HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 8, 1999 .O~~ OF PIC~ 4J ~ :r z I- G> EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1999 - 7:50 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson D. Pickles - Chairman D. Ryan ,... ALSO PRESENT: T.Quinn T. Melymuk G. Paterson E. Buntsma N. Carroll S. Reynolds C. Rose B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Director, Operations & Emergency Services - Director, Planning & Development - Division Head, Culture & Recreation - Manager, Policy Division - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 25, 1999 (II) DELEGATIONS - 1. A representative of the Rougemount Co-op, speaking on behalf of Brenda Gray, addressed the Committee to provide an overview of her work assisting Patricia Lowe with the regeneration of Frenchman's Bay at the West Shore Community Centre property. Copies of the Community Stewardship Program initiative were distributed to Committee. 2. Les Pearce, representing the Ajax Lions Club, addressed the Committee with respect to his application to conduct a Carnival at the Metro East Trade Centre from April 25-30, 2000. This carnival was previously located in the Harwood Plaza for the past 30 years, but due to new ownership permission could not be acquired. Metro East Trade Centre was approached to locate this event on their premises and Pickering Lions were approached for and received their approval. All Pickering By-laws will be adhered to while running this carnival. ,fI1Io. 3. Colin O'Handley, 2640 Altona Road, addressed the Committee with respect to the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Agricultural Preserve. He stated his concerns regarding the sale of the Federal lands and his desire to purchase the property he has rented for the past 24 years. He requested Committee's approval of the severance of his leasehold. 4. John Kaye, 9529 Ressor Road, Markham, advised the Committee that he farms lands in both Markham and Pickering. He further advised that leaseholders were given first right of refusal for their properties but that no farmer would be in a position to purchase their farm at a price ranging from $4,000 to $8,500 per acre. Some properties were amalgamated and leaseholders were given no indication of lot configuration. He stated that proper appraisals need to be carried out on these lands. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT 18-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/99 R. & A. VOSS PART OF LOT 2, PLAN 40M-1482 (EAST SIDE OF WILLIAM ST. AND WEST SIDE OF BROCK RD. CLAREMONT Approved See Recommendation #1 By-law Forwarded to Council 2. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S REPORT CAO 13-99 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING-AGRICULTURAL ASSEMBLY TOWN OF PICKERING, REGION OF DURHAM AND ONTARIO REALTY CORPORATION Approved See Recommendation #2 3. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER 17-99 PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE - NOTION ROAD LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY JOINT STUDY BY THE TOWNS OF PICKERING AND AJAX - Approved See Recommendation #3 4. CULTURE AND RECREATION REPORT CR 05-99 MILLENNIUM CELEBRATION EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER3!. 1999 - JANUARY!. 2000 Approved See Recommendation #4 5. FINANCE REPORT FIN 27-99 1999 PROPERTY TAX BILLING FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MULTI-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES (BILL 79) Approved See Recommendation #5 By-law Forwarded to Council 6. CLERKS REPORT #38/99 APPLICATION TO CONDUCT A CARNlV AL - AJAX LIONS CLUB Approved See Recommendation #6 7. CLERKS REPORT #44/99 APPOINTMENT OF BY -LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS By-law Forwarded To Council (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mayor Arthurs advised that the Town of Pickering would be recognizing the '2 Minute Wave of Silence' on Remembrance Day, November 11th at 11 :00 a.m. (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. DATED rvuV· ?.. or / '1 '1 I CLERK ~ / /- ~ TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on November 8th, 1999, presents its sixteenth report to Council and recommends: -. 1. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION REPORT 18-99 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 16/99 R. & A. VOSS PART OF LOT 2, PLAN 40M-1482 (EAST SIDE OF WILLIAM ST. AND WEST SIDE OF BROCK RD. CLAREMONT 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/99, submitted by S. Knapp on behalf of the owners, R. & A. Voss, for lands known as Part of Lot 2, Plan 40M-1482, Town of Pickering, to change the zoning on the lands from "R6" to "R5" - Village Residential Zone, be APPROVED; and 2. That the amending zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 16/99, as set out in draft in Appendix I to Recommendation Report Number 18-99, be forwarded to Town Council for enactment. 2. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S REPORT CAO 13-99 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING-AGRICULTURAL ASSEMBLY TOWN OF PICKERING, REGION OF DURHAM AND ONTARIO REALTY CORPORATION - 1. That Report to Council CAO 13-99 concerning the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Pickering, the Region of Durham and the Ontario Realty Corporation be received. 2. That the Revised Conceptual Lot Plan dated November 1, 1999, attached as Attachment No. 1 to Report to Council CAO 13-99, be endorsed by Town Council as the basis for conveying lots within the Agricultural Assembly, and that the Region of Durham and the Ontario Realty Corporation be requested to also endorse this Revised Plan. 3. That all parties agree to amend the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town, the Region of Durham, and the Ontario Realty Corporation, executed on April 30 and May 3, 1999, by replacing the original Conceptual Lot Plan included as Schedule A to that Memorandum, with the Revised Conceptual Lot Plan dated November 1, 1999. 4. That Lynda Taylor, Manager-Current Operations, be appointed as the Town's representative ont he Technical Staff Committee, to undertake the process of lot creation through Crown Right, as established by the Memorandum of Understanding. 5. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Ontario Realty Corporation. - 3. PLANNING REPORT NUMBER 17-99 PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE - NOTION ROAD LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY JOINT STUDY BY THE TOWNS OF PICKERING AND AJAX 1. That Town Council authorize staff to commence the Urban Study of the Notion Road Industrial Area (identified in section 3.17 of the Pickering Official Plan), in collaboration with staff of the Town of Ajax as they undertake a similar review required for adjacent lands in Ajax; 2. That Town Council endorse the "Terms of Reference for the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study" attached as Appendix I to Planning Report No. 17-99, as the basis for undertaking this joint Pickering/Ajax study; and 3. That Town Council authorize an expenditure of up to $5,000 as the Town's share towards 50% of the consulting fees and other expenses that may be incurred through the undertaking of this work, with the remaining 50% to be the responsibility of the Town of Ajax. 4. CULTURE AND RECREATION REPORT CR 05-99 MILLENNIUM CELEBRATION EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR DECEMBER 31. 1999 - JANUARY 1. 2000 That Report to Council CR 05-99 regarding Millennium Celebration Events be received and that: 1. The Culture and Recreation Division be authorized to proceed with the planning and operation of the two Youth/Teen Events (Beach Bash and Dance for ages 12-15 and Teen Dance, for ages 16-18) scheduled for December 31, 1999. 2. The additional expenditures be funded from the Millennium Account (4246) for $10,000 and the residual balance of $28,000 be charged to the Contingency Account (2900). 3. A special one time only predetermined sum of money be established by the Chief Administrative Officer for staff working the Millennium Celebration Events scheduled for December 31, 1999 - January 1, 2000. This payment shall have no relationship or bearing to the provision ofthe C.U.P.E. Collective Agreement. 4. The appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 5. FINANCE REPORT FIN 27-99 1999 PROPERTY TAX BILLING FOR COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MULTI-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES (BILL 79) That Finance Report FIN 27/99 regarding 1999 Property Tax Billing for Commercial, Industrial & Multi-Residential Properties (Bill 79) be received; and that 1. The Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to issue the 1999 Tax Bills for commercial, industrial and multi-residential properties with a due date of December 15, 1999. 2. The Director of Finance and Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, including altering the due date, in order to ensure the tax billing process is completed. 3. The necessary by-law attached to this report be read three times and enacted. ."..... 4. The appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 6. CLERKS REPORT #38/99 APPLICATION TO CONDUCT A CARNIVAL - AJAX LIONS CLUB That the application for a Carnival Licence submitted by Leslie A. Pearce, Ajax Lions Club and Conklins Carnival to conduct a carnival at the Metro East Trade Centre on Tuesday, April 25, 2000 to Sunday, April 30, 2000, be approved.