HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 8, 2005 Citq ,,~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Tuesday, February 8,2005 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair Pat Dunnill Charles Stinson Bill Gosse Rose Cowan Blair Young Paul Savel Dave Marlowe, City of Pickering Katrina Pyke, City of Pickering Steve Reynolds, City of Pickering Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Regrets: Bill Weston Bill Utton Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Laura welcomed members and thanked Steve and Pat for a job above and beyond on the Hotel proiect. 2. Approval of Minutes Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rose Cowan That the Minutes of October 6,2004 be approved. CARRIED 3. Blair asked to add other business to announce his retirement Blair to send Bruce from Committee. He is moving to Calgary. Taylor (City Clerk) a letter of resignation from Committee 4. Sign Updates a) Sign footings are in, trees are cleared, sign is going to quote, frame being provided by MP&E. Installation scheduled for spring (April 2005). b) On Jan.17/05, Council approved Brougham Central Hotel Project moving forward. Steve thanked Pat Dunnill, Bill Utton, Laura Drake, Bruce Cosburn, Dave Marlowe, Tim Moore, city staff for their contributions. City went throuQh pre-qualification process to ensure we Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) had companies suited to this type of work. Invited six (6) contractors to submit formal tenders. Quotes for project ranged from $800,000 - $1,000,000. D.J. McCrae was awarded contract. Total project was approved by Council (included consultant's fees, and contingency fees). Total project cost over $1,000,000. Council made 2005 pre-budget approval of $547,000 for Program Center. PMV Foundation's contribution was $250,000 for first part of project. And for Hotel restoration project - Council approved to consider $250,000 for 2006 budget. 2003 - $ 10,000 2004 - $190,000 2005 - $451,000 City's contribution $651,000 to project. Foundation contribution of $250,000. Total cost $901,000. The cost of the move and the taxes brings the total cost to over $1,000,000. Pat Dunnill thanked Steve and staff for their work on this project, on behalf of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. D.J. McCrae is up on site and buildings being prepared for the move. 1st site meeting is next Tuesday in the morning. Steve reminded Committee that safety boots and hard hats must be worn on site. The movers are the Mathews Brothers. Province looking into contributing to project - it would be a "partnership" agreement. Blair recommends that the media be advised of the province's contribution. AMJ Campbell movers of sports team. He recommends that they be consulted to see if they would be involved in "move of the century". c) Committee encouraged to provide recommendations for training programs during this down time. d) Education programs: Dave advised that we are working on program that focuses on our earliest settlers. Will accommodate our school patrons. Schools are receptive - bookings already coming in - starting April 12/05. Events: 2005 Event line-up - have events on-site after July 2005 Community Events: PMV workinQ with Whitevale and District Residents Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Association - on a bus ride and walking tour for the rich heritage of Whitevale. We will do crafts and contribute scenes from our Spirit Walk - May 14 & 15/05. We will be doing Outreach at Whitevale Festival on May 28/05. Will do Outreach at Brooklin Fair - June 3/05. Will be at Purplewoods on March 18/05. Will be part of Canada Day. Pat has been contacted by Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 606 requesting participation in their 2005 Easter parade. Event date is March 26/05. Rose and Laura volunteered to be in parade for Museum. - starts at 10:00 am at ESCC and ends at Legion with Easter brunch. - Laura will work on firetruck. - Pat will complete and submit form that the PMV will put something in the parade. e) Foundation - Pat and Laura met with Pickering Rotary Club today to discuss the PMV. Pat plans to meet with John Sabean of Pickering Historical Society to discuss possible trillium funding for the Hotel. f) Gas and Steam Barn - Quarry engine. Dave developing conditions for a loan with the interested party. Moved by Pat Dunnill. Seconded by Charles Stinson That the City prepare long term loan of the Quarry engine with Wayne Fisher. CARRIED 5. Budget Steve provided overview. a) 2005 budgets being prepared to go to Council. Operating is at status quo. Capital still under consideration. Steve will provide approved copies when available. b) 2004 Capital. Pedestrian bridge being worked on now. Sign slated for installation in April 2005. Road repairs and drainage $4,000 carried over to 2005 due to construction project. Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Blair Young That money raised by Advisory Committee held in Account 4247 be used towards cost of PMV sign. CARRIED Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 3 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Mission Statement Laura reviewed existing PMV mandate and mission. All ag ree that there is no need for changes. 7. Committee reviewed the PMV Facility Maintenance Plan, Statement of Purpose, Environmental norms, Security Staff and Volunteer training, Maintenance manual. Items to consider for the Ministry's Community Museum Operating Grant include Exhibition Policy, Accessibility Policy, Interpretation Policy, Education Program Criteria, Interpretation and Education Policy are all in the June 2004 application. Moved by Rose Cowan Seconded by Paul Savel That Museum standards as submitted in 2004 Museum Operating Grant be approved as prepared by staff. CARRIED 8. Next Meeting June 28, 2005 at 6:00 pm - onsite meeting (This is a new date) Meeting Adjourned: 10:20 pm Copy: Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services Page 4