HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 2006 CiliJ ,,~ Accessibility Advisory Committee September 27, 2006 7:00 PM CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Prem Noronha Waldriff Kelly Collins Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Councillor David Pickles Bill Boyes Lori Murray Chris Del Duca Stephen Little Sandra Stanton Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Ref (summary of discussion) Status # (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome . Prem and Kelly discussed the quorum issue. Suggested that a week before the Wednesday meetings, along with an agenda, a date to RSVP be sent out as well. The RSVP date will be the Monday prior to the Wednesday meeting. The Clerk's division will handle this. Clerk's Division to . Sandy does not have email so she will receive a phone call. action. 2.0 2006-20.07. Ahflua.IAccessibilitvPlan Prem brought completed Annual Accessibility Plans for everyone. . Prem then did a brief overview of the plan, including a budget update. The costs for the Accessibility items were put in the Accessibility plan to be reviewed at the next meeting with the whole Committee. . There was one strip added to the change room benches in the Recreation Complex. Also, the end two benches were completed, however members commented that they still could be wider. . East Shore - Len has received a design, however, the designs look as if they will require major structural changes. A 'lift' might be required. Len will be following up with Prem Prem to action. on this issue. . East Shore - discussions to put in an accessible parking space in the expanded parking lot above the hill. . Claremont Community Centre - they are in the process of redoing the interlocking brick. Prem will follow up with Len Prem to action. about the accessibility of this building before the 2006 Municipal Elections. 3.0 Other Busine.ss . Kelly mentioned the curb cut at the Pickering Playing Fields. Prem to follow up It appears as though the curb cut is located far away from with Brad Suckling. the accessible parking spots and Kelly questioned why the parking spots were not placed right beside the curb cut. . Prem discussed the restaurant, Pho-Saigon and how the Prem to action. accessible parking lot is not at the main entrance. Prem will bring diagrams to the next meeting to follow up with the Committee. . Prem did follow up with Renee on the article that Stephen discussed at the last meeting, however nothing was found. Prem to action. Prem will follow up with the News Advertiser. . Lisa to follow up regarding dates for the re-appointment to this committee. Lisa to action. . The Annual Accessibility Plan is available at Customer Care, the library, and the City Website. Larger font is also available for those interested and a Braille copy has been ordered for Sandy. >tl.()( "'.~xf Meeting . October 25, 2006 . Neil Carroll, Director of Planning & Development will be attending this meeting. . Prem to book the Recreation Complex or East Shore for Prem to action. this meeting. The meeting ended at 7:32 pm.