HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 25, 2006 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 25,2006 7:30 pm Council Cham bers Chair: Councillor McLean PRE-MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR 7:00 PM (I) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION PAGES 1. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 32-06 Tender T-12-2006 Sandy Beach Road Bridqe Replacement & Road Reconstruction 1-9 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES-32-06 regarding the Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction be received; 2. That Tender T-12-2006 submitted by Dagmar Construction Inc. for the Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction at a cost of $1 ,694,042.48 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $ 1,827,602.48 (GST included) including the tender amount, and other associated costs and the total net project cost of $1 ,724,153.28, be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $666,665 to be funded from the Canada Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Grant Intake 2; b) the sum of $1 ,050,000 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Region of Durham, over a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined; c) the balance amount of $7,488 to be funded from the 2006 Current Budget; d) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $138,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 25,2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean e) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; f) the Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. 2. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 33-06 Tender No. T-6-2006 - Playground Construction Request for Proposal - RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment Quote Q-51-2006 - Quotation for Safety Surface Material 10-25 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 33-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding playground construction, playground equipment, and safety surface material be received; 2. That Tender No. T-6-2006 as submitted by Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. for park and playground construction in the amount of $98,094.00 (excluding GST) be accepted; 3. That the Request for Proposal, RFP-9-2006 as submitted by Crozier Agencies for the supply and installation of playground equipment in various parks in the amount of $108,568.95 (excluding GST) be accepted; 4. That Quotation Q-51-2006 as submitted by Playcare Inc. for Safety Surface Material in various parks in the amount of $33,845.00 be accepted; 5. That all other associated project costs of $59,492.05, and the total project cost of $300,000 (excluding GST), be accepted; Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 25, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Mclean 6. That the Director Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer $300,000 from the Parkland Reserve Fund as provided for in the 2006 Capital Budgets; and 7. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 35-06 26-36 Tender T-5-2006 - Concrete Sidewalk Installations Various Locations RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 35-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the installation of concrete sidewalks in various locations in the City of Pickering be received; 2. That Tender T-5-2006, as submitted by Trisan Construction for concrete sidewalk installations at various locations in the City of Pickering in the amount of $236,975.52 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $263,475.52 and a net project cost of $248,561.81 (GST excluded), including the tender amount and other project costs as outlined in Report OES 35-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be approved; 4. That $248,561.81 be financed from Development Charges Reserve Fund ($119,794.79), City Share - DC Reserve ($123,855.43) and Property Taxes ($4,911.39) and the Director of Corporate Services & Treasury be authorized to transfer theses fund; and 5. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 36-06 37 -45 Supply and Delivery of Street Sweeper Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006 1. That Report OES 36-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the supply and delivery of a Street Sweeper be received; Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, September 25, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean 2. That Quotation No. Q-41-2006 submitted by Joe Johnson Equipment for the supply and delivery of an Elgin Eagle Waterless Street Sweeper Factory Stock Demonstration Unit Serial No. FW-2303-D in the amount of $240,500.00 (GST, PST extra) be accepted; 3. That the total gross purchase cost $274,170.00 and a net purchase cost of $259,740.00 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $240,000.00 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham, over a period not exceeding five years, at a rate to be determined; b) the balance amount of $19,740.00 to be funded from the general savings realized per project code - 5320-0607-6178 - Tiger Mower and 5320-0608-6178 - Hot Box, both paid from property taxes c) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $55,600 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget d) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; e) the Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, Septem ber 25, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 34-06 No Parking By-law - Wharf Street Amendment to By-law 6604/05 46-50 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 34-06 regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule '2' to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulating of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 6. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 49-06 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act - Adiustment to Taxes 51-53 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 49-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act be approved; and 3. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. 7. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 50-06 Tender/Contract Approval Councils' Summer Recess 54-72 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 50-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Councils' Summer Recess be received; and 2. That Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 26 to July 23, 2006 and Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, Septem ber 25, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean from July 24, 2005 to September 11, 2006) being RFP-7-2006 Network Switch Replacement Project; the Microsoft (Software) BPS Enterprise Agreement and Tender T-2-2006 Lighting Retrofit Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library. 8. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 51-06 Veridian Corporation - Promissory Notes 73-114 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 51-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the maturity dates on the Promissory Notes in the amount of $7,095,000 to Veridian Corporation and $17,974,000 to Veridian Connections Inc. be amended to November 1, 2009 at their face value with the existing terms and conditions including interest at 7.6% per annum; 3. That a By-law in the form attached providing for the approval and execution of a Note Amending Agreement be passed; 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Note Amending Agreement on behalf of the City of Pickering in the form attached; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any actions including negotiations or amendments to the terms and conditions necessary in order to put the foregoing into effect; and, 6. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 9. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 52-06 115-121 Investment Portfolio Activitv for the Year Ended December 31. 2005 RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 52-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, Septem ber 25, 2006 7:30 pm Council Chambers Chair: Councillor McLean 10. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 53-06 Municipal Performance Measurement Program - Provincially Mandated Public Report of Performance Measures 122-159 RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 53-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. 11. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 56-06 Points of Sale Aqreement for Durham Reqion Transit Fares 160-164 1. That Report CS 56-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Point of Sale Agreement with the Durham Region Transit Commission (DRTC) in a form substantially as attached and acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the City Solicitor; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes necessary to effect the foregoing; and, 4. That the appropriate staff at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 12. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 57-06 Formal Quotations - Quarterlv Report for Information 165-170 RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 57-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information. (II) OTHER BUSINESS (III) ADJOURNMENT CitJl 01 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 001 Report Number: OES 32-06 Date: September 25,2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender T-12-2006 - Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement & Road Reconstruction File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1 . That Report OES-32-06 regarding the Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction be received; 2. That Tender T-12-2006 submitted by Dagmar Construction Inc. for the Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction at a cost of $1,694,042.48 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $ 1,827,602.48 (GST included) including the tender amount, and other associated costs and the total net project cost of $1,724,153.28, be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: (a) the sum of $666,665 to be funded from the Canada Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF) Grant Intake 2; (b) the sum of $1,050,000 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Region of Durham, over a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined; (c) the balance amount of $7,488 to be funded from the 2006 Current Budget; (d) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $138,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; (e) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in '\ 0 t) U t", Report OES 32-06 September 25,2006 Subject: Tender T-12-2006 Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement And Road Reconstruction Page 2 Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; (f) the Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the 2006 Roads Capital Budget, Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction was approved as a construction project. Tender T-12-2006 was issued on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 and closed on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 with six (6) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $1,827,602.48 for an estimated net cost to the City of $1,724,153.28 (net of GST rebate). Recently, municipalities in Durham Region and across the GT A have experienced high price construction tenders due to rising material costs, an over abundance of projects being tendered due to Federal and Provincial Grant programs, as well as a boom in the development sector. In order to proceed with this project, which has already received approved funding from the COMRIF Grant Intake 2 in a fixed amount of $666,665, it will be necessary for the City to approve additional debt financing in the amount of $441,665, over the amounts stated in the 2005 and 2006 budgets, for a total debt commitment of $1,050,000. The additional debt request of $441,665 would require additional annual debt charges of approximately $58,000 for the next ten years, bringing a total combined financing cost increase of $580,000. Please bear in mind this amount was not included in the annual debt charges when these projects were budgeted for in both 2005 and 2006. The City's purchasing policy requires staff to report to Council on results of the tender and financing in order to proceed with this project in a timely manner. Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT T -12-2006 GST Sub-Total GST Rebate Total $1,598,153.28 95,889.20 1,694,042.48 (95,889.20) $1,598,153.28 Report OES 32-06 Subject: Tender T-12-2006 Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement And Road Reconstruction (\ 0 '1 l; \) September 25, 2006 Page 3 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Roads Ca ital Bud et Location Proiect Code Sandy Beach 5320.0518.0000 Sandy Beach 5320.0612.0000 Sandy Beach 5320.0612.0000 Source of Funds Debt (10 Year) Debt (10 Year) Provincial Grants FUNDS AVAILABLE 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-12-2006 - Tender for Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction GST Associated Costs Materials Testing Miscellaneous Costs Utility Relocations Consultant Fees Construction Contingency GST Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Project Cost 4. Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds Budqet 275,000 333,335 666,665 1,275,000 Required 275,000 333,335 666,665 1,275,000 $1,598,153.28 95,889.20 1 ,694,042.48 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 21,000.00 75,000.00 126,000.00 7,560.00 $1,827,602.48 103.449.20 $1,724,153.28 $(449, 153.28) I The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. RepMtQ)~s 32-06 September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-12-2006 Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement And Road Reconstruction Page 4 Background: As part of the Roads Capital 2006 Budget, Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction was identified as a construction project. Tender T-12-2006 was issued on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 and closed on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 with six (6) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $1,827,602.48 for an estimated net cost to the City of $1,724,153.28 (net of GST rebate). Presently there exists a current trend of high pricing in the construction industry, which is related to the fast rising cost of petroleum products such as asphalt cement. Other contributing factors for the price increases are the abundance of Federal/Provincial Grants available such as COMRIF, Move Ontario and the Federal Gas Tax and competition from the private development sector. In order to proceed with this project which has already received approved fixed funding from the COMRIF Grant Intake 2 in the amount of $666,665.00 it will be necessary for the City to approve additional debt financing in the amount of $441,665 for a total debt commitment of $1,050,000. Dagmar Construction Inc. has performed similar work with the City on Tender T -1-2003 Rosebank Road South Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction and is deemed acceptable by the Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works. The Health & Safety Policy, current WSIB Council Amendment to Draft #7 (CAD-7), Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, and Certificate of Insurance, Confined Space Entry Procedure and list of employees trained in the Confined Space Entry Procedure as submitted by Dagmar Construction Inc. have been reviewed by the Acting Coordinator, Safety & Employee Development and are deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staff's 'review of the contractor's previous work experience and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Dagmar Construction Inc. for Tender T-12-2006 in the amount of $1,694,042.48 (GST included) and that the total net project cost of $1,724,153.28 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated August 23, 2006 Report OES 32-06 September 25, 2006 C 0 ~) Subject: Tender T -12-2006 Sandy Beach Road Bridge Heplacement And Road Reconstruction Page 5 Prepared By: Da~~f~~ Supervisor, Engineering & Capital \(orks Ever untsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services cl Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services . _C ~2~/"7'/'; ~~...~.~~~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DS:nw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C un iI ;1 00\) Citlf o~ / POHT# of5 ,?:2.-o~~ .-- 'Ao,."l. .,..l.....,.-. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender T-12-2006 Sandy Beach Bridge Replacement and Road Reconstruction ~ WILLOWSID CRT. cr: o CJ cr: cr: o u STREAMSIDE CRT. FELDSPAR CO U RT l!J >- o Z <l: IJ1 o cr: CJ >- I AI.EX ROBERTo;,ClN PARK LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Removal of existing bridge structure along with the installation of a precast concrete bridge and wingwalls. Existing approaches to be reconstructed to match revised deck elevations. ./ :;6 ,;~.Q.f:_$ 52 -(J~, ;a CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 00'1 MEMORANDUM August 23, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky V Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works From: Barbara Tran Buyer Subject: Tender No. T-12-2006 Tender for Sandy Beach Road Bridge Replacement And Road Reconstruction CLOSING: Wednesday, August 23,2006, before 2:00 pm Tenders have been received for the above project. A total of 15 companies were invited to participate of which 16 companies picked up a tendering package for a non-refundable fee of $100.00. Two addendums was issued. A mandatory site visit was held on Tuesday, August 8, 2006; 9 bidders signed in and attended of which 6 bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's Website. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Therefore, the tenders of the low three (3) bidders are attached for review. .~'c;;'7 o 0 ;Richard Holborn '-barrell Selsky ~. .~ ~ ,,>: .~; ".,t . " ! ,.Q?~ 32 '0(;' August 23, 2006 Page 2 ~.,. Summary (PST included, GST included) Bidder Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ DaQmar Construction Inc. 1,696,883.29 1,694,042.48 Miller Paving Ltd. 1,917,466.52 1,917,466.97 Elirpa Construction & Materials 1,917,712.50 1,917,712.50 McPherson Andrews ContractinQ Limited 1,997,289.10 1,997,289.10 Bob Hendrickson Construction Ltd. 2,224,446.04 2,224,446.04 HugoMark 2,583,840.00 2,627,914.90 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise as soon as possible if we are to proceed in this direction. (a) a copy of the Confined Space Entry Procedure document to be used on this project; (b) a list of employees trained in the Confined' Space Entry Procedure who will be working on this project (c) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (d) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); . (e) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (f) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (f) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co- ordinator; (b) any past work experience Dagmar Construction Inc. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of Dagmar Construction Inc. is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to con,tact me, ~. ~tIU4L ~ Barbara Tran /bt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services :J::~~,-. Cl W ~ o W I o Cl Z (9<( ZO -w O::z Ww ~D... 00 D...CJ) lJ..o:: Ow ~~ -W OJ- lJ.. o Cl 0:: o o w 0:: E ~ In .... N x e U) e. l- e. Z <( w :E Q) :E E 0 t= (,) <0 o o N M N - In ::I C) ::I <( ~ nl 'C In Q) c 'C ~ Qj - <<l o <0 o o ~ N .... ~ o z .... Q) "0 c: Q) I- c: ~ Ui"2 Q) -;~ U 'Co!!! .!!! c ~ 0. ClIO Q) "Oc 0:: ~ oX ~5N~ ~U ....::l ~ co .... "0 1-"_ "0 in CII,g 'Iii :g5-g~>ID O::a:l~~~>- .c0::<(<<lU) ~"O:E Q) ctI alO >,0:: "0"0 c C ~<( C ,Q a. 'C u In Q) o .... Q) "0 c: Q) I- .d. ~. ~ z C) en U) ~ w C C iii - C ::I 0"0 ~e CII -"0 J!c o CII 1-1- - C CII'C E c CII 0 elXl ~,g - 'Iii o 'Co. ,_ CII lXlC '>~ ~."> If) If) If) Q) Q) Q) >- >- >- If) If) Q) Q) >- >- o .s If) ro ';:: Q) 1i5 ::E od c: ,Q 13 :J ... 1ii c o U ro .g. [jJ c: ' coB c:...J c c: If) Q) 0 3: ....- Q)2~g U "e :s ~ ~,_...J ~ c...J ~o o c ,-u ~:g 100d Q)roa. .c'-L-C a. 'E ~ '5 uO=ro ~U~a. c: ,Q 13 2 1ii c o u c: o If) "" u ';:: '0 "" ai Co :I: ~ -g -ci g> [l)~:I: CII E <<l Z ... CII "0 "0 in c: ,Q "0 ::J .... 1ii c: o u 16 E Cl ltl Cl ~<;.~ . (Ji:S 32-C){; r,__,"""'...._-"~ .3- ~I :S o 00,) t.i o '0 '0 Q) C Q) C- o <Il (j; '0 C .$ '0 'E 8 ~ ~ Q) '0 C .s .:..; REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMITTEE Report Number: OES 33-06 Date: September 25,2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender No. T-6-2006 - Playground Construction - Request for Proposal -RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment - Quote Q-51-2006 - Quotation for Safety Surface Material - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 33-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding playground construction, playground equipment, and safety surface material be received; 2. That Tender No. T-6-2006 as submitted by Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. for park and playground construction in the amount of $98,094.00 (excluding GST) be accepted; 3. That the Request for Proposal, RFP-9-2006 as submitted by Crozier Agencies for the supply and installation of playground equipment in various parks in the amount of $108,568.95 (excluding GST) be accepted; 4. That Quotation Q-51-2006 as submitted by Playcare Inc. for Safety Surface Material in various parks in the amount of $33,845.00 be accepted; 5. That all other associated project costs of $59,492.05, and the total project cost of $300,000 (excluding GST), be accepted; 6. That the Director Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer $300,000 from the Parkland Reserve Fund as provided for in the 2006 Capital Budgets; and 7. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Report OES 33-06 September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-6-2006 Playground Construction RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment Quotation Q-51-2006 - Safety Surface Material "1'~ v J. Page 2 Executive Summary: The construction of new playground facilities in a number of City parks, as well as required upgrades to miscellaneous facilities was approved by Council in the 2006 Capital Budget. As part of the implementation of our Playground Equipment Replacement program four (4) parks were originally identified for this years installation. 1. P-027 - Amberlea Park - Braeburn Crescent 2. P-029 - Beverley Morgan Park - Liverpool Road at Hydro Corridor 3. P-020 - Denmar Park - Denmar Road to Brock Road 4. P-017 - Valleyview Park - Valleyview Drive to Westcreek Drive The parks will be upgraded to remove outdated play equipment and to provide new play equipment designed to comply with the National Standard of Canada: CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z614-03 (updated August 2004), Children's Playspaces and Equipment. RFP-9-2006 includes the supply and installation of play structure and swing sets in various City of Pickering parks. The installation of this equipment is required to replace existing playground equipment that is in poor condition and/or does not meet CSA standards. T-6-2006 includes the construction of playground areas and pathways in various City of Pickering parks. Park construction items typically include the development of concrete curbed play areas, concrete bench and waste receptacle pads, the installation of asphalt pathways and related park items that may be required, such as drainage systems, trees, topsoil, and sod. The terms of the contract allow the City of Pickering to draw on the contract unit prices to complete additional park construction works as required. Q-51-2006 includes the supply and installation safety surface material in various City of Pickering parks. Other project costs that have been identified include the supply and installation of standard park benches and waste receptacles; P-gates at Denmar Park and rubber safety mats to enhance safety surface material. It is recommended that work required for these items be obtained in accordance with the Council approved Purchasing Procedures and policy. CORP0227-07/01 revised Re.~9rtOES 33-06 Ult:.. Subject: Tender T-6-2006 Playground Construction RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment Quotation Q-51-2006 - Safety Surface Material September 25, 2006 Page 3 Financial Implications: Individual Park Costs Location Construction Equipment Safety Total Surfacina Cost Amberlea Park $21,130.00 $25,505.55 $10,570.00 $57,205.55 Beverley MorQan Park 31,952.00 26,994.45 12,775.00 71,721.45 Denmar Park 34,272.00 20,413.05 10,500.00 65,185.05 Valleyview Park 10,740.00 35,655.90 46,395.9 Sub Total $98,094.00 $108,568.95 $33,845.00 $240,507.95 Other Estimated Proiect Costs Total (GST excluded) $10,836.83 2,000.00 16,655.22 30,000.00 59.492.05 $300,000.00 1. 2. 3. 4. Benches & Trash Receptacles (at new playgrounds) Materials Testing Miscellaneous Costs (P-gates, safety mats, etc.) Contingency Summary Available Funds Account Proiect Code Amount 2006 Budget Parkland Reserve Fund 5780.0620.6130 06.2718.001.03 $300,000 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and has provided the financing recommendations. Background: Proposals for RFP-9-2006 were received on September 7,2006. Five responses were received of which (4) proposals were available for consideration. An Evaluation Committee comprised of three members from the Municipal Property & Engineering Division and one from Supply & Services assembled to review, evaluate, and make a recommendation. Based on the evaluation criteria, Crozier Agencies (Game Time) received the highest score and is therefore, being recommended for the supply and installation of the playground equipment in 2006. The Health & Safety Policy, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) Council Amended Draft 7 (CAD 7) form, and Cost & Frequency Record issued by WSIB for Crozier Agencies (Game Time) will be reviewed by the Safety & Training Coordinator, expected to be completed prior to this Report being considered by Committee and Council. References as provided by Crozier Agencies CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 33-06 September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-6-2006 Playground Construction RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment Quotation Q-51-2006 - Safety Surface Material 013 Page 4 (Game Time) for playground installations of this caliber have been checked by the Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works and are satisfactory. Eight (8) companies were invited to submit bids for Tender T-6-2006 playground construction and two (2) responded at time of closing. The low bidder, Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. has performed similar projects for the City in the past and a check of their references for projects such as this have been deemed acceptable by the Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works. The Health & Safety Policy, the CAD 7 form and Certificate of Clearance issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, as submitted by Royalcrest Paving will be reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety, expected to be completed prior to this report being considered by Committee and Council. In conjunction with staffs' review of reference information and the bonding available on this project, is deemed acceptable. Four (4) companies were invited to submit quotations for Q-51-2006 for the Safety Surfacing Material and two companies responded at time of closing. Playcare & Design Inc., who have previously completed similar projects for the City satisfactorily, was the lowest bidder. Upon careful consideration of all tenders, quotations and proposals received, relevant documents received and pending, the Director, Operations & Emergency Services Department and Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommend the acceptance of the low bid by Royalcrest Paving & Contract Ltd. for Tender T-6-2006 in the amount of $98,094.00 (GST excluded), and the proposal submitted by Crozier Agencies for RFP-9-2006 in the amount of $108,568.95 (GST excluded), Q-51-2006 submitted by Playcare Inc. in the amount of $23,275.00 (GST excluded) with an adjustment (increase) of $10,570.00 (GST excluded) for the addition of Amberlea Park for a total of $33,845.00 (GST excluded) and other associated costs of $59,492.05 for a net total project cost of $300,000.00 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1 . Location Maps 2. Supply & Services Memorandum - T-6-2006 Playground Construction 3. Supply & Services Memorandum - RFP-9-2006 4. Evaluation Criteria - RFP 9-2006 Playground Equipment 5. Supply & Services Memorandum - Q-51-2006 Safety Surface Material CORP0227-07/01 revised ') 1 " lJ "l Report OES 33-06 September 25,2006 Subject: Tender T-6-2006 Playground Construction RFP-9-2006 Playground Equipment Quotation Q-51-2006 - Safety Surface Material Page 5 \ / /1 t \.;.' I \. Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City?Founcil \, Ev Bunt Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~? - . ~~-: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - CORP0227-07/01 revised // I 1 ;'i ...oe5 33 -0 '=> ~. 01:1 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T -06-2006 PLAYGROUND CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 0 <{ cS 0 n:: f- If) ~~ 0 STR~~ [L y: ::Ji w w w > <{ m ~ 0 n:: rr 0 0 0 <{ w 0 :::: rr rr m 0 y: o o rr m >- o <{ I If) LOCATION MAP - AMBERLEA PARK >- W -1 -1 BLOOMFIELD ;; COURT ~ FiNCH 371 LOCATION MAP - BEVERLY MORGAN PARK PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Asphalt Pathways, Curbed Play Area, Play Structure, Safety Surface, Benches. L:lMPandElProjects & Schedu/inglAttachments for Tenders\2006\T-06-200e' - Playground Construction. doc 01.:', I --.,-~ ;,,~.por\l u..1le2 :3 ~-oCp ~- MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender: T-06-2006 PLAYGROUND CONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS o o liPROHILL Ow i~ l """ I o o o :5: 'i W o 2: o cr cr 0 STREET f- W W cr f- U1 :5: w :> o o o :5: LOCATION MAP - V ALLEYVIEW PARK w () o 0:: m z <l: m ~I (f) Z 0:: ~ m BANBURY COURT o CL o >- I ~ -~'CKER<NG CD PARKWAY [!1 LOCATION MAP - DENMAR PARK PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Asphalt Pathways, Curbed Play Area, Play Structure, Safety Surface, Benches. LlMPandElProjects & SchedulinglAttachments for TendersI2006\T-06-2006 - Playground Construction. doc L()t;S 33-()~ . 1 .3 CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 017 MEMORANDUM September 13, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky./ Supervisor Engineering & Capital Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender for Playground Construction Tender No. T-6-2006 CLOSING: Wednesday, September 13 2006, before 2:00 p.m. Tenders have been received for the above project. A total of 13 companies were invited to participate of which 5 companies picked up tendering packages for a non-refundable fee of $50.00 per set. Two (2) bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's Website. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Therefore, the tenders of the low three (3) bidders are attached for review. :L ..~ .3 6~S 33-0(, ('l'-~ ) 1,.,) Richard Holborn Darrell Selsky September 13, 2006 Page 2 Summary (PST included, GST included) Company Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ Royalcrest Paving & 103,979.64 103,979.64 Contractinq Ltd. Serve Construction Ltd. 112,499.76 112,499.76 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following are being requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. Please review the copy of the bid. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) any past work experience Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding - including reference to Debt Financing if applicable; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd. is not acceptable; (i) and related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to !ontact me. \ , \. , \, ,. 11 \ \...7 I Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services /bt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services o W ~ U W I U o Z (9<( ZO o:::W WZ ~W 00.. 0..0 LLCf) off] >-0 I-Z OW l- LL o o 0::: o U W 0::: E 0.. It) or .. N X e 0.. 0.. <( <D E I- (0 o o C\I M or L.. Q) .0 E Q) .... 0.. Q) (/) ~ co "C II) Q) s:: "C Q) s: <D ...... co o (0 o o C\I I (0 I I- o Z L.. <D "'0 e: <D l- e: o :.;:; () :J L.. ..... (/J e: o o "'0 e: :J o L.. 0'> >- co a. e: o :.;:; 0.. 0;: (..) (/J <D o L.. <D "'0 e: <D I- r "" ,," I') , . \: ~i, .,t....;' ...-.3. '. (i 1" ! .J ~ :c: ~ ::s o u :c: - :c: U>I :S o '-.9. ~~ .~ \)-' r-%: ~ \j-t ~~ rfl M ":( Qi 1"'""\ " - b '-o...J ~ c: -- ............ ~~ ~ - c: Qlb E c: Ql 0 eCQ 0'10 ":(.... ~~ - "iij o Q. Ql o b iXi Ql E fa :c: ... Ql "" "" ~ "'0 ..... ....l C o 0) :;::; .E . g > "'0 L.. cu.....- a......l~ -- c 0 ~:;::;U .... (..) )1\' Ucu ~ rn ..... ~ >.c ~ o 0 t~ 0::: UJl <'- '.', Del t::: -,.. ~ Ci) >- I- C3 O. " .:..,d , , "f1i1li"" () ~ <:. 3 3 -0 h (' '~ljJ"'..MENll'" 2 'T,QREP .' 'iTtr ,~ , ,,'. I ' ... _~....i. ..,' -..-.."" __-1 of L../. CORPORATE SERVICES'i5EPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM September 11, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering From: Jill Hone Buyer Subject: RFP-9-2006 - Playground Equipment Terms of reference for the above request for proposal was provided to eight companies of which five responded by the deadline of 12:00 noon, Thursday, September 7, 2006. Proposals shall be irrevocable for ninety days after the official closing date and time. A summary and a preliminary compliance checklist is as follows: a) Company identification and principal contact information b) Identification of similar work with references c) Installer identification and experience profile d) Lump sum fee per playground e) Play area layout plan f) List of play components g) 3-D diagrams and or photos h) Product maintenance and installation details and warranty information Com an Belair Recreational Products Inc. Crozier A encies Henderson Recreation E ui ment Pia Power - L T Recreation Playsystems x x x x x x x x x MENT#_,5._., TOREPORT# OE~ 33..0' :2 of 'I- September 11 , 2006 0' r ",:, · (.. J RFP-9-2006, Playground Equipment Page 2 A copy of each proposal is enclosed for your review. An evaluation committee has been established to review the submittals. One copy of each proposal and a sample evaluation form will be provided directly to each member of the evaluation committee. Once a recommended vendor has been selected, Certificate of Insurance, WSIB Clearance Certificate and other documentation as required will be requested and reviewed by the Health & Safety Co-ordinator, for your consideration. Please be advised in accordance with Purchasing Policy & Procedure Item 04.09 as related to the RFP process, a total purchase price greater than $54,000 (as amended in 2005) is subject to Council Approval. A purchase requisition will be required in order to proceed. If you require further information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. -I A I . ! flJ- i'i ,~' '," /jh Attachments Copy: Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Co-ordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Inspector, Parks 02~ .. 5 ," oES 33-00 CORPORATE"~Vlc€S' DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM September 18, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering From: Jill Hone Buyer Subject: RFP-9-2006 - Playground Equipment Pursuant to the summary memorandum dated September 11, 2006, evaluation of the four (4) proposals received for the above work has been completed. Proposals were evaluated in accordance with the established criteria. An evaluation summary is attached. The evaluation committee consisted of four members: Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works, Co-ordinator, Landscape & Parks Development, Inspector, Parks and Buyer. The proposal submitted by Crozier Agencies received the highest average value (score). The total value of the work as proposed by Crozier Agencies is $114,710.86. Delivery of the equipment is 4 - 6 weeks from receipt of order. The following documents have been requested of Crozier Agencies for review by the (Acting) Co-ordinator, Safety & Employee Development during the evaluation stage of this proposal call: (a) a copy of the Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. ? 4 RFP-9-2006, Playground Equipment (;)ES 33 -0 " September 18, 2006 ..... r'f ;'. lJ (., ~) Page 2 Please advise if the proposal submitted by Crozier Agencies is acceptable, or any reason(s) why the proposal of Crozier Agencies is not acceptable; and any other related comments specific to the project. Please be advised in accordance with Purchasing Policy & Procedure Item 04.09 as related to the RFP process, a total purchase price in excess of $54,000 (as amended in 2005) is subject to Council Approval. A purchase requisition will be required in order to proceed. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. I I \ fMJL /jh aU. Copy: Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Co-ordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Inspector, Parks ::iE 0::: o LL Z o i=cg <(0 ::10 .J~ <(0) >' We: 0..0::: LL- 0:::1: 1-0 Zg... W...CI) ::iEo..iii 0.....0 :ioe: a ~.S! wC/).... ~CI)~ :..t'~- ..... c:r ClI .JCI)> o..O:::W (\ n " ) (.. '1 CI) E ClI Z >. e: ClI c.. E o () IJl[N I t~" 4 ,t) RfPORl H..Q~.33 -D(p ____"~.. 0: 0..1..-.-- CI) E ClI z C/) ft... o .... ClI ~ Cii > W '<t C") C") C") C') C'\I Q) () <I) C c.!!! ~Q5 23 00. C o.X Q) EQ) C 8~ 8.~ .....O'Q)EOl 0.....0l0~ L..OC()L.. .oQ) Z. Cll Q) - Q)L..::l.c: E 'C Q) .sr.Ql ::lCllOlCQ) C>Cll::l.c: o - Q)-O ::l Q) 0"-0 '2 'S: ::l 0 (J) 0. 1) :;: c.5 ~lR]2 -.0-0 C<l)<I) Q) Cll Q) E.c:32 Q)-o> Qice Ol::lo.C ce-o .- Ol C .- C >> Q) 10 :;::l Cll E:;::l a3 "'5..9l a3 -o.c:Q)L.. '-()ClJQ) C Cll .- !!: CllQ):5-o N ...-C'\I ""':N en ~ L.. ei) ~"* ~I9 CIJ ~ Q)CQ)<I) C Q) 5, E~~ui o C ~.- Cll 0. ~ t$ ~ ~~ ~_Ei-~ Q) :5 ~ ~ en 23'ffi ~ ~ Qi en -- !!l ro CIJ -=- 32 <I) ~ ro ~ .~'c 8. Q) Cii C a "C: 'Ci) Q; jB '-"::; -- Q) m .- C Ol Q) __ _ Cll Q) _ CIJ C C ~ 10 .Ql C -!!l Cll E L.. () C 0 <I) Q) .- C (1)= Cll Cll E........a 2 Q) o.Olc ~ '0 Q) 'ffi .€ 'C ....... <I) () - C E .5 0 CllL..-o- Q)Q)<I)Ol::l<l)OO:j::o. Q) g Qi ~ .!:::! 10 Q5.5 t; c=- o.E ()!E: E t;"c--ClJEc:j:: Cll -(1)0 __ ~ Cll <I) ..............Cllt;: c=--o 0 0 Ol() Q) :; 0. jg CIJ <I).e- en Cll C () ~ .5 Ol E ..Q ;;:::.!!1 ~ en !!l C E 8 .2:- CIJ ffi .5 Q) 0 00 C Q) 0 '-Cll'- 'C Q) a];! Q) 3: :5 () L.. t;:: -0 0. L...Q, 0. CIJ 0. 0..0 <I) - C Q) E .9- <I) ::It:: O"Cll Q)o. -0- Q) C N Q) =E .~ Q) () () Q) Cll 0."'5. ~Q) 0lL.. c..... .- 0 <I) Q) Cll <I) ~ Cll 0lQ) Q) >Q) +:it) Elc c.!!! ~Q; ~~ 0.Q) ~~ roB ()<I) 0'- _ .c: ""':NM..,tLri ""':NM..,t ""':NM..,t ""':NM..,tLri<ri C'\I CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM O r: I'~ i~) , ,. ;\"1 t ..5 c. REPORT# lJes 33-0(" .. ..I..? I '" "".,-..." -, ..'"', ""<-".-- August 25, 2006 To: Richard Holborn, Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering From: Jill Hone Buyer RE: Quotation Q-51-2006 Safety Surfacing Material Closing: Friday, August 25, 2006, 12:00 Noon Quotations were invited from four companies of which one notice of "no bid" and two acceptable bids were received. The submissions have been summarized as follows: Company PST Included, GST Extra Cost for Beverley I Material Morgan Park i Cost for Denmar Park ...P..!.?.Y~9.E~...~..P.~?..!g.Q...!..Q.~:................l..............~i~.~.~.<?p...Gi?=.?g.............L............l~..?l?..?.:.9.Q..............L.............~.1.9...,..?.Q.Q:..9.9................. Meldan o/a 445198' 1 . ~::~::::;;:~:,~;~.-r~~:~~;:'I~;~r.~$~~::9;~~~..-r~~~~O:.~~... The two companies returning bids have recommended two different products. Please review the quotations attached and advise if additional information is required on either product. Your recommendation in writing is required along with a purchase requisition. If you require further information, please feel free to contact m " Jill Hon /jh Ene!. copy for: Supervisor, Engineering and Capital Works ('In :"' ) {. U CifJI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 35-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender T-5-2006 -Concrete Sidewalk Installations - Various Locations - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 35-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the installation of concrete sidewalks in various locations in the City of Pickering be received; 2. That Tender T-5-2006, as submitted by Trisan Construction for concrete sidewalk installations at various locations in the City of Pickering in the amount of $236,975.52 (GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $263,475.52 and a net project cost of $248,561.81 (GST excluded), including the tender amount and other project costs as outlined in Report OES 35-06 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services be approved; 4. That $248,561.81 be financed from Development Charges Reserve Fund ($119,794.79), City Share - DC Reserve ($123,855.43) and Property Taxes ($4,911.39) and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer these funds; and 5. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the 2006 Capital Budget, concrete sidewalk installations for Kingston Road and Bayly Street, were identified as construction projects. As part of the External Subdivision Budget, a concrete sidewalk installation was identified for Kingston Road from Rosebank Road to the west limit of the City and on Bayly Street from Brock Road to the Pickering Go Station. In 2005 the Rosebank Road CN Bridge was completed with the exception of a small piece of sidewalk which is also included in this tender. There is also a small infill section of sidewalk that needs to be constructed on Whites Road north of Finch Avenue. Tender T-5-2006 was issued on August 29, 2006 and closed on September 13, 2006 with seven bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $263,475.62 for an estimated net cost to the City of $248,561.81 (net of GST rebate). Staff have been directed to report to ',\ I) fA,"! Ut:.i Report CS 35-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-5-2006 -Concrete Sidewalk Installations - Various Locations Page 2 Council on the results of the tender and financing in order to proceed with this project in a timely manner. Financial Implications: 1. TENDERED AMOUNT Tender T-5-2006 GST Sub Total GST Rebate Total $223,561.81 13,413.71 236,975.52 (13,413.71) $223,561.81 Of) ," ,~ I.') Report CS 35-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-5-2006 -Concrete Sidewalk Installations - Various Locations Page 3 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS 2006 External Subdivision - Sidewalks, 2004 External Subdivision - Roads (Carryover), and 2003 Sidewalks (Carryover) Location Account Proiect Source of Funds Available Required Code Kingston Road 5321.0602.6250 City Share - DC $55,550.00 51,569.13 Reserve Projects DC Reserve Fund - 55,550.00 51 ,569.13 Street Light & $111,100.00 $103,138.26 Sidewalks Bayly Street! 5321.0604.6250 City Share - DC 45,000.00 34,421.74 Brock Road Reserve Projects DC Reserve Funds - 45,000.00 34,421.74 Street Lights & $90,000.00 68,843.48 Sidewalks Bayly 5321.0605.6250 City Share - DC 40,000.00 31,773.91 St./Alliance Reserve Projects DC Reserve Funds - 40,000.00 31 ,773.91 Street Lig hts & $80,000.00 $63,547.82 Sidewalks Whites Road 5323.0301.6250 Property Taxes $4,911.39 $4,911.39 Rosebank Road 5321.0402.6250 City Share - DC Res. 7,717.50 6,090.65 DC Res. Fund - Roads 2,572.50 2,030.21 $10,290.00 $8,120.86 FUNDS AVAILABLE $296,301.39 $248,561.81 Report CS 35-06 Date: September 25, 2006 025 Subject: Tender T-5-2006 -Concrete Sidewalk Installations - Various Locations Page 4 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-5-2006 - Concrete Sidewalk Installations Kingston Road Bayly Street Whites Road Rosebank Road Sub-Total $90,638.27 119,891.33 4,911.35 8.120.86 $223,561.81 Associated Costs Materials Testing Miscellaneous Costs Project Contingency 2,500.00 2,500.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 $248,561.81 14,913.71 263,475.52 (14,913.71) 248,561.81 Total GST Total Gross Project Cost GST Rebate Total Net Project Cost 4. Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds $47,739.58 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: Bids for tender T-5-2006 were received on Wednesday, September 13, 2006. Seven (7) companies submitted a bid at the time of closing. The low bidder Trisan Construction has done similar work with the City on Tender-12-2005 Concrete Sidewalk Installations and is deemed acceptable by the Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works. The Health & Safety Policy and the Cost & Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) for Trisan Construction will be reviewed by the (Acting) Coordinator, Safety & Employee Development, expected to be completed prior to this Report being considered by Committee & Council. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received and pending, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid Tender T-5-2006 submitted by '\ f" lJ ,.J \..1 Report CS 35-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender T-5-2006 -Concrete Sidewalk Installations - Various Locations Page 5 Trisan Construction in the amount of $236,975.52 (GST included), and that the total net project cost of $248,561.81 (GST excluded) be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1 . Location Maps 2. Supply & Services Memorandum Darr Selsky Supe isor, Engineering & C I ;. "1~ ~ .../'" Vera A. . elgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Everett Bunts a Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~dBY: .~~,:;:<- Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciy Council ~'/ /1 yd'{ l/a::N'lt._). rOREPORT# 6ES 35-o~ I -I . I} _.--1.... Vi ._~ 031 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender T -5-2006 Bay ly Street LOCA TION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Installation of concrete and asphalt sidewalks along both northern and southern boulevards from Brock Road to the Go Transit Station entrance (where no current sidewalk exists). l'l I)'. J..) ;;:., I !L ;,:;}..~ 9..~S~ ~-O~ - ,...2. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender T -5-2006 Kingston Road ,,~ ~ lI'l",o~ LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Installation of concrete sidewalk along the southern boulevard from Rosebank Road to the Rouge Valley bridge. :.';F!\n t / ----p (.i REPORT+t_~.~., ....2___. 033 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING Attachment For Tender T -5-2006 ROSEBANK ROAD & WHITES ROAD ~ ,.-/ ~( -----J CANADIAN TR. ;( z <{ OJ , LANE W l1==TUMN C~ AREA OF CONSTRUCTION --ll Ii o <{ o n: ;( z <{ OJ W IfJ o n: /// ../ /../ //~/ ~. // ../..// / / /:/ /;// /<=<1>-~ ~( ~\O/\ ~C0 :/<4/ ~l:::::/;;\?-Q~ -~j? ./~ 00- // 0-\Q ~ cP'2- ~ / 8ENEOICTI~IE / COURT ;( Z <l: OJ W IfJ o n: /'. ..J ..J W ;;: e- n: <{ I o ui ~~JI-O w:; \ 0 n:z 0 uw ;;: o ci n: n: IfJ W LAURIER (3 ~ ~ RAILWAYS <{ SHEPPARD AVENUE COLLINGS BROOK ~~~ (j) /CR.A\G\-I~ J W /'" ~/ 1[~\ SUB.JECT SIOEVVALK h ~~d W \.-. ( SWAN PL.J '~ FIN~ PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Installation of concrete sidewalk, asphalt apron and sod restoration along the western boulevard. " I'"} , U0'1 ~ (:REPORT# 6e.:,.%Ocp 1 f' 2 _--...v..w -..,)~ _~ CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ;\ MEMORANDUM September 13, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering Darrell Selsky ,I Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Tender No. T-5-2006 Tender for Sidewalk Installations Kingston Rd., Bayly St., Whites Rd. & Rosebank Rd. CLOSING: Wednesday, September 13, 2006, before 2:00 pm Tenders have been received for the above project. A total of 10 companies were invited to participate of which 12 companies picked up tendering packages for a non-refundable fee of $75.00 per set. Seven (7) bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's Website. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). Therefore, the tenders of the low three (3) bidders are attached for review. Richard Holborn Darrell Selsky ~ "r REPORT' (JE's 35;-0(. c h) # September 13, 2006 __".2:-. 0:_"..1_ Page 2 0, ') .., vd Summary (PST included, GST included) Bidder Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction 236,975.20 236,975.52 BenninQton Construction Ltd. 249,487.01 249,487.01 Lincoln PavinQ and Contractinq Limited 267,496.30 267,496.30 Aloia Bros. Concrete Contractors Ltd. 311,316.70 311,316.70 Serve Construction Ltd. 315,393.99 315,394.52 Fernview Construction Limited 376,602.63 376,602.63 Pencon Construction of Canada Corp. 447,208.70 447,208.70 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 22, the following are being requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: (a) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a)if items (a) through (f) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co- ordinator; (b) any past work experience 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of 614128 Ontario Ltd. o/a Trisan Construction is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the project. If you require further information, please feel free to cont1ct me. \ \ . "./t '\ l "'.........,, Vera A. Felgemacher /bt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services o w ~ o W I o o Z (9<( ZO -w o::z Ww ~CL 00 o...(f) LLo:: OW ~~ -W O~ LL o o 0:: o o W 0:: Q) ...... co.... o l:: ::J <0 oE"O __ o e _ o<:CQ,) ~iti'E J.n .... .. I ~~, I- o z1: '- Q,) Q)E"O ~ ~~',,> '> r- <:C .9 (/) c O~ :+:; C/) co 0 =0.. co Q,) ......0 (/)"0 c ... ~cn co 5: Q) :Q (/) E CI) <(~ ..UJ Q):iE ,~ ~ r-(.) <0 o o N M T'"~ L-_ (l)~ E~ (l)CI) -!!l Q.)a:: (J)~ ~o riJCC "C II) (l) C "C (l) 3: c o :+:; 'L: (J (/) Q,) ~ ~ '-~ Q) lo., "O~ C"O Q) .... r-ea , I) (~ . "P "'.. ~ c o :;::; u a> ;:) ...... z ~ (j) () . C c:g 0 O....J 0 o(j)c (j) L- 0 00_ L- t5 0) co ~.!; ro_C o c c =oa> <(0(1) -0 - ....J c .Q t5 :::l L- ...... (j) C o o 3: a> '> c L- a> u. 0) c '> co 0... c o u c ::J c o '';= () :::l L- v; C o o c o () c a> 0... c .Q '0 :::l L- v; C o o a> ~ a> (j) c o :;::; () :::l L- ...... (/) C o o c co (/) .;:: f- ~ ! ~ i\.i'~ :6 .... '1'" Pool':# Qes 3 ~-ok ... ')he: 1\ , '2 , . '2.. .:J:-;:. .... ~"__,-2~~,,_~, ..... ~I Citl{ IJ~ ') ') ~'1 L~( REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: OES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Supply and Delivery of Street Sweeper - Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006 - File: A-2130 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 36-2006 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the supply and delivery of a Street Sweeper be received; 2. That Quotation No. Q-41-2006 submitted by Joe Johnson Equipment for the supply and delivery of an Elgin Eagle Waterless Street Sweeper Factory Stock Demonstration Unit Serial No. FW-2303-D in the amount of $240,500.00 (GST, PST extra) be accepted; 3. That the total gross purchase cost $274,170.00 and a net purchase cost of $259,740.00 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) the sum of $240,000.00 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham, over a period not exceeding five years, at a rate to be determined; (b) the balance amount of $19,740.00 to be funded from the general savings realized per project code - 5320-0607-6178 - Tiger Mower and 5320-0608-6178 - Hot Box, both paid from property taxes (c) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $55,600 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget d) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2006 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario, and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization; r,\ f) ..~. U .. 'J ' J\ Report DES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Street Sweeper Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006 Page 2 e) the Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering utilizes one street sweeper that is used seasonally to provide all municipal street sweeping services. The current unit is a 1995 model year and a replacement for this unit was approved in the 2006 Capital budget. Upon completion of a thorough market analysis and demonstrations of all current street sweepers models and street sweeping technologies, the field was reduced to two units that would meet the City's requirements. Two vendors were invited to bid and two bids were received. The unit that best meets the City's requirements is being recommended. In that this unit operates virtually dust free and removes an extremely fine level of particulate from the roadway, which would otherwise find its way into the watercourse, the unit that is recommended supports the City's commitment to a sustainable community and its commitment to stormwater quality control and the regeneration and rehabilitation of Frenchman's Bay. Financial Implications: 1. QUOTATION AMOUNT Q-41-2006 GST PST Sub-Total GST Rebate Total $240,500.00 14,430.00 19,240.00 274,170.00 (14.430.00) $259,740.00 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Roads Capital Budget Item Proiect Code Source of Funds Available Required FUNDS AVAILABLE $240.000.00 $259,740.00 15,000.00 4,740.00 $259,740.00 $259,740.00 Street Sweeper 5320.0604.6178 5-Year Debt 5320-0607-6178 Paid from Prop. Taxes 5320.0608-6178 Paid from Prop. Taxes CORP0227-07/01 revised (\ I)" lJ .j .1 Report OES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Street Sweeper Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006 Page 3 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Background: The purchase of a Street Sweeper was approved by Council in the 2006 Capital Budget. Due to the diversity of street sweeper technology and associated pricing, Supply & Services in conjunction with Fleet Operations formed a committee to evaluate current street sweepers and street sweeper technologies. An evaluation rating system was established to determine which street sweeper and street sweeper technology would provide the best overall and long-term service to the City of Pickering. The following street sweeping technologies were evaluated: . Mechanical Street Sweeper - utilizes main broom and brushes to sweep debris onto a conveyer. . Pure Vacuum Street Sweeper - utilizes main broom and brushes to direct debris to a vacuum pick up system. . Regenerative Air Street Sweeper - utilizes high pressure air blast to blow debris off roadway into a high pressure vacuum system Representatives of the following sweeper manufacturers were requested to provide equipment demonstration: . Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper . Elgin Whirlwind Pure Vacuum Street Sweeper . Tymco Model DST -6 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper . Schwarze ABOOO Regenerative Air Street Sweeper . Schwarze M6000 Mechanical Street Sweeper The committee unanimously agreed on the final evaluation ratings and a summary is attached with the memo from Supply & Services. From the information gathered by the demonstrations of these units, the committee has identified three integral street sweeper components that must be included in the sweeper design, to provide the City with effective and efficient street sweeping. These components are: 1. Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Rule 1186 Certified PM-10 Efficient California's South Coast Air Quality Management District has certified certain street sweepers to be efficient and capable of removing PM-10 from the roadway and from within pavement cracks and irregularities, without allowing this fine particulate to be strewn into the atmosphere during the sweeping or off-loading functions. PM-10's are 10 micron or smaller particulate matter that contains heavy metals and non- point source pollutants, which can be conveyed by stormwater runoff to creeks and streams. CORP0227-07/01 revised '", .. . L It \) Report OES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Street Sweeper 0-41-2006/0-41 A-2006 Page 4 2. High Dump Hopper The hopper can be raised to off-load directly into a dump truck so as eliminate the need for the sweeper to leave the sweep site to travel to the dumpsite to unload. 3. Dry Sweeping Capability Must be able to efficiently dry sweep, while effectively controlling dust including PM-10 particulate, to permit a 12-month street sweeping operation. After completing the evaluations based on each unit demonstration, the committee reduced the choice to two street sweepers that fulfilled all requirements. . Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper . Schwarze A8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper Each of the above units utilizes different sweeping technologies, therefore, two formal quotations, 0-41-2006 and 0-41A-2006 were issued based on the specific make and model stated, including standard options required. Bidders were asked to include pricing on demonstrator units if available. The following two Ontario distributors were invited to submit a formal quotation: . Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. - Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper . Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. - Schwarze A8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper A summary from Supply & Services is attached. Quotation Evaluation - Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. has submitted prlcmg on one (1) new machine and four (4) demonstration machines. The quotation submitted for a factory in-stock demonstrator machine, 0-41-2006 Demonstrator Unit D, in the amount of $240,500.00 (PST, GST extra) has been deemed best value. This machine is being offered at a saving of $3,500.00 compared to their bid on a new built unit machine and includes a full factory warranty and delivery within two weeks of the placement of an order. This machine has been used for demonstration purposes but has not been put into active service and is virtually new. The Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper scored the highest point evaluation based on demonstration performance and complies with all aspects of the City's requirements for effective and efficient street sweeping. The Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Sweeper provides excellent sweeping performance with exceptional dust control and since this unit will sweep effectively without requiring water, it can be utilized late into the fall and during the winter months, which will significantly reduce the time spent on spring cleanup. Its mechanical sweeping action combined with a dust control vacuum system out performed all other demonstrated units with sweeping speed, picking up heavy wet mud and sand while also CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 041 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Street Sweeper Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006 Page 5 providing satisfactory pick up of PM 10 fine particulate. This machine is able to provide all of the City's sweeping requirements and it's compliance with AQMD certification for control of PM 10 fine particulates, and augments the City's commitment for a sustainable community and best management practices for stormwater quality control. Although the cost of this sweeper exceeds the 2006 Roads Capital Budget allocation by an amount of $19,740.00, the Treasurer has confirmed this amount of could be funded from the savings realized in the projects identified in the Financial Implications. Joe Johnson Equipment Inc. is aware of our interest in this machine, but availability is not guaranteed. Therefore, the sooner Council approval is received and the order placed, the better the chance of the City receiving delivery. Quotation Evaluation - Schwarze ABaaa Regenerative Air Street Sweeper Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. has submitted pricing on one (1) new machine and three (3) demonstration machines. The Schwarze A8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper scored the second highest point evaluation based on demonstration performance and complies with all aspects of the City's requirements for street sweeping. Even though Amaco Construction Equipment Inc. has submitted the lowest quotation - Q-41A-2006 Demonstration Unit A, in the amount of $192,078.00 (PST, GST extra), the City may not be satisfied with the overall performance of a regenerative air sweeper. The Schwarze A8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper can provide municipal street sweeping, but the sweeping action is much slower due to the slow travel speed required for a vacuum system to effectively pick up heavy materials such as sand and mud. The vacuum system must also maintain a positive seal on the roadway in order to provide the adequate suction required to pick up material. Where the municipal roadways are broken, uneven or bumpy, the vacuum seal may be lost and large areas of the roadway may not be swept or may require numerous passes. This unit could be used in conjunction with a mechanical sweeper to provide a complete municipal street sweeping service, but may not perform adequately as a stand-alone unit and is therefore not recommended. This machine is only recommended if budget over-expenditure is not approved for the purchase of the Elgin Eagle Waterless Street Sweeper. Upon careful examination of the results of the committee's evaluation based on equipment demonstrations and the quotations received by Supply & Services, the Municipal Property & Engineering Division recommends the acceptance of the bid from Joe Johnson Equipment in the amount of $240,500.00 (GST, PST extra) and that a total net purchase cost of $259,740.00 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. CORP0227-07/01 revised '\ 4 '-', L . 4- Report DES 36-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Supply & Delivery of Street Sweeper 0-41-2006/0-41 A-2006 Page 6 Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum Prepared By: (.".('.~ Vera Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services ~~ . ,..".,~~ <::::::",.."... ~-" Gillis . Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer RH:BK:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Co ", CORP0227-07/01 revised f~O"lMENT#__L.., TO REPORT# IJES. ,Xo-o\,o I _ 01_..2. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 04:) September 15, 2006 To: Richard Holborn Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering From: Bob Kuzma Senior Purchasing Analyst Subject: Quotation No. Q-41-2006, Supply & Delivery of One (1)- Elgin Eagle Waterless Street Sweeper - Closing - Friday, Sept. 8, 2006 Quotation No. Q-41A-2006, Supply & Delivery of One (1)- Schwarze - A-8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper - Closing Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Quotations have been received for the above project. Two (2) companies were invited to participate and two (2) have responded. Quotations shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Due to the diversity of street sweeper technology and associated pricing, Supply & Services in conjunction with Fleet Operations formed a committee to evaluate current street sweepers and street sweeper technologies. The following street sweeping technologies were evaluated: . Mechanical Street Sweeper - utilizes main broom and brushes to sweep debris onto a conveyer. . Pure Vacuum Street Sweeper - utilizes main broom and brushes to direct debris to a vacuum pick up system. . Regenerative Air Street Sweeper - utilizes high pressure air blast to blow debris off roadway into a high pressure vacuum system Representatives of the following sweeper manufacturers were requested to provide equipment demonstration: . Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper . Elgin Whirlwind Pure Vacuum Street Sweeper · Tymco Model DST -6 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper · Schwarze A8000 Regenerative Air Street Sweeper . Schwarze M6000 Mechanical Street Sweeper '\ 4 U "f Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006, Supply & Delivery ot One (1) Street Sweeper t1ENT#__.L,,,, TOREPORT# Oe.S- '3";o~ 1.. .01 3 September 15, 2005 Page 2 The committee evaluated each street sweeper to assess the cab and chassis, sweeping system performance and after sale support. An evaluation rating system was established to determine which street sweeper and street sweeper technology would provide the best overall and long- term service to the City of Pickering. The committee unanimously agreed on the final evaluation ratings and the summary is attached. From the information gathered by the demonstrations of these units, the committee has identified three integral street sweeper components to provide the City with effective and efficient street sweeping. These components are: 1. AQMD Rule 1186 Certified PM-10 Efficient California's South Coast Air Quality Management District has certified certain street sweepers to be efficient and capable of removing PM-10 from the roadway and from within pavement cracks and irregularities, without allowing the this fine particulate to be strewn into the atmosphere during the sweeping or off-loading functions. PM-10's are 10 micron or smaller particulate matter that contains heavy metals and non- point source pollutants, which are added to the storm-water runoff stream. 2. High Dump Hopper Hopper can be raised to off-load directly into a dump truck so as eliminate the need for the sweeper to leave the sweep site to travel to the dumpsite to unload. 3. Dry Sweeping Capability Must be able to efficiently dry sweep, while effectively controlling dust including PM-10 particulate, to permit a 12-month street sweeping operation. After completing the evaluations based on the unit demonstrations and the established integral components, the committee reduced the choice to two street sweepers that fulfilled all requirements. 1. Elgin Eagle Waterless Mechanical Street Sweeper 2. Schwarze ABOOO Regenerative Air Street Sweeper Each of the above units utilize different sweeping technologies, a formal quotation based on the specific make and model demonstrated, including standard options required was requested. Bidders were asked to include pricing on demonstrator units if available. Copies of the quotations are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. / Q-41-2006/Q-41 A-2006, Supply & Delivery or,._3, , One (1 ) Street Sweeper [,,q fa REPORT# ,,:3,",- DES 3C.-olp C4~ . } September 15, 2006 ' Page 2 Summary Q-41-2006 Vendor Amount G.S.T. P.S.T. Total Joe Johnson Ltd. New $246,700.00 $14,802.00 19,736.00 $281,238.00 Joe Johnson Ltd. Demo A $225,850.00 $13,551.00 $18,068.00 $257,469.00 Joe Johnson Ltd. Demo B $239,950.00 $14,397.00 $19,196.00 $273,543.00 Joe Johnson Ltd. Demo C $236,312.00 $14,178.72 $18,904.96 $269,395.68 Joe Johnson Ltd. Demo D $240,500.00 $14,430.00 $19,240.00 $274,170.00 Summary Q-41A-2006 Amaco Equipment New $193,748.00 $11,624.88 $15,499.84 $220,872.72 Amaco Equipment Demo A $192,078.00 $11,524.68 $15,366.24 $218,968.92 Amaco Equipment Demo B $200,106.00 $12,006.36 $16,008.48 $228,120.84 Amaco Equipment Demo C $200,785.00 $12,047.10 $16,062.80 $228,894.90 In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.05 revised, an award exceeding $81,000 is subject to Council approval. Include in your report to Council: 1. the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged and the budget amount(s) assigned thereto 2. Treasurer's confirmation of funding 3. related departmental approvals 4. any reason(s) why the low bid of Amaco Equipment inthe amount of $192,078.00 (taxes extra) is not acceptable, and 5. related comments specific to the project Bidders will be advised of the outcome. Please do not disclose pricing to enquiring bidders. Subject to Council approval, an approved "on-line" requisition will also be required to proceed. If you require further information or assistance during the evaluation phase of this quotation call, contact me at extension 2131. Ibk Attachments Ciilf o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTE Report Number: OES 34-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: No Parking By-law - Wharf Street - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 File: A-2130 Recommendations: 1. That Report OES 34-06 regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule '2' to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulating of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Summary: In response to area resident concerns with respect to driveway access, traffic flow on Wharf Street and public safety in the general area, staff propose to amend the existing traffic by-law in order to amend the restricted on-street parking areas. The by-law amendment if passed would revise the restrictions on the south side of Wharf Street (east of Liverpool Road) from the current 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays to the proposed no parking anytime. The scheme as proposed would allow only street parking on the north side of Wharf Street thereby addressing public roadway and resident driveway use conflicts as well as improve visibility and pedestrian safety as pedestrians currently walk on the road due to the lack of sidewalks. Financial Implications: The acquisition and installation of no parking signs is estimated to cost approximately $150 and can be accommodated within the Roads current budget account 2320.2409. Background: Recently, area Ward Councillors received complaints from area residents regarding the difficulties caused by the presence of on-street parking on Wharf Street east of Liverpool Road. Given the proximity of both Alderwood Park and Lake Ontario, Wharf Street is used by the general public as a spillover parking area. As Report OES 34-06 September 25, 2006 04 ',' Subject: Parking By-law Amendment Page 2 a result, area residents were experiencing driveway entry/egress difficulties and as well as continued disruption due to vehicular traffic and nighttime vandalism/loitering. Therefore, in order to improve area traffic flow, eliminate vehicular conflicts, aid enforcement and deter night time unwanted activities, staff are proposing to implement on-street parking controls. The amending by-law if passed, will prohibit on-street parking on the south side of Wharf Street and permit on street parking on the north side only (anytime, for a maximum period of three hours). The cul-de-sac (bulb) portion of the Wharf Street is currently and would remain parking prohibited to allow for vehicular turn around. A copy of the parking scheme for Wharf Street and the surrounding area is attached. If approved, this by-law must receive regular enforcement to be effective. Attachments: 1. Everett B sma Director, Operations and Emergency Services RH:mp Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou I' "; 04~) ATTACHMENT # 1 TO REPORT OES 34-06 1 of 1 . . FRENCHMAN'S BAY n ILE~END .... .. ... EXISTING NO PARKING PROPOSED NO PARKING OI'ERATlONS & E\1EHGENCY SERVICES DEPAHTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ~.tjO;~L ~'~;:,l (i"'~L 1 :4000 March 07 /2006 Ilona I Park Rd. , I [ ......_.s.- .__~e. .... I I ! c: HOLY . \g REDEEMER I ;: cs ,Q) .JI MMERCE REET PARK r..: o Commerce S1. ...... r-;o~~i:-w~~l i L_______J ~ Street ..... c: co w..... CO(/) Q) Q. ..~harf Ii. i, "0 7"-._. j 1":::::::2f ~....-" "f x,. ( \1 \ ) "'"--",,-,,,// WHARF STREET ~ l\MPandE1.TtlerTlOtic MocOirl\rMaps\MP&[ - llaffie \ .At1or:hment fcx Rep.}rt \, 2005'2005 l.l1epon-llx,cdr ON STREET PARKING CONTROLS ATTACHMENT # 2 TO REPORT # OES 34-06 1 0(2 C45 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-lAW NO. Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. WHEREAS, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property; and WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to establish "no parking" zones along Wharf Street. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCil OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. Schedule 2 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: SCHEDULE 2 NO PARKING COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 HIGHWAY SIDE LIMITS (FROM/TO) PROHIBITED TIMES OR DAYS DELETE Wharf Street South Liverpool Road to east 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. limit Saturdays, Sundays Holidays ADD Wharf Street South Liverpool Road to east Anytime limit "" ~ -"" ll'ij ,V\" ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT # OES 34-06 2of2 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2006. day of David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk CiiIl o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C' r.:" , ;:) 1 Report Number: CS 49-06 Date: September 25,2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 49-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: Not Applicable Financial Implications: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $129,946.44 with a net cost to the City of approximately $21,683.12, the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards. Pickering's share of the costs will be charged to the 2006 Current Budget allocation under General Government - Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. The 2006 budget provision is $250,600 and $50,504.33 including the above has been spent to date. Background: The Municipal Act provides the Treasurer with various tax tools regarding the administration and collection of property taxes. Under the provisions of the new Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, Section 357 of the Act provides for the reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error and the tax reduction is applicable to the current year only. Section 358 of the new Municipal Act allows for the reduction of taxes due to assessment error and this section can be applied to property taxes for the two preceding years. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) have returned the attached Section 357 application as "recommended" to adjust the assessment values as requested. C5:: Report CS 49-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act- Adjustment to Taxes Page 2 Change in realty tax class can translate into lower property taxes if the property went from industrial to commercial tax class or commercial to residential tax class. Demolitions, and other physical changes to a property, such as removing or filling in a swimming pool, or damage caused by fire result is a reduction in assessment and taxes. Attachments: 1. Section 357/358 Adjustment to Taxes Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: -:::::=;~-~, Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~VJ(l~J J?i~~:A ) Tracy Parsons I v - Tax Analyst GAP:tp Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council tl " " ) ACH iV. C~'" i-i L.. TO REPORT #1d:li'tf:b Co C) z 52 w ~ U it LL o ~ U en w ~ o I- en I-CO ZO WO :EN I- .: en CI) ::J.c '") E c.! <C 0. CO CI) It) en M - ..... It) M Z o i= U w en I- Z w :E I- en ::J '") C <C c::: o LL Z o en <C w c::: w :E <C z '1:1: 0- 0- <C ...J j:!: o I- M~~~~It)COO~""'COCO""'~OCOO~~ CO.....NMCO..........CONON~MIt)N~COCO~ M~N~~~O~N~~~~OM~~M~ COCOOCOCO.....NN~NCO.....~NNCON~~ ~MMCOCOOIt)It)~M~M~MCO~It)M~ ~~~~~N~~~~M~~~~~~~m ~ ~ ~N~~ It)N ~~~~~N ~ ~~ ~ ~ COIt)~~N~N .....~NNIt)MIt) M~N~~O~ NIt).....N~COCO ~~M~M~M N~~~~M ~ CO ~ z o ~ U ::J C W CO~NCOM~ONCOCOCO~ O~"'::OC"!N~~O~~N occi~~~~~~~~~cci It).....CO.....CONO~NCOON CO~~.....~~OMN~.....~ ~ ~~~~~~ uie ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~~ z o a w c::: N~O.....O~~..........~~M~COMCO.....It)O O~It)CO~CO~N~MN~~~~~NMCO N~M~oM~~~cciM~No~N~O~ It)COCO~CONONOCOOOCO""'COMNO~ N~~CO~~MCOCO~N~~~~OCOCOCO N~~~~~~~~~~ui ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u MCO.....CO~MIt)~COCOCON.....MMCO~CON It).MOMM.....~OIt)N.~~CO~CONO~~ ~~~~~~~~MCOOO~M~~~NM CO~.....~NNOCOCOCOCO~N~CONCOCOCO O~~NNIt)NMN~It)It)~CO~It)MNCO ~ N~~N~~ ~M ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ N ~ W IJl :E ::J Z ...J ...J o c::: c::: <C w >- OOOONOOOOOOOO~OOOM OOOOOOOCOOOOOO.....OOOCO NNIt)O~.....COMIt)NCOCO.....It)~~~~ NN~M.....N~M~CO~~.....CO...............CO ~~~~O~NMOONN~O~~OO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COCO~CO~OCONOCOCOCO.....NCOCO~N ~~~OM~MONMMM~N~~MN 000000000000000000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 000000000000000000 NN~M~~~MM~~~NN~~~N 000000000000000000 CO It) CO CO COCO It) CO CO It) COlt) CO CO CO It) COCO 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN '- '- '- CI) CI) CI) .c.c.c E E E :l :l :l ZZZ II) II) '0'0'011) 1lI C:::C:::C:::II) U OlOlOl.!!! >< I: I: I: U 1lI eee>< ~ :5::5::5:~ t; f!! 555]! ~ U:"'C 5l5l5l~ 'iij >-CI) "'C :l:l:le -g -g-gCl).c.c CI) 000 --.c-.c.cc:::-"'C~-_.c_~~~E 0.0.11) 0.11)11) o.CI)C 0. c..!!! c............. 0 EE=E==2EOlEEEcE~~~U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ cCl) ~ ~ ECI) ~ I: I: I: 2 WWCl)WCl)CI)~Wlll wWcwCI)CI)CI) Cl)CI)CCI)CC'-CI)"'COlCl)CI) Cl)EEEm E E CI) E CI) CI) e E CI) .= E E & E ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = = = ~ 1Jl1Jl~1Jl~~UIJl~IJlIJlIJlC)IJl<C<C<CE I: f!!f!!~~ t:: ii'13~ ~ _g uu.~o >-'5 uuo-o."'CU'- II) ._._ >-11) '- I::l OlOl ~~ g ~.f~c3'E:5 1I)1I)1lI1- >-1:: >-CI)c --z....gCl):!:'tS~llI OlOlO0 llI-a,Uii:.cm 'E'E.= ~~ os.... U'n; CI) CI) I:rn Olrn.c 0 Ou .:.::.:.:: 0.- 1:'- Ol","-"'C U U - I: .- '- .- ~ 0 CI) ii:ii::f:E~c3~5c:~ "'C o C) .... o '5 u u ~EE .c 0 0 U .;: .;: m.f!.f! ~c5c5 Cl)oo OlM M I: It) It) ~~~ Wcoco II) CI) - 1lI "'C '13 '- 0 .f II) II) >-<c galS 1lIt:: ~ :l I: 0 1lI U <i<i .c.c U U '- '- .E.E"'C uU5 ~~E (3 (3.!!! II) II) C :E:Ei .2' .2' .c CI) CI) 0 ~~c::: It) It) co CO coco co co co co co coco co co co co co oooooooooooeeooooo ~~~~dm~MN~MN~mw~~~ It)It)MMMNNNNN~~~OOOoo 05,. CiUI (J~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 50-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 50-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer reporting on tendering and contract approvals during Councils' Summer Recess be received; and 2. That Council pass a resolution ratifying the approval of the Tenders and Contracts contained in this Report by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer recess (i.e., from June 26 to July 23,2006 and from July 24, 2005 to September 11, 2006) being RFP-7 -2006 Network Switch Replacement Project; the Microsoft (Software) BPS Enterprise Agreement and Tender T-2-2006 Lighting Retrofit Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library. Executive Summary: Not applicable Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: On May 21, 2002 Council passed Resolution #80/02 Item 4 authorizing the Chief Administrative Officer act in Council's approving capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council, which states in part: "2. That, subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedures, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: (a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/02; and (b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and (c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council. Report CS 50-06 Date: September 25, 2006 (15 "'." . d Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Page 2 Circumstances were such that one RFP and an agreement required approval by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer 2006 recess. It is recommended that Council receive this Report for information and ratify the approval of RFP-7-2006 Network Switch Replacement Project, the Microsoft (Software) BPS Enterprise Agreement and Tender No. T-2-2006, Lighting Retrofit New lighting Fixtures & Provision of Lighting Control Systems at Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library. Therefore, under authority of the foregoing, the following was approved by the Chief Administrative Officer during the "summer recess" of Council: RFP-7-2006 ReQuest for Proposals - Network Switch Replacement Proiect Approved Budget Financing - 5206.0621.6177 Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $147,000 $ 92,599 $ 54,400 Total Net Cost excluding GST Proposal No. RFP-7-2006 submitted by Net Cyclops Inc. for Nortel replacement switches and annual equipment maintenance approved; and Net Cyclops Inc. be identified as the vendor of choice to maintain the switches including any enhancements to the Nortel switch system during the life span of the equipment while located within the Civic Complex. Microsoft BPS Enterprise AQreement - Microsoft Software UpQrades Approved Budget Financing - 5206.0606.6174 System & Software Upgrades $107,000 $107,000 Total Net Cost excluding GST - Year 1 of 3 years Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $ o Agreement to purchase Microsoft software upgrades with Software Spectrum, qualified large account reseller (QlAR) of the Management Board Secretariat by way of the Microsoft Broader Public Sector (BPS) Enterprise Agreement. C5:'J Report CS 50-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Tender / Contract Approval - Councils' Summer Recess Page 3 Tender No. T-2-2006 Liahtina Retrofit. New Liahtina Fixtures & Provision of Liahtina Control Systems at Pickerina Civic Complex and Pickerina Public Library Approved Budget Financing - 5700.0606.6181 Replacement - Upgrade Computerized Lighting System - as per Energy Audit by Siemens 3.5 year payback) - 2005 Federal Gas Tax funding $250,000.00 Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $191,730.64 $ 58,269.36 Total Net Cost excluding GST Low tender No. T-2-2006 submitted by Dynamic Energy Services Inc. approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum April, 13, 2006 2. IT Memorandum dated June 22, 2006 3. IT Memorandum dated June 28, 2006 4. Supply & Services Memorandum August 16, 2006 5. Operations & Emergency Services Memorandums (2) August 29, 2006 6. Resolution #80/02, Item #4 Approved I Endorsed By: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services ,- .-.) /./~ - ~"~ /. .--:.~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council l\ o (' CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM ~~M 05/ '~'-# I TO Rr:cO. f)T#(S::O~" . ___.., .... _1 . ~ "..."" Date: April 13, 2006 To: Jon Storms Manager, Information Technologies From: Jill Hone Buyer Subject: Request for Proposal RFP-7-2006, Replacement of Computer Switches Terms of reference for the above request for proposals were provided to twelve companies. A mandatory site visit was arranged for Tuesday, March 21st, 2006 during which nine vendors attended. Seven proposals have been received by the deadline of 12:00 noon Wednesday, April 12, 2006. A compliance checklist and summary is as follows: Mandatory Submission Requirements 8.2. Submissions must include the following mandatory documentation, assembled in the following order and numbered accordingly for ease of reference for the City. Submissions which are not presented as requested or do not include the required information will have an adverse affect on the consideration and evaluation of the bidders' proposal. 1. Bidder's corporate profile including the length of time the company has been established. 2. Provide three (3) examples of similar projects completed within the previous three (3) years that compare in scope, magnitude and value to this project, together with the contact information of the client representatives that may be contacted for a reference. 3. Describe bidder's capacity for superior service, innovation and unique approaches for the replacement of Computer Network Switches. 4. Identify the key team members and describe their individual qualifications, professional designations, capabilities and most recent relevant experience in this type of project. 5. Provide details of work program and work timetable. 6. Cost of proposed solutions. 7. Statement to acknowledge addenda received i.e. #1, #2 as applicable or include the signed Addendum. Where no addenda are issued by the City, a statement to reflect "no addenda" shall be included. 0'5'''' , d RFp.7 -2006, Replacement of Computer Switches April 13, 2006 Page 2 . Mandatory Submission 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.2.5 8.2.6 .' 8.2.7 Requirements, Item 8.2. Albert White Technologies . . . . . . . Bell Canada . . . . . . . Conpute . . . . . . . Cygnal . . . . . . . Intesys . . . . . . . Net Cyclops Inc. . . . . . . . Network Builders . . . . . . Compliance Checklist It is the responsibility of the user department to perform reference checks during the evaluation. Therefore, it is acceptable for the Manager of Information Technology to undertake the reference check and summarize comments for consideration. A copy of each proposal is provided for your information and review in accordance the evaluation form provided. Please advise when you would like to meet to evaluate the proposals as a committee. Results of this proposal are not disclosed to enquiring bidders at this time. They will be advised accordingly of the outcome. Please direct any bidder enquiries to Supply & Services. If you require further information or assistance with the evaluation of this proposal, please contact me at extension 2122. Ijh Attachments Copy: Supervisor, Network Support -\ i -:- \_~, ,"~r~, ; ""-'. ~y .; 0/ CITY OF PICKERING nr.:- u~.J SITE VISIT ATTENDANCE RECORD Tuesday, March 21,2006, 10:30 A.M. Pickering Civic Complex RFP-7 -2006 Replacement of Computer Network Switches Pickering Civic Complex Company Telephone PRINT Your Name -,.--) (:;'rC J. ore ~ fj2c1"SJ 11A~ Lkk~e-L( ,/ '~EZ(: t I (be--ll' j. () 7i ;-. S/},{1t-c I ,1t1;jt/ftGlf/1() V;;Jrf~t~i1( (/J{:-e;y!Jf;ztj E. rlf)iJ "-'C{.<L-" _ i-C-- J ' ~~wft.~ / "-- /1- / \.:) ~ )' 76-:<::./< c. E- Cj'tJS' ~/f-t5? ';&~ Cc-u tCS',i:.(5. ;1/fjl~'~'-(M/2-I) .i6' I J i-r- .... " ~ -'/ lIhil'tl...../fl/,'Lr'" j . V l...!f?'J t~~~, '-.... v J r It l)V\. \ .d.c.,n . LJ IL... ~ It;. I~ G'.(.z..~ ~A '\) ~IG 4~ \ (tN. ~~ iU \/r'V\c-J ~k\~k. / /7 1'- /'2//,--'{..(;/t 'fc;5"t.,/ $5 -7C'-3 3 Lf/fo.99;1. Q13 W~I\JIOl' [iJ-tJ-L .' ' \~ i L,...LU-..) !J C~ : ( " lLLJ /l1. ,110 G .. ,.<.... G:J/"J/}'Y/{1 (((L, -].('7./ :Z{2. /. /' /IL... /-71.J..--<~Y CITY Staff Present L OGi} ~ o l) (j) ~ n= (ij 0 l- f---- .--.. "O~ '+- 0) en 0 en c - o 0 <Jl 0..:.;:: 0 o :J (,) 0:0 (j) "0 Cii"-Q) l) 0 en 'c ~ .c .... l) 0) 0):;::: l- I--- (/) ....06 Q) ..c: ..2 c >'0 (J ~~ .... .- l) > ~ CU 0 i\tc en (,) .::s:. f-- '- X (/') 0 CD en CD ~O- c (j) 2 C Q) E co 0 O-c.oZ 0 l) ~ (J)O,-O Cii CD 0 Q) (,) ::l a: N .... ._ 0 I ::s > - '+- r-- .- o I 0.0 c 0.. E CJ) OLLOC :;= a: u 'C C\J ~ CD :J O~ - (,) C\J ._ > ....0.. W ; E Q) (J CO - a. Q) ~ -] .--.. ~ <Jl C o 0 a.:.;::: o :J 0:0 (j) (/) Q) Q).c :J l) g~ c '- ::l2i: .s <{ O<';l-en CU C <Jl C 0 0)0:;:: - .- CU ~ ~ C .DO)OJ CU "- 'Vi 0..2Q) cu(LO (,) o o ..- '-' .--.. l() N '-' ..-. o C .--.. o ..- '-' Q) co o .--.. ~ 0) C'? ....:f5 ~(/)in060l) conj<Jl.c~l() ro .~ c ro 76 Q:j ..- 0.. 0 .- Q) :J "- E....:S>-OO) (L._ C( <3 s LJ Q) "0 "- Q) -co .c CU CU .c Q) .~ o Q) O>.~ :0 0..;::: c I- CU ....00) in o'--.J W (,)(L <Jl u:f5 Cii ceO) <Jl cu 0) ..c 0 ~~ :: g. -0..0.... ~E (L 00 (,) >. c cu 0.. E o (,) l() ..-. o ..- '-' .... 0) .D E Q) :;::: 0) ~ 'E E o (,) CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECTION 06.( ,CHMENT# ~ ~~~~T# :"50'O~ C IT" 'l,,,, '...~, } V II...; ~'j) Y r-'\ r- ,.... ~ :1::. ,'" 'H"'~ i~ICKERIN(" ) j I ~j " 3 ' l..' II /.. .1011" . I .{.I UO MEMORANDUM CORPOR ,1 T 11""\ E SERVICES June 22, 2006 To: ~_.___._~.._, . (:/l'~ () Gillis A PatersonlsccE~:.~p U.ID. 7- 2006 Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer iL:~..__--...._.J ~;_L..:~_~c~~pL Jon G. Storms i_J)VD -S:O?V - CIRCULATE TO: ! : i'MWC'l" COUNCIL ::~:::~' ~:~:::~::r::C:::~::ent (52 r~~;~~KG. ;;;~~:~Tscm~1 Y'Eii fi. Eiv1ERG. LEGAL j .." 'j ...... J 1 ....j j ...1 From: Subject: I \....L,i,....:.:;.L h . FIRE The 2006 IT capital budget contains a line item with a .c.g.MP:pL$. purchase of Microsoft software, via the Microsoft B~le~~ The cost for software purchases for the first year of a three-year contract. The total projected cost of the project is $321,000, including taxes. Initially, it appeared that the item cost, which exceeds $81,000, would require Council's approval before the purchase could be initiated. It also appeared that the cost would require quotations to be called. IT is currently in a Microsoft BPS (Broader Public Sector) Select Agreement (SA) with a Large Account Reseller named Software Spectrum which will expire September 2007 but is renewable every 3 years. IT is recommending the software purchase for 2006 be allotted to Software Spectrum while entering into a Microsoft BPS Enterprise Agreement (EA) for a period of 3 years from the date of signature. The EA is different in nature - product and quantity commitments are established, bundles and standard group of products are available and priced approximately 30 to 40 percent less than the SA because of these commitments. The EA does not cancel the SA and software assurance continues from the SA to the EA. First, the software being purchased was developed by Microsoft - the City's standard developer of software for desktop and operating systems. Second, Microsoft has entered into a master agreement with the Management Board Secretariat which is available to the Broader Public Sector, including municipal governments, wherein there is standard government pricing for all governments regardless of the quantity being purchased. (' 6 ..... \.; I.. G. Paterson Microsoft Enterprise Aqreement Page 2 June 22. 2006 Third, to receive the government priCing, a municipality must sign a BPS Agreement with a Microsoft authorized reseller and IT has done so with Software Spectrum in the BPS Select Agreement. Only resellers authorized to market on behalf of the software publisher (Microsoft) are eligible for consideration in these agreements. However, it needs to be noted that signing with another authorized reseller would have no negative legal connotations, and would immediately void the previous contract. Pickering was not always signed with Software Spectrum. About four years ago, the City was signed with Soft Choice. The level of customer support was found to be waning, so IT switched to Software Spectrum. Prior to Soft Choice, I believe IT used the services of another reseller as well, although I do not recall the name. Suffice it to say, Software Spectrum has provided the City with both excellent service and pricing, and that is why IT has retained their services. It is certainly possible that other authorized resellers could provide pricing and support for this budget item. Although resellers receive the same costs from Microsoft and cannot sell the product above the negotiated government price, it is possible some resellers could reduce their profit margin and offer further discounts. Software Spectrum has recently spent many hours assisting the IT Supervisor with understanding what the Microsoft BPS Enterprise Agreement entails, to identify which software and quantity commitment the City needs to include in the Agreement going forward and will provide products and support for a new three year term. As Software Spectrum is an authorized reseller on behalf of the software publisher (Microsoft) and has been providing excellent support to the City, IT entering into the Microsoft BPS Enterprise Agreement with Software Spectrum is recommended. Ganesh Thiagarajan, Sr. Procurement Manager, Management Board Secretariat, has advised the Manager, Supply & Services that staying with a vendor where all is going well in an SA is a good and appropriate transition to an EA. j . --IIitIi-- ~_...._._.,.,~ 063 G. Paterson Microsoft Enterprise Aqreement Page 3 June 22, 2006 To recap: 1. Microsoft has signed an Master Agreement with the Management Board Secretariat, Ministry of Government Services which includes municipalities. The agreement stipulates standard government pricing. 2. To access this Agreement, a municipality must sign a non-binding contract with a reseller authorized to sellon behalf of the software publisher (Microsoft). Pickering is currently signed with Software Spectrum, one of the three largest authorized software resellers in the GT A and also one of five resellers deemed by the Management Board Secretariat as a Qualified large Account Resellers (QlAR) to serve their ministries. 3. For about the past four years, Software Spectrum has provided IT with excellent service and support and would like it to continue with Software Spectrum within the Microsoft BPS Enterprise Agreement. 4. The Manager, Supply & Services has reviewed this memorandu I and edits have been made in certain areas for clarification purposes . ~Initial) Please advise IT if it can proceed with entering into the Microsoft BPS Enterprise Agreement. APPROVED ~/......".".... ... <:;/2':: <." /. t . . . ~~~ ~ ic Gillis A. Paterson, CJvl.i\ . Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~~,-'.'~" .... -"M~~i!YE~~~" .... JUL11 2006 . . ...:ptV'ANO SE-R\ffCES . ~._.._".._.._.......~,.."-~..' . . .ij;: \TTACHME"'.'''#. :< . ,"\. I'j l .-l"~""... '" t'. ",;):;(' n'T .u/"<.' ~)' f ,,' ., .....,.. r ~ _. ~.,. ',....,'. , . " ~. l''\t../,)'' tT~ / . u" 11 Y \ ; {.- .., i! .< :... ..! . ~\, I . ~ )li;...."'\..;. ''- ' ,1:. l..,.f 1 \. ,-...i I 1 _, 1 -..,:.. os; ,. II" J: ., r, .'1 ;i"I.._ ~, Ii;,;',; CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CJ~~~~ \,/ ',.,:f"\ (::::::.\-nrc:(~ v:;,,,;.i I t,..,1 1"\;'H.)V\-;\\J~.,Ji_V INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SEG=P.or::.J , MEMORANDUM RECEIVED Subject: RFP-7-2006 Request for Proposals -- Network Switch Replacement Project FILE I FOLLOW UP 1"" j. F"'l,,, r<opy C ,.. __-::c~.,,-:-u.--::;_~.'; - IRI...UlATE TO: .q..!::,~:'!.'=~::...._____ COUNCIL i t<,,),;'.;iLFi{G! CAOMGMTCOM' t'--'T, .-.-~ir,F: v'-"-r-j(" -;-- I....-r--.-- ""-'-. I _LER.< ,,' .", '':' i)i?ij--J"-- I ulJnjl'AN f'''S - ~._-_-I--::"."'=-'-~'--'~_'::.-.;...__._._.....,L::!_~-:.......___ , I.... \" 'i. ."jE!',C:; I ' I "'c.;-" L .-.+........... ....- ." ill t-\ =t'.~,,~. -~~ ~~%'r :~~:;&;"OL r..... ,..;..~....:..... ........-.....-..-.1.. r,IGR. U.::, 1. & I\DM H ~_.__.,.L",_~, _p'>> __."",,,_.,w..~....~_.L..-c<;_,~....~~-...=,-,==:~ June 28, 2006 To: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer From: Jon G. Storms Manager, Information Technology Please be advised that proposals have been received for the above noted project. Twelve (12) companies were invited to participate. Two (2) addendums were issued. Nine (9) companies attended the mandatory site visit of which seven (7) responded by the closing date and time. In accordance with Reference item 9.5, the two highest scoring proposals were short listed for consideration, they being Net Cyclops Inc. and Bell Canada. Both were invited and made presentations to the evaluation committee during the evaluation process. The current network switches were installed over four years ago. The replacement switches will offer the following benefits to the corporation. First, they are newer; therefore, less prone to failure. If a switch should fail, all pes connected to the switch would not longer be able to communicate with the computer network. Second, the replacement switches will accommodate VolP should the City decide to pursue that option in the future. Third, the switches will allow gigabit (billion) traffic versus the current 100mb (million) capacity. Finally, the project will divide the computer network into subnets, which in turn will offer the network more security should it be attacked. The subnets will also improve traffic-flow efficiency. Purchasing Policy (Section 04.09) states where it expected that the total purchase price of a proposal is greater than $54,000, acceptance of a proposal is subject to Council approval. During the summer recess of Council, the Treasurer and CAO may provide approval as per Report CS 12-00 (Resolution #85/00 Item #1) and Report CAO 04-02 (Resolution #80/02 Item #4) respectively. Proposals shall be irrevocable and valid for acceptance by the City for a period of ninety (90) days from the closing date of April 12, 2006 which is on or about July 12, 2006. Otherwise, extending the irrevocability and acceptance period will have to be made and agreed to by the proponent. Request for Proposal: Network Switch Replacement Project RFP No. RFP-7 -2006 June 28, 2006 Page 2 (16'":' . ~) Recommendations 1. That RFP-7-2006 submitted by Net Cyclops Inc., the highest scoring proposal for Nortel replacement switches in the amount of $77,510.93, plus P.S.T. and G.S.T., be approved. Additionally, the annual equipment maintenance cost of $8,229.00, plus P.S.T. and G.S.T., be also approved, and 2. Net Cyclops be identified as the vendor of choice to maintain the switches, including any enhancements to the Nortel switch system, during the life span of the equipment while located within the Civic Complex. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Financial Implications: RFP-7-2006 Nortel Switches Annual Maintenance Cost Sub Total P.S.T. G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total $ 77,510.93 8.229.00 $ 85,739.93 6,859.19 5,144.40 -5,144.40 $92,599.12 Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Summary Memorandum 2. April 13, 2006, Site Visit Attendance Record Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: ~" I / / ~ : 1 /f-/~ . 'n G. Storms /I (Manager, Information Technology \ U~, Vera A. Feliemacher Manager, Supply & Services )i ) /..:7 "a."...."._ _."..............].:;.7?~~.'-":::::r. ...~. ~.." ~.. ................./>K2::~~~-'w,,'_.> Gillis A. . p'aterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer v',.~A/ 6jt1c;" ,. 6 ('\ U J rTACHMENT#...I( CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~.S\')'Q{..; MEMORANDUM August 16,2006 To: Steve Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation From: Barbara Tran Buyer Subject: Tender - Lighting Retrofit, New lighting Fixtures & Provision of Lighting Control Systems at Pick€rilllg Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library Tender No. T-2-2006 Tenders have been received for the above project A total of 14 companies were invited to participate of which 12 companies picked up a tendering package for a non- refundable fee of $50.00. One addendum was issued. A mandatory site visit was held on Wednesday, August 9, 2006; 11 bidders signed in and attended of which 5 bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's website. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrev()c;able for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions, unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly. Summary (PST included, GST included) Company Total Tende red After Calculation Amount $ Check $ Dynamic Energy Services Inc. 203,232.41 203,234.47 Enerqy Network Services Inc. 235,538.11 235,538.11 Canadian Tech Air Systems Inc. 448,993.39 448,993.39 (CTAS) ~ 4 Steve Reynolds C 6 "? T-2-2006 lighting Retrofit, New lighting Fixtures & Provision of lighting Control Systems at Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library Page 2 S C r d ummary - on Inue Company Total Tendered After Calculation Amount $ Check $ EllisDon Tender documents not returned in sealed envelope, automatic rejection. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 2; IB 1, 18, 19 and 20. AU Electrical Contracting Ltd. 'Original' Agreement to Bond form was not provided with the tender and therefore is an automatic rejection. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 9(c). IB 18, 19, and 20; TS 6. Honeywell Limited Unable to bid Siemans Building Technologies Ltd. Unable to bid Black & McDonald Unable to bid MDK Electric Unable to bid Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 22, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise as soon as possible if we are to proceed in this direction. (a) a copy of the Health & Safety Policy to be used on this project; (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) the City's certificate of insurance be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or Insurer; (e) a list of subcontractors as per Appendix A, Item 1.1; (f) Valid certificate(s) of qualification (electrician - construction and maintenance) issued by the Ontario Training Adjustment Board for personnel performing electrical service for the City. (g) Copies of current qualification certificates for each such personnel. (h) a copy of the current lock out procedure to be used. (i) a copy of Fall Arrest Policy; C6\) Steve Reynolds T-2-2006 Lighting Retrofit, New lighting Fixtures & Provision of Lighting Control Systems at Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Public Library Page 3 -...,~: ffll Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (i) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (c) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (d) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (e) related departmental approvals; (f) any reason(s) why the low bid of Dynamic Energy Services Inc. is not acceptable; and (g) related comments specific to the project. MCW as the consultants on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact me or a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. Duplicate copies of the bids are attached for the consultant's use. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. ~~ Barbara Tran /bt Attachments Copy for: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Supervisor, Facilities Operation !'-:- ~ m 1i. in' 0 ~ 0 ~ :l CD n 0 a. a m ::0 0. ~ V> 0 "0 ctl :0 C1l a. 0. 0 P -< CD (/J CD a :l g. (/J CD Ql CD C. C :l ? Ql 0 0 CD Iii 0- CD CIl :1: I ffi. 00 3 :l Ql ~~ :l en ~~ OJ 50. ~. r o -. a: ~. ~. CD -l c. CD 0 ::r :l 0 ~ CD en r a: -< ro -< en -< CD -9 CD en ~ en Qi.: ~ - - c:c: c: ~~ ~ OlOJ OJ r-r- r- 111111 111 dd d OlOJ ~l 66 I I I I - '-'- IT1 0 () )> al -l C6.l :l '< -l r 0: (1) CD :l )> '- :J 0Cl Ql C. 3 (Jl m ~ Q. '< :;- 10 (1) z 0' p ~ z ..., CD IT1 III 0 ~ :l 0' 3 (1) CD !l!. 0 <3 It> tJl ;<- r 0 '< c: ~. (Jl (Jl '?. CD CD < < o' 0' 0' :::l CD CD en en 5' 5' " " ~3:;e -Ill_ '-< It> ::I It> -< -< -<<Ill::l -l CD CD CD ro-.Q.Q. en en en (J) ~. ~ ~ (\) :J -0 Co ~ (\) ..., )>..... Z n )> 9 :r<'o. :l 0. -I o It> == :l N -Co ~Ill I I\,) co ~ 0 It> Ul 0 o.~ en al ::0 0: m 0 () It> 0 "C 0 ::0 ~ 0 0 OJ 0 al)> ~ 'T1 010 :E -10 :l "' 0. It> It> (1) m_ 3 Co Z-I It> :l 0-< a CD l/l mO 0' 0- III ::U"Tl -l-l ~ (/)"lJ It> 0 )> 0- :l - c: -00 c.!!!. ~)> co m^ c: Zm It> 3 l/l 0.0 .... m~ c .... a ~en Oz )>G) I\,) z 0 0 0 en 0 -l I al ~r m is 0 0 ~ ^ m m ;0 )> cii '0 0 en '0 Ci a z ?< Z I\,) .... 01 "C 3 () 0 3: 3: m z -l en I ! i RECElVED IFILE ,FOLLOW UP ! FWD - COpy - CIRCULATE T r !l\MYOP. COUNCIL \ : CGJNCll PKG CAD MGMT COM --rC3p;-.SER~ CLERK ,PLA:'-"P.DEV. HUMAN RES. t..t/:~;;;._," EiVlERG. LEGAL C.-t~.::::,,-,,:= flEC. CORR PROJ. & POL. ~~ttg~'~r2:~CZ:[Q ~~~ c~~_~.~ ~~.. I" < . .._,..,,~ ":~",:'-.~"J~~~~~=~~~'~"_~~.:~',""""~_'~~""'_'A"'~ ':lACt,;.. ,.. 11.....:) "'''',r'R' T# C.",. - (\I" n.) ~.,5lJ '.c}(... & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RE & RECREATION DIVISION MEMORANDUM AUG 2 9 200& To: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services From: Len Hunter Supervisor, Facilities Operations Subject: Tender No. T-2-2006 Please be advised that the above Tender for lighting retrofit, new lighting fixtures and provision of lighting control systems at the Pickering Civic Complex and Central Library requires approval by the CAO. A summary of the Tender results is attached, prepared by the Divison of Supply & Services dated August 16, 2006. The consulting firm used on this project (MCW) have also reviewed the bids and have provided a recommendation (attached) to proceed with the low bid submitted by Dynamic Energy Services Inc., in the amount of $203,234.47. Capital funds are approved in the 2006 Capital Budget in the amount of $250,000.00 (Acct # 5700.0606.6181 - project code # 06-2124-005-08). Approximately $25,000.00 has already been committed for consulting fees. I have also received confirmation from Veridian that they have approved an incentive grant to the City for this project in the amount of approximately $10,000.00. Other incentives are also being applied for with the Ministry of Natural Resources Canada. After reviewing all of the supporting documentation, I recommend proceeding with the low bid submitted by Dynamic Energy Services Inc. pending satisfactory Health & Safety Securities information being reviewed by the Division of Supply & Services. Please advise if approved and I will forward an on-line requisition for your authorization to proceed with issuing a P.O. number for this project. ;{(i\ it:;;;L'y Len Hunter LH:sm Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities Attachments l'l t"j .: / I .t OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES To: ..Q From: ,"''''l.,.a;o,<n:Q.I'lIt'I1!I$.~~_;~'~.~ I CAO rREC~IVEl) FILE Thomas J. Quinn I.FOL!:,?Y~..IP L J d ,. Chief Administrative Officer 1r--~' q,:;f-oPY Cli1CULAT T :\:' ! .t:~..~.:~.::..._____I COUNCIL I i (:Cu.;;<:;iL ?I(G I" l CAO I\i1GMT COM Everett Buntsma (\)PJG.) t-:;1Cl*;;0~;RV. '--I--rcLERI< : Director, Operations & Emergency servic~- _" i~~!{"8!;'fx <:?~~. _. _, HUMAN RES, ; ~:!!._~.'.:..:'< .-,v,c'L'2.:- LEGAL . t "I' "'''''C 1 ('n"I" P' f"OJ &POl L ...n,.- c,;'~ !".: . .u'K. ,"1. J .. Tender T-2-2006 -HRf------ CUST. CARE Energy Retrof'lt P o'ect r--fiVH;.t;-.... I\I1GR.CUST.&ADI\!1 r J ~'---r"'- .-------.. . Civic Complex & Central Library l.~,.i,."~~",,_.___._.._~ _____.J - File: 0-8300-004-06 MEMORANDUM '\ Subject: Attached is a recommendation from the Supervisor, Facilities Operations to award the above project to the low bid from Dynamic Energy Services Inc. in the amount of $203,234.47. Note that this is well within the budget amount of $250,000. In addition, Veridian will be providing a $10,000 incentive grant and application is being made to Natural Resources Canada for additional grants. These incentive grants will further reduce the City's monetary commitment. Your approval to award this project to Dynamic Ener,gy is hereby requested. ~""'~ .....,., .,-----.-. 4""''''''''' .\.....,.."",....,....... " .,," _,.._.,. I ..-._ (/ " ' .;::>~ ' / -- ,y . /t ,/ /fr''' "",,?- EB:djb Attachment Copy: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Culture & Recreation Supervisor, Facilities Maintenance RECEIVED CITY OF PICKERING SEP ,. 1 2006 SUPPlY MDSERVJCES to ------ If (\"'J. 1"" ,ATTACHME!~T #L:rc~ REPOR1#fl~rtJ.~ - - ....... f /. 'f"';,,11 fi"'-" 1:r""'~T: ' """"1 ,,"'.' .,. ","'-'Tt ii -" """'~" fI"'-'N' ......, P"blvHl\lJi:S ik'~.lll~UN U..t.r.tiKll\tl.t...~ ,1 ('IT 'D'Rl[l~ pnlJ~TO, ,-r\T \-.'Ji-l,f..j~'~~ ~,i JJ..../1..... 't> .!.J.J..' /..." R"l:::':r'li''''''''' , ~ t;= v: ~- '1 ClfTV o~~r:~!"" rvGMOFtPJ'-TDUM ~'I'!i\; " \C' "{11"'" IV J..\i ,-, V Luui CI...JtiPORATE: dEH\!tCf::S May 27,2002 TO: Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Oil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer FROM: Bruce Taylor, Clerk SUBJECT: Referrals from Council Meeting of May 21,2002 Please be advised that the Council of the City of Pickering passed Resolution #80/02, Item #4, at the Council Meeting of May 21,2002, as follows: 1. That Report to Council CAO 04-02 seeking authorization by the Chief Administrative Officer to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council be received; and 2. That subject to the Council approved Purchasing Policy & Procedure, the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to act in Council's approval capacity on behalf of Council during any recess, break or absence of City Council on the condition that: a) such actions are in compliance with the Purchasing Policy & Procedure as approved under Resolution 136/01; and b) the costs thereof are within the budget previously approved by Council; and c) a report respecting those approvals is subsequently submitted to Council, 3. That appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. if. /' / .' >;~,../ ..- ,~/. ,,</[ 1.^,1 Bruce Taylor BTi~dlc '~opy~ ~ ov Quim:., (~hief Aaministraclv':: CiUI at ..,., ,~. lJ ( .) REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 51-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Veridian Corporation - Promissory Notes Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 51-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for the Committee's consideration and recommendation to Council; and, 2. That the maturity dates on the Promissory Notes in the amount of $7,095,000 to Veridian Corporation and $17,974,000 to Veridian Connections Inc. be amended to November 1, 2009 at their face value with the existing terms and conditions including interest at 7.6% per annum; 3. That a By-law in the form attached providing for the approval and execution of a Note Amending Agreement be passed; 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Note Amending Agreement on behalf of the City of Pickering in the form attached; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any actions including negotiations or amendments to the terms and conditions necessary in order to put the foregoing into effect; and, 6. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Veridian Corporation, at its meeting of Thursday, September 7, 2006 approved the terms and conditions including an interest rate of 7.6% per annum and amending the maturity date to November 1,2009. It is now appropriate for Council to provide the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer with the authority to complete any necessary discussions or negotiations to effect the amending of the Notes. {\ ~'1 l, , ] Report CS 51-06 Date: September 25,2006 Subject: Veridian Corporation - Renewal of Promissory Notes Page 2 Financial Implications: Amending of the Promissory Notes will take place under the same or similar terms and conditions as those in place on the existing Notes over the last six years. This will provide for a continuation of the interest income of approximately $1,852,000 per annum for another three years. This income forms an important part of the City's annual budgeted revenues. Background: Should the Council of the City of Pickering approve the Recommendations, the amount of principal owing to the City of Pickering will remain unchanged at approximately $25,100,000, as will the interest at 7.6% per annum. The notes will however be extended for a further three years from October 31, 2006 to November 1, 2009 and the other terms and conditions remain unchanged. According to staff of Veridian Corporation, the extension will allow a level of comfort to other lenders in that the notes will note have to be repaid until a later date, thereby providing a further three years of assurance that there will not be a cash drain or a requirement for other financing. At the stated rate of interest, this investment provides the City's highest yielding rate of return on corporate notes. At this time there is no other form of investment with the same relatively low level of risk that would provide this level of return. The City also owns approximately 41 % of Veridian providing a more than reasonable level of security. Attachments: 1 . By-law to Approve and Authorize the Execution of a Note Amending Agreement Prepared I Approved I Endorsed By: ~----- ~ ~"J'.... Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Co : Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Coun II . L i II THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING " 7'" li . ~) BY-lAW NO. Being a by-law to approve and authorize the execution of a note amending agreement made as of the 1 st day of October, 2006 in respect of promissory notes dated September 28, 2001 issued by Veridian Corporation and Veridian Connections Inc. in favour of The Corporation of the Town of Ajax, The Corporation of the City of Belleville, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, and to approve the issue of seconded amended and restated promissory notes dated as of the 1 st day of October, 2006. WHEREAS the Electricity Act, 1998 authorized a municipality to make by-laws transferring employees, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of the municipal corporation and to receive securities as consideration there for and Veridian Corporation ("VC") and Veridian Connections Inc. ("VCI") have issued promissory notes (the "Original Notes") dated September 28, 2001 in favour of The Corporation of the Town of Ajax ("Ajax), The Corporation of the City of Belleville ("Belleville"), The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarington") and The Corporation of the City of Pickering ("Pickering") due on the 31 st day of October, 2006; AND WHEREAS VC and VCI have requested an amendment to the maturity date of the Original Notes; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PICKERING ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. THAT Council approves the amendment to the maturity date of the Original Notes to the 1 st day of November, 2009; 2. THAT Council approves and authorizes the note amending agreement (the "Agreement") made as of the 1 st day of October, 2006 amongst Ajax, Belleville, Clarington and Pickering, as the holders of the Original Notes and VC, VCI and Veridian Energy Inc. in the form of the draft agreement presented to Council and attached hereto as Schedule "A"; 3. THAT Council approves the issue of second amended and restated promissory notes (each a "Restated Note") by VC and VCI pursuant to the Agreement. C7G 4. THAT the Mayor and the Clerk are authorized to execute the Agreement; 5. THAT the Clerk is authorized and directed to surrender to VC the Original Note in favour of this Municipality in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and to receive a Restated Note pursuant to the Agreement; 6. THAT the Clerk is authorized and directed to surrender to VCI the Original Note in favour of this Municipality in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and to receive a Restated Note pursuant to the Agreement; 7. THAT the Clerk is authorized to affix the Corporate Seal of The City of Pickering to the Agreement. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd day of October, 2006. David Ryan, Mayor Debi Bentley, Clerk Schedule A 077 NOTE AMENDING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 15t day of October, 2006. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Town of Ajax ("Ajax") - and - The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington ("Clarington") -and- The Corporation of the City of Pickering ("Pickering") - and - The Corporation of the City of Belleville ("Belleville") (Ajax, Belleville, Clarington and Pickering are referred to collectively herein as the "Veridian Shareholders") - and - Veridian Corporation, a eorporation existing under the laws of Ontario ("V C") - and -- Veridian Connections 1m:., a corporation existing under the laws of Ontario ("VCl") - and- Veridian Energy Inc., a corporation existing under the laws of Ontario ("VEl") (VC, VCI and VEl are refclTcd to collectively herein as the "Veridian Group") 078 - 2- RECITALS: A. VCI has previously issued one promissory note to each of the Veridian Shareholders (collectively the "VCI Notes") issued pursuant to the applicable transfer by-laws enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998, which VCl Notes are outstanding as of the date hereof; B. VC has previously issued one promissory note to each of the Veridian Shareholders (collectively the "vc Notes") issued pursuant to the applicable transfer by-laws enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998, which VC Notes are outstanding as of the date hereof; C. The Veridian Shareholders wish to extend the maturity date of the vcr Notes and the VC Notes; D. The Veridian Shareholders have consulted with the Veridian Group in connection with the proposed amendments to the VC Notes and the VCI Notes; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the respective covenants and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Amendment: The Veridian Shareholders will surrender forthwith to VC and Vel the existing VC Notes and VCI Notes (the "Predecessor Notes") (descriptions of such Predecessor Notes being set out in Appendix "A" attached hereto) and VC and VCI will forthwith issue amended and restated promissory notesinthe form attached hereto as Appendix "B". . There shall be eight amended and restated promissory notes (the "Amended and Restated Promissory Notes") in total. Four promissory notes will be issued by each ofVC and VCI to each ofthe four Veridian Shareholders in the same principal amounts as the VC Notes and VCl Notes. For greater clarity, the amendment and restatement of the Predecessor Notes shall not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-laws and Predecessor Notes and such debt is continued as amended and restated in the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes. 2. Counterparts: This Note Amending Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together will be deemed to constitute one and the same agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly authorized and executed this Note Amending Agreement as of the day and year first above written. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX By: Name: Steve Parish Title: Mayor cIs - 3 - 079 cis By: Nam.e: Marty de Rand Title: Clerk THIC CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BELLEVILLE cis By: Name: Mary-Anne Sills Title: Mayor cIs By: Name: Julie C. Oram Title: Clerk THI': CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON cIs By:_ Name: John Mutton Title: Mayor cIs By: Name: Patti L. Barrie Title: Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING cis By: Name: Dave Ryan Title: Mayor By: Name: Debi A. Bentley Title: Clerk cis 0(1 r". '0'0 - 4- VERIDIAN CORPORATION By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President cis By:_ Name: John Mutton Title: Chair cis VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President cis By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair cIs VERlDIAN ENERGY INC. By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President cIs By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair cis 081 Appendix" A" Eight (8) Veridian Group Predecessor Notes described below. Issuer Holder Date Principal Amount l. Veridian Corporation The Corporation of the Sept. 28/0 I $5,550,000 Town of Ajax 2. Veridian Corporation The Corporation of the Sept. 28/01 $2,355,000 Municipality of Clarington 3. Veridian Corporation The Corporation of the Sept. 28/0 I $7,095,000 City of Pickering 4. Veridian Corporation The Corporation of the Sept. 28/01 $2,206,000 City of Belleville 5. Veridian Connections Inc. The Corporation of the Sept 28/01 $14,060,000 Town of Ajax 6. Veridian Connections Inc. The Corporation of the Sept. 28/01 $5,966,000 Municipality of Clarington 7. Veridian Connections Inc. The Corporation ofthe Sept. 28/01 $17,974,000 City of Pickering 8. Veridian Connections Inc. The Corporation of the Sept. 28/0 I $5,588,000 City of Belleville 082 Appendix "B" Eight (8) V eridian Group Amended and Restated Promissory Notes attached hereto. : :ODMA \PCDOCS\TORO 1 \3354654\7 083 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $5,550,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax (the "Holder") on September 28,2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 115-99 of the Holdler. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November 1, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of FIVE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND Dollars ($5,550,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31,2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date ofpayrnent shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the City of Pickering, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Ofller Notes"). 08:} - 2 - 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holdler, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the: terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Connections Inc., Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended andlor restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its tenns. 7. Note Non-neeotiable and NOIll-assienable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Corporation has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 1st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CORPORA nON By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President 085 {1 8~' <'. o (J -4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by V c'ridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by V (~ridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal anlount of$2,206,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMA\PCDOCS\TOR01 \3355154\4 C8'l SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $2,355,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 99-173 of the Holder. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November l, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act. 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order ofthe Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of TWO MILLION, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY -FIVE THOUSAND Dollars ($2,355,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine: of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, to the Corporation of the City of Pickering and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). Q8d -2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date detennined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the temlS of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Connections Inc., Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its tenns. 7. Note Non.neeotiable and Non.assienable The Note shall be nOI1~negotiable and non-assignable. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Corporation has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this I st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CORPORATION By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President 08:) usu - 4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by V(~ridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation ofthe Town of Ajax in the principal amount of $14,060,000 and dated October 1,2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$5,550,000 and dated October 1,2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by V(:ridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $2,206,000 and dated October I, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMAlPCDOCS\TORO 1\3370599\2 l'l 0 < , vI SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $7,095,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 5586/99 of the Holder. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November 1,2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of SEVEN MILLION, NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND Dollars ($7,095,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Defanlt Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). O~L... - 2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the tenus of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, th,: Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the tenus of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Connections Inc., Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its terms. 7. Note Non-ne2otiable and Nou-assi2uable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. 093 - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Corporation has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 1 st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CORPORATION By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President o 9 '~l - 4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Notc issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation ofthc Municipality of CIa ring ton in the principal amount of$5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$14,060,000 and dated October 1,2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October I, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$5,550,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $2,206,000 and dated October I, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. :;ODMA\PCDocsrroRO] \33i0635\2 l'.' 9- ~- I d SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $2,206,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by 1437864 Ontario Limited to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 2000-170 of the Holder as amended by By-law No. 2000- 172. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November I, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Corporation (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the City of Belleville, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of TWO MILLION, TWO HUNDRED AND SIX THOUSAND Dollars ($2,206,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31,2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the City of Pickering, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "AIf hereto (together the "Other Notes"). -, II. V\JU - 2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note An (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Connections Inc., Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its terms. 7. Note Non-neeotiable and Non-assienable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Corporation has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 1st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CORPORA nON By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President C9i' ') n" l! ~ ,.) -4- SCHEDULE" A" 1. Promissory Note issued by V eridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Municipality of CIa ring ton in the principal amount of$5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of $5,550,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$14,060,000 and dated October 1,2006. ::ODMA \peDOeS\ TORO I \3370664\2 (\On 1 \.},j SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $14,060,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 115-99 of the Holder. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November 1, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, /998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Connections Inc. (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of FOURTEEN MILLION. AND SIXTY THOUSAND Dollars ($14,060,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annwn for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November I in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankiui! ofthis Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the City of Pickering, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). IGO -2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the tenus of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its terms. 7. Note Non-neeotiable and Non-assienable The Note shall be non~negotiable and non-assignable. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Connections Inc. has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 15t day of October. 2006. VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President .. ('i" Iu.! <14 t'I' 1. u~... - 4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation 0 f the Municipality of CIa ring ton in the principal amount of$5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $2,206,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMA\PCDOCS\ TORO I \3370569\2 ,If 0 1", 1.' 0 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1, 2009 Principal Amount: $5,966,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 99-173 of the Holder. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November I, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Connections Inc. (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of FIVE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX THOUSAND Dollars ($5,966,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November I, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine: of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, to the Corporation of the City of Pickering and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule itA" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). ... 0 .. l' It - 2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its tenns. 7. Note Non-neeotiable and Non-assienable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Connections Inc. has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this I st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President '" n'- .1 U~J lOG - 4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of $14,060,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$5,550,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation ofthe City of Belleville in the principal amount of $2,206,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMA\PCDOCS\TORO] \3370617\2 "Ii~ J.UI SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1,2009 Principal Amount: $17,974,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "Holder") on September 28, 200 I in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 5586i99 of the Holder. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November I, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Connections Inc. (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Holder, the principal amount of SEVENTEEN MILLION, NINE. HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FOUR THOUSAND Dollars ($17,974,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1, 2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. 1. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankine- of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). lOd -2- 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, 1 fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its terms. 7. Note Non-neeotiable and Non-assienable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. lOS - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Connections Inc. has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 1st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President ... .. ,~ l..LU -4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Municipality of CIa ring ton in the principal amount of $5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of $ 14,060,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October 1,2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$5,550,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $2,206,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Belleville in the principal amount of $5,588,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMA \PCDOCS\TORO 1 \3370650\2 ... ." ilJ SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED TERM PROMISSORY NOTE Maturity Date: November 1,2009 Principal Amount: $5,588,000 This Note amends and restates the promissory note (the "Predecessor Note") issued by Belleville E]ectric Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Belleville (the "Holder") on September 28, 2001 in the Principal Amount. The Predecessor Note was issued pursuant to By-law No. 2000-]70 of the Holder as amended by By-law No. 2000- 172. This Note amends the maturity date of the Predecessor Note from November 1, 2006 to November 1, 2009. For certainty, this note amends and does not extinguish the debt created pursuant to the transfer by-law (enacted pursuant to the authority granted under the Electricity Act, 1998) referenced above and the Predecessor Note. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Veridian Connections Inc. (the "Corporation"), hereby promises to pay to or to the order of the Corporation of the City of Belleville, in lawful money of Canada, on November 1, 2009 (the "Maturity Date") at the principal office of the Ho]der, the principal amount of FIVE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND Dollars ($5,588,000) (the "Principal Amount") together with interest on the unpaid Principal Amount calculated annually, not in advance, from October 1,2006 at a rate of 7.6% per annum for the period up to and including October 31, 2006 and at a rate of 7.6% per annum on and after November 1, 2006 until the Maturity Date. Interest at the said rate shall be payable on November 1 in each year up to and including the Maturity Date. t. Acceleration on Default Upon default in the payment of any principal or interest due hereunder, or if the undersigned shall become insolvent or bankrupt or make a proposal in bankruptcy, the entire unpaid principal indebtedness owing by the undersigned to the Holder evidenced hereby and all interest accrued thereon to the date of payment shall forthwith become due and payable upon demand by the Holder subject to any subordination and postponement to any other financial institution or lender. 2. Rankinf! of this Note This Note shall rank equally in all respects as to the payment of principal and interest hereunder with promissory notes issued as of the dates hereof to the Corporation of the City of Pickering, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax (collectively the "Municipalities") described in Schedule "A" hereto (together the "Other Notes"). .. -* " l!'-:" - 2 - 3. Subordination The Holder acknowledges and agrees that the obligation of the Corporation to repay the Principal Amount and the principal amount of the Other Notes is subordinated and postponed to the obligations of the Corporation from time to time to any other financial institution or lender. The Holder will execute, promptly do, deliver or cause to be done, executed and delivered all further acts, documents and things as may be required to provide for the subordination and postponement of the Holder's rights evidenced by this Note. 4. Conversion of this Note All (but not less than all) of the Principal Amount of this Note is convertible into fully-paid and non-assessable common shares of the Corporation based on the exchange ratio specified herein at the option of the Holder, which option may be exercised by the Holder by notice in writing to the Corporation on or before the Maturity Date. The exchange ratio for the conversion of the Principal Amount of this Note shall be on the basis that, for every $1000 of Principal Amount, I fully-paid and non-assessable common share of the Corporation shall be issued to the Holder. The conversion of the Principal Amount will be effected on the date determined by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. 5. Revisions and Replacement At the sole option of the Holder, the Maturity Date and any of the terms of this Note may be revised, changed or restated by the Holder following consultation with the Corporation. If this Note is revised, changed or restated, the Corporation may cancel and replace this Note in which case, the Holder shall forthwith surrender this Note for cancellation. 6. Sale of Shares In the event that the Holder transfers its common shares in the capital of the Corporation (in accordance with the terms of a shareholders' agreement among the Holder, the Municipalities, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Energy Inc. and the Corporation dated September 28, 2001, as amended and/or restated from time to time) prior to the Maturity Date, the Note shall remain due to the Holder in accordance with its terms. 7. Note Non-ne2otiable and Non-assi2nable The Note shall be non-negotiable and non-assignable. - 3 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF Veridian Connections Inc. has caused this Note to be signed under its corporate seal by its duly authorized officers as of this 1 st day of October, 2006. VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS INC. By: Name: John Mutton Title: Chair By: Name: Mike Angemeer Title: President .. 1 ' 1 .) 114 -4- SCHEDULE "A" 1. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Municipality ofClarington in the principal amount of$5,966,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 2. Promissory Notc issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $17,974,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 3. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the principal amount of $2,355,000 and dated October 1, 2006. 4. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the City of Pickering in the principal amount of $7,095,000 and dated October 1,2006. 5. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Corporation to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of$5,550,000 and dated October I, 2006. 6. Promissory Note issued by Veridian Connections Inc. to the Corporation of the Town of Ajax in the principal amount of $ 14,060,000 and dated October 1, 2006. ::ODMA \PCDOCS\ TORO I \3370686\2 CitJl a# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .. 1 ". 1. ,J Report Number: CS 52-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate SeNices & Treasurer Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31, 2005 Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 52-06 the Director, Corporate SeNices & Treasurer be received by Council for information. Executive Summary: The following report and attachments represent a summary of the investment activity and year end balance in the portfolio. Investment activity for the year 2005 totaled approximately $173.9 million with a year end balance in the portfolio of approximately $49.1 million. Current Fund investments are limited to one year or less and ReseNe Funds to 10 years or less under the Council approved policy. As discussed below and as confirmed by the attached Performance Report from BMO Nesbitt Burns, the return on the City's portfolio has performed favourably comparative to market benchmarks. Financial Implications: None Background: The City's investment portfolio is comprised of two main areas: ReseNe Funds, and balances available in the Current Fund when not required to meet current operating expenditures. This latter balance can vary greatly depending upon many factors including the timing of the receipt of property taxes and levy payments to the School Boards and the Region. Investments are undertaken as one consolidated pool of funds and interest earned is credited back to the appropriate funds. As the Treasurer of the City of Pickering there are certain information and opinions that I must report, under Provincial Regulation, to the Committee and Council. The attached schedules are also included as part of the information requirements. The portfolio has increased over prior year by approximately $8 million. The main contributing factors are the timing of supplementary taxes billed and collected at the end of the year and final remittance to the Region and School Boards, the overall increase in the ReseNe Fund balances, primarily Development Charges ReseNe Fund, and lastly the City's share of taxes from OPG for properties that are still under assessment appeal. I feel that the portfolio performed well during 2005 with a weighted yearly rate of return of 2.51% on the combined short term and long term investments excluding interfund investments. The average return on interfund investments was 4.00%. The decrease in the rate of of " .... llu Report CS 52-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended Page 2 December 31,2005 return for interfund investments is due to a reduction in the interest rates to be comparable with the rates provided on external debenture issues. Since these are internal loans within the Corporation it is to our advantage to adjust the rates lower to match external debenture rates rather than unnecessarily charging higher costs to the Current Fund. As you are aware investment parameters are much narrower for the City than permitted for money market funds due to the Municipal Act and Regulations limiting the selection of qualified investments for municipal entities. However notwithstanding these restrictions, the annual return of 2.51 % continues to perform comparably with the annual returns for the CIBC World Markets 91-Day T-Bill Index (2.5%) and the Morningstar Canadian Money Market Mutual Fund Index (1.9%). These returns are deemed comparative benchmarks for reviewing the portfolio's performance and considered the standard for analysis of investment funds in the industry. The emphasis of the City's investment strategy has been to increase the portion of long term investments to the overall portfolio, while retaining sufficient liquidity for current operations, to take advantage of more stable rates of return rather than fluctuating with the short term markets. However throughout 2005 the short term rates began to rise while the long term rates were leveling out making the spread between the two very minimal. As a result a number of the long term investments, with the attractive higher rates, were called throughout the year by the issuer and at the time it was not worthwhile to reinvest in long term investments but wait to see where rates would go. Therefore our percentage of long term investments held within the portfolio decreased slightly over last year by approximately 2%. It is only now in the latter half of 2006 that we are seeing the long term rates begin to be attractive again. Of the year end total portfolio of some $49.1 million, approximately $12.2 million or 24.8% (2004 - 26.9%) were external long term investments and approximately $5.6 million or 11.4% (2004 - 15.5%) were Interfund Investments (Internal Loans). It is my opinion that all investments were made in accordance with the Investment Policy approved by Council. Attachments: 1. Correspondence, BMO Nesbitt Burns 2. Investment Activities for 2005 3. Outstanding Investments as at December 31,2005 Report CS 52-06 Date: September 25, 2006 ii';! Subject: Investment Portfolio Activity for the Year Ended December 31,2005 Page 3 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: w-fu:x ris Ine Senior Manager, Accounting Services G1l1iS~~~ Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci y Council \ \ // ()( , ~ ~ ~c:: =~ ~~ tc: .,....j .~ ..0;:; r./J'" Q.)~ Z;E G o ~ ~ lid r-- ~ 0>(0 .~> ~:i .~ z 0..0 - 00> >..S: - ..... u~ - u a.>~C: cgEai orot"O U) c ro ro ..... .- Q. c a.>l.J..a.>ro --00.. ro 0 U) 0.. ..... a.> W =ou 0t)~~ ...:~c~ ~OU:..... <.9 "0 a.> U) U) :::l U .~ OJ "0 C a.>';:: ~~ U).~ <(0.. ..... ro Q) o - o ;~ U a.> .r:; - - a c a ~ ro ..... a Q. a u o ..... I (0 o N ('") ..- I l.() (0 ('") 'l:t.: c :::l a u u ro ..... :::l a >. ..... a - ..... ro a.> >. COalQ) g =(/).c ~l- "OUl:::: :::lro ca.>a.> aa.> .- c - ..... >. >. E~g2Ul"'" C"O Ul:::: a.> .- .- a.> 0>..0 .r:; Q. :::l ..... 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Oc<l 5- ltl ~ 0 I"- C') ~ '<i 0 l"- E (0 cvi ~ 0 I"- to cvi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci ci .0 cvi cx:i ex) 0 0 0) C') N N 0 0 to 1"-, V V ci <<i <<i r:::- cI5 ci (0 0 eo ltl co .... ltl V 0 ltl 0 C\i cri LIi LIi oi' V V C\I 0) r--: ltl I"- to o N C\i E Qi b. c o ....I 'ii'i '0 I- eo ltl to eo eo r' eo N cri V en - c Q) E 'Iii ~ .5 'ii'i c Qi >< w 'ii'i ~ Cii" C III o ....I 'ii'i c ... Q) - ~ en - c Q) E - VI ~ .5 '0 C :3 't: Q) - ..5 ""Cl c: :3 LL Q) C: Q) C/l Q) -ga:: :l Q) LLOl Q) Ca ~G C/l- Q) c: a:: Q) ""Cl E ~~ :g ~ Cll Q) 0.0 .... C') ... Q) ..c E Q) u Q) c 'Iii en III 'ii'i - o I- It) o o N en ... c Q) E 'Iii ~ .5 '0 C :3 't: Q) ... ..5 'ii'i ... o I- __ r...... 1,:.. ~~ CiUI o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 53-06 Date: September 25,2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Municipal Performance Measurement Program - Provincially Mandated Public Reporting of Performance Measures Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 53-06 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received and forwarded to Council for information. Executive Summary: The City is mandated by the Province of Ontario to report on Performance Measures for specific key service areas. The collection and reporting of these measures is not in any way associated with the City's annual audit but are derived from the Financial Information Return filed by the City with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. These measurements are being submitted and reported by the Treasurer under the direction of Provincial authority. Attached are the Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) results for 2005 together with a supplemental information package which will be provided on the City's website, a comparison to the 2004 Measures and a copy of the Public Notice that will appear in the News Advertiser at the end of September. Financial Implications: None Background: Attachment 1 is the information mandated by the Province to be reported to the public by September 30, 2006. Comments pertaining to the compilation and interpretation of the data have been included to aid in the explanation and understanding of what is being reported. The Province has made provision for these comments and encourages their inclusion, as many municipalities do. Report CS 53-06 Date: September 25,2006 .. () ..~, 1 r.. ,) Subject: Municipal Performance Measurement Program - Provincially Mandated Public Reporting of Performance Measures Page 2 With this being the sixth year of Performance Measurement reporting, these measures continue to evolve as feedback from municipalities are received and are taken into consideration by the Province in the development of the Performance Measures to be reported upon. In addition there are continual refinements to the way measures are defined and calculated as well as municipalities continuing to improve on their methods for collection of data in attempts to ensure consistency with reporting. This leads to improving the measures to better serve the interests of the public and municipal needs for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the services we provide in the municipality. However I must still caution against municipality-to-municipality comparisons due to the fact no two municipalities are identical in their geography, rural vs. urban mix or the level of service. It will only be through continuing efforts, ongoing experience, further clarifications from the Province and consistent reporting formulas that year-to-year comparisons within the municipality and across municipalities will become meaningful. Attachment 2 is a table highlighting the comparability, or lack of it, of the 2005 and 2004 results of this program. Attachment 3 provides a comparison of the results for the two years. The information will be posted on the City's website, as was the case in past years, and a notice to this effect will be included in the "Community Page" of the local newspaper, Attachment 4. The information will also be available to anyone wishing to pick it up at City Hall. Attachments: 1. 2005 Provincial Performance Measurement Program - Public Reporting 2. Comparability Table - 2005/2004 3. Comparison of 2005 and 2004 Performance Measures 4. Public Notice to be included in the Community Page of the News Advertiser .. no 1 t"," Report CS 53-06 Date: September 25, 2006 Subject: Municipal Performance Measurement Program - Provincially Mandated Public Reporting of Performance Measures Page 3 Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: . '~l("~ u ,C ~{f( Kristine Senior Manager, Accounting Services ~ ~'2 ~2-. ----..... Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City,Council - .n.... 1~~] ATTACHMENT#-L.. TO REPORT#('~ .5cJ '0' CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT OVERVIEW As required by the Ontario Government's Municipal Performance Measures Program (MPMP), the Treasurer of the City of Pickering, as part of its 2005 Financial Information Return (FIR) package, has submitted financial and related service performance measurements to the Province. This program was announced in 2000 by the Ontario Government, which requires municipalities to collect and report data to the Province and the Public in the form of performance measurements on key service areas. The objective of the Province is: to enhance accountability by reporting to taxpayers; to increase taxpayer awareness; and, to improve service delivery by sharing best practices with comparable municipalities. As municipalities change and grow, its citizens expect to receive quality, cost effective services. Performance measurements are a means of benchmarking these services. The City is committed to refining and developing new methods of collecting data so as to have more efficient and effective benchmarking tools. The benefits of this program will improve as municipalities in conjunction with personnel of the Ontario Government's Municipal Performance Measurement Program work towards standardizing information collected in calculating the related measures which will ultimately allow for fairer comparisons from year to year and across municipalities. A comparability table has been provided that highlights which results are comparable within the municipality's own measures and includes comments explaining why any are not comparable. Each measure is also accompanied by comments regarding aspects of the measurements. The comments are an integral part in the interpretation of the performance measure results. These results should not be compared across municipalities without consideration of the comments that impact on interpreting and understanding the results. In addition, influencing factors in the collection of data or refinements while the measures are still evolving could affect the results and comparability of same year over year. 4f)r" 1(.,0 CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR GOVERNANCE AND CORPORATE MANAGEMENT 2005 2004 6.50% 7.40% Efficiency Measure Operating costs for governance and corporate management as a percentage of total municipal operating costs. Objective To determine the efficiency of municipal management General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The extent that cost centers within municipalities directly relate to the functions included under the governance and corporate management categories . The level of service provided to the corporation and the public. Detailed Comments 2005 is comparable with 2004 result as the same methodology was used in the calculation of these results. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT .. ()""' 1 t~ I FIRE SERVICES 2.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR FIRE SERVICES 2005 2004 $1.16 $1.18 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for fire services per $1 ,000 of assessment. Objective Efficient municipal fire services General Comments The following factors can influence the above results across municipalities: . Emergency response times . Number and location of fire halls . Urban/rural mix of properties as well as density of buildings . Geographic size of municipality Detailed Comments Assessment value does not necessarily correlate to operating cost for fire services. The higher the assessment value, the lower the cost per $1,000 assessment. Conversely the urban/rural mix of the community will affect the results as will the size and type of commercial/industrial establishments. Number of households, response time and urban/rural mix of the municipality are factors that determine the need for fire services not the property value. .. n ,'-, 1 t.. \) CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT ROAD SERVICES 4.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR PAVED ROADS 2005 2004 $914.79 $787.39 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane kilometre Objective Efficient maintenance of paved roads General Comments The following factors can influence the above results across municipalities: . Use of the roads by heavy equipment. . The municipality's standard for road conditions in comparison with comparable municipalities. . Kilometres of paved roads in the municipality. . The allocation of operating costs used in the determination of the numerator when there is not a separate cost centre. Detailed Comments The City of Pickering maintains separate account to track material costs related to roads. However, the costs for administration and other indirect costs have been allocated to the cost for paved roads based on management's best estimate of the proportion of responsibility dedicated to the road functions such as maintenance of paved and unpaved roads and winter control The identified costs attributable to this function include employee wages & benefits, asphalt, program support, rental of heavy equipment and shoulder maintenance. The City maintained 751 paved lane kilometers in 2005 CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT .. ('),. ., 1.,. ,J ROAD SERVICES 4.2 OPERATING COSTS FOR UNPAVED ROADS 2005 2004 $3,728.03 $3,580.81 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per lane kilometre. Objective Efficient maintenance of unpaved roads General Comments The following factors can influence the above results across municipalities: . Use of the roads by heavy equipment. . The kilometres of unpaved roads in the municipality in comparison with comparable municipalities. . Locations of the unpaved lanes. . The allocation of operating costs used in the determination of the numerator when there is not a separate cost centre. Detailed Comments The City of Pickering maintains separate accounts to track material costs related to roads. However, the cost for administration and other indirect costs have been allocated to the cost for unpaved roads based on management's best estimate of the proportion of responsibility dedicated to the road functions such as maintenance of paved and unpaved roads and winter control. The operating cost of maintaining the City's unpaved roads includes employee wages & benefits, granular materials, administering calcium programs, program support, rental of heavy equipment, grading, culvert and shoulder maintenance. The City maintained 236 unpaved lane kilometers in 2005 A significant factor affecting rural road maintenance costs is traffic exiting the eastern terminus of Highway 407. -' ' " .. (" ; 1 ,) U CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT ROAD SERVICES 4.3 OPERATING COSTS FOR WINTER MAINTENANCE OF ROADS 2005 2004 $1,270.39 $1,144.21 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for winter maintenance of roadways per lane kilometre maintained in winter. Objective Efficient winter control operation General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The municipality's standard service levels for road conditions. . The kilometres of paved and unpaved roads in the municipality in comparison with comparable municipalities. . The allocation of operating costs used in the determination of the numerator when there is not a separate cost centre. Detailed Comments In 2004 the City of Pickering established a separate account to track material costs that were directly related to winter control. The costs for administration and other indirect costs have been allocated to the cost for winter control based on management's best estimate of the proportion of responsibility dedicated to the road functions such as maintenance of paved and unpaved roads and winter control. The operating cost of the City's winter control maintenance includes employee wages & benefits, salt, sand, program support, equipment rental, culvert thawing. The City maintained a total of 987 lane kilometers in 2005. A significant factor affecting winter maintenance costs is traffic exiting the eastern terminus of Highway 407. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT " I) ,! IJ_l ROAD SERVICES 4.4 CONDITION OF PAVED ROADS 2005 2004 85.40% 75.10% Effectiveness Measure Percentage of paved lane kilometres where the condition is rated as good to very good. Objective Provide a paved lane system that has a pavement condition that meets municipal standards General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The municipality's standard service levels for road conditions. . The kilometres of paved and unpaved roads in the municipality in comparison with comparable municipalities. . Amount of traffic. Detailed Comments The City's staff uses their best estimates to establish the % of roads that are rated as good. The City's road patrols, the public and employees are other sources providing feedback on road conditions. As existing roads are reconstructed the rating will move up to a higher level. " 3"'" 1-,;.. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT ROAD SERVICES 4.5 WINTER EVENT RESPONSE 2005 2004 100% 100% Effectiveness Measure Percentage of winter events where the response met or exceeded locally determined road maintenance standards. Objective Provide an appropriate response to winter events General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The municipality's standard service levels for road conditions. . The frequency and severity of the winter weather. . The kilometres of paved and unpaved roads in the municipality in comparison with comparable municipalities. Detailed Comments Roads are cleaned and cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall. The City did not experience a winter event which staff was not able to meet or exceed road maintenance standards. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT -- 1"'\"', l~h) TRANSIT 5.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR CONVENTIONAL TRANSIT 2005 2004 $4.71 $4.24 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for conventional transit per regular service passenger trip. Objective Efficient conventional transit services General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The service hours of the transit operations, for example the level of weekend or holiday service provided. . The population distribution and the geography of the service area. . Service levels required to accommodate passenger trips transferred from outside of the City's boundaries. . Unexpected events that may be included in operating cost that has no correlation to service levels. . The urban/rural mix of the service area. Detailed Comments The 2005 results reflect 100% of APT A's operations even though the Transit Authority is jointly owned by the City of Pickering and Town of Ajax. In 2001 Ajax and Pickering operated separate transit departments. These two departments were amalgamated for 2002 resulting in some one-time transitional costs. In 2003 under the provincial reporting program, the allocation of program support costs incurred by each municipality changed substantially. This resulted in a formula driven increase in the amount allocated to APT A, for reporting purposes, not an actual increase in operating costs. Trips deemed as transfers are excluded from the denominator of passenger trips. However, the costs would be impacted to ensure that appropriate service levels are provided to accommodate these additional passengers. For 2004, the number of passenger trips excluding transfers was 2,338,680 and in 2005 it was 2,413,854 an increase in ridership of approximately 3.2%. ... 1')' lJ(-t CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT TRANSIT 5.2 REGULAR SERVICE PASSENGER TRIPS 2005 2004 13.68 13.26 Effectiveness Measure Number of conventional transit passenger trips per person in the service area in a year. Objective Maximum utilization of municipal transit services General Comments The following factors can influence the above results: . The service hours of the transit operations, for example the level of weekend or holiday service provided. . The population distribution and geography of the service area. . The percentage of the service area to the total municipal area. Detailed Comments The 2005 measure is based on a combination of the population of the service areas in the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax. For 2005 and 2004 the population of the service area was 176,398. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 135 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 7.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR URBAN STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 2005 2004 $428.40 $678.71 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for urban storm water management (collection, treatment, and disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. Objective Efficient storm water management General Comments The following factors can influence the efficiency rate of urban storm water management: . The geography of the City . The extent and age of the drainage system . The inventory of pipes in the Municipality Detailed Comments This measure identifies direct costs such as contracted services and materials, storm pipe cleaning, flushing, video inspection, catch basin/manhole repairs storm pipe repairs, cleaning of specialized oil and grit separators. Storms water management is increasingly important as the City continues to develop and intensify and pressures are put on watercourses and Frenchman's Bay. 13 G CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT STORM WATER 7.2 OPERATING COSTS FOR RURAL STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 2005 $1,565.32 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for rural storm water management disposal) per kilometre of drainage system. 2004 $1,340.06 (collection, treatment, and Objective Efficient storm water management General Comments The following factors can influence the efficiency rate of urban storm water management: . The geography of the City, size and nature of the rural area. . Land erosion control. The frequency and time devoted to the maintenance of the rural drainage system. Detailed Comments This measure includes Storm Water Management and the accounts were structured to more accurately identify direct costs such as contracted services and materials, storm canal dredging, culvert repairs and maintenance, ditching and other day to day maintenance measures. Storms water management is increasingly important as the City continues to develop and intensify and pressures are put on watercourses and Frenchman's Bay. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 13'/ PARKS AND RECREATION 10.1 OPERATING COST FOR PARKS PER PERSON 2005 2004 $26.42 $26.46 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for parks per parks person. Objective Efficient operations of Parks Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. The City efficiently maintains the parks on a daily basis in the summer. Grass is scheduled for cutting on a 7 to 10 day cycle so as to control growth and keep the park available and safe for public use at all times during the summer months. 13 ~.s CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION 10.2 OPERATING COSTS FOR RECREATION PROGRAM PER PERSON 2005 2004 $36.32 $34.21 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation programs. Objective Efficient operation of recreation programs Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Included in this measure is the cost of wages, benefits and operating costs for the operating of a broad range of recreation programs and activities. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 41 A -, 1_-.1 '.1 ,_h PARKS AND RECREATION 10.3 OPERATING COSTS FOR RECREATION FACILITIES PER PERSON 2005 2004 $61.02 $58.14 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for recreation facilities per person. Objective Efficient operation of the City's recreation facilities Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Included in this measure is the cost of wages, benefits and operating costs for community recreational facilities. 4, ", 1 /. 'd CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION 10.4 OPERATING COSTS FOR PARKS, RECREATION PROGRAMS AND RECREATION FACILITIES PER PERSON 2005 2004 $123.76 $118.91 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for parks, recreation programs and recreation facilities per person. Objective Efficient operation of the City's parks, programs and recreation facilities Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Included in this measure is the cost of wages, benefits and operating costs for the operation of parks, recreation programs and facilities. The total cost is the total of the three preceding measures. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 14i PARKS AND RECREATION 10.5 TOTAL PARTICPANT HOURS FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS PER 1,000 PERSONS 2005 2004 14,487 HRS 14,026 HRS Effectiveness Measure Total participant hours for recreation programs per 1,000 persons. Objective The effectiveness of programs provided by the City Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Total participant hours for every 1,000 person in the City, registered, drop in and permitted recreation programs and activities was used in this calculation. .I 4 -, 1 '. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION 10.6 HECTARES OF OPENS SPACE AND HECTARES OF OPEN SPACE PER 1,000 PERSONS 2005 2004 7.521 HA 7.527 HA Effectiveness Measure Hectares of open space per 1,000 person. Objective Effectiveness of open space Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Hectares of open space per 1,000 person in the City was used in this calculation. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT "'4"'" 1 ,) PARKS AND RECREATION 10.7 TOTAL KILOMETRES OF TRAILS AND TOTAL KILOMETRES OF TRAILS PER 1,000 PERSON 2005 2004 0.371 K 0.372 K Effectiveness Measure Kilometres of trails per 1,000 person Objective Effectiveness of trails in the City Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Total kilometres of trails per every 1,000 resident was used in the calculation of this measure. .. II r' 1 Li: ;,t CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT PARKS AND RECREATION 10.8 SQUARE METRES OF RECREATION FACILITY SPACE AND SQUARE METRES OF RECREATION FACILITY SPACE PER 1,000 PERSON 2005 2004 442.797 SQ M 430.786 SQ M Effectiveness Measure Square metres of recreation facility space per 1,000 person Objective Square metres of recreation space in the City Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Total square meters of community recreation facility space for every 1,000 person in the City was used in this calculation. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 44....'.. . ' .4. d LIBRARY SERVICES 11.1 OPERATING COSTS FOR LIBRARY SERVICES PER PERSON 2005 2004 $47.70 $46.20 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for library per person. Objective Efficient operations of Libraries in the City Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. The City has five locations servicing its residents. The cost of all five locations is included in the calculation of this measure. It includes wages, benefits and all other operating costs. Rural libraries, of which the City has three, are more costly to operate on a per person basis. 14G CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES 11.2 OPERATING COSTS FOR LIBRARY SERVICES PER USE 2005 2004 $1.66 $1.67 Efficiency Measure Operating costs for Library services per use. Objective Efficient use of Library services Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. The City has five locations servicing its residents. Total usage of the five locations was included in the calculation of this measure. Rural libraries, of which the City has three, are more costly to operate on a per person basis. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 14 'f' LIBRARY SERVICES 11.3 LIBRARY USES PER PERSON 2005 2004 28.785 27.712 Effectiveness Measure Library uses per person. Objective Effectiveness of Library uses Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. Total usage of all five locations together with the total population of the City is used in the calculation of this measure. 14 ;\ CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LIBRARY SERVICES 11.4 ELECTRONIC LIBRARY USES AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL LIBRARY USES 2005 2004 30.2% 25% Effectiveness Measure Electronic Library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Effectiveness of total library uses Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. The percentage of electronic use represents the five locations. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT 14:1 LIBRARY SERVICES 11.5 NON ELECTRONIC LIBRARY USES AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL LIBRARY USES 2005 2004 69.8% 75% Effectiveness Measure Non-electronic Library uses as a percentage of total library uses. Objective Effective percentage of non-electronic Library uses Detailed Comments This was a new measure for the year 2004 reporting. The percentage of non-electronic use represents the five locations .. ('" ..' 1 ~)U CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LAND PLANNING USE 12.1 PERCENTAGE OF NEW DEVELOPMENT 2005 2004 99.60% 100% Effectiveness Measure Percentage of new lots, blocks and/or units with final approval which are located within the settlement areas. Objective New lot creation is occurring in the settlement area Detailed Comments The City of Pickering is responsible for approving all plans. All approved new lots were located within the settlement areas. CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT <l' h" 101 LAND PLANNING USE 12.2 PRESERVATION OF ARGICULTURAL LANDS 2005 2004 100% 100% Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses during 2005. Objective Preservation of agricultural lands Detailed Comments The City of Pickering did not re-designate any agricultural lands in the reporting year 2005. 15,~ CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LAND PLANNING USE 12.3 PRESERVATION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND RELATIVE TO 2000 2005 2004 99.80% 99.80% Effectiveness Measure Percentage of land designated for agricultural purposes which was not re-designated for other uses relative to the base year of 2000. Objective Preserve agricultural land Detailed Comments This represents land that was re-designated during the year 2000. CITY OF PICKERING .. 5" 1 ., YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LAND PLANNING USE 12.4 HECTARES AGRICULTURAL LAND (DURING REPORTING YEAR) 2005 2004 0 0 Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re- designated for other uses during 2004. Objective Preserve agricultural land Detailed Comments No agricultural lands were re-designated in the reporting year. 15 i I CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT LAND PLANNING USE 12.5 CHANGE IN AGRICULTURAL LAND (SINCE 2000) 2005 2004 15 15 Effectiveness Measure Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re- designated for other uses since January 1, 2000. Objective Preserve agricultural land Detailed Comments These lands were redesignated during 2000. .of 5 . 1 d ,i-\TTACHMENT#2- TO REPORT#C\~ ~,~ Comparability Table - Reporting Year 2005 Operating cost for fire services per 1,000 of assessment Operating costs for paved (hard top) roads per lane Not Comparable to 2004 kilometre Operating costs for unpaved (loose top) roads per Not Comparable to 2004 lane kilometre Operating costs for winter maintenance of roadways Not Comparable to 2004 per lane kilometre maintained in winter Percentage of paved lane kilometres where the Comparable to 2004 condition is rated as good to very good The required data collection for this measure did not chan e in 2005. Significant increases in material costs of approx 23% were the major contributing factor to an overall increase in the cost per lane kilometre. In addition refinement of collection of data continues, to improve year to year com arisons. Significant increases in material costs of approx 23% were the major contributing factor to an overall increase in the cost per lane kilometre. In addition refinement of the collection of data continues, to improve year to year com arisons. Refinement of the data collected for this measurement continues to be refined to obtain consistenc . The percentage of paved lanes was consistently rated as ood. Operating costs for urban storm water management Not Comparable to 2004 Operating cost for rural storm water management Not Comparable to 2004 The proportion of costs related to urban versus rural reversed compared to 2004 results, causing the swing in the results. In addition further refinement of the collection of data continues to improve year to year com arisons. The proportion of costs related to urban versus rural reversed compared to 2004 results,causing the swing in the results. In addition further refinement of the collection of data continues to improve year to year com arisons. of r:: ,', l~U Comparability Table - Reporting Year 2005 Cost of operating parks per person Cost of recreation programs per person Cost of operating recreation facilities per person Total cost per person of operating parks, recreation ro rams and recreation facilities er erson Total participant hours for recreation programs Hectares of open space in the City Kilometres of trails in the Municipality Square metres of space available for recreation Cost of library services per person Cost per use of library service Percentage of electronic use Percentage of non-electronic uses Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 New measure in 2004 Operating cost for Conventional Transit Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 Comparable to 2004 The 2005 results represent the operating costs and service area for the amalgamation of both Pickering and Ajax transit divisions. Number of conventional transit passenger trips per person in the service are in a year Percentage of new lots, blocks and/or units with final Comparable to 2004 approval which are located within the settlement areas Percentage of land designated for agricultural Comparable to 2004 purposes which was not re-designated for other uses durin 2005 Percentage of land designated for agricultural Comparable to 2004 purposes, which was not re-designated for other uses relative to the base ear of 2000. Number of hectares of land originally designated for Comparable to 2004 agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses durin the re ortin ear 2005 Number of hectares land originally designated for Comparable to 2004 agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses since Janua 1 , 2000 The 2005 results represent the operating costs and service area for the amalgamation of both Pickering and Ajax transit divisions. No agricultural lands were re-designated during 2005 No agricultural lands were re-designated during 2005 ., 5 ','4 ~ i 0"" .1 ATTACHMENT#~.,,-",__ lC REPORT#rrs3-J~ General Government - Efficiency Operating costs for governance and corporate management 6.50% 7.40% as % of total municipal operating costs Protection Services - Fire Services Efficiency Operating cost for fire services per $1 ,000 of assessment $ 1.16 $ 1.18 Transportation Services - Roadways Efficiency Operating cost for paved roads per lane kilometer $ 914.79 $ 787.39 Operating cost for unpaved roads per lane kilometer $ 3,728.03 $ 3,580.81 Operating cost for winter control maintenance per lane kilometer $ 1,270.39 $ 1,144.21 Tranportation Services - Roadways Effectiveness Percentage of paved lane kilometer rated good to very good 85.40% 75.10% Percentage of winter event response that met or exceeded 100% 100% municipal road maintenance standards Transit Services - Transit Efficiency Operating costs for conventional transit per regular service $ 4.71 $ 4.24 passenger trip Tranist Services - Transit Effectiveness Number of conventional transit passenger trips per person in the 13.68 13.26 service area in a year Environmental Services. Sewer System Efficiency Operating costs for urban storm water management (collection, treatment $ 428.40 $ 678.71 and disposal) per kilometer of drainage system (URBAN) Operating costs for rural storm water management (collection, treatment $ 1,565.32 $ 1,340.06 and disposal) per kilometer of drainage system (RURAL) Plannig and Development - Land Use Planning - Effectiveness Percentage of new lots approved which are located in settlement areas 99.60% 100% Percentage of lands designated for agricultural purposes which was not 100% 100% re-designated for other uses during the reporting year Percentage of land designated for argicultural purposes which was not 99.80% 99.80% re-designated for other uses relative to the base year of 2000. Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes which was re-designated for other uses during the reporting year 0 0 Number of hectares of land originally designated for agricultural purposes 15 15 which wasre-designated for other uses since January 1, 2000. Parks & Recreation - Operation of Parks Efficiency Operating cost for parks per person $ 26.42 $ 26.46 Recreation Programs - Operation of Recreation Programs Efficiency Operating cost for recreation progams per person $ 36.32 $ 34.21 Recreation Facilities - Operation of Recreation Facilities Efficiency Operaing cost for recreation facility per person $ 61.02 $ 58.14 Parks, Recreation Programs & Recreation Facilities - Operations of Parks, Recreation Programs and Recreation Facilities Efficiency Operating cost for parks, recreation programs and recreation $ 123.76 $ 118.91 facilities per person Parks & Recreation - Open Space is adequate for population Hectres of Open Space per 1,000 person 7.521 ha 7.527 ha Trails - To provide recreational opportunities Total kilometers of trails per 1,000 person 0.371 k 0.372 k 15.3 Participant Hours for Recreation Programs - How Effective the City is in servicing the needs of residents for Recreation Programs Total hours for registered programs Recreation Facility Space - Recreation facility space is adequate for population Square metres of recreation facility space per 1,000 person Library - Library Services Efficiency Operating cost for library service per person Library Services - Library Services Efficiency Operating cost for library service per use Library Services - Library Services Effectiveness Library uses per person Percentage of Electronic Library uses Percentage of Non - Electronic Library uses 14,487 hrs 14,026 hrs 442.797 sq m. 430.786 sq m. $ 47.70 $ 46.20 $ 1.66 $ 1.67 28.785 27.712 30.2% 25.0% 69.8% 75.0% /~ CHMENT # Li TO RE 15 .J rL, . " ..:...;;.- I' PORT # ('.s~5:3 -06 CITY OF PICKERING YEAR 2005 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT REPORT The Performance Measures required to be reported publicly under the Provincially mandated Performance Measurement Program will be available on the City of Pickering's website citvofpickerinq.com as of September 30, 2006 or available at the Corporate Services Department, 2nd Floor, Pickering Civic Complex. A ''\'... ibu CiuJ (1~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 56-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Points of Sale Agreement for Durham Region Transit Fares Recommendation: 1. It is recommended that Report CS 56-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received for information; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Point of Sale Agreement with the Durham Region Transit Commission (DRTC) in a form substantially as attached and acceptable to the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the City Solicitor; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes necessary to effect the foregoing; and, 4. That the appropriate staff at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Region of Durham has requested that the selling of transit fares be formalized through an agreement between the City of Pickering and the Durham Region Transit Commission (DRTC). Financial Implications: The Region will not be compensating any of the municipalities for providing this service. There are no identifiable direct financial costs to the City other than staff time involved in selling tickets, accounting for receipts and paying the Region. 16i Report CS 56-06 September 25, 2006 Subject: Points of Sale Agreement for Durham Region Transit Fares Page 2 Background: Since January 1, 2006 the City of Pickering has undertaken to offer transit fares for sale at various locations on behalf of the Region of Durham, unchanged from when the City was responsible for it's own transit system. Proceeds have been remitted to the Region of Durham monthly. This agreement formalizes the process. Attachments: 1. Durham Region Transit Commission and City of Pickering Transit Fare Agreement Prepared I Approved I Endorsed By: ~ '~2 .~.t/f:~.J~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Attachment Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C"ty Council I' ,I 16 ~ THIS TRANSIT FARE AGREEMENT made this day of 2006. BET WEE N: Durham Region Transit Commission (the "DRTC") OF THE FIRST PART - and - The City of Pickering (the "CITY") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the DRTC operates a regional public transit system within the Region of Durham known as Durham Region Transit ("DRT"); AND WHEREAS the DRTC wishes to engage the services of the City of Pickering for the sale of fare media in connection with travel on DRT vehicles; NOW THEREFORE the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. In this Agreement, "fare media" means tickets and passes entitling the holder to travel on DRT and includes adult monthly passes, student monthly passes, senior monthly passes, and such other tickets and or passes as may be issued by the DRTC from time to time. 2. The DRTC hereby appoints the City of Pickering as its agent for the purpose of selling fare media, and the City of Pickering hereby acknowledges and agrees to act in that capacity for that purpose. 3. The City of Pickering agrees to purchase fare media only from, and to return unsold fare media only to, an authorized representative of the DRTC. The DRTC agrees to pay to the City of Pickering a nominal annual fee in the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) for the services herein provided. 4. The DRTC shall reimburse the City of Pickering for any service fees imposed by credit card companies which it incurs on behalf of the DRTC as a result of the sale of fare media. 5. The DRTC shall invoice the City of Pickering monthly for all fare media delivered to it during the immediately preceding month, net of any unsold fare media returned to the DRTC. The City/Town/Township/Municipality shall pay all invoices upon receipt. .. 6 . 1 .) 6. The City of Pickering shall sell fare media only at the price established by the DRTC, from time to time, and shall not deviate from this price by charging a premium, offering discounts, or selling as part of a larger marketing scheme. No P.S.T. or G.S.T. shall be charged on any fare media. 7. In the event that the DRTC changes the price of the fare media, the City of Pickering shall immediately return all outdated tickets to the DRTC's authorized representative for a refund on the subsequent months invoice. 8. The City of Pickering shall ensure that sufficient quantities of all fare media are on hand at all times to meet public demand. The City of Pickering shall provide no less than 24 hours notice to the DRTC for delivery of additional fare media. 9. The City of Pickering agrees that it shall be fully responsible for the fare media upon delivery and all lost, stolen, destroyed or missing passes or tickets shall be the sole responsibility of the City of Pickering. 10. The DRTC shall establish delivery dates for the fare media in consultation with the City of Pickering. 11. The City of Pickering shall prominently display DRT fare media signage and distribute DRT guides at all sales locations. 12. The City of Pickering shall not assign this Agreement without the consent of the DRTC. 13. The DRTC may terminate this Agreement forthwith should the City of Pickering fail to comply with any term hereof. 14. The DRTC may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon sixty (60) days' written notice to the City of Pickering. 15. The City of Pickering may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the DRTC. 16. (a) The City of Pickering shall defend and save harmless and fully indemnify the DRTC from and against all claims and demands against it arising in any way from the sale of fare media by the City of Pickering pursuant to this Agreement, including any bodily injury or property damage arising from the services provided under this Agreement. (b) The DRTC shall defend and save harmless and fully indemnify the City of Pickering from and against all claims and demands against it arising in any way from the operation of the regional public transit system by the DRTC pursuant to this Agreement, including any bodily injury or property damage arising from the services provided under this Agreement. 17. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be delivered as follows: 16 l To the DRTC: DRTC P.O. Box 623 605 Rossland Rd East, 5th Floor Whitby, Ontario L 1 N 6A3 Attention: Mr. Neil Killens, Deputy General Manager, Support Services To City of Pickering: The City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L 1 V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals duly attested to by their proper signing officers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DURHAM REGION TRANSIT COMMISSION Per: Roger Anderson, Chair Regional Municipality of Durham Per: P.M Madill, Regional Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham Per: David Ryan, Mayor The City of Pickering Per: Debi Bentley, City Clerk The City of Pickering 16~) Cif.J1 o~ REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Report Number: CS 57-06 Date: September 25, 2006 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Recommendation: It is recommended that Report CS 57-06 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer concerning Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information be received and forwarded to Council for information. Executive Summary: Council approved the Purchasing By-law on November 5, 2001 which includes a request to have a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process be forwarded to Council as information only on a quarterly basis. Financial Implications: Not applicable Background: In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.06, a summary of contract awards arising from the formal quotation process is provided herein for the information of Council. j 6 (.) Report CS 57-06 September 25,2006 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 2 Formal Quotations Summary April 1, 2006 to June 30,2006 PST Included / GST Extra (unless stated otherwise) Reference No. L.>!:il;:)unpIIU[1 ^ .... Status Award Date Street Lighting - Capital Q-7 -2006 Installation $109,000.00 On-going April 21,2006 Vendor: Dundas Power Line Ltd. Acrylic Surfacing Tennis courts Q-9-2006 Rick Hull Memorial & $26,322.00 April 6, 2006 Shadybrook Parks (GST On-going included) Vendor: Court Contractors Ltd. Summer Camp and Program Q-10-2006 Transportation $53,963.00 On-going May 8, 2006 Vendor: Stock Transportation Q-11-2006 Security Services $1,516.80/mo April 1, 2006 nth On-going Vendor: Securitas Canada Ltd. Audio System Upgrade- Q-12-2006 Council Chambers April 6, 2006 $64,300.27 On-going Vendor: CHUM Satellite Services Storm Sewer Flushing/video Q-13-2006 Camera Inspection & Various unit April 21,2006 Stormsceptor Cleaning prices On-going Vendor: SARP Sewer Services Petticoat Creek CC & Library Q-14-2006 Parking Lot improvements $60,800.00 Completed May 4, 2006 Vendor: Furfari Pavinq Co. Supply & Delivery of Pick up Q-15-2006 Truck - Fire Dept. $40,691.16 Completed May 3, 2006 Vendor: Sheridan Chevrolet Report CS 57-06 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information September 25,2006 Page 3 .. 6.... l( Reference No ..... Award ......~,,-- vescLII-' LII..III. AwardDate Co-operative Quotation for Supply/Delivery of Various Aggregates Host: Municipality of On-going. Q-2006-1 Clarington Various unit Operating budgets, Participants: Region of prices 2006 & 2007 April 28, 2006 Durham, Oshawa, Whitby Pickering, Ajax, Clarington, Scugog One year contract. Vendor: Lafarge Canada Supply & Delivery of HP5720 Q-16-2006 Thin-Client PCs $31,680.00 Completed April 28, 2006 Vendor: Conpute Rental of Gradall with Q-17 -2006 Operator Hourly Rate On-going May 9, 2006 Vendor: 0 & R Gradall Rental Supply & Delivery of Four Ton Q-20-2006 Dump Truck $170,233.92 Completed June 14, 2006 Vendor: Scarborough Truck Centre Supply & Delivery of Two Q-28-2006 Rotary Mowers $17,530.45 Completed May 31,2006 Vendor: 4WD Equipment Supply & Delivery of Wood Q-37 -2006 Chipper $30,780.00 Completed June 29, 2006 Vendor: Vermeer Sales Supply & Delivery of One Ton Q-38-2006 Dump Truck $54,137.16 Completed June 29, 2006 Donway Ford Sales Vendor: Supply & Delivery of One Ton Q-39-2006 Pickup Truck with Snow Plow $36,146.52 Completed June 21, 2006 Donway Ford Sales Vendor: 163 Report CS 57-06 September 25,2006 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 4 Reference No. Award Date Tender W01- 2006 April 5, 2006 T -279-2006 May 31,2006 Description Co-operative Tender for Supply and Delivery of Duplicating Paper & Coverstock Host: Town of Whitby Participants: Region of Durham, Oshawa, Whitby, . Ajax, Pickering, Clarington, Uxbridge, Durham Region Non-Profit, Scugog, Durham College First year of a three year contract. March 1, 2006 to Feb. 28, 2007 Vendor: Buntin Reid Cooperative Tender for Delivery of Sodium Chloride Host: Region of Durham Participants: Region of Durham, Oshawa, Kawartha Lakes, Pickering, Whitby, Ajax, Clarington, Uxbridge, Peterborough and County of Peterborough First year of a two year contract with two optional years available. June 1, 2006 to Apr 30, 2008 Vendor: Shepstone Haulaqe ...-.- Various unit prices Various unit prices On-going, operating costs in 2006 and 2007 Ongoing, operating costs in 2006, 2007 and 2008 Report CS 57-06 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information September 25,2006 1.6 "t Page 5 Reference No. Award Date T -280-2006 May 31, 2006 W02-2006 June 12, 2006 - I JHSI :111 1111111 T Cooperative Tender for Supply of Sodium Chloride Host: Region of Durham Participants: Region of Durham, Oshawa, Kawartha Lakes, Pickering, Whitby, Ajax, Clarington, Uxbridge, Peterborough and County of Peterborough First two years of a two year contract with two optional years available. June 1 , 2006 to May 1 , 2008 Vendor: Canadian Salt Cooperative Tender for Supply Delivery & Application of Calcium Chloride/Magnesium Chloride Host: Town of Whitby Participants: Region of Durham, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering Clarington and Scugog First year of a two year contract May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007 Vendor: Miller Paving and Glen Chemicals ^..._~,.J I-\Wrll I Unit price. Unit price Ongoing, operating costs in 2006,2007 and 2008 Ongoing, operating costs in 2006, 2007 "H~~ \ I I Report C 57-06 September 25,2006 Subject: Formal Quotations - Quarterly Report for Information Page 6 Reference No. Award Date I . . l'"'~ ~.._ --,- II .~.~ Cooperative tender for Supply and Delivery of Hot Mix, Cold Mix and High Performance Cold Mix Asphalt C 1121-06 June 13, 2006 Host: City of Oshawa Participants: Region of Durham, Oshawa, Clarington, Whitby, Pickering, Ajax and Scugog Various unit prices Ongoing, operating costs in 2006,2007 First year of a three year contract May 1, 2006 to Feb. 1, 2007 Vendor: Lafarge Canada and Innovative Municipal Products Attachments: Not applicable , prepar~d By: Approved / Endorsed By: /".~. ,/,,<1 ,~ Ver~ A. Fe~;'acher Manager, Supply & Services ,C~~ ~d#~, '-<3Tllis A. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP/vw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council "I'