HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 04-06 Cil11 (J~ REPORT TO COUNCIL 09 \) Report Number: CAO-04-06 Date: October 10, 2006 From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Environmental Assessment Update and Local Project Impacts Part of Lots 15 to 18, Range 2 & 3, B.F.C., and Various Road Allowances File: L-4650-022 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO-04-06 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate with the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham the final terms and conditions of conveying City lands / road allowances in order to accommodate the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion, in keeping with those identified preliminary matters of City interest recommended by the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and City staff, as outlined in Appendix I to Report CAO-04-06; 3. That Council authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer to commence the process of land disposition for those lands / road allowances needed to accommodate the proposed Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion; 4. That Council authorizes the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering to review and approve, to the City's satisfaction, temporary security fencing, grading work and trail realignment works proposed by the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham required to accommodate their proposed construction schedule; and 5. Further, that the Chief Administrative Officer report back to Council on the final negotiated terms and conditions of the proposed land/road allowance conveyances, and obtain authorization to effect the transfer of the lands, if appropriate. Executive Summary: The Regional Municipalities of York and Durham (the Regions) have recently completed a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the provision of additional wastewater treatment capacity at the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant located in the City of Pickering. That process has concluded that expansion of the existing Plant is the preferred alternative. In order to accommodate the proposed expanded footprint of the Plant, City lands / road allowances are required to be transferred to the Regions. It is recommended that Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to negotiate with the Regions those final terms L~Ttort CAO 04-06 October 10, 2006 Subject: Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Page 2 and conditions that would achieve City objectives for the waterfront area and lands surrounding the expanded Water Pollution Control Plant, in exchange for the conveyance of City lands. It is further recommended that Council authorize appropriate City staff to review and approve preliminary works that need to be completed this fall in order to maintain the proposed construction schedule for Plant expansion. Financial Implications: No costs or revenues are anticipated to be incurred or realized by the City for those works to be completed by the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham that are negotiated in exchange for the transfer / conveyance of City lands. The Regions will pay for all costs associated with authorized land transfers. Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study The Regional Municipalities of York and Durham have completed a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process for the provision of additional wastewater treatment capacity at the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. This Plant is part of the York Durham Sewage System, and was designed in the early 1970's to be constructed in four stages. The first two stages were completed in 1976 and 1988 respectively. It is projected that the proposed stage 3 expansion is required to be completed by 2010 in order to meet the requirements for future planned growth in the Regions. The current works proposed by the Regions will also accommodate the proposed future stage 4 expansion to the Plant (see Property Location Map - Attachment 1). The Environmental Study Report (ESR) required under a Schedule C Municipal Class EA is now complete and was made available for public review and comment from September 22, 2006 to October 23, 2006. The Study can be viewed in the Pickering Central Library, or the offices of the Regional Municipalities of York and Durham. The Study can also be viewed on the Region of Durham's website (www.region.durham.on.ca/duffincreek). City staff will be reviewing the document to ensure municipal interests are maintained. Proposed City Objectives The City acknowledges the necessity and benefits of the future expansion of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant. The City must also protect local interests and ensure that the Plant expansion does not negatively impact on the community's use and enjoyment of the surrounding lands. The Waterfront Coordinating Committee met on September 21, 2006, to discuss, among other matters, this project and its impact on the waterfront and the Waterfront Trail. From that meeting, a number of recommendations were made, representing proposed "net benefits" to the City that should be implemented in exchange for conveying existing City Report CAO 04-06 October 10, 2006 Subject: Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Page 3 egG lands / road allowances to support the Plant expansion (see September 21, 2006 Waterfront Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes - Attachment 2). City staff have also been working with the Regions on a preliminary basis to identify recommended actions they could take to maintain community waterfront and Waterfront Trail access and benefits. A preliminary listing of all recommended actions made by both the Waterfront Coordinating Committee and City staff is detailed in Appendix I to this Report. The Regions to-date, have been working with City staff in consultation with the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), to ensure that the proposed Plant expansion maintains and improves the surrounding natural environment and systems. Provided that the Regions are prepared to work with the City to achieve our interests and improvements to the area surrounding the proposed expanded Plant, it would be appropriate for the City to convey those needed lands / road allowances to the Regions for nominal consideration. Staff will be reviewing in detail those lands / road allowances needed by the Regions, and those needed to be maintained / improved for public use and / or maintenance of the Waterfront Trail. It is recommended that the Chief Administrative Officer report back to Council the final negotiated terms and conditions of the proposed land conveyances, and further detail at that time the expected area improvements, community benefits and timing of works associated with the Plant expansion. Plant Expansion Construction Schedule and Required Preliminary Works In order for the Regions to complete their proposed Stage 3 expansion by 2010, they are required to actively prepare the expansion lands in 2006-2007. All tenants have now vacated the existing homes within the expansion area and the process of demolition of those homes has begun. The Regions are also required to begin site preparation to maintain their projected construction schedule, and are seeking temporary approvals from the City for security and construction fencing, some preliminary grading works and realigning a small portion of the existing Waterfront Trail. These proposed works are appropriate and desirable, and will not prejudice negotiations occurring between the Regions and the City. It is therefore recommended that Council authorize appropriate City Officials to review and approve, to the City's satisfaction, those temporary works needed to prepare for the Plant expansion in keeping with City approval permit processes. In preparation for some City lands / road allowances needed to be stopped up and closed, declared surplus to the City and transferred to the Regions, City staff wish to commence the land disposal process in keeping with the City's Acquisition and Disposal of Land process. Those actual lands to be transferred will be identified as part of the future update to Council respecting this matter (through detailed survey work and title searches completed by the Regions), at which time Council may formally declare lands surplus and approve of the conveyance of the lands to the Regions. Coordination with the Town of Ajax may also be necessary to stop up and close all, or portions of Frisco Road, as this is a boundary road under joint jurisdiction. Report CAO 04-06 q,~~~ect: Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion October 10, 2006 Page 4 Appendices: Appendix I: Recommended Matters of City Interest - Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Attachments: 1. Location Map. 2. Minutes - September 21, 2006 Waterfront Coordinating Committee Meeting. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: r' 4 ";/L' ~.--" , , ~'" ,/ / ,. / /'-7'- , Ron Taylor ( / Coordinator, Business Development & Investment , /~ l/~'~ ! '- T""'mas ~ _______ Chief Administrative Officer T JQ/RST:RH:ljg Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering .~ Co _' ~, ,/ (..)6.' -' ,...,.~ .... . I., j .J. '. i V Appendix I to Report CAO-04-06 Preliminary Recommended Matters of City Interest Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion The City's Waterfront Coordinating Committee are recommending the following matters for consideration with respect to the proposed expansion of the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant: 1. The feasibility of relocating, reconstructing and preparing an existing heritage building for possible future City and / or community use at a suitable location along the Pickering Waterfront. 2. The completion of a required realignment to a section of the Waterfront Trail located east of the on-site storm pond, to the City's satisfaction, and prior to the planned 2007 Waterfront Regeneration Trust Trail celebration event. 3. Consideration for the installation of low-level lighting at the realigned portion of the Waterfront Trail. 4. The establishment of a public parking lot(s) to appropriately access the eastern section of the City's Waterfront Trail (between the terminus of Montgomery Park Road and the Pickering / Ajax eastern border), to the City's satisfaction. 5. The installation of appropriate benches / signage / trail furniture where appropriate along the Waterfront Trail and surrounding publicly accessible lands, to the City's satisfaction. The following additional matters for consideration are recommended by City Staff: 1. The appropriate resurfacing of existing and remaining streets surrounding the expanded Plant to maintain appropriate maintenance and public access to the waterfront and surrounding open space, while improving additional planned Plant access. 2. The recovery of City assets existing within those roads planned to be closed and / or transferred, including, but not limited to, such assets as signage, lights, culverts, bollards, street furniture and hardware. 3. The accommodation for continued access to, and protection of, features currently maintained by the City, including watercourses and existing stormwater systems. .n"'! UJ.. C.N.R. DD SITE BOUNDARY M c KAY ROAD x <( ~ <( i o <.( o 0:: z S o f- o o (/) 0:: lL. LAKE ONTARIO LEGEND @ EXISTING PLANT o STAGE 3 WORKS o STAGE 4 WORKS N.T.S DUFFIN CREEK WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT OPERA TIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION Cilq o~ I ATTACHMENT # ;;. ~~.~RT#gn~~ 10~2 Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee Thursday, September 21,2006 7:00 PM Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor Maurice Brenner (Chair) Jim Dike David Steele Ron Taylor Chris Walker - OPG Euan Ferguson -Project Manager, Region of York Krystal Monteeth - York Region Bob Dobbin - Earth Tech Bob Hook - CH2M HILL Canada Ltd Tony Haslam - CH2M HILL Canada Ltd. Lisa Broad (Recording Secretary) Absent: Craig Bamford Michael Bellmore Larry Field Chandra Gocool David Stone Kevin Tower 1_____ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Item / Ref (summary of discussion) Status # (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Councillor Brenner welcomed Chris Walker from OPG, Euan Ferguson and Krystal Monteeth from the Region of York, Bob Dobbin from Earth Tech, and Tony Haslam and Bob Hook from CH2M HILL to the meeting and thanked them for attending. f-- 2.0 Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion The purpose of today's meeting is to provide a detailed explanation of the required changes to the waterfront trail to manage this proposed project. Euan Ferguson from York Region made a presentation outlining the intended project entitled "Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plan". .. 0 ' 1. ,) I ATTACHMENT # -;-roREPORT#~~~ . Background to the history of the YDSS system, including an expansion introduction and a sewer system overview. . The collection of sewers and forcemains that pick up the major communities through York and Pickering and Ajax are all discharged into the Duffin Creek Plant and into Lake Ontario. . So far, this has proven successful, however growth projections estimate that by 2010 the plant will be at full capacity. Therefore, this expansion is required by 2010. . Compared existing plant design to proposed plant and overall site greening plan. . The residents that are located in the Squamish Beach area are all relocating and the homes will be demolished. The only concern is a heritage home that will be relocated possibly close to the shore. . Councillor Brenner asked if the heritage building/home could be used on the waterfront trail as an interpretive station and/or education centre. The waterfront trail is in dire need of buildings. . Euan replied that York has no use for this heritage home, and if Pickering wishes to inherit it, York would do the relocation and support this move. . Ron Taylor will follow up with Tim Moore, TRCA and other appropriate Staff/stakeholders to determine building code, heritage regulations and the feasibility/possibility of the City "inheriting" this building. . Ron noted that Staff recommendations respecting this matter would be forwarderd to Council for consideration at their October 10,2006 meeting. . Euan also pointed out that with the new site there is the possibility for parking and even a parking lot to accommodate 25-30 cars, as the area is already accessible by road. . The area has a significant amount of dirt that has to be dug out and the intention is to create a different buffer zone (a berm) on the East side, which would be about 8 metres in height. The idea is to create within this berm a series of different habitats. There is a conscious decision not to disturb anything (i.e. the pond), except the addition of the berm. . The only change to the trail alignment itself is removing the "s" pattern directly east on an existing stormwater pond, and pulling this part of the trail closer towards Lake Ontario. . Councillor Brenner asked if TRCA had any erosion concerns and Euan stated that TRCA did not have any concerns and that they felt that the area was stable. Ron to action. 2 .....<.;;_.~...".".,...~,wr=,..}....,..".,., ATTACHMENT # ~ c\'-.c:-' TO REPORT # {J l.\-~ . Tony Haslam stated that the intention is to commence the new trail construction before winter of 2006. Therefore, the new section of the trail will be constructed before the old section is torn up. . Councillor Brenner mentioned that the new section of the trail would meet the same accessibility standards as the rest of the trail, as they will be using the City of Pickering's guidelines. . David is worried about the safety of joggers in the section of the trail between the new berm and the mixed deciduous forest because of the darkness and lack of open area. Suggests low-level lighting. . Euan will discuss with TRCA the low level lighting suggestion. Suspects that they may have some concerns with the possibility of disturbing animals' habitat. . Euan then explained the new fenceline, which will run on the opposite side of the berm (north) and away from the trail. This will keep the side open for wildlife traffic. . There was discussion relating to moving the dogwood thicket to the pond location. . Recommendation from staff to keep one main road (Frisco) so that we still have access down to the trail. . Frisco is the better location for a parking facility because it would take some stress off of Montgomery Park Road. . Bob Dobbin - thoughts for the berm are to break it up into 3 parts so that it becomes a primary-tertiary wetland. The natural drainage system will remain as is and the water will overflow into the existing channel. . Euan - there has also been an extensive amount of modeling to test the existence of bacteria in the water. Testing results indicated that there is very little, however some e-coli was found further south (animal feces). . Bob Dobbin - new trail alignment is about 100 metres long, will have better sightlines, and will be closer to the water. Duffin Creek Expansion Synopsis . The City of Pickering to examine the possibility and feasibility of relocating the existing heritage building along the Waterfront Trail and "inheriting" it for possible public/community uses. . Looking at the possibility of low-level lighting on the specified section of the trail. . Benches in the new section of the trail. . New section of the trail will be created prior to the removal of the existing trail section. . Enhancements separate from the City's road allowance .. 0 ..~ .I. 'l 3 ... ("',- .LUJ ~~""."'~---..._~..".,. ....--......,.. . .". I '. .. "~' . . c._'--C~c."~ IATTACHME~Nr #_~_ TQ.REPORI # 01.t/~ ~. concerns. . In 2007 the Waterfront Generation Trust will be coordinating a significant waterfront event. The Committee recommends that the trail realignment be completed prior to this planned event, and that no construction activities disrupt this event. 3.0 Correspondence - Emailfrom Paul White dated September 16, 2006 with respect to Beachpoint Promenade. . Beachpoint promenade is a property purchased with TRCA and it is close to the end of its 1 O-year period. . TRCA has been having discussions about what the future holds for this building. There is a potential that the building will become a facility on the Frenchman's Bay West Park. . The City of Pickering would like to look at the possibility of the original proposal, which was an education centre or interpretive centre. There is potential for what was envisioned in the original plan, especially if we receive support from the University. . Jim Dike mentioned that the lack of traffic in this area could either be a good or bad thing. It's in a great location because it is a far walk from any traffic. . Due to the remoteness of the location, David expressed his concerns with possible vandalism. . Councillor Brenner discussed what Mr. Sabean suggested, which was that this location could house the Pickering Historical Society. Along with the creation of the Pickering Nautical Museum in the heritage house, this completes the Waterfront Committee's vision with minimal cost. Moved by Jim Dike Seconded by David Steele That Committee support the recommendation put forward by Ron Taylor on the recommended actions/works that the Region of York and the Region of Durham should complete in exchange for City lands/roads to accommodate the proposed Plant expansion. Approach the That the existing heritage building that is to be relocated by the Pickering historical Regions be moved closer to the waterfront trail to support society to see if City/community uses and activities, subject to Staff's review of the they are interested feasibility and desirability of the City "inheriting" the structure. in working with the Committee on this CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY project to consider 4 '-'~- ..~'"..,~-~ '", '--~'~t~v""l I ATTACHMENT It ~, . TfLf!EPORT t~ DI1-0~ <!I! Of" i U ru a possible Nautical I Moved by Jim Dike Museum in the I Seconded by David Steele relocated building. I I That the Committee advise TRCA to recommend that the City of Pickering request an interest with the Rotary Club of Pickering and Fairport Beach Ratepayer Association to convert the property and house purchased at the East end of the Western Spit into an environmental learning centre. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.0 Update - Term of Committee - November 30,2006 . Councillor Brenner reminded all Committee members that the new term of Committee begins late November, and hopes that members will watch for postings and apply. 5.0 Other Business & Adjournment Councillor Brenner thanked the Committee for the unveiling of signs event. He especially thanked OPG for all the food and commented that it is very important to show the City of Pickering's commitment to the public and to the Committee. Moved by David Steele Seconded by Jim Dike I I I That Councillor Brenner draft a letter to Wayne Arthurs requesting financial support for the Accessibility Advisory Committee. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Jim Dike inquired about the Hydro One Spill and if the City of Councillor Brenner Pickering had received any reimbursement for the cleanup. to action. Suggests that this money could be used towards Frenchman's Bay Storm Water Management. . Tonight's minutes will go to Council in October 6.0 Next Meeting L. To be advised. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm. 5