HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 7, 2006 Cilq c~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Meeting Thursday, September 07, 2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Shawna Mutton, City of Pickering Joanne Guindon, Durham Catholic D.S.B. Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Jacqueline Moriority, Community Appointee Roland Rutland, Kinark Child & Family Services Regrets: Malvina Ram, Community Appointee Phillip Howard, Durham District School Board roval of Minutes & Business Arisin - June 1, 2006 Minutes Approved. Action Items: Councillor Pickles will invite Rick and Evelyn to a future Council meeting Councillor Pickles advised that 300+ people attended the Museum Tapestry event on June 11,2006. The event went well. He advised members that certificate presentation will take place for Tapestry participants at the Sept 18,2006 Council Meeting. Committee members are welcome to attend. Councillor Pickles will invite Paul Savel to come to Committee to talk about tapestry and survey results from groups Youth Surve. . . Pro .osal Shawna Mutton, Coordinator Community Capacity Building for the Cit of Pickerin s oke about CAVE. Communities A ainst CORP0228-2/02 Councillor Pickles to invite Rick and Evelyn to future Council Meeting. Councillor Pickles to invite Paul Savel to future committee meetin . Page 1 Violence Everywhere). Community had an interest in dealing with youth issues (Le. Criminal justice system, domestic violence, bullying, youth programming). As a result, CAVE was created and developed 2 action groups - Youth at Risk and Business Communication. Volunteers comprise the action groups and they include youth, youth service providers and parents. Their role is to determine youth services out there and to identify gaps in services. CAVE wants to do a youth survey to assess services and gaps. Marisa recommended that they meet to discuss youth services. Marisa and Shawna to City completed a master plan and a youth business plan that meet and discuss included a youth survey. youth survey. Councillor Pickles asked Shawna to review the survey of the Race Relations & Equity committee to receive any comments she/CAVE has on our survey. City of Pickering and CAVE are hosting the next youth service network meeting in September 2006. If Race Relations Committee members want to be a link to CAVE and attend meetings, they can let Dave or Marisa know. eclalGuest Presentation Roland Rutland, Diversity Coordinator, Durham Kinark Child & Family Services. Kinark started diversity committee 13 years ago. In Durham, the diversity committee has existed for 8 years. Roland promotes diversity for the Kinark's Diversity Program (core deliverables): a. Provide corporate diversity training b. Ethno-cultural outreach to community groups - challenge to bring mental health issues c. Liaise with ethno-cultural groups. Goal - increase proportion of clients we serve with ethno-cultural community. d. Administer autism program Kinark will conduct a Policy Conference in March 2007 and is lookin for communit stakeholders to be involved in 3 wa s: CORP0228-2/02 Shawna to review Race Relation & Equity survey and forward any comments. Page 2 1. Ideas 2. Sponsorship 3. Implementation Kinark had this conference 5 years ago and it went well Policy Conference will identify specific issues and concerns with diversity and mental health keynote speakers with recommendations consultative segment report will go to Municipalities, Provincial and Federal Ministries (ie. Dept. of Immigration Recommendation for funding at different levels - local, municipal, provincial, federal Peace & Community Harmony program, to promote diversity in community, has been running for 5 years. Roland, through program, has staged 13 concerts atthe Pickering Town Centre that involve schools. Human Rights Concert will take place at the Pickering Town Centre on January 13, 2007. Roland extended an invitation to the committee to attend and havE~ display. On March 17, 2007 program will have concert at PTC to commemorate March 21st International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Roland extended another invitation to the committee to participate. 5.0 Other Business Councillor Pickles would like a committee member to go to other ethno-cultural committee meetings to get information and see what they are doing, share whatever we do. If anyone on the committee is interested - they can let Marisa or Dave know. Dave will try to share invites he gets for different cultural events in case others want to attend. Durham Tamil Association event on this Saturday at 6:00 pm. 5th Annual Durham Tamil Youth Festival at J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate in Ajax. Marisa to find out who now is Police Liaison Marisa to confirm. Margaret Best, Pickering resident won African Canadian Achievement Award. Councillor Pickles would like to send her Councillor Pickles to sent letter of Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 congratulations on behalf of the Committee. Committee concurred. Councillor Pickles presented the 2005-2006 "Equity and Diversity" booklet summarizing the programs in Pickering Schools from DDSB (Durham District School Board). Councillor Pickles will look at it and will pass along to Kirk Mark. Councillor Pickles to review and pass along to Kirk Mark. Joanne will see if they have something like that at Catholic Board. Kirk Mark says: Bill 1 07 - Ontario Human Rights movement to turn down Bill. It has impact on Committee. Residents will call council for help when they see these roadblocks. Committee members can call 416.214.4747 at ACLC - they will send critique by email of the Bill. Kirk asked if we will address mandate of Committee. Councillor Pickles advised that we will by preparing a 15t annual report this fall. Cycle for future arrival reports and identify actions, recommendations challenges. Want to recruit youth to our Committee - Kirk recommends that we connect with student trustees 6.0 Next Meetin Thursday, October 5,2006 7:00 pm Main Committee Room, City of Pickering All Committee Members are asked to confirm their attendance by October 3, 2006 with Marisa Carpino at 905.420.4660 ext. 2099. A copy of article is attached. Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation Page 4 CORP0228-2/02