HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 23/98 /' ,tIt\ OF PIC ~O_% ~ ~Lil. 5 ~~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer I DATE: June 22, 1998 REPORT NUMBER: TR 23/98 SUB.mCT: Rcncwal of the General hlsurance Program for the Town of Pickering for the period July I, 1998 to July 1, 1999, extendible to July 1,2001. REC6MMENDATION: That Report #TR 23/98 be received and that: I, The Town of Pickering renew its general insurance coverage through the Frank Cowan Company as outlined in Attachmcnt # I for the period July I, 1998 to July 1, 200 I, to be approved annually, with a 1998/99 total renewing premium of $302,589, plus applicable taxes; 2. The deductibles for the various insurance coverages as detailed on Attachment #2 be approved; - 3. The Director of Finance, as part of the Risk Management Pragranl, be authorized to establish a Reimbursable Deductible Program through the Insurance Adjuster and the Frank Cowan Company and further, that the Director be authorized to settle any claims within the total deductible limit where it is in the Town's interest to do so. 4, The Director of Finance be authorized to pay the total cost of any insurance claims settled that fall between the previous 'deductible and the new one, including any adjusting and legal fees, from the Insurance Reserve Fund. 5. The difference between the total 1998/1999 insurance premiums plus applicable taxes and the amounts included in the 1998 Current Operating Budget for insurance be transferred to the Insurance Reserve to provide funding for costs related to the General Insurance and Risk Management Programs; G. The Director of Finance, in co-operation with the other Municipal Treasurers in Durham Region (Durham Municipal Insurance Group), continue to investigate other cost saving measures and options, including establishing an insurance pooling arrangement for the full sharing of insurance risks and tendering insurancelrisk management requirements, with any associated costs to be paid from the Insurance Reserve Fund and a report to be Jiled wi th Council prior to the 1999/2000 insurance renewal; . '.", ../ 7. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. - ORIGIN: Director of Finance and Treasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, Sections 251 to 253. Report to Council TR 23/98 June 22, 1998 Subject: Renewal of the General Insurance Program for the Town of Pickering [or the period July 1, 1998 to July 1, 1999, extendible to 2001. Page 2 "",.. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; The renewal premium 0[$302,589 represents a decrease of$72,119 or approximately 20 per cent over that of the prior year, exclusive of applicable taxes. This premium is also $98,226 or, approximately 26 per cent lower than the preliminary 1998 budget provision. Trans[erring the premium savings to the Reserve will provide funding for payment of claims [ailing within the increased deductibles, finance any costs of setting up an insurance pool or tendering insurance and risk management programs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town of Pickering is embarking on a total Risk Management Program, the initial phase of whi'ell involved negotiating renewing premiums with the Town's broker, the Frank Cowan Company. Also a review of deductibles was undertaken resulting in the recommended increase in all deductibles in the hope of effecting lasting premium savings. Further steps will include a review o[ all coverages, policies, procedures, adjusting services, possible higher deductible limits, pooling or tendering of coverages, implementation of Risk Management practices and proccdures, claims man8gemcnt and a I~isk Managemcnt Manual for the Town. \ - The Frank Cowan Company has guaranteed the rates (cost per $1,000 of insurance) for a three- year period, should Council approve renewal through that company each year. BACKGROUND: Insurance: Each year on July I, the Town's general insurance policies come up for renewal. During the previolls 6 months staff have had extensive discussions with representatives of the Frank Cowan Company, the Town's insurance broker and counterparts in the other municipalities in Durham. These discussions have centered around reducing insurance costs through a variety of means, including a form of cooperative purchasing and an insurance pool. These discussions, while positive as evidenced by the reductions in the Town's renewing premiums, have led to further discussions with representatives of the firm of Dion Durrell & Associates, Actuaries and Insurance Consultants, which have resulted in a move to pursue a Durham Region insurance pool. If implemented, it would be similar to that recently set up by the firm in the Region of Waterloo, and basically the same as that formed by Metropolitan Toronto prior to the [ormation of the Ontario Municipal Insurance Exchange (OMEX). While there are no assurances of improved coverages or premium savings, this concept will be explored thoroughly over the next months. Negotiations will continue with the Frank Cowan Company and tendering insurance requirements remain an option. As previously mentioned, this year's renewing premium is considerably less than that of 1997 and is close to the 1995 premium as noted below: - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 1992 - 1993 $255,512 $270,842 $266,341 $245,656 $238,392 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 $257,363 $294,166 $356,865 $377,586 $302,589 Report to Council TR 23/98 June 22, 1998 Subject: Renewal of the General Insurance Program for the Town of Pickering for the period July I, 1998 to July I, 1999, extendible to 2001. Page 3 ~ Of the reduction of $72, 119, $32,911 results from an increase in deductibles to $10,000 across all appropriate lines of coverage. Predictable losses, including those falling within the Town's ability to finance, should be self insured through higher risk retention hence the recommended increase in deductibles. Some of this initial saving will be paid out in future years, but by putting the savings aside in the Insurance Reserve, funds will be available. By building up the reserve, financial l1exibility to assist with future possible options is also made available. The balance of the reduction, being $39,208, resu\.ts ii'OIu continuing negotiations with the Frank Cowan Company. The actual amount transferred to the Reserve may be less, depending upon any nccessary policy changes and assets (vehicles) added during the next 12 months. The Insurance Reserve Fund currently has a balance of $250,000. .- Risk Management: 1/ The purchase of insurance is only one part of a Risk Management Program and only one means I of financing losses. Others include self insurance or risk retention, risk avoidance and claims management. Risk Management in the public sector is, stated simply, serving the public in a safe and effective manner. It includes inspection of facilities and services, advice to Council and Departments and the use of insurance sef\lices and management of assets and liabilities. Some linlL: ago IhL: DirL:dor of' FinancL: produced a Risk Managemenl Manual [or lhe Province or Ontario and the Municipal Finance Officers Association which was distributed to all municipalities in Onlario. This publication will be reproduced and distributed to all Department Ilcads to assist them in helping us control costs in Pickering. It is hoped that, as the year progresses, operating departments will be provided more information and assistance in the areas of insurance claims settlement and risk management, thereby further helping to control risks and costs. In the area of Claims Management, higher deductibles are being recommended to assist in controlling costs. It will be a few years before results can be stated with absolute certainty. but savings should result. A new Insurance Adjuster has been appointed, L.V. Walker and Associates, to better assist in the management and settlement of claims. Claims falling within thc dcductible will, most likely, continue to be referred to the Adjuster for settlement under a Reimbursable Deductible Program with our insurers. In time, an internal Claims Review Committee may be established to assist in dealing with those claims that can be settled quickly and simply, thereby potentially reducing costs. On the odd occasion when expert municipal legal liability opinions are required, advice will be sought, in conjunction with our insurers and the Town Solicitor, from a firm specializing in these areas ofIaw. ATTACHMENTS: \ \ 1. 2. 1998-1999 Insurance Program Comparison of Proposed 1998 Insurance Premium Renewal and Approved 1997 Premiums .'. Prepared By: ApprovedlEndorsed By: - ~~ Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer ___~z R-=--- Gillis A. Paterson Director of Finance & Treasurer GAP/md rro.r,,/' T t fllli"n npt1pr~1 M!1n!1O"pr FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED ,- Insurance Managers For Public Entities 4 COWAN STREET EAST PRINCETON-ONTARIO NOJ 1 VO April 27, 1998 Mr. Gil Paterson, C.M.A., Director of Corporate Services, Corporation of the Town of Pickering, 1 The Esplanade, PICKERING, Ontario. L1 V 6K7 ATTACHMENT #-L. TO REPORT# TR ~ 3/9ct Re: 1998 - 1999 Insurance Program Dear Gil: We are now pleased to enclose four copies of our 1998 Insurance Report setting out the Town's coverages on renewal. We have also enclosed the following:- ,,- . An appropriate supply of Automobile Liability Certificates for the licensed vehicles. . February 1998 issue of Cowan News . Year 2000 Bulletin NQ 1 dated February 1998 Administration should carefully examine Exhibit "A" (Property Schedule - Buildings, Contents, Unlicenced Equipment), Exhibit "B" (Licenced Automobile Fleet - Town) and Exhibit "C" (Licenced Automobile Fleet - Transit) to determine if these lists are accurate and up-to-date. Any changes or discrepancies should be reported to us. This letter serves to confirm that the Insurance Program is bound and covered, effective Renewal Date as set out in our Insurance Report. I will be contacting you shortly to arrange an appointment to review our current Report. Renewals will be held pending specific instructions. We trust the enclosed will be found in order and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. /jmb Encls. W. Reed, A.I.I.C., 'ce-President ~ Telephone (519) 458-4331 Facsimile (519) 458-4366 - - - FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED Yn.Jurance mafID.fjerj /or Public Cniitiej Princeton, Oniario COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE PROCRAM '- FOR CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINC 1998 INDEX Risk Management Comments and Revisions Highlights of coverage Cost Analysis Description of Coverages Exhibit A - property Schedule Exhibit B - Automobile Schedule (Town) Exhibit C - Automobile Schedule (Transit) - pages - Page - pages - Page - pages - Pages - Pages - Page 2 - 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 - 29 30 - 35 36 - 37 38 MR. DAVID W. REED, A.I.I.C., VICE-PRESIDENT, FRANK COWAN COMPANY LIMITED, PRINCETON, ONTARIO. PREPARED BY: DA TE: April 27, 1998 THIS IS A CONDENSED REPORT OF YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGES WHICH ARE OFFERED AS A COMPLETE INSURANCE PROGRAM. ANY CHANGES TO THE OVERALL PROGRAM ARE TO BE AGREED TO AS PART OF THE REVIEW PROCESS. NOTHING HEREIN ALTERS THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS CONTAINED IN THE PRINTED INSURANCE CONTRACT. REF: 60275.RMR/jmb TelephOne (5191458-4331 Toll Free 1-800-265-4000 Fax (519) 458-4366 RISK MANACEMENT - In today's economic climate, there are few opportunities for municipalities and public entities to reduce their costs while increasing efficiency. A successful risk management program will not only allow better understanding of your cost of risk, but also ensure more control over these costs. The recent experience of increasing claims costs and resultant increases in insurance costs should motivate even the smallest of communities to review their risk management methods. This is not a cumbersome task. Risk management in the public sector is nothing more than protecting people and property by operating in a safe manner. It is something that the community would expect but it has to be practised and supported to achieve the best results. Risk Management is a vital tool in the effort to preserve the standard of living in our communities. If the liabilities associated with operating resources become too much of a burden, resources become off - limits and the entire community suffers. we work with many of our clients, on an ongoing basis, in the development of Risk Management programs. Today, more than ever, we urge you to work with us to establish programs to protect you against the adverse effects of accidental loss. Please take a moment to examine your current Risk Management program. If you are uncomfortable with any aspects of your present program, let us know. Our Risk Management Department would be pleased to offer assistance, at no cost, to ensure that you reap the benefits of enhanced Risk Management procedures. By taking some simple steps, we can all move towards providing a safe, well managed environment for your community. - .2- OUR SERVICE COMMITMENT TO YOU - The FRANK COWAN COMPANY provides a wide array of services to complement the insurance program. All of these services are included at no additional cost to the client. SEMINARS RISK INSPECTION PROPERTY VALUATION TOLL-FREE TELEPHONE "HELP LlNE" - 1-800-265-4000 CLAIMS HANDLlNC CLAIMS REPORTINC ISSUANCE OF DOCUMENTS NEWSLETTERS "COWAN NEWS" - . Our staff will make presentations to your employees, managers and board members on insurance and risk management. These presentations include visual material and can be '- tailored to your individual needs. Last year, we presented well over 100 of these individual seminars. . Our staff will undertake periodic detailed inspections of the insureds property/buildings with formal reports on estimates of replacement cost for insurance purposes. As part of this process, we also make recommendations to correct liability/property hazards at the locations inspected. . Our toll-free telephone number can be called, free of charge, from anywhere in Canada. Our staff are trained to answer your questions on insurance and risk management matters. Inquiries such as policy interpretation, claims status, exposure analysis and advice on agreements can be followed by direct service in your office as required. . Our claims handling system is tailored to the needs of the public sector. Our unique expertise will ensure that claims are handled efficiently and appropriately. Detailed claims progress reports are produced and can be organized by type of loss or department to suit your needs. . Insurance policies, certificates, binder letters, endorsements, premium breakdowns and other related documents are issued promptly, direct from our office. . Newsletters containing articles of specific interest to our public sector clients are produced and distributed throughout the year. - 3- COMMENTS AND REVISIONS - 1. FLEET AND PROPERTY SCHEDULES Administration should carefully examine Exhibit "A" (property schedule), Exhibit "B" {Automobile Fleet - Town> and Exhibit "C" (Automobile Fleet - Transit) to determine "- accurate information. Any changes or discrepancies should be reported to us. 2. EXCESS LIABILITY The Owned Automobile policies (TOwn and Transit) are written at a S 10,000,000. Primary Limit with a S 5,000,000. Excess layer. -- - .4. HICHLlCHTS OF COVERACE -- CLASS OF INSURANCE SUMMARY OF COVERAGES LIMITS/AMOUNTS PARTA .. .... . . .. . . . . .:.; ."".:' .;.:-: ,', ........,.............. COMBINED CASUALTY POLICY: Municipal Liability Limit of Protection S 15,000,000. Deductible S 5,000. "- Errors and Omissions Limit of Protection S 15,000,000. Deductible S 2,500. Non-Owned Automobile Limit of Protection S 15,000,000. Environmental Liability Limit of Liability S 1,000,000. Aggregate S 2,000,000. Self-Insured Retention S 5,000. comprehensive Crime Commercial Blanket Bond S 1,000,000. - Money and Securities - Blanket any Location S 100,000. counterfeit Paper S Included Depositors' Forgery S Included Audit Expense (Sub-Limit S 100,000J S Included Councillors' Accident Accidental Death & Dismemberment S 100,000. weekly Income - Total Disability S 500. weekly Income - Partial Disability S 250. Municipal Conflict Reimbursement of Legal Fees of Interest and Expenses S 100,000. Legal Expense Reimbursement of Legal Fees S 100,000. Annual Aggregate S 250,000. ,- .5. HICHLlCHTS OF COVERACE - CLASS OF INSURANCE SUMMARY OF COVERAGES LIMITS/AMOUNTS fta:~"B .~"~{~:~:::;......,: property Insurance Total Sum Insured Deductible S 92,219,770. S 500./10,000. '- Electronic Data processing Total Sum Insured Deductible S 1,509,500. S 1,000. Boiler and Machinery Limit per Accident - comprehensive Deductible S 25,000,000. S 5,000. PARTie ................... Owned Automobile primary Limit S 10,000,000. - <Town) Section 3 (Third Party) Deductible S 1,000. - Reimbursement Agreement Section 6 (Direct Compensation) Deductible S 1,000. NO Physical Damage - 1951 Fwd Fire Truck (Parades) All perils Deductible S 5,000. . All Other Vehicles Owned Automobile primary Limit S 10,000,000. <Transit) Section 3 (Third Party) Deductible S 1,000. - Reimbursement Agreement Section 6 (Direct Compensation) Deductible S 1,000. All perils Deductible S 5,000. Excess Automobile Excess of primary Limit S 5,000,000. - (TOWn and Transit) .6. 1997 - 1998 EXPIRING ANNUALIZED PREMIUM s 374.708. -- COST ANALYSIS RENEWAL PROGRAM 1998-1999 TERM PAR'ItA . ................. COMBINED CASUALTY POLICY: MUNICIPAL LIABILITY '- S 108,027. 31,711. 364. 11,688. 3,423. 1,366. 800. 3,618. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE CRIME COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT CONFLICT OF INTEREST LEGAL EXPENSE -- PARTS ..... .-..-...... PROPERTY 56,447. 2,556. 8,713. ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING BOILER AND MACHINERY PART~ OWNED AUTOMOBILE <TOWN) EXCESS AUTOMOBILE <TRANSITI 31,102. 95,930. 258. 2,973. S 358,976. OWNED AUTOMOBILE <TRANSIT) EXCESS AUTOMOBILE <TOWN) ANNUAL PREMIUM PLUS APPLICABLE TAXES - .7- - '- COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE PROCRAM - SUMMARY OF INSURANCE COVERACES 1998 · 1999 - .8. - - - PART A COMBINED CASUALTY POLICY - 9- ,- MUNICIPAL LIABILITY INSURANCE . Limit - S 15,000,000. . S 5,000. Third Party Claims Deductible (including expenses) applies to each claim. . Bodily Injury, property Damage, Personal Injury and Employers' Liability. . Insures the Town against liability imposed by law for damages because of bodily injury or death to any person resulting from the operations of the Town and for damages to or destruction of property of others caused by an accident. . Insures the Town against liability imposed by law for damages because of personal Injury sustained by any person caused by false arrest, detention or imprisonment, malicious prosecution, libel, slander, defamation of character, humiliation, invasion of privacy, wrongful eviction, wrongful entry and discrimination. - . Included as Insureds are Members of council, Employees, statutory Officers, Fire- Fighters and Volunteers while performing their duties as such. Boards, Commissions and Committees including their Officers, Employees and Volunteers, are also included as Insureds while performing their duties. . Includes reimbursement of legal fees to defend wrongful dismissal actions subject to a limit for anyone claim of S 100,000. with an annual aggregate for all claims of S 200,000., subject to S 5,000. Deductible. . BlanKet Tenants' Legal Liability included. . voluntary property Damage (P.U.CJ included. - .10. - MUNICIPAL LIABILITY INSURANCE '- . VOluntary compensation for Employees or Volunteer Workers ($ 50. weekly Indemnity) included. . Municipal Marina Liability included'. . Malpractice coverage included. . Liquor Licence Act of ontario included. . Environmental Liability Exclusion. - . The Definition of Insured is extended to include: . student Workers of any Insured. . Individuals recruited by the Insured for the purpose of instructing participants in various programs made available by the Insured. - . 11 . - ERRORS AND OMISSIONS LIABILITY INSURANCE . Limit. S 15,000,000. '- . Insures the Town against liability imposed upon it by a court of Civil Law for compensatory damages because of a wrongful act. . Covers claims made during the policy period arising from wrongful acts occurring during that policy period. It also covers claims made during the term of our policy arising from wrongful acts occurring prior to inception of our policy, provided the Town had no knowledge of such wrongful acts when the policy was taken out. - . Will pay compensatory damages imposed upon the Town as a result of a negligent act, error or omission, in the administration of the Town's employee benefit programs. . The S 2,500. Deductible applies only to the Insured Corporation. All other individual Insureds are covered from the first dollar of any loss. . Some exclusions apply suCh as claims anslng out of breach of contract, or negotiation/selection/awarding of a contract, or any claim arising from Environmental Impairment. - . The Definition of Insured is extended to include any student worker of any Insured. - 12 - - NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE '- . Limit - S 15,000,000. . provides legal liability protection against claims arising out of accidents involving vehicles not owned by the Insured but being operated on its behalf. . Physical Damage insures the legal liability of the Insured for damage to vehicles not owned by them to a limit of S 500,000. with all perils claims being subject to a S 500. deductible. - . Excess of personal automobile liability insurance for Councillors, Administrators, statutory Officers, Employees, Volunteer Fire-Fighters and other Volunteers against claims arising out of an accident occurring when such person is driving on the business of the Town including driving to and from work. This coverage applies when contractually assumed by the Town, and is only in excess of the insurance on the automobile driven by such person and in no event less than the legal minimum limit of S 200,000. and is subject to the policy limit of the Town'S Non-Owned Automobile Policy. - .13. - ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY INSURANCE Limit of Liability AnyOne Claim Annual Aggregate Self-Insured Retention --- S 1,000,000. S 2,000,000. S 5,000. . This policy protects the Insured against liability caused by Environmental Impairment arising out of their operations for claims because of bodily injury, property damage or Environmental Impairment. . Municipal corporations are exposed to third party claims for environmental damages arising from, but not limited to, such risks as the ownership and/or operation of: . waste disposal sites . gravel pits or rock quarries . salt and salt treated sand including the application thereof . weed and brush spraying . sewage systems ~ . water systems . underground fuel tanks . unlicensed equipment (e.g. road graders) . The Environmental Liability policy is written on a Claims-Made form which means that the policy will respond to a claim FIRST made against the Insured during the policy period. . The self.insured retention applies to the total amount of each claim including all costs and expenses. . The Environmental policy is a Liability contract which provides protection for third party claims and, therefore, some expenses are excluded, including, but not limited to the following: (a) Expenses incurred to clean-up, or repair, the Insured's own property or property rented to the Insured; (b) Fines, penalties and punitive damages; (c) Liability assumed by the Insured under any contract or agreement except any agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment. - .14 - - CRIME INSURANCE Limits are as follows: commercial Blanket Bond packag€ which includes:- S 1,000,000. . Money Orders and counterfeit Paper currency · Forgery . Audit Expense (Sub-Limit S 100,000J Broad Form Money and Securities - Inside and Outside the-premises 100,000. - . The bond insures the loss of money, securities or other property sustained through the fraudulent or dishonest acts of any of the Town's Employees, Members of council, and Members of all Boards, Commissions and Committees appointed by and under the jurisdiction of council, and individuals who are temporarily hired for the sole purpose of collecting revenues. Individuals to include bailiffs appointed, contracted or otherwise engaged. . Broad Form Money insures loss of monies and securities sustained by the Town by the actual destruction, disappearance or wrongful abstraction thereof. . The audit expense coverage provides for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by the Insured to prepare proof of a valid loss under the policy and is in addition to the overall bond limit. - .15 - ,-. COUNCILLORS' ACCIDENT Benefits pavable are as follows: principal sum for LOSS of Life S 100,000. Capital sum for Dismemberment " S 100,000. weekly Indemnity - Total Loss of Time S 500. (payable for Life) weekly Indemnity - partial LOSS of Time S 250. (payable for One Year) Funeral Expenses S 6,500. Blanket Accident Expenses S 5,000. . This policy insures one Town Mayor/Regional Councillor, three Regional Councillors <Durham)/Town Councillor and three Town Councillors and nine Library Board Members on a twenty-four hour a day basis whether engaged in Council duties or otherwise. - . Benefits are payable, as described, in the event of accidental injury. Death from natural causes is excluded. . A schedule of Dismemberment Benefits is set out in the policy and payments are made in accordance with this schedule. . weekly Indemnities are payable in full and are not subject to pro rata payments or earned income restrictions. . Blanket Accident expenses include Dental, Chiropractic, Registered Nurse, podiatrist, Ambulance, Drugs, Crutches, etc. THESE BENEFITS ARE PAYABLE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE INJURED PERSON IS IN RECEIPT OF OTHER BENEFITS. .- .16. - MUNICIPAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST INSURANCE . This form of insurance provides for the reimbursement of legal fees and expenses incurred by elected or appointed members of Council who are charged under the '- Municipal Conflict of Interest Act provided that a court finds: (1) there has been no contravention; or (2) contravention has occurred by reason of inadvertence, remoteness, or insignificance; or (3) contravention has occurred by reason of a bona fide error in judgement. - . coverage is provided for 90% of incurred expenses up to a maximum limit of S 100,000. in respect of each individual Insured's claim. . This insurance also applies to any member of a Board, Commission or Committee of the Insured as defined in The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. - .17. -. - - LECAL EXPENSE INSURANCE . This form of insurance provides for the reimbursement of legal fees including " disbursements incurred by Municipal corporations, elected or appointed members, employees and volunteers, for charges under any statute of the province of Ontario (except for the Highway Traffic Act and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act). . Examples of the more common statutes where such exposure exists are: . Environmental Protection Act . Freedom of Information and Protection of privacy Act . occupational Health and safety Act . Ontario Water Resources Act . Pesticides Act . Municipal Elections Act . coverage is provided for 90% of legal fees and disbursements up to S 100,000. subject to an annual aggregate for all claims of S 250,000. . coverage applies to both Guilty and Not Guilty outcomes. -18. - - - '- PART B .19. - PROPERTY INSURANCE Total Amount of Insurance as per schedule of coverage: S 92,219,770. Deductible: S 500./10,000. "- For a list of assets insured refer to Exhibit "A" Highlights of the Cover provided are: . Blanket Amount on Insured property . Replacement Cost on assets unless specifically limited or excluded . All Risk Coverage - . Replacement on same site not required but settlement cost shall be based on replacing property on same site . Coverage provided for increased cost of repairs or replacement to the damaged portion of the property due to enforcement of any By-Law, Regulation, Ordinance or Law . Permission is granted to make additions, alterations and repairs, for property to remain vacant, for unrestricted use of the property and to keep and use such materials as are usual to the Insured'S business . 60 Day notice of cancellation . Some property and perils are excluded from coverage (see policy for all such exclusions> unless specifically included and cited in the policy. - - 20- ,- SCHEDULE OF COVERACE ITEM DESCRIPTION RIDER NO.1 BASIS OF LOSS SETTLEMENT APPLICABLE LIMIT OR AMOUNT OF INSURANCE 1. Blanket Amount on Property Insured: (exCluding items specifically insured) '- Replacement Cost S 88,090,700. 2. Specific Limit of Insurance on the following: (a) Fire Hall, Brougham Replacement Cost 30,000. (b) Park Storage Building, Centennial park Replacement Cost 7,000. (C) Storage and P.A. Building, Kinsmen park Replacement Cost 10,000. (d) Storage Building, N/S Dersan Road Replacement Cost 20,000. (e) Christian House, S/S whitevale Road Actual cash Value 10,000. (f) Rain Shelter, S/S Whitevale Road Replacement Cost 1,000. (g) vacant Dwelling, Garage & Shed, Lot 22, Actual Cash value 50,000. Plan 43, 4939 Old Brock Road, Pickering (to be demolished) (h) Altona Community Centre Replacement Cost 45,000. (i) Dwelling adjacent to Claremont Community park Replacement Cost 80,000. (to be demolished) 3. Limit on Valuable Papers: 300,000. 4. Limit on Accounts Receivable: 250,000. 5. Limit of Extra Expense Insured at Any One Location: 1,000,000. -- 6. Business Interruption - Gross Revenue: 2,070,000. 7. Rent or Rental value Form: 250,000. 8. Checkroom Liability: 5,000. On liability imposed by law upon the Insured for loss or damage to personal property of others including confusion of goods only while such property is in the custody of the Insured as bailee or otherwise in the course of the Insured's checkroom operation. 9. It is understood and agreed that "CITIBANK LEASINC CANADA LIMITED", is included as an Additional Insured with respect to the Model 211E Off set Press with Accesso ri es. It is further understood and agreed that prior notice of cancellation shall be given to Citibank Leasing Limited. 10. It is understood and agreed that with respect to Brougham community Centre, Brougham Fire Hall and Library and Altona Community Hall, the Insured shall read: Her Majesty the Queen in Right of canada represented by the Ministry of Public works and Corporation of the Town of Pickering. RIDER NO.2 1. Fine Arts Form: 1,070. 2. Loss if any, with respect to the items as per list on file, is payable to "ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM", as their interest may appear. -- - 21 - - - - SCHEDULE OF COVERACE ITEM DESCRIPTION RIDER NO. 3 1. Exhibition Form: DEDUCTIBLES: '- APplicable to Rider NO.1 S 10,000. EXCEPTION: - Checkroom Liability S 500. S 500. APplicable to Rider NOS. 2 & 3 BASIS OF LOSS SETTLEMENT APPLICABLE In no event shall the total deductible exceed S 10,000. in anyone occurrence. TOTAL AMOUNT OF INSURANCE .22 - LIMIT OR AMOUNT OF INSURANCE AS Per Lists provided S 92,219,770. EDP INSURANCE (ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSINC) - Blanket Amount of Insurance on: '- TOTAL S 1,424,900. 34,600. 50,000. S 1,509,500. 1,000. Data processing systems and Equipment Data processing Media Limit Data processing Extra Expense Limit Deductible . systems and Equipment. Insures against All Risks of direct physical loss or damage to Data processing systems and Equipment, including loss or damage while in transit or temporarily removed from the premises. covers loss or damage caused by mechanical failure, faulty construction, design errors, dryness or dampness in atmosphere, corrosion, rust, short circuit, blow-out or other electrical disturbances; dishonest, fraudulent or criminal acts of employees, earthquake and flood damage. . Data Processing Media - Insures against All Risks of direct physical loss or damage to data processing media including loss or damage while in transit or temporarily removed from the premises. ,---. . Extra Expense - Insures the necessary Extra Expense incurred by the Insured in order to continue as nearly as practicable the normal operation of its business, immediately following damage to or destruction of the insured data processing system including equipment, as a direct result of all risks of physical loss or damage. . property newly acquired will be automatically covered providing notice is given to the Insurer promptly. In addition, the Insured shall review the above values annually and report any such changes to the Insurer. . The deductible will apply to a claim under any of the Insuring Agreements or a combination thereof and will be waived if a claim also presented under an Automobile policy which includes damage to insured property. . Maintenance agreement on equipment not required but, if not available, a deductible <minimum of S 1,000J will apply to losses due to breakdown or disturbance unless the policy deductible stated above is greater in which case the policy deductible shall apply. - . LOSS, if any, with respect to equipment situate at the Library, E/S Water street, Port perry, is payable to "SCUc;Oc; MEMORIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY", as their interest may appear. .23. BOILER AND MACHINERY INSURANCE " S 25,000,000. 250,000. 100,000. 100,000. Included 100,000. 50,000. - Limit per Accident - comprehensive Extra Expense Water Damage Ammonia Contamination Expediting Expenses Hazardous Substance (including PCB Contamination) spoilage - Goods under Refrigeration Gross Revenue - All Buildings and Facilities, Greenwood Museum, Pickering - Don Beer Arena, Brock Road South, Pickering - Swimming pool, Rear of Dunbarton High schOol, White Side Road at Sheppard Avenue, Pickering - Pickering Recreation Complex, 1867 valley Farm Road, Pickering Professional Fees 90,000. 400,000. 100,000. 1,480,000. 50,000. 10,000. Included Data and Media - By-Law Cover Deductible 5,000. . comprehensive Blanket coverage provided (Blanket all Locations) Excluding Unlisted su b-Stati 0 ns. . Insures for sudden and accidental breakdown to pressure vessels, mechanical objects and miscellaneous electrical apparatus. . Breakdowns insured would include cracking, bulging, burning, explosion, mechanical breakdown and electrical burnout. . Insures both damage to equipment and to other property, resulting from these types of breakdowns. Separate Boiler and Machinery insurance is necessary, because Property policies normally exclude these types of loss. . The basis of recovery from an insured loss is repair or replacement cost. This eliminates the depreciation factor. . Broad Form Definition of Accident provided. . New locations automatically covered Excluding Sub-Stations. - . Newly installed objects are covered Excluding sub-stations. . Inspection and Certification Service is provided as required by law. .24 - BOILER AND MACHINERY INSURANCE ....... . computer Control Equipment - coverage is provided for breakdown of equipment whenever it is used solely to control or operate an insured object. . Waiting period (Gross Revenue> - First 24 hours after the Commencement of Liability. . Limited Cover: All Boilers and steam Engines with respect to steam Barn, Greenwood Museum, Pickering only. - - .25. - - PART C - .26. ,- - - AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE (TOwn) . primary Limit - S 10,000,000. anyone liability claim. S 1,000. Section 3 - Third Party Deductible - Reimbursement Agreement <including expenses) applies to each claim. Third party Liability insures the liability of the Town for Bodily Injury or property Damage arising from the use or operation of all licensed vehicles owned by the Town. ' . . . Section 6 - Direct compensation - property Damage (to the extent not at-fault) for damage to own vehicles provided as per Statute subject to a S 1,000. Deductible. compulsory statutory Accident Benefits provided as per Statute. . . Physical Damage: NO Physical Damage applicable to the 1951 Fwd Fire Truck (parades) S 5,000. All Perils Deductible applicable to All Other Vehicles . Insures all licensed vehicles owned by the Town for physical damage as indicated above. . Replacement Cost coverage provided on all required vehicles (Thus no deduction for depreciation for repairs or replacement of vehicles>. Newly acquired vehicles are automatically covered. For a list of vehicles, refer to Exhibit "B" coverage is extended to include: . . . . Inappropriately licensed drivers. . Blanket Liability for Trailers. . Permission to carry explosives. . permission to rent or lease. . Damage caused by freezing of Fire-Fighting Apparatus. . permission to carry passengers for compensation. . 27- - AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE (Transit) . primary Limit - S 10,000,000. anyone liability claim. . S 1,000. Section 3 - Third party Deductible - Reimbursement Agreement <including expenses) applies to each claim. . Third Party Liability insures the liability of the Transit for Bodily Injury or property Damage arising from the use or operation of all licensed vehicles owned by the Transit. . . Section 6 - Direct compensation - property Damage (to the extent not at-fault) for damage to own vehicles provided as per Statute subject to a S 1,000. Deductible. . Compulsory statutory Accident Benefits provided as per Statute. . Physical Damage S 5.000. All perils Deductible . Insures all licensed vehicles owned by the Transit for physical damage as indicated above. ".... . Replacement Cost coverage provided on all vehicles (Thus no deduction for depreciation for repairs or replacement of vehicles>. . Newly acquired vehicles are automatically covered. . For a list of vehicles, refer to Exhibit "c" . coverage is extended to include: . Inappropriately licensed drivers. . Blanket liability for Trailers. . Permission to carry explosives. . Permission to rent or lease. . permission to carry passengers for compensation. - - 28- - - ,- EXCESS AUTOMOBILE POLICY . S 5,000,000. Excess of primary Limit S 10,000,000. '-.. . Following form of primary coverages: Owned Automobile Fleet (Town and Transit) .29. - EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES GEN/L1BRARY 2124-0001 MUN.oFFICES/L1BRARY #l,THE ESPLANADE 22,213,100 FIRE 2 2240-0002 FIRE HALL 553 KINGSTON RD. 644,200 3 2240.0003 FIRE HALL S/S WELLINGTON ST, CLAREM 176,600 4 2240.0004 FIRE HALL 1616 BAYLEY ST. 804,400 5 2240-1830 STORAGE SHED 1616 BAYLEY ST. 2,300 6 2240.6135 FIRE HALL NfS HWY#7, BROUGHAM LIMITS 30,000 7 2240-3296 FIRE HALL FINCH & DIXIE, PICKERING 1,273,000 MUSEUM 8 2744-0093 oDDFELLoWS HALL GREENWOOD MUSEUM 105,000 9 2744.0092 GENERAL STORE GREENWOOD MUSEUM 35,000 - 10 2744.0091 BLACKSMITH SHOP GREENWOOD MUSEUM 54,700 11 2744-0095 COLE HOUSE GREENWOOD MUSEUM 114,800 12 2744-0094 CoMB.BARN GREENWOOD MUSEUM 21,800 13 2744-0099 BEEF RING BARN GREENWOOD MUSEUM 10,900 14 2744.0088 BIBLE CHURCH GREENWOOD MUSEUM 57,900 15 2744.0089 CHURCH SHED GREENWOOD MUSEUM 14,200 16 2744-0090 BROUGHAM HOTEL GREENWOOD MUSEUM 138,700 17 2744-0096 COLLINS HOUSE GREENWOOD MUSEUM 38,300 18 2744-0102 STORAGE SHED GREENWOOD MUSEUM 16,400 19 2744-0097 LOG HOUSE GREENWOOD MUSEUM 78,700 20 2744-0098 LOG BARN GREENWOOD MUSEUM 62,200 21 2744-6149 GAS/STEAM BARN GREENWOOD MUSEUM 136,700 22 2744.0101 ADMISSIONS BLDG GREENWOOD MUSEUM 224,000 23 2744.1828 STORAGE SHED GREENWOOD MUSEUM 4,400 24 2744-1829 PAVILLloN GREENWOOD MUSEUM 16,400 LIBRARY 25 2745-0103 LIBRARY 1340 RoUGEMoNT OR. 827,700 26 2745-0104 LIBRARY N/S CENTRAL ST. CLAREMONT 49.000 27 2745-0105 LIBRARY S/S WHITEVAlE RO, WHITEVAl 38,700 28 2745-6135 LIBRARY W/S WESTNEY RD. GREENWOOD 329,700 .30 - ....... EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES TRANSPORT A TIO 29 30 31 32 33 34 2315.0006 TRANSIT/WORKS CENTRE DERSAN RD.W. 2320.0007 SAND DOME DERSAN RD.W. 2320.0008 STORAGE SHED DERSAN RD.W. 2320.0010 SALT DOME DERSAN RD. W. 2320.0009 STORAGE BLDG DERSAN RD.W. STORAGE/GARAGE DERSAN RD.W. 3,193,900 128.500 28.200 128.500 73.600 533,100 PKS & REC/L1B POOL - COMPLEX ARENA 2718.0011 COMM.CENTRE/L1B W/S LIVERPOOL RD.S. 2.838,600 35 36 2713.0012 DUNBARTON POOL W/S WHITES RD. 1.936.100 37 2730.0085 RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 V ALLEY FARM RD. 29.172.000 38 2715.0014 DON BEER ARENA W/S DILLINGHAM RD. 6.157,700 PARKS & REC 39 2719.0075 GYM/SRS.CENTRE N/S KINGSTON RD. 452.500 40 2719.0077 COMM.CENTRE SIS BAYLEY ST.(WEST SHOREI 371.300 41 2719.0071 COMM.CENTRE E/S BROCK RD. BROUGHAM 207.000 42 2718.0016 PARK BLDG. DON BEER PARK, BROUGHAM 15.200 43 2719.0070 COMM.CENTRE E/S BROCK RD, CLAREMONT 530AOO 44 2719.0076 L.B.CLUBHOUSE W/S BROCK RD, CLAREMONT 92,300 45 2718.0019 FIELDHOUSE CLAREMONT PARK 99,300 46 2718.1827 PICNIC SHELTER CLAREMONT PARK 8.700 47 VACANT DWELLING, GARAGE & SHED. L22, PLAN 43, ACV 50.000 4939 OLD BROCK ROAD 48 2719.0080 CDMM.CENTRE N/S HWY#7. GREEN RIVER 247.800 49 2719.0073 COMM.CENTRE E/S GREENWOOD RD. GREENWOO 607.900 - .31 . - EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES "- PARKS & REC 50 2718.1826 STORAGE BLDG. EIS GREENWOOD RD, GREENWOO 11,600 51 2719-0074 COMM.CENTRE W/S SIDELlNE#6, MT.ZION 197,500 52 2719-1825 STORAGE SHED W/S SIDELlNE#6, MT.ZION 10,000 53 2718-0023 PARK STORAGE CENTENNIAL PARK LIMITS 7,000 54 2718-0018 FIELDHOUSE OUNMOORE PARK 121,600 55 2718.0025 FIELDHOUSE KINSMEN PARK 121,600 56 2718-1824 PICNIC SHELTER KINSMEN PARK 1,700 57 2718-1823 PICNIC SHELTER KINSMEN PARK 25,700 58 2718-0040 STORAGE/P-A BLD KINSMEN PARK LIMITS 10,000 59 2719-0081 MILLER HOUSE SfS WHITEVALE RD, WHITEVAL 92,300 60 2719-6148 ALTONA CO MM. CENTRE LIMITS 45,000 61 2718-0082 CHRISTIAN HOUSE S/S WHITEVALE RD, WHITEVAL ACV 10,000 - 62 2718-0055 SUN HUT S/S WHITEVALE RO, WHITEVAL 18,700 63 2718-0083 RAIN SHELTER S/S WHITEVALE RD. WHITEVAL LIMITS 1,000 64 2718.6148 TRAILER-CHANGEROOM 6,000 65 WASHROOM SfS WHITEVALE RD. WHITEVAL 500 66 2718-0041 STORAGE BLDG N/S DERSAN RD. LIMITS 20,000 67 2718-0079 STORAGE SHED N/S DERSAN RD. 14,000 68 SOCCER FLOODLIGHTING KINSMEN PARK 52,600 69 BALLPARK FLOODLIGHTING ALL LOCATIONS 350,700 70 TENNIS FLOODLIGHTING ALL LOCATIONS 292,200 71 TENNIS PADS & FENCING ALL LOCATIONS 438.400 72 CREATIVE PLAY STRUCTURES ALL LOCATIONS 724,800 73 PLA YGROUND EQUIPMENT ALL LOCATIONS 268,900 74 BLEACHERS ALL LOCATIONS 128,500 75 BALL DIAMOND FENCING/BACKSTOPS ALL LOCATIONS 306,000 ARENA 76 GROSS REVENUE DON BEER ARENA LIMITS 400.000 COMPLEX 77 GROSS REVENUE CENTRAL CORE COMPLEX LIMITS 990,000 78 GROSS REVENUE POOL COMPLEX LIMITS 190.000 79 GROSS REVENUE ARENA COMPLEX LIMITS 300,000 - .32. - EXHIBIT nAn PROPERTY SCHEDULE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES POOL 80 GROSS REVENUE DUNBARTON POOL LIMITS 100,000 MUSEUM 81 GROSS REVENUE GREENWOOD MUSEUM LIMITS 90,000 GENERAL 82 DWELlING(TO BE TORN DOWNI CLAREMONT PARK LIMITS 80,000 83 EXTRA EXPENSE ANY ONE LOCATION LIMITS 1,000,000 84 RENTAL INCOME LIMITS 250,000 ,- - - 33- -- EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE CONTENTS AND EQUIPMENT FIRE DEPT. ALL CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT INCLUDING COMMUNICATION 476,900 EQUIPMENT GENERAL 2 MUNICIPAL COMPLEX CONTENTS 1,323,900 PARKS & REC 3 GENERAL CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT INCLUDING COMMUNICATION 344,700 EQUIPMENT/CDMM.CTR CONTENTS 4 UNLICENSED PARKS & RECREATION EQUIPMENT 649,800 ,_. ARENA 5 DON BEER ARENA CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT 123,100 POOL 6 DUNBARTON POOL CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT 41.000 COMPLEX 7 RECREATION COMPLEX CONTENTS 602,800 TRANSPORT A TIO 8 CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT INCL. COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 216,800 WORKS/ENG 9 WORKS/ENG. CENTRE CONTENTS & EQUIPMENT INCLUDING 196,900 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 10 MISCELLANEOUS ROAD EQUIPMENT 303,300 11 UNLICENSED EQUIPMENT 719,300 MUSEUM - 12 GREENWOOD MUSEUM CONTENTS/EQUIPMENT 17,100 - 34. - EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY SCHEDULE CONTENTS AND EQUIPMENT LIBRARY 13 BA Y RIDGES LIBRARY CONTENTS 882,500 14 ROUGE HILL LIBRARY CONTENTS. 1340 ROUGEMO~T OR. 1,431,300 15 GREENWOOD LIBRARY CONTENTS, WfS WESTNEY RD 215,600 16 CLAREMONT LIBRARY CONTENTS, N/S CENTRAL ST 168,100 17 WHITEVALE LIBRARY CONTENTS S/S WHITEVALE RD 124,800 18 MAIN LIBRARY, ONE THE ESPLANDE SOUTH 2)58,100 19 LIBRARY EXHIBITION FORM VALUED GEN/LlBRARY 20 VALUABLE PAPERS LIMITS 300,000 ,-, GENERAL 21 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE LIMITS 250,000 RECREATION 22 CHECKROOM LIABILITY LIMITS 5,000 MUSEUM 23 FINE ARTS FLOATER VALUED 1.070 ,- .35. ,- EXHIBIT "B" AUTOMOBILE FLEET SCHEDULE - TOWN MA YORS OFFICE 007 95 OLDS 88 ROY ALE 320353 REPL 20,000 CLERKS DEPT 2 401 89 PONTIAC TEMPEST 716239 REPL 1 a.oOO 3 300 93 GMC PICKUP S52487 REPL 21,000 FIRE PROTECTN 4 500 51 FWD FIRE TRUCK (PARADESl KK2638 NO PHYSICAL DAMAGE 5 501 78 FORD AERIAL FIRE TRUCK C15014 REPL 660,000 6 502 74 GMC TANK FIRE TRUCK 581248 REPL 169,000 7 503 81 INT. PUMPER (STANDBYl Al0023 REPL 327,000 8 504 90 PIERCE FIRE TRUCK 900536 REPL 509,000 9 505 73 GMC TANK FIRE TRUCK 510297 REPL 169,000 10 506 78 INT. FIRE PUMPER A20873 REPL 327,000 - 11 507 73 GMC PIERREVILLE PUMPER 560630 REPL 327,000 12 508 68 FORD PUMPER 543048 REPL 327,000 13 509 73 GMC TANK FIRE TRUCK 551433 REPL 169,000 14 511 90 PIERCE FIRE TRUCK 900581 REPL 509,000 15 512 80 CHEVROLET EMERGENCY TRUCK 188750 REPL 102.000 16 513 85 MACK MR 686P PUMPER 002329 REPl 327,000 17 515 95 FRIEGHTlINER FIRE TRUCK 640731 REPl 306.000 18 516 96 FREIGHTlINER FL80 PUMPER 810327 REPl 347,000 19 514 91 INT. RESCUE UNIT 325260 REPl 150,000 20 521 89 CHEV. CAPRICE 182186 REPl 20,000 21 522 87 CHEV. CAPRICE STATION WAGON 118272 REPl 20.000 22 523 89 DODGE PICKUP 002433 REPl 2l.000 23 524 85 DODGE VAN 297192 REPl 23,000 WORKS DEPT 24 625 94 FORD EXPlOROR B 72904 REPl 26,000 25 616 87 CHEV. BLAZER 165929 REPl 23.000 26 618 89 GMC JIMMY 524285 REPl 23.000 27 619 89 GMC VAN 526218 REPl 23.000 28 620 91 CHEV. BLAZER 121643 REPL 23.000 29 621 91 CHEV. BLAZER 122236 REPL 23.000 30 622 91 CHEV. BLAZER 121993 REPl 23.000 31 624 92 FORO EXPLORER E15256 REPL 23,000 - .36. - EXHIBIT "B" AUTOMOBILE FLEET SCHEDULE. TOWN ROADS DEPT 32 090 94 INT. DUMP TRUCK 595256 REPl 114,000 33 091 93 FORD F350 STAKE A35232 REPl 26,000 34 076 88 INT. TANDEM DUMP TRUCK 531519 REPl 114,000 35 077 87 INT. DUMP TRUCK 531505 REPl 114,000 36 092 93 FORD F250 PICKUP A3266i REPl 26,000 37 078 89 INT. DUMP 640094 REPL 114,000 38 079 89 INT. DUMP 640093 REPl 114,000 39 080 89 INT. DUMP 640092 REPl 114,000 40 081 91 CHEV. PICKUP 117887 REPl 19,000 41 082 91 INT. DUMP 334110 REPl 114,000 42 083 92 INT. DUMP 418729 REPl 114,000 43 084 92 INT. TANDEM DUMP 418734 REPl 114,000 44 085 92 FORD PICKUP A49845 REPl 21.000 45 086 93 DODGE TRUCK 171050 REPl 26,000 46 087 93 FORD TRUCK A37400 REPl 26,000 47 088 93 FORD TRUCK A37399 REPl 26,000 - 48 089 93 INT. TRUCK 487185 REPl 114,000 49 110 89 BADGER 460 TElE. HYDROL. UNIT 240836 REPl 205,000 50 116 81 BADGER HYDRO.-EXCAVATOR 172241 REPL 145,000 51 142 86 SUNVAC SWEEPER Bl0821 REPl 26,000 C.SERVS.&FAC. 52 700 86 CHEV. CELEBRITY 117205 REPl 18,000 53 703 91 FORD PICKUP A72161 REPl 21.000 54 706 93 FORD PICKUP B19240 REPl 21,000 55 707 93 FORD TRUCK Bl0138 REPl 21,000 56 701 94 FORD EXPLORER C39151 REPl 26,000 57 728 84 CHEV. TRUCK 141757 REPl 114,000 58 735 88 CHEV VAN 152982 REPl 23.000 59 736 89 CHEV. PICKUP 208447 REPl 21,000 60 740 89 GMC PICKUP 531783 REPl 21,000 61 741 89 FORD REFUSE PACKER A79690 REPl 114,000 62 744 89 FORD CREWCA8 A77198 REPl 23,000 63 745 90 FORD CREW CAB PICKUP A25138 REPl 23.000 64 746 90 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK 118539 REPL 25,000 65 747 90 FORD DUMP 027300 REPl 114,000 66 748 91 CHEV. BLAZER 122068 REPl 23.000 67 775 93 FORD VAN 852659 REPl 22,000 ,~ - 37- - EXHIBIT "C" AUTOMOBILE FLEET SCHEDULE - TRANSIT 1 901 90 CHEV. CORSICA 104195 REPL 20,000 '- 2 906 79 ORION PUBLIC BUS ISPAREl 182144 REPL 196,000 3 907 80 ORION BUS ISPARE) 0246 REPL 196,000 4 908 80 ORION BUS (SPARE) 0251 REPL 196,000 5 909 80 ORION BUS (SPARE) 0252 REPL 196,000 6 910 81 ORION PUBLIC BUS ISPAREl 210892 REPL 196,000 7 911 81 ORION BUS 0370 REPL 196,000 8 930 94 ORION BUS 031829 REPL 196,000 9 914 81 ORION BUS 0372 REPL 196,000 10 915 81 ORION BUS 0373 REPL 196,000 11 916 83 ORION PUBLIC BUS 463656 REPL 196,000 12 917 84 ORION PUBLIC BUS 559986 REPL 196,000 13 918 84 ORION PUBLIC BUS 560989 REPL 196,000 14 919 84 ORION PUBLIC BUS 561992 REPL 196,000 15 920 85 ORION PUBLIC BUS 001137 REPL 196,000 16 921 87 ORION BUS 001656 REPL 196,000 17 923 88 ORION BUS 001871 REPL 196,000 .~ 18 922 88 ORION BUS 001870 REPL 196.000 19 924 89 ORION BUS 002244 REPL 196,000 20 925 89 ORION BUS 002245 REPL 196,000 21 926 90 ORION BUS 002745 REPL 196,000 22 927 92 ORION BUS 031130 REPL 196.000 23 92 ORION BUS 031133 REPL 196,000 24 H03 78 CHEVROLET HANOI. TRANS. 316158 REPL 68,000 25 929 94 ORION BUS 031821 REPL 196.000 26 H06 86 FORD WAYNE HANOI TRANS BUS B38956 REPL 68,000 27 H09 81 ORION BUS - HANOI TRANSISPAREI 0371 REPL 68,000 28 Hl0 90 FORO THOMAS HANOI TRANS. BUS A21767 REPL 75,000 29 Hll 93 FORD ElF LOW FLOOR HANOI.TRANS 000038 REPL 68,000 30 H12 93 FORO ELF 124 BUS. HANOI TRANS A52M2P REPL 68,000 31 902 94 FORD SERVICE TRUCK (GARAGE) A17626 REPL 26,000 32 202 94 FORD PICKUP 81665 REPL 19,000 .-- .38. ,. -, en :2: :J :2: W 0:: ll. I"- en en 'C"" J: I- ~ ...I ~ W Z W 0:: C):2: z2 -:2: O::w Wo:: ,-.. ~ll. -w ll.o U.Z ~~ 3::J oen I-~ co en en 'C"" C W en 0 ll. 0 0:: ll. 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