HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 20-02 .""".. Cw¡ o~ A I I~......"""'..!~.....,......- ..." I .., -:1'~ :{ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: June 7, 2002 ...... REPORT NUMBER: CL 20-02 SUBJECT: Domestic Violence Prevention Coroner's Jury Recommendations on Gillian Hadley Case RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Clerk's Report CL 20-02 attaching a letter dated May 14, 2002 iÌ'om the Chair of the Durham Regional Police Services Board regarding Domestic Violence Prevention and advising of the recommendations of the Coroner's Jury on the Gillian Hadley case be received. 2. That the Council of the City of Pickering hereby endorses the following resolution passed by the Durham Regional Police Services Board in which the Hadley Inquest recommendations are supported: WHEREAS the Durham Regional Police Services Board is committed to excellence in public safety and police governance in the Regional Municipality of Durham; -- AND WHEREAS a Coroner's Inquest was recently concluded regarding the death of Durham Region resident and domestic violence victim Gillian Hadley; AND WHEREAS the Coroner's Jury made a number of recommendations, notably those related to the Justice system and the coordination of efforts including (1) the establishment of an implementation committee, and (2) "that the Government of Ontario coordinate and streamline the delivery of victim services/advocacy within the justice system in order to avoid confusion regarding the roles and responsibilities of those involved, and to avoid the duplication of services"; AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario recently established the Ministry of Public Safety and Security; - THEREFORE be it resolved that the Durham Regional Police Services Board strongly supports the Hadley Inquest recommendations as they relate to the Justice system (2 through 22 both inclusive and 37), inter-agency coordination (1 and 49 through 52, both inclusive), and research, analysis and reporting (53 through 58, both inclusive), and urges the Government of Ontario to demonstrate leadership in addressing Domestic Violence by coordinating, and there necessary funding, the full implementation of said recommendation within one (1) year; AND FURTHER that the Durham Regional Police Services Board requests that the Government of Ontario provide publicly, within 6 months, a status report regarding all 58 recommendations of the Hadley Inquest. Report to Council CL 20-02 Date: June 7, 2002 Subject: Domestic Violence Prevention Page 2 3. That copies ofthis resolution be forwarded to: - The Right Honourable Ernie Eves, Premier of Ontario. The Honourable Brenda Elliot, Minister of Community, Family and Children's Services The Honourable David Young, Attorney General The Honourable Bob Runciman, Minister of Public Safety and Security The Honourable Janet Ecker, MPP The Regional Municipality of Durham The Durham Regional Police Services Board ORIGIN: Letter ftom the Chair of the Durham Regional Police Services Board dated May 14, 2002 AUTHORITY: Domestic Violence Protection Act, 2000 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Chair of the Durham Regional Police Services Board is requesting Pickering Council to endorse a resolution passed by the Board supporting the recommendations of the Coroner's Jury on the Gillian Hadley case. BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a letter dated May 14, 2002 ftom the Chair of the Durham Regional Police Services Board enclosing a copy of the recommendations of the Coroner's Jury on the Gillian Hadley case and requesting that Council endorse a resolution of the Board supporting the recommendations of the Coroner's Jury. ATTACHMENTS: - 1. Letter ftom Chair of Durham Regional Police Services Board .",.", Report to Council CL 20-02 Date: June 7, 2002 Subject: Domestic Violence Prevention Page 3 Prepar.e.....d. þy..B : / // / ~/// / / L-- .<-¡ ~._- . /> / /BrucéTaylor, City Clerk - Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ~ ~ - - - ATTACHMEN'"¡ tt-i..,- C¿ '2-0- 0'1.- DURHAM RBGIOlfAL POUCB SBRVICBS BOARD R. Boychyn, Chair .. K. Ashe, Vice-Chair .. G. Mossman, Member" R. Nicol, Member .. D. Moffatt, Member May 14,2002 Mr. Wayne Arthurs Mayor City of Pickering Municipal Office 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON 11 V 6K7 Dear Mayor Arthurs: A Coroner's Inquest recently concluded regarding the domestic murder in Durham Region of Gillian Hadley. Ms. Hadley was killed in June, 2000 by her estranged husband Ralph Hadley, despite a court- order prohibiting him from contacting her. After 52 days of hearings, the jury made 58 recommendations spanning a broad range of issues, including: (1) justice functions (police, crown attorneys, bail, courts and family law), (2) social services (housing, income support, community-based services for each of women, children and men, education, and workplace safety), (3) coordination of services, and (4) research, analysis and reporting. What makes these recommendations particularly. relevant to the issue of domestic violence is that expert advice was solicited from both service providers and service customers throughout the Inquest. This high level of stake-holder input has not always been the case, notably during development of the proposed Domestic Violence Act, 2000 (Bill 117). In recognizing that domestic violence is a significant, unresolved social issue, the Durham Regional Police Services Board has adopted the enclosed resolution. We are forwarding this resolution to your attention, and solicit your support in (1) pursuing endorsement of this resolution by Regional Council, and (2) forwarding this resolution to other municipal councils across Ontario. Ultimately, we are seeking partners in lobbying the Provincial Government to demonstrate leadership in addressing Domestic Violence. Realizing that the recommendations are broad based, and recognizing that many of those recommendations exceed the mandate and in-house expertise ofthe Police Services Board, we humbly defer judgement of the recommendations regarding social issues to more capable agencies. This is not intended to diminish the importance of social-services recommendations, rather simply to acknowledge that the realm of social services is outside of our mandate and area of police staff expertise. This resolution is also being forwarded to the Premier, all provincial cabinet members, Durham Region MPPs, Police Services Boards throughout Ontario and the Association of Police Services Boards. In closing, I thank you for your interest in this significant issue, and look forward to receiving your response regarding your intentions. 77 Centre Strøet North, Oshawa, ON L 1 G 487 Phone: 905-721-4295 or 905-579-1520, Ext, 4307 * Fax: 905-721-4249 ATTACHMENT # ! -_. ¡'f C~L 2 () ~ ö 1-- ,DUR.RAM RBOIOItAL 'POLICB SERVICES BOARD R Boychyn, Chair" K. Ashe, Vice-Ghair " G. Mossman, Member" R. Nicol, Member" D. Moffatt, Member REQUEST FOR GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO LEADERSHIP REGARDING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION - WHEREAS the Durham Regional Police Services Board is committed to excellence in public safety and police governance in the Regional Municipality of Durham; AND WHEREAS a Coroner's Inquest was recently concluded regarding the death of Durham Region resident and domestic violence victim Gillian Hadley; . AND WHEREAS the Coroner's Jury made a number of recommendations, notably those related to the Justice system and the coordination of efforts including (1) the establishment of an implementation committee, and (2) "that the Government of Ontario coordinate and streamline the delivery of victim services/advocacy within the justice system in order to avoid confusion regarding the roles and responsibílities of those involved, and to avoid the duplication of services"; . AND WHEREAS the Government of Ontario recently established the Ministry of Public Safety and Security; - THEREFORE be it resolved that the Durham Regional Police Services Board strongly supports the Hadley Inquest recommendations as they relate to the Justice system (2 through 22 both inclusive and 37), inter-agency coordination (1 and 49 through 52, both inclusive), and research, analysis and reporting (53 through 58, both inclusive), and urges the Government of Ontario to demonStrate leadership in addressing Domestic Violence by coordinating, and where necessary funding, the full implementation of said recommendations within one (1) year; AND FURTHER that the Durham Regional Police Services Board requests that the Government of Ontario provide publicly, within 6 months, a status report regarding all 58 recommendations of the Hadley Inquest. 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, ON L 1 G 467 Phone: 905-721-4295 or 905-579-1520, Ext. 4307 .. Fax: 905-721-4249 - ATTACHMENT#--L- TO REPORT #!::.~70- cJ7..-. (i Ministry of Office of The Solicitor The Chief General Coroner Ministère du Bureau du Sollicltaur coroner Ontario général en chef Verdict of Coroner's Jury Verdict du jury ducoroner We the undersigned Frances L. Rubens Nous soussigné - Donald Bartlett , of Toronto de of Toronto de . of Toronto de of Toronto de of Toronto de John A. Gingrich Laura Watts Lorna Marie Ruder the jury selVing on the inquest Into the death of I dOmentassermentés, formant Ie jury dans l'enQuête sure Ie décès de: Surname I Nom de famlle Hadle: GIven names' Prenom Gillian aged 35 ãgé(e) de held at theCqroner's InquestCourts 15 Grosvenor Street Toronto, Ontario qui a été menåe â From the du 22nd. Oct. 2001. to the ala Bth. February 2002 By Par Dr. Bonita Porter Coroner for Ontario coroner pour ('Ontario having been duly sworn. have Inquired into and determined the following:' avons enquêté at avena détermlné ce qui suit 1. Name of deceased - Nom du (de la) défunt(e) 2. Date and time of death Date et heure du decès 3. Place of Death Lieu de dacès 4. Cause of death Cause du décès 5. By what means Circonstances entourant Ie décès Gillian Mary Hadley 2(}th. June 2000 at or after 9~O6am. 865 Hillcrest Road, Pickering, Ontario Gunshot to the head Homicide - ;# I TO '>E'P" OR l' . c. L 2. ò. O"l.- '._-~'~" h, '# -_..- "-.. .~ Ministry of Office of The Solicitor The Chief General Coroner Mínlstère du Bureau du Sollìciteur . coroner Ontario gènéral en chef Verdict of Coroner's Jury Verdict du jury ducoroner We the undersigned Frances L. Rubens Nous soussigné Donald Bartlett of Toronto de of Toronto de of Toronto de of Toronto de of Toronto de - John A. Gringrich Laura Watts Lorna Marie Ruder the jury serving on the inquest into the death of I dûmentassermentés, formant Ie jury dans I'enquête sure Ie décès de: Surname I Nom de famile Hadle Given names I Prénom Ralph aged 34 àgé(e) de held al the CQroner's Inquest Courts, 15 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, Ontario qui a été menée â From the du 22nd. Oct. 2001 to the ala gth. February 2002 By Par Dr. Bonita Porter Coroner for Ontario coroner pour l'Ontario having been duly sworn, have inquired into and detenninedthe following:! evens enquêté at evons détermfné ce qui suit: 1. Name of deceased - Nom du (de la) défunt{e) 2. Date and time of death Date et heure du décès 3. Place of Death Lieu de décès 4. Cause of death Cause du décès 5. By what means Circonsænces entourant Ie décès Ralph Alexander Hadley 20th, June 2000 at or after 9.06am. 865 Hillcrest Road, Pickering, Ontario Gunshot ,to the head Suicide ~~~ $ ¿f ~~ "Æ! - ArTACHMENT#J...~_TO REPORT # c;l:""";? ()~ CJ7.-- Inauest into the Deaths of Gillian Hadley and Ralph Hadley C()urtSittin~ Dates - October 2001: 22nd., 23rd., 25Ih., 26111.,29111., 301h. and,)lSI, November: ¡st., 51h" 6th., 7Ih., 8Ih., qlh., 14Ih., 19Ih., 21st., 22nd., 23rd., 26th., 27th" 28th., 29th, and 301h. December: 3rd., 4Ih., 5Ih., 10th., lIth., 12Ih., 13\h., 14Ih., 18th., 191h" 20th. and 21st. January 2002: glh., 14Ih., ISlh., 161h., 1 ih., 24th" 25Ih., 28th., 29Ih., 30th. and 31 st. February: 1 SI., 4th., 51h" 6Ih., tho and 81h, - - #: c¿ ?U - o~ . , - -. INQUEST TOUCHING THE DEATHS OF Gillian Mary Hadley and Ralph Alexander Hadley .' JURY VERDICT AND RECOMMENDATIONS' - IU~PC)RT # ._f,L 2 CJ ~ 01..- Qpening Statement We the jury offer our sincere condolences to the families and friends of Gillian and Ralph Hadley and our admiration to those neighbors who came to help. Despite the tragicehd to the situation, we thank you. .-. . The deaths of Gillian and Ralph will have a particularly distressing effect on their children and the additional publicity generated by this inquest will add to their grief. We are confident that the implementation of our recommendations will more than compensate for this distress by preventing similar tragedies in the future. Domestic violence is a crime that is different from. other crimes in two ways: . The lìkelihood of repeat violence is common and at most times predictable, . The victim is known in advance. With this knowledge society has an opportunity to use its expertise, resources and updated technologies to prevent this type of crime with the ultimate goal of a safer environment and the saving of lives. This jury hopes that our recommendations will help achieve these goals. , #fØII>. . ., , These recommendations are in no particular order of importance; however, we direct them to the fallowing: 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 f'l 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28,29 30 31 Ministry of the Solicitor General X X X X X Ministry of Attorney General X X X X X ~~XX X X X X Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing n__-X;-XX X Ministry of Community and Social Services X , Chief Caron or's Office Government of Ontario X X X ~X-----X -X Ontario Women's Directorate . Crown Attorneys X X X X "X Government of Canada X n nn_- X X X X The John Howard Society X Ministry of Correctional Services Ontario Association of Interval and X Transition Houses (OAITH) Ontario Association of Childrens Aid Societies (OACAS) Police X X -XXX ~~X X X X Ministry of Education Municipal Sector X X Housing Access Centre X X X X X X X X X --' ""'- ;:¡¡:¡ m -u 0 ;:;:'0 -of :ft: 'Ç: ,¡ í\J ~ I a ~ .I ) ) ) ',-/ -_/ t" 323334 35 36373839-4014f-42_43~4:!_45_4§.:_4748 49 SO 51-5253-54-S5 565758 X X X x x x X- --)( x ~~-~-~ -X-~=--- x -- - X X X x X - _._-X~X x x x x x x x x x x -- x x x x x x x x x x - X- x x XX Ministry of the Solicitor General Ministry of Attorney General Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry of Community and Social Services Chief Coronor's Office Government of Ontario Ontario Womens Directorate Crown Attomeys Government of Canada The John Howard Society Ministry of Correctional Services Ontario Association of IntelVal and Transition Houses (OAITH) Ontarió Association of Childrens Aid Societies (OACAS) Police Ministry of Education Minicipal Sector Housing Access Centre '- :1+ I~ II' .'\'..) ~ ) C) ~ #~-~" )0 "0'2-. IMPLEMENTATION 1. We recommend that an implementation committee be established 'by the Government of Ontario, consisting of government and non-government representatives, to oversee the implementation of the recommendations In the inquest into the deaths of Gillian Hadley and Ralph Hadley, the InquesUhto the deaths of Arlene May and Randy lies, and the recommendations arising ?ut of the report by the Joint Committee on Domestic Violence to the Attorney General of Ontario entitled "Working Toward a Seamless Community and Justice Response to Domestic Violence: a Five Year Plan in Ontario". ..... . We also recommend that half of this Implementation Committee be chosen from community-based women's and children's advocates and survivors of violence, as well as other community-based representatives with expertise on issues of domestic violence, who are representatives of diverse communities in Ontario; and that OAITH, the JohnHoward Society and representatives of the subsidized housing sector be included in this group. . . . And further, that the work of the Implementation Committee be funded and' not time limìted, and that it continue until the Committee is satisfied that all recommendations have been implemented across the province.. JUSTICE Police 2. We recommend that the Ministry of the Solicitor General conduct audits of police services to monitor compliance with the Model Police Response to Domestic Violence.' . 3. We recommend that the Ministry of the Solicitor General enhance the . curriculum for recruit training at the Ontario Police College in order to produce a qualified domestic violence Investigator at graduation in every case. No fewer than forty (40) hours should be spent on domestic violence investigative training. 4. We recommend that the Ministry of the Solicitor General emphasize the importance of and encourage police services to use thé Dòmestic Violence Supplementary Report Form when investigating domestic violence incidents. .""" 5. We recommend that the police services examine the use of contlnùously repeating audible signals on their in-car computer terminals. Rationale: The police officer responding to the 911 call on June 20, 2000 had difficulty hearing radio messages because of an audible signal emanating from the vehicle's computer terminal. 6. We recommend that police services change the classification of complaints status on domestic violence call assignments as recorded pn the CAD 'System in order that police response is .without delay". . . . 7. We recommend that investigating officers who respond to domestic violence complaints conduct their investigations without requiring the complainant to obtain statements from others or to gather evidence as a means of completing the investigation. - REPORT # C~. 20 - c;~. Crown Attorneys 8. We recommend that the Criminal Law Division form a training faculty of experts. including VictimNVitness Assistance Program. to advise and train Crown Attomeys on issues related to domestic violence and bail hearings, and that these training initiatives include monitoring and evaluation. þ.. Bail 9. We recommend that the Ministry of the Solicitor General direct al/ police. selVices by written policy that release directly from a police selViee with underta~jngs and condilions on charges stemming from an incident of domestic violence is not an acceptable practice. . 10. We recommend that the Criminal Code be amended to require a reverse onus bail hearing in every domestic violence arrest situation. 11. We recommend that police services establishavictim bail notification system that will inform victims as to the date and time oYthe accused's bail hearing. 12. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General work with the Ministry of the Solicitor General to develop a specialized domestic violence bail program. Components would include a designated specially-trained Crown Attorney and police officer in each court jurisdiction to: . Be contacts for other Crown Attorneys and police officers . Provide guidance, and . Provide other strategic advice on bail hearings. 13. We recommend that properly staffed and accessible courtfaci/ities be open to enable bail hearings on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and that there be a domestic violence Crown attorney available to the court on those days. 14. We recommend that if complainants can show the court reasons why their safety is or would be in jeopardy. bail should be withheld. 15. We recommend that any accused who breaches bail cònditions be held in custody until trial.. . ",. 16. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General conduct a review of . the surety system with a view to making improvements that would provide for the safety of women and children in domestic violence cases and create consequences for sureties who fail to comply with supervision responsibilities. 17. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General develop a brochure, to be distributed in court, outlining the roJe and responsibilities of a surety. Courts 18. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General review the criminal justice process for prosecution of domestic violence~cases, in both the special domestic violence courts and regular criminal courts, to develop ways in which to shorten the time delays between ban hearings and trials, thus. reducing the risk to victims of intimate partner abuse. . - J .c, C/. 2() 0'1 H ,,",;"'~W"~'" ' - 1.---' Family Law - 19.We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General develop an expedited court procedure for the screening and processing of family law court cases where either child abuse or exposureJo violence by children has been identified, and that the development of any such procedure must include consultation and ongoing involvement of both abused women's advocates and children's advocates, as well as family law legal experts. 20. We recommend that the Children's Law Reform Act "best interests of the child" test be amended to direct courts to consider the impact of domestic violence on children when custody and access are being detennined. 21. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney General create processes for coordination between the criminal and family law systems which would provide for the reconciling of criminal and civil orders in cases of domestic violence, and specifically to ensure that no-contact protection orders. criminal. or civil, take precedence over family law orders until such time as safety mechanisms can be put in place to protect women and children threatened by violence. . JUSTICE - OTHER 22. We recommend that the Government of Ontario coordinate and streamline the delivery of victim services/advocacy within the justice system in order to avoid confusion regarding the roles and responsibilities of those involved. and to avoid duplication of services. SOCIAL SERVICES ".. Housing Rationale for recommendations 23 - 30: The prevention of a reoccurrence of domestic violence generally involves keeping the accused Bwáy from the complainant. While it is unfair that the complainant shou.ld have to move in order to achieve this separation, this is often the only practical way. It is important that there be suitable safe temporary accommodation immediately availab{eas well as long term assistance in the form of subsidized housing. The present longwait for housing is unacceptable. 23. We recommend that the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada immediately provide new funding for developing additional permanent subsidized housing units and .second stage" subsidized housing unitsc(i.e. medium-term housing with supportive counseling and advocacy services) sufficient to meet the current and forecast needs for subsidized housing in each community of Ontario. 24. We recommend that the Government of Ontario and thè Government of Canada ensure that an adequate number of the subsidized housing units be equipped to accommodate applicants. and/or their children, with disabilities. 25. We recommend that the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada consult with municipalities of Ontario to devise changes in laws or policies that could facilitate the development of additIonal subsidized housing units - e.g. taxation deductions. funding incentives, etc. . - ! 20- CJ <-. - 26. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) consult immediately with representatives of subsidized housing applicants/occupants, subsidized housing providers. coordinated housing access centres, community service counseling agencies and other professionals with appropriate knowledge of domestic violence issues, to determine whether the "90 days from separation" eligibility requirement for the Special Priority Housing Category ("abuse priority category") should.be amended or abolished. Such consultations should give regard to, among other things, the most current data on the time period of the risk of violence fallowing the date of separation froni an abuser, as well as the existhlgand forecast supply of subsidized housing units. This issue should, be reviewed periodically to ensure that at all times it accurately reflects the current data and circumstances. . 27. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) require Service Managers to ensure that all housing providers and coordinated housing access centres maintain a transparent complaint process for subsidized housing applicants, and provide to all applicants at the time of initial contact a written copy of the complaint process, similar to the letter describing the right of appeal that Is currently provided to applicants by Housing Access Centre (Durham Region). 28. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of MuniCipal Affairs and Housing) conduct, or ensure that the SelVice Managers under the Social Housing Reform Act and regulations (also known as Bill 128) conduciperiodic and/or random operational audits of providers of subsidized housing and coordinated access centres in Ontario with a view to ensuring that they are administering the abuse priority criteria in accordance with the legal requirements. '. . 29. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Municipal affairs and Housing) create a committee or forum for representatives of subsidized housing applìcanVoccupants, Service Managers; housing providers and coordinated housing access centres to discuss issues relating to the provision of subsidized housing across Ontario. The Government of Ontario should use. the Information obtained through such discussions for the purpose of N"\nd..!nn...,., ...."""".,..!....."...f.. f~ fh" co",,!,,! u"..^:~- M_"'^- J\ -~ -_oJ ___..1_"._:"'- ,... category for subsidized housing. Income Support 31. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Community and Social Services) review the social assistance rates under the Ontario. Works Act and create a mechanism to provide for the adjustment of said rates to reflect the actual needs of recipients as they maybe affected by the social' and economic environment for the particular !; eographic location where they , reside. . - I ¿t- '2-0-07-- 32. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Community and Social Services) increase the Ontario Works Acthousing allowance for women and children fleeing abusive relationships in order to enable them to enter the market rental housing sector in communities where there is a demonstrated insufficiency of available social housing units to accommodate their needs within a reasonable period of time. - 33.We recommend that the Government of Ontario amend Ontario WorksAct guidelines to include allocation of funds to womenand children escaping abuse to ensure coverage of moving costs beyond current Jevelsof allowed . "start-up" funding, including costs for those who must move outside their local community. 34. We recommend that the Government of Ontario (Ministry of Community and Social Services) amend the Ontario Works Act, regulations and policy directives in order to provide that for women. andc~ildren fleeing abusive relationships who are applicants or recipients of sociaL assistance there is an automatic deferral of all mandatory Ontario Warns participation requirements for six months. 35. We recommend that the Govemment of Ontario (Ministry of Community and Social Services) require that all delivery agents of Ontario Works Act social assistance establish a local response for the e){pedited intake of applicants who are fleeing situations of domestic violence. . 36. We recommend that all income support screening units be required louse a standard questionnaire or format when taking calls in order to ascertain whether the caller is experiencing domestic violence and requires expedited access to financial resources. ". Community Based Services For Women 37. We recommend that there be a program of government funded independent trained advocates for abused women, both inside and outside of the criminal justice system. ~. 38. We recommend that the Government of Ontario, through its various ministries but in particular the Ministry of Community and Social Services, ensure that all community-based women's anti-violence services, "including shelters, are appropriately funded. "" .. ""... Community Based Services For Children 39. We recommend that the Government of Ontario, through either the Ministry of Community and Social Services or the Ministry of Education, provide specific funding through community and women's services and school boards, for safe travel to and from school for all children exposed to violence. Rationale: So that no woman feels unable to {eave an abusive situation and seek shelter because of concerns about disruption of her children's schooling. 40. We recommend that the Qntario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) and Ontario Association ofChildren'1? Aid Societies (OACAS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Community and Social Services develop a specific response within child protection services across the province to child welfare reports and cases in which child exposure to domestic violence has been identified; and further: . That the Ministry of Community and Social Services ensure that appropriate and adequate funding Is allocated to both the violence against . women sector and the child welfare sector for training, implementation and ongoing operation of the specific response in cases of domestic violence. - "' ,',' " Community Based Services For Men 41. We recommend that all jurisdictions have available a program similar tathat of DADS of Durham to assist parelitsto cope with the stress of family breakups. . - Rationale: Programs like DADS recognize the fact that men continue to be responsible for parenting children notwithstanding marite.lbreakdown. These programs provide additional services and supports specific to the needs of the male partner. . 42. We recommend thatallCommunityhased counseling programs (e.g. anger managementprograms) include screening procedures during the intake process to ensure that participants enroll in programs appropriate to their needs. The screening process should ensure that an individual in need of abuser/batterer programs andlorpsychiatrlc or medicalhelþ is referred to appropriate programs and services. There should also be funding to ensure that sufficient specialized programs exist in each community so that proper referrals can be made. . 43. We recommend that the post-conviction limitations imposed by the , Govemmentof Ontario regarding admission to many programs for abusers must be changed to allow for voluntary, community referred as well as court mandated admissions for abusers. Rationale: Individuals in need of this kind of counseling should not have to be convicted firstbefore they can gethelp. . 44. We recommend that specialized programs aimed at providillg counseling to abusers include risk assessment procedures to determine,if possible, the degree of risk that the abuser poses to the abused partner. 45. We recommend that all battererscounseling programs be extended to permit a minimUm counseling period of 52 weeks. ,... Education, Traininr.¡ and Prevention Programs 46. We recommend that the Ontario Women's Directorate continue to work with community organizations and experts in the fieldef domestic violence to identify and promote public education messages and initiatives that would best improve public understanding of issues relating to women's safety, 47. We recommend that the Gov~rnment of Ontario, in collaboration with frontline women'sand.chiJdren's advocatesin.thefield of women's shelters; fund the development ora public education campaign with the goal of making both the public and abused women aware of the children's programs and supports within women's shelters across Ontario to allay the fears of women who delay or decline using women's emergency shelters. . Workplace Safety 48. We recommend that all employment related legislation. including the Employment Standards Act, the Human Rights Code, the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act be reviewed and amended to ensure that: . violence is defined to include harassment, stalking and threats of violence; . women experiencing violence in an Intimate or personal relationship may take a leave of absence sufficient to address the violence in the relationship and establish themselves and their children in a safe place without fear of losing their employment or fear of experiencing some other . employment related reprisal. - ;tt._~..~. 2. D - Q -L Coordination of Services and Shared Information 49. We recommend that the Government of Ontario examine the issue of client confidentiality and personal privacy issues with respect to the sharing of information and coordination of services anddetennine If the Freedom of Infonnation Act and Protection òf Privacy Act/Municlpal Freedom of Infonnation and Protection of Privacy Act require legislative amendments to permit such disclosure to take place where aclient.is a victim of domestic violence. . 50. We recommend that local domestic violence coordinating committees be established in every jurisdiction In the Province of Ontario with a view to coordinating services not just for those matters that enter the justice system but to coordinate services for all victims of domesticviolence, including the indirect victims of domestic violence such as children. - 51. We recommend that the Govemment of Ontario create a provincial coordinating committee comprised of Government and non-Government representatives to assisUncoordlnating province-wide services to all victims of domestic violence, as welLas to setstandardsandMst practices. 52. We reCl)mmend that the Government of Ontario organize and coordinate provincial and regional.inter-sectoral conferences or symposia on domestic violence within the nexLsixmonths. . Research. Analysis and Reportinç¡ 53. We recommend that the Government of Ontarioinvestigate and consider the use .ofelectronic monitoring technology that involves a global positioning system for not only parole but also in the instance ofba/l for thosß who are charged with domestic violence offenses. 54. We recommend that the office of the Chief Coroner establish a Domestic Violence Death Review Committee comprised of specialists and experts to assisUhe Coroner's Office,in the investigation ofSuspicious deaths which occur within an intimate relationship. - 55. We recommend that the Ministry of the Attorney Geoeral commission and undelWrite research to study the effects of the initiatives associated with the domestic violence specialized courts to ascertain whether.they assist in . reducing domestic violence. The results of the studies and analysis should be made available to the public. 56. We recommend that the Ministry of Community and Sociàl Services and the Ministry of the Attorney General develop and support approved ongoing research analyzing the effectiveness of domestic violence risk assessment tools and treatment 57. We recommend that the Government of Ontario and Government of Canada develop a database ofthqse individuals who have not necessarily been convicted but have had arrests. and charges laid with respect to domestic violence. Rationale:This would facilitate cooperation and sharing of information between jurisdictions. 58. We recommend that the Chief Coroner's Office provide a progress reporto.ne year following the release of this jury's recommendations. -