HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 1, 2007 Clfft 0# Minutes PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY February 1, 2007 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles - Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Joanne Guindon, Durham Distrcit Catholic School Board Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton High School Siobhan Saravanamuttu, Dunbarton High School Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton High School Constable Paul Hawrychuk, Durham Regional Police Services Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge Secondary School Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge Secondary School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Tanya Malika Foster Regrets: Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School ec ntro uc Councillor Pickles welcomed members and guests and invited I everyone to introduce themselves and share their views. I Councillor Pickles noted that we would always try to adjourn by I 9:00 pm to allow for students requiring rides. Councillor Pickles gave a brief overview of the role of committee. Marisa went over the general roles, terms and structure of the committee. She briefly outlined the upcoming cultural events. Councillor Pickles informed the committee on additional upcoming events and stated that he would provide information on these events in order for the members to attend. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Kirk Mark suggested that we add another item to the agenda: Review and approval of agenda He mentioned that it was great to see the student representation. He commented on how the community is evlolving Sethu Madhaven asked if anything was being done to integrate the different communities and expose them to the various cultures. Councillor Pickles indicated that a number of communities are in fact working together, mostly in the area of artistic events. Constable Paul Hawrychuk also agreed it was nice to have the young people involved and stressed the importance of this. Council Pickles indicated that he would like to encourage the public to attend our meetings. Marisa distributed copies of the November 2,2006 minutes. Minutes of the November 2,2006 meeting were approved. Marisa outlined the details of the writing contest and passed around the flyer. "In Your Words" was the selected statement for the contest. The deadline to submit is February 5th. Winners are invited to the forum. Guest speaker has been confirmed. Last year's event was a success with over 400 submissions. Joanne mentioned there was not much feedback from the school boa rd. The winning entry will be showcased on the display board, published in the newspaper, and on the webite. Kirk Mark suggested we look into the idea of catalouging the essays. Possibly a percentage of the top entries could be put in the book, the writer could be published. This would become part of our record. He felt it was important to the students to see value through publication. He felt it was important to young people to have a record, and we could incorporate this as part O..f.J our mandate. It was confirmed that we do have approval to publish names through our policy. _______ CORP0228-2/02 Marisa/Linda to add to future meeting agendas Kirk to bring examples to next meeting Page 2 Councillor Pickles agreed it was a good idea, will check with his contact on the possibility of having such a book put together. Students thoughts on this: good idea, could increase participation. Constable Hawyrchuck suggested the possibility of having the essays in the leisure guide, which gets produced four times per year. Kirk Mark questioned whether there was a specific website for the committee, where there could be a chance for the youth to express their concerns, suggestions and comments. Discussion ensued on possibly having a separate page or a link to the existing site. Councillor Pickles suggested to the youth that they post their own thoughts to get it rolling, and come back with a possible draft to the next meeting. Suggested we could launch this on March 21? Maybe the students could speak at the launch. Herita Marissa provided schedules to date. She went over the groups who will be pariticpating at the event, and indicated that all display booths are now full, however, there will be space in the hall to accommodate any further requests. There is a good cross section of performers scheduled for the event. Councillor Pickles requested volunteers to provide coverage for the booth. Kirk Mark will attend from 1 - 3 pm and Sethu is scheduled for 11:45 a.m for an hour. Councillor Pickles asked about additional performers. Marisa I indicated they would be added on to the end of the day. Councillor Pickles also inquired about electricity needs for the day of the event. Could we confirm with the groups ahead of time as to their particular needs, i.e. microphones, etc. Marisa confirmed that all is taken care of. CORP0228-2/02 Councillor Pickles to check with his contact Marisa to look into Student representatives to prepare a draft for next Page 3 Councillor Pickles outlined the event to be held in the Pickering Museum Village in Greenwood on Saturday, June 9th. He advised the admission was free, so hopefully this would attract more people. Last year's event was excellent Asked for volunteers to participate on the day of the event as well as to act as liason/co-chair on the committee which meets once a month from now until June to assist in the planning. Councillor Pickles would make available a list of meetings so members could attend. 7. Other Business Councillor Pickles indicated that the City of Pickering had proclaimed February as Black History Month and asked for an update on the Committees work to proclaim "March 21st, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination". Marisa had planned to complete in early February as per usual. Kirk Mark · mentioned February is Black History Month · passed around a copy of Don Williams book "Who's Who in Back Canada". Suggested this as a great reference tool for organizations · listed some upcoming events; . Start of Chinese New Year · 2007 World Stage - Culture & History - this year is the bicentennial of the abolition of slave act combined with the 50th Anniversay of the Independence of Guyana · Speaker at U of T - Sylvia Wayter's Anit-Racist education · National Conference on Race & Ethnicity to be held in San Franciso, CA from May 29th - June 2,2007 Councillor Pickles talked about the Community Survey. He outlined the plan for the survey and feedback from the community to assemble a data base. Asked for participation from committee members. Councillor Pickles discussed the fact that we would be submitting an Annual Report Councillor Pickles requested clarification on whether letters of ~inda to confirm appreciation h_ad gone out to the previous member~___________~rmat Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Everyone in agreement to continue to hold meetings on the first Thursda of each month. Linda to confirm Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02