HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 52-06 CiUI ,,~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11~) Report Number: CS 52-06 Date: September 25,2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31,2005 Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 52-06 the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received by Council for information. Executive Summary: The following report and attachments represent a summary of the investment activity and year end balance in the portfolio. Investment activity for the year 2005 totaled approximately $173.9 million with a year end balance in the portfolio of approximately $49.1 million. Current Fund investments are limited to one year or less and Reserve Funds to 10 years or less under the Council approved policy. As discussed below and as confirmed by the attached Performance Report from BMO Nesbitt Burns, the return on the City's portfolio has performed favourably comparative to market benchmarks. Financial Implications: None Background: The City's investment portfolio is comprised of two main areas: Reserve Funds, and balances available in the Current Fund when not required to meet current operating expenditures. This latter balance can vary greatly depending upon many factors including the timing of the receipt of property taxes and levy payments to the School Boards and the Region. Investments are undertaken as one consolidated pool of funds and interest earned is credited back to the appropriate funds. As the Treasurer of the City of Pickering there are certain information and opinions that I must report, under Provincial Regulation, to the Committee and Council. The attached schedules are also included as part of the information requirements. The portfolio has increased over prior year by approximately $8 million. The main contributing factors are the timing of supplementary taxes billed and collected at the end of the year and final remittance to the Region and School Boards, the overall increase in the Reserve Fund balances, primarily Development Charges Reserve Fund, and lastly the City's share of taxes from OPG for properties that are still under assessment appeal. I feel that the portfolio performed well during 2005 with a weighted yearly rate of return of 2.51 % on the combined short term and long term investments excluding interfund investments. The average return on interfund investments was 4.00%. The decrease in the rate of .. .. ..... .llu Report CS 52-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended Page 2 December 31 , 2005 return for interfund investments is due to a reduction in the interest rates to be comparable with the rates provided on external debenture issues. Since these are internal loans within the Corporation it is to our advantage to adjust the rates lower to match external debenture rates rather than unnecessarily charging higher costs to the Current Fund. As you are aware investment parameters are much narrower for the City than permitted for money market funds due to the Municipal Act and Regulations limiting the selection of qualified investments for municipal entities. However notwithstanding these restrictions, the annual return of 2.51 % continues to perform comparably with the annual returns for the CIBC World Markets 91-Day T-Bill Index (2.5%) and the Morningstar Canadian Money Market Mutual Fund Index (1.9%). These returns are deemed comparative benchmarks for reviewing the portfolio's performance and considered the standard for analysis of investment funds in the industry. The emphasis of the City's investment strategy has been to increase the portion of long term investments to the overall portfolio, while retaining sufficient liquidity for current operations, to take advantage of more stable rates of return rather than fluctuating with the short term markets. However throughout 2005 the short term rates began to rise while the long term rates were leveling out making the spread between the two very minimal. As a result a number of the long term investments, with the attractive higher rates, were called throughout the year by the issuer and at the time it was not worthwhile to reinvest in long term investments but wait to see where rates would go. Therefore our percentage of long term investments held within the portfolio decreased slightly over last year by approximately 2%. It is only now in the latter half of 2006 that we are seeing the long term rates begin to be attractive again. Of the year end total portfolio of some $49.1 million, approximately $12.2 million or 24.8% (2004 - 26.9%) were external long term investments and approximately $5.6 million or 11.4% (2004 - 15.5%) were Interfund Investments (Internal Loans). It is my opinion that all investments were made in accordance with the Investment Policy approved by Council. Attachments: 1 . Correspondence, BMO Nesbitt Burns 2. Investment Activities for 2005 3. Outstanding Investments as at December 31,2005 Report CS 52-06 Date: September 25,2006 11 ',\ Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31, 2005 Page 3 Prepared By: ~ Q < ihk ~~ ris Ine Semor Manager, Accounting Services Approved I Endorsed By: GiIIi~~~ Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci y Council \ \ ~ // d( , ~,' 00 ~ """ ~.~ c:o .~ Q tl~ ".....- ,.c;:; 00"' O.)~ z~ G o ~ ~ lid f'-. ~ Ol<O 'E> ~:i .S2 z 0..0 - 00l >-.S - ..... U~ - U (l)~O: gEm arot"O U) C ro ro ......- 0. C (l) w.... Q) ro --00. roo U) O".....(l)W =OU (1'\ - C (l) '-' U ro .c ....:~CI- 20u:..... (j ..... CIl Q) o - o :~ o (l) 5 - o C o :g ..... o 0. o o o ..... I CD o N (') ..... I LO <0 (') =l=l: c ::J o U U ro coQ:)Q) ~ =(/)J:: ~'- "OU):".::: ::Jro C (l) (l) 0 (l) .- C - ..... >- >- E~g2U)..... C"O u):".::: (l) .- .- (l) Ol-O.c o.::J ..... C.- ...... 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