HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 09-07 Citq o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 09-07 Date: February 26, 2007 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services -, ,.. '''''' ~_:Od Subject: Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement - Canadian National Railway Company Rosebank Road Bridge, Mile 3.5 York Subdivision - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 09-07 regarding the Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement for the Rosebank Road bridge, be received; and 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute the attached Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement with the Canadian National Railway Company. Executive Summary: In 2004 the Canadian National Railway Company was in the process of planning for repairs to the existing bridge deck on the Rosebank Road bridge north of Sheppard Avenue. The scope of the work to be carried out by the Canadian National Railway Company was to remove and replace the entire bridge deck along with the existing sidewalks and handrails. The City had identified the widening of this existing bridge deck and reconstruction of the road approaches as a project in our Development Charges Study. The City also recognized this as an opportunity to partner with the Canadian National Railway Company and have these improvements carried out at the same time. The project commenced in late 2004 and was completed in 2005 and the City is obligated to renew their existing Board Order agreement, which identifies the apportionment of costs for the maintenance of this structure by both parties. Financial Implications: Based on the Canadian Transportation Agency's Guidelines on Apportionment of Costs for Grade Separations and dialogue with the Canadian National Railway Company, staff are recommending an apportionment of 50% by the railway and 50% by the City on the maintenance costs of the structure. The City will continue to be 100% responsible for the cost to maintain the asphalt surface. Report OES 09-07 February 26, 2007 Subject: Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement Canadian National Railway Company Rosebank Road Bridge, Mile 3.5 York Subdivision C ? C) Page 2 Sustainability Implications: The bridge improvements will continue to promote a vibrant transportation route and connectivity of the Community. It will enhance the walking environment for those who choose to walk to work, shopping and recreational destinations as well as maintaining a local transit route. It is a sustainable project that betters the experience our residents and Community have already enjoyed. . Background: In 2005 the City partnered with the Canadian National Railway Company to remove the existing bridge deck on the Rosebank Road bridge north of Sheppard Avenue and have it widened to it's ultimate width as identified in the City's Development Charges Study. Now that the project is completed it is time to renew our existing Board Order agreement, which outlines the apportionment of maintenance costs for both parties. Based on the Canadian Transportation Agency's Guidelines on Apportionment of Costs for Grade Separations and dialogue with the Canadian National Railway Company, Staff are recommending a 50% / 50% split on the maintenance costs of the structure and 100% City responsibility for the asphalt riding surface. Staff are also recommending that the attached Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement be executed by the Mayor and the Clerk and forwarded to the Canadian National Railway Company for their execution of the document. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement Prepared By: ( 1Y;7 I /" i' ',1 /J I. 'j '/1 v " , ! 'L/!'lll/ ~./rP~>t/~ f l , /1. I Darrell B. Sels'k'y \{ ff- Supervisor, Engineering & cMpital Works a ions & Emergency Services Report OES 09-07 Subject: Standard Grade Separation Reconstruction Agreement Canadian National Railway Company Rosebank Road Bridge, Mile 3.5 York Subdivision February 26, 2007 '-11, f"/~-"f.1 . ~ .. .~ l J. Page 3 DS:nw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council /./ / fi MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING 072 Attachment for Report to Council OES-9-07 ROSEBANK ROAD - C.N.R. BRIDGE REHABILITATION AVENUE ~-''-- ~ D[8--' ~ Ai ~ j]e- o -< DRIVE ~ ~ [t SUNDOWN ~_ 8 .J-- ~ ~~EsJ t~IGH 51- ~ rCAITAIL I ~ PI.ACE ~AINY DAY. n: LOCATION MAP L:\MPandEIProjects & SchedulinglAttachments for Report To Counci/\OES-9-07 Rosebank Road CNR Bridge.doc STANDARD GRADE SEPARATION RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT '" t'1 ,..., U'0 THIS AGREEMENT effective as of the 13th day of September, Two Thousand and Four. BETWEEN: CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY (hereinafter called the "Railway") - and - THE CITY OF PICKERING in the Province of Ontario (hereinafter called the "Road Authority") WHEREAS Order No. 109291 of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada, dated Thursday, the 18th day of October, A.D. 1962, authorized the Railway, to construct a grade separation at mileage 2.73, now referred to as mileage 3.50, on the York Subdivision, in the Township of Pickering, in the Province of Ontario (herein after the "original grade separation"); AND WHEREAS it is the Railway's intent to reconstruct and the Road Authority's intent to widen the "highway" namely Rosebank Road crossing over the right-of-way and track of the Railway at mileage 3.50, on the York Subdivision, (hereinafter the "grade separation"), in the City of Pickering, in the Province of Ontario, as shown on Plan No. C-25900 dated March 26,2004 (hereinafter the Plan); NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Railway will carry out the work as shown on the Plan. 2. The parties are required to fulfill their respective obligations under the Railway Safety Act. For the purposes of the Railway Safety Act, the Railway is considered to be the "proposing party" of this project. 3. The cost of reconstruction and widening shall be paid by both parties in accordance with the terms recorded in the letter, dated September 13, 2004 from John MacTaggart, Canadian National Railway, attached hereto as "Appendix A". 4. The Railway shall prepare all accounts using rates as stipulated in the latest "Guide to Railway Charges for Crossing Maintenance and Construction" as issued by the Canadian Transportation Agency. In the event that the Canadian Transportation Agency should discontinue publishing same, the accounts shall be prepared in accordance with standard rates adopted by the railway industry in Canada, or in their absence, in accordance with standard rates adopted by the Railway. Initials: eN Page 1 RA w:\line-ops\grade separalions\york\.1..50 rosebank rd\Ol- correspondence\agreement 13-sept-04.doc n ~j ..~ ',' , "1: If there should be no standard rates in effect for work done by the Railway, the accounts shall be based on actual costs plus allowances for the Railway's overhead. 5. The cost of maintaining the grade separation, excluding the asphalt surface, shall be paid 50% by the Road Authority and 50% by the Railway. The cost of maintaining the asphalt surface shall be paid 100% by the Road Authority. The physical work associated with the maintenance of the grade separation shall be carried out by the Road Authority. 6. The Railway shall be responsible for the design, reconstruction and widening of the grade separation. 7. The Road Authority shall maintain all fencing and drainage systems required as a result of the grade separation at their cost. 8. If at any time during the continuance of this agreement either party wishes to widen, relocate, make more narrow or otherwise upgrade (the "further reconstruction") the grade separation, the terms associated with the further reconstruction will be agreed to by the parties by means of a written agreement between them. 9. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario, and all applicable federal laws and regulations. 10. This agreement is not assignable without the prior written consent of both parties which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Except in the event of the transfer of its line for continued operations, the Railway will have the right to assign this agreement to any subsequent owner. 11. This agreement shall become effective on the date appearing on page 1 of this agreement and shall continue until either the Railway discontinues its operations, or the Road Authority closes the Highway, at this location, or upon the written consent of both parties. 12. Upon termination of this agreement, unless terminated by a relocation or reconstruction, the terms of which are to be set out in a subsequent agreement, the Railway, as the initiator of the original grade separation, shall be responsible for all future costs associated with the existence of the grade separation, including the cost of maintaining, or dismantling the grade separation and restoring the Railway and Road Authority property to its original or mutually agreed upon condition. 13. Notwithstanding the termination of this agreement, unless terminated by a relocation or reconstruction, the obligations of the Railway as to clause 12 set forth in this agreement shall survive any such termination and shall remain in force until discharged. 14. Upon execution, the Railway may file this agreement with the Canadian Transportation Agency. Initials: CN Page 2 RA w:\Iine-ops\grade separation~\york\3.50 rosebank rd\Ol - correspondence\agreement 13~sept-04.doc 075 15. Subject to clause 14, this agreement is confidential and the agreement or any of its terms and conditions shall not be disclosed to any third party, person or association except and to the extent as may be required by law or upon the prior written consent of all parties hereto. 16. If either party fails, at any time, to fulfill its obligations provided in the present agreement, the other party, at its option, may upon reasonable notice, undertake the necessary measures to ensure safety, at the risk and expense of the responsible party as defined in clauses 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. 17. Any dispute relating to the wording and interpretation of the clauses in this agreement will be resolved in accordance with to the arbitration act of the province in which the grade separation is located. 18. The preamble to this agreement forms an integral part of the agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the agreement to be executed by their respective representatives hereunto duly authorized, as they declare, as of the date first above written. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY General Manager (Witness) (Date) THE CITY OF PICKERING (Title) (Witness) (Da te ) Page 3 w:\line-ops\grade separations\york\3.50 rosebank rd\Ol - correspondence\agreement 13-sept-04.doc . " t SEP 21 '04 11:10 FR PUBLIC WORKS 905 420 4650 TO 919057603406 P.02/03 eN Division Engineering Engineering Services Can~c1laJl Nillional fiajlwilY '1 Administration Road P.O. Box 1000 Concord. OntariD UK 199 -< ~~"g Z ~ Q.. Q.. -< 13 Septenlber 2004 Oty of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ,Ontario Ll V 6K7 Attn.: Mr. Darrell B: Selsky Supervisal, Municipal Works Subject: Rosebank Road Bridge Repairs and Wide~ing Dear Mr. Selsky: Thank you for the purchase order in the amount of $1.2 million covering the City's portion of the bridge repair and widening project. It is understood that this purchase aut110rity supercedes previous purchase authority received from the City for this p;roject and that the City will arrange to cancel previous p~cllase orders issued. VIA FAX 905-420-4650 (7 pages) As mentioned some time ago, the work to be carried o!1t at th~Rosebank Road. bridge must be covered under an agreement to be eXec~ted f?etw:een the City and Railway. In the past, this work would have been authorized, through tpe Canadian Transportation Agency by way of a Board Order, however, the' Agency downloaded this aspect of the work to the railways in 1996. The agreement, once executed by both parties will be forwarded to the Agency for their records. The Agency will issue a Board Order numbe~ but the order will simply refer to our agreement. Commencement of work does not have to wait for any authority from the Agency. While we do wish to begin work inlmediately, '\1ve do not have a signed agreem.ent. In order to begin construction we must at least have concurrence on apportionment of the construction costs as per our last cost breakdown spreadsheet, copy attached. You will note in the spreadsheet that the Railway has assumed the cost for any of the contingencies associated with the City's portion of the project, up to $92,168.96. This assumption of contingencies took the Railway up to our authorized limit and helped to reduce the City's cost to within their authority. Should there be a need to cover contingency item costs beyond tl10se estimated then those costs could be covered off in our respective 2005 budgets and be apportioned according to the cost breakdown spreadsheet. SEP 21 '04 11:10 FR PUBLIC WORKS 905 420 4650 TO 919057603406 P. 03/03 "'7" \.,i. I:) . In lieu of an executed agreement to commence ~ork, a.,:n,cl in order to get authority to award the contract would you please provide your concurrence with the project construction cost apportionment as discussed by signing this letter where indicated and faxing a copy to the undersigned at 905~760-3498. Our Senior Executive has approved the award of conu'act pending agTeement on project cost apportionment. Should you have any questi.ons please call the undersigned at 905-669-3155. Sincerely, i:!(~Lt,p.Eng. Senior Engineering Services Officer I concur _~~o>- -c:::- ,-:-; . . IKEAsJ;eL'~ _., City of PiC!~ring t Page 2 z o in :> C' mO ::l~ cnz It::0 0::- 01- >-g ....0:: ~~ .z -0 ~o elo:: ~o z-l WW om ~cti cll~ zz o<c -J: !;;j:o t::!: -lW -I- m_ <Cz J:o ~o WW elcn o<c _m O::cn mw oO~ <c-o 00::0 Il.N 0::0 - It::_CO zOlLo <ceil mWE w~.fl cn>c. OWQ) O::O::cn a a .,; .... "'- a a '" ~ ,..; .. "#. a '" N <D c:.c ~nl a>- -0= 3~ .~~ 1j U a> a> e= a.l; ~~ a> 0 E E e ~ ":; 0. 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