HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 6, 2006 Citq o~ Accessibility Advisory Committee September 6, 2006 7:00 PM CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Councillor David Pickles Bill Boyes Lori Murray Prem Noronha Waldriff Sandra Stanton Kelly Collins Stephen Little Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Chris Del Duca Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items I Status (include deadline as Welcome 2006-2007 Annual Accessibilit DRAFT PLAN . Prem provided an overview of the 2006-2007 Annual Accessibility draft for those who have not had a chance to review. . Councillor Pickles noted page 5 and questioned why the entrance to the Claremont Community Centre has not been completed yet as it appeared it was an easy task to complete. . The Committee identified this as a priority for the Prem to update upcoming year and will have an updated status at the following meeting. . The Planning counter in the Civic Complex is too high. Councillor Pickles questioned why this was deferred to the 2007-8 budget. Due to the budget increase, he feels this should have been a priority. . Prem has spoken with Tim Moore on this matter and he will not be looking at this issue until Seaton due to the population increase and possible architectural changes to the Pickering Civic Complex. . Bud et - it was established that the leftover mone from 1 this year's budget does get transferred over to next year's budget. Everyone would like to maintain the same budget amount as this year. . The column on the draft where each department were directed to estimate the costs of certain facility items left some departments confused. In the revised draft, each item will have a column placed beside it to show from which budget funds will be used to modify the item. . The family benches at the Recreation Complex are marked as 'completed', however there are still some benches to be completed (the end two were completed). . Councillor Pickles asked if Prem could provide a list of ongoing work at the next meeting. . Prem to look at lowering soap dispensers in the Civic Complex bathroom so that the kids can reach. Also will look at Petticoat. The automatic doors at the complex are also on the priority list this year. . Councillor Pickles brought up the new building at the museum (the Redman House) and suggested that we have a meeting at this location. . Due to the Seaton development, there might be a new library and therefore it is very important that the three northern branches are accessible. The Whitevale and Greenvale library branches are not currently accessible, however they are a target for 2011-12. . Councillor Pickles inquired if the washrooms at the Central library meet the accessibility code. If not, they should also be a priority. . Councillor Pickles will also be following up with regards to Neil Carroll possibly attending the next meeting. 3.0 Year ittee Priorities for the U . Councillor Pickles inquired if anyone has had any more ideas with regards to Seaton and the accessible townhouses idea. . Stephen asked what motivates each individual to participate on this Committee. He would like to start thinking about a big project that could be a collaborative effort. Would also like to liaison with other communities by communicating with the public, reviewing the plan by incorporating members of the public. Also, would like to focus on the Durham Region Transit Board, what has happened to this board since the amalgamation? Has a board replaced this board? Stephen su ests that if not, Prem to follow up with Len Prem to action Prem to action Councillor Pickles to action 2 we should generate a new board to discuss advisory issues. . Sandy was on this board before it was dissolved. She will Sandy to action make a formal inquiry. . Councillor Pickles questioned if we should have someone from the Accessibility Committee sit on the new board to represent accessibility. . Stephen is prepared to take the lead on communications. Stephen to action Would like to do some surveys on accessibility to incorporate and get input from the public. . Councillor Pickles suggested that we have a liaison member to communicate with other regional committees. . Bill volunteered to be a liaison with each group that meets on advisory committees to take a review of their Bill & Stephen to successes. He will follow up at the next meeting after making some contacts. Stephen will also participate in action this endeavour. . Councillor Pickles would like someone from the Committee to go with Prem to visit all suggested work project sites to get an idea of the priority items. Lori & Prem to . Lori would like to take this on. Prem will follow up with Lori and inform the rest of the Committee when this site action tour will occur. . Prem also suggested that the Committee meetings take place at different locations each time so that the Committee gets a chance to see all of Pickering. Prem to Prem to action follow up on sites for meetings. . Lori would like to begin a new project by raising public awareness through working with public school. She suggests that kids could submit some artwork relating to accessibility (perhaps a logo) that welcomes everyone and shows empathy. This artwork would serve as general community reminders. . Councillor Pickles advised Lori that she should first figure Lori & Kelly to out the logistics of working with the school board. Kelly action will also be involved. 4.0 G>ther<Sl.lsiness . Stephen had recently read an article that was related to a Prem to follow up disability initiative that the City was involved in and with Renee about wondered why it was not brought to the attention of this finding this article committee. . Stephen asked what the status of the Committee will be Clerk's department at the end of the term. To follow up about the dates that to action the committee will be over. . Prem qave an overview of an email that was sent to Bill Brad Suckling to 3 regarding accessible parking spots. Has followed up with action Brad Suckling, a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the City, who responded to the individual. Brad also mentioned that in 2007 he will be following up with Pickering locations that are deficient in accessible parking spots and then send out notices to have these places fixed. Brad will be following up with Bill on this specific issue. . Councillor Pickles also raised the possibility of a Committee member representative on a future Seaton Trail Committee. tin . Committee to meet twice in September. Next meeting is Prem to action September 27, 2006 at either Eastshore or the Recreation Complex. Prem to book. . Prem suggested that for the next meeting everyone come prepared to discuss his or her selected interest. The meeting ended at 8:55 pm. 4