HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 14-07 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 14-07 Date: February 26, 2007 'in'" l.U.1. From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Financial Control Policy Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 14-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding the Financial Control Policy be received; 2. That the Financial Control Policy be approved by Council; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The attached policy will provide elected and appointed officials and City staff with consolidated guidelines governing the spending of money and budgetary control. Financial Implications: This policy should result in improved financial and budgetary control across the Corporation as the authorities and responsibilities are clearly delineated. Sustainability Implications: sustainability. This report contains no information pertaining to Background: Certain financial responsibilities are outlined in the Municipal Act, 2001 and inherent in the duties of the Treasurer, or others may have been delegated by Council over time. A Financial Control policy is necessary to summarize/consolidate these guidelines and responsibilities. Certain Sections of the Policy allow a limited degree of latitude to the Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer within the Budgets established annually by Council so as to ensure that the business of the City is conducted in the most efficient, effective and responsible manner. Report CS 14-07 February 26, 2007 Subject: Financial Control Policy ~ (\ J~) .1.U,- Page 2 This Policy will also provide for a greater degree of responsibility on the part of staff in ensuring proper budget control. While this has always been understood, it has not been established in a Council approved policy. While it is not suggested that the proposed policy will assist in all situations and solve all problems, it is a necessary and important step in exercising sound financial practices and controls. It is anticipated that over time changes and improvements will be identified resulting in ongoing amendments. The Financial Control Policy will increase operational efficiencies while putting in place sound financial policies and effective and clear guidelines for expenditures and budget control. The Chief Administrative Officer, the Chief Executive Officer of the Library and the Department Heads have all reviewed this Policy and are in concurrence with it. Attachments: 1 . Financial Control Policy Approved I Endorsed By: ._5.:~~~' ~;; Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Chief Executive Officer, Library Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ;:;;:;;>;/ ,// r::;;:r-:7--;~ Tjl6~:~'J. Quinn, R MR. eM "Chief AdministratiJ Officer // ATTACHMENT # L. TO REPORT # .cs....JQ-tY7 CITY POLICY "'n"" j( ~: -, __ 'C.J'v Approval: Date Originated: Policy Number: Council Classification: FIN Reference: Date Revised: Category: 030 Subject: 001/001 Policy Title: FINANCIAL CONTROL POLICY POLICY STATEMENT: The City of Pickering staff is committed to providing leadership, quality customer service and best value to the ratepayers of the City of Pickering through the provision of responsible and prudent fiscal management. We are committed to providing efficient and professional services as it relates to overall financial management, strategic financial planning, budget, internal audit and accounting services, financial reporting systems, and advice. POLICY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Policy is to: 1. Ensure the financial well being of the City of Pickering is in accordance with Council and Corporate policies, Provincial and Federal Legislation and Regulations and professional accounting principles. 2. Establish and maintain a system of internal controls, policies and procedures to ensure the integrity and reliability of financial information. 3. Ensure that the financial assets of the City of Pickering are maximized and safeguarded at all times. 4. Ensure the liabilities of the City of Pickering are minimized and controlled to the best ability of staff. 5. Ensure the financial stability of the City including the management of financial risk. 6. Ensure the Council, the Chief Administrative Officer and staff have accurate, timely and authoritative financial advice and information. Page 1 of 13 "" t'''',,,, .1. U 'J GENERAL: 01 Definitions: 01.01 01.02 01.03 01.04 01.05 01.06 01.07 01.08 01.09 01.10 01.11 Approval of Council - the funding approval authorized by the adoption of the final current and capital budgets or the adoption of specific recommendations/resolutions. Capital Budqet - an annual plan that sets forth each project or other capital expenditure to be undertaken by the City and specifies the full resources necessary to finance the projected expenditures. . Capital Expenditure - an expenditure in excess of a predetermined dollar limit defined by the Treasurer and which has a useful life extending beyond the current year. Chanqe Float - a sum of money to be maintained and used to provide change when cash is received from the public. Chief Administrative Officer (CAD) - the senior appointed officer responsible for the administrative operations of the City. City - The Corporation of the City of Pickering. Committee - a Committee of Council established under the City's Procedural By-Law No 3665/91, as amended. Commitment - a contractual obligation for the purchase of goods, services or construction, including the execution of any document evidencing the obligation. Council - the elected officials of the City of Pickering. Continqency Account - the money approved in the current budget to provide for funding of one-time expenditures that were not known or anticipated at the time the current budget was approved by Council. Current Budqet - an annual financial plan providing for the operation of the municipality for the current year incorporating both estimates of proposed expenditures and revenues, including property taxes to be raised. Page 2 of 13 01.12 01.13 01.14 01.15 01.16 01.17 01.18 01.19 01.20 01.21 01.22 01.23 Department - an organizational unit of the City headed by a Department Head. .c r~ ~.~.... LV:;) Departmental Budqet - the current and capital budgets of the department as approved by Council in adopting the estimates. Disposal - the selling, trading, assignment, and/or scrapping of surplus assets. Fixed Asset - vehicles, equipment and computer hardware. Grant - payments made to individuals or organizations, which are approved by Council for a purpose related to the well-being of the community or its citizens. Inventory - materials or items used or consumed in the provision of City services. Member - a member of Council. Petty Cash Fund - a sum of money to be maintained and used for miscellaneous payment of money for the purchase of goods or services not exceeding a specified amount. Purchasinq Card - a credit card that is used to purchase goods and/or services. The use of the card is restricted to selected merchant types and may be subject to spending or and/or transaction limits. Proiect - an undertaking, work, or scheme included in the capital budget. Real Property - lands, buildings, tenements or any interest, estate or right or easement affecting it. Treasurer - the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of the City. 02 Responsibilities: 02.01 Council to: (a) Approve and support this policy. Page 3 of 13 ~; r!"~, .l. V iJ 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: (a) Support the Financial Control Policy. (b) Approve amendments for the consideration of Council. 02.03 DepartmenVDivision Heads/Manaqers/Supervisors to: (a) Support the Financial Control Policy. 02.04 Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to: (a) Support the Financial Control Policy. (b) Maintain proper financial controls and procedure guidelines to ensure accountability in the matters of finance and related administration. (c) Review amendments to this policy for the consideration of Council. (d) Provide final interpretations and rulings in regard to the understanding and application of this policy. (e) Approve procedures as prepared by the Manager, Finance & Taxation or Manager, Accounting Services. 02.05 ManaQer, Finance & Taxation/Manaqer, AccountinQ Services to: (a) Prepare and maintain administrative procedures required to implement the provisions of this policy. (b) Present such administrative procedures to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer for approval. 03 Authority 03.01 This Policy shall be administered by the Corporate Services Department and the Treasurer shall have the authority to interpret any provisions in this policy necessary for the good and efficient conduct and business of the City. Any changes shall be approved by Council. Page 4 of 13 03.02 In all cases the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, any Regulations passed there under and any other Provincial or Federal Legislation or Regulations and professional accounting principles shall prevail as it may pertain to the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer and any financial matters. ~ r.~ .!:..Ut 04 Purpose 04.01 The collection of revenues, the commitment of funds and the payment of expenditures of the City shall be carried out by the Treasurer in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and any Acts, Regulations or directions of the Province of Ontario or the Government of Canada and generally accepted accounting principles. 05 Scope 05.01 This policy applies to all operations of the City of Pickering including any Agencies, Boards and Commissions. It applies to the Library to the extent that it does not conflict with the role of the Board or Chief Executive Officer under the Public Libraries Act. 06 Sole Authoritv 06.01 Council has the sole authority to allocate funds for corporate expenditures and projects and for approving corporate programs and objectives, unless otherwise provided for in this Policy. 07 BudQets 07.01 Council, in adopting the total of all sums required during the year for the operating purposes of the City shall, in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, determine the current budget required to provide for the sums required for every purpose and the sums required for the various categories. 07.02 Council, in adopting the capital budget, shall determine the sums required for each capital project included in the capital budget and each sum provided therefore shall be a capital account. 07.03 The Treasurer, after consultation with the appropriate Department Head, may close any capital project account when the project is considered to be complete and may, Page 5 of 13 ~r (~ .i. U ~:j 07.04 07.05 subject to the provIsions of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, apply any surplus funding to any other capital project at his/her discretion or transfer surplus funds back to their respective source. Departments shall be allowed to incur, before the adoption of the current budget for the year, interim spending for the sums required in that year for the period from the 1 st day of January to the date the estimates for that year are adopted, operating costs up to an amount of 50% of the prior year's budget. Prior to the approval of the annual budgets, expenditures for capital assets and projects shall be approved by the appropriate Department Head, the Treasurer, the Chief Administrative Officer and Council prior to committing or expending funds for the purchase or undertaking. These pre-budget approvals may be subject to the provisions for Emergency Purchases provided for in the Purchasing By-law and Policy. 08 Spendinq Authoritv 08.01 The current and capital budgets approved by Council establish the spending authority for a program. Department Heads shall ensure that expenditures do not exceed the approved program budget. 08.02 Spending or funds control is based on the total gross expenditures approved for a program. Department Heads must address revenue shortfalls in this review of expenditure levels. Unforeseen revenues are not to be expended or committed without the approval of the Treasurer. 08.03 Department Heads shall report any anticipated significant over-expenditure or revenue shortfall to the Treasurer as soon as such is known. 08.04 The Chief Administrative Officer, together with the Treasurer, may amend the spending authority of any staff member. 09 Commitments 09.01 No financial commitment shall be made, no debt shall be incurred, no lease or other financial obligation entered into, no expenditure shall be made and no monies shall be paid by, or on behalf of, the City except as delegated to the Page 6 of 13 ,_. Treasurer by Council in accordance with the provisions of this Policy or by specific direction of Council. -It r'll ;..~' LV\) 10 Council Approval 10.01 No contract shall be entered into nor any expenditure or debt incurred involving an amount exceeding that provided in the budget without the prior approval of the Treasurer and the Council, except as otherwise provided herein. 11 Budqet Variances 11.01 The Chief Administrative Officer and the Treasurer may jointly approve changes within an approved departmental Current Budget upon request of a Department Head, provided that: (a) such over expenditures do not exceed $50,000; and, (b) all such over expenditures are offset by corresponding under expenditures in other activities of the department so as to remain within the total budget provision for the department; and, (c) in no case shall the total budget for personnel costs for the department be increased under this section without prior approval of the Chief Administrative Officer in consultation with the Treasurer. 11.02 Where authority has been given in the annual Capital Budget for a particular project, the Chief Administrative Officer, the appropriate Department Head(s) and the Treasurer may jointly approve changes to such authorized amounts provided that the total amount of the over expenditures: (a) does not exceed the lesser of 10% of the approved capital expenditure or $100,000; and (b) are offset by corresponding under expenditures in other approved capital expenditures. (c) Financing of the over expenditure must have additional prior approval of the Treasurer. Any change to debt financing and/or transfers from Reserve or Reserve Funds must also have Council approval. Page 7 of 13 ~ ,.:1 .-,'^. ~1t1 11.03 The appropriate Department Head, Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer may jointly approve unbudgeted capital expenditures of up to $35,000 as long as appropriate funding (see 11.02 (c)) can be provided from other approved expe nd itu res. 11.04 Current and Capital Budget expenditures in excess of the limits established under Section 11.01, 11.02 and 11.03 shall require the approval of the Treasurer, the Chief Administrative Officer, and Council. 12 Temporarv Financinq 12.01 Capital projects temporarily financed by a specific loan from an external source shall be charged the actual cost of that loan. 13 Treasurer's Authoritv 13.01 The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining accurate records and accounts of the financial affairs of the City. This includes providing the Council with such information as it requires or requests. 13.02 The Treasurer is responsible for the collection and receipt of all revenue and any monies owing, and for depositing such funds in a financial institution. All monies collected must be adequately safeguarded and promptly deposited into a City bank account. 13.03 The Treasurer is authorized to extend payment terms and conditions on any amounts due the City and outstanding where it is deemed necessary by the Treasurer in order to collect such amounts. 13.04 Notwithstanding any other provision in this Policy or any other policy or by-law, the Treasurer is authorized to pay the following, provided that funds are available in the budgets as approved by Council: 1. All salaries, wages and benefits due to any person in the employment of the City. 2. All retiring allowances and any past retirement benefits due to any person previously in the employment of the City. 3. All amounts due for goods and services supplied to the City. Page 8 of 13 4. All taxes, fees and levies payable to the federal, provincial or other municipal government, or to any other agency board. All payments of principal or interest on debentures, loans or overdrafts, including foreign exchange. All amounts due to the Region and School Boards of amounts raised for them by the Tax levy. All advances to Agencies and Boards on account of the current budget as authorized by Council for their purposes. All employee and employer pension contributions in respect of salaries and wages, which are payable in respect of any duly registered pension plan on behalf of the respective employee. All grants to any person or body as provided for in the current budget without passing a by-law. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 13.05 The Treasurer is authorized to write-off outstanding amounts owing to the City, deemed as uncollectible, provided that such amount shall not exceed $10,000 and is not an amount raised as taxation or deemed to be taxes. Uncollectable amounts owing to the City in excess of $10,000 shall only be written off with Council's approval. 13.06 In extenuating circumstances, the Treasurer or designate may authorize the cancellation of any or all penalties and interest on taxes. 13.07 The Treasurer has the authority to write off small balances up to $15 for outstanding taxes for property tax roll maintenance. 13.08 The Treasurer has sole authority over the expenditure of funds from the contingency account. 14 Contracts and Aqreements 14.01 As a general rule, any contract or agreement may be entered into only with the authorization of Council and the Mayor and City Clerk who pos~ess the authority to legally bind the City. The underlying approval process must be followed before a document can be presented to the Mayor and Clerk for signing. 14.02 Council may delegate authority, either complete or restricted, to persons to approve a contract or expenditure. Page 9 of 13 ~ .I .~ ...t 11.' : .. 1- 14.03 _1(... Notwithstanding the. foregoing, the Treasurer or his/her designate has the authority to enter into agreements: for the provision of goods or services; for expenditures or undertakings approved in the annual budgets; or, by specific approval of Council. 14.04 No Committee of Council has the authority to commit the City or to approve or expend funds. 15 Successive Aqreements/Contracts 15.01 The Treasurer is authorized to pay for goods and services deemed essential to the ongoing operations of the City for any period from the expiry of an agreement or contract until a new agreement or contract is executed. Such payments shall be at the same rates, and on the same basis as the last previously executed agreement. 16 Notification to the Treasurer 16.01 The Treasurer shall be notified of all agreements and contracts containing financial terms or conditions, and all the original documents of insurance and certificates thereof, bonds, letters of credit and other securities for the due performance thereof, executed by or on behalf of the City shall be delivered to the Treasurer. 17 Departmental Siqninq Authoritv 17.01 The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining signing authorities for the provision of goods and services and the payment thereof. 17.02 Department Heads shall, in a form to be provided by the Treasurer, maintain a current schedule specifying the delegation of financial signing authority within their Department and the respective authority limits. The schedule shall be signed by the respective Department Head and then by the Chief Administrative Officer. The original schedule with specimen signatures of the relevant staff of the department shall be forwarded to the Treasurer. Page 10 of 13 ~f' .Jt ~_ Ll~) 18 Insurance 18.01 The Treasurer has the authority to undertake the Risk Management Program and for the purchase of all appropriate insurance coverages, adjusting claims, and related services for the City, the Library and any other Boards. 19 Subsidy Applications 19.01 The Treasurer and the appropriate Department Head have the authority to apply to the Provincial and Federal Governments for grants, subsidies or any other form of funding for the City's programs and projects. 20 Bank Accounts and Investments 20.01 The Treasurer is authorized to open bank accounts in any Canadian bank as required, and only Council is authorized to change signatories for these accounts. 20.02 All monetary receipts and disbursements, other than petty cash, must be made through a City bank account. 20.03 The Treasurer is authorized to invest the surplus funds of the municipality at the maximum rate of return, at minimal risk, in compliance with current Legislative requirements and the City's Investment Policy. 21 Petty Cash and Chanqe Floats 21.01 The Treasurer has the authority to establish petty cash funds and change floats for operational requirements in amounts and in locations the Treasurer deems appropriate. 21.02 The Treasurer is authorized to reimburse a petty cash fund upon delivery of original receipts and such other documentation as the Treasurer may require. 21.03 Petty cash funds and change floats shall only be used for City business and there shall be no personal use of the monies. Page 11 of 13 .'1 ~ ~ i.1.'I 22 Corporate and Purchasinq Cards 22.01 22.02 22.03 22.04 Corporate credit cards are provided to the Mayor and CAO to be used for City business and shall not be used for expenses of a personal nature. Departments or staff will be given a purchasing card where the nature of their responsibilities requires such use. Purchasing card assignments and limits are subject to the approval of the Treasurer. City staff should use purchasing cards for- transactions where they have been determined by the Treasurer to be the most efficient way to handle payments. Purchasing Cards shall only be used for City business and shall not be used for expenses of a personal nature. 23 Employee Advances and Expense Reimbursements 23.01 Employees may be advanced funds for City purposes when the nature and approximate amount of the expense(s) has been approved beforehand. 23.02 Employees may be reimbursed for travel and other business related expenses subject to the required approvals and within the limits of the approved current budget. 24 Donations 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 Any donations received by the City shall be recorded as revenue in the fund to which the expenditure relates. If none exists, the donation is to be recorded in general revenue of the City. All donations provided to the City of Pickering are to be forwarded to the Treasurer for credit to the City's accounts. Receipt for donation will not be prepared unless specifically requested by the donor and must be issued by the Treasurer Donations in kind are not acceptable without prior approval of the Treasurer. Page 12 of 13 ~. <4 l'.'IlIl'" .!. 1 ;) 25 Real Property 25.01 All real property surplus to the requirements of the City shall be disposed of in accordance with the policies adopted by Council from time to time. 25.02 All net proceeds from the sale of real property or any other assets of the City shall be credited to the general revenue of the City, unless otherwise approved by Council. 26. Fixed Assets 26.01 It is every employees and elected officials duty to ensure that City fixed assets shall be safeguarded to the extent practical to prevent loss or theft. 26.02 The City's fixed assets shall be recorded by the Treasurer and the records updated for acquisitions and dispositions. The accuracy of these records should be verified annually. 27 Inventories 27.01 City inventories shall be physically secured to prevent loss or theft. 27.02 Accurate records shall be maintained of all City inventories, which include recording transfers in and out of inventory where practical. The accuracy of these records should be verified annually. 28 Administrative Procedures 28.01 This Policy shall be read in conjunction with Purchasing By- law 5900/01 and any other approved City policies or administrative procedures. 28.02 This Policy shall be reviewed by the Treasurer every five years; however, approved amendments can be made at any time. Page 13 of 13