HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 24, 2007 Cilq 0# Accessibility Advisory Committee January 24, 2007 7:00 PM CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Len Hunter, Supervisor, Facilities Operations Kelly Collins Aisha Nathifa Heywood Zoia Horne Stephen Little Councillor Bonnie Littley Lori Murray Prem Noronha Waldriff Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) . Moved by Lori Murray . Seconded by Councillor Littley All Accessibility Advisory Committee minutes of October 25, 2006 Len Hunter - Up rades to Eas . Recent discussions have focused on how to make East Shore Community Centre accessible from the first floor to the second floor. The funds that have been carried over from the City's Approved Budget Allocation for Accessibility Issues in all City Facilities will be used towards this project. . There is a lot of work to be done on this centre, but the primary issue in this building is the existing ramp just outside the gymnasium. It does not currently meet building requirements due to the grade of the slope. One proposal was to do some lift work that will be built into the ramp and corresponding modifications to the walls and doorways. However, this would be a very costly renovation because there would be a need to redesign and reconfigure the whole area. . A proposed option would be an electric lift that would be mounted at the side of the left stairs, which would not 1 require any modifications to the stairs. This lift has been estimated at approximately $18,000 for this location. Also, adding the lift to this location (as opposed to the other stairs) would be advantageous because from these stairs it is easier to reach the meeting rooms, gym, and youth room. It also costs less money to put the lift at this location, so more can be done with the remaining money. · The intention is to leave the existing ramp where it is, because people can still use the ramp and it also doubles as a second evacuation route. · Len asked if the Committee supported this decision. If so, they will go out for formal quotations for companies to bid on. · Stephen suggested that there might be some pressure to have someone operating this machine. Len pointed out that Len to action. the lift will be located right beside the office so there will always be someone there to operate the machine or help users. · Len will get back to the Committee with pricing in a couple of months. Moved by Stephen Little Seconded by Aisha Nathifa Heywood That the Supervisor, Facilites Operations obtain approval from the Accessibility Advisory Committee to put in an electric lift in the East Shore Community Centre to create access from the first to the second floor. CARRIED · There is also the remaining issue of putting in an accessible parking space in front of the East Shore Community Center. Len is currently looking at the design however; the spot will not be in place until probably early spring. The Planning Department has two new versions of proposed accessible parking spots for this plaza. This restaurant currently has accessible spots and a ramp but they are not well located. · Eventually, the City will require the landowners to make these proposed changes, as the spots do not meet the building code. · Stephen suggested that the Committee request two new spots (as opposed to the proposed one spot) along where the ramp is beside the Pho Sai on restaurantL___ 2 Moved by Stephen Little Seconded by Aisha Nathifa Heywood . That the Coordinator, Community Recreation Programs contact the Director, Planning & Development and advise that the Committee would like to formally request two accessible spots at Pickfair Plaza. CARRIED Site Plan Review - 670 Kin . The proposal for this site is to build two buildings into this vacant space so there would be access to Kingston road and also access between the grocery store and allow connectivity amongst the stores. . Stephen had no problems with the site plan. It seemed good for accessible (and other) parking spaces, pedestrian flow, and overall traffic flow was good. . Stephen will bring the site plan to next meeting so the rest of the Committee has a chance to review. Prem to action. Stephen to action. . Prem brought in copies of the Committee's mandate and the 2006 Accessibility Plan for review for all new members. . Lori brought in her version of Ajax's "Make your Business More Accessible" and distributed to members. Suggested everyone review and bring ideas and comments to next meeting. . Councillor Littley suggested that she follow up with a member of APT A to give us some ideas at making our transit more accessible. . Lori contacted the company regarding the Kurzweil - the Word Reader machine and found that it is a rather costly item. However, Prem suggested that this might be worthwhile to purchase out of the Committee's budget and use across the City and for functions. . Prem brought up the issue that the Committee is provincially mandated to have 50% of its' members from the disabled community and suggested that everyone generate some interest from the people in their lives. . The Clerk's Division will be setting up a Community Page Advertisement and attempting to recruit members through disabled groups (i.e. the CNIB, etc.). . The Committee also discussed the Procedure By-law and All to action. Councillor Littley to action. 3 ......'"".".,~~_~....._~_~._..",..,_.~.u..,".""_,.,.".,,._,_~~,,~~..,'~"=_..'.._ about electing a Chair and Vice Chair. It was decided that if the Committee recruited new members by the meeting in February that the Chair election would be held then, and if not, the election would be held in March. · Stephen brought up an accessible taxicab, as he has heard that Pickering has accessible taxicabs and wonders why the Committee was not informed or given any opportunity for input. Suggests that someone attend the next Committee meeting to get the Committee up to speed. Clerk's Division to action. . February 28th, 2007 Moved by Aisha Nathifa Heywood Seconded by Councillor Littley CARRI ED The meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm. 4