HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 25, 1999 ~O~~ OF ÞIC'~ /.j¡ ~ :t z I- G> EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY OCTOBER 25, 1999 - 8:10 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson M. Holland R. Johnson - Chairman D. Pickles D.Ryan ALSO PRESENT: T.Quinn T. Melymuk C. Rose B. Taylor D. Kearns - Chief Administrative Officer - Director, Corporate Projects & Policy - Manager, Policy Division - Town Clerk - Committee Co-ordinator (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 12, 1999 (II) DELEGATIONS 1. Larraine Roulston, Chair, Waste Reduction Committee, addressed the Committee with respect to Waste Reduction Week which is scheduled for November 1st to 7th, 1999. She stated that the theme this year is 'Step Lightly Into 2000'. She outlined the events to take place and the success of the composter/blue box sale this past weekend. - 2. Joe Dickson addressed the Committee with respect to the Mayor's Challenge for Waste Reduction Week. He advised that Pickering won the challenge last year against Ajax. He also stated that the Regional Waste Reduction Challenge is in its 7th year. 63 3. Jocelyn Barber, 450 Finch Ave., addressed the Committee regarding the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, Phase 1 Report. She requested that a motion be passed requiring that the Advisory Committee for the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, Phase II Report consist of resident landowners and also that it require a review of the necessity for and location of school sites in the area. 4. Eric Treharne, President, South Pickering Seniors, presented a cheque to Council as the Seniors' contribution to the expansion of the East Shore Community Centre. He thanked the Mayor and Council for their support in the expansion ofthis facility. (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #12-99 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION- PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PEER REVIEW TEAM TERMS OF REFERENCE Approved See Recommendation #1 2. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT #19-99 AMENDMENT OF PARKING BY-LAW 2359/87 PORTIONS OF OKLAHOMA DRIVE AND BREEZY DRIVE - By-law Forwarded To Council 3. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #09-99 TENDER APPROVAL BY THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1999 SUMMER COUNCIL RECESS Approved See Recommendation #2 4. MAYORS REPORT WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE Approved See Recommendation #3 5. CLERKS REPORT #40/99 BIKE PATROL Approved See Recommendation #4 6. CLERKS REPORT #41/99 APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AND MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE By-law Forwarded To Council 64 7. CLERKS REPORT #38/99 APPLICATION TO CONDUCT CARNIVAL Deferred for 2 weeks 8. CLERKS REPORT #42/99 APPLICATIONS TO CONDUCT THREE CARNIVALS Approved As Amended See Recommendation #5 9. CLERKS REPORT #39/99 APPOINTMENT OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO ENFORCE THE PARKING BY-LAW AT DCC #147 & #155, 1345 AL TONA ROAD AND THE REMOVAL OF BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS FROM 905 BAYLY STREET, 1915 DENMARROAD, 1310 FIELDLIGHT BLVD. AND 1345 AL TONA ROAD By-law Forwarded To Council 1 o. HERITAGE PICKERING REPORT #02/99 P ALMER-VOSS HOUSE DESIGNATION 2101 VALLEY FARM ROAD CONCESSION 2, LOT 20 By-law Forwarded To Council 11. PROCLAMATION - VETERANS' WEEK - NOVEMBER 5 - 11, 1999 Approved As Amended See Recommendation #6 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Ryan requested that the Town Clerk undertake a review of the by- law pertaining to carnival licensing and to prepare a report outlining recommendations. 2. Councillor Holland commented on his concern with the time taken by Council to deal with the issue of carnival licensing. 3. Councillor Holland extended his gratitude to Mr. Dan McTeague, M.P. for the cheque from the Federal Government in the amount of $340,000 awarded for the Millennium Trail application. He thanked staff for their work on this application and with the Millennium Committee and the Committee for their hard work. 4. Councillor Pickles requested that staff invite resident landowners involvement in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study, Phase II Advisory Committee and to also review the necessity for and location of school sites in the area. 5. Councillor Dickerson commented on the licensing of carnivals within Pickering and the need for review ofthe by-law. 65 6. Councillor Dickerson thanked the South Pickering Seniors for their financial support ofthe expansion of the East Shore Community Centre. 7. Councillor Johnson thanked the community for their support of the Russell Johnson Memorial Fund. He thanked all who attended, the Federal Government for the facility and staff for their assistance. He advised that over $25,000 was raised and that the funds are forwarded to the Social Development Council for distribution. 8. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that counselling will be offered to those staff who dealt with the gentleman at the complex who passed away on Saturday morning. b) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the Director of Public Works and Traffic and Waste Management Coordinator took part in a very successful composter/blue box sale on Saturday. c) The Chief Administrative Officer advised that an announcement would appear in the Provincial Gazette advising that the Town of Pickering is becoming a City. d) The Chief Administrative Officer stated that he had been contacted by York Region who wishes to place a display in the Civic Complex of the new Y ork/Region water line. Council will review this display in the Committee Room. e) The Chief Administrative Officer distributed two letters concerning the appraisal of the Pickering Hydro building. (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 10:26 p.m. DATED vv 0 f/ r<n ß Iffe II. , 1ft¡ ? CLERK ¡(.~ - TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on October 25th, 1999, presents its fifteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #12-99 ONTARIO POWER GENERATION- PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PEER REVIEW TEAM TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. That Report to Council CAO 12-99, regarding the Terms of Reference from the University of Toronto /McMaster Peer Review Team, be received. 2. That the Terms of Reference attached to Report to Council CAO 12-99, be accepted by Council and that the Ontario Power Generation be requested to confirm it agrees to fund the proposal as set out in the Terms of Reference. 3. That the appropriate officials of the Town of Pickering be authorized to enter into any required agreements with the Ontario Power Generation and the Peer Review Team. 4. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Ontario Power Generation, the Peer Review Team and the Atomic Energy Control Board. 2. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER REPORT #09-99 TENDER APPROVAL BY THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER 1999 SUMMER COUNCIL RECESS That CAO Report #09/99 be received; and That the approval of certain tenders by the Chief Administrative Officer during Council's summer 1999 recess be ratified. 3. MAYORS REPORT WATERFRONT COORDINATING COMMITTEE That the Report of Mayor Arthurs dated October 18, 1999 regarding the establishment ofa Waterfront Coordinating Committee be received; and That Mayor Arthurs, Councillor Ryan and Councillor Holland be appointed to work with staff to initiate the establishment of a Waterfront Coordinating Committee; and That a Report be tabled with Council no later than November 30, 1999 on the mandate and composition of the proposed Waterfront Coordinating Committee. 4. CLERKS REPORT #40/99 BIKE PATROL -- That Clerk's Report CL 40/99 regarding the Bike Patrol be received; and That Council recognize the Bike Patrol as a regular program offered by the By-law Enforcement Services Division, in cooperation with the Durham Region Police Service and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, during the period from Victoria Day to the second week in September. - 2 - 5. CLERKS REPORT #42/99 APPLICATIONS TO CONDUCT TWO CARNIVALS 1. That the application for a Carnival Licence submitted by Pickering Markets for Walter & Dunn Townsend to conduct a carnival at the Metro East Trade Centre on Saturday, October 30th, 1999 and Sunday, October 31st, 1999 be approved. 2. That the application for a Carnival Licence submitted by Billy G. Amusements Inc. to conduct a carnival at the Metro East Trade Centre on each and every Saturday and Sunday beginning October 30th, 1999 to November 28th, 1999 be approved. Approved As Amended 6. PROCLAMATION - VETERANS' WEEK - NOVEMBER 5 - 1 L 1999 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "VETERANS' WEEK" - NOVEMBER 5 - 11, 1999