HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 06/99 ".... ,tI~ OF p/O ,,0 1-(\\ UJ_~ ~ ~1iI1. t5 ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer DATE: February 16, 1999 REPORT NUMBER: FIN06-99 SUBJECT: Section 442 of the Municipal Act - Adjustments to Taxes RECOMMENDATION: That Report FIN 06-99 be received and; that The Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, clerical error, exemption and assessment change as provided under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. ORIGIN: - Director of Finance & Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amcnded, Section 442. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report rcpresents a gross cost of $16,364.87, with a net cost of approximately $2,502, thc balance bcing charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicable. BACKGROUND: - Thc reduction of taxes due to fire, dcmolition, cxcmption, assessmcnt changc or clcrical crror, is provided for under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. Write-offs of this nature are considercd normal in the conduct of business. The write-orfs are for various taxation years and will be charged to thc 1999 budget account 2134, Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. Report to Council FIN06-99 February 16, 1999 Subject: Section 442 of the Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes Page 2 - ATTACHMENTS: Section 442 Adjustments to Taxes dated February 12,1999. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ) ilf,(-1~'J M. an Riesen Senior Tax Clerk ~~.~-~_. '--GTilis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer GAP:mvr Attachment Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council Thomas 1. uinn, Chief Administrative Officer ~ - 'Tj NNNNNNNNNN > g. ~~~NNN""""""OO ~""=-.J"'N\COO-.JQ\ "= N "= :0 =l:t: 'D - =\C\C\C\Ct=t=t=t="= O~~~~>~~~trJ Z t""-.J-.J-.J-.J~ OZ ~ ~~~~~~t=t=0~ ?;30000~~~~~ trJ ZZZZ~ "=l-3l-3l-3l-3trJ(j(j<~ ~~~~~;~~~~ OOOOZ== ~ ................~OO t"" zzzz ~~ 0 (""Hi t1 ~ ~ "= OtrJtrJ ~ ~~ trJ Z 1-3 t"" 1-3 ~ rJ1 tl1 (j ~ ~>>>>~>>>> .... ~ 0 ~~~~~ ~~~~ Z OtrJtrJtrJtrJ~trJtrJ[{3[{3 > ". ~~~~ ~~ ~ t""~~~~"=~~~~ ~ ". :;~~~~';"l~~~~ 0 N Z > ....trJtrJtrJtrJZtrJtrJtrJtrJ ~ OZZZZOZZZZ 0 ~ ZI-3I-3I-3I-3~1-31-31-31-3 ~ ;.; ~t1t1t1t1t1t1t1t1t1 ~ ~=====E;E;== ~ rJ1 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ .- d ~ ~~~~~t1t1t1~~ ~ tl1 ZtrJtrJtrJtrJ=E:E:trJtrJ 1-3 ~ Z ~ trJtrJ trJ ~ "= ~~ Z rJ1 0 1-3 ~ 0 00 0 t"" ~~ ~ ~ rJ1 ...............,.....,.....,..........,................. t:3 \C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C \C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C\C ~ -.J-.JQ\-.JQ\OO-.JQ\OOOO ~ ========== 0 NNNNNN........~.... t"" ========== I I I I I I I I I I t"" ========== NNNNN....~~=.... Z ~NNNN-.J\C\COOOO ~ I I I I I I I I I I ....====............=N ....tIltlltlltllN==Q\= =-.J-.J-.J-.J....\C\CQ\OO t= =tIltlltlltll=Q\Q\....= trJ =""''''''~~=........== ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 .... ~ (j - ...... ';................\OQc Z ............ \C........Q\N 1-3 I~ ? ? ;--l ;--l ?o ~ :-' fa fa OO\COO-.JtIlOOOO\C-.JtIl tIl\C........\CQ\tIlQ\....".