HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 09/97 ,r.~ OF P,C t*\ ~Di;Q ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Inga Berrey Temporary (Acting) Treasurer-Collector DATE: May 9,1997 REPORT NUMBER: TR 09/97 SUBJECT: 1997 Region of Durham Mill Rate By-Law RECOMMENDATION: Draft By-Law to levy the rates necessary to cover the estimated 1997 levy from the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham. AUTHORITY: Regional Municipality of Durham Act, R.S.O. 1990 c. R.9 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: - Town - None BACKGROUND: Each year the Region of Durham levies against the Area Municipalities a sum sufficient for payment of the estimated current annual expenditures. Area Municipalities adjust this levy to take into consideration the Region's share of any payments-in-Iieu, Bell Telephone receipts and over/under levies from previous years. The net impact after adjustments equates to a 4.20% increase in the Regional Mill Rate for 1997. which will result in a $25.20 per year tax increase on a residential property assessed at $24,000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1997 Budget Region of Durham 2. Levy documentation 3. Solid Waste Management documentation - ~ .eMA~ In errey IB~t cc. T. J. Quinn, General Manager report.docljl TOWN OF PICKERING -- 1997 BUDGET REGIONAL LEVY & COSTS TO THE TOWN OF PICKERING 1996 BUDGET 1997 BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT LEVY $20,001,345 $21,006,150 Less: Share of Grants- in-Lieu Share of Bell Canada Carry Forward Deficit (Surplus) Carry Forward Underlevy (418,688) (259,695) (54,476) (429,314) (250,146) 7.622 $20.334.312 $19.268.486 WASTE MANAGEMENT COSTS $ 1,574,011 $1,630,440 Carry Forward Deficit (Surplus) (123.363) $ 1.450.648 15.751 $1.646.191 TOTAL LEVY & COSTS $20.719.134 $21.980.503 - ASSESSMENT Residential $633.743.774 $643.619.056 Residential weighted at 85% Commercial $538,682,208 164.229.3 51 $702.911.559 $547,076,198 168.937.879 $716.014.077 MILL RATES Commercial General Government Waste Management Total 27.41 2.06 29.47 28.40 2.30 30.70 Residential - 85% of Commercial General Government Waste Management Total 23.30 1.75 25.05 24.14 1.96 26.10 - NOTE: Commercial means COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Residential means RESIDENTIAL & FARM 97BUDR&E REGIONAL MUNICIPAlITY OF DURHAM 1997 CURRENT & CAPrT AL BUDGETS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES AND THE 1997 NET REGIONAL LEVY . COUNCIL REVIEW SCHEDULE 4 APPORTIONMENT OF THE 1997 NET REGIONAL LEVY FOR GENERAL PURPOSES AND PERCENTAGE IMPACT ON AREA-MUNICIPALITIES MUNICIPALITY r' I 1997 1996 1997 GENERAL LESS: EST. NET I APPORTIONMENT NET LEVY NET LEVY LEVY ESTIMATED AVG.IMPACT I SHARE INCREASE ASSESSMENT ON LOCAL I , I OVER 1998 GROWTH RATEPAYERS I (No" 1) i ..... "I. I $ .,{, % % I I 28.887 29,561,310 29,893,327 ~ (0.4) 0.7 I 13.314 12,952,018 13,n7,816 6.4 (2.9) 3.5 11.072 11,013,702 11,457,712 I 4.0 (1.8) 2.2 20.299 20,000,348 21,006,150 5.0 (1.9) 3.1 16.342 16,189,523 16,911,301 4.5 (2.4 ) 2.1 2.297 2,254,389 2,3n,020 5.4 (0.9) 4.5 3.973 3,926,485 4,111,406 4.7 (1.5) 3.2 - 3.816 3,809,828 3,948,937 3.7 (1.7) 2.0 100.000 99,707,603 103,483,669 3.8 (1.6) 2.2 Oshawa Ajax Clarington Pickering Whitby Brock )cugog Uxbridge Total ,~ NQtll~:, 1. The net impact on ratepayers does not take into consideration adjustments made by Area Municipalities for the Regional share of any Payments-in-lieu, Bell telephone receipts, and over/under levies from previous years. Treasurers of the Area Municipalities should be consulted in order to determine the final impact. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM xvi .- \..,. \. --- ~1.FI~ ",-- -"~"""--"---'-" a20P02 '_.'JAW'i6-j 91"11: 513-:- 905-571-7460 UPORT .96-.l-Z' THE ANNU.AL ll.tVIEW OF THE SOUD WASTE MANAC:OIENr SV$1"E)1 Al'ID TU APPUCABLE 1m 'RELIi\IL"IARY CURRENT Ao'ID CAPITAL B(J1)C:ETS AND RELATED FII\IAtCClNC JJ 5 II! .. -Eag;~Ei~ s SCIlliDUI.E 3. II "U ::l I i " . I'" if ~:fl~?;e~:;~ !l \\, ! u II 0 ~ ~ i I'll ~ '" ... c. r- . r ~~~~~!!~ ; .... J i i!la l3..l'lJl - ~ ~ j ~ @!s!!ii~U ~ ~ 0 r ., I'r\ uJ! !S=5!iiU t-- ..... .. :I-- .. J t Q' 00' ~ fJ.,' ~ .. c. ~! I~~~~~; ~ ,... \tj ! cy <'t ..... ~' .- -.: ~ It ~~~~!aa~:il I" e r .. !~ ~~~~!~d - f I --I )( .. !' ~ a ~ c. < ... 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Ji_ ...IIt~ I 51 ~~!~:~~$i i ! ~ -- T ! .- \ I :l la hUfdf .. ! ~ 13 '\ - THE CORPORA nON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW NUMBER 4791/96 Being a by-law to amend the Town of Pickering Municipal Code to ltiv.y"Ute rates necessary to cover the estimated m&tevy from the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of subsection 1 of section 28 of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter R9, the Council of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, in each year, shall levy against the Area Municipalities, a sum sufficient for payment of the estimated current annual expenditures, payment of all debts, and certain other purposes relating to the administration of the Regional Municipality; and WHEREAS the ~ estimates of the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham indicate that it shall be levying against the Corporation of the Town of Pickering a certain sum of money; and WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3 of section 30 of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter R.9, the Council of every local Municipality, in each year, shall levy, on the whole of the assessment for real property and business assessment, according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum equal to the sum required by law to be paid to the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, and that such levy be made by by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 2210.8 There shall be levied from and upon the whole of the assessment for real property and business assessment, according to the last revised assessment roll, a sum equal to the estimate set out in Column 4 of section 2210.11 at the rates set out in Columns 5 and 6 thereof, for the year +990: /9th - BY-LAW READ a First, Second and Third time and finally PASSED this.-MO day of June,....l-9%: - f/& ) " .- Mayor // ./ ~ /u_,. .--,L.~--------_...- - CI~"!c '