HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 27, 2007 Citq o~ Minutes WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Apr. 27, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Craig Bamford Jim Dike Steve Holt David Steele Kevin Tower Doris Chee, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Linda Roberts, Committee Coordinator (Recording Secretary) Also Present: Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Larry Field, TRCA Professor Mathew Wells, University of Toronto Rob Bishop, Project Manager, Marshall, Mackin Monaghan Alan May, Commodore, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club Regrets: Mayor Ryan David Stone Chandra GocDol Patricia Korol 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Dele ations a) Professor Wells, University of Toronto Masters Proqram Study on Frenchman's Bav Professor Wells from the University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus made a presentation with respect to the study which will be conducted during the summer months of July and August in Frenchman's Bay. He indicated the study will be conducted by a graduate student at the University. He went over the criteria for the stud : Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 . Water exchange between Frenchman's Bay and Lake Ontario . How the water levels fluctuate, measurements of currents . How far into the Bay the inflow of water from Lake Ontario will travel . Instruments used to measure the depth, fluctuations in temperature and currents will be submerged in Frenchman's Bay, with one outside the Bay for the two months in summE~r . Funding for this is provided by the National Science and Engineering Council . Professor Wells indicated that the present assumption is that most of the sediment is coming from Lake Ontario. A question and answer period ensued. Questions arose regarding: . Impact on habitat . Up-welling, warm, cold water being drawn up . Soil entering the Bay . Depth and width of channel, and whether this is limiting the fluctuation of water in and out of the Bay Professor Wells indicated he hopes to come back at the end of summer to update the Committee with results of this study. He indicated the study would mostly be a collection of field data at this point. Councillor O'Connell requested that he provide the Committee with copies of the study at that time. Professor Wells to provide copies of study in the Fall Alan May, Commodore, Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club, stated that he would provide storage for the Zodiac that will be used in this study at the Yacht Club. b) Rob Bishop, Project Manager Marshall. Macklin Monaqhan Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering, introduced Rob Bishop, a representative from Marshall, Macklin Mona~Jhan to give an update with respect to the Status Report on Frenchman's Bay Watershed Study. Mr. Bishop brought the Committee up to date on where the City is with the study at this point. He handed out copies of the Executive Summary of the Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Ba . Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 He indicated they were following the Class Environmental Assessment process and indicated their inventory of existing conditions. Generally it was found that the water quality is very poor, with some local flooding issues and erosion problems that could impact habitats. He talked about various processes for solutions, what could be done to improve, and the preliminary cost estimates. Salt on Hwy 401 was a large contributor to the water quality in Frenchman's Bay. Discussion ensued on funding issues. David Steele indicated that we should not be restricted by City funds, but should be looking to the Federal and Provincial levels of government for funding. A question and answer period ensued. The four main projects were indicated: . Stormwater Master Plan . Harbour Entrance . Waterfront Trail & signage . Outreach, educational awareness. Craig Bamford noted that it had been the understanding from 2005 that all phases would be proceeding together, with one plan and one EA study. Councillor O'Connell explained the financial restraints involved now, as well as the various City departments involvement, and why the one plan approach would not be feasible. 3. Approval of Minutes Minutes of the March 8, 2007 meeting Moved by Jim Dike, Seconded by David Steele Carried 4. Work Ian Councillor O'Connell opened this up for discussion. She indicated that we have new initiatives coming up this year, and that the workplan would be ongoing. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Jim Dike noted that the City had received $300,00 from the Province for an environmental assessment with respect to the design of the harbour entrance at Frenchman's Bay, and provided a handout with respect to this. Discussion ensued. Councillor O'Connell requested more background information on this subject, and indicated we would bring this item forward at a future meeting for further discussion. 5. Terms of Reference This item was deferred to the next meeting 6. Other Business a) Western Gatewav Proiect Councillor O'Connell gave an overview of the project. She showed the drawings indicating the continuation of the waterfront trail. She indicated this was being brought forward again due to the potential of a partnership with the City of Toronto on this project. The estimated value of this project is approximately $800,000 with a possible 50/50 split with the City of Toronto. Councillor O'Connell noted the benefits to the City of Toronto, being that the City of Pickering would take over the responsibility of the area. It was noted that actual costs were not known at this time. Steve Holt asked if these plans were available on PDF. Councillor O'Connell stated she was looking for input from the Committee on this project, as negotiations with the City of Toronto were ongoing. She indicated this was an important step for the Committee in putting us one step closer to completing the Waterfront Trail. Larry Field, TRCA pointed out that this project has all the required approvals in place at this point. b) Compensation - Hvdro Spill Doris Chee briefly went over the hydro spill from 2005. She indicated that the City had received just over $36,000.00 which basically covered the cost of labour and materials for clean up CORP0228-2/02 Doris to get background information Doris to ask Debi Bentley - to provide a template Doris to provide Page 4 c) Frenchman's Bay Festival Jim Dike questioned the City's involvement with the Frenchman's Bay Festival. Councillor O'Connell stated that the City would not be involved with this festival in 2007, but indicated that the community could certainly organize an event. The only City involvement would be for any required permits. d) Duffin Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Doris gave an update on the expansion. She indicated approvals had been given to the Regions to prepare the site for expansion. Negotiation of land exchanges and building permits are Doris to provide underway. Councillor O'Connell requested a briefing on this project. 6. Next Meetin The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 21,2007 at 7 pm in the Main Committee Room. Meeting Adjourned 9:20 pm Copy: Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Directors Division Heads Page 5 CORP0228-2/02