HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 1, 2005 Uhf o~ Minutes / Meeting Summary PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY December 1, 2005 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Pickles Attendees: Guests: Regrets: Councillor David Pickles Fred Gibson, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Kim Krane, City of Pickering Debbie Watrous, Committee Coordinator Ida Fogo Jennifer St. Aubyn Rowena Kirk Margaret Lazaras, Glengrove Public School Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Service Nazneed Dindar, Durham District School Board Robert Cutting, Durham Catholic District School Board Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Pickles welcomed members and guests to the meeting. 2. Minutes/Notes Minutes of the November 3, 2005 meeting were approved. 3. 2005 Committee Events HeritaQe Day Kim confirmed that Pickering Town Centre had been booked for the Heritage Day events scheduled for February 18th, 2006 and further advised that: . invitations had been mailed to those groups/organizations who may be interested in participating in this event . assistants to dignitaries had been requested to mark this event on their calendar - written invitations will be mailed in the New Year . the sound system and OJ have been confirmed Page 1 r Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as I appropriate) Essay Competition and Forum Kim confirmed that the information on the essay writing contest and forum have been distribution to the schools and had been placed on the City's website. Councillor Pickles to Kirk suggested Dr. Karen Mock as the Keynote Speaker and invite Dr. Mock. provided Biographical Notes of Dr. Karen Mock to committee members. After lengthy discussion the following points were made: · the topic suggested for next year was 'What we like and what we don't like about living in a multicultural and diverse community and what can be done to make things better' . essays will be divided into three age categories and each category will have three judges for a total of nine judges Tapestry 2006 Event This event entitled' Canadian Tapestry --- weaving the world together' will take place on June 11 th, 2006 at the Pickering Museum Village. Councillor Pickles, Malvina Ram and Jacqueline Moriarty represent the Race Relations & Equity Committee on the Sub- committee of the Tapestry Event. The next meeting of this Sub-committee will take place on February ih, 2006 at 7 pm at the Recreation Complex. 4. Website Cultural Calendar Listing Kim advised that the Ethnic and Religious Calendar had been placed on the website advising of scheduled events during 2006. .---- 5. Katrina Relief/Magna Project Kim was in contact with Shawna Mutton, City of Pickering concerning the Magna Project and Shawna provided the following information: . books for Canada Village Louisiana's goal was to collect 5,000 books and DVD's; . this goal was surpassed with approximately 12,000 books being collected; . all books above and beyond the 5,000 will be delivered to other libraries in the hurricane stricken areas of Louisiana and Mississippi. ----- ----- 6. Lobby Display '--- The banners for Chanukah and Kwanzaa have been ElacedJ.~ Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) the front foyer of the Civic Complex. An unveiling ceremony will take place on Monday, December 19th at the Council Meeting. Councillor Pickles, Chair of the Committee and another Councillor Pickles Committee Member will say a few words. and one Committee Member to speak. It was suggested that invitations to this unveiling be sent to all denominations inviting a representative to the event. An invitation to the public will be placed in the News Advertiser Kim to arrange. , on the Community Page. 6. Other Business a) A question was raised concerning the admission fees at the Pickering Museum Village. The following has been provided by Dave Marlowe, Pickering Museum Village: . General Admission . Adult $4.00 . Senior/Student $2.50 . Child $2.00 . Pre-school FREE . Family $12.00 . Special Events . Adult $5.00 . Senior/Student $4.00 . Child $3.00 . Pre-school FREE . Family $15.00 . Ticketed Events as advertised b) Rowena Kirk provided the following information concerning The Amnesty International Write-a-thon: . Scheduled for Saturday, December 10, 2005, 1 :00 - 6:00 pm at the Loblaws store in Pickering in the upstairs Community Meeting Room; . Jessica Farias for the Chiapas Region of Mexico and Brigitte Muleka for Democratic Republic of Congo are the guest speakers; . The presentation schedule can be found on their website at www.aiqroup83.ca.; . 100 letters will be written for Human Rights; . A discussion on the 'Stop Violence Against Women' concerns in many parts of our world, including the Stolen Sisters Campaign (Aboriginal Women) in Canada will take place. Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) b) Kim advised that the Race Relations and Equity web page has been updated to reflect the accomplishments of the committee and the plans for 2006. c) Councillor Pickles will provide Committee members with an Councillor Pickles to update on the City of Toronto's Race Relations and Equity update report. d) Councillor Pickles informed the Committee of the Communities Against Violence Everywhere (CAVE) event which took place in the Council Chambers of the Civic Complex on Tuesday, November 29th, 2005. A lengthy discussion took place and the following points were made: . the Police do not reflect the diversity of the community; . there are underlying problems which need to be addressed; . what is there for kids to do and where can they go; . Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Service will be asked about the make-up of the Police Force as it relates to the diversity of the community; . a City wide survey should be undertaken asking the residents how the feel living in the City of Pickering, how they feel about housing, recreation and equity. 4. Next Meeting Thursday, January 12, 2006, 7:00 PM - Main Committee Room ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO CONFIRM THEIR ATTENDANCE ._- Meeting Adjourned: 9:34 PM Copy: 1. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Page 4