HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 4, 2004 Cibj "I Minutes I Meeting Summary PICKERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELA liONS AND EQUITY November 4, 2004 7:00 PM Chair - Councillor Pickles Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Jacqueline Moriarty, Community Appointee Nazneen Dindar, Durham District School Board Margaret Lazarus, Glengrove Public School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Regrets: Joe Mitschang, Durham Regional Police Services Mark Joel, Durham District School Board Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Meeting Schedule Councillor Pickles discussed with Committee members the suitability of holding the Committee meetings on the first Thursday of the month. Joe Mitschang had sent correspondence to say that it was a conflict but further added that he could make other arrangements. Committee reached consensus to continue to meet on the first Thursday of the month. Debbie will continue to collect RSVP's prior to the meetina. 2. Business Arising . Councillor Pickles advised that he had not had the Councillor Pickles to opportunity to contact Yamoa Apea, Acting Coordinator of contact Yamoa Apea. Race Relations with the City of Toronto but still intends to do so. . The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Ministry of Citizenship and the Ministry of Culture were contacted requesting the name of a municipality who may be able to provide the Committee with input on the preparation of a Report to Council. Debbie was unsuccessful in obtaining this information. Kirk suggested connecting with the cultural area of Parks and Recreation with the City of Toronto. . Councillor Pickles and Marisa attended the Tapestry Page 1 !Jem I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Committee Meeting and advised that this event for 2005 has been cancelled due to the Museum construction project. . Kirk advised that the Urban Alliance dinner, held on October 14,2004, was well received. This event was a celebration of race relation's initiatives and he suggested the City of Pickering use this as a model to demonstrate the work and initiatives of the City. . Kirk further advised that Nelson Mandela is also another model of providing support to those in need beyond our backyards. . It was suggested that a section be included in the Report to Council concerning community recognition. This could be done on Heritage Day or at the City's Civic Awards. . Roland Rutland held a multi-cultural concert on Saturday, Debbie Watrous to October 30th at the mall. Councillor Pickles gave greetings on behalf of the City and the Committee. Councillor Pickles add upcoming events recommended that a section will be included at the end of the at the bottom of all minutes advising of upcoming events. committee meeting . Jacqueline noted that Joe Mitschang requested that the minutes. Wildfire Dance Troupe be discussed at a future meeting. Debbie Watrous to Nazneen Dindar advised that Roland Rutland often sponsors this troupe to come and perform dances at schools within the add to Business Durham District School Board. Nazneen explained that their Arising on next theme addresses social issues, they perform on a school committee meeting stage and are fantastic. This item will be included on agenda. business arising at the next meeting. 3. 200412005 Committee Events Heritaae Dav Event Marisa advised that Pickering Town Centre has been booked for Heritage Day events on Saturday, February 19th, 2005. Correspondence will be forwarded to Mayor Ryan and Council Marisa to initiate in requesting their availability and invitations will go out to groups November 2004. inviting them to participate. Invitations will also be sent to Mark Holland, MP, Dan McTeague, MP and Wayne Arthurs, MPP. Nazneen advised that a good number of students want to Marisa to forward participate and requested correspondence be forwarded to her invitation to Nazneen to initiate this event throughout the schools. in November 2004. Councillor Pickles questioned if Star camp kids can be part of Nazneen will consider this event and how we can recognize those students. Nazneen this when confirming recommended incorporating their skits which have a message. Board involvement in the event. Page 2 item 1 Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Perhaps Robert would want to involve their Spirit program. An ad will be placed in the News Advertiser and Multicultural Marisa to initiate. Durham requesting participants. Posters will be placed in municipal facilities and on the website and LED. The Pickering Town Centre will be requested to promote the event. It was suggested that rather than a OJ providing introductions, Marisa to coordinate. participants be encouraged to introduce their custom, dress and dance and provide a booth where they could speak about their group. Nazneen advised of a youth wing to the Multicultural Council of Oshawa/Durham and suggested that they get involved in this event by doing some of the speaking. Essav Writina Contest - Marisa advised that the forum would be held on March 23, 2005. - Malvina suggested that we announce the winners of the essay writing contest at the February 19th Heritage Day event. - Nazneen requested that the submission deadline be extended from January 14 to January 31,2005. - Nazneen recommended that the Durham District School Marisa will connect Board partner with the City of Pickering on this event. The with Robert Cutting committee agreed. and determine if the - Nazneen recommended that the statement and event title Durham Catholic be different and more age appropriate "In Your Own District School Board Words" . is interested in also - Draft of the writing contest outline will be forwarded to partnering with this Nazneen and Robert for comments and recommendations. event. - Change name of event to "Writing Contest" so participants can submit poems or essays. i- Possible statement "What can I do to stop discrimination" I- Add descriptions for each category, can be in form of a I poem, written account. I- Add "All entries will become the property of The City of Marisa to make Pickering and the Durham District School Board". changes to the outline. I- Nazneen will provide the outline to a creative team at the board to develop into a brochure for the schools. March 23rd Forum - Marisa will follow-up with Mayor Ryan and Council to see if they are available on March 23rd. Once this has been determined, Marisa will ask Mark Holland, MP, Dan McTeague, MP and Wayne Arthurs, MPP that this date be Page 3 gem I Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) kept free - in case they wish to attend (with a formal invitation to follow closer to the date). Marisa to follow- up. 4. City of Pickering Employment Equity Practices Deferred to the next committee meeting 5. Other Business None Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: 1. J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Page 4