HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 2, 2006 Cifq o~ Meeting Summary Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Thursday, November 2,2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees Councillor David Pickles, Chair Fred Gibson, PCCCA Kirk Mark, Community Appointe~ Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm P.S. Ansar Siddiqui, Pine Ridge S.S. Sharon Singh, Pine Ridge S.S. Mariyah Gonzales, Dunbarton H.S. Adrian Rampersad, Dunbarton H.S. Sibhan Saravanamuttu, Dunbarton H.S. Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Item / Ref # 1. Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Welcome & Introductions A. Introductions · Councillor Pickles provided a warm welcome to our new student representatives. Councillor Pickles provided an overview of the committee. · Existing committee members introduced themselves and spoke of their experiences on the committee · Marisa Carpino provided packages about the committee to the each new student representatives and reviewed the material with them David Pickles 8. Councillor Pickles explained the survey to the new committee members. · Important to have cultural groups that have a say as to how we collect the survey information, · The plan is to have two committee members go out to organizations to administer the survey · Survey will assess trends in the City · Then we can give advice to Council to better achieve ob'ectives set out on the committee's terms of reference Survey to be administered Page 1 Item / Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) . Fred Gibson recommends that the make up of City staff reflect this diverse community . Marisa Carpino to provide copy of draft survey questions C. End of term report . Will help judge achievements of committee against its mandate . Councillor Pickles will submit it by the end of the year Kirk Mark asked students what issues arise at school that speak to barriers to education. Responses of student representatives included: . Faculty want an equal distribution of recognition of different cultures . Some students want the same students (already involved in diversity groups) to initiate new groups but they won't do it themselves. (ie. start a Hindu group at school) . Not a lot of job skills training for students Councillor Pickles asked students what their expectations are of the committee . They want to provide the youth perspective . They want to bring information back to our schools . They want to make students aware of what's going on in the community . They recommend that the Advisory Committee participate with MCOD (Multi Cultural organization of Durham) for their annual conference Kirk Mark asked students about the democracy of voting. Their responses included: . There is not much awareness among students . Recommend that City staff and/or candidate come to schools to talk about why voting is important. . School initiatives are needed to raise awareness Action Items / Status (include deadline as aoorooriate) 1 I Marisa Carpino to provide to students. End Term report to be submitted to Council Councillor Pickles recommends we add to the survey: Marisa to add . Do the members of your organization participate in Federal, question to survey Provincial & Municipal elections? . 2. Essay Writina Contest Marisa Carpino provided overview of essay writing contest . Committee confirmed this year's statement "I can make a difference in my community by ..." . Include new guidelines to make responses about diversity Marisa Carpino Marisa Carpino to work with Board reps. to launch this contest Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) and equity . Marisa Carpino was asked to look at changing deadline for entries to early February . Kirk Mark recommends speaker Lawrence Hill, the author for the March Forum 3. Heritaae Day Event All Marisa Carpino provided overview of event Student to . Marisa Carpino asked students for recommendations of recommend student groups for booths/performances . participants . Councillor Pickles recommends that we have a backdrop to buffer the sound from the stage. Businesses complained Marisa Carpino to about the noise last year arranQe 4. Other Business . All Councillor Pickles conveyed great appreciation to the members of this Committee's term . Councillor Pickles proposed that Council go to schools and visit grade 5 & 10 during students civic curriculum Kirk Mark recommends that we publish the essays from the essay writinQ contest 5. Adjournment .. . David Pickles Councillor Pickles reminded community appointees that they will receive an invitation to apply as community appointees for the next 4 year term. Marisa Carpino advised that, as per the City Clerk, community appointees will be selected by January 15, 2007 and there will be an orientation for all members of the committee on January 16, 2007. Next meeting of the new Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity will be 7 pm on Thursday, February 1, 2007. Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation Page 3