HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 08-02 " 29 C¿ú¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM City Clerk DATE: March 20, 2002 ,- REPORT NUMBER: CL 08-02 SUBJECT: NOXIOUS WEEDS RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report CL 08-02 regarding Noxious Weeds be received; and 2. That the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering authorizes the publication of a Public Notice regarding the destruction of weeds under the provision of the Weed Control Act, RS.O. 1990 Chapter W.5 of the Province of Ontario and directs the Regional Weed Inspectors to cause noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper; and 3. That the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the City of Pickering against the respective parcels concerned and that such amount shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. -. ORIGIN: Letter dated March 14, 2002 AUTHORITY: The Weed Control Act, RS.O. 1990 Chapter W,5 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Current Year - None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: - N/A BACKGROUND: Attached. to this report is correspondence ffom the Region of Durham requesting Council to pass a resolutiOn to authorize the publication of a notice to have all land owners to destroy various weeds and to authorize Regional Weed Inspectors to enforce the provisions of the Weed Control Act. 30 Report to Council CL 08-02 Subject: Noxious Weeds Date: March 20, 2002 Page 2 This notice is published annually and gives the Regional Weed Inspectors the authority to enter upon private property, to cut any noxious weeds and to put these costs on the municipal tax bill. This notice will be placed in the newspaper on May 15, 2002 and will include the statement advising the public that the dandelions and goldenrod are not considered to be noxious weeds. - ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2, Correspondence from the Region of Durham dated March 14, 2002. Copy of Notice to Property Owners to Destroy Noxious Weeds Prepared By: A2EOdOë .r3ruce Taylor f) ~ fIIlÞ- Debbie Kearns BT:dk Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ,-. Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council t- - Ûh¡o~ 31 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS - Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, Section 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of the City of Pickering are destroyed by June 1, 2001, and throughout the season thereafter, the weed inspector may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected by the municipality in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. Dandelions and Golden Rod are not noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act. For further information regarding enforcement call the Region of Durham at 905- 668- 7721, Ext. 668-7721, Ext. 5338 or 1-800-372-1103. The cooperation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. V. Mason Regional Weed Inspector Bruce Taylor, AM.C.T. City Clerk City of Pickering -. - ~# , ", The Regional --"uhicipality , ' , i Durham 'Works' Departm~nt March 14, 2002 ' ',RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING , 'MÁR ,1 5 2002 City of Pickering , 1 TheoEsplanàde , Pickering, Ontario', L1V 6K7' " CLERK'S DIVISION' Attention: R Taylor, C1èrk , ' " Dear Sir/Madam: ' " , In accordance 'with theWeedCo]1trolActRS.O. 1990, Chapter,W.5, the Regional MunicipaIítY,ofDurham is responsible for the 'enforcement of the Act within the ~~ ',',' " , . Box623 , '10SConsumers Dr, , Whitby, Ontario, ' Canada,L1N6A3 , " ' , ,,:', ", ' , (905),668-7721 ,', ,As ,allowed for Under section 1.6 of the Act, the Region requires that your Council =~~~~~~~,~~"~~~:on,caPassa,resoluti9h directing the Regional Weed Jnspeçtoi(s) to: '" , ".. " , J.R. McCorkell, P,Eng, ' Commission~r' , of Works , PleCisequo~e our ref:. """"', '0' Destroy"any noxious weeds, or weed ,seeds,Òn '~ny stibdivided portions of the municipal,ity and on10tsnotexceeding lOacres.', , ' " ,,' 0 The lllU1;liéipality ,advertise ina newspaper having g~neral circulation in your" m1;1l1icipálity,notice öfthisaction. ',' ' , , " , ',' , , Enclosed isa suggested "Notice:toProperty Owners;"to destroy noxious weeds arid a ' suggested' resolution.. directing the:'RegionaJ" Weed Inspectors to' enforce the, ',provisions of the 'Weed'C()ntrol'Act in your ,muniCipality.~Weshal~ ,require, certified copies of the Notice to':PropertYOwners and the resolution. The Notice tò PropertY9wners should be advertised in a newsp~per.betweelÌl\1ay 13, 2,002 aiId Måy 17,2002. ' " ' , , Please note'oiI. the dráftNoÜee to Property .own~rs that we ask you to type in ' ' the Municipality ånd Clerk's. p.ame. , "",' , , , ' , We, are' again enclosing :general införmatiQn, concerning weed control for'200Z. ' , , " " . , We would also reqùest your cö;.pperati6Í1'in providing,acce~s to your assessmènt , records in order that the inspectors 'maydêtem1ine property ownership, in your ~~~: ,', , ',', " " , ' ',' " ' Thank you for your continued cp",operàtion. ' Yours truly,' ' .. , , .. :..;Mike' SlocQmbe , ,,;" <"y Operations Teclnrician , <WE~VIe..E!i~CLLENCE: ' , fór,(1~~:~~~,tr1¥lH3Yëf' ' , ",,", ,'.. ,:"'7 .. - , cc: Susan -siopis - -- ..... , ' GENERL INFORMATION- WEED CONTROL 33, 1.' , , ' , ' The following have been appointed Regional' Weed Inspectors for 2002 with: " their areas of responsibility indicated: ",:' ,', ' : " Inspéctor Primary Areas Vern Mason City of Pickering' ' , Town of.Aja~ " ' '.. TownshipsofUxbndge, Scugog and,Brock , ' Reg ,Parker M~icipality of Clarington,' TownofWbitby , City of Oshawa Dan Adams Mike Slocbmbe ' Region of bur ham 2. . ' , " " The inspectors' may be reached by calling, the Region, of Durham, Works' Departmlfnt,at:(905) 668-7721, extension 53380r 1-800-372-1103~ ' Section 3,' of the Act states that "every pe~son in þossessi.on' ~f land 'shall , d~stroyall' riox,ious weeds on it". ,RegioIlå1 Weed Inspectórs can issue, orders , to destroy noxious weeds but they have no authority to oider weeds' to be ' dest~oyedthat are'not on the Noxious':Weed'List. The schedule of weeds ' in the Regulation lists 23 'species of plants as noxious weeds and they are as follows: " ",', , NOXIOUS WEEDS ' '1. Poison Ivy , '2; Poison Hemlock, 3. Canada Thistle 4.' Nodding Thistle 5. B~ll Thistle ,6. ,Sow Thistle' 7. Scotch Thistle 8., Russian This~le 9. ' Colt's'Foot, " ' 10. CoJ1UIlon Barberry 11. Tuberous Vetchling "ïg. Pro so Millet, black se'eded ' , 13., Ragweed 14. Milkweed ,l5. Johnson Grass 16. WildCarrot ' ,17. Goat's:'Beard , , , 18. European Buckthorn ' '19. Dodder' , ' , 20; Knapweed , 21. Yellow Rocket , ' ,22. Cypress Spurge' , 23. Leafy' Spurge ~~4' , ',-' " .. " ~, , . - ,5. , ,', ,,' Dandelions and Goldenrod are not considered noxious weeds, m1d~r the Weed' ÇontrolAtt. Dandelions and Goldenrod are easì1yco~trolledwith 2 '4-D~ Killex~ etc~ 3. , ' , ' 'Where a' municipality 'has appointed: a "Iylunicipal"'Weed Inspector und~r' Section 8 ofthe Act,Jt maÿbyby-law, <;lesignate:additional w~eds ,as noxious " inaIl, ,or part of ;themiliricîpality., 'Such a by-Jaw 'requites approval of the 'Minister.'"""", 4. Regional Weed In,spectors may, in some instan~es, ~ot be able t9 order weeds to be cut,that the'publié may deep1sþ.o~ld'be destroyed~ Sectiou'22 of the Act exempts froin : its réc¡uirem.ents those \\;eèds, which are far enough away' ,', ' fr,?many land used for :agric1,11tural or hQrticultural,purposesthatthey do npt '. interfere with that us.e. ' " . ' " " " ' , - , , , ':(11 order to complŸ with theprovisíòns of S~ction 15 of the Act, a statement ofthe expenses incurred by the :R.egional'W~edIn~pe,ctor, ",hich has not been, , paid within fifteen (15}days é:i,fter'request. fO'r ,paYffi.entshall be presented to t1'1e CounCil of the Municipalityin whichthe1arid'is.1ocated. ' ' " , , , , ' Seètiön'15 ófth.e Actréads~ follows: " , " ' , ' ' , ' , ' (1)" Iran orderservedtplderSection13is not complied with, the insp~ctor' may cause the noxious wee.qsor weed seeds ,to bedêstroyed in the, prescribed manner. , ',' ',',":", ,:' "," , (2), ~spectQrs shall' keep a re~ordof the expenses incUiréd' under , subsection (1) withrespect to~åch'parcèrof1ånd. ' " ':, , '(3)', The expenses shall bèsubii,iitted to th~ clerk of the IÌmnicipality who, , ¡;hâll have a, statement of the,expenses', andå notic~ requesting, Hayineut, s~rvedol1the person in pösse~~ion of the Ìand a)1don Its oWner.""""""',, , (4) ',The statement and notice shall be serviced ill the 'same .manner asari ' , Ðrder Under section j 3. ' " ' ",', ' , ' , .' (5) '. If theperson upòn whom a statement àndnotice,wete served fai1~ to pay the amounf set out in the ,stat.~:mènt, within fifteen (I5) days after the' service, of thenotite, the clerk ~haÌl give the" stateménttO 'the, Cquncil of the Municipality in W:llch the land, is Ipcated, arid the Council shall order the amount to be'paid out of the general futids for' .' ,themupicip3;lity., ,', ',' ' : , " .. , (6) , " , The amount paid hi 14e m:uniCip~lityshaIlbe deemed to, be taiesand , ,shall be added,to the collector's roll, aga,iri,st the' receptive ,parcels, ":concemeci arid 'cöl1ectèd in the' same, mariner' and with the same: , priorities as municipåi taxe~ 1988, c.51.~.15., " " " .. , , Ií')¡'" ~1,,) (name of Area Municipality) Suggested Notice for Publication in Local Newspapers NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS - Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, RS.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of are destroyed by June 1, 2002, and throughout the season thereafter, the weed inspector may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected by the municipality in the same manner as taxes under The Municipal Act. Dandelions and Golden Road are not noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act. Fur further information regarding enforcement call the Region of Durham at 905-668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103. (Name) Clerk Municipality Suggested Resolution - RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE AREA MUNICIPALITY MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Resolved that this Council authorizes the publication of a Public Notice, regarding the destruction of weeds under the provision of the Weed Control Act, RS.O. 1990 Chapter W.5 of the Province of Ontario and directs the Regional Weed inspectors to cause noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they amy dee'm proper and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of this municipality against the respectivè parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under The Municipal Act. ' -