HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 22, 1999 ~~ OF PIC .....0 "- :r z ~ Cj) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1999 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles D. Ryan - Chainnan ALSO PRESENT: T.Quinn G. Paterson E. Buntsma N. Carroll C. Rose L. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Manager, Policy Division - Manager, Current Operations Division - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of November 8, 1999 (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. PLANNING REPORT #19-99 PLANNING APPLICATION PROCESS EXEMPTION OF LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FROM REGIONAL APPROVAL - Approved See Recommendation #1 2. PLANNING REPORT #20-99 TERMS OF REFERENCE DETAILED REVIEW FOR THE LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA Approved See Recommendation #2 David Steele, Chair of the Waterfront Task Force, emphasized the importance of the study and outlined the issues he would like addressed in the Terms of Reference. He stated the importance of computer model of waterflow in/out of Frenchmans Bay which could provide information not presently available. He also spoke of the need for washroom/change room facilities required at the waterfront on Liverpool Road. He suggested a Request for Proposal for consultants for the study. Paul Kelland, Pickering East Shore Community Assoc., advised that written comments will be forwarded to the Planning Department from their Association. He stated that they are not objecting to development at the bottom of Liverpool Road but want to ensure that the right development takes place. Jacqueline Smart, stated her concern that this study is being pushed through too quickly. She emphasized the need for development in the area which will encourage people to visit the waterfront. She stated that the bottom of Liverpool Road is a major part of the trail. 3. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #19-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 26/99 DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (ST. MARY CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL) PART OF LOT 29, CONCESSION 1 (WEST SIDE OF WHITES ROAD. SOUTH OF FINCH AVENUE) Approved With Amendments To Appendix No. I See Recommendation #3 Brian Shedden, 770 Edgewood Road, advised that the Board has failed to provide adequate planning ofthe site or housing for the students. Mould in the portables continues to be a concern and through discussion with the Health Department it was learned that testing did not take place, mould has been found in the portables and is not under control. He forwarded a copy of a study undertaken by the York Board of Education for distribution to Members of Council outlining the research, investigations and renovations taken to correct the mould problems in their portables. He stated that portables are not the only concern but issues such as drugs, alcohol, safety, architecture are also significant. He further advised that additional washrooms have not been provided as promised. ,....... Sherry Sparks, 1539 Village Street, advised that she has attempted to arrange a meeting with Janet Ecker, M.P.P. and Minister of Education and as of today has been unable to confirm a date as far ahead as January, 2000. She commented on her concern with notification to residents of this item. She requested that notification be provided well ahead of the item going before Council and that it outlines clearly the issues to be discussed. Ernie Viola, 1916 Village St., stated his concern that the portables were put in illegally. Brenda Shedden, 770 Edgewood Road, commented on the difficulty speaking with the Board about this issue and advised that she is offended by the Board's attitude. Cathy Cocker, 633 Graceland Road, advised that twenty more portables are on the site than are allowed and that an additional 4 will be placed on the site to provide for lunchroom facilities. She suggested limiting student population to Pickering residents only. She also suggested that the school authorities should patrol the surrounding area to ensure that students are not loitering on private property. Paul Ralph, 699 Highview Road, questioned the power of the Town of Pickering in influencing the Durham Separate School Board. He also asked if lower standards concerning urban design and architecture should be accepted. He advised that an attempt has been made to get answers from the Ministry of Education on the portable issue but he has not been successful. He requested that the Town do anything within their power to rectify this situation. Dan Powell, 1570 Amberlea Road, advised that Amberlea Road has not been included in this report and issues concerning safety, fencing, loitering should also be addressed for this street. 4. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING REPORT - MPE 02/99 - OPE 02/99 RAIL WAY CROSSING GATES ST. LAWRENCE & HUDSON "BELLEVILLE" SUBDIVISION RAIL WAY LINE Approved See Recommendation #4 5. FINANCIAL REPORT #17/99 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND STATEMENT FOR THE TOWN OF PICKERING SERVICES FOR 1997 AND 1998 Approved See Recommendation #5 6. FINANCIAL REPORT #30/99 ADmSTMENTS TO TAXES UNDER SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT Approved See Recommendation #6 Councillor Johnson requested that #53/99 be divided out of the list of adjustments and declared an interest in #53/99 as he is a tenant on the Federal lands. 7. FINANCIAL REPORT #33/99 2000 INTERIM SPENDING AUTHORITY Approved See Recommendation #7 8. CLERKS REPORT #47/99 YEAR 2000 ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET Approved See Recommendation #8 9. CLERKS REPORT #46/99 APPOINTMENT TO GLEN MAJOR MANAGEMENT PLAN- ADVISORY COMMITTEE Approved With The Appointment of Councillor Pickles See Recommendation #9 10. CLERKS REPORT #45/99 APPOINTMENT OF BY -LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT 1822 WHITE'S ROAD,_ AMBERLEA PLAZA By-law Forwarded To Council (III) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: .~ a) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that a report would be coming forward later this week to Council on a Provincial Reportable Event which occurred at the Pickering Nuclear Station on November 22nd. He further advised that a meeting will be scheduled with the Region of Durham and Ontario Power Generation concerning the lack of communication on this event. b) The Chief Administrative Officer reminded Council that the Civic Awards and Employee Recognition Ceremony would be taking place on November 29th. c) The Chief Administrative Officer advised Council that a Fire Dispatch Report would be coming forward before the end of January, 2000. d) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer advised that the IndustriaVCommercial Tax Bills were distributed last week and a number of calls have been received from those disturbed with only one instalment. e) Mayor Arthurs advised that Little Men's Filming is complete and the lease will not be renewed for the site within the Claremont Conservation area. He questioned if Council felt the Town may have an interest in maintaining this site. This matter will be reviewed and discussed further. f) Councillor Johnson advised that a couple of fatalities have occurred on Westney Road and residents have requested that a four-way stop be installed at the intersection of Conc. 7 and Westney Road. He requested that the Traffic/Waste Management Co-ordinator review this matter with respect to warrants for the area and to forward a report to him. (IV) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. DATED j)E ('" . ,L(/11 r CLERK .-. L..' (/- ... .." ¿_--- ~.-._._.- ..---.... TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on November 22nd, 1999, presents its seventeenth report to Council and recommends: 1. PLANNING REPORT #19-99 PLANNING APPLICATION PROCESS EXEMPTION OF LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS FROM REGIONAL APPROVAL 1. That Town Council receive, for information, Planning Report No. 19-99, advising that the Region of Durham is pursuing an Order from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to authorize Durham to exempt certain local official plan amendment applications from Regional approval, thereby streamlining the development approvals process; and 2. That Town Council advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Region of Durham that it supports the exemption of local official plan amendments from Regional approval and requests the Minister to issue the Exemption Order at the earliest possible opportunity; and 3. That the Clerk forward a copy of Planning Report No. 19-99 and Council's resolution on the matter to the Region of Durham and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 2. PLANNING REPORT #20-99 TERMS OF REFERENCE DETAILED REVIEW FOR THE LIVERPOOL ROAD SOUTH AREA 1. That Town Council authorize staff to commence the Detailed Review of the Liverpool Road South Area, which Area includes lands on either side of Liverpool Road, generally from Commerce Street south to Lake Ontario; and 2. That Town Council endorse the "Terms of Reference for a Detailed Review of the Liverpool Road South Area" attached as Appendix I to Planning Report No. 20-99, as the basis for undertaking this study; and 3. That Town Council authorize an expenditure of $40,000 to undertake this study to be approved and charged to the Planning and Development Department, Consultative and Professional - Account No. 2610-2392 as pre budget approval to the Planning and Development Department's 2000 budget. 3. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT #19-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 26/99 DURHAM CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (ST. MARY CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL) PART OF LOT 29, CONCESSION 1 (WEST SIDE OF WHITES ROAD. SOUTH OF FINCH AVENUE) That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 26/99, submitted by the Durham Catholic District School Board, for St. Mary Catholic Secondary School10cated on lands being Part of Lot 29, Concession 1, in tþe Town of Pickering, as revised by the Board to permit a reduction in front yard depth for two school portables adjacent to Highview Road, from 9 metres to 8 metres, until D~gember 31, 2QO 1 and subject to the conditions listed in Appendix I to Recommendation Report No. 19-99 as amended to read: - 2 - That Town Council approve Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 26/99, submitted by the Durham Catholic District School Board, for St. Mary Catholic Secondary School located on lands being Part of Lot 29, Concession 1, in the Town of Pickering, to permit a reduction in front yard depth until September 30,2001, subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law for Council's consideration, the applicant/owner (a) enter into an appropriate agreement acceptable to the Town regarding the removal of school portables; and (b) that a meeting be facilitated by the Town of Pickering with the Minister of Education, the Durham Catholic District School Board and community residents in order to arrive at accommodation options recognizing the funding responsibility of the Ministry of Education; and (c) receive Revised Site Plan Approval for Application S 16/87 (R99), which shall address but not necessarily be limited to such matters as landscaping, fencing, site lighting, waste receptacle locations, surface treatment of the walkway areas in the areas included but not limited to Highview Road and Amberlea Road, and the securement of funds from the Board for the implementation of these improvements. 4. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY AND ENGINEERING REPORT - MPE 02/99 - OPE 02/99 RAIL WAY CROSSING GATES ST. LAWRENCE & HUDSON "BELLEVILLE" SUBDIVISION RAIL WAY LINE 1. That Town Council pre-approve year 2000 Operations and Emergency Services Capital Budget funding in the amount of $50,000 to provide for the Town's share (12.5%) of the total costs to install railway crossing gates at the Dixie Road and Fairport Road level crossings of the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway Line; and 2. That Town Council request that the Region of Durham endorse the Town's investigation of an arrangement to prohibit locomotive whistling at the Whites Road (Regional Road 38) level crossing of the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway Line; and 3. That Town Council request that the Region of Durham formally investigate with Transport Canada the installation of railway crossing gates at the Altona Road (Regional Road 27) level crossing of the St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway Line. 5. FINANCIAL REPORT #17/99 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES RESERVE FUND STATEMENT FOR THE TOWN OF PICKERING SERVICES FOR 1997 AND 1998 ~ That Report FIN 17/99 and the Statement of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer respecting the Development Charges Fund (G/L 4227) be received by Council. - 3 - 6. FINANCIAL REPORT #30/99 ADmSTMENTS TO TAXES UNDER SECTION 442 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT That Report FIN 30/99 be received and that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, demolition, clerical error, exemption and assessment change as provided under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. 7. FINANCIAL REPORT #33/99 2000 INTERIM SPENDING AUTHORITY That Report FIN 33-99 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; and That the 2000 Interim Operating Expenditures be approved at 50% of the prior years' budget, including exceptions as contained in Attachment 1, pending approval of the formal 2000 Current Budgets by Council; and That the appropriate Town of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. 8. CLERKS REPORT #47/99 YEAR 2000 ANIMAL CONTROL BUDGET That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby approves the Year 2000 Animal Control budget estimates as recommended by the Pickering, Ajax and Whitby Joint Animal Control Committee at its meeting of November 10, 1999. 9. CLERKS REPORT #46/99 APPOINTMENT TO GLEN MAJOR MANAGEMENT PLAN- ADVISORY COMMITTEE That the letter from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority dated October 22, 1999 regarding the Glen Major Management Plan - Advisory Committee be received; and That Councillor Pickles be appointed to sit on the Glen Major Management Plan - Advisory Committee. -