HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 12, 2007 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 12, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley (I) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGES 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 05-07 1 - 4 John Phillips Bryant/Marjorie Bryant/Ian Alastair Morrison McCully Plan of Subdivision 40M-1456 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision 1. That Report PO 05-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-1456, be received; 2. That the highway being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision and Development Agreement relating to Plan 40M-1456, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; 4. That the Subdivision and Development Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-1456, be released and removed from title; and, 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the road being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456. 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 10-07 Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRC) Request Funding for Healthv Neighbours Program 5 -16 1. That Report OES 10-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; 2. That the Council endorse, commencing in 2008, participation in the Healthy Neighbours Program; Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 12, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 3. That Council consider an annual grant to TRCA in the amount of $25,000 for the period of 2008 - 2012 (5 year commitment); and, 4. That Council authorize the appropriate City officials to give effect thereto. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 12-07 Reduced Load Highways - Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parkin~ By-law 6604/05 17 - 24 ' 1. That Report OES 12-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and, 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "12" to By- law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 13-07 No Parking By-law - Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood Court and Melman Street - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 25 - 31 1. That Report OES 13-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and, 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By- law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, February 12, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 5. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 11-07 Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information 32 - 34 That Report CS 11-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report be received for information. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 05-07 Date: February 12, 2007 001 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: John Phillips Bryant / Marjorie Bryant / lain Alastair Morrison McCully Plan of Subdivision 40M-1456 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision Recommendation: 1. That Report PO 05-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-1456, be received; 2. That the highway being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision and Development Agreement relating to Plan 40M-1456, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; 4. That the Subdivision and Development Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-1456, be released and removed from title; and 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the road being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456. Executive Summary: The City entered into a Subdivision Agreement and Development Agreement with the above-noted developers for the development of Plan 40M-1456. As the developers have now completed all works and services within this Plan to the satisfaction of City staff, it is now appropriate to assume the roads and services within the M-Plan under the jurisdiction of the City and release the developer from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreement and related Development Agreement. Financial Implications: There are no new financial implications to the City as a result of this recommendation. Report PD 05-07 Date: February 12, 2007 Subject: Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision 00 ;?40M-1456 Page 2 Sustainability Implications: The final assumption of this plan of subdivision is an administrative process that legally concludes the City's acquisition of necessary roads and other infrastructure. It does not directly impact the City's sustainability initiatives. Background: The City entered into a Subdivision and Development Agreement with the above-noted developers for the development of Plan 40M-1456. As all works and services within the plan have been completed to the satisfaction of City staff, it is appropriate to assume the road and services within this Plan. Further, it is also appropriate to release these developers from the provisions of the Subdivision Agreement dated June 20, 1986 and registered as Instrument No. L T305645 and the related Development Agreement dated August 4, 1992 and registered as Instrument No. L T631638. Accordingly, it is being recommended: 1. That the highway being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456 be assumed for public use; 2. That the services required by the Subdivision and Development Agreement relating to Plan 40M-1456, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance; 3. That the Subdivision and Development Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-1456, be released and removed from title; and 4. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the road being Trimble's Lane within Plan 40M-1456. Attachment: 1. Location Map - Plan 40M-1456 Repart PO 05-07 Date: February 12, 2007 Subject: Final Assumptian of Plan .of Subdivisian 40M-1456 Page 3 n n IJ \) 'v .J Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~ ' 1'" l(.~,; ~ ~enise By ,Supervisar Property & Development Services 'j)fJ iJ ,--,. DB:bg Attachment Capy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council '" Recammendatian approved: Director, Operatians & Emergency Services "":'..,,"'..... Chief Administrative Officer Director, Carporate Services & Treasurer Director, Planning & Development City Clerk "\iI lii ATTACHMENT # I TO REPORT # PO oS - 0 ::}- I \ .. \ / 0 <( 0 0::: 01 / r( >- 0~ w 0,0 Z f- (IJ W ~ - I \ / \. I SIXTH / CONCESSION ROAD ( w -- z I - ~:5 I \ \ ~- .0 ) ~ - L ~ 0 a:: SUBJECT SUBDIVISION - (GREEN RIDGE I DRIVE f 1/ $: 41 ~ GREENWOOD 0 4: 0 Cl': ) } , ~/ >- w Z I- (jJ W , 3= City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 40M-1456 1- OWNER VARIOUS DATE DEC. 28, 2006 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. SUBDIVISION COMPLETION AND ASSUMPTION SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB ~a}:r~~~;cE~~crp"iec3 10e. and ita .uppliors. ..... right:. Roaervod. Not I) plan of aurvey. PN-RUR 2005 MPAC and its supplier.. All riohts Reserved. Not a pion of Survey. Citlf c~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 10-07 Date: February 12, 2007 "'.. !Jr.. \ ;'.'""J 1...' ~ From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) Request - Funding for Healthy Neighbours Program File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 10-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; 2. That the Council endorse, commencing in 2008, participation in the Healthy Neighbours Program; 3. That Council consider an annual grant to TRCA in the amount of $25,000 for the period of 2008-2012 (5 year commitment); and 4. That Council authorize the appropriate City officials to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Correspondence has been received from TRCA outlining a new Healthy Neighbours Program, which will continue to address local environmental issues to create a sustainable Healthy Community. To participate in this initiative 2008-2012 TRCA request that the City contribute $25,000 annually for the upcoming 5-year period commencing in 2008. The City has contributed $15,000 annually for 2005-2007 (3 years) to the existing TRCA Frenchman's Bay Rehabilitation Project and the new Healthy Neighbour Program will be an extension of the existing TRCA Frenchman's Bay Rehabilitation Project. The Rehabilitation Project will not require funding after 2007. The City and staff have had a positive response in the past and we therefore recommend the request be approved to continue to educate our residents and promote a healthy environment. ------~."'-~..."._~--. Report DES 1 0-07 January 22, 2007 Subject: Funding for Healthy Neighbours Program Page 2 ;~ t'""i. r" \.. U 0 Financial Implications: 2008 - 2012 (5 years) $25,000 annually Total $125,000 Sustainability Implications: · . Plan is to host two best management practices workshops · Distribute 40 Healthy Neighbour Kits · Host 3 Natural Ways events · Work with 10-20 local residents in a no-salt program for winter control · Engage 100 volunteers · . Change behaviours to reduce dependence on pesticide use Background: City staff have over several years reduced pesticide use on City owned lands by over 70%. We have used various methods to also educate the public. With this Healthy Neighbours Program TRCA will now also engage the public and educate them to alternative methods of turf and pest management. Such programs reduce the need for introducing pesticide restricting by-laws and their impact on staff resources. This is a positive approach, which will again demonstrate how a sustainable Pickering can be achieved through partnerships and cooperative ventures without costly enforcement and controls. Attachments: 1. TRCA Request APpro~;~.!",I::~d~~~e~\ By: ;\-1. .,.,/ ." i/"'" II Everett 6untsmV Director, Operations & Emergency Services CORP0227-07/01 revised Report DES 10-07 January 22, 2007 Page 3 Subject: Funding for Healthy Neighbours Program EB:mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City_~~l~'''\ II / ,,,_,,,/H-- /, .. / 7' ......"..._...._ ..,.....'.- ," "",' . : ,- i _ " ':,::'T'r~' " '" 1 .. .," ",.... ''''', ", ....,,/ .:, ..~ ,/, ,;'" ,,,'z><<--'!,/ _ _ -- f --.-- --- I" if'I/' / lw6Aias J. QuinryRDM R>;CMfy1AfJ/ 7...,...".. Chief Administrative Officer --" /" CORP0227-07/01 revised t~n ""';' L'U I II ATTACHMENT#-L_.TO REPORT # CE'~ l[iJ7 TORONTO AND REG/ON:V-- I Cr Cj onservatlon> ." .....0.........-.. ". ":, " nt~ ;: JAN D J. 'Jnn~ ~ t.: U 0, 0 r The L i vi ng C i tJ.,..._....."..._..~.._.T! _"";"-=-7--::::--~.~u/----"~ J'\FllEi\!O.. , ij City of Pickering rABEY~T9~-.t."=.._._..___"'_-- ~ ~i One The Esplanade ,: FWDH:;OPY TO: ~l )_.._-_..__.._..,.-..T......._-_._-~...-~--r..; Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 '.~~~OFl_._.__.. L..~..0~.UIJC!.~_"'_vj...._~ , ; C A o. f I CLEf-1K 'i__'J Attn' Everett Buntsma ,._..;.....:.._--~.~-t-....i-_....--::-::._._".~"...r..:i ~ Mr. Bunlsma: ~~!~9};t~tf1lf:~HT~E,:::::ie' January 3fd, 2007 Re: ie.v'.' ......v ....... .............. ............ Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project2008'to2012 Since October 1 st, 1998 the City of Pickering has supported the efforts of the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project (FBWRP). The City's in-kind support has included donations such as office space, technical support, printing services, mulch and staff support has been a critical partnership in this successful eight-year community stewardship project. More recently the City has also provided cash support to implement specific habitat enhancement programs. Below is a financial breakdown of this support, as documented in reports prepared for the EcoAction Community Funding Program and The Ontario Trillium Foundation. Date In-Kind Cash Notes Oct. 1 st, 1998- $37,477 In-Kind: Office space, phone, fax, printing, office Sept. 3011\ 2000 supplies, event promotion Oct. 1 st, 2000 - $27,460 In-kind: Office space, phone, fax, printing, office Sept. 30th, 2002 supplies, event promotion Jan. rl, 2004- $59,178 $45,000 In-kind: Office space, phone, fax, printing, office Dee 31st, 2006 ($15,000/year) supplies, event promotion, mulch, staff support, use of heavy equipment, watering truck Cash: Woodlot Management, Community Park Naturalization, Stream Management Program TOTAL $124,115 $45,000 We look forward to the final installment of $15,000 for 2007, as part of City Council's approval in 2003 for the project timeframe of January 2004 to December 2007. Without this level of support the FBWRP would not have been able to function within the Frenchman's Bay watershed and achieve many of its' deliverables accepted by federal and provinCial levels as a condition of their funding approval. Continuation of this successful community stewardship project and the City's support for 2008 to 2012 is critical as we collectively work towards a healthy watershed and increased community involvemf.mt. More specifically, future in-kind support from the City would include . Office space, phone, fax, printing, technical support, office supplies; . Access to equipment (i.e. scanner and digital camera); . Promotion of project events through various City sources (i.e. Community Events Page); . Assistance with bi-annual'Take Pride in Pickering Day' events (Le. mulch, watering truck); and . Assistance with site plan development. 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 wvvvv.tr2a.c;~:f~..:;.~O""".O"'..;"~;W{-~' ATTACHMEl\Il It I f' /'.r:'~'.::' I"./'~ -(~;'J .;..r '"-' ~. '~.. .) 1..-.- h I . .. ,. I ~ .' " ""/'..... '\ /''',.,/<' \ t~ r~ .r-. 1-..' V J ,)2 () /::CI In addition to in-kind support, the TRCA requests that the Frenchpi~~,s Bay Watershed Rehabilit ' tion Project receive financial support from the City of Pickering in thEr'amount of $25,000 per year, binning January 2008 until 2012 for the expanded project area includirJg Frenchman's Bay and Petti at Creek watersheds. This financial and in~kind support will lend itself t~ ensuring that the French n's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project is self-sustainil1fl once the cUf,ent Ontario Trillium E ndation grant has ended on December 3f't, 2007. This can be achieved throL1~~ pport from current project partners, both monetary and in-kind support as well as pursuing new funding partnerships. Through hands-on programs and deliverables detailed in the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project 5-Year Plan: 2008-2012 (enclosed), this project will continue to address local environmental issues including water quality/ quantity, land management practices, environmental education and increase habitat quality/ quantity, while regenerating the significant natural heritage features of both the Frenchman's Bay and Petticoat Creek watersheds. The involvement of the local community in hands-on experiences is a proven and effective method of instilling change and addressing the environmental concerns and issues facing our society as a whole to create a sustainable healthy community. More specifically, the financial support received from the City will help to accomplish the deliverables of the Healthy Neighbours Program (detailed below). This program will complement and collaborate with the City's Property Green Up environmental awareness program and work towards changing behavior to reduce the need for introducing pesticide restricting by-laws. Healthy Nei hbours Pro ram Homeowner education initiatives that offer tools for implementing best management practices and fostering changes in behaviour. · Education Workshops · Healthy Neighbours Kits · Winter Salt Alternative Pilot Program Deliverables ( er ear) . Host 2 best management practices workshops . Distribute 40 healthy neighbours kits . Host 3 Natural,Ways events; receiving 40 pledges . Work with 10-20 local residents in no-salt program . Complete 25 follow-up surveys . Engage 100 volunteers We thank the City for its support and look forward to continuing the partnership over 2008 to 2012. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Angela Porteous, Frenchman's Bay Project Ecologist at 905-420-4660 ext. 2212 or the undersigned at 416-661-6600 ext. 5243. Cc. Adele Freeman, Director, Watershed Management Division, TRCA Joanne Jeffery, Manager, Outreach Education and Stewardship, TRCA Angela Porteous, Project Ecologist, Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project, TRCA #\ 1 ,~ L'U (J).....IDID-l (I):::r"'::J:::r ., (I) (I) a. -. < (J) (J) (I)(I)~""lJ~ (J).....(I)(I) < ID:::!' ..... (I) (J)o-~~I C -. 0 '< ID.....o-O(l) IDCIDID 8 :::!. fi) ..... .., (I) .., (') -. 5 (J) Cir.., ~. (l)o.(J)(I)~ 0'" (I) ID .....ID~;;l\~ -. -. -. < O::J:;:~(I) ::J -'-.ID -.,::J::J.....ID 0..... (1)-' ..,0:;:"'3 :;:""lJ(I)g}(J) '(I) a 0 CD 6' <00. ;Co 5' 3 ~ CD 03....co C -. '< (I) coIDc"'.... CD =::J "'.... 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P c a ::J a 9: t5 -l :r~ 25 ::J Q. :~ I , ~ ~ ~~ 011\) 001 p~ a a a a ~~~{,9~~ _tu --\. ---J01I\)01I\)W 01000010 ~ppp~o 000000 000000 -I o .... !!!.I o a ~. (jj )> :::I ::J C !!!. 3 ~ (fl CD < o' CD (fl I ~~~ _w .!'J ,..... 01010 1\)01\) PPP 000 000 .cp ,I\) ,..... .01 010100 1\)01\)0 PPPP 0000 0000 en " 0 0 0 c: 0 ;:+ ,~ C :::I ~ '< ... Q. g, 0 (") ~ g, ell --., III "1J 31 "U n (') 0' 70- '" r ~, (]), o ~! ::!.l ~!c~, ::JI I (Q ':J " .... Citq Q~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 12-07 Date: February 12, 2007 '. i f-.("~ l: .L ; From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emerglency Services Subject: Reduced Load Highways - Amendment to the Mu!"icipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 12-07 regardingl a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Executive Summary: The authority for the enactment of a reduced load period is derived from the Highway Traffic Act. ThE~ intent of the reduced load designation is to limit the maximum vehicular loads on municipal roads which have not been constructed to a standard sufficient to accommodate heavy loads. This is for the protection of those roads from deterioration as a result of spring excess groundwater and intermittent freeze/thaw cycle conditions. The reduced load period is from March 1 to April 30 every year. The amendment as proposed via this report: . serves as an update to the existing by-law capturing new streets which have been constructed since the by-law was enacted and, . removes the reduced load designation from portions of Jodrel Road and Sandy Beach Road to allow for specific construction works which cannot be achieved expeditiously under reduced load period conditions. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications of the passing of the By- law as the City has sufficient signs in stock. Report OES 12-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: Reduced Load Highways Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 ".1..~ t: ,j Page 2 Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented to staff and the recommendations as generated by staff are relevant to the social and economic lenses of sustainability by addressing traffic operations and their impacts on municipal infrastructure (roadway) management and preservation. Background: The Highway Traffic Act, Section 122 allows municipalities and authorities having jurisdiction over highways to designate by by-law reduced load periods and the highways or portion of highways thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies. The City of Pickering's by-law stipulates the reduced load period as March 1 to April 30 every year. Currently, the municipal traffic by-law requires an amendment to capture additional roads within Schedule 12 (Reduced Load Highways) of By-law 6604/05. As Hollywood Court, Nature Heaven Crescent and Rushton Road have been recently constructed and designated as public highways, staff hereby propose to amend the current municipal traffic by-law to also designate them as reduced load highways by including them on Schedule 12. Also, staff propose to temporarily remove the reduced load period designation from portions of Jodrel Road and Sandy Beach Road for March and April 2007 via the attached by-law amendment. The removal is intended to accommodate the construction of: a) the new bridge on Sandy Beach Road. Staff would like to expedite the municipal project and adhere to the schedule by allowing the contractor to transport materials without reduced load restrictions. b) the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion. The City of Pickering has been asked by York Region for an exemption to the municipal reduced load period for Jodrel Road (between McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road) on the basis that their work includes the reconstruction of the road to a full load standard. Letters from the contractor undertaking the bridge reconstruction, and from York Region, the proponent for the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion project are attached. Attachments: 1. Draft By-law Amendments 2. Letter dated January 5, 2007 from the Regional Municipality of York, Transportation & Works Department 3. Letter dated January 23, 2007 from Dagmar Construction Inc. Report OES 12-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: Reduced Load Highways Amendment to the Municipal Traffic & Parking By-law 6604/05 '\' f'''' L.' I. .:..4.. ,;.... ~ tJ' Page 3 Prepared By: ...... ...... j// I ':\ (~ : ( .Ii . \ \ I ' " ~ ,,' . J f' i ".....' .' ',.,; 1':\ ",! 1 'i ~,/ ,I lV I \ X . c...."",. i ,"(1 V, . '? .'--,"' Mike PeI2ows(J, CET coordinator.lT\affiC Operations \......"..1 Approved I Endorsed By: RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of p. ickering ~i~Y_~_~~:.~~::_,\ . './ ._ / N .,.;....:,..".......! \ y./. / 2., //7 ./ ,/ /L-c.r7,.vt-.:~ l_~ ", .Jf""r If . ' v Tt;l6~s J. Quinn! ~DMR., fJ. M:M4.:It",..__ Chief AdministratfJe Officer ,/ / --- \/ ---....--......... "''t ,..... f""'t\ ~'7 >} Vi,' 1... .... ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT OES 12-07 10f2 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. XXXX/07 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of reduced load periods on Highways or parts of Highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to establish reduced load periods on Hollywood Court, Nature Haven Crescent and Rushton Road, and to remove reduced load restrictions on Sandy Beach Road and 'a portion of Jodrel Road. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 12 to By-Law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 12 REDUCED LOAD HIGHWAYS COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 HIGHWAY LIMITS (FROMITO) AMENDING BY-LAW # DELETE Sandy Beach Road Bayly Street (Regional Road 22) to Montgomery Park Road Jodrel Road McKay Road to Montgomery Park Road ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT # OES 12-07 20f2 ...,"" r.... ~'J C..~. J~ ADD Hollywood Court Full limit Nature Haven Crescent Full limit Rushton Road Full limit 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2007. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk }" ~ REPOtrT#_'te:~, 14-07 ----L". ""'~,.._ /""', ,1".. .---......, :....1l, ~ (T5'(jT.) ~p;~r/ {/ '~ Xor~Region ..., r.,-.., L'''' ,,' ....... Transportation and Works Department Water and Wastewater Branch January 5, 2007 Richard W. Holbom, P.Eng Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Division Operations and Emergency Services Dept. City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Holbom: Re: Exemption Reduced Load Period for a Portion of Jodrel Road, City of Pickering Duffin Creek WPCP Stage 3 Expansion Projects File No. W02 73720 In reference to our meeting held on Wednesday, January 3, 2007, we hereby request for an Exemption to the Reduced Load Period requirement for the portion of Jodrel Road from the junction with McKay Road to the intersection of Montgomery Park Road in the City of Pickering, from March 19 to April 30, 2007. Jodrel Road is adjacent to the north-eastem boundary of the Duffin Creek WPCP Expansion site and it is the Regions' intention to use this portion as the main construction access for the forthcoming Site Preparation Contract. It is proposed to tender this contract later this month, with award in March and the notice of commencement to be effective April 2, 2007. It is our understanding that this portion of the road is not suitable for heavy truck traffic, and the Regions are proposing to be responsible for improving this portion of the road to full load capability, so that there would be no future requirement for reduced load restrictions at any time. As of March 19,2007, the Regions' intend to maintain the road in a suitable condition for construction access, while maintaining continuous public access to Frisco Road and the ' waterfront trail. After the completion of the construction, the Regions' will perform all required repairs and improvements necessary for finishing the road to full City standards. The Regional Municipality of York, 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 6Z1 Tel: (905) 895-1231, 1-877-464-YORK (1-877-464-9675), Fax: (905) 895-6927 Internet: www.york.ca to:b REPORT#.Q.~.J2-0 1 c& of _..2L, " E'.:..::mDt_:c~ L )ad P~ril)d Jar:uar:. ~; 'l ') 1- l.....;.) \\-,' t,..,,,t t"i" ;s ai'--'~D ta'o J'e to Tn; e CItv,i-' ')'L<"r:!~(JlnQ1 apl-"O\-" the' EV'>'TI"'t;unn in rl'm~ to l""'eet .. ... -~ _..oJ _....~ .~. "'\,........... .. '~.; ..~J ,,1 -........ .l......O ...... .t'......,,..... ... 1... ...~......... t-'.. ...... \". ,...J. the current schedule. We thank you for your assistance with this important project. Sincerely, Euan A. Ferguson P .Eng Senior Project Manager EF /ph WWW/W02173720 Duffin Creek Stage 3/070105 Mr Holborn exemption reduced load period for a portion of lodrel Road letter. doc ~'t) ..<; \~ 'ci:lNS~C ~ () o INC. -f <( 0 o z MARKHAM January 23, 2007 City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LlV 6K7 ....3 rOREPORT# oES 1~-07 _1..01--1-_ DAGMAR CONSTRUCTION INC. P.O. BOX 510 7350 MARKHAM ROAD MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3P 3R1 TELEPHONE (005) 294-7480 FACSIMILE (005) 294-84141 E-MAJL__""",_ __:1 Attn.: Mr. Richard Holborn, P; Eng. - Division Head, Municipal Property and Engineering Re: Tender No. T-12-2006 - Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Construction Sir: We are requesting an exception from half load restrictions on Sandy Beach Road and Montgomery Park Road. If additional information is required or you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned. I !. Respectfully, l1;~m~, Project Manager CTION INC. J:IDINOII17)IOWNR_CORlRicbard Holbom - 10. Half load exccprion.docPage I of 1 ..-\ 'j , ; ,..,~ 1 Cit11 (1~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 13-07 Date: February 12, 2007 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services ....,. C',' ,.,.. ~';, '}:,,-.-- t. t:,.. J. Subject: No Parking By-law - Erin Gate Boulevard, Rid~lewood Court and Melman Street, - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 13-07 regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Summary: In response to concerns with roadway traffic flow difficulties and poor sightlines due to vehicular on street parking at severe bends along: . Erin Gate Boulevard . Ridgewood Court . Melman Street the City was asked to implement No Parking restrictions in order to ensure a clear travel path and unobstructed visibility. Havin~l completed the review, and based on the results of the community consultation process, staff support the request and hereby propose to amend the existing traffic by-law in accordance with the changes attached. Financial Implications: The acquisition and installation of no parking signs is estimated to cost approximately $1500 and can be accommodated within the Roads current budget account 2320.2409. Report OES 13-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: '-\'f!'\,,!,~j , ~. ',; t..,. l;.: i-. ~ No Parking By-law, Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood Court and Melman Street Page 2 Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented to and the recommendations as generated by staff are relevant to the social lens of sustainability by addressing traffic safety issues. Background: In response to concerns from the community, municipal staff were requested to investigate and implement No Parking restrictions on specific road bends on Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood. Court and Melman Street (as shown on the attached sketch). The residents within the respective communities noted difficulties caused by on street parking and the potential hazard of having to encounter oncoming traffic while endeavoring to avoid parked cars along sharp curves. Community consultation notices were issued and/or affected area residents were contacted directly by staff. All three communities indicated an understanding of the issues and overwhelming support for the implementation of the No Parking restrictions as proposed. Consequently, staff recommend that the municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be amended to reflect No Parking on the affected areas on Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood Court and Melman Street (as shown on the attached sketch). The corresponding draft By"'law amendments are attached. Attachments: 1. Parking scheme diagrams 2. Draft By-law Amendments Approved (En~orseq, By: /",.. ) <:/ "'(' / /~/ (~...j/ "~7t=:..., .~.....f. .::.:..::.......~i/.. h. ... .=.............,)~,... ,/ ,,-/ Ever6.8Untsma Director, Operations and Emergency Services CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 13-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: No Parking By-law, Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood Court and Melman Street Page 3 ,~ Ot' L. .. ". . ;...,. , RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By..law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City CounciL" II ,; /,' fi \ > /I ..::..----;f\,..-.. ,./.~ 77/ .' .7.....- ./-........~ ~/,/ j "'" v.. 1. ."'+ / (Tij<fnfas''-J~'?Q:i;,~DMR.~ CM r ,:~ Chief Administrative Officer ,1 CORP0227 -07/01 revised [";1}0 ,-t.,O ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT OES 13-07 1 of1 .:; / ...~/,..~ ,,-(Q~~QO~ GO~ Erin Gate Boulevard -0 0:: t o l?- 'co LL Ridgewood Court ;: III 0: (Il ::J (") ;;: -0 0:: o o e. Q) > :::i ~~ I"; r-. ~ ~. ,j Melman Street N.T.S. DEe 132006 PROPOSED PARKING RESTRICTIONS ERIN GATE BLVD" RIDGEWOOD CT & MELMAN ST. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT C\MPOT)(.1E\T1w!'rYlotic MOppif1fj\Mf1f)::.\MP&E. Trcdfic \ Atlochment for Repof'! \ 2005\200$ T-RepolJ-xx.crJr ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # OES 13-07 1 of 3 r, ("; (', t'~j, THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. XXXX/07 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. . WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amEmd By-law 6604/05 to establish "No Parking" zones along Erin Gate Boulevard, Ridgewood Court and Melman Street. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Schedule 2 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 HIGHWAY SIDE LIMITS (FROM/TO) PROHIBITED TIMES OR DAYS ADD Erin Gate Interior Along bends of loop Anytime Boulevard (as per Appendix 2a) Ridgewood North and west 54.0 metres east of Anytime Court Lydia Crescent (south leg) to 85.0 metres east of Lydia Crescent (south leg) ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT # OES 13-07 20'3 #F\, r) ,'~ l'~u Melman Street South and west 165.0 metres north of T awnberry Street to 200 metres north of Tawnberry Street Anytime 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2007. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk CORP0227-07/01 revised ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT # OES 13-07 30,3 Traffic By-law 6604/05 Schedule 2 Appendix 2a ITh ERIN GATE ERIN GATE PARK Legend Schedule 2 No Parking Restrictions --"'""---'-"-'" "---,_..,'~ "~-""-:--,~~ ~, N PLACE,rrTll WJ1WJ1JJJJ I ) RN6H'AVEN-lJE-'-// General Provision No Parking Restrictions "3' ,,' Lt. ,:Jo. "~/", -\ I ) \ ./ .......-""'/ CORPC December 14,2006 , REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ....~ ~? t '.1._ Report Number: CS 11-07 Date: February 12, 2007 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Recommendation: That Report CS 11-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report be received for information. Executive Summary: Council approved the Purchasing By-law on November 5, 2001 which includes a request to have a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process be forwarded to Council as information only on a quarterly basis. Financial Implications: Not applicable Sustainability Implications: Participation in GASAMO program for the supply of natural gas is a co-operative venture with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO). Currently close to 200 municipalities and other public sector organizations benefit from the savings the program provides including reduction of paper and related administrative costs if individual pricing programs were solicited. Background: In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.06, a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process is provided herein for the information of Council. Report CS 11-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 2 r~, I)- f) t: ..J. ,J Formal Quotations Summary October 1,2006 to December 31,2006 PST Included I GST Extra (unless stated otherwise) Q-36-2006 Various unit Ongoing. prices Operating costs in November 21, 2006 Vendor: E.L.S. Limited 2006 and 2007 Stump Removal and Supply, Delivery and Q-52-2006 Planting of Trees Various unit Ongoing. prices Operating costs in November 7,2006 Vendor: Cressman Tree 2006 and 2007 Maintenance & Landsca in Supply & Delivery of Two Q-53-2006 Utility Tractors $89,637.84 PST included Received October 13, 2006 Vendor: Hutchinson Farm GST extra E ui ment Q-54-2006 Facility Snow Removal Various Winter Season Vendor: Claremont Snow prices per Operating costs in November 13, 2006 Removal Service clearing 2006 and 2007 Q-55-2006 Seniors Snow Removal Various Winter Season Vendor: Claremont Snow prices per Operating costs in November 13, 2006 Removal Service clearing 2006 and 2007 Report CS 11-07 February 12, 2007 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 3 C' ~ .~ ,-'\J.~ GASAMO Co-operative Request for Proposal November 1 , 2006 Host: Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Natural Gas Contract Program Fi rm Fixed Unit Price Ongoing. Operating costs in 2006 and 2007 Participants: Close to 200 municipalities and other public sector organizations Supply of natural gas, year 1 2nd & 3rd year price option Vendor: ECNG LP Attachments: Not applicable ,\ f. , Prepare~ By: \", Approved / Endorsed By: '\ t,.::, ~.-;? Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services . ___,^~~~~j:~~~:5~::' ~. Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C!ty Council :?'.-..----d--l.'.~- /' c'" ~