HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 03-07 Citq a~ REPORT Te i1- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: PO 03-07 Date: January 8, 2007 001 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3) to increase the maximum allowable density for the subject lands to 260 units per net hectare be approved as revised to establish a density range of 'over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare', as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07; 2. That the draft by-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan to establish an allowable density range of over 80 units per hectare and up to and including 260 units per hectare as a site specific exception, as set out in Appendix I to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; 3. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05, submitted by 786 Indopak Inc. for lands being Part of Lot 27, Range 3, B.F.C. (40R-8710, part 1, 2 & part of 3) to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, be approved; as set out in Appendix II to Report PO 03-07; 4. That the draft by-law to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87, to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a mixed use building, as set out in Appendix 11/ to Report PO 03-07 be forwarded to Council for enactment; and Report PO 03-07 00') ..: .... ; {., Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA 05-003/P & A 10/05) January 8, 2007 Page 2 5. Further, that Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to review the request made by 786 Indopak Inc. to purchase City-owned lands, identified as "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", to accommodate private access serving the proposed development, and report back to Council on the general terms and conditions of the disposal of these lands, if deemed appropriate. Executive Summary: The applicant proposes an amendment to the City's Official Plan and zoning by-law to permit the development of a ten storey mixed use building containing approximately 3,465 square metres of gross leasable commercial floor space and 198 apartment dwelling units. The building design incorporates two storey live-work units on the north side, roof top terraces, an outdoor pool, and multi-level underground parking. The open space lands contained on the subject property are to be conveyed to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). The somewhat isolated nature of the subject property provides some unique locational attributes that contribute to the justification for the approval of a site specific Official Plan amendment to allow a density greater than currently permitted. The recommended provisions to be included in the implementing zoning by-law provide for an appropriate density for an infill site that permits a mixed use development containing apartment dwelling units and commercial uses, resulting in transit supportive intensification next to a transit spine. The recommended conditions of development require and encourage the incorporation of elements of sustainability in both the site plan and building design. A minimum 1,500 square metres of commercial floor space is recommended to be required in the project to ensure a mixed use development that provides commercial services to the neighbourhood. The proposed development also provides protection to the natural environment associated with the open space lands. The recommended Official Plan amendment is specific to only the subject property and permits a density range between 80 and 260 units per hectare. The maximum density permitted under the current Official Plan policy is 140 units per hectare. The proposal is considered compatible with surrounding land uses. It is recommended that the implementing by-law contain an "(H)" holding provision to ensure that the City, Region and other approval authorities interests are addressed through the execution of appropriate agreements. The recommended implementing Official Plan amendment and zoning by-law are appropriate as they implement the spirit and intent of the Official Plan, are in accordance with existing and emerging Provincial policy, provide commercial services to the neighbourhood, and constitute appropriate land use. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. The disposal of City-owned land required for driveway access to the site will provide revenue to the City (amount to be determined through land appraisal). Report PO 03-07 January 8, 2007 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 3 003 Sustainability Implications: The application proposes intensification in a transportation corridor. The proposal is an infill project on vacant land that will utilize existing infrastructure. The applicant has indicated a desire to achieve a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification, with the specific objective to achieve LEED Gold standard (see Attachment #18). Further, the applicant is also pursuing certain green building design elements, including a green roof, solar collectors, and energy saving glazing. The proposed mixed use building will provide some of the commercial needs of both residents of the building and the immediate neighbourhood, thus reducing automobile trips. Through the application process the open space lands included in the subject site are to be conveyed to the TRCA consequently ensuring long-term protection of these lands. On balance the application represents a sustainable approach for the development of the subject lands. Background: 1.0 Introduction The property owner, 786 Indopak Inc. proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan and zoning by-law in order to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10 storey building (see Attachment #1). The Official Plan amendment is to allow, as an exemption, an increase in the maximum net residential density on the subject property. The zoning amendment is to permit a wide range of commercial uses on the property including retail, offices, and personal services. The design of the building is for an underground parking garage, commercial units on the lower floor and the residential apartment units above the commercial units. The building design incorporates two storey live-works units (commercial portion on the ground floor and the residential portion on the second floor) that will front onto Kingston Road. The main entrance to the building will be on the southern side of the building. The preliminary building design incorporates a roof top terrace and a mid-level terrace as well as a swimming pool. The profile of the building is 10 storeys from Kingston Road and 12 storeys from Highway 401, due to site topography/grade difference. The majority of parking will be provided underground in a multi-level structure. The site also incorporates open space lands that are to be preserved. The original plan (see Attachment #2) has been revised to address certain technical matters. The recommendations of this report are based on the revised plan (see Attachment #3). Rep~t~p 03-07 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10105) January 8, 2007 Page 4 The following chart outlines the proposed development detail: Details of the Applications Original Plan (Attachment #2) 1.406 ha 0.764 ha 0.642 ha 10 storeys 184 :260 units/ha 4,405 m2 317 Revised Plan (Attachment #3) 1 .406 ha 0.764 (approx.) 0.642 ha 10 storeys 198 260 units/ha 3,465 m2 315 Gross site area Net developable area Open space area Building height Number of dwelling units Net residential density Commercial - gross floor space Total parking provided 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 At the January 17, 2006 Information Meeting Three area residents and one area business representative spoke in opposition to the proposed development and raised concerns related to: . building height and resultant shadows; . insufficient parking on-site to accommodate all the uses; . impact on wildlife; . impact on schools; . increased traffic in the area and the safety of children in the area; . density 1 too many units; . noise impacts on the future residents; . building design in terms of' buildings aesthetic, sustainable elements, integration of the commercial and residential components and impact on neighbouring buildings; . loitering; . the feasibility of the live-work units; . off-site impacts from OPG facilities and area gas stations. (see text of Information Report, Attachment #4 and Meeting Minutes #5) 2.2 Written Public Submissions on the application A representative of St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church (north side of Kingston Road, west of Fairport Road) provided written comments on the application (see Attachment #6). Their specific concerns include: . the project should provide more than the maximum required parking for both the residential and commercial uses as any overflow parking will be on the church property which could result in operational, safety and liability issues; . concern that the proposed building will reduce the visibility of the church from Highway 401, therefore the proposed building would limit the current and historical visibility and negatively effect advertising potential; Report PD 03-07 January 8, 2007 005 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 5 · if application approved, concern with resulting construction having an impact on the foundation of the church building. A representative of Fampa Holdings Ltd. (owner of lands to the north of the subject land that have recently been developed for a FordNolvo automobile dealership provided written comments on the application that questioned the viability of the application and the need for additional technical information (see Attachment #7). 2.3 Agencies Region of Durham Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Ministry of Transportation (MTO) - the proposal is permitted by the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan; - municipal water supply is available from the existing utilities; - the western driveway access directly onto Kingston Road will be restricted to a right-in right-out only and the main access will be the intersection of Fairport Road and Kingston Road; - the application has been screened in accordance with Provincial Interests and Delegated Review and there is no concern subject to the approval of an updated noise study in accordance with Ministry of Environment polices; - the application is consistent with the Region of Durham Community Strategic Plan; - as the Official Plan amendment does not have significant Regional or Provincial concerns, the application is exempt from Regional approval (see Attachment #8). - a staked top-of-bank and limits of development have been established; - the open space portion of the property should be zoned in an open space zone and conveyed to a public authority; - further information will be required at site plan approval and TRCA permit application stage (see Attachment #9). - an updated traffic study (to address technical matters) in accordance with MTO requirements and to the satisfaction of MTO is required; - a revised stormwater management and flooding report are required to be approved by MTO prior to any permit approval; - all buildings must be setback a minimum of 14.0 metres from the Highway 401 property line; January 8, 2007 R(f.ort PO 03-07 O"r. o Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 6 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) (cont'd) Durham District School Board Durham Catholic District School Board Canadian National Railway fire routes, loading docks, driveways, or servicing should be located outside of the 14.0 metre setback; - parking within the 14.0 metre setback must be surplus parking to the site requirements and indicated on a site plan; - permits are required prior to any construction being undertaken or any signs being erected which would be visible from the 401 Highway (see Attachment #10). - no objection to the application (see Attachment #11). - no objection, the site falls within the catchment area of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic Elementary School at 1765 Meadowview Avenue (see Attachment #12). - an updated noise study (to address technical matters) in accordance with Ministry of Environment polices and to the satisfaction of CN is required; - warning clauses are required in various agreements (see Attachment #13). - no objection to the application and technical issues and requirements related to the proposed use of the site can be addressed during the site plan process (see Attachment #14). No other agency that provided comment has objection to the applications. Certain technical issues and requirements related to the proposed use of the site can be addressed during the site plan/condominium process, should this application be approved. Veridian Corporation 2.4 City Departments Pickering Fire Services Development Control Municipal Property & Engineering - no objection to the proposed land use; - technical design requirements will need to be addressed at the site plan approval process (see Attachment #15). - an updated noise study in accordance with Ministry of Environment requirements is required; - technical design requirements will need to be addressed at the site plan approval process (see Attachment #16). - an updated traffic study is required (see Attachment #17). Report PO 03-07 January 8, 2007 007 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 7 3.0 Discussion 3.1 The Proposed Density/Number of Dwelling Units is Supportable and Complies with the Intent of the Official Plan The subject land is designated Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area in the Pickering Official Plan. Permissible uses within Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area includes, amongst others, a variety of residential uses including apartment buildings, retailing of goods and services, offices and restaurants. Although the Pickering Official Plan establishes a density range of over 30 and up to and including 140 dwelling units per hectare for development within this designation the applicant has requested to increase the density to 260 units per hectare. The site specific Official Plan amendment to permit the requested increased density is supportable due to the site attributes. As the subject site is isolated from any conflicting residential land use the impact of the increased density on the site will be diminished. The subject lands, being currently vacant, are immediately surrounded by Highway 401 to the south and east, institutional uses (places of religious assembly) and commercial uses (gas station and automobile sales and service establishments). Beyond the institutional and commercial uses are low density residential dwellings units. The subject site is not immediately adjacent to an existing stable neighbourhood. The subject property is located on a major arterial road that is recognized in the new Durham Region Official Plan as a Regional corridor that encourages intensification. The site is also located on a transit spine therefore providing transit options for the future residents and commercial users. The subject land is considered an appropriate location for intensification, a mixed use/higher density development on a transit corridor is supported by the recently approved Provincial Places to Grow Plan. The request for a maximum density of 260 units per hectare, which will result in a maximum of 198 dwelling units for this property is considered appropriate. The application is also proposing a housing option (apartment dwelling units) that has not recently been developed in the neighbourhood. Further, the applicant has indicated that the project will be developed utilizing "smart building design" that will incorporate sustainable features and intends to have a high order of LEED certification. The development intends to have a multi-function purpose achieving an appropriate intensification for the site in accordance with the principles of the Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area designation. Report PO 03-07 flOo Su"6jec? 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) January 8, 2007 Page 8 An amendment to the Official Plan is recommended that will enable a site specific exception to the Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area that would allow a maximum density of 260 units per hectare and a minimum density of 80 units per hectare. The minimum density is reflective of the minimum density requirements for higher density designations such as Mixed Use Area - Specialty Retailing Node and Mixed Use Area - Downtown Core. It is also recognized that while the proposal before the City is for a maximum density of 260 units per hectare, (based on the current net developable area of the site), the applicant is required to obtain additional lands for driveway access from the City, being the Fairport Road road allowance. Therefore the ultimate net developable area will increase which will result in the actual density for the site to decrease. A copy of the proposed Official Plan amendment is attached as Appendix I to this report. 3.2 Proposed Mixed Use Development is Compatible with Existing Neighbourhood It is anticipated that retail uses serving the day-to-day needs of the residents of the apartment building and the neighbourhood will locate in the project. This commercial component of the development will benefit the community as it will provide a replacement of the commercial plaza that previously existed across the street from the subject land and that have been recently developed for two automobile sales and service establishments. The proposed 10 storey building will frame the street and provide a focal point to the area without overwhelming the area. The shadowing study shows the impacts on the area will not be significant. The proposed mixed use building is on the edge of the community separated by major roads, and proposes a form and massing that is appropriate for a mixed use development at this location. This development implements the intent of the Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridors Area designation which is to encourage development in an integrated manner for a wide variety of uses and purposes. 3.3 Site Access and Traffic Movements on Kingston Road are Acceptable Kingston Road, where it abuts the subject property, is designated as a Type B Arterial Road in the Region of Durham and City of Pickering Official Plans. Type B Arterial Roads are designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds. The turning movement characteristics of the KingstC?n Road access are influenced by the high westbound volume in morning peak hour and high volume eastbound in the evening peak hour. While these existing high traffic volumes will cause some minor delays to residents from this development, the site access will operate within acceptable standards. Report PO 03-07 January 8, 2007 009 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 9 The site is designed with an eastbound right-in and right-out only at the western edge of the property. The main access point will be via a driveway that will align with the existing intersection of Kingston Road and Fairport Road, which is a signalized intersection. Municipal land for this driveway will need to be acquired by the applicant. Intersection improvements will be required to facilitate the egress/ingress to the site. The detail of these requirements will be concluded with the Region of Durham as part of the site plan approval process. The applicant has made a request to purchase the City-owned land. These lands are vacant with no current use - not a traveled road area. A preliminary review suggests that the lands appear to be surplus to the City's needs (this will be reviewed and concluded on during the formal evaluation of the request to purchase). 3.4 Parking Ratio to be increased to provide appropriate residential, visitor and commercial parking The applicant is proposing approximately 1.0 space per dwelling unit. It is recommended that a residential parking ratio (including visitor provision) of 1.25 spaces per unit be provided for the apartment units. These requirements are considered appropriate considering the project's location on a transit spine and the applicant's stated intent to market a transit oriented project. This parking ratio is the same as applied to similar projects, such as the redevelopment of the Bay Ridges Plaza and the Discovery Place apartment. Resident parking for the apartment building will be provided underground, while parking for the retail/commercial floor space will be both surface parking and in a portion of the underground garage. The location for visitor parking will be determined through the site plan process. For the commercial component of the project, the applicant proposes a parking ratio of 3 parking spaces per 100 square metres of floor space. While a significant component of retail business may be through walk-to traffic, this commercial floor space will also serve the broader community and wiH attract considerable automobile traffic. Therefore it is recommended that a commercial parking requirement of 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area be imposed. This requirement recognizes that there will be a degree of shared parking in the mixed use component of the project, with residential visitor parking and some commercial parking being shared on a regular basis. This parking ratio is the same standard that Council applied to the redevelopment of the Bay Ridges Plaza that was also a mixed use project. If the staff recommended parking standards are applied to this project (198 dwelling units and 3465 square metres of gross leasable floor area) 248 residential parking spaces and 156 commercial parking spaces will be required for a total required parking on site of 404 spaces. The applicant is currently proposing 315 parking spaces. Consequently to comply, the applicant's plan will have to be revised through the site plan process to provide additional parking or to reduce the number of dwelling units or commercial space. Reporto~ 83-07 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) January 8, 2007 Page 10 3.5 Sustainable Principles are being addressed The City of Pickering is undertaking a number of initiatives to promote and encourage sustainable development. Staff are evolving criteria to help measure the level of sustainability of development proposals. Applications are now reviewed with consideration given to environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Elements of sustainability include: . high density development which is less land consumptive; . located on a transit spine; . protection of natural environment, enhancement of public open space; . providing commercial/retail floor space to serve the neighbourhood; . intensification/compact urban form; . reduction of reliance on the automobile; . employment opportunities; . recycling encouraged; . energy and resource efficiency; . LEED and green technology building design. The applicant's current site plan incorporates many of these elements, others will be introduced and considered as the design progresses and the site plan is finalized. 3.6 Site Plan Agreement will be required to address the Importance of Site Design A site plan agreement between the City and the owner of the lands will be required to ensure that all matters of interest to the City are protected and the design of the site achieves a high quality urban design. The site plan agreement will also address building and site function for a mixed use concept for the building. The recommended zoning by-law will affect the design of the building, specifically the parking requirements on-site will require more parking or fewer dwelling units or commercial floor space. Matters to be addressed include, but are not limited to, ensuring the site can accommodate recycling/3-stream refuse, noise attenuation, stormwater management, sustainable building designs, cash-in-Iieu of park land requirement, and the opportunity to include some accessible units for the physically challenged. Matters related to the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage, including installation of a sidewalk will be addressed. This required agreement, and several other development implementation matters, are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval for this application, and are found in Appendix II to this Report. Report PO 03-07 January 8, 2007 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) Page 11 011 3.7 Zoning By-law Amendment Establishes Uses, Performance Standards and to Include a "(H)" Holding Provision to address City and Agency requirements The draft implementing zoning by-law recommends that the majority of the subject property be rezoned to permit the proposed mixed use building containing a maximum of 198 apartments dwelling units and commercial uses. The by-law will permit live-work within the building, however they are not a required prerequisite for the project. The remaining portion, being the valley lands and the buffer area, are recommended to be zoned open space. The draft zoning by-law contains performance standards that would permit development in accordance with the recommendations of this report. This includes, amongst others, a minimum gross leasable commercial/retail floor space of 1,500 square metres, a maximum building height of ten storeys, a minimum building height of six storeys, and a minimum parking ratio of 1.25 spaces per apartment dwelling unit and a minimum commercial parking ratio of 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area. The permitted uses would include apartment buildings as the only form of residential units permitted and a variety of neighbourhood commercial, retail, personal services and office uses. The draft zoning by-law amendment is attached as Appendix III to this report. The amending zoning by-law does not require that only surplus parking be permitted within a 14 metre setback from Highway 401 as requested by MTO. A restriction as requested by MTO would significantly limit the development area and potential of the site. It is noted that the building is to be located outside the requested 14 metre setback from Highway 401. The amending zoning by-law incorporates an U(H)" holding provision that will require the owner to satisfy certain conditions prior to the lifting of the holding provision. These conditions will include entering into a site plan/development agreement with the City to address matters listed in Appendix II to this report. These matters include requirements of the City, Region, and Toronto Region Conservation Authority. Some of the matters that will need to be finalized include the land transfer with the City, road/intersection improvements required by the Region of Durham, and the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage. All of the technical reports will need to be finalized to the satisfaction of the approval authority prior to the lifting of the U(H)" holding provision including the traffic, noise and stormwater management reports. The lifting of the U(H)" holding provision will occur promptly after all the required conditions have been met. The lifting process is within the control of Council and there is no public notice required, nor can the public appeal the lifting of the (UH"). The City has used ("H") holding provisions in its zoning by-laws on several occasions, where project complexity and associated development conditions of both the City and agencies warrant a higher level of control. Report PD 03-07 01M , .. l;' Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) January 8, 2007 Page 12 The utilization of the holding provision also allows the City the opportunity to advance rezoning applications prior to the applicant satisfying all requirements of other agencies. Utilization of the ("H") holding provision allows the zoning to advance and become final, while ensuring that appropriate development conditions are secured. The applicant receives certainty as to the new use rights for the property while the City is ensured issues will be addressed prior to the building permit. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. The applicant does not agree with the recommended parking ratio for the commercial or residential components. APPENDICIES: Appendix I: Draft By-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan Appendix II: Recommended Conditions of Approval for A 10/05 Appendix III: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Original Development Plan 3. Revised Development Plan 4. Text of Information Meeting Report 5. Minutes from June 1, 2006 Statutory Public Information Meeting 6. Neighbour Comments 7. Neighbour Comments 8. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 9. Agency Comments - TRCA 10. Agency Comments - MTO 11. Agency Comments - Durham District School Board 12. Agency Comments - Durham Catholic District School Board 13. Agency Comments - Canadian National Railway 14. Agency Comments - Veridian Corporation 15. City Department Comment - Pickering Fire Services 16. City Department Comment - Development Control 17. City Department Comment - Municipal Property & Engineering 18. Applicant's Sustainability proposal Report PD 03-07 Subject: 786 Indopak Inc. (OPA05/003 & A 10/05) January 8, 2007 Page 13 013 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Ross Pym, MCIP, RR Principal Planner - Development Review Lynda aylor, MCIP, R Manager, Development Review RP:jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for Pickering City Co consideration of ;1 014 APPENDIX I TO REPORT PO 03-07 Draft Bv-Iaw to Adopt Amendment 16 to the Pickering Official Plan THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 015 BY-lAW NO. Being a By-law to adopt Amendment 16 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering. (OPA 05-003/P) WHEREAS pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.p. 13, Subsections 17(22) and 21 (1), the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering may by by-law adopt amendments to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 17(10) of the Planning Act, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has by order authorized Regional Council to pass a by-law to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS on February 23,2000, Regional Council passed By-law 11/2000 which allows the Region to exempt proposed area municipal official plan amendments from its approval; AND WHEREAS the Region has advised that Amendment 16 to the City of Pickering Official Plan is exempt from Regional approval. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That Amendment 16 to the Official Plan for the City of Pickering, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby adopted; 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Regional Municipality of Durham the documentation required by Procedure: Area Municipal Official Plans and Amendments; 3. That Amendment 16 to the Official Plan of the City of Pickering shall come into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-lAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this ,2007. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk 016 AMENDMENT 16 TO THE Exhibit "A" to By-law CITY OF PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 017 AMENDMENT 16 TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to permit, as an exception, a site specific increase in the density range within the Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor designation. LOCATION: The subject lands are approximately 1.4 hectares in area, and located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road. All of the lands fall within Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3, being 40R-8710, Parts 1, 2 & part of 3 and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No. 2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front". BASIS: The Council of the City of Pickering is satisfied that this Amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to permit, as a site specific exception, an increase in the density range for the subject lands is appropriate land use, complies with the general intend to the Official plan an is in align with Provincial policies. ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Revising policy 11.9 Dunbarton Neighbourhood Policies, by deleting the word "and" at the end of subsection (a); deleting the period at the end of subsection (b) and replacing it with a semi-colon and the word "and", and adding a new subsection (c) immediately after subsection (b) as follows: (c) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three, establish a minimum density range of over 80 units per net hectare up to and including 260 units per net hectare and for lands located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road being Parts 1, 2 & part of 3, 40R-8710 and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No. 2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front",. 018 IMPLEMENTATION: INTERPRETA TION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. APPENDIX II TO REPORT PD 03-07 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 06/06 to be Included within the Proposed Zoning By-law "(H)" Holding Requirements 019 020 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 06/06 to be Included within the Proposed ZoninQ Bv-Iaw "(H)" HoldinQ Requirements 1. That the amending zoning by-law includes an "'(H)" Holding Provision that requires matters to be addressed to the City's satisfaction prior to the lifting of the "(H)" Holding Provision. Prior to the lifting of the "(H)" the owner shall execute and register a site plan/development agreement, satisfy the Region of Durham, financially and otherwise and satisfy the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, financially and otherwise. 2. That the owner enter into an site plan/development agreement with the City to reflect the comments of the report of the Director, Planning & Development Report PO 03-07. The agreement shall ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: (a) the completion of the transfer of the required municipal road allowance for the driveway access; (b) providing any required easements; (c) parkland cash-in-lieu contribution; (d) noise attenuation; (e) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act, (f) construction management plan; (g) stormwater drainage and management system; (h) design of some units to meet accessibility requirements; (i) design the development for 3-stream refuse handling; G) the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage; (k) the inclusion of sustainable elements in the building and site design; (I) that buildings and site design achieve LEED design standards. 3. That the site plan/development agreement include a clause that the owner shall provide to the City of Pickering a clearance letter from the Region of Durham that advises that all of the Regional matters, financial and otherwise, have been addressed including road/intersection improvements. 4. That the site plan/development agreement include a clause that the owner sha'lI provide to the City of Pickering a clearance letter from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority that advises that all of TRCA matters have been addressed. DRAFT IMPLEMENTING ZONING BY-LAW APPENDIX III TO REPORT PD 03-07 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 10/05 0'1-'1 (..1 022 BY-LAW NO. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham in Part Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Parts 1, 2, & part of 3, 40R-8710, and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway No. 2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", in the City of Pickering. (A 10105) WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit a mixed use development for an apartment, and commercial uses on the subject lands, being Part Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession, Parts 1, 2, & part of 3, 40R-8710, and "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway NO.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", in the City of Pickering; AND WHEREAS an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCHEDULES I and II Schedules I and II attached hereto'with notations and references shown thereon are hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. AREA RESTRICTED The provisions of this By-law shall only apply to those lands being Part Lot 27, Range 3, Broken Front Concession Parts 1, 2, & part of 3 40R-8710, "West Shore Boulevard (aka Fairport Road) between Kings Highway NO.2 and Kings Highway No. 401 being road allowance between Lots 26 and 27, Concession Broken Front", Pickering, designated "RH/MU-6" and "OS-HL" on Schedule I attached hereto. - 2 - 023 3. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, (1) "Adult Entertainment Parlour" shall mean a building or part of a building in which is provided, in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, services appealing to or designed to appeal to erotic or sexual appetites or inclinations. (2) "Art Gallery" shall mean a building or part of a building used for the public or private exhibition of collections of painting and other works of art devoted primarily to the recreation or education for the public, whether or not the same are for sale. (3) "Bakery" shall mean a building or part of a building in which food products are baked, prepared and offered for retail sale, or in which food products baked and prepared elsewhere are offered for retail sale. (4) "Bodv Rub Parlour" includes any premises or part thereof where a body rub is performed, offered or solicited in pursuance of a trade, calling, business or occupation, but does not include any premises or part thereof where the body rubs performed are for the purpose of medical or therapeutic treatment and are performed or offered by persons otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered so to do under the laws of the Province of Ontario. (5) "Build-to-zone" shall mean an area of land in which all or part of a building elevation of one or more buildings is to be located. (6) "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of a business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store. (7) "Convenience Store" shall mean a retail store in which food, drugs, periodicals or similar items of day-to-day household necessities are kept for retail sale primarily to residents of, or persons employed in, the immediate neighbourhood. 028 - 7 - (iii) No drive-thru facilities are permitted on the lands designated "RH/MU-6" as illustrated on Schedule I of this by-law; (iv) Despite Section 4(2)(b)(i) of this By-law, outdoor patios associated with a restaurant type "A" are permitted to encroach beyond the building envelope as illustrated on Schedule II of this by-law; (v) Despite Section 4(2)(d)(ii) outdoor patios associated with a restaurant type "A" will not be included within the aggregate gross leasable floor area requirements of subclause (ii) above; (vi) For the purpose of establishing building height as per Section 4(2)(a) build height shall be based on the grade at the Kingston Road frontage; (vii) Clauses 5.21.2(a), 5.21.2(b), 5.21.2(e), 5.21.2(f), 5.21.2(g), and 5.21.2(k) of By-law 3036, as amended, shall not apply to lands designated IRH/MU-6" on Schedule I attached hereto. 5. PROVISIONS ("OS-HL" Zone) (1) Uses Permitted ("OS-HL" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "OS-HL" on Schedule I attached hereto use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) preservation and conservation of the natural environment, soil and wildlife; (b) resource management; (c) pedestrian trails & walkways. (2) Zone Requirements ("QS-HL" Zone) (a) No buildings or structures shall be permitted to be erected, nor shall the placing or removal of fill be permitted, except where buildings or structures are used only for purpose's of flood and erosion control, resource management, or pedestrian trail and walkway purposes; - 8 - 029 6. PROVISIONS ("(H)" Zone) (1) Uses Permitted Zone Requirements (U(H)" Zone) Until such time as the U(H)" Holding Provision is lifted, the lands shall not be used for any purpose other than any use permitted by the Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone uM1-8" of Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87. (2) Removal of the U(H)" Holdinq Symbol The U(H)" Holding Symbol shall not be removed from any zone until such time as a Site Plan Agreement and/or a Development Agreement has been executed with the City of Pickering and registered that provides for: (a) Appropriate arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering that all the requirements for the development of the mixed use have been complied with, including but not limited to, environmental and engineering requirements, building designs, easements, urbanization of the boulevard, land transfers and all financial matters; (b) Appropriate arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham for the provision of sanitary, water and transportation services and environmental and engineering requirements; (c) Appropriate arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the Toronto Region Conservation Authority for the provision of environmental, engineering and land conveyance requirements. 7. BY-LAW 3036 By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this by-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of by-law 3036, as amended. 030 -9- 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 2007. day of David Ryan,Mayor Debi A. Bentley, City Clerk SHEPPARD \ \ \ KINGSTON ROAD 52.8m B.F.C. RANGE 3, PT LOT 27 RP 40R8710 PART 1. 2 & PT 3 AVENUE 138.8m (H)RH-MU-6 B.F.C. RANGE 3, PT LOT 27 RP 40R8710 PART 1, 2 & PT 3 031 .35..3m E <Xl .n ... 1~'O~ ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOT 26 AND 27 B.F.C. RANGE 3 \~~ ~'-( 0\G\ \ SCHEDULE I TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS .1::\ .,,;,;0''1 DAY OF :. 'Y>, ~007 t:>, ..,',,;_.__\\ '._'_: ..<' d. br;a' l' tv MAYOR - DAYID RYAN CITY CLERK - DEBI A. BENTLEY SHEPPARD ~2 \ \ \ -----1 , , , , , 7,0'/'1 (H)RH-MU-6 i , B.F.C. RANGE 3, PT LOT 27 ! "'" RP 40R8710 PART 1, 2 _---,------ " & PT 3 --- QI1' ....,'... ...._..._...-....... '0- B.F.C. RANGE 3, PT LOT 27 '",_------- RP 40R8710 PART 1, 2 & PT 3 AVENUE I I I ~ KINGSTON ROAD " - - - -~ " 1.5m , " , ,~O.Om 86.0m 3.0m \ X~~ ~'\ '(\\ G \ \ E2Za BUILD- TO-ZONE BUILDING ENVELOPE SCHEDULE n TO BY-LAW PASSED THIS /i;' At;'~;>;:;;: DAY OF ,g"" i~.007 \~A CITY CLERK - DEBI A. BENTLEY ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOT 26 AND 27 B.F.C. RANGE 3 [;,.r:/\ l' N II. L TO i: PlJ i) ) - () L .,__.J..... _ _""-"_"" 0.3"" ,'. 'j III III III 111.I7//)J I I \ \ _____ o =EDGEWOODTT17/>., "<(} ~~ ~~ ~~~\~~~~~~"'~g : ~- --.J g:::2..r EJr--i3<) I I Bi I / _ (f) I -<( f-- ~ I-- ___ SPRUCE I--- COURT ::2 ~~ t=- I l~ I == ~ ,0 I r - r-EJ I ,---- I--- -t-i \ i I ROAD I \ \ I o RUSHTON <3 I I ~= I I I I II '0 o .... l ..... .~ F=1 ~~ll = ~. ""~- 1 "-.. DUN C.N.R SHADYBROOK I :;0 o )> o C.N.R. \ IJ\ SHEPPARD Jl,\ I '- IT LL J- ~-~~ \ I ~L--- > V _____ ,,,xxxxx as ./ t>-\) , ~ SUBJECT <( i"... I ./ / <;<.0 ~ BA YFA/R ROp'ERT'( ~ I'V !\\ ~P~T 2:i V '" \ CHUR~H:> ~ )~;;~ ~ \\~"'L ------=::~ +-\0 ~ \\ ~ --- -:::.----- JJ ILJ I r FORMULA FORD & VOL VO OF DURHAM II~ ~~ :(\<.\<.\'i\~ \<.Op..D " ST. PAUL fW ON THE H/L ANGLICAN CHURCH - - - ROAD ALLOWANCE TO BE PURCHASED BY APPLICANT c ~ \A'{ y,\G0 ~ ~' \ \ f ,__,J--' I , \ ,__--:::.::.'\ "'iL', ,-~, \, \\A ,\ ~;~~I ~ SCC~\. ::::: ~ ~ VISTULA I m C\<.t.: \":---1-- 2J I ~ -r-- ~ g~~:= = f--- m~ I-- _ '-- ,,~_ I-- ~~0'<, '\ I II I ,,:- I ~ ====~ ~~~J ",0 CECYLlA .J.~~ ~ '9\'" W /f-- I I '\ '\... I-- <( '--J J j City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON BF RANGE 3 PT LOT 27 NOW RP 40R871 0 PART 1,2 PT 3 l/ ~o\ ~~"'\ S"'\~ :-(v:..z co\>- '?-. ~. (.. ~0 ..j.t:r0 / OWNER 786 INDOPAK INC. DATE DEC. 20, 2006 SCALE 1 :5000 DRAWN BY JB CHECKED BY RP l' FILE No. OPA 05-003/P & A 10/05 a~_Q ~ourcelil: Q. ~b~se~p~Je~:~s~~s 1~~PP~i~~s.it~1I8':r:~~~rsRe~~~~9d~tllN~e~e~:'ad~ ~f\~~~.n of survey. PN-7 034 C/) F- z <( o :J a.. a.. <( . ~zo o:)z ff:o...~LO OO~g WWOO ....JI- ,.- -1-0....,- o...-Z........ ~~- OCO(Q ,... ::::> co >...JC/)f'.. Z o ~ ~ a:: o LL z ,,0>1> r;~"f'Ofl,'f. - ~ .-) C'o ()3 " ~ <' o <r o -z.. ~ ~ ~ t9 - ~ . . $ o uJ D- o ..J .r- uJ :!E ><{o uJWN o IX: ..... ~<{e . . lilllr. ~~~dd a~~",l'5.. ~h:h ~ "!ll"~~i \ ~i~~~~~ ~~!o;! ill l'l~ 3 ~ (f) F- Z ~ () ...J c...z c...<(' 1.0 ~...J 0 ~c... .-- OO()~ o:wz~ LLl=~06 O-~ ~c...c... ~COOC0 -::>00 c...(f)z9 ~ -1.0 oocoo ()wc:o~ (f)1'-c... z> 0 Ow -0: ~ ~ 0: o LL Z AIIM3^I<lO ll\iHdSII AIIM3^I<lO ll\iHdSII z o ~ <fJ '" '" o u .... o ,':;':r;;:i'JT # '3 TO j::r...i.. ( .;, (. 1 . .2.:;__:'._. 2_~.:. '_"_00' ~1-..:<.:l"""!J)<.O O. '..3.t;g~~tJ2 '~~f5:1"" ~~~ti~~llS ~~~&:~~... ~ Ql...C)C!::{5 ~~.....Cl!o...~9:i 2:C:ai~~~~ L...~~<..i~V)~ c:.CIjc)l...Jc;)~Ci ~ i::l;)\ii2:\ii" O:~lu::""l..Ja CI"tQCl:lC:lf;::: '~~~~Er~~ c;;., -...I""c:.:.(.j1;.:)~ \5""iF~ <o:s"<:>~~ ~o.:~2:::s ::5Qit c.: c:~~~ ill!;'" ~~~ t<o ~~ C: i:J ~ ~o Ij f 'II ~~ ~g ;!~ l"3~i^Yd 3""i'U ('oj .... o <t o -z. '"r &. ~ :t:. t9 - :t:. 01 zi . >-. <(u ~ I G I o <( o 0:: Z o I- (j) G z ~ , I '0 '00 0' , I I w 0 a.. , o I ..J ~ ":i: ~~~O: z 0:: , :;) <( ,I P II I ~ ilb ,......., ,!~. 036 /13_10 pu ..Q_~,::J2':"L~""_,,__,,, INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED ELEVATION PLAN 786 INDOPAK INC. A 10/05 KINGSTON ROAD WEST ELEVATION KINGSTON ROAD EAST ELEVATION 1 flA.L SeMI: C()I1f[$ or 1Hf APPiJr:mrs SU8Mf17FT} PIAN ARc AVM.A8LE" ITlII \llEWMO AT mE CfTY rv PICKf:RA'IC !'tANNIN/: It ~CI'lK9Vr DCRARTMENT. TWS M4P lM6.5' f'RQOlJCBJ BY THE aTY a:- P1CKCRNC PiAII~ . DfYELCIPMEJff ouwrrMENr. WFOflMATIOII .t SLPPORT SBMCl:S, QCroBER IS. 2004. # _ 3 TO r;:;'opi II PD_...f? ;; - (! 'J INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED ELEVATION PLAN 786 INDOPAK INC. A 10/05 037 KINGSTON ROAD ELEVATION HIGHWAY 401 ELEVATION l' FIILL SCl4!L CQPf[S OF THf: APPLK:/m'$ SUBWTTf1J PUN ARf AVA.UIIlC FOIl I'IE1IING Ar mE CITY I7F' P/CKLRINti I'i.ANVW1 ot /J€\E/.DPHElff OF:PARlMENT. TM5 lI4P *4S PRtXJI.JCED BY THE' QTY IT PfCKERNC ~c .. ~ DDW71MEN1'. Wr()l/lIATlON ~ srJPPOIfT SlIMC[$. 0C7T7i1JEN 18, zao:J. 038 i"r'T'I'"';J'~P\, #.J "'1" ~1< i<"',;';!ii\ilj.:J\'j _L_ ~i F;FT>("Rl " PD' D..3.'.o--; . .... v ., 11 , . ~__ .,_ __"""'''''' CiLlf o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF January 19, 2006 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application - OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3 (40R-8710, Part 1,2 & Part of Part 3) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is approximately 1.4 hectares in size, and located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road, (see Attachment #1 - Location Map); - The Bayfair Baptist Church abuts the subject property to the west, St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church to the north, across Kingston Road, and Highway 401 to the south and east. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicant proposes to amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit an increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors designation from 140 to 260 unit per net hectare; - a copy of the proposed amendment is attached as Appendix II; - the applicant proposes to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10-storey building (see Attachment #2 - Applicant's Submitted Plan); - approximately 19,745 square metres of residential floor area and approximately 3,500 square metres of commercial floor area is proposed; - approximately 0.64 hectares of the western portion of the property is a stream corridor; - the eastern portion of the property includes roof gardens on the proposed building and landscaped buffer strips. Information Report No. 23-05 If ...il...". Tn O.::-?-Q7 Page 2 039 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham ReQional Official Plan - the Durham Regional Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being designated "Special Policy Area A (Pickering)"; uses within this designation are to maximize the area's highway exposure as a mainstreet and gateway to the Region; - development shall be intensified in a manner that will not adversely affect similar development within the Main Central Areas of the City of Pickering; - the improvement of its visual impact from Highway 401 and Highway 2 (Kingston Road) shall be a major consideration in the development of this area; - the applicant's proposal appears to comply with this designation; 3.2 PickerinQ Official Plan - the City of Pickering Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being dual designated, with the western portion of the property being designated "Open Space System - Natural Areas" and the eastern portion of the property being designated "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors"; "Open Space System - Natural Areas" designation permits: . conservation, environmental protection, restoration, education, passive recreation and similar uses; . agricultural uses outside of the valley and stream corridors, wetlands, environmentally significant areas and areas of natural and scientific interests; . existing lawful residential dwellings; . a new residential dwelling on a vacant lot; "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" designation permits: . residential; . retailing of goods and services generally serving the needs of the surrounding neighbourhoods; . offices and restaurants; . community, cultural and recreational uses; * all should be at a scale and intensity equivalent to Community Nodes . special purpose commercial uses; - the "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" designation requires development to comply with a residential density of over 30 units up to and including 140 units per net hectare and a floor space index of 2.5 FSI; - the proposed mixed use 10-storey building is at a density of 260 units per net hectare and a floor space index of 1.4 FSI; Information Report No. 23-05 OliO ,c;'!v:r:J'.r: #__,:t.,..."".~""_, PD","Q3~:,Q,::2..",., Page 3 Schedule II of the Pickering Official Plan - "Transportation Systems" designates Kingston Road as a Type B - Arterial Road and Transit Spine; Schedule III of the Pickering Official Plan - "Resource Management" identifies the western portion of the property as being within a Shorelines and Stream Corridors Area; - the applicant's proposal does not comply with the "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" designation with regards to net residential density; 3.3 Dunbarton Neigbourhood - the subject property is located within one of the detailed review areas within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; - the subject property is also subject to the Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines; 3.4 Kingston Road Corridor Development Guidelines - Whites Road Corridor The Whites Road Corridor should: . support a high volume of vehicular traffic but integrate pedestrian amenity zones at strategic intersections and linkages; · establish Whites Road as a local gateway to the residential communities to the north and south, across Highway 401; · enhance parking lot appearances by placing development at the street edge; · allow for a mix of uses on either side of Kingston Road; . locate buildings closer to the street; · encourage low to mid rise buildings on the north side of the street with a minimum building height of 2-storeys; · encourage urbanization of Kingston Road to enhance the pedestrian streetscape by removing ditches; 3.5 Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87 - the subject property is zoned "M1-8" - Storage & Light Manufacturing Zone by By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 2443/87; - the applicant is requesting to amend the "M1-8" zoning of the subject property to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10-storey building; this amendment applies to 875 Kingston Road. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no written resident comments have been received to date; Information Report No. 23-05 If c3 . 0 "7 Page 4 041 4.2 Aaency Comments - no written agency comments have been received to date; 4.3 Staff Comments The following list identifies matters and issues to date, which require further review and examination by staff: . the compatibility and the appropriateness of the proposed 10-storey building along the Kingston Road corridor; . the examination of: . the preliminary site plan to ensure adequate site function; . the building location on the subject property to ensure that the relationship of the proposed building to Kingston Road is reasonable; . the mix of uses being proposed for this development (list of uses to be provided by applicant); . the submitted Mixed Residential & Commercial Impact Study prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd. to ensure that a proper planning rational has been provided to support the required amendment to the Pickering Official Plan; . the submitted environmental, stormwater management and residential/commercial impact studies to ensure that they adequately support the development of these lands; . the requested sun/shade analysis, view. corridor cross-sections/profile (from north and south of the property), noise and vibration report, geotechnical report, and traffic study once they are submitted; . the significance of the stream corridor on the western portion of subject lands and the requirement for TRCA approvals; . the access to Kingston Road and the requirements for Region of Durham approvals; . the conveyance of municipal and regional lands for the purposes of an easterly access from Kingston Road to the subject lands; . the application to ensure that it is consistent with the polices of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement; This Department will conclude its position on the application after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public. Information Report No. 23-05 042 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION {;TT :# LJ '-<~-"''',,"''-'',," ,<"purn If PO ,."Q;L:JL:j, ,N Page 5 5.1 Official Plan Amendment Approval Authority - the Region of Durham may exempt certain local official plan amendments from Regional approval if such applications are determined to be locally significant, and do not exhibit matters of Regional and/or Provincial interest; and, at this time, the Region has not yet determined whether this official plan amendment application is exempt from Regional approval; 5.2 General - written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; - oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; - all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan and an amendment to the zoning by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk. 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Appendix No. I list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report; 6.2 Information Received The following information has been submitted by the applicant: a Site Plan prepared by Array International Architects Inc.; Elevation Plans prepared by Array International Architects Inc.; a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Terraprobe Limited; an Environmental Report prepared by VE Collective Inc.; - a Stormwater Management Report prepared by VE Collective Inc.; a Mixed Residential & Commercial Impact Study prepared by Malone Given Parsons Ltd.; All of the above information is available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department. Information Report No. 23-05 If () 3 ~ ('; "7 Page 6 043 6.3 Property Principal The owner of the property is 786 Indopak Inc. (Zain Aga), the applicant is Array International Architects Inc. and the agent for this application is Ned Allam of Array International Architects Inc. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Geoff Romanowski Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development RevieW' GXR:ld Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development 044 APPENDIX NO. I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none received to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) none received to date COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) none received to date tt , O.3'QZ .... 045 APPENDIX NO. " TO ADDENDUM TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 23-05 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN 046 if ~3 '07 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN PROPOSED PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to permit a site specific increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridor designation. LOCA TION: The subject lands are approximately 1.4 hectares in area, and located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road. All of the lands fall within Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3, (40R-8710, Part 1, 2 & Part of Lot 3). PROPOSED AMENDMENT: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Revising policy 11.9 - Dunbarton Neighbourhood Policies, by retaining the existing sections (a) and (b) and adding a new subsection (c) as follows: (c) despite Table 6 of Chapter Three, establish a maximum residential density of 260 units per net hectare for lands located on the south side of Kingston Road, north of Highway 401, immediately west of the terminus of Fairport Road and abutting lands developed to the west as a place of worship and designated Mixed Use Areas. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the City of Pickering Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 5- P3~ 07 Excerpts fromO 4 r-; Minutes / Meeting Summary Statutory Public Information Meeting Council Chambers Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:00 pm. Cillf ,,~ Attendees: Councillor Ashe - Chair Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Lynda Taylor, Manager, Development Review Geoff Romanowski, Planner II Rick Cefaratti, Planner 1/ Joyce Yeh, Planner I Alison Haines, Recording Secretary litem / Qef# Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 1. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION - OPA 05.003/P ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 10/05 7861NDOPAK INC. 875 KINGSTON ROAD PART OF LOT 27, B.F.C. RANGE 3 (40R-8710, PART 1, 2 & PART OF PART 3) CITY OF PICKERING 1. Planner Comments Geoff Romanowski, Planner 1/ provided an overview of the application and property. He stated that to date comments have been received by Veridian, the Region of Durham, CN Rail, St. Paul's on the Hill, Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Transportation and a number of residents and property owners in the area. 2. Applicant Comments The applicant explained that the building would include two levels of parking on the south side of the building, and a retail sector including an indoor mall. Residential space would begin on the fourth floor. He explained that to date a traffic study and draft analysis for acoustic study have been completed and both are favourable. 3. Comments from Members of the Public Svlvia Spencer Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 048 5 {l3 "(~)7 Excerpts from Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 771 Sheppard A venue Sylvia Spencer has an objection to the height of the structure, but would not oppose a 3 storey commercial building, and believes that if a shadow study was to be conducted, St. Paul's on the Hill daycare would likely fall in it. She is concerned with steam from the Nuclear Power Plant, the potential for a gas explosion from the station across the street, and questioned if the warnings from the Nuclear Power Plant would be blocked from residents that live beyond this building. She further expressed concern with the implications of a solar power building to City the budget, the amount of parking for the retail establishments and the number of handicap spots. Sylvia is concerned with the safety of children who reside in the building as trucks seem to use this area 'of Highway 401 to gear down and further, the migratory path for birds may be affected by the building. Catherine Bare 1713 Sprucehill Road Catherine Bare is concerned with how schools in the area will be able to accommodate the new children in the community due to the fact a number of schools were closed as the neighbourhood was considered to be aging. Robert Jones 878 Sheppard Ave. Robert Jones believes the building is too dense and is concerned with what will happen to the wildlife that depend on the stream on the subject property. He further expressed concern about the increase in traffic and the safety of children in the area, the building's aesthetic appeal and how the building would affect the new dealership. Mr. Jones advised that he would be in favour of a smaller building. John Dawson, Solicitor for Owner of the Volvo Dealership 920 Kingston Road Mr. Dawson advised that his client was trying to assess what the impact would be and there appeared no justification to increase the density permitted on this lot. His client is concerned about the increase in noise and that it did not appear to adhere to guidelines and upgraded windows would be required. As the live-work style is not customary in the area, he questioned what would happen if the plan failed. Furthermore, the only access to the residential areas is through the commercial section of the building. Diane Marmena 1724 Sprucehill Road Diane Marmena stated that the proposed plan was too large for what we require and would not oppose a smaller commercial facility. She noted that herself along with other neighbours were very concerned with loitering. 4. Applicants Response Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 5 . c." 3 - c 7 Excerpts frorro 4 ( Mr. Dawson advised that his client was trying to assess what the impact would be and ',f', there appeared no justification to increase the density permitted on this lot. His client is concerned about the increase in noise and that it did not appear to adhere to guidelines and upgraded windows would be required. As the live-work style is not customary in the area, he questioned what would happen if the plan failed. Furthermore, the only access to the residential areas is through the commercial section of the building. Diane Marmena 1724 Spruce hill Road Diane Marmena stated that the proposed plan was too large for what we require and would not oppose a smaller commercial facility. She noted that herself along with other neighbours were very concerned with loitering. 4. Applicants Response The Applicant appreciates the residents concerns and stated the following. The developer intends to have 50% of power consumption through solar resources. The concept of the live-work building is to reduce the need to go elsewhere, thus minimizing traffic impacts. 5. Planner Response Geoff Romanowski advised that the proposed plan has been circulated to the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and a site visit had been conducted to view the undeveloped area. Geotechnical and additional information has been requested in order for TRCA to give their approval. Additionally, staff will be generating a report for Council and the community will have an opportunity to make submissions at that time. 6. Comments from the Chair Councillor Ashe advised the public that Councillors would be happy to facilitate the process for another meeting to discuss the issue with residents before proceeding to more formal meetings of Committee and Council. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 050 "T1' h f'w r.r::.r.I'T # (:; TO f.'.. r!'h)1 i,','lL,'\"' Ii PD -':"'9 j . c) L _'._._ January 4th, 2006 St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church 882 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6X5 Dear Mr. Romanowski, Further to our telephone conversation on January 3rd, 2006, I am writing to you to express my concerns in regard to the application for a Zoning Amendment -A 10105. I am the senior pastor at St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican church. This proposed project is to be constructed directly across from our facility. If it is not properly designed this project proposal could have a significant negative impact on our church community and the day care facility which currently leases our building. I would ask that the following points be raised and clarified before a permit is given to increase the maximum net residential density for this project: (1) That the project have significantly more than the minimum required parking spaces for both the commercial and residential units. Our unsupervised parking lot is located across from this proposed project. I am concerned that if the project does not create enough designated parking spaces then it will result in a flood of illegal parking in our church's unsupervised parking areas. This is of concern because of the limited parking we have for our own extensive programmes, the presence of children at the St. Paul's daycare- who are picked up and dropped off from this parking lot area, and our exposure to liability should residents, visitors to residents, or clients of the retail shops illegally park in our private parking areas and then have an accident on our property. I would also add that should people illegally park on our property there will be an increased risk of traffic accidents as the people cross the busy Kingston Road to access this project. (2) This proposed project will possibly limit our visibility to those who travel on the 401 travel corridor. Many people do begin to attend our church because they have seen it while travelling on the 401. This project would limit our current and historic (since 1934) visibility and negatively effect our advertising potential. (3) If permission is given for such a project to move ahead with resulting heavy construction and excavation. What guarantees will be given that ground vibration from the excavation and construction would not result in damage to the foundations of our buildings? I thank you for your consideration and response in regard to these concerns. Yours Sincerely, The Reverend Canon Kim Beard "7 {)3 - 07 FAMPA HOLDINGS LTD. 25 Sable Street Toronto, Ontario M6M 3K8 051 Telephone 416-787-6633 ext. 202 Fax 416-231-2068 December 7, 2005 SENT BY FAX AND COURIER City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Neil Carroll, MCIP RPP Director RE: Pickering Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-003 P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Dear Mr. Carroll: We are responding herewith to the City of Pickering's Notice of Public Meeting we received regarding the subject development application, scheduled for Thursday December 15, 2005. We have obtained information regarding this application from Mr. Geoff Romanowski, at your front counter, including receiving a copy of the application's site plan. We have attempted to secure the project report authored by Malone Given Parsons Ltd., through the project architect, without success (see separate letter copied to Geoff Romanowski). We have retained our own independent planning, traffic and noise consultants to analyze this application on our behalf. Our review of this application is incomplete without additional supporting documents. We understand the Planning Department has requested the applicant to provide additional studies/reports in support of this application such as a noise and vibration study, view corridors study, geotechnical study, and sun/shade study. We would greatly appreciate receiving copies of these additional studies, when available, so that we can complete our assessment of this application. In the meantime, we continue to have questions and/or concerns about this application and its viability. We intend to closely monitor the further processing of this application. To this end, we will be making a deputation at the public meeting on December 15, 2005. Sincerely ~tI I,;,k-f Ia';;'w. RYCr~~p RPP '''If' ....".... 1:"",___ U_I.J:___ I ....... '0-5;) .I j...., The Regional Municipality .of Durham Planning Department 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4TH FLOOR PO BOX 623 WHITBY ON L 1 N 6A3 CANADA 905-668-7711 Fax: 905-666-6208 E-mail: planning@ egion.durham.on.ca www.region.durham.on.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Commissioner of Planning January 17, 2005 ATTACHMENT #_.q ._TO REPORT # PD.-f:...i.:..<2..7_____ i~; 1~ Geoff Romanowski, Planner II City of Pickering Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Mr. Romanowski: Re: Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 05-003/P and Rezoning Application A10/05 Applicant: 786 Indopak Incorporated Location: Part Lot 27, BFC, Range 3 875 Kingston Road Municipality: Pickering These applications have been reviewed and the following comments are offered. rhe purpose of the Official Plan Amendment application is to permit an increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Corridor designation from 140 to 260 units per net hectare. The purpose of the zoning application is to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 1 O-storey building. Reaional Official Plan . The lands subject to this application are designated "Special PolicyArea A" in the Durham Regional Official Plan. . This area contains a mixture of residential, retail, personal service and industrial uses. The policy of the Regional Plan is to maximize the area's highway exposure as a mainstreet and gateway to the Region. Development should be intensified in amanner that will not adversely affect similai development within Main Central Areas of the City of Pickellng. The visual appearance of the 'proposal from Highway 401 and Highway 2 should be a major consideration of the development in this area. An increase in density and a mix of uses would appear to be-appropriate in this area provided that development is compatible with the surrounding land uses and appropriate consideration is given to the proposed design. Reaional Services Municipal water supply is available to the subject property from an existing 400mrn watermain on Kingston Road. Connections will not be permitted to the . existing 600 mm watermain. Please be advised that the 350mm watermain shown on the Site Servicing Plan prepared by Virtual Engineering has been abandoned. @ 100% Post Consumer () !.J Page 2 cJj ~.D7 053 Sanitary sewer service is available from an existing 900mm sanitary sewer located along the south limit of the subject property. It appears that the proposed location of the storm sewer overlaps an existing Regional easement. The Region does not permit private services to be located on Regional easements and the Site Servicing Plan will need to be revised accordingly. Transportation and Access Kingston Road is designated as a Type B Arterial Road in the Durham Regional Official Plan. Accessto Kingston Road will be restricted to right-in/right-out rnovement thiOugh the construction ofa centre-raised median. The inbound lane should be aminimum of4.25 metres in width. The south approach lanes of the intersection of FairportRoad and Kingston Road should be designed with a three lane cross-section to provide for dual outbound lanes. The total width must reflect a 4.25 metre inbound lane and have consideration for opposing geometry with the north approach lanes. Provincial Policies and Dele~ated Review Responsibilities The applications have been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by Terraprobe Limited, indicates that no issues of potential or obvious environmental concerns have been recognized and no additional investigation is required. As the subject site is adjacent to Highway 2 and Highway 401 a noise study will be required to identify any potential impacts on the residential portion of the proposal, including noise mitigation and warning clauses. Community Strate~ic Plan (CSP) The proposal meets a number of the strategic objectives outlined in the esp, including implementing effective land use planning which supports effective compact development. The proposed mix of residential and commercial uses would enable an improved live-work relationship. N:lpimldcllOPAIOPA 05-003 - Indopak.doc 054 Exemption Status Page 3 The Official Plan Amendment application does not have significant Regional or Provincial concerns. In accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000 the application is exempt from Regional Approval. Please advise the Commissioner of Planning of your Council's decision. If Council adopts the amendment, please forward a record to this Departmentwithin . 15 days of the date of adoption. The record should include the following: · two (2) copies of the adopted amendment; · a copy of the adopting by-law; and · a copy of.thestaff report and any relevant materials. Please contact Dwayne Campbell, Planner in this Department, with any questions or concerns. '!l~ (/ . . Kai Yew, Manager Current Planning cc: Pete Castellan, Regional Works Department 786 Indopak Incorporated N:IPIMldc\LOPA\OPA 05-003 - Indopak.doc #IConse?vaiTon for The Living City November 9, 2006 ': 9 'il '.....'~...''''.....,.,..._,.....,,' ...., .,.~.",.,,~~ 1; Pi:; .,...{J 3.,.:,{'. 7"". 055 CFN 37168.01 BY FAX AND MAIL (fax. 905.420.7648) 1\tIr. Geoff Romanowski City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 De(3r Mr. Romanowski Re: Official Plan Amendment OPA 05-003/P Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 10/05 875 Kingston Road City of Pickering 786 Indopak Inc. Further to our letter of December 2005 and subsequent meetings with the applicant and Pickering staff, we have received the following documents in support of the above referenced OPA and ZBA: . Flooding Study Report, prepared by Virtual Engineers, dated September 6, 2006, received on September 11,2006; . Geotechnical Investigation and Slope Stability Assessment, prepared by TROW Associates, dated September 26, 2006, received on September 28, 2006; . Drawing No. SP-01, prepared by Virtual Engineers, revised September 7, 2006, received September 11 , 2006. We offer the following comments: Flood Plain Issues The Flooding Study Report is satisfactory for the purpose of the OpAand ZBA and the proposal does not appear to have any impact on up or down stream flooding. We will require further engineering details at the Site Plan and TRCA Permit application stage. However, we do note that considerable height of . retaining walls will be required for the southern portion of the development. These retaining walls will be up to 2 metres high. This should be addressed with the City's Planning / Urban Design staff relative to long term maintenance and aesthetics. Slope Stability Issues The methodology and the recommendations of the Slope Stability Assessment are satisfactory. The Assessment notes that there are several areas along the toe of the slope where erosion is occurring and that erosion protection measures should be implemented in these areas prior to development. Limits of Development The top of bank as staked by TRCA staff in the field has not been ,illustrated on Drawing No. SP-01. The staked top of bank should be illustrated on a Survey, prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor, and superimposed on Drawing SP-01. If the staked top of bank is not available with the Surveyor, then we would be pleased to re-stake the top of bank upon request. ,., G,:,\!-lorn:\rublic\Dev~lopnlellt.Ser""ic~s\!)llrbanl~~gi()n\Pi~kerin!l\875 kingstol1_~..~oc. 5 5horeham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 154 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ..s\ ::~.J" 056 Geoff Romanowski - 2 - November 9.2006 Once the top of bank is illustrated on the Survey and drawing, then the development limits should be adjusted in the area of steep slopes in the north-west portion of the site. The existing proposal includes an entrance driveway within three (3) metres of what we believe to be the top of bank illustrated on Drawing SP-01. The proposed entrance driveway should be shifted to a point 10 metres east of the top of bank in order to avoid any potential impacts to the slope and to protect the natural heritage system associated with the valley. This will require a minor revision to the design of the entrance driveway and hard landscape area on the west side of the proposed building. An illustration on an excerpt from Drawing No. SP-01 is enclosed for reference. Recommendations In light of the above, we have no objection to the approval of the OPA and the ZBA, subject to the following: . The staked top of bank should be illustrated on a Survey and, if necessary, confirmed in the field by TRCA staff. . The limits of development should be adjusted in the north-west portion of the site, as illustrated on the enclosed excerpt from Drawing No. SP-01. . The portion of the subject property west and south of the limits of development should be zoned in an open space designation and conveyed to public ownership. We trust this is satisfactory. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. f(~r Steven Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI Manager, Development Planning and Regulation Planning and Development Extension 5311 Enclosure cc: Ned Allam, Array International Architects (fax. 416.733.8236) R. Anthony Warner, Virtual Engineers (fax. 905.475.0142) G:\Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\875 kingston_2.doc Minislry of Transportatlnn i'Illnl~tcre des Trlln~l'ortS /0 o3-C7 @ Ontario 05'7 Phone: (416) 235-4572 Fax: (416) 235-4267 E-mail: hugh.fyffe@mto.gov.on..ca Corridor~anagernentSection ih Floor, "Building Dl' 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M US November 17, 2005 :Mr. GeoffRomanowski, Planner II. Corporat~~ Services Department City of Pickering One The :Esplanade Pickeringl Ontari.o LIV 6K7 Re; Zoning Amendment Application - A 1010S pickering Official. Plan Amendment -QPA OS-003/P 875 Kingston Rd. Part of Lot 27, C(lncession D.F.C. Range 3, City of Pick.ering Dear Mr. Romanowski: The minis:try has completed its revicw of the above amendment application and official plan amendment. The applications have been considered and reviewed in accordance with the requirements of our controllt;:d access highway policies and criteria and the: Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. This Ministry will require that any n.ew buildings/structures, above and below ground, be setback a minimum of 14m (46 feet) from the Highway 401 property line. Further, any arrangement, traffic and otherwise, or amenity essential tc the viability of the proposal su.ch as fire routes, loadin.g docks, driveways, municipally assumed/private roads mdJor servicing, ctc should be located outside the 14m. setback. Further any parking located within the 'setback' must be surplus to site requirements and so indicated on a site plan. The own.er shou.1d be made awan: that ministry permits are required prior to any construction being undertaken. Ministry permits are also required for all signs visible to the highway. Further information on our permit requi.rements is available from our office by contacting Mr. Ken Sherbanowski, Permits Officer, at 416-235-5560). As part of OUI' permit review process, we will require the su.bmission of a Storrnwater ManageJllent Report and a Lighting Plan for our review and approval. . Hug ,,' . fe Corrridor Management Technician cc. 03/14/2006 13:23 416-235-4267 CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT PAGE 1212/1213 058 ::,lEP'O n'fi/ ~ Ontario Mini~try of Trqn.~l'lIrtation Ministere des Trl\nspnrtll Phone: (416) 235~4572 Fax: (416) 235~4267 E-mail: hllgh-fyffe@mto.gov.on.ca Conidor~anagernentSection 7th Floor, "Building D,l 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 118 March lA, 2006 MI. GeoffRomanowski, Planner n Corporatl~ Services Department City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 Re~ Traffic Impact Study and Drainage Report Zoning Amendmlmt Application - A 10/05 Pickering Official Plan Amendment -OP A. 05-003/P 87S Kingston Rd. Part of Lot 27, Concession B.F.C. Range 3, City of Pickering Dear Mr.. Romanowski: The miniHtry has completed its review of the Traffic Impact Study and Drainage Report submitted in support of the above appHcation and our commentH follow. Drainag~: 1. The SWM report doe~. not address water quantity control based. on industry standards within Ontario, The report must use either the modified rational method or a computer model to determine on-site stonge requirements to mitigate impacts of development, .if required. 2. The consultant should increase the post development runoff coefficients used to calculate runoff during storms exceeding the 10 year event as outlined in the MTO Drai.nage Management Manual (Chart 1.07). 3. Manning's equation has been used to determine the control on the site. Manning's equation assum.es open channel flow conditions. The stonn sewer that will restrict flow from the site will be operation under pmssure flow conditions. As such the consultant may not make use of Manning's equation to determine on-site controls. 4. The outlet to the creek has been lined with rip rap. The thickness ofrip rap is specified to be 0,15 m, the diam.eter of ri.p rap has not been specified. Th.e consultant should undertake veloci.ty # 1(" TO --- 05H k PD...._t~3....::..Q.1...". ,','.,' calculations to ensure that the size of rip-rap specified will remain in. place during the 100 year even t. Tlraffic Study Period . MTO requires that the study show analysis for the construction year plus the five and ten year horizons. . Growth rates must be specific to each project. Stating iliat a "typical" value has been used is simply n()t good enough. To establish annual growth rates for a project, historical volumes must be compared for a period of a,t least 3 - 5 years. Background DataJResearch . Show all collected data and calculations in the ,report. (ie. signal timing reports, traffic volumes, irltersection movement COllntSI historical volumes) . Why were MTO volumes not included in this report? Site/Accl~ss Layout & Plan. . How far are the proposed. site accesses from the 401 WB ramp terminal? . Show a scaled or measured site plan to show distance between the site and. major intersections. . A. right turn lane is in the :report.. Where is warrant for this? Is it included in. the report findi.ngs? Res Anillysis . When MTO freeway ramps are involved, queuing must be analysed. What is the queuing situation at this interchange? Will the added ramp traffic extend the queue back to mainline 401? The ramp(s) in question needs to be better id.entified. Permit Further to letters from thj$ tninistry dated. November 17, 2005 and November 01, 2005, a Site .Plan must be submitted for m.inistry review and approval. Further information on. Ollr pennit requirements is available from. out' office by contacting Mr. Ken. Sherbanowski, Permits Officer, at 416-235-5560). Hu ffe Corm.dor Management Technician cc. 2 060 :'<.~\CT sC.t,: ~C:> 00 ~ (' < ttl :x: 0 ct ~ -='0 S' <fQ..ual.utt cgdu~ c-godatt- 1M c-gonuwwuu Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario L1 R 2K6 Telephone: (905) 666-5500 1-800-265-3968 Fax: (905) 666-6439 ;, rTi\"l!~f:I""" <1 1/ "!"q \'-4!. ~1.u! .!lIll:.I'~ I ~t,_.._,.,~",,,,,,,,:~,,,,_:..r.wo 5 V r:ii::p(,r.:r ,; PD D 3 0 '7 . kl,,,,, Ull f 'It r--, '____"''''.;__'"'''''"1I>>M"''''''-''''','''''"'_'''. September 8, 2006 RE'" "~',E' (~,. \~,,"'," ll','ri":' n" 1"' r..::' iii 'il!' i11f''''' J' .Ri. C; "h~':Jt ,.~ ~...:t 1~~:<rCl (oJ'/n;.lJ' '. E"" ",; ') 10(1'" S, JJ r, !.,. !~.. Ii) The Corporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LI V 6K7 CITY OF' f'ICKEBING lP!.ANNING & DEVELOPMENT OEP!',RTMENT Attention: Mr. GeoffRomanowski Dear Mr. Romanowski RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application 786 Indopak Inc.. 40R-8710, Parts 1,2 & Part of Part 3 875 Kingston Road ((South-west corner of Kingston Road and Fairport Road) City of Pickerin~ Staff has reviewed the information on the above noted application and under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, "'" CA.b~~ Christine Nancekivell, Planner I:\PROPLAN\DA T A \PLNG\ZBL\A I 0-05 I~ 03 - 06! The Durham Catholic District School Board September 8, 2006 Ii e C IE I'll iii;':; "UJ . C!J City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 ('EfD 'I ? 'ifF'" ,) . ! t.;, i.MIl} CiTY OF PfCKf'ti1ji'\?r:: P!.M'l1l!!'4G 6< DEVEl..Of.i'\,~~-:i:,;i;;' r~F'r::/.{'}r,~_~F.'r\1'r -,~.. .,' Dear Mr. Geoff Romanowski RE: PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT OPA 05-003/P ZONING AMENDMENT ApPLICATION A10/05 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road Part of Lot 27, BFC Range 3 City of Pickering Staff at the Durham Catholic District School Board have reviewed the above mentioned application and have no objection. The subject lands affected by this application fall within the catchment area of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic Elementary School, located at 1765 Meadowview Avenue in Pickering. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call me. Best regards, 4~JJ6 Anne Dobos Assistant Planner ad 652 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario L 1 J 8M7 Tel 905576-6150 Toll Free 1 877 482-0722 Patricia A. Manson B.A., M. Ed.. Director of Education I Secretary I Treasurer 062 Romanowski, Geoff From: Sent: To: Subject: Geoff.Woods@cn.ca April 10, 2006 2:03 PM Romanowski, Geoff Noise Impact Report [Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment, File Nos. A 10/05 and OPA 05-003/P, 875 Kingston Road] Geoff, our previous comments on the above noted application, attached below for reference, are still valid. We have reviewed the Noise Impact Report of Virtual Engineers - VE Collective Inc. The Report did not assess rail noise. We do not agree with the consultant's conclusion that because of the distance and intervening uses there will be no noise impacts. The distances from the property to the rail corridors referenced in the Report do not seem correct - the Kingston Subdivision to the south would appear to be about 90-100 m from the subject property and the York Subdivision to the north would appear to be about 175 m from the subject property. Both rail lines carry significant train traffic. Rail noise must be assessed. The consultant should contact our consultant UMA Engineering directly to obtain train traffic data. The contact is Dan Jagos, fax - 905-238-0038, tel. 905-238-0007, email dan.jagos@uma.aecom.com. Regards, ########################################## Geoff Woods, BES, MCIP, RPP Manager, Community Planning and Development CN Real Estate and Business Development 1 Administration Road Concord ON 14K 1B9 Tel.: 905-760-5007, Fax: 905-760-5010 Email: geoff.woods@cn.ca ########################################## ----- Forwarded by Geoff Woods/WOODS01/0N/CNR/CA on 2006/04/10 13:46 ----- Geoff Woods To: gromanowski@city.pickering.on.ca 2005/12/15 16: 18 Woods/WOODS01/0N/CNR/CA) cc: (bce: Geoff Subject: Proposed Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment, File Nos. A 10/05 and OPA 05-003/P, 875 Kingston Road Geoff, we have the following comments: 1. The following warning clause shall be included in Agreement, Condominium Declaration, and inserted in Purchase and Sale or Lease for each dwelling unit: the Condominium all Agreements of 1 7\,,/1 063 "Warning: Canadian National Railway Company or its assigns or successors in interest has or have a right-of-way within 300 metres from the land the subject hereof. There may be alterations to or expansions of the rail facilities on such right-of-way in the future including the possibility that the railway or its assigns or successors as aforesaid may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents in the vicinity, notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating measures in the design of the development and individual dwelling(s). CN will not be responsible for any complaints or claims arising from use of such facilities and/or operations on, over or under the aforesaid right-of-way." 2. The Owner is required to engage a consultant to undertake an analysis of noise and to recommend abatement measures necessary to achieve the maximum level limits set by the Ministry of Environment and Canadian National Railway to the satisfaction of City and CN. Ultimately, all of the recommended mitigation measures will be secured by a registered agreement on title. We request notice of any meetings or approvals regarding the subject property. Regards, ************************************************** Geoff Woods, BES, MCIP, RPP Development Review Coordinator CN Railway Properties 1 Administration Road Concord ON L4K 1B9 Tel.: 905-760-5007, Fax: 905-760-5010 ************************************************** 2 064 ~. VERI DIAN CONNECTIONS 7 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW r PROJECT NAME: ~ ADDRESS/PLAN: ! MUNICfPALITY; 786 Imlopak 1m:. ~ II J A7S Kjllg~t(ln Road Pickl::ri.ng REF NO.: A 10/0.5 SUBMISSION DATE: Ocrokr 28, 2005 1. Elr;ctric Servicr; is available on the IOlld :lllowanee(~) tOllching lhi~ propcrry. SCLVieing will be from Kingotoll Row.!. 2. AIl extension of thr; Corporl\uno'S plant may \lr; required on the road allowance in order 10 ~e1:vicc this projr;ct. '!'his may either be overhe;i4, IllldergroUIld. or a combin:Hion. In residential dcvelopmc:nts all such expansions ~ue llnckrgcoulld. J. 'rht~ appliclmt must provide a<;commodlltion 011 site fOI I:he Corpomtiorl'~ transformer(s). · outdoor padmollM in a Sm X Gm dellr lu'ca 4. TIle applicant IMY need to supply IInd install a cornplr;tc 44kV sub~lati()n. 5. A sc.parate room(s) with olll~idt: access is required to aecolllmoJ.~lte th~~ Corporariop'. meters. fl. Individual metcring f()I e~\<;h unit is re'jlured. 7. The Applicant ll\lly need to provide ~l ~:cmcn:tc cncased f,lldbl undcrgrolllld dun system from a ~ul'ply point On Kingston RO:ld to a trll.J\~fcmm:r loearion(s) on the property. 8. The Applicant mll~t pay the costS 1.0 ~upply :l11d illSt:\llul1derground selvice cllblr.~ along the i'oute of 7. abow:. 9. The following ~t;il1dard .fi~ed fee costs will apply: Service C(lnnCCnon Fee $130.00 pef lUUt. 10. Hxi.ting Corporiulo[\ plant on Kingston Road may have to be teph{ccd/ rdocatcd at the Applicant's cost to accommodate tht: proposed lugh v()lt~lge l1nd~~rgrol\nd supply. '11. The Applic;mt m\lst make direct IIpplkation to the Corporation to l.lbtain specific approvall)f rlle ekctrical service ~lnangc:ments :ll1d rehued work for this pi'oject. !\n clel:tricrd ~:cms\lltantor electricill1\ is st.rongly recommclldcd to co-ordinllte ~crvic~~ details. The af'pliC~lflt is c:antioned that tenders, cOntnLct~, or work initiated pri~)r to obtahung specific approval will be subjecl I'CI co.',lOge. 12. A Multi-Tenant .t\greernent. must. he: cntered into and ItHIY be Ieg:i~t,ere<.i on title as p:\f.t of the servicillg :requirements. Legal cost" for this will be chllrged to the Applicant. /1/- u3~()7 065 13. All work from th~ public nlad allowrmcc to t.he: ot~lvice cnt.rance ,(no the merering arrange:ments must comply wirh tbe Corporatioll's rcquireme:nrs and spccificatiolls. 14. Prior rtl cllergi:i:ing any new ,c.lvice, r1'lt~ Applicant shall apply to the Corporation's Customer Cuc Dep:utrncnt to 01'eo an energy aCCOlUlt. An energy deposit must be posted and maultained on aCCOLLnr at all times - amql.l.Ilt w be detetmined. 15. Prior to obtaining a bLuJding permit, the l\pp]ic~nt shall, by agreemem, t:onfirm ,tcct:ptance of the: tCl'ms and conditions of pr.oviding dectrical iit:l"Vicc. Hi. \'Vbere cnlncs or matcrhl h~lnd1ing e9wpmcnt or workers must work in proximity to existing ov(,~rhead wire" wirh the capability of C()nt:~t:t or corning withir} the limits of approach, the dcvc!oper/buikkr shalll'ay 1111 costs fur the ternponuy relot.;:~tion, burhl, or protection of the Wites, or other action deemecl m:ccssary by Vcridiall ro provide for worker oafety and rhe ~ccurity (If thc eleCf:nc;alsysrem. 17. Lal1dsc"ping, 5pecific~\lIy trees and shrubs, should bc relocaLl:q a,~y from tl,e Corporation's transfonner and poleline to avoid jrlte:rfen~ce with ~:qllip1l1eUl: :iCC;CSS and ful:l.lrc: growth. Lopsided appearance of trees fr(lm rrimming may result. tH. Will Ih)t attend schec.ll.llcd City ofPi(:kcri.ng DAR'r Meeting for thi~ Developrht:l1t. 19. Veridian Connections has no objection reI the proposet.! ucvclopmelH. Plcilsc fonvarJ a copy of firs' sl.lbmissiotl civil de:sign so th~\1 Veridian Connections ll111Y prr;:pllrc an eleclriq~l \ksigll and an 0 ffer to ServlL:i:. I,~lcctrical dr:~wlngs ,ue ret.{uircd (3/ G) m(lnths prior tel electrical servicing date. 20. All of rhe above ccmdirions of service: ,uc subject 1.0 Ontario Energy 8~lard (OED) t'Ll]e:s. regulations lind/Of approval. 21. Other: · Early contacr. with Vcrie:li3n [echoical r.cpreselHaliv~: is criticill to ,\voiding sCIVicin~ del:~dk · Supply voltage lInd transformt;:f size to be confinm:d upon snbrhit.tlll of dcm\\lld load detail by tlus Appl.ic~~nI'. Techrlit:~l J(cpl'esentative: Kcn G~dlen Telephone: 905-427-9870 Ext. 32Ci2 It PP!df 1::\I/l'rnw..dl\l)cvcIlJllmI:IH :'l'llllI:jltlOU Ih:vil:IJI\PkkL:nl!}~\2lJfI)\ -/l'lei IlUlllpi1~ hll:. . tt751.Jl\~:;lllllItWIII.IIIH: Page 20[2 Vc;'idian Conncctions Developlnent App).iclltion Revkw Form #EC0002 Rev. Date - July 21, 2005 O~liC Meeting Notice Page 1 :::?E,PUH"T tv Notice of a Public Meetina to be held Thursday, December 15,2005 at 7:00 p.m. Pickering Civic Complex - Council Chambers One the Esplanade, Pickering, L 1V 6K7 for the following Planning Applications File Type & Number Pickering Official Plan Amendment - OPA 05-003/P Zoning Amendment Application - A 10/05 Owner I Applicant 786 Indopak Inc. Property Location Part of Lot 27, B.F.C. Range 3 875 Kingston Road City of Pickering Proposal To amend the Pickering Official Plan to permit for an increase in the maximum net residential density within the Mixed Corridor Designation from 140 to 260 unit per net hectare and to amend the zoning of the subject property to permit a mix of commercial and residential uses within a 10 - storey building Reports Submitted with . Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment for Part 1, the Application 2 and Part of Part 3 Plan 40R-8710, prepared by Terraprobe Limited; . Environmental Report for 875 Kingston Road, prepared by Virtual Engineers; . Storm water Management Report for 875 Kingston Road, prepared by Virtual Engineers; . Proposed Mixed Residential 7 Commercial Project Report: for 875 Kingston Road, prepared by Malone Given Parsons Limited Written Information Information Report available from the office of the City Clerk Available on or after December 9, 2005 and at the information Meeting Last Date for Comment December 22, 2005 Planning Contact Geoff Rowmanowski, Planner 11 Tel: 905-420-4617 Pickering Official Plan This property is dual designated. The west portion of the Designation property is designated "Open Space System - Natural Areas" and the east portion of the property is designated Zoning By-law 3036/00, as amended by By-law 2443/87 Planning Act Requirements Date of this Notice . Fire Department comments Dated: November 23, 2005 ~~J{eatfi Pire Prevention Officer CPicRgring Pire Services 06'-, "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors". This property is within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood. The property is zoned "M1-8" - Storage & Light Manufacturing Zone. If you wish to reserve the option to appeal a decision of the City of Pickering, you must provide oral comments at the public meeting, or written comments to the City before Council adopts an amendment to the Pickering Official Plan and an amendment to the zoning by-law. November 11, 2005 Pickering Fire Services provides the following comments. We have no objections to the applicants' proposal to amend the Pickering Official Plan for their noted purposes. We reserve the opportunity to make further comments at any site plan review. During the site plan review process we will be forwarding the technical information on our modern Arial truck so that the engineering company responsible for the structural design of the parking garage roof deck and fire route can calculate applicable loading for fire fighting equipment. 068 /0 3-07 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM May 4,2006 To: Geoff Romanowski Planner 1/ From: . Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A10/05 - 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Rd. Part of Lot 27, 8.F.C. Range 3 (40R-8710, Part 1,2 & Part of Part 3) City of Pickering Stormwater Management Report by VE Collective Inc. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment & Geotechnical Report by Terraprobe Limited - Traffic Impact Study by Mark Engineering Noise Assessment Report including the revised report indicating Calculations, Conclusions and Recommendations. We have reviewed the above noted reports in support of the application and provide the following comments: General Comments 1. The City of Pickering's Fill & Topsoil By-law prohibits soil disturbance, removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to Site Plan Approval is permitted without a permit. A copy of the By-law and Permit Application is attached and should be forwarded to the applicant. 2. All off-site works may require the applicant/owner to enter into a Development Agreement with the City. Stormwater Management Report 1. Section 3 of the report references rainfall intensity taken from the Town of Halton Hills standard drawing. Rainfall intensity is to be based on City of Pickering Standards. Geoff Romanowski A10/05 - 7861ndopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road. /b CJ3- May 4, 2006 069 Page 2 2. The catchment areas are to be delineated on a drawing. The description provided in Table 2 does not suffice. 3. Section 4.2 references an outlet pipeline from Control Manhole 4 to the Stormceptor, which has been designed to control post development flow to pre- development flow. The sizing calculations are to be included with the next submission. As well, storage calculations are to be provided for anyon-site storage. 4. Storm sewers are to be designed using the City of Pickering Standard P-500 storm sewer design sheet. The information provided in Table 4 does not suffice. 5. Stormceptor sizing calculations are to be included with the next submission. 6. Referring to the Site Servicing and Grading Plan attached to the report, the west entrance and driveway slopes directly to the underground parking entrance. As well, the grade to the south of the entrance is also higher. Should CB 4 become blocked, all runoff would flow down into the parking garage. Revise grading to direct drainage away from the entrance. 7. The proposed sidewalk fronting the site along Kingston Rd. should be moved in towards the property line and a high point created in the entrances. It is anticipated that the Kingston Road frontage will be urbanized with removal of the existing ditch. This must be addressed in future submissions. As well, the sloping west of the west entrance will need to be addressed. 8. The Site Servicing and Grading Plan indicates a silt fence as per City of Brampton Standards. The silt fence is to be as per City of Pickering Standard drawing P- 823. A copy of the City of Pickering Design Standards is available for purchase from Development Control should the consultant require a set. 9. Erosion control must be addressed for this site. Cash-in-Lieu may be required for downstream erosion control. A calculation for the applicant's share will be provided at a later date, if deemed a suitable solution. 10. Please ensure that the limits of development are the flood line or staked top of bank. 11. Green Roof designs must be provided and run-off coefficients certified by an engineer. Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment & Geotechnical Report 1. No specific comments. o ~j ~eoff Romanowski A 10105 - 786 Indopak Inc. 875 Kingston Road. May 4, 2006 Page 3 Noise Assessment Report 1. No specific comments . Traffic Impact Study 1. All references to the Town of Pickering are to be revised to the City of Pickering. 2. Section 1 - Introduction references Eastbound 401 ramps. The direction of traffic flow for these ramps is Westbound. 3. Section 2.2 - Existing Intersections, references the Eastbound 401 ramps. These are westbound ramps. Should there be any questions or concerns regarding the above comments please contact the undersigned or Paal Helgesen at 905.420.4617. ~. ---- ~. ............. . --. Robert Starr RS:ph Attachment l:\Oevelopment\ Zoning By-law Amendment Application Al0/OS - 766 lndopak lnc Copy: Coordinator, Devel0pment Approvals /7 ON', !1-' 0:3'-(..') '7 .. 071 OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM To: Richard W. Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering FlfECIEHVi:O M IiR 1 ,..- ". . 12r,(]^ .... iJ"o t.:rt't. 0 . MUIV/CIP/J.l. p~pf.~/C !(ERt Ne TY & ENGINEERING March 17, 2006 From: Shahid Matloob Coordinator, Traffic Engineering Subject: Traffic Impact Study for 786 Indopak Inc. - Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application - OPA 05-003/P - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A 10/05 - 875 Kingston Road Please be advised that, I have reviewed the Traffic Impact Study for 786 Indopak Inc. wit~ respect to the proposed mixed use development at 875 Kingston Road. Following are my comments: · Provide raw traffic count data. · Peak hour timings for which analysis has been conducted are not mentioned in the report. · Details are missing as to the calibration of 2005 background traffic analysis to accurately reflect existing field conditions. · 2011 afternoon peak background analysis for Kingston Road and Highway 401 Ramps intersection shows two thru lanes shared with right turns in eastbound approach as compare to two thru lanes and a separate right turn lane for morning peak analysis. · Provide details as to the warrants and length of the proposed right turn lane on Kingston Road and Highway 401 Ramps intersection eastbound direction. · Existing signal timings should be used in the 2011 background traffic analysis. · An HCS analysis for the 2011 total traffic should be carried out with the existing signal timings for comparison purposes. · The final analysis should include proposed geometric improvements and the signal timing modifications to mitigate the effect of proposed development. · Provide revised full HCS analysis output. Subject: Traffic Impact Study for 786 Indopak Inc. March 17, 2006 072 Page 2 · The study should include either an aerial photograph or an existing condition layout of the study area. The existing condition layout of the area should include all driveways and intersecting streets that connect to a boundary street illustrated in sufficient detail to serve the purpose of illustrating traffic function. As a minimum, existing condition layout shall include all lane widths, traffic islands, medians, sidewalks, curbs, and a general description of the existing pavement conditions. Above mentioned information is required for the City staff to evaluate the overall impact on boundary. facilities and the surrounding street network due to the proposed development. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. c::::::;:::::::~ -=~--Y"y\. Shahid Matloob S M/oPA_o5_oo3_P _875_Kingsto"_Road.doc Copy: Supervisor, Municipal & Capital Works /"~ f."-'ii!".I1"Dj'T # I. ,.(0 ""...;t'h.;I\;'!II...,\,,' _ ""'-"""1 J' ou- (13' C) ,) _ f"\::\<..;h. 'If (". / ............ O....7..:'~1 Ill." ;J OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM April 3, 2006 To: Geoff Romanowski Planner 1/ From: Richard W. Holborn, P. Eng. Division Head Subject: Traffic Impact Study for 786 Indopak Inc. - Pickering Official Plan Amendment Application - OPA 05-003/P - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - A 10105 - File: 0-4030 Please find enclosed a memorandum from Shahid Matloob, Coordinator, Transportation Engineering regarding this Division's comments with respect to the Traffic Impact Study for 786 Indopak Inc. prepared by Virtual Consulting Engineers dated January 18, 2006. If you have any questions regarding the comments or require any further clarification, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Matloob. RH;ds Enclosure Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Service J:\SfTE PLANS\O-4030. Zoning Amendment (A)\A-10-05.DOC Aug. 23 2006 10:50PM P1 074 ATTACHMENT # i $? TO R"":~)('Rl #' PD' /) 2- /'"l -; \::.1"" v ',' _~~_._~._,,_... ~)" ARRAY INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS -. ARCHITECTS, PLANNtRS & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS 1131A leslie ScreeI', Suite 230, Toronto, Ontario Canada M3C 318 . . .............., .. Tel: (416)733-3583 Fax; (416)733-8236 www.arraygroup.com August 2211d, 2006 INC. City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario 11 V 6K7 Att: Mr. GeoffRomanowski, Planner II Fa..,,; (905) 420-7648 Re: 875 Kingston Rd. and Fairport Rd., Pickering, On. Dear Mr. Romanowski: As requested in our meetings with the City ofPickedng planning and zoning staff, and as per your tetter dated July 24th. 2006, attached is a copy ofthe 2 page Leed Project's check list. This is intended as a guide at this stage our target is to achieve a Leed Gold however this will be an on going process throughout the design development and working drawings stage. We will also be relying a lot on our consuttants_ Some of the main sllstainability features of the project include tbe fonowing: . Energy conservation measures by using energy saving fixtures and including motion detection switching for stair wells and infrequent use areas, electronic ballasts with low energy fluorescents... .etc. . Solar collecton; for power generation with connections to the hydro grid. Meetings were held with Mr. Michael Angemeer, President ofVeridian together with Mr. Axel Starck, P. Eng. V.P. Mr. George Armstrong Manager of regula to I)' affairs & Key projects in this regard and showed interest in participation in the project. The proposed system was presented by Solera Sustainable Energies Co. . Storm water management methods to reduce impact on the municipal systems including interlocking turf stone at driveways and under ground storage systems for possible use fOT irrigation of green landscaping features . Green roofs and terraces to maximize rain water absoJPtion and provide landscaped attJ:actions and community interactive space. · Eel>- systems and breathing walls for interior and exterior appr-.lcations. These are attractive natum! features that include vegetation, water as well as aquatic plant~ marine life and organisms that thrive in a symbiotic manner while contributing to fiesh air generation and dealing with indoor pollutants. This is also a source offresh air generation for fresh air supply to the Air handling systems reducing the need for outside unheated or non air.conditioned air. This results in energy savings as well as a h~althier indoor environment. · Water and energy sayer appliances and washroom fixtures · Use of' Azore Lite' low-e glass especially at south and west exposures, reducing energy demand due to reduction of radiant heat gain while marinating clear vision and reduced glare resulting from reflective glass. ......l~,_,.__ () 3 ...~ fJ.2. . Rug. 23 2006 10:50PM P2 O.7.r'" ;, ;) . Good design and urban planning practices including mixed use principals and live work functions and other sustainable approaches to minimize the impact of density in relation to 1ntffic in the neighbourhood as a whole. By adopting a mixed use development approach in which live/work facilities can be accommodated in the form of home businesses along the Kingston Road side as well as designated independent office and business facilities in the main level as well as the 2nd floor level commercial and office spaces. The type of commercial uses will be to some extent guided and orchestrated to meet the needs of the immediate residents as well as those residing in the sUlTOunding area. In addition recreational spaces will be accommodated in the form of the fitness centre as well as the roof top recreational and garden space. The end result would be a reduction in the need to commute and especially eliminate the need to drive for basis conveniences or needs. . Promoting public transit since a bus stop is available at the North East comer of the development. In addition a shuttle to Pickering Town Centre and to the Go Transit station that is less than a 10 minute drive will go a long way towards reducing dependability on automobile travel and resulting traffic congestion especially at rush hours. . These are some of the high lights of the sustainable approaches that are adopted. Many other features are being considered and will be further evaluated during the project's design development, engineering and working drawings stages. The prime principal in our mind is to achieve a successful project that will provide value to the community. Yours truly, ,../'v- , GJ ~~ ~ Ned Allam, OAA, MRAIC Principal Array International Architects Inc.