HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 09-07 Citq c~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 09-07 Date: January 8, 2007 23,1 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Pickering Animal Services & Claremont Veterinary Services Shelter Service Public/Private Partnership Agreement File: S-3010 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 09-07 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the proposal as submitted by Claremont Veterinary Services for the provision of shelter services, including staffing, rent and animal intake/care be approved at an annual cost of $40,000.00 for a term not to exceed five years; 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, with Claremont Veterinary Services; 4 . That 2007 pre-budget approval in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00 be approved for the purpose of leasehold improvements at the Claremont Veterinary Services, 2015 Concession 9, R.R. #5, Claremont; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: In 2006, Clerks Division staff proceeded to pursue options for shelter services to be located within the limits of the City of Pickering. The Municipality of Clarington has provided this service since Pickering Animal Services inception on January 1, 2006, however, the agreement was on a temporary basis and ends on June 30, 2007. Therefore, this report authorizes staff to finalize a suitable arrangement with Claremont Veterinary Services. Financial Implications: The recommendations require approval prior to Council considering the 2007 Budgets in order that proper facilities and arrangements can be in place before our arrangement with the Municipality of Clarington ends on June 30, 2007. Report CS 09-07 23$iJbject: Animal Shelter Services Agreement January 8, 2007 Page 2 These new arrangements should be able to be accommodated within the 2007 budgets as follows: annual operating costs of $40,000 win replace costs currently in the budget for the Clarington facility the capital cost of $25,000 for leasehold improvements will be proposed to be funded by a portion o'f the City's proceeds from the PAW facility. Sustainability Implications: This arrangement will allow the City to meet and sustain animal services operations in Pickering. Background: The City assumed the responsibility of Animal Services on January 1, 2006 upon termination of the agreement with the Town of Whitby. All functions of Animal Services are handled in house with the exception of shelter services. An agreement for shelter services with the Municipality of Clarington has been in place since January 1, 2006. This agreement has been working well, but as with any new service comes the challenges of the unknown, such as the volume of calls, inefficiencies of traveling to the Clarington Shelter and the definite need to strategically move towards a more appropriate solution within the City. The growth of our service has exceeded even our best estimates. At the present time, we are exce,eding our allocated space at the Clarington Animal Shelter on a regular basis. This has been a constant and regular occurance, which led staff to pursue temporary back up options. To alleviate any hint of lack of service due to space constraints versus demand, arrangements have been made with three different operations in Claremont, Ajax and Brooklin. In June, the City issued an Expression of Interest for shelter services that resulted in no formal written submissions being received, however, a verbal expression of interest was received from Claremont Veterinary Services. Since that time, written confirmation from Claremont Veterinary Services was received in September and staff proceeded to review options with them. The proposal from Claremont Veterinary Services included housing (shelter) costs, staffing, rent and animal intake/care. It should also be noted that Claremont Veterinary Services is the City's resident veterinarian for our animals and has provided extensive support to the City. The property proposed at 2015 Concession 9, R.R #5, Claremont has been used as a veterinary service for over 20 years and Dr. Michele Travers is the City's veterinarian, having been the lowest bid for this service. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 09-07 January 8, 2007 Subject: Animal Shelter Services Agreement Page 3 233 The proposal, as discussed with Dr. Travers, and pending a final written agreement, are noted as follows: a) Dr. Travers proposes to renovate her existing facility to accommodate Pickering Animal Services. Dr. Travers would relocate her practice to the main portion of her building, which was recently used as a residence; b) Pickering Animal Services would be located generally in the area occupied by the existing Claremont Veterinary clinic; c) The proposed layout would provide one central reception area serving both the clinic and Pickering Animal Services; d) Service would be in compliance with the Ontario Veterinarian Association, by which Dr. Travers has to operate. Pickering Animal Services would be considered a client of Dr. Travers, in accordance with OVA guidelines. e) Renovation costs have been estimated at $25,000 plus approximately $2,000 for design fees. This cost. would be borne solely by the City as a leasehold improvement; f) The City's cost for service would be $40,000. per annum, which would encompass lease and staffing costs. The agreement for veterinarian services is a separate contract with the City. ZoninQ and BuildinQ ReQulations In order to comply with zoning restrictions, the animal center use must be contained within the current existing building, and be secondary and incidental to the operation of the principal veterinary use. Pickering Animal Service would not be permitted to operate independently out of this location in the event that the veterinary clinic ceased operations. The alterations to create the Pickering Animal Services facilities would require a building permit, and Claremont Veterinary Service have indicated that they could start immediately. A floor plan has been provided to the City and the building permit review will confirm the compliance of the proposed construction with the building code and applicable laws. Dr. Travers will be responsible to apply, pay for and obtain the building permit. Summary Based on the proposal before the City, and the fact that it is getting quite difficult for animals to go to Clarington due to space issues, it is recommended that the City proceed to finalize the agreement with Dr. Travers. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 09-07 2~4 Subject: Animal Shelter Services Agreement January 8, 2007 Page 4 In order to proceed with the proposal, 2007 pre-budget approval is sought for the leasehold improvements, at a cost not to exceed $25,000.00. Further approval is sought to authorize a five year agreement with Claremont Veterinary Services at an estimated cost of $40,000.00 per annum. Both of these budget amounts have been included in the Clerks Division 2007 draft budget. Attachments: Not applicable Prepared B~r Approved I Endorsed By: l)1~ Debi Bentle~' City Clerk -~~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Co ,t C;?~:i ,RD .,CMM Chief Administrative Officer ", b' CORP0227-07/01 revised