HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 15, 2005 Ubf 01 Minutes I Meeting Summary Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee February 15, 2005 7:00 PM - Attendees: Pamela Fuselli John Sabean Shawna Foxton Gordon Zimmerman Karen Emmink Mary Delaney Charles Stinson Guest Councillor Kevin Ashe Regrets: Brenda Rappos Debbie Kearns - Committee Secretary Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Minutes Several members did not receive a copy of the January Deferred to next minutes. meeting. c_ 2. Business Arising From The Minutes 2.1 Recommendations to Council Recommendations submitted to Council at the December Bruce Taylor to notify presentation were discussed at the February 14th Pamela of status. Executive Committee meeting. John reiterated the importance of identifying a representative from Pickering to sit on the Federal heritage committee. Heritage Pickering's request for a Councillor to be Councillor Ashe to appointed to the Committee was tabled. Councillor Ashe clarify meeting requested further information regarding the meeting schedule with scheduled and indicated that some Councillor's had Councillors. expressed an interest in sitting on Heritage Pickering. 2.2 HeritaQe PickerinQ Materials Pamela reported that the material for the National Heritage Day Event were organized. A one-page flyer with photos, brief information about Heritage Pickering, a few quick facts and links to web sites for further information were included. The schedule for the event was confirmed (Shawna/Mary to set up 9:30 - 11 :00; - Gordon/Charles from 11 :00 - 1 :00; Pam/Karen from 1 :00 - 3:30). The Heritaqe Pickerinq web site has been updated with Committee members Page 1 Item I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) information distributed at the January meeting. to visit the site. There was discussion regarding the development of future Charles to investigate materials and it was agreed that a display and a types and costs of publication would be pursued. Charles and Pam will work display units. Pamela on the display. Charles, Mary and Shawna volunteered to to contact Heritage coordinate the publication project. Ajax for visual of their display. John to bring samples of Ajax and Whitby publications to next meeting. 2.3 Sprino Tour of Whitevale Pamela distributed copies of a summary of the event. John indicated that he would be interested in being a narrator for the event. John received an inquiry from a resident of Whitevale who Pamela to take wanted to know if her home was designated. In light of recommendations the planned event, John recommended approaching the back to organizing Whitevale & District Residents' Association to suggest group. that they approach the owners of undesignated homes in - Whitevale and urge them to be included in the heritage district designation. In addition, he suggested that they approach the owners of properties along the Whitevale Road for agreement to have the heritage district extended to Brock Road. This is in line with both the approach of the Province and the City in the development of the Seaton lands and would send a clear message that this area is of significant heritage value. 2.4 Dillinoham-Lamorie Desionation Event Charles distributed a report on the designation status and recent event along with photos from the event. He anticipates an article and photo in the Wednesday News Advertiser. There were lessons learned that will be useful in executing the next designation event. Woodruff-McKenzie house requires a plaque and the idea Charles to confirm the of creating a special plaque for the heritage district of cost of the plaque. Whitevale. Pamela to confirm the budget for production There was discussion regarding the identification of 'at John and Gordon to - risk' properties, not located on provincial or federal lands, get addresses for that should be designated. Five potential properties were identified properties. identified initially. The listing will be provided to the Plannino Department until designation can be confirmed. Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) John reported that he had a conversation with Ian Bishop John to report back on regarding the inventory. A decision is still pending as to status and forward where the information will be input (planning or library). revisions to form to Some revisions to the information form is required. Pamela. 2.5 Aboriainal Contact No update. 2.6 MPAC Gordon has made a couple attempts to connect with the Gordon to follow up. contact in Oshawa. This listing will also help inform the list of priority properties for designation. 2.7 Indices Ajax and Scugog chairs supported the idea of requesting Pamela to contact the indices be housed in the regional offices. Heather at the Ministry to determine who to send letters to. 2.8 Tax Rebate Proaram Still pending. 3. Other Business - 3.1 Federal/Airport lands The recent issue regarding demolitions on the Federal Committee members lands was discussed. 20-25 buildings have been to continue to monitor identified for demolition, several of which have heritage activities of local significance. The group discussed some strategies for groups and Public protecting the homes on the airport lands including Works and respond keeping Mark Holland and Dan McTeague informed as appropriately to issues MPs for the area. It is essential that these buildings be arising. continuously occupied in order to keep them in good condition. Mary reported that a new group, called lands Over landings has been formed from a former tenants association. 3.2 Reaional Chair Meetina Pamela reported that the first quarterly regional heritage Pamela to report back chair meeting is being planned for March 2005. Bob once date is Martindale, Heritage Ajax, is coordinating this meeting. confirmed. The goal is an opportunity for information sharing and the identification of opportunities to collaborate/support initiatives. ... I Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) - 3.3 CHO Conference 2005 Committee members Pamela reported that the 2005 conference will be held to consider attending. from April 29 - May 1 in Windsor. Recommendation is Pamela to check costs that two members attend each year, preferably different of accommodations. from the past year. 3.4 News Advertiser Articles The idea of developing quarterly articles for submission to the local paper was discussed. Karen reported that the library intends to submit photos and short articles on historical events, facts, people, etc. It was decided that if several designation events are planned for this year, the articles developed for those purposes would be enough. 3.5 Easter Parade Heritage Pickering received an invitation from the Legion Decision to decline the to participate in the March Easter Parade. invitation. 3.6 Archivist Visit - PTHS John reported that an archivist would be presenting at the April PTHS meeting. - 3.7 Award Mary reported that the writers of the Museum's 'Spirit Walk' will receive an award. 4. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 15th at 7:00 pm in the Tower Room. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 PM Copy: Mayor Ryan Councillors T. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Directors and Division Heads Page 4