HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 27-06 CiÚf 0# REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Os ~ :,1. _U..J Report Number: OES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters, Bayly Street - Tender No. T-14-2006 File: A-2130-001-06 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 27-06 regarding the Addition to Fire Services Division Headquarters be received; and 2. That Tender No. T-14-2006, low bid submitted by W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd. for the addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters in the amount of $1,227,000 (GST extra), be accepted and the company be so advised; and 3. That the total gross project cost of $1,427,820 and a net project cost of $1,347,000, be approved; and 4. That $417,000 be financed from the Development Charges Reserve Fund and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer the funds; and 5. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a. Debt financing through the Region of Durham not to exceed the amount of $930,000 for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years at a rate to be determined; and b. That annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $75,000 be included in the annual current budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2007 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; and c. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's debt and financial obligations approved annual repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2006 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; and 1(0 Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 2 d. That the Director Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and, 6. That staff at the City of Pickering be given the authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Tender No. T-14-2006 for a 5,200 sq. ft. Administration wing on the Fire Services Division Headquarters, Bayly Street was issued June 27, 2006 to nine prequalified bidders and closed on July 14, 2006. Our consultants, Totten Sims Hubicki recommend acceptance of the low bid received from W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd. in the amount of $1,300,620 GST included. Council is hereby advised that this bid together with required contingency and consulting fees, for a total estimated cost, net of GST rebate, of $1,347,000, is approximately $250, 000 over the original cost estimate provided in 2005 for construction. This over expenditure is due to several factors outlined below. 1. The square footage of the original estimate was anticipated at 4,500 sq. ft. The present design has a square footage of 5,200 sq. ft. to accommodate the entire Fire Prevention Section, Emergency Planning Coordinator and 2 additional support staff who work within the Fire Service administrative area (Secretary - Operations and Emergency Services and Coordinator, Fire Services Administration). The deployment of these additional staff to this addition will provide significant additional improvements in service delivery at this location. This will also allow optimum organizational change within the Civic Complex for the immediate future without the need to construct an addition on the Civic Complex to accommodate necessary new staff or space reallocation of existing staff. This is significant, as the floor space for an appropriately designed Civic Complex addition would likely cost approximately $300 - $350 per sq. ft. as opposed to the $232 per sq. ft. cost for the firehall addition due to construction materials that would be required. There is accommodation as well for a second Deputy Chief as this has been identified as a need in the very imminent future. This space of 150 sq. ft. represents a cost of approximately $34,800, which was also not included in the original estimate. These additional space requirements account for $162,400 of the recommended overexpend itu re. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 1/71 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 3 2. The cost of $232 per sq. ft. is a very excellent price in today's market however it is higher than the estimated $200 per sq. ft. used in preparing the original budget estimate. This represents an approximate $144,000 increase in the total cost of the project. In comparison to the recent firehall constructed in a neighbouring municipality at a cost of $274 per sq. ft. This year tenders and quotes for the City and our neighbouring municipalities are all coming in much higher than anticipated. Higher costs appear to be based on two main factors: any construction requiring the use of petroleum based products is up substantially. - with the introduction of COMRIF, the gas tax rebate and other incentives, project construction and the demand for contractors is high, thereby pushing up prices substantially. Delaying the approval of this addition will result in increased costs in future as this space is necessary for the City and the Fire Service to move forward and prepare for future growth. 3. Although the space is not required to have a sprinkler fire suppression system City and Fire Services staff are of the opinion that we should "lead by example" and as this is a Fire Service facility it would not be appropriate to construct it without this life safety feature. This accounts for an approximate cost of $25,000. 4. Lastly, the new cost projection includes a contingency amount of $20,000, which is relatively low given the cost of this facility but again was not accounted for in our original estimates in 2005. Also general, cost increases due to inflation and rising oil prices has significantly impacted today's construction costs. Alternatively, staff did consult with the architect to reduce the floor space for the addition to an amount that could be built given the approved budget amount and the cost of $232 per square feet. This resulted in a floor area of approximately 3,500 sq. ft. which would have prevented the deployment of all necessary administrative staff to this consolidated addition. This would not have been efficient or effective use of City funds. Also the inability to accommodate all the Fire Service staff from the Civic Complex would have resulted in no net benefit to the City in regards to reallocation of Civic Complex space or the addition of future staff in the Complex for future growth. At present the unavailability of space has delayed the hiring of an engineer to oversee the numerous EA processes that are presently ongoing within the City. This is seriously impacting our ability to complete and respond to not only the City needs but also numerous other agencies ongoing EA processes. This reduction in floor space was deemed unacceptable by staff for these aforementioned reasons, however, staff are advising Council of our efforts in this regard. CORP0227-07/01 revised " 'I "" ' * ' ~ ..., Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11,2006 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 4 Council are also advised that the 2007 Capital budget will include all necessary costs for furniture, telephones and computers complete with installation. The estimated cost for these items is $150,000 total. Staff are recommending the project proceed as originally designed, as the benefits for both the Fire Administration and for the space distribution in the Civic Complex will provide for more efficient supervision and reallocation of Civic Complex space in the future. This office space shortage is having serious impacts on the operations of several areas adversely affecting our ability to complete necessary projects. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has been in contact with the three lowest bidders as the price guarantee on the bids expires on September 10, 2006. The lowest bidder is the only one of the three that was willing to extend the price guarantee for "a few days" beyond the expiry date, therefore final approval must be obtained today. Financial Implications: 1. Approved Source of Funds 2006 Capital Budget Debt (20 years) New Chart of Accounts 5340.0607.6181 Amount $1.100,000 Total Approved Funds $1.100.000 REVISED FINANCING: GST Rebate Development Charges Res. Fund Debenture Debt Revised Total Funds Provided $80,820 417,000 930,000 $1.427,820 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 173 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 5 2. Estimated Project Costing Summary Professional Fees Contingency Subtotal GST Total Gross Project Cost $1.227.000 $100,000 $20,000 $1,347,000 $80,820 $1,427,820 ($80.820) $1,347, 000 T-14-2006 Addition GST Rebate Total Net Proiect Cost 3. Pro'ect Cost under over with Revised Financin ($247, 000) $0 Project Cost under (over) Approved Funds The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budget implications and financing of the expenditures contained in this report and has provided the financial discussion below and the related recommendations above. Background: In December 2005, Council approved a staff report recommending an Administration wing addition of approximately 4500 sq. ft. to Hall #5 on Bayly Street as an interim solution to providing much needed Fire Service Administration space and to reduce overcrowding at the Civic Complex. This overcrowding, at present, is delaying the posting and hiring of an Engineer as there is insufficient space to accommodate a new hire at this time. This vacancy significantly impacts the Operations & Emergency Services Department's ability to complete necessary EA's and agency reviews, which is unacceptable. In addition, this will provide additional space for the Corporate Services Department. As well, both Departments require space for temporary staff and summer students to assist in undertaking projects. The space is required now. Staff estimated the cost, with the assistance of a consultant, to be $1,000,000 plus professional fees of $100,000 bringing the total project cost to $1,100,000. CORP0227-07/01 revised 174 Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 6 Tender Bids for Tender No. T-14-2006 were received on Wednesday, July 14, 2006. Nine companies were invited to pick up tendering documents having been prequalified through the prequalification process of RFP-1-2006. Five companies submitted bids at the time of closing. The lowest bid for the project, submitted by W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd., is $1,227,000 before GST. Taking into account the professional fees of $100,000, and contingency of $20,000 will bring the total net project cost to $1,347,000. This is significantly more than anticipated, however, recent cost increases in various building materials, labour and fuel are negatively impacting construction costs, as well as the increased space requirement to redeploy additional staff. Due to the urgency of space requirements, staff recommend that the project proceed and all efforts be made to reduce the final cost through the construction process. Financial Considerations This unforeseen increase of costs has led staff to once again consider leasing space as an option. However, under Provincial legislation and the City's Council approved Lease Policy, the Treasurer must verify and confirm as to whether or not leasing is the best financial means of achieving the use of the asset. Given the need for space for both Fire Services Administration and in the Civic Complex, it is concluded that ownership best meets the long-term needs of the City. Expansion at Bayly Street accomplishes both of these objectives in the short-term. Regardless of the eventual outcome of Duffin Heights and Seaton it is my understanding there will always be a need for the expansion of Bayly Street firehall, and similarly there will be a need for more space at the Civic Complex. In the Development Charges Studies undertaken earlier by the then Town of Pickering, funds were collected for the provision of Fire Services including buildings, equipment and vehicles. Some of these funds were spent on the acquisition of the new vehicles, however, other than the Finch Avenue Station in 1994, no new facilities were constructed. A new fire headquarters is still in the future, however, the expansion under consideration has been prompted by growth over the last 15 years and therefore qualifies for partial funding through development charges. Since the City has approximately doubled in size as these funds were collected, this project is attributable in part to new growth. As development charges were designed to fund, under previous studies, approximately 31% of the costs of a new facility, then 31 % of the total costs could come from development charges. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 ""7 . ,. "', ......... \.,...' Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 7 Therefore, financing will be as follows: DC at 31 % of Net Project Cost $1,427,820 80.820 1,347,000 $417,000 $930,000 Total Project Cost Less 100% GST Rebate Net Project Cost Amount of Construction Costs to be Debt Financed As a result of the revised financing, debt financing will be less than that anticipated in the 2006 Capital Budget of $1,100,000 thereby reducing future annual debt charges by approximately $15,000 per annum for a total savings to the taxpayers of almost $300,000. The Manager, Supply & Services advises that the Health & Safety Policy, a copy of the NEER Firm Summary Statement issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost & Frequency document) and a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board have been reviewed by the (Acting) Coordinator, Safety & Employee Development. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department recommends the acceptance of Tender No. T-14-2006, low bid, W.S. Morgan Construction in the total amount of $1,300,620 including GST. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated July 11, 2006 2. Totten Sims Hubicki Recommendation CORP0227-07/01 revised " ') - }_ 'I b Report O&ES 27-06 Date: September 11, 2006 Subject: Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 8 EB:djb Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of .'tI'..":" Pickering City CouncL ' / Thomas J. Quinn, RDMR., CMM lìr, Chief Administrative Officer ~ CORP0227-07/01 revised Prepared I Approved I Endorsed By: ~ Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ~~~ Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services tI;tw.,",' ',," ATTACHMENT #.1.-- TOREPORT#V£;5~~t CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ÆeE lô,t"':; 171-'1 - I MEMORANDUM July 11, 2006 19f, 0", ¡,~. r' JUL 1 32006 To: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services i "~"-'\ ,~:: ~..~: " .,.~",~.,..-,- /'"., --- . : ,.,¡':::';:,-ILJEVELOP, ~ From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services.".,,_.,~~¡ Subject: Tender - Addition to Pickering Fire Services Division, Bayly Street Tender No. T-14-2006 Tenders have been received for the above project. General contractors were invited to prequalify for this project under Request for Proposal RFP-1-2006. Nine (9) companies were prequalified and invited to bid on this tender call. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser and on the City's website. Nine (9) bidders picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. A mandatory site visit was held on Wednesday, June 2ih, 2006 at 12:00 noon at the Fire Hall. A copy of the sign-in Attendance Sheet is attached. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions, unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly. Although all deposits other than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w), the five bids received are attached for review. ,-' 17° 1 '..) .l\TTACHMEl\i'ì ¡ mCt 2 cJ;:: S O£S27--ct Everett Buntsma T-14-2006 Addition to Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 2 Summary (PST included, GST included) Company A.fte Chèc 1,312,890.00 1,300,620.00 1,377,682.00 1,377,682.00 1,449,034.00 1,449,033.78 1,479,760.00 1,479,760.00 1,507,115.10 1,507,115.10 Tendering deposit not sufficient, automatic rejection. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010- 001, 10.04, Item 9(d); IB 18, 19, and 20; TS 1 and 2. W.S. Mor an Construction Limited Garritano Bros. Ltd. Struct-Con Construction Ltd. J.J. McGuire General Contractors Inc. D.J. McRae Contractin Ltd. Gerr Construction Limited Unable to bid Unable to bid Received Late Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 22, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise as soon as possible if we are to proceed in this direction. (b) a copy of the current Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Cost and Frequency document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP report may be submitted); (c) a copy of the current Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (d) City's certificate of insurance completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (e) List of Subcontractors (page FT-2) (f) further information as the City may require, as requested in writing *Health & Safety Policy has already been reviewed in RFP-1-2006 evaluation by the Safety & Training Co-ordinator. ATTACHMENT # .j. (( ,foES J1-60 PÞc-¿ _3 cF 5" Everett Buntsma T -14-2006 Addition to Fire Services Division Headquarters Page 3 lî79 Please review the copies of the bids. Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (c) noted above, are acceptable to the Safety & Training Co-ordinator; (b) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (c) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (d) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (e) related departmental approvals; (f) any reason(s) why the low bid of W.S. Morgan Construction Limited is not acceptable; and (g) related comments specific to the project. Totten Sims Hubicki as the consultants on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing during the evaluation, please contact me or a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. Duplicate copies of the bids are attached for the consultant's use. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me. C~\· Vera A. Felg~acher /bt Attachments Copy for: Fire Chief 1,jO ë æ: c. It) <: '\'"' ~ N - CI) >< !'> e IE 0 c.. w c.. Q ~ « E! co 0 Q) W ë I ¡:: 0 0 co 0 Z 0 ø« N ZO N '\'"' - -w ~ c: C::z ::s Ww ::I 0'tl ~a.. ""') ~e 00 ~ -~ CIS ,sc: a..Cf) "C ~~ II) LJ..c:: 0) Ow c "C 'tI ç~ 0) QI ~ ;-8' -W IQ-S! 01- Q) "b ~ - c: 0 LJ.. co ~~ ° a 'tIu q:q: 0 co 0 c:: 0 - ° ~ c: 0 "I:t QI'tI '\'"' i c: w . c:: I- e~ ó !:no Z q:- .... - Q) '- "C II) 0 C g. Q) I- Q O'tl en J: i:Q c c .¡: 0 ~:~ ~- (,) > ]Ls'- (/) .-.- 'tI1Q~ W 11. C c: 'tI >- oc,sC:,s - 0 -~.- c .- q: CI) 0-; .- - :!::UJ "CO) "Ca- e( .- LL C 0 -ci :;:¡ ~ c.. 'C vi U e CJ) QI Q) E CD a ~ 0 .... c: Q) ... ~ "C ~ C .... 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Ü c: Q) 0 0 ::I 0 .$ c: ccr ..... Ü ..... ï:: .... CC ..... i:i5 ccr c: c.. en Q) ::I Q) - -- 0) 0 E ø 0 en c: c: CD ..... Ü c: 0 0 0 I 0 Ü ccr ccr Ü 0 ~ ..... ü ~ - ü c: C\ ü .¡:: ã3 .... 0 ..,f- en ::I >. .... Q) .... ü ,.... .... ccr J ccr Q) Q) t: 3: ..... ..... en ø J ø en ø « J .. ' } JUL-11-2006 MON 04:55 PM TSH îg" ,- "" FAX NO. 905 668 0221 P. 02 ATTACHMEN"¡ #~_._ iiJ)~'5.;}7-ùl:. '¡:;4Cr~ / of ,;2. Tnllcn Sims 11ub1cki Associmcs 300 Water SUCCI Whilby. OntoriQ, Can:¡Jo 1.1 N 9.12 (90S) 668-9363 Fax: (90S) 66R-0221 C-!TIoi!: tsh@\$h,co wWIV,tsh,clI . 11M engineers architects planners July) 7,2006 Mr. Everett Buntsma, Director of Operations and Emergency Services The City of Pickering One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 VIA FAX; to 905-420-4650 Dear Mr. Bunt~ma: Re: TENDER REPORT ADDITION TO FllŒ SERVICES DIVISION HEADQUARTERS (FIRE HALL NO.5) TENDER T-14-2006 TSB FILE NO. 22-32108 We submit herein our tender report for the General Contract Tender #T-14-2006 for the Addition to Fire Services Division Headquarters (Fire Hall No.5) in Pickering. The project was tendered to nine pre~qualifjed bidders. Tenders were received from six bidders prior to the specitied tender closing time of 2:00:00PM on July 12, 2006. The tenders were publicly opened in the main committee room at the Pickering Civic Complex at around 2:30pm on July 12, 2006 in the presence of Supply and Services department staff, the Pickering Fire Chief, representatives from the various bidders and Laurence Cud lip of TSH. TSH was requested by the City to review the received tcnders and prepare this report. Copies of five of the received tenders were provided to TSH by the City. It was noted by the City" in the package of bids provided to TSH that one of the bidders had not provided the sufficient tendering deposit. This likely constitutes material non-compliance with the terms of the tender, which would render the bid incapable of acceptance. In any event, the insufficient tender deposit requires automatic bid rejection, according to City of Pickering's Purchasing By-Law. This Bid was not provided to TSH for further review.. The City has provided checking of all bids received pursuant to their Purchasing By-Law. The summary of received bids is as fo11ows: 1,312,890.00 1,377,682.00 1,499,034.00 1,4 79, 760.00 1,507,115.10 I Tender deposit not sufficient -bid rejected b Ci JUL 17 '06 17:20 905 668 0221 PAGE. 02 JUL-11-2006 MON 04:55 PM TSH FAX NO. 905 668 0221 P. 03 Expansion to Pickering Fire Services Division Headquarters July 17,2006 Hi\l!ENT # ¿TO REPORT#á{:) r.71--(){ ·?hc:~Ç/1:3'1/ ~ I ' t_ .,.( /!It' :.2.. 183 AJI Bidders attended the JTh:'111datory Site Visit. An Bidders acknowledged receipt of Addendum no. I. An Bidders included the specified Cash Allowance of $69,000.00 All Bidders included the specified Tender deposit and Surety's Consent letter. Requested Unit Prices were provided by W.S. Morgan, Strut-Con and DJ. McRae. They were not complete for Garritano and J.J. McGuire The tenders of all Bidders were appropriately signed and sealed as required. The low bid tender was submitted by W.S. Morgan Construction Limited in the amount of $ 1,312,890 G.S.T. is included. following mathematical checking. their corrected bid amount is $ 1,300,620.00 as the GST had been incorrectly applied at 7% instead of 6%. Otherwise, this tender submission was completc in al1 respects. The low bidder neither qualified their tender nor offered any Proposal for Alternatives. In summary, the tender submitted by W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd is compliant with the requirements of the Bid Documents. On the basis that all contractors were prc-qualified and that the accepted tenders which were reviewed in detail were compliant with the requirements of the Bid Documents, we recommend that the Chy of Pickering give consideration to awarding the contract for the Expansion of the Fire Services Division Headquarters, Contract Number T-14-2006 to W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd. The basis of this recommendation is the low Total Stipulated Price quoted by W.S. Morgan Construction Ltd. corrected to $1,300,620.00 caST included). If you have any questions regarding this Tender Report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours very truly, TSII /!£Jw ~{aurence Cudlip. B.Arch., OAA f / ~roject Architcct LC/glc TIH JUL 17 '06 17:21 905 668 0221 PAGE. 03