HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 31-07 Citq ,,~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 31-07 Date: June 11,2007 '- "O'iO From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Ilntersection Pedestrian Signal .. Valley Farm Road at The Esplanade SouthlDiefenbaker Court File: A-~~130 Recommendiiltion: 1. That Heport OES 31-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the installation of an Intersection Pedestrian Signal on Valley Farm Road south of Kingston Road (Regional Highway 2) be received; and 2. That the staff proposed location for the Intersection Pedestrian Signal being at the north side of the Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade SouthlDiefenbaker Court intersection be endorsed; and 3. That staff be directed to remove the existing midblock coloured street print crossing on Valley Farm Road between Esplanade Park and the Recreation ComplE~x after the intersection pedestrian signal has been installed and activatE!d. Executive Summary: On February 6, 2006, City of Pickering Council passed Resolution #10106 authorizing the execution of a Lease Agreement with The Rockport Group. The agreement established lease payment funding in the amount of $65,000 for the use of City lands for the purposes of material storage and construction staging associated with the development. The $65,000 lump sum payment, corresponding to the estimated value of an Intersection Pedestrian Signal (IPS), was to be used to fund the installation of an IPS on Valley Farm Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway, at a location to be determined. As Regional staff will be proceeding with the design of the IPS for construction later this year, municipal staff were asked to finalize the location. Having completed a review, Municipal Property & En!~ineering Division traffic staff hereby recommend that the IPS be installed at the north side of the Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade South intersection. Report DES 31-07 June 11, 2007 Subject: Intersection Pedestrian Signal Valley Farm Road at The Esplanade South/Diefenbaker Court Page 2 04J Financial Implications: The proposed IPS on Valley Farm Road was included and approved in the 2006 Capital Budget at an estimated cost of $65,000 which is 100% developer funded. Sustainability Implications: The installation of an IPS at the intersection of Valley Farm Road and The Esplanade South/Diefenbaker Court promotes the social lens of sustainability by improving pedestrian safety and enhancing pedestrian activities/access to the municipal Recreation Complex, Civic Centre, local commercial district and the new Seniors facility development by the Rockport Group. Background: Valley Farm Road is a type C arterial roadway with typical daily volumes of 5500 vehicles. Given the surrounding pedestrian generating facilities such as the corporate Civic Complex, recreation complex and neighbouring commercial district, municipal staff received numerous concerns with respect to pedestrian safety crossing Valley Farm Road. Consequently, staff were asked to investigate the need for improvements to the area traffic controls and the justification for the installation of an Intersection Pedestrian Signal to aid pedestrian traffic across Valley Farm Road. A study was conducted in the fall of 2005 indicated that irrespective of the high volume of vehicular traffic in the area, there was insufficient pedestrian volumes to warrant the installation of an IPS at that time. Area improvements were limited to additional pedestrian advance warning signs to augment the presence of the informal pedestrian crossing across Valley Farm Road leading from the Recreation Complex to Esplanade Park. The review also identified that while the use of signs advising motorist of the presence of pedestrians in the area is appropriate, the midblock crossing should be removed as it directed pedestrians to cross Valley Farm Road at an location other than an intersection, at what could be deemed an official crosswalk thereby misleading pedestrians that they have the right of way over vehicles. On January 24, 2006 Planning & Development presented report PD 08-06 to Executive Committee which recommended the City in cooperation with the Rockport Group complete a land lease agreement. The agreement established funding in the amount of $65,000.00 for the construction of an Intersection Pedestrian Signal on Valley Farm Road at a location between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway. In anticipation of the opening of the new seniors residence by the Rockport Group, and the financial assistance for the construction of an IPS, the work was proposed and approved via the 2006 capital budget. As Traffic Operations staff from the Region of Durham's Works Department are initiating the preliminary design of the IPS with construction proposed for later this year, City staff have completed a review of the area in order to establish a suitable location on Valley Farm Road. Report OES 31-07 June 11,2007 Subject: Intersection Pedestrian Signal Valll~y Farm Road at The Esplanade; South/Diefenbaker Court Page 3 ,,; '. ~ It 'l The following iis a list of candidate sites and staff comments with respect to suitability: Location alon!~ Anticipated crossing protection benefiting pedestrian traffic to/from MAP V;alley Farm Civic Recreation Rockport Pickering Road Complex Complex Seniors Town Centre A Avonmore Square none none none none B Esplanade North low low none none (north side) C Esplanade North medium medium none none (south side) D Esplalnade Park high high low none (midblock) E Esplanade South medium medium high high (north side) F Esplanade South none high high (south side) none Based on the above results, the maximum crossing protection across Valley Farm Road is achieved at the north side of the intersection of Valley Farm Road and Esplanade South as an IPS at that location would provide maximum benefit for pedestrian traffic to/from all thl~ major pE~destrian generating points of origin and destination. With respect to aesthetics, placing the IPS poles and controller on the north side does not deter from the urban landscaped boulevard being constructed as part to the development at the southeast corner. Because of an existing Pickering Town Centre Mall sign located within the mall walkway at the southwest corner of Glenanna Rd and Esplanade South, pedestrian traffic to the mall would bE~ better served on the north side of the intersection via the pedestrian walkway adjacent to the movie theatre entrance. Attachments: 1. Location Map Report OES 31-07 June 11,2007 Subject: Intersection Pedestrian Signal Valley Farm Road at The Esplanade South/Diefenbaker Court Page 4 Approved I Endorsed By: ,.."\. 043 Prepared By: Everett B Director Operations and Emergency Services RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Planning & Development Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C ncil /1 ~ t~ @ PEDESTRIAN CROSSING LOCATIONS & PROPOSED IPS ALTERNATIVES A Intersection Valley Farm Rd. @ Avonmore Square B Intersection Valley Farm Rd @ Esplanade North (north side) C Intersection Valley Farm Rd @ Esplande North (south side) D Midblock Valley Farm Rd @ Esplande Park E Intersection Valley Farm Rd @ Esplanade South (north side) F Intersection Valley Farm Rd @ Esplande South (south side) OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCALE: DRAWN DATE: N.T.S. JUNE 4, 2007 (R) ,."",-,,. CL MEN""'" I /:~" f ~ ./~, \;,-...r~;". ' Ph..,.".. Dl:':lf),:n,l.t Ac:' C! 31 -07 r\.r.:: ~ '\_ ~ 10, ". "..JLw.=~. ............... [-' ~1[: . =:~D C1 (,:1 ~ ~~:3[] ROCKPORT SENIORS COMPLEX VALLEY FARM RD. 111111111111 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ~.."" VALLEY FARM ROAD IPS POTENTIAL LOCATIONS 0:\2007 OES Records\0-2400 Traffic\}-2400-001-0S Concems\CJvic area pedestrian review\Civic area IPS localion study_cdr CiiLf a/ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 32-07 Date: June 11, 2007 045 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Supply and Delivery of - Two (2) 10' Rotary Mowers - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 32-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) 10' Rotary Mowers, be received; and 2. That Quotation No. Q-36-2007, as submitted by G.C. Duke Equipment for the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) 10' Rotary Mowers in the amount of $77,000.00, (GST and PST extra) be accepted; and 3. That the total gross purchase cost of $87,780.00 and net purchase cost of $83,160.00 as outlined in Report OES 32-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, be approved; and 4. That the Council of the City of Pickering authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project from the Parkland Reserve Fund; and 5. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The purchase of two 10' rotary mowers to replace the City's Unit #732, a 1999 Toro 15' mower was approved in the 2007 Capital Budget. This purchase will improve the delivery of service to the citizens of Pickering. Staff are recommending acceptance of the quotation from the low bidder, G.C. Duke Equipment which meets our specifications.