mb La;::tcp Memory Upgrade Kodak Di;ital Camera (3) HP 1 ~:O ?rinters Clerks McDTag ?ari<ing Tag System Miscellaneous Eauicment 1st of 5 annual transfers to Community Facilities Reserve Fund for purchase of Teranet Land Information Services (4225) Other Fixed Assets Page 3 SO S3,619 S3,51 S 51,104 S749 355 SO ~ Deleted T JQ 6::1 Deleted T JQ 57,965 S666 5,689 833 777 54,356 S444 305 1,332 2.275 $34,800 $7,713 $0 Reduction as per Council Bud~et meeting of April 6, 1999. Changes to be determined by Treasurer and senior management staff. 36 ($61,013) As submitted to Council May 10. 1999 l