HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 15, 2007 Council Meeting Agenda Monday, January 15, 2007 Council Chambers 7:30 pm IN-CAMERA MEETING OF COUNCIL HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 pm I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Council Meeting of October 10, 2006 and December 14, 2006 1-17 18-27 IV) PRESENTATIONS V) DELEGATIONS ~) CORRESPONDENCE VII EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 28 29-49 50-70 Adoption of the Executive Committee meeting held January 8, 2007 Report EC 2007-01 of the Executive Committee held on January 8,2007 VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 71-95 IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 96 X) BY-LAWS 97 -108 XI) OTHER BUSINESS XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW XIII) ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 001 PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCillORS: K. Ashe M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. McLean D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: 1. J. Quinn E. Buntsma N. Carroll G. Paterson D. Bentley A. Haines - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - City Clerk - (Acting) Committee Coordinator (I) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. (II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson Regular Council Meeting of October 3,2006 (III) DELEGATIONS 1 . Paul Fletcher, Representative of the Applicant Re: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 61-06 Heritage Permit Application 002/06 Submission under the Ontario Heritage Act 2390 Rosebank Road. Pickerinq - 1 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM p ('t ., ! U (~ Mr. Fletcher appeared before Council with respect to Heritage Permit Application 002/06, concerning an addition to property municipally known as 2390 Rosebank Road, Pickering. Mr. Fletcher stated that he understood that based on comments from Heritage Pickering, there were two concerns; namely, the size of the addition and the new addition detracting from the existing heritage building. He stated that the Blacksmith Shop, which is designated, hides the house; therefore the addition would not block a view of the heritage aspect of the property. He further advised that the proposed addition removed earlier additions that were not in keeping with the heritage aspect and in fact, would be an enhancement to the existing building. He further advised that his clients' would be happy to work within the guidelines, however, they did not wish to reduce the size due to the fact that two families were living within the dwelling. In summary, he stated that his client would be willing to work with Heritage Pickering and the consultant to address the types of windows, shingles etc. in order to have agreement with all parties, but stressed that time was of the essence due to the tight confines that the families were living in. A question and answer period ensued. In response to questions raised, Mr. Fletcher advised that the addition could not be reduced as it was needed to accommodate 8 to 9 additional bedrooms, and it would be used for strictly residential purposes. Concern was raised with respect to the septic system and the request of the Health Department to have a new system, of which Mr. Fletcher advised his client was unaware of this request. He indicated that his client would be willing to upgrade the septic system to accommodate the additional new bathroom. 2. Pat McNeil, Senior Vice President Ontario Power Generation Information on the Pickerinq B Life Extension Proqram Pat McNeil, Senior Vice President, Ontario Power Generation, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, outlined in detail the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Performance; Refurbishment Business Case Assessment/Feasibility Studies; Pickering B Refurbishment and Continued Operations Environmental Assessment and the Consultation Program & Schedule. Mr. McNeil also outlined the commitment to the community, such as, the Local Business Award from the City of Pickering for community citizenship initiatives, a community neighbourhood walk and the celebration of 40 years in the community. A brief question and answer period ensued. - 2 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM C. 0 f~~ . ..J (IV) REPORTS a) Executive Committee Report, #EC 2006-15 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 48-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 3/06 Brookdale Centre Inc. Part of Lot 23 & 24, Concession1 1105 Kinqston Road, Pickerinq The Chair advised that a public meeting was being held in accordance with the Planning Act. Members of Council were provided with a copy of a written submission from Joseph J. Skapura, Mallpaks Developments Limited, owners of 1243 Kingston Road. Mr. Skapura advised that they were not in objection to the zoning application for property municipally known as 1105 Kingston Road, provided that the applicant be required as a condition of approval to contribute to the overall costs of any of the improvement works (storm culverts underneath Highway 401 etc.) on a fair share basis, which may be determined as being required to resolve the backwater condition in this area. David McKay, MHBC Planning, appeared before Council on behalf of the applicant. He advised that his client was not in support of the holding provisions of the implementing by-law as it was felt that the site plan agreement would provide the City with sufficient restrictions. He further advised that his client would require 206,000 sq. feet, which based on current flood plain concerns, the tentative plan provided for 190,000 sq. feet. Mr. McKay also advised that the drive thru facility noted within the implementing by-law was not required and requested that it be removed. In summary, he further requested that the implementing by-law reflect a gross leaseable floor area of 12,000 square metres, instead of the proposed 9,300 square metres. A question and answer period ensued. Mr. McKay noted that this store would have an upgraded storefront fa9ade, that the LEED certified component was understood and further, would definitely be a partner with respect to sustainability. In summary, he welcomed further discussions with staff with respect to the zoning application. - 3 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 0'0 ". · 'i Resolution #145/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report PO 48-06 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding Brookdale Centre Inc., be received; 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application 3/06 submitted by Brookdale Centre Inc., on lands being Part of Lot 23 & 24, Concession 1, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning to permit commercial development for a home improvement centre and a variety of retail, personal service shop, office and restaurant uses, be approved as revised, for a portion of the subject lands for a home improvement center only, with a U(H)" holding provision subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report PO 48- 06; 3. That the amending zoning by-law, to implement a portion of Zoning By-law Amendment A 3/06, for a home improvement center only, as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 48-06, be forwarded to City Council for enactment; and 4. Further, that Council direct staff to undertake a review of the Town Centre West Development Guidelines and report back to Council on the need for modification to the Guidelines based upon the completion of the stormwater management investigation of the area. CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) Resolution #146/06 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Dickerson - 4 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM no'~ \." ,J "That the amending zoning by-law, noted within recommendation #3 of Report PO 48-06, be amended in Item 4 (1) (e) to reflect 12,000 square metres." CARRIE;D The main motion, as amended, of Councillors Dickerson and Pickles (#145/06) was then put to a vote and CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY on a recorded vote. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 47-06 Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan (Growth Management Study Phase 3) Interim Report 2 - September 2006 Resolution #147/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor Dickerson COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report PO 47-06 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan (Growth Mana~lement Study - Phase 3), be received; 2. That, in light of the progress made to date as outlined in the Sustainable Neighbourhood Design Guidelines, Interim Report #2, September 2006, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited, and provided as Appendix I to Report PO 47-06, staff be requested to; a) report back to Council by the end of 2006 with the Final Draft Sustainable Neighbourhood Design Guidelines; b) establish an approximate six month trial period for testing the Final Draft Guidelines against development applications submitted by the City; and c) identify other initiatives for inclusion in the Planning & Development Department's 2007 work program, to incorporate the Final Guidelines into the Department's day to day operations and procedures; and - 5 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM (\ 0 r-... \.: IJ 3. That a copy of Report PD 47-06 be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, RDC Group, Canada Green Building Council, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Director of the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, the Region of Durham and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED 3. Chief Administrative Officer, Report CAO 04-06 Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Environmental Assessment Update and Local Project Impacts Part of Lots 15 to 18. Ranqe 2 & 3, B.F.C.. and Various Road Allowances General discussion ensued on this matter. Staff were thanked for their assistance with respect to this project. Councillor Brenner provided the City Clerk with a copy of a letter for distribution from Donald E. Cormack, Chair, Physical & Environmental Services, University of Toronto, with respect to the possibility that a house on the west shore beach may be coming available that could be used for environmental research and education. Councillor Brenner wanted staff to be aware of the interest in the subject property, as referenced in the Waterfront Coordinating Committee minutes included as Attachment #2 to Report CAO 04-06. Resolution #148/06 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Brenner COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CAO 04-06 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate with the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham the final terms and conditions of conveying City lands/road allowances in order to accommodate the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion, in keeping with those identified preliminary matters of City interest recommended by the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and City staff, as outlined in Appendix I to Report CAO 04-06; - 6 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 007 3. That Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to commence the process of land disposition for those landslroad allowances needed to accommodate the proposed Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion; 4. That Council authorizes the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering to review and approve, to the City's satisfaction, temporary security fencing, grading work and trail realignment works proposed by the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham required to accommodate their proposed construction schedule; and 5. Further, that the Chief Administrative Officer report back to Council on the final negotiated terms and conditions of the proposecllandlroad allowance conveyances, and obtain authorization to effect the transfer of the lands, if appropriate. CARRIED 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 3l-06 Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Wheel Four Wheel Drive Utilitv Tractors Resolution #149/06 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Ashe COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report OES 37-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the supply and delivery of two (2) four whe!el drive utility tractors be received; 2. That Quotation No. Q-53-2006, as submitted by Hutchison Farm Supply for the supply and delivery of two (2) four wheel drive utility tractors with ancillary equipment in the amount of $82,998.00 (GST and PST extra), be accepted; 3. That the total gross purchase cost of $94,617.72 and net purchase cost of $89,637.84 as outlined in Report DES 37-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services, be approved; - 7 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM OO~~ 4. That the Council of the City of Pickering authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through: a) an internal loan of $89,000. from the Development Charges Reserve Fund; b) the balance amount of $637.84 to be funded from the 2006 Current Budget; c) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $25,000. be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and 5. Further, that the .appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED 5. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 61-06 Heritage Permit Application 002/06 Submission Under the Ontario Heritage Act 2390 Rosebank Road, Pickerinq Detailed discussion on this matter appeared earlier in the meeting. Resolution #150/06 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Heritage Permit Application 002/06, as submitted for property municipally known as 2390 Rosebank Road, Pickering, be denied; and 2. Further, that the City Clerk advise the applicants accordingly and give effect to the denial in accordance with the Ontario HHritage Act. CARRIED - 8 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 00:) 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 63-06 Implementation of a City Wide Graffiti By-law General discussion ensued on this matter. Staff were commended for bringing forth a comprehensive graffiti by-law in order to deal with the problems that the City was encountering. Resolution #151/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CS 63-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the draft Graffiti by-law, included as Attachment #1 to this report, be enacted; and 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED AS AMENDED LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motions) Resolution #152/06 Moved by Councillor Brenner Seconded by Councillor McLean "That the graffiti by-law, noted within recommendation #2 of the Report CS 63- 06, be amended to reflect in the art mural definition and art mural exemption, that murals will only be considered if it is a City initiated art mural, and that the City Solicitor give effect to this change." CARRIED AS AMENDED - 9 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM L" ~ (.... ; j \J The main motion, as amended, of Councillors Brenner and McLean (#152/06) was then put to a vote and CARRIED. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 66-06 Formal Quotations - Quarterlv Report for Information Resolution #153/06 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson COUNCIL DECISION That Report CS 66-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. CARRIED b) Audit Committee Report. #EC 2006-02 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 47-06 Re: Reappointment of Auditors COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CS 47-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the firm of Deloitte & Touche, LLP be reappointed as the City Auditor for a five year term for the 2006-2020 audits inclusive; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 54-06 2006-2008 Internal Audit Work Plan Status Report COUNCIL DECISION - 10- Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM '\ 1"" li 1 That Report CS 54-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 55-06 Internal Audit Charter COUNCIL DECISION 1. That Report CS 55-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the City of Pickering Internal Charter, as outlined in Attachment #1 to this report, be approved; and 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 4. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Confidential Report CS 59-06 2005 Audit Manaqement Letter - Update COUNCIL DECISION That the recommendation contained in Confidential Report CS 59-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be adopted. Resolution #154/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Brenner That the Report of the Audit Committee EC 2006-02, dated October 3,2006, be adopted. CARRIED - 11 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM '\ 1 r) u ,:" (VI) NOTICES OF MOTION a) Manaqement and Development of a Sports Dome Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Ashe Resolution #155/06 WHEREAS a company has presented to the City of Pickering a plan for the management and development of a sports dome. This multi-purpose sports dome would provide the community with a much needed multi-purpose sports and recreational facility, with a particular focus on indoor youth soccer, with a possible opening date of fall of 2007; WHEREAS soccer is the fastest growing team sport in Canada with approximately 1,000,000 registered players nationwide and Ontario leads the way with over half a million registered players. With the growth of soccer as a franchise sport, more and more families are recognizing the value of playing the game, both economically and physically; WHEREAS indoor soccer offers an inexpensive alternative for families when compared to more traditional winter sports, such as hockey and it is also becoming a more attractive option to individuals who have graduated from youth leagues to adult leagues; WHEREAS the Pickering Soccer Club has a membership of over 4200 players and a waiting list of over 200, therefore a facility of this nature is a benefit for the community; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be requested to investigate and report back to Council on the feasibility of this type of facility within the City. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE - 12 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 01~j b) Reduction of Speed Limit on a Portion of Sideline 16 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles Resolution 156/06 WHEREAS the City of Pickering has recently completed the resurfacing of a portion of Sideline 16, immediately north of Highway 7 and the remaining portion of Sideline 16, south of Seventh Concession Road remains a granular surface road; WHEREAS resulting from the recent resurfacing, the high volume of traffic along Sideline 16 tends to travel at a high rate of speed and therefore can present a hazard to the area given the rural roadway conditions ~nd remaining granular surface of Sideline 16; WHEREAS the City of Pickering has received both complaints and concerns from the local residents with respect to safety and has been asked that a speed limit of 60 km/hour be implemented for Sideline 16 between Highway 7 and Seventh Concession Road; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff be requested to investigate, prepare and submit for Councils review and potential endorsement the necessary by-law to give effect to this request. CARRIED (VII) BY-LAWS Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, took leave to introduce by-laws of the City of Pickering: By-law 6710/06 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3037, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part of Lot 23 and 24 in the City of Pickering (A 03/06) - 13 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM " 1 J'I U if By-law 6711/06 Being a by-law to prohibit graffiti within the City of Pickering. CARRIED THIRD READING: Councillor Brenner, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, moved that By-law Numbers 6710/06 and 6711/06 be adopted and the said by-laws be now read a third time and PASSED and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (VIII) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Dickerson requested staff to investigate the feasibility/cost with respect to the elimination of the sidewalk on Albacore Manor and survey the residents in this regard. 2. Councillor McLean requested staff to investigate with Bell Canada the implementation of telephone service in the new development on Rushton Road. He advised that residents were to.date without this service. 3. The following matters were considered prior to the regular meeting: Resolution # 157/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Council move into a closed meeting of Council in order to discuss a matter subject to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the City and the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. a) Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and City Solicitor Confidential Report CS 62-06 Operations Centre - Durham Reqion Transit Commission Lease - 14 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM nlr::::J' ~. , Resolution # 158/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the recommendations contained in Confidential Report CS 62-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and City Solicitor, be adopted. CARRIED b) Verbal Update from the City Solicitor with respect to the Performance Aqreement as approved on October 3,2006 for S.R. & R. Bay Ridqes Ltd. The City Solicitor provided a confidential verbal update to Council with respect to the performance agreement that was approved as part of Report PO 45-06 of the Director, Planning & Development, with respect to the Bay Ridges Plaza redevelopment. A brief question and answer period ensued. c) Verbal Update from the City Solicitor with respect to the Pickering Harbour Company Zoninq By-law for the East Spit The Director, Planning & Development and the City Solicitor provided a confidential verbal update with respect to the zoning by-law related to the Pickering Harbour Company and the East Spit. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that he would be formally responding to the confidential email that was received from the Pickering Harbour Company in this regard. d) Memorandum from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 5, 2006 with respect to the Status of Neqotiations for Animal Shelter Services The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer provided a brief update with respect to the status of securing animal shelter services for the latter part of 2007. - 15 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM n1""" --tr:t: 0 e) Memorandum from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 5, 2006 with respect to Appointment to the Durham Reqion Transit Advisorv Committee Resolution # 159/06 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Ashe 1. That Ms. Tracey Paterson be recommended for appointment by the City of Pickering to the Durham Region Transit Advisory Committee; and 2. That the City Clerk advise the Region of Durham accordingly. CARRIED Resolution # 160/06 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Council rise and ratify the actions taken at the 'In Camera' session. CARRIED f) Verbal Update from the Chief Administrative Officer The Chief Administrative Officer thanked members of Council and senior staff for their exemplary support during this last term of Council. He wished all members of Council best wishes for the upcoming municipal election. g) Verbal Update from the Chief Building Official and the City Clerk with respect to Council's role for Heritaqe Permit Applications The Chief Building Official and the City Clerk provided a brief overview of the Ontario Heritage Act and the role that Council plays in relation to Heritage Permit Applications. Council were provided with a handout of a floor plan with respect to the heritage permit application that was being - 16 - Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, October 10 2006 7:30 PM 017 discussed as part of the regular agenda, for their information as it provided clarity to the application. A brief discussion ensued on this matter. (IX) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6712/06 Councillor Ashe, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of October 10, 2006. CARRIED (X) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:54 pm. DATED this 10th day of October, 2006 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBIA.BENTLEY CITY CLERK - 17 - 013 Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14,2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCillORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: 1. J. Quinn D. Bentley - Chief Administrative Officer - City Clerk (I) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST There were no disclosures noted. Moved by Councillor Dickersn Seconded by Councillor McLean That Council move In Camera for the purposes of discussing personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. (II) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS The City Clerk provided an overview of the appointment applications that had been received with respect to the recent advertisements for the Appointments to Advisory Committees. She further noted requests that had been received from the Region of Durham for their advisory committee appointments. Information on the applications were reviewed In Camera in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the personal information was used solely for the purpose of assessing the applicants qualifications for appointment to one of the City's Advisory Committees. Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room 019 (III) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Reqional Appointments, Durham Environmental Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Atis Lasis be appointed as the citizen member on the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee and the Region of Durham be so advised. CARRIED Durham Trail Coordinatinq Committee Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That David Steele be appointed as the citizen member on the Durham Train Coordinating Committee and the Region be so advised. CARRIED Land Division Committee Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor McLean That Ralph Sutton be appointed as the citizen member on the Land Division Committee and the Region be so advised. CARRIED Conservation Authorities Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Pickles Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room " ..... ..... t,./ i.. \1 That Councillor Johnson be appointed as the City representative on the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be so advised. CARRIED Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That Councillor Littley be appointed as the City representative on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. CARRIED Durham Aqricultural Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Enrico Pistritto be appointed as the citizen representative on the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Region of Durham be so advised. CARRIED b) APPOINTMENTS TO ADVISORY COMMITTEES Accessibility Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor Littley be appointed as the Council representative on the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the following persons are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Kelly Collins Aisha Nathifa Heywood Zxoia Horne Stephen Little Joy Margaret MacPherson Lori Sharron Murray Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14,2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room " r) '" U.:.t Actinq Mavor Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Littley The following are appointed as Acting Mayors for the term noted: Councillor McLean for a term from December 1, 2006 to March 31, 2008 Councillor Littley for a term from April 1, 2008 to July 31, 2009 Councillor Johnson for a term from August 1, 2009 to December 31,2010. CARRIED Advisory Committee on Race Relations Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Councillor Pickles be appointed as the Council representative on the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the following persons are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Tanya Malika Foster Sethu Madhavan Kirk Mark CARRIED Animal Services Committee Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor McLean be appointed as the Council representative on the Animal Services Committee and the following persons are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30,2008: Bonnie Guest Tessa Kiommel Amanda O'Brien CARRIED ,~ r, n. u~,:.:. Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room Audit Committee Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor Dickerson, Councillor O'Connell and Councillor McLean be appointed to the Audit Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2008 and Mayor Ryan is an ex-officio member. CARRIED Civic Awards Committee Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Littley That Councillor Dickerson, Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Dickerson be appointed to the Civic Awards Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2008 and Mayor Ryan is appointed as an ex-officio member. CARRIED Committee of Adiustment Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That the following are appointed thereto to the Committee of Adjustment for a term to expire on November 30, 2010 (term is for four years based on the Planning Act): Kevin Ashe Susan S. Kular David Johnson Eric Newton Keith Wilkinson Fenceviewers/Propertv Standards Committee That the following are appointed thereto to the Fenceviewers/Property Standards Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room L"\ f) r~ , (;. .) Kelly Ann Bannister Annie May Burtney Gregory Fernandes Richard Alexander Fleming Marcia Kumiko O'Connor Heritaqe Pickerinq Discussion ensued on the Heritage Pickering appointments. The Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk were requested to report back at the first Council meeting in January 2007 on this matter. Livestock Valuers Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the following are hereby appointed to the Livestock Valuer for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: John Laider Pickerinq Museum Villaqe Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor McLean be appointed as the Council representative on the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee and the following person are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Sean Thomas Byrne Rose Ann Cowan Laura Ellen Drake Patrick A. Dunnill William Gosse Paul Savel William Frederic Utton Kees van der Vecht Bill James Weston Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room .., () " U t:.,'J Public Library Board Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Mclean That Councillor Littley and Councillor O'Connell be appointed to the Public Library Board for a term to expire on November 30, 2008 and the following are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30, 2010 (term is for four years based on the Planning Act): Ozair Chaudhry Pamela Ann Irwin Julie Lucas John Sabean Paul Savel Hans Vanleeuwen Shirley Elizabeth Van Steen CARRIED Rouqe Park Alliance Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor O'Connell be appointed to the Rouge Park Alliance for a term to expire on November 30,2008, unless otherwise advised and that the Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy be appointed as the alternate. CARRIED Site Plan Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That Councillor Dickerson, Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Pickles be appointed to the Site Plan Advisory Committee for a term to expire on November 30,2008. CARRIED Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room '" f) t~ v'-d Taxicab Advisory Committee Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley That Councillor McLean be appointed as the Council representative on the Taxicab Advisory Committee for a term to expire on November 30,2008. CARRIED Veridian Corporation Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Littley That the appointments to the Veridian Corporation be deferred pending the governance review currently being completed by Veridian Corporation. MOTION DEFEATED Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Pickles That the following are hereby appointed to the Veridian Corporation for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Mayor Ryan Councillor McLean Councillor Pickles Councillor Dickerson CARRIED Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Littley That the citizen appointment to Veridian Corporation be deferred pending submission of names for nomination by Veridian Corporation. CARRIED '" t) ,'" u"..) Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room Waterfront Coordinatinq Committee Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Dickerson be appointed as the Council representatives and the following are appointed thereto for a term to expire on November 30, 2008: Craig Bamford James Dike Chandra Gocool Steve Holt Patricia Korol David John Steele David McClelland Stone Kevin Roy Tower CARRIED Winterfest Committee Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor O'Connell That Councillor Dickerson be appointed as the Council representative on the Winterfest Committee for a term to expire on November 30, 2008 CARRIED Duffins & Caruthers Creek Watershed Task Force Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Pickles That Councillor O'Connell be appointed as the Council representative on the Duffins & Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Force for a term to expire on November 30, 2008, unless otherwise advised. CARRIED Special Council Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:00 am Main Committee Room n f) ,..., V(.,( (II) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number 6713/06 Councillor, seconded by Councillor, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Special Meeting of December 14, 2006. CARRIED (III) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean THAT the Special Meeting of Council be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 11 :27 am. DATED this 14th day of December, 2006. MAYOR CITY CLERK Calf a~ 028 January 15, 2007 DELEGATIONS 1. Natalie Bubela, President and Acting CEO Tom Atkins, Board Chair Rouge Valley Health System Re: Rouqe Vallev Hospital Update 2. John Sabean Durham West Arts Centre Re: Annual Report to Council CilLJ D~ 1. r' r):'~ U (., ,1 January 15, 2007 CORRESPONDENCE CORR. 01-07 MARTIN DE ROND, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE & INFORMATION SERVICES TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Aiax, ON L 1 S 2H9 Motion for Direction Advising that at the General Government Committee meeting held on December 7,2006, the Council of the Town of Ajax adopted a resolution with respect to the R.egional Chair question result on election ballots and is requesting endorsement of the resolution. 2. CORR. 02-07 KATHY STRANKS, MANAGER, CHAIR AND CAO'S OFFICE TORONTO AND HEGION CONSERVATION FOR THE LIVING CITY 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, ON M3N 1 S4 Receive for Information Advising that at a meeting held on September 29, 2006, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) adopted a resolution in regards to the International Joint Commission. 3. CORR. 03-07 LAURA DRAKE, CHAIR PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Receive for Information Submission from the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee submitting their Report to Council for the term 2003-2006 and thanking Mayor and Council for their support. "\ "", "j L.. d 11 4. CORR. 04-07 ROSEMARY SADLIER, PRESIDENT ONTARIO BLACK HISTORY SOCIETY 10 Adelaide Street East Suite 202 TORONTO. ON M5C 1 J8 Motion to Declare Letter received from the Ontario Black History Society requesting the City of Pickering proclaim February, 2007 as Black History Month. 5. CORR. 05-07 Motion to Declare LYNNE GRAY, PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM REGION OF DURHAM HEALTH DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 730 Whitby, ON L 1 N OB2 Letter received from the Durham Region Health Department requesting the City of Pickering proclaim the week of April 23 - 29,2007 as Injury Prevention Week. A~x ~~Lake LEtgislative & Information Services TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax ON L1S 2H9 www.townofajax.com COp-p... 01-0 I Tel. 905-683-4550 Fax. 905-683-1061 December 14, 2006 "3 '" u. - 'l Pat Madill, Regional Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham P.O. Box 623 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L 1 N 6A3 RE: Reqion Chair Ballot Question Result Please be advised that the following resolution was passed at the General Government Committee meeting held on December 7, ~~006 and endorsed by Ajax Town Council at its meeting held on December 11, 2006. WHEREAS an identical question was placed on the Ajax, Oshawa and Pickering municipal election ballots asking electors if they wished their local councils to approve a resolution to request that the Government of Ontario make a regulation requiring that the method of selecting the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham be changed to election by general vote; and, WHEREAS electors responded to the ballot question as follows: "YES" "NO" AJAX 12,176 (89.39%) 1,445 (10.61%) PICKERING 14,917 (89.24%) 1,798 (10.76%) OSHAWA 21.799 (86.31%) 3.457 (13.69%) TOTAL 48,892 (87.95%) 6,700 (12.05%) ~ , - ballot question result, while not legally binding as 50% of the eligible y of the municipalities did not vote on the question, indicates port for changing the method of selecting the Region Chair to election -N RE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. municipalities in the Region of Durham be advised of the ballot results. ,:"jtE ...2 . _~,N Ontario's First ISO 9001 Quality Community (Y~t.:.:-t \or-, -f~;i'" ~ " 3 ." U - t,:, 2. That the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham be urged to pass a resolution requesting that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing make a regulation authorizing the Region to exercise the powers provided in 5.218 of the Municipal Act, 2001 to change the composition of Region Council, specifically for the purpose of changing the method of selecting the Region Chair to election by general vote. 3. That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be advised of the ballot question results and urged to make a regulation requiring that the method of selecting the Chair of the Regional Municipality of Durham be changed to election by general vote. 4. That all municipal Councils in the Region of Durham be requested to endorse this resolution. Thank you for your kind attention. Please contact me if you require further information. Sincerely, ~ Martin de Rond Director of Legislative & Information Services Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, ON L 1 S 2H9 905-619-2529 ext. 336 ma rti n. derond@townofaiax.corrl Copy: Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing All Durham Region MPPs All Durham Region Municipalities Mayor Parish Regional Councillor Cra'Mord Regional Councillor Jordan .,......,~.~....,;.,t..~ onserRvaNtron for The Living City CORR. 0)..-07 't~'1 '1] ,f '',''~ f) i'-! t" a "!'HHm I) 3 "'.".- /) . 1..,' .) November 6, 2006 Ms. Debi Bently City Clerk City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Bently: At Authority Meeting #7/06, of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), held on September 29, 2006, Resolution #A208/06 in regards to the International Joint Commission, was approved as follows: THA T the report on the three selected candidate plans labeled A +, B + and D + and other recommendations outlined in the final report "0ptions for Managing Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water LevE'/s and Flows" by the International Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River Study Board to the International Joint Commission dated March, 2006 be received; THA T the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) endorse Conservation Ontario Council's resolution from its August 28, 2006 meeting with emphasis on the strong support for Plan B + - Balanced Environmental; AND FURTHER THA T the International Joint Commission (by the end of the public comment period - September 15, 2006), Conservation Ontario and TRCA's waterfront municipalities be so advised. Enclosed for your information and any action deemed necessary is the report as presented to the Watershed Management Advisory Board on September 15, 2006. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 416-661-6600 extension 5264 (kstranks@trca.on.ca) or Larry Field at extension 5243. Si?lJ1~/~ /1t11Y ~a~ks Manager, Chair and CAD's Office ..........'.......,,,,...,,.,.........~~~."""'~~ -~, "-, "~I (( ,\ fY~~ cc. Larry Field, Manager, Govemment Liaison, TRCA . ORIGiN:;! "'-1--,. ,.., '.\ Q' ,t." t::t:::t\t T~,.... ..........._....__~ cOP';' " ,~. , ~, · TO I', (\.- . ,. -'''1'-.( · ~ : 1'-'....... Lt.} t.......;~:\ _..,."".._~~"'''''''.......'...,...,'''.... /Encl. DISTRIBUTION LIST Debi Bently, City Clerk, City of Picl<ering Martin de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax Crystal Greer, Clerk, Clerk's Department, City of Mississauga Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk, City Manager's Office, City of Toronto -1 .' FILE 5 Sho,eh,m Ddve, Dow",view, 0"";0 M3N 154 {416} 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.t,~~.~L uf?"~ . "~"L<;' '\ 3 " l! -f TO: Chair and Members of the Watershed Management Advisory Board Meeting #4/06, September 15, 2006 FROM: Adele Freeman,. Director, Watershed Management RE: INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION Options for Managing lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water levels and Flows KEY ISSUE To report on the "Options for Managing lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water levels and Flows" - final report by the International Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence Study Board - March, 2006 and the recommendation adopted at the Conservation Ontario Council meeting of August 28, 2006. RECOMMENDATION THE BOARD RECOMMENDS TO THE AUTHORITY THAT the report on the three selected candidate plans labeled A+, B+ and D+ and other recommendations outlined in the final report "Options for Managing l.ake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water levels and Flows" by the International Lake Ontario - St. Lawrence River Study Board to the International Joint Commission dated March, 2006 be received; THAT the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) endorse Conservation Ontario Council's resolution from its August 28, 2006 meeting with emphasis on the strong support for Plan B+ - Balanced Environmental; AND FURTHER THAT the International Joint Commission (by the end of the public comment period - September '15, 2006), Conservation Ontario and TRCA's waterfront municipalities be so advised. BACKGROUND The International Joint Commission (IJC) issued an Order of Approval on October 11, 1952, amended on July 2, 1956, for the construction of the St. Lawrence River Hydropower Project (Moses Saunders Dam, Cornwall). Regulation of Lake Ontario water levels and outflows in accordance with the Commission's orders began in 1960. The current plan, 1958-0, which has been in effect since October 1963, was designed for the hydrologic conditions experienced from 1860 to 1954. For that reason, 1958-0 has not performed well under the extreme high and low water supply conditions experienced since that time. As a result, the IJC and its International St. Lawrence River Board of Control have had to deviate from the plan to better address changing needs and interests. On December 11, 2000, the IJC issued a directive to the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study Board, which it had appointed, to: i) review the current regulation of levels and flows in the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River system, taking into account the impact of regulation on affected interests; ii) develop an improved understanding of the system among all concerned; and iii) provide all the relevant technical and other information needed for the review. 11 '\ 3 c""..... u ~} Attachment 1 shows the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River. Basin including the watersheds of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers. The location of the St. Lawrence River control structures between Massena, New York and Cornwall, Ontario and the river through Montreal Harbour are also shown. As part of the 5-year study and in preparation of the final report, the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence (LOSL) Study Board released in mid-2005 three Candidate Plans for public and agency comment. After consideration of the staff report and Watershed Management Advisory Board recommendations, the Authority at Meeting #6/05, held on July 22, 2006, approved Resolution # AilS/OS as follows: THA T the report on the CandIdate Plans recently released for public and agency comment by the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence Study Board be received,' THA T the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) support the study boards vision lito contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence System II and the integrated evaluation approach in developing the Candidate Plans for the six interests,' THA T comments contc.1ined in this report on the Candidate Plans be forwarded to the International Lake Ont::Jrio-St. Lawrence. Study Board for their consideration in preparing the recommendations to the International Joint Commission,' AND FURTHER THA T Conservation Ontario, the conservation authorities on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River and TRCA's waterfront municipalities be so advised Current Status The International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Study Board has prepared "Options for M anaging Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Water Levels and Flows" (March 2006). The IJC has released the final report for public comment until September 15, 2006 and the IJC will develop a draft decision based on consideration of the final report, public comment and any other relevant information. The IJC will hold public hearings and invite written comments after the release of the draft decision and will consult with the governments of Canada and the United States to seek their concurrence before making a decision whether to change its Orders of Approval or the current regulation plan. The IJC's final decision will be released to the governments and to the public in print and online. Summary of Lake Ontario Report This summary borrows heavily from the Executive Summary of the Main Report. Copies of the Study Board Main Report and Annexes are available on-line at http://www.losl.org/reports/finalreport-e.html. 12 03G The document summarizes findings from the scientific and other undertakings of the study, describes three new candidatl3 plans for IJC consideration, presents recommendations on public involvement and regula.tion-related matters and outlines some steps towards implementation of a new regulation plan. The study board indicates confidence that each of the three candidate plans performs better than the current operating regime (1958D) in terms of overall net economic and environmental benefits to interests throughout the system and that a plan selected from these three will satisfy most of the affected interest groups. The report notes that changes to the criteria and existing operating plan are not possible without harm to some interests and that the majority of board members do not consider these damages a " disproportionate loss." It is indicated that the Study Team has identified all the significant trade-offs that have to be made among competing interest~ and quantified the relative benefits and costs. The result is an intensive, comprehensive and detailed analysis of the physical and ecological dynamics that are interacting with the human uses of the system. The study presents a comprehensive set of tools, models, supporting data and information that is intended to facilitate the ability of the IJC to make the final decision regarding regulation of Lake Ontario levels and outflows. New Candidate Regulation Plans The Study Team formulated and evaluated numerous possible regulation plans. It has selected three candidate plans labeled A+, B+ and D+, which address the range of interests and issues that emerged as part of an extensive evaluation effort. These plans have the designation + as they represent improvements over the versions of plans A, Band D that were made public during the study's summer 2005 outreach activity. From an interest perspective, all three candidate plans benefit commercial navigation and hydropower and have no impact on municipal, industrial and domestic water use relative to Plan 1958-D with Deviations (1958-DD). The greatest difference betweem the plans is in how they address recreational boating, the shoreline flood and erosion or coastal interests and the environment or natural ecosystem. Attachment 2 shows a comparison for the three candidate plans and 1958-DD and represent average levels, the level exceeded 1 % of the time and the level exceeded 99% of the time in each quarter-month of the year based on the 50,000 year stochastic sequence for Lake Ontario. The report summarizes that Plan A+ is the most regimented of the three plans, striving to keep Lake Ontario within as narrow a range as possible. It provides the highest overall net economic benefit, the greatest economic benefit for recreational boaters, both upstream and downstream, and benefits in tE!rmS of shore protection maintenance and flood concerns on Lake Ontario. In comparison with Plan 1958-D with Deviations, higher erosion rates along unprotected Lake Ontario shoreline are of concern, as are increased flood damages on the lower St. Lawrence River. Plan A+ provides small improvements for the environment, but, of the three candidate plans, has the smallest gain in this regard when compared with Plan 1958-D with Deviations. 13 '\ ') l. oJ 3 The report summarizes that Plan B+ strives to return the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence system to a more natural regime, with conditions similar to those that existed prior to the St. Lawrence River Hydropower Project, while at the same time attempting to minimize damages to present interests. In comparison with Plan 1958-0 with Deviations, it does indeed provide overall improvement for the natural environment on Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River (e.g. coastal wetlands). It also provides net benefits for hydropower and commercial navigation. Its downside is that it results in higher damages for Lake Ontario shoreline properties and is associated with increased flood damages on the lower St. Lawrence River. Although Plan B+ has some negative recreational boating numbers, at public meetings, many in the boating community, especially on the upper St. Lawrence, supported Plan B as presented at the summer 2005 public meetings priqr to its final "fine tuning." From their point of view, this plan has better St. Lawrence River and Lake St. Lawrence performance, generally higher Lake Ontario levels in spring and fall, and better overall performance for boaters more than half of the time than Plan 1958-0 with Deviation. In the eyes of many, Plan B+ is the only candidate plan that consistently transforms and improves the diversity and productivity of the natural ecosystem (e.g. coastal wetlands), addresses species at risk legislation objectives, and represents an important step forward towards a level of ecological integrity that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. According to the report, the intent of Plan 0+ is to increase the net economic and environmental benefits of regulation, relative to Plan 1958-0 with Deviations, without disproportionate losses to any interests. In this respect, this plan succeeds in achieving gains in net benefits for recreational boaters, hydropower and commercial navigation. Despite some small losses in the Lake Ontario shore protection category, Plan D+ is very close to 1958-0 with Deviations in terms of shoreline property interests. Plan D+ also provides a general level of improvement for the environment across the range of performance indicators considered. Summary of Study Board Recommendations The study highlights that conditions and the priorities for lake level and flow regulation always change over time, and new scientific and technological advances will continue to be made. It is recommended that "An adaptive management process should support the selected regulation plan and incorporate performance tracking: an initial performance review of the new plan should be undertaken five years after its implementation; and a more in-depth evaluation should be carried out ten years from its implementation to include consideration of adaptive changes to the selected plan." The study indicates that they've considered in detail the trade-offs between interests, and this is reflected in the plan rules. The Study Board has agreed that long-term deviations from plan rules and flows have the effect of changing the intended performance of the plan(s) as designed and the benefits that flow from the plan(s). However, the Board recognizes and supports the need for short-term deviations from plan flows under specified emergency conditions but there would be a need for considerable public relations support at such times. 14 03:>; The Study Board indicated that a significant opportunity exists to move forward on longterm resolution of a few vexing iSSUl3S related to fluctuating water levels, for example, shoreline flood and erosion problems. They rE!commend that: "During International Joint Commission consultations with governments, the Commission should act as a catalyst to promote and advance mitigation of persistent shoreline flood and erosion problems. For example, in light of the findings of this study, responsible state, provincial and municipal authorities could undertake a review of shoreline management practices and policies. Shoreline management strate~Jies and permitting processes could be revisited and renewed for critical reaches of the shoreline utilizing new data and information gathered during this study, including water level regime information for a new regulation plan. This review should help to identify options for dealing witt, problems affecting land use and existing structures within shoreline flood and erosion hazard zones.". The report recommends that the IJC should consider applying the general planning approach used in this exercise ("Shared Vision Modeling") in subsequent International Joint Commission studies. The study suggests that the basic data and information collected, the research undertaken, the models developed and the body of knowledge accumulated during the study have many possible and potential uses beyond the review of the Commission's Lake Ontario regulation criteria and plan. The report recommends that the IJC and the International St. Lawrence River Board take steps to make this information as accessible and useful as possible to a broad range of organizations and applications. Additionally, the Study Board recommends that additional resources and personnel needed to meet new responsibilities of plan implementation by the International St. Lawrence River Board of Control be sought and provided. As a first priority, a full-time communications officer should be engaged to lead outreach activities relating to implementation of a new plan. Then, as a second priority, more science capacity should be added to develop links with science organizations, monitor regulation plan performance and assume responsibility for seeking out and identifying future adaptation actions and strategies. Further recommendations derived from the outreach activities and experiences of the Study Board and Public Interest Advisory Group include the following: i) People living and working along Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River shorelines need to be educated and informed with respect to the basic hydrology of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence system. An education program is necessary. ii) People affected by changing water levels and flows resulting from regulatory actions, in both the short term (hours) and the long term (years), need to understand and be informed of these conditions so that they can prepare for and adapt to them. It is recognized that shoreline development, infrastructure and regulatory programs have evolved with some dependence on the current Orders of Approval and regulation plan operations. Changes should be accompanied by education, outreach and help in accommodating a new water level regime and water management decision-making structure. 15 '\ I) r- l. 0 ..J iii) The International S1. Lawrence River Board of Control should be restructured to better reflect the views of all interests and should incorporate a public advisory body. Consideration should be given to renaming the Board, deleting the term "Control."; and, iv) For studies such as this, thie Commission should appoint Public Interest Advisory Group members for their expertise and ability to reach out to local interest groups. Publication of the results of Study Board and Commission research should be encouraged and supported by the Commission. In that vein, the Commission's website could reference current and future study-related publications in order to broaden public awareness. Scientific and Technological Advances The report describes how the Study Board has introduced a new planning approach referred to as "Shared Vision Planning." This approach combines scientific and public input in an interactive analytical framework that has helped the Study Team and public interest groups explore numerous plan formulation opportunities, operating nuances and performance impacts in an organized fashion. The Shared Vision Planning approach used in the study integrates a hierarchy of advanced models. They include an ecosystem response model, shoreline dynamics models used for flood damage and erosion predictions, and a series of new economic models that provide the economic benefits and costs associated with recreational boating, hydropower and commercial navigation. The report indicates that the Study Board used highly sophisticated hydrologic modeling to ensure the reliability, resilience and robustness of each plan under a stochastically generated 50,OOO-year sequence. Four different climate change scenarios were analyzed and used to thoroughly test candidate plans, ensuring that none had fatal flaws that would inhibit their performance under these extreme potential conditions. When choosing options, the Study Board decided that a legitimate comparative analysis of the benefits and costs associated with the various plans, should be based on the long-term stochastic hydrologic sequence rather than the 1 OO-year historical record. The report highlights that implementation of a candidate plan will impose a new set of requirements on the International S1. Lawrence River Board of Control. The new requirements (including information management; greater public communication and outreach; model running, maintenance and upgrading; the analysis of monitoring data) must be addressed to enable the Board to remain aware of plan impacts and to know when and to what extent adaptive changes in policy should be considered. ConseNation Ontario Review and Recommendations The study was reviewed by Conservation Ontario and the 11 authorities (Central Lake Ontario, Credit Valley Conservation, Ganaraska Region Conservation, Conservation Halton, Hamilton Conservation Authority, Lower Trent Conservation, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Quinte Conservation, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Cataraqui Region and Raisin Region Conservation Authority) along the Lake Ontario-S1. Lawrence system. 16 , i'h 0l~ d The following recommendations on the Study Board's final report were adopted by Conservation Ontario Council at its meeting held on August 28, 2006 WHEREAS the International Joint Commission established in December 2000 the International Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Study Board to comprehensively evaluate options for regulating levels and flows in the Lake Ontario - Sf. Lawrence River System beyond the current plan 1958-D which has been in effect since October, 1963. WHEREAS the Study Board adopted a Vision to contribute to the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the Lake Ontario and Sf. Lawrence River System and a Goal- to identify flow regulation plans and cnteria that best serve the range of affected interests, and address climatic conditions in the basin. WHEREAS the Study Board was directed to consider six interests - 3 interests under Plan 1958D (commercial navigation, municipal- industrial- domestic water uses and hydroelectric power generation) and 3 new interests (wetlands/environmental, recreational boating/tourism and coastal processes). WHEREAS the International Joint Commission has initiated a five-step decision process and is requesting by September 15, 2006 public comment on the Lake OntarioSt Lawrence River Study to assist them in their deliberations towards a draft decision. WHEREAS Conservation Ontario advocates the need for implementation of ''integrated watershed approaches JJ and the continued preservation and restoration efforts of the environment to ensure the sustainability of the Great Lakes Basin. AND WHEREAS Conservation Ontario will have further opportunity after development of a draft decision to participate in Commission hearings on the draft decision. THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THA T Conservation Ontario strongly support Plan B+ - Balanced Environmental as the basis for regulation of out flows from Lake Ontario consistent with the Study Board's vision, goal and guidelines. THA T predicted small increases in shoreline erosion and flooding under Plan B + be managed, as discussed in the study, with measures employed by various levels of government, including the conservation authorities regulation of development within hazardous lands. THA T Conservation Ontario supports the Adaptive Management recommendations as critical in maintaining tf,e investment and benefit of data collection, scientific analysis and plan evaluation models to monitoring and performance revIew of a new operating plan and making informed adjustments in future. THA T Conservation Ontario and the 11 Conservation Authorities along the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence system will continue to support the Adaptive Management Approach and recommendations by providing monitoring information, analysis and commenting on future plan adjustments. 17 04i AND THA T this recommendation be forwarded to the International Joint Commission. RATIONALE The Study Board's approach in formulating the three candidate plans A+, B+ and 0+ and the associated recommendations on mitigation actions, adaptive management including data management/sharing and changes to the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence Board of Control and public outreach activities, etc. has provided a scientific based model for other Great Lakes work of the IJC. The IJC recently announced the initiation of a major study on the Upper Great Lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie) to investigate the factors affecting water levels and flows including physical changes in the St. Clair River and possible improvements to the regulation of outflows from Lake Superior. The study and recommendations are very consistent with the summer 2005 resolutions passed by the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and Conservation Ontario's advocation of "integrated watershed approaches and the continued preservation and restoration efforts of the environment to ensure the sustainability of the Great Lakes Basin.". Plan B+- Balanced Environmental is the preferred candidate plan as set out in Conservation Ontario's adopted recommendations but also "is the only candidate plan that consistently transforms and improves the diversity and productivity of the natural ecosystem (e.g. coastal wetlands), addresses species at risk legislation objectives, and represents an important step forward towards a level of ecological integrity that would otherwise be difficult to achieve." Any predicted small increase in erosion/flooding which for Lake Ontario are existing hazard concerns on the south shore can be managed by complimentary actions of different levels of government as recommended by the Study Board. As important are the study's recommendations for 'adaptive management" in maintaining the investment and benefit of data collection, scientific analysis and plan evaluation models to monitoring and performance review of a new operating plan and making informed adjustments in future. DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE The comments and recommendations should be forwarded to the IJC by September 15, 2006 and also forwarded to Conservation Ontario and our member municipalities along Lake Ontario. As a result, TRCA staff will forward the recommendations of the Watershed Management Advisory Board after the meeting on September 15, 2006. Once the IJC has made a draft decision on a plan, public hearings will beheld. TRCA will work with our other conservation authorities along the Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence system and Conservation Ontario to recommend the appropriate participation at the future public hearings. We will report back to the Authority at a future meeting on the draft decision of the IJC. Report prepared by: Larry Field, extension 5243 For Information contact: Larry Field, extension 5243 Date: August 30, 2006 Attachments: 2 18 " 4 '" I . '-' ....., Attachment 1 >- Lake Ontolrio - St. LElwrencc Rivar Drainago 8<lsin,\ '1,r o;;."l..;r:;;:o <:.: !:~) ":;'<:~;n..i.... -~:,,':~::~"'-~~ lr~l~ f;'I~U'A.'4,., ' ' "'frcf>"~ $.nllIU;:f'o, Dalll l \" '. , " . .l"J.I""d.! . .JtIo'''.Il!'"" ':m..;a' ,,/f . · \:~;' C H<fIJ.'-:- - Lc,wcr ~i'{~r ~'" . ll; \, \. " ':~'i: ...." Up:Jer :;:i.~ c (, .~~!l!l.~.::I rl::t>r..'::rirt);:~' f't'T'dM l.~~~~-.J Df;Jbi'J" D1J~,i:1~ , ~.} (\,,1' ,. ;'.....! .' ......~ """'; . :. ~~. ~~Wfl' ~'" -;;: ~0lltrN(1 :l Uf>; IAHltJ 1 M~i; :~ , . ; ~'~~" ==~ '-' r'n-;~ ....,. " E:Wi'01\K L(u:sUmj ot thiJ C'iJr'1YO! strm:tmes #r UU'! St_ La~lrel;C(J mitE! aml (JUral fj'} MinI/feR!, i]ftf:f'JiU: 19 r, 4"" u ..:::; Attachment 2 Lake Ontario Water Levels; Average, 1 '10 and 99% Prob.abrlily of Exceedance 75.6 --- 24e..O 75.3 247.0 .-.. ,- u; 75, 0 246_ 1 U') oe o::l 0': 0 T"" T""" C C ~ .----J i.!:l E ;::- a.; 74 7 2-15_ 1 ~ :,;.-.. (l; (..'J ....:J 74.4 244_1 74,1 243.1 73,8 242_1 JAf\J FE8 MAR APt; !VIAl' JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEe e,f1:eetlance em 20 coteli!. 0,3-07 Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Report to Council for the term 2003-2006 At the most recent meeting of the Advisory Committee, we met with our volunteer groups to discuss the achievements of this term and think about our dreams and hopes for the future developments of Pickering Museum Village. All groups mentioned the support they receive from city staff, advisory committee, Pickering Museum Village Foundation and all of the generous volunteers who represent the activities performed on site and in other settings to promote and enhance the visibility of the Museum Village. ("4" o ~ The Advisory committee has asked me to thank the Mayor and Council, through Councillor Bill McLean, for their support of our many activities, programs and our capital projects. Without this support and that of all levels of city staff we would be unable to move our Museum Village agenda forward to the degree that we have been able to do. We are very proud of our successes in our education program, our strides forward to manage and catalogue our collection, and the enhancement of our facility. The Pickering Museum Village Foundation continues to lead the way in partnership with the City in funding our major projects. We have successfully completed the transformation of the Redman House into the well used program centre. The dream of opening the Brougham Central Hotel as an 1850's Temperance Hotel is well on its way to completion sometime in 2007. Research and workshops in preparation for the interpretation of this building to illustrate the beginnings of the liquor control laws that we accept as normal today have already begun. Costumes appropriate for this lifestyle and for this period of the 1850's in rural Pickering are being sewn by the costume committee in preparation for the official opening of this significant Heritage Building. The education staff is also preparing to display architectural technology typical of this era as building styles are being shown in small patches throughout the building. A. The following is a summary of the activities of our various volunteer and advisory and staff committees: 1. Backwood Players in their 5th year of operation are enjoying spectacular successes in their own researched and produced shows that have become a significant part of the fundraising activity of the foundation. Period correct 'shows' such as the pantomimes, dessert theatre at Brougham Hall, and well as A Spirit Walk and the Settlers at Sunset series replicate the lifestyles and history of rural Pickering in the 1850's have been celebrated by their reviews and their sold-out shows. More school groups are attending the 1937 Rebellion education program and realizing how well A Spirit Walk represents this part of our community's history. Backwoods looks forward to partnering again with Parkw for their joint project, our Christmas Pantomime and other pertor players volunteer in costume for fashion shows which are held b week at Pickering Town Centre annually. They also have joined organization which provides support and in-service for communi 1 FILE ( '-kx ~. ') Like all volunteer groups, Backwoods, while truly enjoying the space provided by C 4 j the Redman house to house costumes and change spaces, need space to store their properties, Le. lighting equipment, stages, etc. They are dreaming about have enough funds available to assist the development of an appropriate space for these storage purposes. 2. Steam Barn activities have speeded up dramatically in the past year. With about 25 active volunteers, this group of volunteers have quickly sifted through the piles of materials, artifacts and plain garbage to discover amazing treasures awaiting their space in our vast collection of steam and gas equipment from the 1800's. Under the leadership of Harold Quinton, the main boilers have been re-certlfied for the first time in many years. The learning environment in this area has quickly caught up with the interpretive style of the rest of the village and volunteers are preparing to operate more demonstrations in 2007 than have ever been operated in the past 15 years. Equipment will be assigned to various activities around the village where the engines will operate actual activities as practiced in the 19th century. Volunteers are doing research and have already contributed over 2,000 volunteer hours to maintenance and restoration. Again there are limitations, so many marvelous pieces of equipment need space to be displayed and interpreted, heated space Is needed so pieces may be worked on in the winter time while there aren't so many demands on time for other recreational activities. This too is in the tradition of the era--winter work saw the mending, the repairing and getting the equipment ready for the next season happened. Plans have been drawn and money that was budgeted for several years ago will be used to lay the footingslfoundations for this heated space so work can continue throughout the winter. Volunteers are planning to do the work in erecting the building so that their winter work can be done in a more suitable climate. Corporations are beginning to assist our operation and donations of equipment, e.g a forklift, steel shelving for storage are being conSisted for donation to'support this collection. Safety features have been developed to protect volunteers and the general public while viewing this collection. Dangerous gases, oils, and their by-products have been sorted and stowed appropriately to prevent future safety issues. This volunteer team has been well schooled in safety measures from their various workplaces and use their knowledge to prevent any problems of negligence. The team consists of mechanics, machinists, woodworkers, steam operators, welders, steam fitters, etc. All skills as well as researchers and computer buffs can use their skills to assist this team. Education programs are being developed so we can add this significant illustration of the development of technology in Upper Canada. These programs may be directed at senior public school, high school or community college level. At the moment we have a great working relationship with Wayne Fischer of Ontario Heritage Steam Museum and some of the volunteers are going to attend Wayne's course for steam operators during this winter semester. We are also hopeful of establishing a community technological advisory group to help us more forward carefully and make this collection a wider community resource than we have ever had it. The collection is quickly adding to the research materials on the site and this presents another growing need for proper storage for materials In a climate controlled facility. 2 C4~~ 3. Bloomers and Britches - our heritage gardening group had their work cut out for this year because after the construction was completed and the city roads department came in and dried up the roads, they had to come in and try to adjust the plantings around the village. Memorial trees and benches were added to the site to beautify and provide rest places for the many seniors who visit our site. The student garden did very well this year and education staff were able to show the school children how a garden was planted, cultivated and harvested through the various programs during spring and fall. Broom corn was planted and several brooms were made to be used as part of demonstrations in the various heritage buildings on site. The heritage gardeners research appropriate plantings and are also collecting materials to support their work. Gardeners volunteer to prepare, plant and share seeds from their heritage plantings. 4. Costume Committee. skills for researching, cutting and sewing period correct costumes are being taught and shared so more individuals are learning the skills to make/remodel costumes to suit the various lifestyles of our heritage buildings as well as their function. At the moment, this group is researching and starting the work to dress the interpreters who will volunteer in the Brougham Central Hotel when it is finally ready for our use as a interpretive centre related to ruraf hotels, liquor laws and the temperance movement. B. Our Education Programs Continue to be well respected and attended: This has been rather a difficult year as the staff has had to deal with the fact that we basically closed down education programming last year while the Redman House was . being completed. Summer programs, such as children in the village and our heritage camp were fully subscribed and the 1837's Rebellion program continues to be a program much in demand to coincide with A Spirit Walk. Lighting Technology is a theme program that carries throughout the buildings on the site and the students do many hands-on activities appropriate to the season that they attend their program, for example, making candles, dinner triangle in the blacksmith shop, dancing around the maypole, rug-beating, and piling wood for the winter. Christmas in the Village continues to be well booked for this season up until December 22. Various outreach programs also take Christmas Past programs into schools and senior facilities. . A recent revision of the Education program booklet featuring these programs has helped increase interest in this activity. This revision indicates specifically how our programs are dovetailed to school curriculum and how these programs will enhance the in-school component of the specific topic. C. Collections: Staff and Advisory committee have agreed that no items should be added to the collection unless the item has some very specific connection to Pickering or it is unique to the collection. An additional computer has been provided by the city to assist with office work so that the staff person in charge of collections has access to this equipment to continuously work on the compilation of data. This area needs a lot of work as crashing of the former computer has lost some records. Fortunately, paper copies of this material is 3 still available and we need to be put a concerted effort into doing a better job of knowing what we really have, its provenance, where the artifact is located and what condition the item is in. Some items that were previously stored in the Brougham Central Hotel will be sued for the furnishings in the hotel, but many items are presently house in a trailer parked near the administration building. Once the Hotel is furnished some of this material will be re-evaluated and determined its future--whether it should be de-accessioned, restored, rotated into some of the appropriate buildings. Storage for artifacts and for work on restoring them Is sorely needed on the site as Indicated by all of the volunteer groups. D. Facility: capital budget has allowed us to restore some of the buildings in the collection to upgrade chimneys, ramps for physically disabled access, painting interiors and exteriors, and various maintenance items. . '..~. 4- c; ...-, The new sign on Highway # 7 has given us new visibility. With the addition of lighting on this sign, there should be no person saying they can't find us either during the day or in the evening. With the increased traffic on hwy 7, the signage is making a big difference on our drop out visit numbers. The Redman House is offering many different opportunities for rental purposes. This is also offsetting somewhat the maintenance and heating costs of opening this building 12 months of the year. The addition of a truck to our site operation has helped move materials around the site as we as do the landscaping and garbage collection more efficiently. E. Special Events: The major addition to our calendar of events is the addition of the Tapestry event at which we have invited the Race Relations and Equity to work with the Advisory Committee to celebrate the more recent waves of immigrants This summary is a brief description of the achievements and on-going programs at Pickering Museum Village. With the illness of Dave Marlowe, our collections and education manager, the acting personnel have admirably filled and they continue to serve the best interests of all the volunteers in all of the groups that assist in a multitude of ways. We celebrate the work of our volunteers at any event in February and all of the members of Council are invited to share this great event with us. We appreciate the support of the Mayor, council, city staff all levels that support the work of this committee. Sincerely yours, Laura Drake, Chair of Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, Councillor Bill McLean, Foundation Chair Pat Dunnill, Members: Bill Gosse, Bill Utton, Bill Weston, Paul Savel and Rose Cowen. November 3,2006 r""'" \"qu ~ -'7 ~j1'''1. J/. b~ CORle. 01./--0 7 / 11. vtp~ 1 tt-#l/~ ONTARIO aLACK HISTORY SOCIETY Fout.J.ded 1918 It Reg1ster~ CauadlllD Cbarity dedicated to the stad)' o[ Blllek BlatOl')' In OnllUio ~Jt 'f Decernber7th,2006 Mr. Dave Ryan Mayor City of pickering E-mail: info@city.pickering.on.ca RE: February Black History Month Proclamation The Ontario Black History Society respectfully requests a proelamation from your office, declaring February 2007 as Btack History Month. The Ontario Black History Society is proud of the partnerships we have formed with you and other committed Canadians to champion the process of informing and empowering all Canadians through the messages and activities of Black History Month. Our annual brunch that is the official kick-off for Black History Month 2007, will take place on Sunday, January 28'" 2007 in The Dominion Ballroom at the Toronto Sheraton Centre. We invite you to submit your proclamation to us by January 5t112007. Your ' message will be included in the event programme book that is circulated widely to businesses, organizations and schools across Canada. Our theme for this year is inspired by the Abolition of Slavery Ad. in 1807. This act was the start of a successful process that outlawed the African slave trade worldwide. After centuries of suffering, millions of African slaves were eventually freed and millions of lives saved. This anniversary is an opportunity to refled. on the struggles of the past. the progress we have made and also the challenges that remain. We look fOIWsrd to your participation as we commemorate this most important bicentenary . OBHS Website: ~.blaCKJ'lj~t~rv~oeletv.ca OaHS Archival Collection: ~.~"eetions.ic.ac.a~OBHO The OBHS appreciates the support provided by the Ontario rf:"7Qi;',~- f ;.;"~ I-r,:..;".',' m".' 'Jb[J --=-~ ~=:=+-j ___.. -I- i , --~~'"-"-"-"._--'-----l-_,._.I , .~ ----. I I I Yours sincerely, 7<.~ Rosemary Sadlier President fY'L(';;Jt--ic"l'\. +0 -b~r- VA .. S H g 0 e~:st ge~~~ t6981.989ttl"'OI The. Regional Municipality of Durham Health Department STREET ADDRESS 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. LEVEL 2, WHITBY ON MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 730' WHITBY ON CANADA L 1 N OB2 905-668-7711 1-800-841-2729 Fax: 905-666-6214 www.region.durham.on.ca An Ac.credited Public Health.Agency C()Il~. OS.07 November 20, 2006. 043 .1"': '~/ ,!, City of Pickering Municipal Office 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K7 Attn: Clerks Office' Re: Proclamati<::m ofIniurv Prevention Week On behal f of the Injury Prevention Program, Durham Region Health Department, lam asking you to help raise awareness regarding the prevention of injuries by bringing this to the attention of youfrnunicipal council. I am requesting that the council proclaim the week of April 23- 29,2007 as Injury Prevention Week. The Injury Prevention Program is planning a public awareness campaign for the week of April 23-29, 2007. Part of the campaign is requesting the Regional Council and local councils to proclaim/declare Injury . Prevention Week in their municipalities. In addition, the campaign will include a media release, community events and resource materials for Durham Region residents. Injury is the NUMBER ONE killer of Canadians under the age of 45 years. The financial burden 'of injuries .on Canadians amounts to approximately $14.3 billion per year. Injuries, whether intentional or unintentional, fatal ornon.,fatal, result in tremendous financial and productivity costs in Canada, and inflict enormous.personalburdens on the injured and their family. Both types of injuries are predictable and preventable. TheInjury Prevention Program, in collaboration with other community organizations and coalitions such as the Toronto & Area Safety Coalition' (TASC) are addressing these issues. f7g!"~~;"""""-"'T'-'~'<"] Yours sincerely, ~~r'; ....~...,--_._-l"n_=,~ LYn!:.~t RN l--~~- . .1 Public Health Nurse ~"j Injury Prevention Program (905) 668-77] ] ext. 3064 @ TAKE APPR. ACTION 100% Post Consumer (l' lott' c:r'l'{c> D:::cc 10 f(::. Citq o~ ,... .1..... ,~.. r ,~ I", ' J' \,.,' " t January 15,2007 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORT 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Adoption of the Executive Committee meeting held January 8, 2007 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS Report EC 2007-01 of the Executive Committee held on January 8,2007 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 03-07 Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1,2 & part of 3) City of Pickerinq RECOMMENDATION 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1,2 & part of 3) to increase the maximum allowable density for the subject lands to 260 units per net hectare be approved as revised to establish a density range of 'over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare', as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 03-07; 2. That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan to establish an allowable density range of over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare as a site specific exception, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Part 1, 2 & part of 3) to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, be approved; as set out in Appendix" to Report PD 03-07; 05 1. 4. That the draft by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87, to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, as set out in Appendix III to Report PD 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; and 5. Further, that Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to review the request made by 786 Indopak Inc. to purchase City- owned lands, identified as "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway NO.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", to accommodate private access serving the proposed development, and report back to Council on the general terms and conditions of the disposal of these lands, if deemed appropriate. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 01-07 1298989 Ontario Inc., Plan of Subdivision 40M-2033 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 01-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-2033, be received; 2. That the highways being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M-2033 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreement relating to Plan 40M-2033, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Block 31, Plan 40M-2033; 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2033 be released and removed from title; and, 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M-2033. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 01-07 Quotation Q-57 -2006 Storrinqton Pedestrian Bridqe Replacement. Pine Creek RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 01-07 regarding the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement, Pine Creek, be received; n ~.~: U~~ 2. That Quotation Q-57-2006 submitted by Rutherford Contracting Limited for the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement at a cost of $106,348.43 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $132,213 (GST included) including the quotation amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $124,729, be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debentures; and a) That debt financing through the Regional Municipality of Durham in the amount of $124,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined be approved; b) That the balance amount of $729 be funded from the 2007 Current Budget; c) That the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $16,450 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2008, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; d) That it be noted that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; 5. That the Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-07 Community Emergency Management Program New Bvlaw. ProQrarn Description. and Plan 05:~ RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 03-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Community Emergency Management Program be received; 2. That By-law 5468/99 be repealed; and, 3. That the Community Emergency Management Program By-law be enacted. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-07 The Canadian Progress Club - Durham South Lease Renewal- Front Street Centre RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 06-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and, 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit The Canadian Progress Club - Durham South to continue their use for club and community purposes at the Front Street Centre from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-07 2007 Interim Spendinq Authority RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 01-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the 2007 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including adjustments as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2007 Current Budgets by Council; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 02-07 2007 Temporary Borrowinq By-law 05~ RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 02-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2007 current expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $27,700,000 for the period January 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007 inclusive, and $13,900,000 thereafter until December 31,2007; 3. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2007 be established at $18,000,000; 4. That the attached draft By-law, providing for the temporary borrowing of monies, be enacted; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-07 2007 Interim Levy and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 03-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That an interim levy be adopted for 2007 for all of the realty property classes; 3. That the interim levy tax instalment due dates be February 27 and April 27, 2007; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 5. That the attached draft By-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be enacted; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 05;) 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 06-07 City Contributions to Elected Officials Reqistered Retirement Savinqs Plan (RRSP) RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 06-07 from the Director, Corporate Services Treasurer be received; 2. That the amendments to the Council Compensation and Communications Policy Section 12 as indicated in this report effective January 1 2006 be approved; 3. That the amendments to Section 16 Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment, noted as follows, be approved; a) That Section 16, part a) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 a) A capital budget which reflects a 4 year term per Member of Council shall be in effect for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following years budget shall be charged to this allocation. b) That Section 16, part c) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 c) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City Staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. Where a member of Council chooses to be supplied with equipment of their choice it must be demonstrated through either internal/external resources that their equipment of choice is compatible with the City Network. Where technical support for the equipment may not be available by IT due to a lack of resources that would impact on their ability to service the product, the member shall be responsible for acquiring any required external support which shall be charged to the budget as set out in section 16a. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement, which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. ~\5 f- e: 0 c) That Section 16 part e) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 e) Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall be provided the option to purchase all or any of the equipment that was purchased and or provided by the City at a price to be determined by current market value by an independent source acquired through IT. Where equipment and/or service has been leased by the City on behalf of the former Member, the Member shall have the option to assume the remainder of the current lease independent of the City for its duration. Where a former Member opts to return to the City all or any of the equipment Member(s) currently holding office shall be offered the option to acquire said equipment. In such case no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget. Where Member(s) of Council decline the option to acquire any of the returned equipment, the equipment shall be offered to other departments within the City. In the event the former Member does not respond to any of the above options, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue. 4 That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 07-07 Request for Waiver of Hall Rental Fee for East and West Salon of the Pickering Recreation Complex from The Youth Centre Fundraiser for the Centre RECOMMENDATION 1. That the request of John Chaplin, Board Chair of the Youth Centre, to waive the hall rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, march 24, 2007, in support of a fundraising event to raise funds for the Youth Centre be received; 057 2. That a grant in the amount of $1,565.80 be made to the Youth Centre to offset the said rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, March 24, 2007; and, 3. That this amount be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations & individuals). 11. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 09-07 Animal Services Shelter Agreement Pickering Animal Services & Claremont Veterinary Services Shelter Service Public/Private Partnership Aqreement RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 09-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the proposal as submitted by Claremont Veterinary Services for the provision of shelter services, including staffing, rent and animal intake/care be approved at an annual cost of $40,000.00 for a term not to exceed five years; 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, with Claremont Veterinary Services; 4 That 2007 pre-budget approval in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 be approved for the purpose of leasehold improvements at the Claremont Veterinary Services, 2015 Concession 9, R.R. #5, Claremont; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson PRESENT: "5 '..~ U <, Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson B. Littley J. O'Connell D. Pickles Absent: R. Johnson B. McLean ALSO PRESENT: E. Buntsma - Director, Operations & Emergency Services G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development D. Bentley - City Clerk L. Taylor - Manager, Development Review S. Reynolds - Division Head, Culture & Recreation J. Hunwicks - Community Emergency Management Coordinator D. Shields - Deputy Clerk (I) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1 . Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 03-07 Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1,2 & part of 3) City of Pickerinq Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, appeared before the Committee and stated that she had concerns regarding the development of this site. She noted that she was concerned with the shadowing of the building on St. Paul's Hill and further noted that the hill ices up and the shadowing from the building won't help the "5 . U .j Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson situation. She felt that if the building was only 7 stories it would eliminate shadowing. She also noted that she was concerned with the traffic flow in the area and the gas fumes from the gas station. She stated that there would be additional costs to the City to provide safe and appropriate bus shelters and suggested that pedestrian timed signals were needed. She questioned whether there would be restaurants and if they would have liquor licences. She also encouraged more handicapped units. Katherine Baird, 1713 Spruce Hill, appeared before the Committee and also noted her concerns with the shadowing effect the building would have. She stated that she felt there was no place for children to play and noted that children would have to take buses t<;> school and that the schools were already overcrowded. A representative of the developer appeared before Committee. He stated that he concurred with the report and would work with staff with respect to parking. A question and answer period ensued. RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Mayor Ryan 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3) to increase the maximum allowable density for the subject lands to 260 units per net hectare be approved as revised to establish a density range of 'over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare', as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07; 2. That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan to establish an allowable density range of over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare as a site specific exception, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Part 1, 2 & part of 3) to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, be approved; as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 03-07; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers ".~'" .,,",. Chair: Councillor Dickerson U t-, d 4. That the draft by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87, to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, as set out in Appendix III to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; and 5. Further, that Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to review the request made by 786 Indopak Inc. to purchase City-owned lands, identified as "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No. 2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", to accommodate private access serving the proposed development, and report back to Council on the general terms and conditions of the disposal of these lands, if deemed appropriate. CARRIED 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 01-07 1298989 Ontario Inc., Plan of Subdivision 40M-2033 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report PO 01-07 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the Assumption of Plan 40M-2033, be received; 2. That the highways being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M-2033 be assumed for public use; 3. That the services required by the Subdivision Agreement relating to Plan 40M-2033, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Block 31, Plan 40M-2033; CSt Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2033 be released and removed from title; and, 5. That By-law 1416/82 (Places of Amusement) be amended to include the roads being Craighurst Court and Collingsbrook Court within Plan 40M-2033. CARRIED 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 01-07 Quotation Q-57 -2006 Storrinqton Pedestrian Bridqe Replacement. Pine Creek A question and answer period ensued. RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Mayor Ryan 1. That Report OES 01-07 regarding the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement, Pine Creek, be received; 2. That Quotation Q-57-2006 submitted by Rutherford Contracting Limited for the Storrington Pedestrian Bridge Replacement at a cost of $106,348.43 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $132,213 (GST included) including the quotation amount and other associated costs, and the total net project cost of $124,729, be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debentures; and a) That debt financing through the Regional Municipality of Durham in the amount of $124,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined be approved; b) That the balance amount of $729 be funded from the 2007 Current Budget; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm 062 Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson c) That the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $16,450 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2008, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; d) That it be noted that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; 5. That the Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. CARRIED 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 03-07 Community Emergency Management Program New Bvlaw. Proqram Description. and Plan The Community Eml3rgency Management Coordinator, appeared before the Committee and provided a brief presentation on the Community Emergency Management Program. A copy of the powerpoint presentation was provided to all members present. A brief question and answer period ensued. RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report OES 03-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Community Emergency Management Program be received; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 06 :: 2. That By-law 5468/99 be repealed; and, 3. That the Community Emergency Management Program By-law be enacted. CARRIED 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-07 The Canadian Progress Club - Durham South Lease Renewal- Front Street Centre RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That Report OES 06-07 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be received; and, 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal lease agreement to permit The Canadian Progress Club - Durham South to continue their use for club and community purposes at the Front Street Centre from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010, that is in the form and substance acceptable to the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the City Solicitor. CARRIED 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 01-07 2007 Interim Spendinq Authority RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report CS 01-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers 064- Chair: Councillor Dickerson 2. That the 2007 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget including adjustments as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2007 Current Budgets by Council; and, 3. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 02-07 2007 Temporary BorrowinQ By-law RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report CS 02-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the temporary borrowing limit to meet 2007 current expenditures pending receipt of taxes and other revenues be established at $27,700,000 for the period January 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007 inclusive, and $13,900,000 thereafter until December 31, 2007; 3. That the temporary borrowing limit for capital purposes for 2007 be established at $18,000,000; 4. That the attached draft By-law, providing for the temporary borrowing of monies, be enacted; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED "6- u " Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 03-07 2007 Interim Levv and Interim Tax Instalment Due Dates RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report CS 03-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That an interim levy be adopted for 2007 for all of the realty property classes; 3. That the interim levy tax instalment due dates be February 27 and April 27, 2007; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering due dates, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed; 5. That the attached draft By-law, providing for the imposition of the taxes, be enacted; and, 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 06-07 City Contributions to Elected Officials Reoistered Retirement Savinos Plan (RRSP) Discussion ensued on this matter. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer responded to questions in relation to the Council Compensation and Communications Policy, as it related to purchases for computers for Members of Council. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers 068 Chair: Councillor Dickerson Based on the discussion, staff were requested to prepare a report outlining the hardware and software purchases by and for Members of Council from January 2000 to present, along with comments related to the computer replacement program. RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Coucillor Pickles 1. That Report CS 06-07 from the Director, Corporate Services Treasurer be received; 2. That the amendments to the Council Compensation and Communications Policy Section 12 as indicated in this report effective January 1,2006 be approved; 3. That the amendments to Section 16 Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment, noted as follows, be approved; a) That Section 16, part a) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 a) A capital budget which reflects a 4 year term per Member of Council shall be in effect for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following years budget shall be charged to this allocation. b) That Section 16, part c) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 c) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City Staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. Where a member of Council chooses to be supplied with equipment of their choice it must be demonstrated through either internal/external resources that their equipment of choice Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 067 is compatible with the City Network. Where technical support for the equipment may not be available by IT due to a lack of resources that would impact on their ability to service the product, the member shall be responsible for acquiring any required external support which shall be charged to the budget as set out in section 16a. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement, which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. c) That Section 16 part e) of the policy be deleted and replaced with the following: 16 e) Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall be provided the option to purchase all or any of the equipment that was purchased and or provided by the Gity at a price to be determined by current market value by an independent source acquired through IT. Where equipment and/or service has been leased by the City on behalf of the former Member, the Member shall have the option to assume the remainder of the current lease independent of the City for its duration. Where a former Member opts to return to the City all or any of the equipment Member(s) currently holding office shall be offered the option to acquire said equipment. In such case no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget. Where Member(s) of Council decline the option to acquire any of the returned equipment, the equipment shall be offered to other departments within the City. In the event the former Member does not respond to any of the above options, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue. 4 That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers DSS Chair: Councillor Dickerson 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 07-07 Request for Waiver of Hall Rental Fee for East and West Salon of the Pickering Recreation Complex from The Youth Centre Fundraiser for the Centre RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles 1. That the request of John Chaplin, Board Chair of the Youth Centre, to waive the hall rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, march 24, 2007, in support of a fundraising event to raise funds for the Youth Centre be received; 2. That a grant in the amount of $1,565.80 be made to the Youth Centre to offset the said rental fee of the East and West Salons at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday, March 24, 2007; and, 3. That this amount be charged to Account 2195 (Grants to Organizations & individuals). CARRIED 11. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer CS 09-07 Animal Services Shelter Agreement Pickering Animal Services & Claremont Veterinary Services Shelter Service Public/Private Partnership Aqreement A question and answer period ensued. RECOMMENDATION MOVED by Mayor Ryan Seconded by Councillor O'Connell 1. That Report CS 09-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson 0.6":' J 2. That the proposal as submitted by Claremont Veterinary Services for the provision of shelter services, including staffing, rent and animal intake/care be approved at an annual cost of $40,000.00 for a term not to exceed five years; 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, with Claremont Veterinary Services; 4 That 2007 pre-budget approval in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 be approved for the purpose of leasehold improvements at the Claremont Veterinary Services, 2015 Concession 9, R.R. #5, Claremont; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED (II) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The Chief Administrative Officer was provided direction on the following: a) Councillor Littley requested an update from staff as to whether there had been any City initiated public consultation since the passage of the Greenbelt Plan, regarding the Regional initiative to remove the Cherrywood lands (located in the southern part of the Duffin Rouge Agricultural Preserve) from the Greenbelt Plan Area, as shown in Supplemental Attachment #1 to Regional Planning Commissioner's Report #2007 -P-4, which is scheduled to be dealt with by the Regional Council on January 24,2007. b) Councillor Pickles requested staff to provide Members of Council with a copy of the Town of Ajax By-law 160-2006, with respect to Entertainment Establishments Licensing. 2. The following matters were also noted: a) Councillor O'Connell advised that she would be presenting a Notice of Motion at the February 5, 2007 meeting of Council with respect to establishment and appointment to a Benchmarking and Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee. Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday January 8, 2007 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson P t-'1 .~ _! f Ii b) Councillor Dickerson advised that he would be presenting a Notice of Motion with respect to trans fat in foods. (III) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9: 15 pm. (It'>) , V I i January 15, 2007 REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED a) Reqional Appointments ii) Durham Trail Coordinatinq Committee One Member of Council* (*Terms of reference indicate that if a municipality is unable to appoint a Regional Councillor, then a local Councillor may be substituted). Next step for the DTCC is to facilitate the implementation of the approved Trail Network by identifying potential funding and partnership opportunities. b) Report CAO 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer Establishment of Various Advisory Committees; - Council Direction December 14, 2006 - File: A-2144 1. That Report CAO 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; 3. That the Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; 4. That the City Clerk be directed to advertise for the citizen appointments for the above noted advisory committees, as required. c) Council Appointments to Advisory Committees Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee fNote: These appointments are pendinq approval of Report CAO 02-071 f\....j A L' f :;. d) Report CS 10-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Reoprt CS 10-07 Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases That Report CS 10-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CAO 02-07 Date: January 15, 2007 (' 7 ," I. "' l: ..1 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Establishment of Various Advisory Committees; - Council Direetion December 14, 2006 File: A-2144 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 02-07 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; 3. That the Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee be established as a formal advisory committee of Council as outlined in this report; 4. That the City Clerk be directed to advertise for the citizen appointments for the above noted advisory committees, as required. Executive Summary: At the Special Meeting of Council held on December 14, 2006 for the purpose of appointing various members of the community to advisory committees, the Chief Administrative Officer, in conjunction with the City Clerk was requested to report back on the formal establishment of Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE), Seaton Working Group and Benchmarking Standards as advisory committees. A further request at the December 14, 2006 related to Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. This matter was referred back to staff to review and report back at an "In Camera" session due to containing personal information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with the establishment of the advisory committees. Report CAO 02-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Advisory Committees Page 2 07i Sustainability Implications: In order to provide for a sustainable community, public participation, along with private partnerships are encouraged. The creation and involvement of committees to garner public response and input to matters of ongoing concern is paramount to a sustainable, viable community. Background: Under the Municipal Act, municipalities can authorize the creation of various advisory committees to assist Council on specific matters. All advisory committees are established and appointed by resolution of Council. Their purpose is to advise Council by providing recommendations on specialized issues, on a policy and/or operational level, as set out in a mandate and Council approved work plans for each advisory committee. Advisory committee members are appointed by resolution of Council and serve at the pleasure of Council for a specified term, where statutory authority does not state otherwise. The Mayor will remain as ex-officio of all committees of Council. Further to the resolution and direction of Council, staff were requested to prepare the necessary report for the establishment of advisory committees' associated with CAVE, Seaton and Benchmarking. It should also be noted that staff will be presenting further advisory committees' for consideration by Council in the future on such matters as Communities in Bloom. With respect to Benchmarking, the working group that was established previously, was created for the purpose of developing standards that ensure sustainability through measures that promote development initiatives that are environmentally sustainable, financially sustainable and less dependent on traditional energy methods, and which will take into consideration the diverse needs of our existing and future residents. The Division Head, Projects and Policy and the Director, Planning & Development are not recommending the formal creation of this committee at this time as explained further in part c) of this report. Therefore, it is recommended that the following advisory committees be established at this time: a) Communities Aqainst Violence Everywhere (CAVE) Advisory Committee At the November 7,2005 meeting of Council, Councillor Brenner presented a DVD from the group UMOVE on violence and youth. He noted that Pickering Council was committed to stopping violence in the City and stated that a new group had been created by members of Council called CAVE - Communities Against Violence Everywhere. He noted that Councillor Dickerson was the Chair of the new group and Councillor Ashe and McLean were taking a leadership role in a forum that they were putting together. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 02-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Advisory Committees Page 3 O If ','- . , . J Since that time, CAVE has been very active and established itself within the community, therefore, as per Council resolution, the Committee is to be formalized for this term of Council. At the present time, CAVE meets monthly at the Civic Complex from January to June and from September to December. There is no remuneration paid to the members of this Committee. It is recommended that the mandate and composition of the CAVE Advisory Committee be as follows: Mandate: To identify core issues based on compiled data to produce/support initiatives that foster empowerment and preventative measures. Membership: The Committee will be comprised of ten members, being three elected representatives and 7 members of the community at large, of which will be appointed by Council at a later date. b) Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee The proposed Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee was originally established as a working group through a Notice of Motion on June 27, 2005. The working group established was comprised of all landowners who shall be involved in the development of Seaton, three members of Council (one representing each Ward) and three administrative staff, including the Chief Administrative Officer. Since that time, the working group has been meeting regularly and as per Council resolution, is to be formalized into an advisory committee of Council. The working group meets on a regular basis and there is no remuneration paid to members of this Committee. It is recommended that the mandate and composition of the Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee be as follows: Mandate: To negotiate the net community benefit to the City of Pickering and its residents, and to report to Council as required on its findings for deliberation, consensus and ratification. Membership: The Committee will be comprised of representatives from the three developers of Seaton (Mattamy Homes, Metrus Developments, Lebovic Homes), three members of Council (one representing each Ward) and three senior administrative staff members, including the Chief Administrative Officer. c) Benchmarkinq Standards Benchmarking Standards was originally established as a working group through a Notice of Motion on September 19, 2005. The working group established was comprised of three members of Council (one representing each Ward), the Director, Planning & Development and the Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy. The purpose of the working group was to develop a consultation process to establish CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 02-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Advisory Committees 07,) Page 4 standards that ensure sustainability through measures that promote development initiatives that are environmentally sustainable, financially sustainable, and less dependent on traditional energy methods and which will take into consideration the diverse needs of our existing and future residents. It is being recommended that a Benchmarking Standards Advisory Committee not be established at this time, and in turn, it be replaced with a Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee. The Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee would be established at a later date, pending a further report from staff on the matter. It should further be noted that at the January 8, 2007 meeting of the Executive Committee, Councillor O'Connell advised that she would be bringing forth a Notice of Motion at the February 5, 2007 meeting of Council with respect to the establishment and appointment of a Benchmarking and Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee. Staff will be able to formulate a report and proposed structure, pending the direction within the Notice of Motion. Summary Upon approval of this report, nominations will be accepted for the elected representatives to sit on CAVE Advisory Committee and Seaton Net Benefits Advisory Committee. Each Committee will have a designated Department Head, in accordance with the guidelines by which advisory committees operate. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ""~'~.., ~~~~~) Debi A. Bentley ~- City Clerk 0 l)romas J. Qu' Chief Administrative Officer --- DB:lb Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City co?nc.~\ If -4---" } / CORP0227-07/01 revised CiuJ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: CS 10-07 Date: January 15, 2007 r\" t""f U I ( From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Recommendation: That Report CS 10-07 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. Executive Summary: At the Executive Committee meeting of January 8, 2007 when considering Report CS 06-07 regarding City contributions to Councillor's Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSPs), a Committee member introduced revised amendments that dealt with computer equipment purchases for Councillors. This prompted a request for information on computers purchased by Councillors over the last two terms to be provided to Council for its meeting of January 15, 2007. This report includes Elected Officials IT Related Expenditures, Supporting Schedules and a Summary of Comments on some aspects of the amendments. Financial Implications: The current policy of $10,000 per Councillor per term for equipment has been removed. If left undefined, there is the potential for costs to increase. Sustainability Implications: sustainability. This report contains no information pertaining to Background: Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment As requested, at the Executive meeting of January 8, 2007, attached is a schedule summarizing purchases of computer hardware, software, peripheral devices and telecommunications equipment under Section 16 of the Policy over the last two terms of Report CS 10-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's CompE:msation and Communications Policy - Page 2 .\....1. Equipment Purchases V .. . \ Council from January 2001 to December 2006. While the term of Council commenced in December 2000, a column for that year has not been included, in the interests of brevity, as no purchases were made in that month. For the information of Council purchases to date, including those in process, have been included for the current term. Also attached are supporting schedules providing summary details of each expenditure by Councillor. Prior to 2005 accounting for all such equipment purchased for Councillors and the Corporation's use were charged to the same account. Commencing in 2005 separate accounts were created for each capital expenditure line as contained in the capital budget. Before the change in account structure in 2005, tracking of capital expenditures for each Councillor was quite difficult and labour intensive due to the volume of purchases and with Councillors sometimes purchasing through the City's IT Section and frequently on their own. The schedules also include the cost of replacing equipment that was lost, stolen or broken. This equipment, as per the Policy, is not applied to the Councillor's funding allotment. The attached schedules exclude all operating costs associated with the equipment purchased such as cell phone/Blackberry/Internet charges, paper, printer/fax cartridges and other operating costs. These expenses are usually reported in the annual report to Council on remuneration and expenses as an annual operating expense. From a review of available background information, it appears that under the Policy then in place, no limit was placed on purchases prior to 2003. With the introduction of the Communication Policy in July 2002, a limit of $10,000 per Councillor per term and a $20,000 total budget per year was introduced commencing with the 2003 Capital Budget. Policy Chanqes - Executive Committee January 8. 2007 At the Executive Committee meeting of January 8, 2007, when considering Report CS 06-07 regarding Councillor's RRSP contributions reimbursed by the City, amendments to Section 16 entitled Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment were introduced by a member of the Committee. These changes were put forth to "...clarify and strengthen the policy", The Committee adopted the changes as put forth. However, the changes necessitate their own clarification for the benefit of all concerned to avoid future questions to the greatest possible degree. It must be borne in mind when considering the Policy and any revisions, that the discussion is around the use of City funds to acquire City assets. The use of the funds must be appropriate and accounted for properly. The recommendations resulting from the MFP Computer Inquiry, the Provincially mandated Capital Asset Reporting and the Public Section Accounting Board requirements, the use of funds and the acquisition Report CS 10-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Page 3 {it"j " v..j and disposition of assets as well as good business practice all demand that the City's financial transactions follow all requirements. The preliminary areas that necessitate discussion and decision by Council are indicated below. Section 16a This Section addresses a Capital Budget provision for Council Members. 1. The amount of the budget to be provided has been omitted from the revised version. The current provision is $10,000 per Councillor per term. The revision should not be open ended with no defined sum. Section 16c This Section addresses the provision of equipment for Council Members. 1. In the event that IT is not able to provide technical support for a Councillor's equipment, the revision provides for external resources to be employed and charged to the same account as the equipment. However, this is a capital account and technical support is a current operating expenditure. Therefore, the expenditure must be charged to the Councillor's current budget provision for Outside Agency Services. Section 16e This Section addresses the disposition of equipment upon a Council member ceasing to hold office. Quite often equipment being returned has a much higher value to the City than that placed on it by the market. Equipment rapidly depreciates to approximately 10 percent ($300 to $600) of its original purchase price. A future expenditure of, for example, $1,500 to $3,000 may be avoided if the same equipment had to be purchased for use by staff. 1. The revision provides for the leasing of equipment by the City and for that lease to be transferred to the Councillor. Following the MFP Inquiry in the City of Toronto, the Provincial Government put Regulations in place governing leasing. Therefore, any leasing to be considered by the City is governed by the City's Lease Policy and the Municipal Act, 2001 as revised. This provision should be deleted. 2. The revisions provide a Councillor, upon ceasing to hold office, the option of returning the equipment or the option of offering it to another Councillor. The revision mentions" ... no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget". However it is unclear as to which Member this refers; the one returning the asset or the Report CS 1 0-07 January 15, 2007 Subject: Councillor's Compensation and Communications Policy - Equipment Purchases Page 4 (I\) ,'I uo., subsequent user. If it is the former then such a provision is unclear. If it is the latter, then the provision could remain. 3. The revision also proposes to provide for Councillors to acquire equipment once used by themselves or another Councillor. The typical use of the word "acquire" denotes ownership. If this is the case the wording appears to mean that one Councillor can acquire another Councillor's equipment at no cost, presumably for personal use, as the City would already have provided the Councillor equipment for City use. This is not a typical means of disposal of an asset in a public body nor is it good business practice. Therefore, clarification or change is required. If the intent is to provide another member with the opportunity to have the equipment, with no cost being charged to their budget, for City business use before it being available for use by City staff then no change is required, but perhaps a different word could be used. In conclusion, consideration should be given to further review the amended policy with the above comments in mind. Attachments: 1. Summary of Elected Officials IT Related Expenditures 2. Supporting Schedules 3. Report Revising Report CS 06-07 from Councillor O'Connell Approved I Endorsed By: ~~--~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ,'/ 1J C CD Q. >< W - m ... o ~ 1J CD ... m - CD a: >- en o - o c .s::: (.) CD ~ C o .- ... m E ~ o 'I- C I' o o C\J .... .... ~ CO ::J C CO J ~. ."\ ACHI"lti;J! ft.-L-. TO REPORT#1S..JO- D 7 ~ ~ ~ co 0 co co co eo 0) co 0 0 0 0 U) -- 0 -- -- -- 0 -- 0 0 0 0 C\J C C C C C " 0 I' cO 0 0 0 0 Lri 00 I' U) C'? 0 """ 1'. C\J, N cr5' I' .... .... VT - ..... e e C\I co 0 C\J """ 0 .... .... C\J .... eo CO 0 0 .... q ~ C'? I'-: .... ~ iii Lri 0 0) ~ C'? C'? 0 """ cri """ """ VT CO eo .... 0 .... C'? U) eo 0- 0). q C\J U) 0). C\J 0). 0). 0, 0 U) C\J 0 .,f 0) 0 0 U) eo I- VT VT """ VT .... .... .... VT VT VT VT VT VT o .... Lri """ .... o 0) VT ,... e e C\I - r-~-~-o----.-~--~--------ro---w--~----W--~--i~-O[-' I c q c ~ q r: C\! ~ tC! ~ r: tC! I IEiii 0 0 0) .... 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That Council approve the amendments to the Council Compensation and Communications Policy Section 12 as indicated in this report effective January 1 2006; and, Insert: New part 3 3. That Council approve the following amendments to Section 16 "Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment" 16a A capital budget which rejlects a 4 year term per Member of Council shall be in effect for the acquis.ition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following years budget shall be charged to this allocation. 16c Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City Staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. Where a member of Council chooses to be supplied with equipment of their choice it must be demonstrated through either internal/external resources that their equipment of choice is compatible with the City Network. U'1zere technical support for the equipment may not be available by IT due to a lack of resources that would impact 011 their ability to service the product, the member shall be responsible for acquiring any required external support which shall be charged to the budget as set out in section 16a. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement, which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the f\1ember and the conditions under \vhich it has been supplied. 16e Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall be provided the option to purchase all or any of the equipment that was purchased and or provided by the City at a price to be determined by current market value by an independent source acquired through IT. Where equipment and/or service has been leased by the City on behalf of the former Member, the Member shall have the option to assume the remainder of the current lease independent of the City for its duration. Where a former Member opts to return to the City all or any of the equipment Member(s) currently holding office shall be offered the option to acquire said equipment. In such case no cost shall be charged to the Member's budget. Where Member(s) of Council decline the option to acquire any of the returned equipment, the equipment shall be offered to other departments within the City. In the event the former Member does not respond to any of the above options, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue. ') 9'- U a 4 That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Citq o~ 09G January 15, 2007 MOTIONS AND NOTICE: OF MOTIONS a) Councillor Dickerson and O'Connell gave notice that they will at this meeting of Council present the following motion: USE OF TRANS FAT WHEREAS: The use of trans fats for the preparation and cooking of foods has been in wide use in North America since the early 70's in the belief that such usage made for a healthier lifestyle as opposed to the continuing use of saturated fats; and WHEREAS: Medical science, since the early 90's, has repeatedly warned that the use of trans fats were, in fact, worse than the use of saturated fats from a health perspective; and WHEREAS: The use of trans fats results in the raising of bad cholesterol and the lowering of good cholesterol in the body; and WHEREAS: Trans fats usage is responsible for tens of thousands of fatal heart attacks each year in North America as a result of arteries which have become clogged; and WHEREAS: Alternatives to the use of trans fats and saturated fats are known to exist, in plentiful supply, such as canola oil and soybean oil; BE IT THEREFOR RESOLVED: That the City of Pickering, in the strongest possible terms, urge the Federal Minister of Health to legislate the use of trans fats out of food preparation within Canada; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the use of trans fats be banned in the preparation of foods in the quickest possible time frame but not later than January 1 S\ 2009; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Durham Region Medical Officer of Health be requested to prepare a fact sheet for presentation to Durham Regional Council and further that Durham Regional Council be requested to endorse this motion calling on the Federal Government to ban the use of trans fats; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That endorsement of this motion also be sought from each Provincial and Territorial municipal association, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Minister of Health in each Province and Territory. Cit.lf o~ BY-LAWS 6714/07 6715/07 6716/07 6717/07 6718/07 6719/07 6720/07 09', January 15, 2007 Being a by-law to exempt Block 1 on Plan 40M-2261, Pickering, from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. (Background documentation and by-law attached) Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842, as public highway (Goldenridge Road) (Background documentation and by-law attached) Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. (By-law attached) Being a by-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering (OPA 05-003/P) [Refer to Executive Page 015] Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan fa the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3, 40R-8710, and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway NO.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", in the City of Pickering. (A-10/05) [Refer to Executive Page 022] Being a by-law to establish a Community Emergency Management Program for protecting property, the environment and the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Pickering. [Refer to Executive Page 093] Being a by-law to authorize the temporary borrowing of moneys to meet the current and capital expenditures of the City of Pickering for the year 2007. [Refer to Executive Page 217] '19" U (j 6721/07 Being a by-law for the collection of taxes and to establish the installment due dates for the Interim Levy 2007. [Refer to Executive Page 222] PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT G9J MEMORANDUM December 15, 2006 To: Debi Bentley City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Subject: Request for Part Lot Control By-law 2016508 Ontario Limited Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 On July 25, 2005, By-law 6!559/05 was enacted and registered exempting Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, thus permitting the Owner to convey the individual units into separate ownership. That By-law is in effect until December 31, 2006. We have recently received notice from the Owner that there are units on Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 that have yet to be transferred into separate ownership (closings scheduled in 2007) and therefore another Part Lot Control By-law is required to ensure legal conveyance of those units. Attached hereto is a location map and a draft By-law, enactment of which will exempt the remaining portions of this Block from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. This draft By-law is attached for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for January 15. 2007. ~:J2 . 0-r-{ Denise Bye DB:bg Attachments Copy: Director, Plannin~~ & Development z -W e-- u -tJ -0:: -u - =z 0 -tj <{ _-.J 0 -~ 0:: _0:: IT ~ t:? ---..J \JUE 1 (" ~vU i I J i I i 1 I I i , ':i. () o 0:: m I I I I j 40M.2261 ~ ?~ l~ ~~~r( :1 I I = ~ CRESCENT -V I ~ ~ \ I ~ \ FINCH AVENUE ::::::::: [:::::: E=::: ~ We ::::- 0:::== 0_ -:..0'0- ~( 'U'@'i\\WOO @[? &rJJiNX I ~ ~ I --------- BLOCK l' ROAD ,..,--~ / /"" I--- w - > I--- 6f-- '--- /C O:::f-- _ 0 I--- 1---1--- f-- ~ I--- f---8== -I -If)- _Do:,-- -<(- ::;;;- ~ -= ( -j L ~ - ,---0 I--- - I, ~G:J ~ r lL. (f] C Q.U.Bl.... ~ W I----- TI11--~'--5 I ~ ~= t== -0:::- ~T II \~~o~ Planning & Development Department - s: W ;;: I I--- ::J o If) - ~1-- / g:= 1i~ ------~ ir - w- 0)- 0 Z Ui- ( <(- z 0) -I-- Do: - r = ffi~ III \\.J..-l- DRIVE , BAI~~RID; 1T T \ I I o <( o 0::: ':i. () o 0:: m City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BLOCK 1, 40M-2261 OWNER 2016508 ONTARIO LIMITED FILE No. PART LOT CONTROL ~ac~o ::;)ouI"ces: Teronet Enterprise. Inc:. Clnd its suppliers. All rightSll Reserved. Not 0 pIon of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All t"ights Resarved. Not a pIon of Survey. DATE JULY 13, 2005 DRAWN BY JB SCALE 1 :5000 CHECKED BY DB r - . I ..... . i'- I . I . I . J '" ~ . I ; l' PN.9 </I n" l.tLt THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. "'A" Being a By-law to exempt Block 1 on Plan 40M-2261, Pickering, from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. WHEREAS 2016508 Ontario Limited is the owner of the remaining portions of Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 in the City of Pickering that have not been conveyed into separate ownership; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the owner or owners of each of the dwelling units on Block 1 will own the pot! on which his, her or their dwelling is located, in fee simple, and will also be a member or members of the common elements condominium corporation; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the potls on which the dwellings are to be constructed will be subdivided by means of an exemption from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, shall cease to apply to Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 upon registration of this By-law in the land Registry Office for the land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40). 2. This By-law shall remain in force and effect until December 31,2007. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk .r. O!' .1. ~ (..., THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. 6714-07 Being a By-law to exempt Block 1 on Plan 40M-2261, Pickering, from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act. WHEREAS 2016508 Ontario Limited is the owner of the remaining portions of Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 in the City of Pickering that have not been conveyed into separate ownership; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the owner or owners of each of the dwelling units on Block 1 will own the potion which his, her or their dwelling is located, in fee simple, and will also be a member or members of the common elements condominium corporation; AND WHEREAS it is intended that the potls on which the dwellings are to be constructed will be subdivided by means of an exemption from the part lot control provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Section 50(5) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, shall cease to apply to Block 1, Plan 40M-2261 upon registration of this By-law in the land Registry Office for the land Titles Division of Durham (No. 40). 2. This By-law shall remain in force and effect until December 31,2007. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT "to'''; .L ~J MEMORANDUM December 13, 2006 To: Debi Bentley City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Subject: Request for Road Dedication By-law Owner: Eric Mcintyre Part Lot 118, RCP 1051 (Part 21, 40R-23842) City of Pickering File: Roaddecl.473 The above-noted land was conveyed to the City as a reserve, to be held until such time as the road fronting it (Goldenridge Road Extension) was constructed to City standards. As the Goldenridge Road Extension has been constructed to standards satisfactory to permit public access to the adjacent lands, a by-law should be enacted to dedicate it (Part 21) as public highway. Attached hereto is a location map and by-law for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for January 15, 2007. tJ . vi;-L Denise Bye DB:bg J:\Oocuments\Prop & Dev\ROAOOED\SEC\473 Goldenridge\memo to debi.doc Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Supervisor, Dewelopment Control is h ----\ ~rn7r~l~:= ,-\ ~<(-..o'(-\) ~ "" "--L _ ~ I I ~ DUNBARTON J'.A C.N.R. " ~ ~ -~ S"t~~,," ~ .Ii 0 ~ 1. '1 DETAIL INSET SCALE 1 :500 I I ~. I \ e-_~: "'\ PART 21 40R-23842 __0 <( o 0::: :s: w > W ..J Q. Q. <( I >--- I------ I I--- ~ ~ \ \ '\ \ M~ 'r \ I II \ - ~ OLDENRIDGE t.~ I II, I ~ \ -25 \ ~ ~ \ -)> "\ f- o ~ o ..----- _ \ ( ~:::J <( I------ ---I 0 0\1 z 0::: ~ ~ hTillT I II ,su,- Nj S ~ lill ~ ST) 81 - RUSHTON ROAD ~ ~ ~..-----1 / II I ~-;:~ ---j ,,- ---- - -- -- \ LINE ~ ^ "'-, \~~ WELRUS j/~ f ~.:::: --- ~ ~==~ 0\1 181 I ~ F I SPRUCEF 0< 1M? 'iES {~ STRU:T / ---- -- ;;0 o )> o l C.N.R. I- >-_ I J\ W IIIII1 \ ~ U:EPP\~: T~ t.----- v - KINGSTON ROAD ~ I-- f--- I-- - W f-- 1-_0 - Ul f--- '-_I _ f- f--- --[5 :s: _-I -0 _- OJ ---- -~ '--- t'---- - 0 ~~ ,;WlJJ /; ~ r::.---I- w t:"--.. Q1 85 - z~i'--- OJ ::5 I-- r----- W I-- ..J OJ -)- W L ~I-I--:::J ii z Z Yz,~~~~~ -== )- I--- ~ V -85 _ r- -OJ 7/ I -::J ~ _OJ !~~ A-O\ 0\G0\f'J/A--< . _______ ~~ Planning & Development Department r [\, City of Pickering PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PT. LOT 118, RCP 1051, BEING PART 21, 40R-23842 OWNER CITY OF PICKERING FILE No. ROADDED. 473 DATE NOV 16, 2006 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY DB l' ~aT~r~~~(CE~terpl'"i.es Inc. and its .uppliera. All rights R~llIerved. Not 0 pIon of survey. 2005 MPAC and its suppliers. All ,..icihts Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. PN-7 ~ O"'~ ..l ;) THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. D~~ Being a by-law to dedicate that part of lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842, as public highway (Golden ridge Road). WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of that part of lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842 and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That part of lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Golden ridge Road). BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 2007. Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.473 "" 0''''' J. U THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO, 6715-07 Being a by-law to dedicate that part of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842, as public highway (Goldenridge Road), WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of that part of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842 and wishes to dedicate it as public highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That part of Lot 118, RCP 1051, Pickering, designated as Part 21, Plan 40R-23842 is hereby dedicated as public highway (Golden ridge Road). BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk Roadded.473 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ~07 BY-lAW NO. 6716/07 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Parking Restrictions on Private Property WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to seetion 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That the following persons be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1100 Begley Street and 1775 Valley Farm Road. Karen Weales Colette Castonguay-Ethier b) 1210 Radom St., 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1360,1885, 1331 and 1350 Glenanna Rd., 1958 and 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 1625, 1635 and 1655 Pickering Parkway, 1000/1400 The Esplanade Casitas Millenium, 925 Bayly St., 1650 and 1865 Kingston Road 1775 Valley Farm Road, 1995 Pinegrove, 1555 Finch Avenue and 1295 Wharf Street: Walter Barrett Craig Bennett Neil Lawrence Donald Macdonald Spencer McCormack Ronald Presta~~e c) 928 Liverpool Road Wayne Ruhnke By-law 6716/07 (Continued) ~ 0 ,-. .L () 2. Page 2 The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. 3. These appointments shall expire upon the person listed in section 1 (a) ceasing to be an employee of Securitas Canada Limited or upon Securitas Canada Limited ceasing to be agents for 1100 Begley Street and 1775 Valley Farm Road whichever shall occur first or upon the persons listed in section 1 (b) ceasing to be employees of Group 4 Securicor or upon Group 4 Securicor ceasing to be agents for 1210 Radom St., 1235 Radom St., 1310 Fieldlight Blvd., 1915 Denmar Rd., 1360,1885, 1331 and 1350 Glenanna Rd., 1958 and 1975 Rosefield Rd., 1525/35 Diefenbaker Court, 1530/40 1625, 1635 and 1655 Pickering Parkway, 1000/1400 The Esplanade Casitas Millenium, 925 Bayly St., 1650 and 1865 Kingston Road 1775 Valley Farm Road, 1995 Pinegrove, 1555 Finch Avenue and 1295 Wharf Street whichever shall occur first or upon the person listed in section 1 (c) ceasing to be associated with the Peace Lutheran Church at 925 Liverpool Road. 4. The provisions of this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 2007. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, City Clerk Citq o~ Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Pat Dunnill Rose Cowan Bill Utton Bill Weston Paul Savel William Gosse Julie Oakes, Bloomers & Britches John Edmonds, Backwoods Players Lindsey McKenna, Stepping in Thyme Harold Quinton, Gas & S.team Barn Crew Leader Steve Reynolds Marisa Carpino Mandy Smiles Katrina Pyke Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as . appropriate) 1. Welcome Laura Laura welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Approvals All Approval of Aqenda a) Motion Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Bill Utton . That the minutes from May 30,2006 meeting be approved CARRIED Approval of Minutes b) Motion 7.0 should say PMV Foundation AGM (not PMV Foundation Review) Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Bill Weston Page 1 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) . · That the Minutes from the May 30, 2006 meeting be approved as amended CARRIED 3. Achievements & Dreams a) Backwoods Players (John Edmonds) President *Report submitted & distributed · Group is in its 5th year · Receiving positive responses from public & organizations · 2 - 6 schools coming to school nights for Spirit Walk which is a significant increase to previous years · Looking to strengthen our relationship with other groups (Le. Parkwoods & Act. Co.) · Looking for increased storage space for stock of costumes b) Gas & Steam Barn (Harold Quinton) Crew Leader *Report submitted & distributed · 22 active volunteers · Accumulated 2000 volunteer hours in last year · Crew are at site every Tuesday evening and Saturday · Storage and display space is an issue · Steam-Up and Fall Family Festival were very successful events (great turn out). The crew had 15 different displays available for these events · 300 pieces we want to build and restore · Have long range plan to build an addition (heated workshop space) so they can do work in winter · Potential is there to have items working throughout the site. Opportunity to do education programs, can take small items to outside location to promote Steam Barn/Museum c) Bloomers & Britches (Julie Oakes) * Report submitted & distributed · Reported 2 new gardens this year, pumpkin patch and broomcorn batch. · Started landscaping around Redman House · Bought 3 new bEmches · Had 2 new members this year · Turn under is scheduled for this Saturday · At that time, they will make decisions on their donations Costume committee!: · Now have group of knitters and crocheters · Would like to do outreach. Public find it interesting For the future: thElY would like to try to have accurate Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) All Page 2 Item I Ref# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items I Status (include deadline as aoorooriate) costuminq for volunteers of all sizes. d) Stepping in Tyme - Lindsey McKenna * Report submitted & distributed · Been in operation for 1.5 years · Goal is to develop dances appropriate to 19th Century · Increased number of dances to 15 · Performed at several events · Steady core group of 20 people, use Redman House as ballroom · Dancers are working on their own costumes · Building a library of dance info to be available to staff for reference · Have 2 dedicatE~d musicians committed to the volunteer group Future goals: · Increasing our knowledge, adding to our repertoire of dances · Seeking new members · Doing more outreach Motion Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Bill Weston · That the volunteer groups be congratulated and commended for their outstanding work. CARRIED 4. Committee Reports a) Gas & Steam Barn Addition * Report submitted & distributed · Harold reviews plans · Plan to build 25' x 50' heated workshop to sustain volunteer crew through winter months · Need 200 amp electrical service · Need improved lighting · Need to install industrial racking for storing artifacts · Require forklift · THS (Totten Simms Hubicki) have volunteered to do working drawings for addition · Projected cost approx. $85,000 for addition · Bill Utton recommends natural gas to heat · Bill Weston confirmed that a tax receipt for $7,500 for donation of forklift to Foundation (to be given to Steam Barn) · Pat Dunnill will connect with contractor he knows to see if they would be willing to do foundation work for Pat to complete. Steam Barn addition. All Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref# (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as aoorooriate) Motion Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Paul Savel . That the plans presented by Harold Quinton be approved CARRIED b) Education Program Report (Katrina Pyke) *Report submitted & distributed Rose Cowan advised: . Every Board has a new teacher day in early September. This would be a great place to promote Museum's outreach . Rose offered to attend with outreach staff to provide testimonial from a teacher's perspective . Rose says bussing is a limitation to teachers booking trips - huge cost for bussing . Rose says classes are limited to 2 trips per school year - another limitation c) Special Events (Mandy Smiles) *Report submitted & distributed (2006 Event Participation Summary) *Submitted & distributed 2007 event list (proposed) . Durham Historical Fair is not included in the proposed list. (April 2007) . Tapestry will be a free event next year and will take place on Saturday instead of Sunday . Paul would like to get a price for a stage for Museum/City Paul to complete. events. (instead of borrowing trailer from Ajax). Ajax delivered stage late for 2006 event. d) Collections Report (Katrina Pyke) * Report submitted & distributed e) Foundation/Fundraising (Pat Dunnill) . Big thanks to everyone who helped the Foundation out for the Fall Family Festival . It was a tremendous success with over 1000 attendees . Foundation hopes to begin Hotel Restoration in August 2007. Question will be how much will be done. . Pat asked Bill Weston: 1) For info on how much the Foundation has contributed to the Hotel Restoration Proiect Bill to provide to Pat Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) so far 2) How much cash does the Foundation currently have on hand and 3) How much additional money does the Foundation expect to have by end of 2007 · Steve Reynolds neE~ds this information f) Facilities (Katrina Pyke) * Report submitted & distributed 5. Review of 2006 Capital Projects 2006 Capital Marisa provided an update on the status of Museum 2006 capital work. Outstanding items include the replacement of the log on the log house (can't find a service provider), repair of chimney (work will compromise the integrity of the house so it will not be completed) and lastly the access ramp from the Admin. Building to the stairs. . Need City engineers to design ramp. They have been tied up now. If they can't do it - it will go to outside people . Hotel Restoration funds will be carried over to 2007 budget 6. Budget Presentation 2007 Budgets (Steve Reynolds) *Draft 2007 capital budgets distributed a) Steve clarified maximum contribution from the City for Hotel Restoration would be $250,000 ($200,000 proposed in 2007, $50,00 carryover from 2006) Steve will reword 2007 budget proposal to show total $250,000 from City b) Bill Utton recommends putting gravel down under boardwalk for drainage c) Laura asked where we are with sliders on Museum sign promoting upcoming events. Motion Moved by Bill Utton Seconded by Pat Dunnill . That the proposed 2007 Capital Budget be approved as presented CARRIED Draft 2007 operating budgl9t distributed . 2 new accounts created (Program Supplies and Vehicle Repair & Maintenance) Action Items / Status (include deadline as aoorooriateJ and Steve Marisa Steve Marisa to follow up with Tanya and Scott Booker to get status on that Page 5 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) Motion Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Paul Savel . That the 2007 draft operating budget be approved as presented CARRIED 7. New Business All . Laura reminded Committee that Committee is up for reappointment after the election. Look for it in November . If you know people who have skills in program revenue generation, encourage them to sign up to become member of new advisory committee . Laura reminded members to complete survey mailed out Marisa to email with May's minutes. document to Bill Gosse and Pat Dunnill Tapestry event for 2007 . Paul will chair, Laura, Marisa, Katrina and Rose Cowan . Marisa and Paul will connect to set up first planning meeting in January 2007 8. Next Meetina All . Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 7:00 pm in the Main Committee Room 9. Adjournment Laura Laura declared the meeting adjourned Meeting Adjourned: 10:20 pm Copy: Chief Administra'tive Officer City Clerk 0:\2006 OES Records\A.2100 Municipal Council, Commillees & Boards\A-2100-006-05 Museum Advisory CommiUee\Minules - October 192006 (final).doc Page 6